This post is as red as they come. But your kids will understand one day....
We are just stating the fact.
Did you know that the Earth didn't have a polar ice cap when the dinosaurs existed? If the crazy environmentalist were alive back then they would have blame it on dinosaur’s farts for global warming.
Ice Ages come and go. It’s a cycle.
The middle ages were much hotter then it is right now. You got half of the crazy environmentalist said the Earth is cooling down because of Global Warming. The other half said it is warming up because of Global Warming. Which is it? They don’t know because they don’t have proof and all their science is junk.
This has to be one of the best examples of uneducated denialism I've ever seen
First off dinosaurs spanned many years, sometimes the ice advanced, sometimes it retreated, some land masses were not in the arctic zones because they move (a little thing called plate tectonics, go read about it), that doesn't mean that ice didn't exist, melt all the ice and this planet is mostly underwater.
Secondly the Middle Ages were during a time known as The Little Ice Age, part of the reason they are also known as The Dark Ages is because of the stress placed on the human population due to the shortened (and sometimes nonexistent) growing season. It wasn't until the retreat of this lesser ice age that we entered the Renaissance Period.
BTW the reason it cools down because of warming is quite simple if you bothered to get an education, melt the ice and less solar energy is reflected (reflection is called Albedo, earth's is 0.39 and the ice helps reflect it, greenhouse gasses also help to keep heat trapped instead of reflecting back into space) the earth warms up, now when it warms up a lot more water evaporates, forming more clouds which then block the sun and cause the climate to rapidly cool. Earth's natural state is one of an Ice Age, the current warming trend is actually a 10,000 year anomaly that's given the human race a chance to survive, grow up to be idiot denialists, and turn the planet back into an ice box.
But hey, keep living in denial, driving your car, spraying your aerosols, and generally polluting the hell out of it, your little skulls will make great decorations on my new home.
Ah well at least if you're religious you've always got hell to keep you warm, have fun.
Originally posted by TimeViewer But hey, keep living in denial, driving your car, spraying your aerosols, and generally polluting the hell out of it, your little skulls will make great decorations on my new home.
Bah, this is the reason thigns never get anywhere. Research this topic. No empirical data can be made to really support global warming being accelerated. Focus on proven issues such as the link with pollutants and cancer, gasoline engines use an unrenewable resource, and PEGs usage has a direct correlation on ashma cases.
Focusing on an "I think this is doing this issue" has no weight compared to a "we have facts to support this issue".
Originally posted by TimeViewer But hey, keep living in denial, driving your car, spraying your aerosols, and generally polluting the hell out of it, your little skulls will make great decorations on my new home.
Bah, this is the reason thigns never get anywhere. Research this topic. No empirical data can be made to really support global warming being accelerated. Focus on proven issues such as the link with pollutants and cancer, gasoline engines use an unrenewable resource, and PEGs usage has a direct correlation on ashma cases.
Focusing on an "I think this is doing this issue" has no weight compared to a "we have facts to support this issue".
::pats you on your pointy little head::
You'll look good over the mantle
(BTW it's interesting how you cut out and ignored everything educational and informative from my post and choose instead to focus on just one comment at the end of it)
::pats you on your pointy little head:: You'll look good over the mantle
Seriously, learn to research and read. Also look over my posts in this thread for that matter. Niavity will not help anything in fact it is what has caused the current situation.
Post empirical data, do it. If you understand the situation you will understand why empirical data does not exist. Now post empirical data about the "possible causes" causing other harm and you will have many paragraphs.
We call this "can't see the forest through the trees". Yes PEGs and other things kill off the enviroment, but you can not empirically correlate it to global warming.
::pats you on your pointy little head:: You'll look good over the mantle
Seriously, learn to research and read. Also look over my posts in this thread for that matter. Niavity will not help anything in fact it is what has caused the current situation.
Post empirical data, do it. If you understand the situation you will understand why empirical data does not exist. Now post empirical data about the "possible causes" causing other harm and you will have many paragraphs.
We call this "can't see the forest through the trees". Yes PEGs and other things kill off the enviroment, but you can not empirically correlate it to global warming.
And while you ignore the problem while waiting for the data that no one can give you since the human race hasn't been keeping records for the millions of years you need to give said data the world dies, Ever read Catch 22? Being ignorant is bad enough but educated ignorance is even more brain dead. It was people like you who kept the world in darkness for years, why not deny that the earth is not the center of the universe, how much data do we really have on the universe to prove that we are not the center? Anyway I'm done with this argument, wallow in your self satisfied ignorance all you want.
