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It looked cool, but now I know why it only has 30k subscribers



  • Kepa_NimoKepa_Nimo Member Posts: 14

    What an astonishing post, dont tell me you played for 2 months and kept getting fubarred, well suck it up mate cos thats life, EVE is a FANTASTIC game, sure it has its problems, what game doesnt but your comments are based on little or no experience and are just downright dangerous. 

    Bottom line is EVE is not for everyonemate I know that, but if you are going to post, be a bit subjective , highlight the pros and cons and let people make their own minds up.

    Lastly, for your info, EVE is currently offline downloading a new patch, part of which sees nOObs receiveing quite a head start on what they had a day ago, so hopefully that may go some way to addressing one of your fact why dont you dive in again after the patch and have a look......if you cant be bothered to subscribe again contact me and I will send you a 14 day buddy key.

    p.s. 30k is the current max number of players online at any one time there are actually over 150k accounts

    p.p.s.  I have not read all of the 10 pages of posts that are here so if I have covered points already mentoned I apologise



  • JuneliJuneli Member Posts: 4
    I'd like to make a post because I used to think of EVE in a similar way to the OP. I've recently realised how skewed this perception was (on the THIRD revival of my subscription no less) and how negatively I was looking at the game.

    Regarding skill points, I refer to "Moore's law".
    Skillpoints rise at a relatively consistent ratio of time/amount, especially after finishing the 'learning' line of skills. However, pilots will find they need to train a cumulatively larger number of skill points for a cumulatively smaller payoff when attempting to 'max out' a skill.

    This is what veterans do to get the best edge in combat possible. They max out skills to level 5 to squeeze out the very last benefits they can get for their ship bonus's/module bonus's etc. What people fail to realise when looking at a character sheets which say "41,402,528 skillpoints in 187 skills" is that millions of those skillpoints are spent in squeezing out tiny benefits such as a 5% faster missile launcher rate on their cerberus, and millions more in improving the tracking and damage mods on their Machariel by a few percent.

    In the end, situation dominates these slight edges which are wrongly percieved as massive advantages. What type of ammo you are using can make a lot more difference than a few level 5 skills which actually have an affect on the ship your opponent is flying. Frigate pilots with low SP can sink battleship pilots who're practically maxed in the right situations (and it's not all that uncommon).

    At the beginning, SP matters just because fitting a ship can be a pain. After a short time and some focused training, the only difference SP makes is that the veteran can fly more ships than you can. He can still only fly one at a time.

  • DarniusOnasiDarniusOnasi Member Posts: 37

    Originally posted by nakuma

    Originally posted by DarniusOnasi

    Originally posted by LordSlater
    Originally posted by nakuma
    shhhh im mining, it takes load of concentration and balacing of my ships diagnostic doodads and thinga mah bobs! see that red button there? i dont know what it does eiither, but it sure looks pretty doesnt it. excuse me while i turn my mining laser on auto and go cook dinner, mow the grass, take the dog for a walk, and teach my daughter paino lessons. lol  
    Lol this alone shows you have NEVER played eve. image
    Yeah, quite clearly. Everyone knows you can take a nap on top of that as well!

    Just kidding. Before i start i'd like to mention a few things about myself as i've trudged through these 20 pages to catch up, admittedly skipping most of the flaming and misplaced arguments.

    • I have played Eve for two and a half years, then took a 6 month break due to RL commitments.
    • Hence i have a substantial amount of SP - just over 30mil in fact.
    • I have never PvPed due to fear of losing my implants, however i have tried defending myself from pirates on numerous occasions when mining or hunting low sec and not being alert, and therefore getting my ass whipped. In fact, this reminds me of a lesson i learned quite late compared to most people. You should never attempt to venture around low sec systems

    I have to say though, that despite all this you are right that to some extent you won't catch up to the older players, and it's dissappointing to know you'd have loved it if you knew about the game at the time, but trust me - it's not too late, many vets go inactive like myself all the time which loses them a good portion of skilling time so you will eventually catch up.

    Plus many vets i know were very slow to increase their learning skills making them get to where they are much slower than you could.
    New characters these days get more starting SP and twice the attributes than in my day, and the advanced learning skills are available to you from the word go, whereas we had to wait till Cold War for them, which was just over a year ago!
    And finally, due to the many people that PvP these days, they don't have the head of implants that you could have to speed up your skilling.

    Sorry this went on so long. I banked up a LOT of things to say after all those pages of discussion and forgot most of them, and still have a lot more to say so i will do so later on - many things that may have been already touched upon but i am unaware of.

    well first off, i have played EVE online, i played for almost 3 months maybe closer to 4, i was part of the ASCN alliance, with TOG. so let me stop you right there before you put your foot in your mouth.

    eh...sorry too late. want any ketchup for that foot?


    seconly and more importantly, DAYUMMM!!  have alot on our mind I see! Id check if you missed anyting, but id probably drown in that sea of letters and go crossed eyed from so much reading.


