I see two ways to escape End-Of-Progression trap:
1. EXP. leak: the higher your level the faster your EXP. leaking - you can even loose levels that way which would slow down leak. Basically level would depend on skill much more than on time spent i…
Originally posted by Muntz
Originally posted by verynew
Originally posted by Muntz
Originally posted by verynew
Recent discussion about ESO have lead me to idea that fundamental difference between SB and TP is in treatm…
Originally posted by Muntz
Originally posted by verynew
Recent discussion about ESO have lead me to idea that fundamental difference between SB and TP is in treatment of things left on the ground.
In TP they would disappear on their own in …
If a system of heirs was implimented, then player must have control over training of current heir. You want to start next with high base - you need to spend more money and build-up good relations with guilds that would teach that heir. So you can li…
Recent discussion about ESO have lead me to idea that fundamental difference between SB and TP is in treatment of things left on the ground.
In TP they would disappear on their own in SB someone must take care of them: dead bodies must attract sca…
I think we must consider the nature of challenge provided to us to find right direction to move.
In layman terms challenge provided is "height" - which is childish perspective that one must grow to find his place in the world. Intellectual challen…
Originally posted by Uccisore
Originally posted by verynew
Uccisore: i.e., you can't kill any NPCs without them immediately reappearing, you can't make a big pile of skulls in the middle of town, the various ability paths actually having to b…
Uccisore: i.e., you can't kill any NPCs without them immediately reappearing, you can't make a big pile of skulls in the middle of town, the various ability paths actually having to be somewhat balanced....
I don't think those things impossible fo…
I only played morrowind, so my views could be outdated...
But one thing that comes to mind about story and character development is "ranks", "politics" and "empire". So how would they implement these things in a MMORPG?
Here is just my guess on …
I think that making Horror MMO is possible (Horror and Supernatural are different genres).
Think about predator in dark room where your sight is very limited. You can't see him, he can't see you. But you can hear (you must hear). And they can smel…