And while you ignore the problem while waiting for the data that no one can give you since the human race hasn't been keeping records for the millions of years you need to give said data the world dies, Ever read Catch 22? Being ignorant is bad enough but educated ignorance is even more brain dead. It was people like you who kept the world in darkness for years, why not deny that the earth is not the center of the universe, how much data do we really have on the universe to prove that we are not the center? Anyway I'm done with this argument, wallow in your self satisfied ignorance all you want.
You're right! We better kill off all those damn cows causign our obliteration by expelling methane! Who cares if we destroy the ecosystem balance and cause the death of other grazing animals which will destry sustainable food sources! It matters not for methane might be destroying ozone!
Cut your nose off despite your face. Obviously you never read my posts so I will ignore you now. If you can't take the time to read about a topic you care about then you must live off buzz word media for everythign else. There are plenty of reasons to stop "possible causes" but why stand on the weakest argument when there are so many strong ones? Simple, you don't understand what is happening.
Everytime has two sides and just because there is two sides des not mean there is a right and wrong.
Read up on the ppk, In These Times, The Economist, Society for Sane Statistics and other proper resources before you make more of a fool of yourself.
By the way: You better start killing off those cows before they pollute more!
And while you ignore the problem while waiting for the data that no one can give you since the human race hasn't been keeping records for the millions of years you need to give said data the world dies, Ever read Catch 22? Being ignorant is bad enough but educated ignorance is even more brain dead. It was people like you who kept the world in darkness for years, why not deny that the earth is not the center of the universe, how much data do we really have on the universe to prove that we are not the center? Anyway I'm done with this argument, wallow in your self satisfied ignorance all you want.
You're right! We better kill off all those damn cows causign our obliteration by expelling methane! Who cares if we destroy the ecosystem balance and cause the death of other grazing animals which will destry sustainable food sources! It matters not for methane might be destroying ozone!
Cut your nose off despite your face. Obviously you never read my posts so I will ignore you now. If you can't take the time to read about a topic you care about then you must live off buzz word media for everythign else. There are plenty of reasons to stop "possible causes" but why stand on the weakest argument when there are so many strong ones? Simple, you don't understand what is happening.
Everytime has two sides and just because there is two sides des not mean there is a right and wrong.
Read up on the ppk, In These Times, The Economist, Society for Sane Statistics and other proper resources before you make more of a fool of yourself.
By the way: You better start killing off those cows before they pollute more!
I never once mentioned killing cows, farts, or methane, those are all from your own rantings but then ignorant fools always have to find some way to justify their own stupidity, Funny how you like to cut out anything logical, like my other post, while you stick words in people's mouth, but then the ignorant always try to find some way to justify their ignorance, so ignore away, it suits you.
"The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table as we speak," said top U.S. climate scientist Jerry Mahlman, who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the first segment of a giant four-part report. "The evidence ... is compelling."
Andrew Weaver, a Canadian climate scientist and study co-author, went even further: "This isn't a smoking gun; climate is a batallion of intergalactic smoking missiles."
The first phase of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is being released in Paris next week. This segment, written by more than 600 scientists and reviewed by another 600 experts and edited by bureaucrats from 154 countries, includes "a significantly expanded discussion of observation on the climate," said co-chair Susan Solomon, a senior scientist for the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She and other scientists held a telephone briefing on the report Monday.
That report will feature an "explosion of new data" on observations of current global warming, Solomon said."
We have a fairly good idea though just how much we influence the climate and what we can do to reverse that. There is no mystery. It's just good old fashioned science.
Even if global warming is a reality, its not going to take any drastic effect in my lifetime, or the lifetime of my great great grandkids. Let the people of the future deal with it
pretty crappy philosphy there. It will take effect,but like he said-it's for the future. Still it's goin to make the world like that movie water world. Any one seen it.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
Any number of scenarios could play out, water levels could rise leaving nothing but mythological stories about floods and vanished continents (and of course those people who will scoff at such legends). A new ice age kicks in lowering the water levels down to the point where they originally were exposing old human settlements where most of humanity will settle out of convenience (food and communication) until the water levels rise leaving nothing but mythological stories about floods and vanished continents (and of course those people who will scoff at such legends). The rest of the ozone just gives up and leaves exposing the entire planet to unshielded radiation wiping out all but a few mutants and leaving nothing but mythological stories about vanished continents (and of course those mutants who will scoff at such legends).