    First off i don't see how your first post, quoted above, has any relevance to what i was saying. How did i put my foot in my mouth? And no, no ketchup please - i eat feet with tartar sauce!

    Admittedly my post was very long, but i did state that it was the
    result of not posting until i'd read everything. And i did apologize
    for that. I didn't write this post so the reply would be about how long
    it was - i want to discuss the topic, so yes, please, let's hear your reasons for not liking the game.

    Originally posted by nakuma

    but dont come at me like a  fanantical conversative zealot trying your best to convert me to your way of life lol.


    Sorry also if i implied that i wanted to make everyone that read my post to love eve - that is not what i meant. I meant that i'd just like other people to understand why i like the game, and i don't want reputation-damaging myths of the game to stop prospective players from starting up, which is why i want to straighten those statements out.

    Originally posted by nakuma
    in the end
    play for yourself, and if people come under their own accord and enjoy
    it, then so be it, but dont flame or badger a person or insult them for
    sayng "i dont like this game and this is why" or makes a stab at using
    a silly remark to highlight what they dont like about a game. that in
    of its self is censorship.

    I haven't flamed or badgered anyone! And this is my first post on the forums so i couldn't have.

    If you're referring to the fact that i used your earlier post to make a joke then i'm sorry if i offended you. But it's a well-known feeling amongst the players that the mining aspect of the game does take a lot of time and you may as well be doing something else outside of the game.
    Personally i find in-game ways of enjoying myself whilst mining - simply chatting to corpmates, volunteering to help people in the Help Channel and browsing the market, listing things i want to buy or work towards keeps me very well occupied.

    If this happens to be the reason you dislike Eve then i'd still like you to state exactly what it is, because i want to know why you feel that way.

    As for your condescending attitude, it's cool. I don't mind because you apologized for it which is more than decent enough of you.
  • ManInTheBoxManInTheBox Member Posts: 75

    Arg it's back again. this post is retarded please stop bumping it already.
    Why is this post retarded? "It looked cool, but now I know why it only has 30k subscribers" this is why they tell you not to sniff paint. that should read
    "now i know why they only have 30k players active in the single server universe at once."(which btw eve has broken records with). and if anyone isn't keeping up. 30k players online not total accounts.

    Want to read something usefull?
    How eve plays/works and what to expect from the game and a few tips on how to not end up like the op

  • LeJohnLeJohn Member Posts: 313

    Thanks maninthe box, I could not figger out where the OP was getting the EVE #1 info. Sure it gets good reviews from Non-US game critics but all the US game critics and even G4 label EVE as so so..  I beleave Adem Sandler gave EVE a 2 out of 5 last year.

    Dont get me wrong, I have been playing from the beta on, but this is for the same reasion We picked Bush, the competition is worse. EVE is not a great game it's an ok game but there simply is nothing else in the Scifi thats close. So its play EVE or nothing, or to put it bluntly, an ugly girlfriend beats not having a girlfriend hands down.

    As far as the numbers, I ran 4 accounts the first 2 years and dropped to 3 until thius summer when I droped to 1 and picked up 1 for wow and BF2.  Oh one thing about EVE, it;s a great game to play windowed while Im playing WOW.

    As to the post about what VETS fly, I can fly every T1 ship in the game but I perfer to fly BC, I dont think I have broken out any of my bigger ships since summer. Yes I can also fly all the Amarr and Gal t2 ships but I left 0.0 last year cause it was getting to boring.  

    As to SP, they do matter. We were mining the other day in barges when a Hac came in and tried the old can theft agro, he lasted less than a min against my drones.  So he jumped to his base and grabbed a Vex.  When he came back I strted chasing him in my barg and finly lost it to concord. My drones were chewing him up when the agro timer ran out so I was considered the instagator.   Oh well I also build all 67 ships I fly. Was it fun? probly had that little weenee sweating cause until concord steped in I hjad him jamed and scrambled and my orge were tareing him a new one. For me, PVP got boring after the mfirs 2 years.  

     I'm in the game becuse My corp made up of my gameing clan of 12 years all friends. Some people gor fishing or play cards, we run missiions and mine. image

     BTW how do you vote for a game?


  • LordSlaterLordSlater Member Posts: 2,087

    Ok you asked where you slipped up so i shall explain.

    shhhh im mining, it takes load of concentration and balacing of my ships diagnostic doodads and thinga mah bobs! see that red button there? i dont know what it does eiither, but it sure looks pretty doesnt it.

    excuse me while i turn my mining laser on auto and go cook dinner, mow the grass, take the dog for a walk, and teach my daughter paino lessons. lol

    I was making a joke that if you left your ship alone that long you will come back and find your cargohold full after 2 minuites which is how long it takes with a standard mining ship [unless you were silly enough to mine in an industrialimage].

