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  • Originally posted by Agricola1 Just been sent a link to this site click, seems team Whiting maybe abandoning ship given this and the fact they're selling all the non-toxic assests to eachother!   Agricola1 - You were so quick (and gleeful)…
  • I can't wait for this game!  I just hope it is able to compete with WOW.  It's so difficult these days.  Seems like the casual players all go to WOW, and the rest (must smaller in numbers) bounce around 1 game at a time.
  • I understand what OP is saying about the hype/de-hype.  I've been watching it happen for Aion for a while.  There will be lots of posts from people who have just joined and have only posted 2 times.  Then, they get enough posts to hype and they hype…
  • To those that are bashing the "bashers" - - what do you expect?  We have been waiting for this game for a very long time and put up with a lot.  And we've heard this type of thing before, only to be disapointed. I believe these are all people that…
  • Warhammer for sure!  Unless it's not out.  Then it'll be AOC. On the non-fantasy side: I'll be playing Stargate Worlds.  It'll be the first non-fantasy MMO I've played - looking forward to it!
  • Make no mistake, these guys are going to be a major force.  There's a lot going on there...
  • Rest assured, it'll be delayed.  Games (almost) always are.  But, if it's for the right reasons, then it's a good thing.  MMO's take a long time to develop, but not as long as they used to.
  • No doubt that's what has happened here.  But it will die down eventually.  The good games will float to the top with a lot of votes over a long period of time.
  • This was a great article, thanks for posting!  I'm that much more excited now!  Gotta love the way this game is shaping up.
  • It's not surprising at all, of course.  Many games get pushed back - it doesn't mean that there's something wrong.  Just, for some reason games get pushed back a lot.  You'd think they devs would tack on about 12 months from the time they think it s…
  • Originally posted by Khalathwyr I can imagine the faces of the Doom sayers, licking their chops with glee as they read your thread title. The "I told you sos" building up in them as they prepare to slap their omnipotence all over this thread. And…
  • Unfortunately, this game is still pretty far off to get very excited.  However, I like the idea of it.  They've got some different things going, and that's always nice. I hope this makes it.  Along with Stargate Worlds, this one seems to have the …
  • Originally posted by De4th_M0nKee Or has anyone else noticed how there seems to be more and more anti AoC trolls crawling from under their bridges and posting here of late? I mean the closer it gets to launch I see the number of raving posts here…
  • I definitely like the idea of creating worlds that aren't already in the lore that is Stargate.  After reading all of the details about the game, it is clear that the devs are working to stay true to the show.   However, why not make some worlds tha…
  • I like 2D MMO's.  There's not enough quality ones.  I hope this one turns out great - looks to have potential.
  • Originally posted by Khabarach   Originally posted by sellhigh55 Has anybody seen the new trailer, with in-game footage?  From what I've read, the reviews are great, but I've searched and searched and can't find it yet. Anyone know where to fi…
  • This looks like a great game.  The graphics are solid (not the best ever, but still very good).  I'm glad to hear that the folks in beta like because it seems like a fun one to play. I hope it does well, I will definitely play this one.
  • Has anybody seen the new trailer, with in-game footage?  From what I've read, the reviews are great, but I've searched and searched and can't find it yet. Anyone know where to find it or when we might get a chance to see it?
  • Okay, I'm going to give this a try.  Hopefully I get in the beta.  Looks like it might be fun to play.
  • I've been SO looking forward to this game, bummed to hear it may not be coming to USA for a while.  It looks like it's a great game.  Just going to keep my fingers crossed...