Incorrect info :
incorrect INFO:: " if you continue to a paying account from one of the promo-trial codes the person that gave it gets entered in a raffle for ingame prizes so anyone that is a paying customer can/will give out trial codes."
is i…
I see hm I been playing daoc from the alpha beta.
Support was good at the begining I played in US that time didnt have that
bloody much to add to support.
Then I moved to EU servers and darn Im english speaking and hm We got english support
I gotta say no if things like this happends I been reading and been some talks about this before + unfair lottery in eve to towards blueprints and stuff.. and been DEv/and GMs involved in that too CCP need to learn some basic's to stop this bs
ahh hm to narrow it down abit I just take the things I been playing more then a 1 year in total
Neocron: alpha beta to release.
Dark Age of Camelot : alpha beta to 2007
Earth and Beyond: from open beta too when EA shut it down
World of War…