    Also there is the question of rats. Assuming you are in low sec.


  • DarniusOnasiDarniusOnasi Member Posts: 37
    You get rats in higher sec systems too - up to 0.8. Granted they're less effective but they'd probably take you down ice you were away long enough, especially the time it takes for ice mining cycles.

    And that was nakuma's post, not mine. :)

  • nakumanakuma Member UncommonPosts: 1,310

    Let me elaborate certain misconceptions of where I stand with EVE online, I dont hate EVE let it be known, I dont, I dislike certain monotonous features and elements that stand out like a ugly dandelion in a patch tulips. I will never say EVE online is not unique, it is, but I think there are a few elements that are just too... shall we say..."root canal , or falling off a large height into a pile of garbage bags would be more exciting" type perspective.


     THe mining is horrible, IS it a necessary elements? YEs to some degree it is, cause these minerals, ore, and crystals is what is used to produce and manufacture the ships, components, equipment and weapons of the ships necessary to drive, and utilize them by the players. But it makes me want to dig a Ice pick into my brain to stop the incessant nagging of " why the hell are u sitting here mining "  and yes ive done the same, done my taxes, cooked dinner, talked to corp mates, balanced my check book lol. went into the help channel to learn more about what eqiupment is beneficial for my ship and why.

    This does add a substantial psuedo-realism to it. I use the word psuedo-realism in this post to dramatize the way it hinges to potentially real life. I think for alot of people as well as myself get the misconception (i will admit i can sway intot his category from time to time with hopes and unrealistic thoughts) that this game is fast, and very twitchy, and that is not the case to some degree.

     Yes i will admit PVP is extremely unique in this game,  but its hard to get into effectively unless you get into a CORP and being an open pvp game when u pass 0.5 into ~0.4  sec space, can be a lesson in aggrevation, anger and a bad case of ulcers. lol its stressful, but it can be exciting. THe mining portions, pains me, getting ganked pains me, (yeah ill admit stay out of low sec space blah blah) but its harder than it looks.  lets not sugar coat it, more than half the game is in low sec space, and with it, so is the inherent dangers of going into low sec space, especially with those wonderful greeting commitees that are oh so happy to say "welcome to the game" with a missile up your reactor regulator core.

    Secondly the Skill system as unique as it is ( ill admit i like it since iitdoesnt restrict me to playing for hours to earn a skill it does it for me based on my learning abilities intelligence, memory etc etc on which type of skill and which area of my learning skills it fits) but lets not forget the fact that i will never be as good as a person who has been here for 2-3 years. Am i bitter? nah i accept a challenge, but you have to realize from my stand point as well as new players especially,although IM neither old, nor new player, it can be truly aggrevating to know what to do, who to implement certain skills at the right time, and what equipment to use.

    The political system is ill admit unique in that it is almost entirely comprised of corporations (player corps) in which they interact with each other, which almost offsets and forms a familarity with the real world politics of our "world". How do i say?? WELL let me say couple words of whom more moderately seasoned players will take recognition with "BOB and ASCN ALLIANCE WAR" thats a poltiical hot pot waiting to boil over if it hasnt already last time i was ther and shit hit the fan so to speak, and i fianlly got into low sec space. (ALSo i finally made my BATTLESHIP cert but sucks when you dont have 100-200 mill (200 mill for the rest of the guns, WC stablilizer, ECM and other fun doodads to offeset other players from turning you into space junk).

    if you were like me, caught into the war as a relatively old/new player (had 3-4 months under my belt) it can be daunting as there is little help, and your not sure what to do. and the main population is either defending POS, destorying other defense grids, that the other corp or alliance puts up taking over areas of the systems or there is a relative unrest within the confines of the system which leaves you open to attack when u jumpgate. I think htere is alot to like and also alot to hate. and for me, THERE is a area between love and hate (lol not a bad movie by martin lawerence by the way ) where i stand.

    I think there are flaws that hinder it to the relatively new players,

    DO i hate the game? let me say no, i dont, i think it offers a special area in my heart where I am sort of confused on whether to play or not. Will i go back? maybe who knows. but like i said for many new players, it doesnt cater to them, or wean them in very easily, it kinda gives them a very very basic set of skills, and it takes you up to 2-3 months to see any pay off, and that pay off is kinda small. or at least by certain MMO standards.


    Look, I wont sugarcoat it, i think WoW, and other likened (not to label anything) has kinda babied us, held our hand and as such, we have become spoiled children used to certain treatments, certain benefits, and perks, and and as such, we become a bit enflamed when things are pushed in our faces we feel we have no control of. can you blame that person?  ill be the first to raise his hand and admit I have a problem, lmao.

    for pvp I have no issue with it, as I playeD Lineage2 for a long time off and on, so I can take a hit on my ship and keep trucking emotionally ( had 2 ships capped while in 0.4 space mining for jaspet in a tristan lol, risk taker arent i lol) right now i mainly haul, which can kinda sucks cause all I can do is mine lol but i think thats my fault for setting up my skills that way, but I found I am a valued member sicne i can haul a crapload of ore per trip 17,759 U.3 with my indie V.