A lot of little things can be done to help prevent this, (quite contrary to another person's extravagant yappings) such as not driving everywhere for every silly reason, just drive when it's an emergency or long distance, ride a bike, walk (yes humans still have legs capable of conveying them further than to the next room for a beer). With the millions of cars on this planet if everyone stopped driving for just one day a year you might just find your city's air actually breathable (instead of visible) on that day and get a clue. (Just check the difference some day when a storm closes down your city). Do a bit to help recycle and not pollute, 6.5 billion people on this planet doing even a small single thing add up to one big change.
Or you could just do what denialists do and wait for hell to freeze over and cancel global warming.
Isn't it interesting that the last couple of shots from the Hubble show that the ice caps on Mars are shrinking. So, there must also be "Global Warming" on that planet as well.
My question is: Where are all the Martians who are causing that warming?
Global warming? No... it should be called "Solar Sytem warming". Gov't grants, anyone?
When will this liberal, pseudo-science stop? After billions or even trillions of public and private money is wasted chasing green house gas windmills? Weren't many of these same "experts" absolutely convinced that we faced another ice age in the 70s?
The number and severity of hurricanes in 2005 were supposedly proof positive of global warming. Ok, fine. So, since NO hurricanes made landfall in the U.S. in 2006, then GW must be over, right? Periodic cyclical weather patterns are factual science, not to be selectively used for doom and gloom hypothetical scenarios.
Isn't it interesting that the last couple of shots from the Hubble show that the ice caps on Mars are shrinking. So, there must also be "Global Warming" on that planet as well.
My question is: Where are all the Martians who are causing that warming?
Global warming? No... it should be called "Solar Sytem warming". Gov't grants, anyone? When will this liberal, pseudo-science stop? After billions or even trillions of public and private money is wasted chasing green house gas windmills? Weren't many of these same "experts" absolutely convinced that we faced another ice age in the 70s?
The number and severity of hurricanes in 2005 were supposedly proof positive of global warming. Ok, fine. So, since NO hurricanes made landfall in the U.S. in 2006, then GW must be over, right? Periodic cyclical weather patterns are factual science, not to be selectively used for doom and gloom hypothetical scenarios.
Ever since Mars has been observed it's polar caps have grown and melted every year, this was one feature that lead to the hypothesis that there was water on Mars (You should really look into a fact before you try using it). Part of the reason it does this is because there is so little atmosphere on the planet, the other is that it isn't water, it's carbon dioxide (ooo one of those Greenhouse gasses). Maybe you should stop trying to use your own pseudo-science, or did you grab that from some right wing radio show (or Fox News).
I know you like to try posting for shock and to start flames but geeze at least look into what you're trying to use for your posts huh?
Environmentalists claim that the Earth’s atmosphere is getting hotter. They claim that the polar icecaps and glaciers will melt and sea levels will rise over two hundred feet, flooding most coastal cities. They claim that many areas of the Earth will turn into deserts. They make all these claims but cannot substantiate them with real scientific evidence. Parts of the polar icecap and glaciers are melting but other areas of the polar icecaps and glaciers are thickening. The environmentalists base their “proof” of the existence of global warming on the melting areas but are strangely silent, even militant to the point of violence, if anyone mentions the areas that are thickening, and those thickening areas are many.
In the past, there have been many times when the global mean temperatures were warmer, sometimes much warmer and colder, much colder than they are now. Global mean temperatures are cyclical with the seasons but also with other normal cycles, as they have been for the entire history of the Earth. Scientific data from ice cores, tree rings and other indicators of global mean temperatures prove this. Human activity has never been the cause of these global temperature swings as the “global warming” advocates claim. If human activity was the cause, where were the SUVs, the power plants and industries in our historical past? They did not exist. If human activity was not the cause of these global temperature swings, what was?
The energy output of the Sun is far greater in one second than human activity could produce in a million years. The Earth rotates around the Sun. Its orbit is slightly elliptical. The energy reaching the Earth from the Sun varies slightly as the distance from the Sun to the Earth varies due to its elliptical orbit. The Sun activity increases and decreases with fluctuations in the solar flares emitted by the Sun. Differences in these fluctuation rates cause increases and decreases of solar energy hitting the Earth. This causes fluctuations in the global mean temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere.