    I dont think the game is perfect nor is it truly flawed, but there is certain things in the game that doesnt cater to th newb (dare i say the word) to who they get into the game. and lets face it, it can be a lesson of aggrevation, and frustration for new players, which i think this post clearly illustrates. for me, i dont know, i may go back I might now, im kinda between on that coin flip. Im waiting, im looking, and for me I for one am truly sick and tired of orcs, paladins, and elves based MMO;s for me its not so much a matter of that I LOVE/HATE EVE, but for me its unique, and thats one of the reasons Ill admit i like EVE, but as stated above, is the reasons I hate eve. Hopefully in time who knows ill go back in, and Ill still be with TOG  cause I was caught in war conflict and couldnt recieve much help which can be duanting and have you throw your hands up after a while. but hey, what can u do. hopefully in time ill get my hands behind the wheel again.

    I hope this clears certains things up and allows you to understand my perspective more clearly.

    3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.

  • PegasusJFPegasusJF Member Posts: 268

    That's a good post Nakuma.

    But I have to take some exception to your statement that one will never catch up with vets. Could you be more specific as exactly why that is, because that statement has been countered many times.

    But other than that, it's a good post, with good opinions.

  • mindspatmindspat Member Posts: 1,367

    Originally posted by nakuma 

    Hopefully in time who knows ill go back in, and Ill still be with TOG  cause I was caught in war conflict and couldnt recieve much help which can be duanting and have you throw your hands up after a while. but hey, what can u do. hopefully in time ill get my hands behind the wheel again.

    With the views expressed here I wonder if you even made any effort to be a part of the Corp.  It sounds more like you were expecting hand outs and to be catered.  Are you a freeloader?

    TOG Corp produces regular information for members to help guide them.  TOG Corp has a foundation of industrialists although there's more who do nothing but PvP and/or ratting/complexes. 

    TOG Corp does *not* hold anyones hand.  If *that* is what you were looking for then I'm sad to say you're obviously not of the quality needed in the corp and I do not stand alone on this.  The Corp makes effort to provide the options to all members.  As stated, this is *NOT* World of Warcraft and members are not fed what ever they desire as a spoiled brat would be in a candy store.  Even then, PvP'rs are supported within reason and minners are typicaly operating in numbers with multiple tasks at hand, tanking, hauling, minning, etc., with safety in numbers while attempting to diffuse the boredom associated with minning; socialization is a tremendously large aspect of sucessful minning.

    Are you running from the war?  It sounds liek you're abstaining from playing due to your hand not being held in the desire of fitting your'e ship with warp core stabs?  I do not know a single member of TOG's PvPr's who use WCSs.

    Being I've been a meMber of TOG Corp well more then "3 or 4 months" I can say that it is by far a superior corp that presents its members with many options other then minning.  The *only* things that TOG Corp does not condone is pirating and cheating/exploits.

    And for the record, you'll never catch me minning.  I cannot stand it and think it's one of the most mundane tasks availble in EVE yet I've never had any issue getting ships, modules or ISK.

    You can lead a horse to water.  But you cannot make them drink from it.

    p.s. if you have any question to who I am cross reference my ID here with my TOG community ID.  For those who do not know, TheOlderGamers is an international gaming community that spans all online games.  TOG is open to everyone who is 25 years of age while there's little tollerance to inappropriate behavior.  It's a good community everyone tends to go that extra mile.

  • KailessKailess Member Posts: 1

    I hesitate even posting since this thread is so huge and this probably wont get read, but as I tried EVE out twice I wanted to throw my 2 cents in.....  The first time I tried EVE was well over a year ago. I was in for 2 months, I was very lost, like many have said, this is not most newb friendly. BUT, what attracted me to this game was that it was so different from any other MMO I had ever tried. I love the fantasy/sword and sorcery based MMOs but this looked to be a nice change.

    I gave it up after 2 months. One nice thing I liked but just did not have time to get into was that it is a very intelligent game. I do not think you can just log on and vegitate in front of the game for a while and truely get anywhere in the game. It is VERY detailed game, incredibly in depth and ....for a lack of a better way to put it, scientific?? Quite frankly I did not feel like researching as much as I thought I would have to to make a good ship and to learn my skills in thge correct order.

    I came back about 6 months later and played for about 4 months. I rerolled so my toon could be more focused. For as much as I yearned to PVP I only did so about 6 times. All in all I think the game is just too passive. I won each of my 6 PVP battles and when I looked at the opposing pilots they were similar in total skillpoints( I know that does not necessarily mean anything but it was all I could go by, they could have had tons of mining skills but I only initiated 2 of the 6 battles.) I spent more time in the second 4 months trying to learn the game and trying to be successful. I did OODLES of missions. Only mined a smidge, I decided to pull my toenails out instead. But, what I mean by PASSIVE, is that you spend so much time waiting and not doing a lot. I do not claim to be an expert on the game, obviously, I still think the game is very neat, and I may try it again later since I think Kali is out now and was not when I played.

    Its great that skills train while you are logged off, but I found myself just logging on to make sure I was learning the next skill. PvE combat, while I know I was no expert at, was just orbit and turn your guns on and shields on maybe and sit and watch. I know there may be other ways to fight PvE but no one was around to show me so this was how I did it. My PvP was much the same as PvE, orbit around a bit, turn on the guns and see what happens. Now, I know there are other mods to put on a ship that counter yet other mods, but I dont think  there is not much of that early on. 4 months into a game on one toon should not be considered early on.

    I like EVE. Because it is so different from other games I find myself WANTING to like EVE. You can find helpful people. I joined a pretty large and active corp that was in wars and such. I was a bit, quite a bit, of a chicken. For me, it was difficult to get much money, and so when I finally got my next big shiny ship, i did not want to lose it so I would avoid the pvp that I originally wanted out of the game.

    30k people now, I think when I played the record was 26k. So obviously people like the game. I do not think it will die, I think it will continue to grow. I do not think it will ever be as huge as EQ or WoW or DAoC and such but I think it will steadily grow. Hopefully ccp keeps refining it and I hope they add some more content or actions to do while you are flying from jumpgate to jumpgate, because that is pretty tedious. And no, I had no instas, and yes, my corp mates made fun of me and fed me crap over it. It was a function I did not think you should have had to do, but that is anotehr discussion.

    The over simplified reaction to my total 6 months EVE experience is that it was too passive, not enough to do while you flew around and pvp was too passive.

    my two cents.......even though I still for some reason have an itch to try it out again since Kali came out.

  • DarniusOnasiDarniusOnasi Member Posts: 37

    Originally posted by nakuma
    THe mining is horrible, IS it a necessary elements? YEs to some degree it is, cause these minerals, ore, and crystals is what is used to produce and manufacture the ships, components, equipment and weapons of the ships necessary to drive, and utilize them by the players.

    I have to agree with you there, mining is very necessary, but not for everyone. It is necessary for the community as a whole otherwise the economy would collapse (if that's right) and there would be nothing to buy from the market. Everything would fail until CCP stepped in to place NPC sell orders in abundance for the game to continue working. So what i'm saying is you don't have to do it. And you can very easily get by without it if you get a high enough level Agent or a small group to rat in 0.0 - but this is, of course, not straightforward, but there are ways round it.

    I don't want this to be another huge post, so i'll try and keep it more brief!

    Originally posted by nakuma
    lets not
    sugar coat it, more than half the game is in low sec space, and with
    it, so is the inherent dangers of going into low sec space, especially
    with those wonderful greeting commitees that are oh so happy to say
    "welcome to the game" with a missile up your reactor regulator core.

    That's true, and certainly an understatement. Atleast 70% of the game takes place outside Empire space and it's by far the better part. However both are good.

    As for the ganking, i hate it, but i think it makes the game what it is. Personally i'd like to see it disappear from Empire low sec, but elsewhere, where the players own the space, i think it has its place. It just makes the experience more real - protecting property/territory is natural, albeit annoying in this context, so you're very much within your right to get aggravated by it, especially if you don't intend to stick around and are just passing through.

    Originally posted by nakuma
    i think
    WoW, and other likened (not to label anything) has kinda babied us,
    held our hand and as such, we have become spoiled children used to
    certain treatments, certain benefits, and perks, and and as such, we
    become a bit enflamed when things are pushed in our faces we feel we
    have no control of. can you blame that person?  ill be the first to
    raise his hand and admit I have a problem, lmao.

    That's a good point actually, and i agree - it must be the reason people get fed up with Eve too early on and quit. It's a shame though as it's no fault of Eve or even WoW, but rather the short attention span of some people these days. If they're not instantly entertained then they get bored and move on - Eve is very much a game you have to put effort and time into, but the benefits are certainly worth it once you get there.

    Originally posted by nakuma
    but I found I am a valued member sicne i can haul a crapload of ore per trip 17,759 U.3 with my indie V.

    Sounds like a Minmatar cargohold measure. A Mammoth to be precise.

    Am i right - are you a Minmatar Sebeistor too? :)

    If you do start playing the game again then you should perhaps ditch the hauling job and go off doing what you want to do. I've found out myself there's no point doing something you don't want to do in the game to help other people if you don't enjoy doing it yourself - once in a while is okay, but not most of the time.