In 2004, the energy from massive solar flares bombarded the Earth with solar energy. This solar energy caused heating of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Most of the energy of the solar flare eruptions dissipated into space. The amounts of energy ejected were massive, much greater than normal. Had the Earth received a full blast of the solar energy from one of the numerous flare eruptions in 2004, the consequences to life on Earth could have been disastrous. The higher than usual amounts of energy that struck the Earth’s atmosphere did have their effects, however, including some heating of the atmosphere.
Did I mention volcanoes? A single eruption the size of the Mt. St. Helens eruption released more of these gases, dust and ash into the atmosphere than all such emissions by human activity since the beginning of recorded human history. And there are numerous volcanic eruptions yearly. sum up all this hogwash about global warming; It is the fluctuations of the Earth’s orbit around the sun, volcanic eruptions, the emission of gases by oceans and trees, all natural occurrences, that cause rises and declines in global mean temperatures, i.e., “global warming” and “global cooling,” not human activity.
Those claiming that “global warming” is real have an agenda other than saving the planet from human activity.
Madace, read all those articles. What is sums up to is that just under 50% of the scientists agree that pollution may be causing global warming, but the remainder don't write counter arguments because there are otehr reasons to remove the pollutants. It does not say that there is a consensus, only that people are allowing articles to go uncontended to achieve a different goal. Basically politics.
Critical reading skills need to be taught more aggressively it seems.
I am not saying pollution should be stopped, in fact I am. What I am saying is that using a unproven (or even false) reason to do it is stupid and it WILL backfire. Remember the D.A.R.E. program that was scrapped? They intentionally lied about additional side effects of some using some drugs. In the end it increased drug use because the children took the attitude of "if they lied to me about one thing then they most likely lied to me about all of it".
Do you really want to mislead people now so that they assume you have no basis later?
Of course global warming exists.. the only thing we don't know is to what degree we influence it, and to what degree it changes the environment.
This is the right answer. Global warming is happening, but we really do not know if we are influencing it nor how much if we are. The planets has a cyclic cooling and heating effect that we do not know the rates of.
Whether we are contributing to the obvious changes in climate.... who knows.. Fortunately all the things we can do to make ourselves feel better dont hurt.. I do my bit with my little car
$20 every 4 or 5 weeks... I love being a greeny LOL
I'm not letting my loved ones in that deathtrap.
Green credentials won't save you in a car crash.
Possible future menace is all very well, but immediate direct threat is a priority.
Environmentalists claim that the Earth’s atmosphere is getting hotter. They claim that the polar icecaps and glaciers will melt and sea levels will rise over two hundred feet, flooding most coastal cities. They claim that many areas of the Earth will turn into deserts. They make all these claims but cannot substantiate them with real scientific evidence. Parts of the polar icecap and glaciers are melting but other areas of the polar icecaps and glaciers are thickening. The environmentalists base their “proof” of the existence of global warming on the melting areas but are strangely silent, even militant to the point of violence, if anyone mentions the areas that are thickening, and those thickening areas are many. In the past, there have been many times when the global mean temperatures were warmer, sometimes much warmer and colder, much colder than they are now. Global mean temperatures are cyclical with the seasons but also with other normal cycles, as they have been for the entire history of the Earth. Scientific data from ice cores, tree rings and other indicators of global mean temperatures prove this. Human activity has never been the cause of these global temperature swings as the “global warming” advocates claim. If human activity was the cause, where were the SUVs, the power plants and industries in our historical past? They did not exist. If human activity was not the cause of these global temperature swings, what was? The energy output of the Sun is far greater in one second than human activity could produce in a million years. The Earth rotates around the Sun. Its orbit is slightly elliptical. The energy reaching the Earth from the Sun varies slightly as the distance from the Sun to the Earth varies due to its elliptical orbit. The Sun activity increases and decreases with fluctuations in the solar flares emitted by the Sun. Differences in these fluctuation rates cause increases and decreases of solar energy hitting the Earth. This causes fluctuations in the global mean temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere. In 2004, the energy from massive solar flares bombarded the Earth with solar energy. This solar energy caused heating of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Most of the energy of the solar flare eruptions dissipated into space. The amounts of energy ejected were massive, much greater than normal. Had the Earth received a full blast of the solar energy from one of the numerous flare eruptions in 2004, the consequences to life on Earth could have been disastrous. The higher than usual amounts of energy that struck the Earth’s atmosphere did have their effects, however, including some heating of the atmosphere. Did I mention volcanoes? A single eruption the size of the Mt. St. Helens eruption released more of these gases, dust and ash into the atmosphere than all such emissions by human activity since the beginning of recorded human history. And there are numerous volcanic eruptions yearly. sum up all this hogwash about global warming; It is the fluctuations of the Earth’s orbit around the sun, volcanic eruptions, the emission of gases by oceans and trees, all natural occurrences, that cause rises and declines in global mean temperatures, i.e., “global warming” and “global cooling,” not human activity. Those claiming that “global warming” is real have an agenda other than saving the planet from human activity.