    Personally i love mining ops, either hauling or mining, but i was always the best miner because my corpmates were two weeks behind me and didn't bother doing Astrogeology 5, and being gallente they didn't have any reason to go any further than a Thorax at the time, whereas i was comfortably in a bs. However i was the best hauler too and the only one bothered enough to have setup BMs in our HQ system haha.

    But yeah, if you go back they'll have a better miner or hauler anyway, so it be a case of upsetting anyone. :)

    I enjoyed reading your reasons for disliking Eve and i'm glad you spent the time to tell us, and many of those features are what i like/dislike about it too, accordingly, but i guess i don't let them ruin the game for me and try to stop those problems affecting the way i play.

    I respect your perspective and hope you can see some future in Eve involving yourself in it! If not then hopefully you'll enjoy another game more.
  • DarniusOnasiDarniusOnasi Member Posts: 37

    Originally posted by Kailess

    Its great that skills train while you are logged off, but I found myself just logging on to make sure I was learning the next skill. PvE combat, while I know I was no expert at, was just orbit and turn your guns on and shields on maybe and sit and watch. I know there may be other ways to fight PvE but no one was around to show me so this was how I did it.

    Haha, it's very normal to log in just to check on a skill - it comes with the territory. Another well-used technique is calculating when your skill will finish and setting an alarm on your mobile (cell) phone to let you know when to set the next one! But granted, it can be annoying.

    As for PvE, well, unfortunately that's all there is to it. But if you do level 4 agent missions you'll soon find out that you'll need mates to help, which changes the way you fight against NPCs - healing each other, merging fighting styles (one can snipe whilst the other distracts attention and tank; missiles and turrets mixture; logistics pilots to improve gang warfare - allsorts). It's still not very diverse but it's different.

    PvP on the other hand truly widens up when you do it in groups because you never know what you might be up against and it takes a lot of coordination and cooperation for you to succeed. You can really mess up by not helping each other out and staying focused.

    Originally posted by Kailess
    I was a
    bit, quite a bit, of a chicken. For me, it was difficult to get much
    money, and so when I finally got my next big shiny ship, i did not want
    to lose it so I would avoid the pvp that I originally wanted out of the

    That's exactly how i felt! And i really think it happens to a lot of people, but once i get back into the game (although i didn't intend to leave) i will certainly be taking more risks.

    Originally posted by Kailess
    my two cents.......even though I still for some reason have an itch to try it out again since Kali came out.

    Yeah, i take it Kali is what "Revelations I" was called in its early stages. They seem to give them names of gods when in dev such as Exodus being Shiva. Just was a little confused by the Kali talk on another forum because i've been out of the loop since i left.

    I know how you feel though, Eve is a very good game and you start to miss it after a while, despite its issues.

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564

    Originally posted by DemonknightI
    Originally posted by Gamrag
    To be honest demonknight, I don't think you really gave the game a chance. There is a lot to do in EvE, you just have to go and try it out. Don't be afraid of losses and take risks. EvE is not like WoW. It doesn't hold your hand. It won't give you tons of stuff do to. It's not a grind, it's not linear. As someone has said earlier, it's a sandbox empire building pvp game.

    The stuff you can do ingame is almost endless. You can run missions, trade, mine, go pirating, or build an empire and control entire regions of space.

    People complain becuase they feel like they can't compete with vets. But that's true in any game. In WoW, a level 10 can't beat a level 60 with epics on, ever. In EvE a 3 month old player can take down a 3 year old player. No, it's not easy to do that, but then again, the level 10 WoW character has no chance and will get 1 shotted no matter what. And think about it, where else can a relatively new player be as useful as you can be in EvE? Do you see level 10s going on BWL raides with level 60s? Yet in EvE you'll often find players flying the cheapest ships in fleet battles involving captial ships worth blillions of isks.

    EvE has a very tough learning curve. You're don't really feel useful until you've played for a few weeks and it can take months to get to where you want to be. But that's part of the fun. The journey. Building your character, learning new things, flying new ships. That's fun.

    I know some EvE players may appear to be elitist. But that just goes to show how much they love the game. It really is great if you give it a chance. There are a lot of great people in the game who will give you hours of their time to help you along. Take advantage of all those. If you don't like, then don't like it. Give it a fair shot. No game is perfect.
    I gave the game a chance I really did.  I went out of my way to get this game and I wanted to love it more than you think.  It's just one of those games that's #1 cause the people who bought at release are having a great time while everyone else is getting owned.

    Other MMOs don't have skill systems based off of real-time.  In most MMOs your skills go up with how much you're playing so it is possible to catch up with vets.  This is completely the opposite in Eve and why this game is never going to be popular.  After a month of playing I started asking myself, "This game is cool, but I'm always going to be second to someone else.  I'll never be able to catch older players."  There's no denying this.

    I gave it a bit of a chance, but I don't have to play much more of it to know it's not the game for me.  I understand why some people love it.  I'd love it too probably had I bought the game at release...

    I have to say.. You really pick a mantra and stick with it.