In other words "Yes I do copy verbatim everything I hear from right wing radio shows who tell me that anything opposing the political view must be unamerican and therefor wrong"
I notice you didn't even respond to the comments on Mars, instead you grab a bunch of other claptrap to post, it'd be useless to try and convince you, you're another one of those who wants to wallow in his own ignorance while trying to act intelligent. Even all the former political denialists have given it up, but they've brainwashed people like you so well that you'll never accept any proof that you're wrong. Your comments about the sun would have been much more convincing if you'd brought up the subject of sunspots instead of that "energy output" argument (which btw the ozone protects you from, but hey keep tearing away at the hole we already made), volcano's do affect the environment, though their gasses and dust and far different and shorter lived than pollutants, and your "ice core" argument has also been used to prove warming since the start of the industrial age so I'm not sure why you even brought it up except for the obvious you don't really have all the facts or understand the science and instead focus on what you're fed by radio show hosts. As to the thickening I'll have to look into that myself, but offhand thicker isn't going to help maintain the Earth's albedo (reflection rate) only spread out area would and as that lessens the albedo will change.
I've watched the weather change over my lifetime, I live in a city that use to be famous for it's snowstorms, now we have less than an inch out there, it's been years since the lake (Erie) or the river (Niagra) has frozen or even gotten a substantial amount of ice, I can see with my own eyes the changes that are taking place. It use to rain almost every day here all spring and fall, now barely any rain falls, Fall is almost nonexistant, instead of leaves changing color they just die and fall off. None of your little right wing radio rants can convince me that everything is all right, but then I'm a thinking man who uses his eyes.
Tell you what, why not lock yourself in a closed space, start your bike, and let us know how long you can breathe (The Earth's a closed system too)
BTW making your font bigger doesn't make you right, it just shows how desperate you are to shout over any opposing view, as if being louder would somehow make you right.
you guys are really worried about globing warming arn't you? Just so you know with all the hot places in the world it was bound to happen without us. And it probably won't be the end of the world. It will happen,all life except a few will die out,plants will be in the ocean fixing the ozone,life will crall back onto surfice after a long time,and it will all begin again.(this is just my theory though) Besides it isn't in our lifetime.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
Did you know that the Earth didn't have a polar ice cap when the dinosaurs existed? If the crazy environmentalist were alive back then they would have blame it on dinosaur’s farts for global warming.
Ice Ages come and go. It’s a cycle.
The middle ages were much hotter then it is right now. You got half of the crazy environmentalist said the Earth is cooling down because of Global Warming. The other half said it is warming up because of Global Warming. Which is it? They don’t know because they don’t have proof and all their science is junk.
This has to be one of the best examples of uneducated denialism I've ever seen
First off dinosaurs spanned many years, sometimes the ice advanced, sometimes it retreated, some land masses were not in the arctic zones because they move (a little thing called plate tectonics, go read about it), that doesn't mean that ice didn't exist, melt all the ice and this planet is mostly underwater.
Secondly the Middle Ages were during a time known as The Little Ice Age, part of the reason they are also known as The Dark Ages is because of the stress placed on the human population due to the shortened (and sometimes nonexistent) growing season. It wasn't until the retreat of this lesser ice age that we entered the Renaissance Period.
BTW the reason it cools down because of warming is quite simple if you bothered to get an education, melt the ice and less solar energy is reflected (reflection is called Albedo, earth's is 0.39 and the ice helps reflect it, greenhouse gasses also help to keep heat trapped instead of reflecting back into space) the earth warms up, now when it warms up a lot more water evaporates, forming more clouds which then block the sun and cause the climate to rapidly cool. Earth's natural state is one of an Ice Age, the current warming trend is actually a 10,000 year anomaly that's given the human race a chance to survive, grow up to be idiot denialists, and turn the planet back into an ice box.
But hey, keep living in denial, driving your car, spraying your aerosols, and generally polluting the hell out of it, your little skulls will make great decorations on my new home.
Ah well at least if you're religious you've always got hell to keep you warm, have fun.
Bah, this is the reason thigns never get anywhere. Research this topic. No empirical data can be made to really support global warming being accelerated. Focus on proven issues such as the link with pollutants and cancer, gasoline engines use an unrenewable resource, and PEGs usage has a direct correlation on ashma cases.
Focusing on an "I think this is doing this issue" has no weight compared to a "we have facts to support this issue".
Bah, this is the reason thigns never get anywhere. Research this topic. No empirical data can be made to really support global warming being accelerated. Focus on proven issues such as the link with pollutants and cancer, gasoline engines use an unrenewable resource, and PEGs usage has a direct correlation on ashma cases.
Focusing on an "I think this is doing this issue" has no weight compared to a "we have facts to support this issue".
::pats you on your pointy little head::
You'll look good over the mantle
(BTW it's interesting how you cut out and ignored everything educational and informative from my post and choose instead to focus on just one comment at the end of it)
Seriously, learn to research and read. Also look over my posts in this thread for that matter. Niavity will not help anything in fact it is what has caused the current situation.
Post empirical data, do it. If you understand the situation you will understand why empirical data does not exist. Now post empirical data about the "possible causes" causing other harm and you will have many paragraphs.
We call this "can't see the forest through the trees". Yes PEGs and other things kill off the enviroment, but you can not empirically correlate it to global warming.
Seriously, learn to research and read. Also look over my posts in this thread for that matter. Niavity will not help anything in fact it is what has caused the current situation.
Post empirical data, do it. If you understand the situation you will understand why empirical data does not exist. Now post empirical data about the "possible causes" causing other harm and you will have many paragraphs.
We call this "can't see the forest through the trees". Yes PEGs and other things kill off the enviroment, but you can not empirically correlate it to global warming.
And while you ignore the problem while waiting for the data that no one can give you since the human race hasn't been keeping records for the millions of years you need to give said data the world dies, Ever read Catch 22? Being ignorant is bad enough but educated ignorance is even more brain dead. It was people like you who kept the world in darkness for years, why not deny that the earth is not the center of the universe, how much data do we really have on the universe to prove that we are not the center? Anyway I'm done with this argument, wallow in your self satisfied ignorance all you want.
You're right! We better kill off all those damn cows causign our obliteration by expelling methane! Who cares if we destroy the ecosystem balance and cause the death of other grazing animals which will destry sustainable food sources! It matters not for methane might be destroying ozone!
Cut your nose off despite your face. Obviously you never read my posts so I will ignore you now. If you can't take the time to read about a topic you care about then you must live off buzz word media for everythign else. There are plenty of reasons to stop "possible causes" but why stand on the weakest argument when there are so many strong ones? Simple, you don't understand what is happening.
Everytime has two sides and just because there is two sides des not mean there is a right and wrong.
Read up on the ppk, In These Times, The Economist, Society for Sane Statistics and other proper resources before you make more of a fool of yourself.
By the way: You better start killing off those cows before they pollute more!
You're right! We better kill off all those damn cows causign our obliteration by expelling methane! Who cares if we destroy the ecosystem balance and cause the death of other grazing animals which will destry sustainable food sources! It matters not for methane might be destroying ozone!
Cut your nose off despite your face. Obviously you never read my posts so I will ignore you now. If you can't take the time to read about a topic you care about then you must live off buzz word media for everythign else. There are plenty of reasons to stop "possible causes" but why stand on the weakest argument when there are so many strong ones? Simple, you don't understand what is happening.
Everytime has two sides and just because there is two sides des not mean there is a right and wrong.
Read up on the ppk, In These Times, The Economist, Society for Sane Statistics and other proper resources before you make more of a fool of yourself.
By the way: You better start killing off those cows before they pollute more!
I never once mentioned killing cows, farts, or methane, those are all from your own rantings but then ignorant fools always have to find some way to justify their own stupidity, Funny how you like to cut out anything logical, like my other post, while you stick words in people's mouth, but then the ignorant always try to find some way to justify their ignorance, so ignore away, it suits you.