    I hear, time and again, about people who come into the game far after release and do just fine - against new players and vets alike.

    Your argument of "you have to be an original player to compete" is completely and demonstrably false. Time and time and time again it is explained that all you need is enough time into a focused build and you can compete just fine.

    How many SPs a person has is not an indication of how great they are "right now" - because "right now" they're not using all their total SPs at once. They're using only the ones earned focusing on whatever skills and equipment they are using "right now". Quite likely, what they are using "right now" is not so far advanced that you, or any other new player could "never get there" because you didn't start at launch.

    It's a false, empty theory. Just give it up. You're wrong.

    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • JennysMindJennysMind Member UncommonPosts: 869
    I am really becoming tired of the argument of never being able to catch up with the vets. Everytime I hear that mantra I dismiss the poster by realizing the person does not understand the game. Actually I like the way the skill system is because I can be as good as anybody in a given area in a short time and then expand my capabilities. I like the ability of having a constantly increasing amount of options. Helps keep me interested in the game. Even the highest skilled vets are weak in many areas. Honestly if someone has a problem with keeping up with the Joneses, this game is not meant for them. It runs on a different paradyme and is unique in the MMO genre.

  • PsyckedPsycked Member UncommonPosts: 110
    lol it has prolly been said in this thread a million times, but thats the ammount of users on at ONCE, theres hundreds of thousands subscribed lol

    I am the Cannon Fodder God

  • nakumanakuma Member UncommonPosts: 1,310

    Originally posted by mindspat

    Originally posted by nakuma 

    Hopefully in time who knows ill go back in, and Ill still be with TOG  cause I was caught in war conflict and couldnt recieve much help which can be duanting and have you throw your hands up after a while. but hey, what can u do. hopefully in time ill get my hands behind the wheel again.

    With the views expressed here I wonder if you even made any effort to be a part of the Corp.  It sounds more like you were expecting hand outs and to be catered.  Are you a freeloader?



    TOG Corp produces regular information for members to help guide them.  TOG Corp has a foundation of industrialists although there's more who do nothing but PvP and/or ratting/complexes. 

    TOG Corp does *not* hold anyones hand.  If *that* is what you were looking for then I'm sad to say you're obviously not of the quality needed in the corp and I do not stand alone on this.  The Corp makes effort to provide the options to all members.  As stated, this is *NOT* World of Warcraft and members are not fed what ever they desire as a spoiled brat would be in a candy store.  Even then, PvP'rs are supported within reason and minners are typicaly operating in numbers with multiple tasks at hand, tanking, hauling, minning, etc., with safety in numbers while attempting to diffuse the boredom associated with minning; socialization is a tremendously large aspect of sucessful minning.

    i wasnt looking for any handouts, once again I expect nothing from no one!

    Are you running from the war?  It sounds liek you're abstaining from playing due to your hand not being held in the desire of fitting your'e ship with warp core stabs?  I do not know a single member of TOG's PvPr's who use WCSs.

    Being I've been a meMber of TOG Corp well more then "3 or 4 months" I can say that it is by far a superior corp that presents its members with many options other then minning.  The *only* things that TOG Corp does not condone is pirating and cheating/exploits.

    I was in the game for approximately 3-4 months and was in the TOG for about a month.

    And for the record, you'll never catch me minning.  I cannot stand it and think it's one of the most mundane tasks availble in EVE yet I've never had any issue getting ships, modules or ISK.

    You can lead a horse to water.  But you cannot make them drink from it.


    hey think what you wish, but never brand me as a freeloader or a spoiled brat that didnt get his way, and expected a handout from someone. I did what was expected of me to within the corp and I held my own, but in the end the game wasnt for me.

    p.s. if you have any question to who I am cross reference my ID here with my TOG community ID.  For those who do not know, TheOlderGamers is an international gaming community that spans all online games.  TOG is open to everyone who is 25 years of age while there's little tollerance to inappropriate behavior.  It's a good community everyone tends to go that extra mile.

    oh yeah my issue was I set my skill set in such a way that i had no choice to mine! which I blame no one but myself, but I did make an attempt to right that wrong, i finally nabbed BS up to lvl 3, and on my way to getting the necessary secondary equipment necessary to run such a beast, such as guns, shields, ECM, etc etc (still in with the equipment names and such so bare with me) but in the end it was at a moment I thought maybe I should step aside for a moment catch my breath and come at it with a renewed angle so that way i dont imbitter myself and come at it from a biased misinformed look.

    thats what i mean when I say i might come back. id rather come at it unfrustrated and unfettered, than be in the game get confused, angered at not knowing what to do then leave indefinitely. thats why i say i might come back. all i would have to really worry about is getting the necessary components up to snuff and grab a simple cruiser like a vexor or whatnot and just becareful in 0.0 space but it may come down to i may have to mine alot until i get a BS that can handle the rats in 0.0 space near Mp5 where i was. was a couple jumps from there. but in time im sure i would have enough isk to get the neccessary items to pull my own weight.

    As for TOG i dont want to be a lump in the road not pulling my own weight, thats why i sucked it up for a time, mining and hauling when necessary, although i dindt exactly pick a great time with ASCN and BOB going toe to toe, but hey what can u do? you fall only to pick your self up again and continue. In time I will do that.

    3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.

  • [.Q.][.Q.] Member Posts: 3
    i read between the lines....

    i played eve for 1 year...and stopped cuz a friend of mine stopped.. and it feels lonely in there without a RL buddy.

    lemme make some pointers:

    - a 2 mouth character could beat a 1 year character... a 1 year character could most defenetly beat a 3 year old one. The real beuty comes when you team up with a friend... you both have 6 mounth playtime... and with 2 cruisers you and setup you can take out a 3 year old character in his BS. That's what i like...
    THE GAME IS BASED ON REALISM... i mean you dont wake up and expect to work for EA SPORTS. There will always be vet's. Unlike in wow where 10 level 10 characters will NEVER, i repeat NEVER beat one 50 level character.. which is retarded.

    - Mining is boring it's true.. thats why corps are there to entertain you while you are bored. i mean some of the best time is during mining.. when you sit on TEAMSPEAK and start talking about all sorts of bullshit :)

    - the only drawback i can think of is... a new player has to look prerty hard to find all the info he needs to learn fast.. and for most players it will be discouraging...but as i said.. in real life as in the game you need to have patience.

    i myself have 2 accounts... and hope one day to return... although alot has changed since i was gone.


  • ManInTheBoxManInTheBox Member Posts: 75

    150,000 subcribers 20,000 trial accounts as of fan fest 06 just to shut a few of you up :)

    so where is this 30k number you keep hearing comming from? that's the amount of people online on the single server world o eve which btw has broken many a world record.

    learn 2 read mmmk?

    "is truly driven by its community and to date there had been 121,753 man years spent logged into EVE Online. By contrast, the pyramids of Egypt took 250,000 man years to build." yah everyone hates eve....

    p.s. this thread is retarded and needs to die already

  • KurirKurir Member UncommonPosts: 244


  • AethiosAethios Member Posts: 1,527

    Originally posted by ManInTheBox

    150,000 subcribers 20,000 trial accounts as of fan fest 06 just to shut a few of you up :)
    *snipped link*

    so where is this 30k number you keep hearing comming from? that's the amount of people online on the single server world o eve which btw has broken many a world record.

    learn 2 read mmmk?

    "is truly driven by its community and to date there had been 121,753 man years spent logged into EVE Online. By contrast, the pyramids of Egypt took 250,000 man years to build." yah everyone hates eve....

    p.s. this thread is retarded and needs to die already

    These facts have already been pointed out about 17 times on this thread. It WOULD die if you EVE fanbois would quit trying so hard to prove your game isn't a failure.

  • DarniusOnasiDarniusOnasi Member Posts: 37

    Originally posted by Aethios
    Originally posted by ManInTheBox150,000 subcribers 20,000 trial accounts as of fan fest 06 just to shut a few of you up :)
    *snipped link*so where is this 30k number you keep hearing comming from? that's the amount of people online on the single server world o eve which btw has broken many a world record.learn 2 read mmmk?*edit*
    "is truly driven by its community and to date there had been 121,753 man years spent logged into EVE Online. By contrast, the pyramids of Egypt took 250,000 man years to build." yah everyone hates eve....p.s. this thread is retarded and needs to die already

    These facts have already been pointed out about 17 times on this thread. It WOULD die if you EVE fanbois would quit trying so hard to prove your game isn't a failure.

    Our game isn't a failure, but it's by no means perfect.

    Now lets leave it at that.

  • LardarzLardarz Member Posts: 55
    Which bit of

    "30,000 concurrent players on one server"
    "185,000 accounts"
    "largest game server in the world"
    "free expansion number 4"

    means Eve is a failure, exactly?

    'Argueing with an Eve player is like argueing with a religous nut. '

  • DarniusOnasiDarniusOnasi Member Posts: 37
    None of it - Aethios doesn't know what he's talking about.

    Either that or he was simply trying to say, albeit in a disrespectful way, that us Eve players used more than enough evidence to show that the game is not a failure and that really, it's closer to a success.

    If you asked an independent person who knows about mmorpgs, they would tell you it's clear that Eve is a success for the fact that it's never stopped growing in subscriptions and concurrent players, fanbase, company revenue, popularity etc. and that, unlike most (not all) mmorpgs it has by no means "peaked" yet, as they tend to in the first few weeks/months of release then drop in numbers.

    With that cleared up and any flamebait removed, surely this thread will dissappear.

  • HAMMERS38HAMMERS38 Member Posts: 248

    christ is this thread still going ???


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