"The smoking gun is definitely lying on the table as we speak," said top U.S. climate scientist Jerry Mahlman, who reviewed all 1,600 pages of the first segment of a giant four-part report. "The evidence ... is compelling."
Andrew Weaver, a Canadian climate scientist and study co-author, went even further: "This isn't a smoking gun; climate is a batallion of intergalactic smoking missiles."
The first phase of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is being released in Paris next week. This segment, written by more than 600 scientists and reviewed by another 600 experts and edited by bureaucrats from 154 countries, includes "a significantly expanded discussion of observation on the climate," said co-chair Susan Solomon, a senior scientist for the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She and other scientists held a telephone briefing on the report Monday.
That report will feature an "explosion of new data" on observations of current global warming, Solomon said."
Anyone in denial about global warming at this point is a fool. Yes, we CAN affect the environment and we HAVE.
Of course global warming exists.. the only thing we don't know is to what degree we influence it, and to what degree it changes the environment.
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.
Any number of scenarios could play out, water levels could rise leaving nothing but mythological stories about floods and vanished continents (and of course those people who will scoff at such legends). A new ice age kicks in lowering the water levels down to the point where they originally were exposing old human settlements where most of humanity will settle out of convenience (food and communication) until the water levels rise leaving nothing but mythological stories about floods and vanished continents (and of course those people who will scoff at such legends). The rest of the ozone just gives up and leaves exposing the entire planet to unshielded radiation wiping out all but a few mutants and leaving nothing but mythological stories about vanished continents (and of course those mutants who will scoff at such legends).
A lot of little things can be done to help prevent this, (quite contrary to another person's extravagant yappings) such as not driving everywhere for every silly reason, just drive when it's an emergency or long distance, ride a bike, walk (yes humans still have legs capable of conveying them further than to the next room for a beer). With the millions of cars on this planet if everyone stopped driving for just one day a year you might just find your city's air actually breathable (instead of visible) on that day and get a clue. (Just check the difference some day when a storm closes down your city). Do a bit to help recycle and not pollute, 6.5 billion people on this planet doing even a small single thing add up to one big change.
Or you could just do what denialists do and wait for hell to freeze over and cancel global warming.
Isn't it interesting that the last couple of shots from the Hubble show that the ice caps on Mars are shrinking. So, there must also be "Global Warming" on that planet as well.
My question is: Where are all the Martians who are causing that warming?
Global warming? No... it should be called "Solar Sytem warming". Gov't grants, anyone?
When will this liberal, pseudo-science stop? After billions or even trillions of public and private money is wasted chasing green house gas windmills? Weren't many of these same "experts" absolutely convinced that we faced another ice age in the 70s?
The number and severity of hurricanes in 2005 were supposedly proof positive of global warming. Ok, fine. So, since NO hurricanes made landfall in the U.S. in 2006, then GW must be over, right? Periodic cyclical weather patterns are factual science, not to be selectively used for doom and gloom hypothetical scenarios.
And looky here... Scientific opinion on climate change. It gets better.
And guess what the American Geophysical Union says...
Now le's see what major American companies say... Only recently.
so what to do?
Cut emissions?
An industrial revolution?
Ever since Mars has been observed it's polar caps have grown and melted every year, this was one feature that lead to the hypothesis that there was water on Mars (You should really look into a fact before you try using it). Part of the reason it does this is because there is so little atmosphere on the planet, the other is that it isn't water, it's carbon dioxide (ooo one of those Greenhouse gasses). Maybe you should stop trying to use your own pseudo-science, or did you grab that from some right wing radio show (or Fox News).
I know you like to try posting for shock and to start flames but geeze at least look into what you're trying to use for your posts huh?
Environmentalists claim that the Earth’s atmosphere is getting hotter. They claim that the polar icecaps and glaciers will melt and sea levels will rise over two hundred feet, flooding most coastal cities. They claim that many areas of the Earth will turn into deserts. They make all these claims but cannot substantiate them with real scientific evidence. Parts of the polar icecap and glaciers are melting but other areas of the polar icecaps and glaciers are thickening. The environmentalists base their “proof” of the existence of global warming on the melting areas but are strangely silent, even militant to the point of violence, if anyone mentions the areas that are thickening, and those thickening areas are many.
In the past, there have been many times when the global mean temperatures were warmer, sometimes much warmer and colder, much colder than they are now. Global mean temperatures are cyclical with the seasons but also with other normal cycles, as they have been for the entire history of the Earth. Scientific data from ice cores, tree rings and other indicators of global mean temperatures prove this. Human activity has never been the cause of these global temperature swings as the “global warming” advocates claim. If human activity was the cause, where were the SUVs, the power plants and industries in our historical past? They did not exist. If human activity was not the cause of these global temperature swings, what was?
The energy output of the Sun is far greater in one second than human activity could produce in a million years. The Earth rotates around the Sun. Its orbit is slightly elliptical. The energy reaching the Earth from the Sun varies slightly as the distance from the Sun to the Earth varies due to its elliptical orbit. The Sun activity increases and decreases with fluctuations in the solar flares emitted by the Sun. Differences in these fluctuation rates cause increases and decreases of solar energy hitting the Earth. This causes fluctuations in the global mean temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere.
In 2004, the energy from massive solar flares bombarded the Earth with solar energy. This solar energy caused heating of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. Most of the energy of the solar flare eruptions dissipated into space. The amounts of energy ejected were massive, much greater than normal. Had the Earth received a full blast of the solar energy from one of the numerous flare eruptions in 2004, the consequences to life on Earth could have been disastrous. The higher than usual amounts of energy that struck the Earth’s atmosphere did have their effects, however, including some heating of the atmosphere.
Did I mention volcanoes? A single eruption the size of the Mt. St. Helens eruption released more of these gases, dust and ash into the atmosphere than all such emissions by human activity since the beginning of recorded human history. And there are numerous volcanic eruptions yearly. sum up all this hogwash about global warming; It is the fluctuations of the Earth’s orbit around the sun, volcanic eruptions, the emission of gases by oceans and trees, all natural occurrences, that cause rises and declines in global mean temperatures, i.e., “global warming” and “global cooling,” not human activity.
Those claiming that “global warming” is real have an agenda other than saving the planet from human activity.
Madace, read all those articles. What is sums up to is that just under 50% of the scientists agree that pollution may be causing global warming, but the remainder don't write counter arguments because there are otehr reasons to remove the pollutants. It does not say that there is a consensus, only that people are allowing articles to go uncontended to achieve a different goal. Basically politics.
Critical reading skills need to be taught more aggressively it seems.
I am not saying pollution should be stopped, in fact I am. What I am saying is that using a unproven (or even false) reason to do it is stupid and it WILL backfire. Remember the D.A.R.E. program that was scrapped? They intentionally lied about additional side effects of some using some drugs. In the end it increased drug use because the children took the attitude of "if they lied to me about one thing then they most likely lied to me about all of it".
Do you really want to mislead people now so that they assume you have no basis later?
I'm not letting my loved ones in that deathtrap.
Green credentials won't save you in a car crash.
Possible future menace is all very well, but immediate direct threat is a priority.
In other words "Yes I do copy verbatim everything I hear from right wing radio shows who tell me that anything opposing the political view must be unamerican and therefor wrong"
I notice you didn't even respond to the comments on Mars, instead you grab a bunch of other claptrap to post, it'd be useless to try and convince you, you're another one of those who wants to wallow in his own ignorance while trying to act intelligent. Even all the former political denialists have given it up, but they've brainwashed people like you so well that you'll never accept any proof that you're wrong. Your comments about the sun would have been much more convincing if you'd brought up the subject of sunspots instead of that "energy output" argument (which btw the ozone protects you from, but hey keep tearing away at the hole we already made), volcano's do affect the environment, though their gasses and dust and far different and shorter lived than pollutants, and your "ice core" argument has also been used to prove warming since the start of the industrial age so I'm not sure why you even brought it up except for the obvious you don't really have all the facts or understand the science and instead focus on what you're fed by radio show hosts. As to the thickening I'll have to look into that myself, but offhand thicker isn't going to help maintain the Earth's albedo (reflection rate) only spread out area would and as that lessens the albedo will change.
I've watched the weather change over my lifetime, I live in a city that use to be famous for it's snowstorms, now we have less than an inch out there, it's been years since the lake (Erie) or the river (Niagra) has frozen or even gotten a substantial amount of ice, I can see with my own eyes the changes that are taking place. It use to rain almost every day here all spring and fall, now barely any rain falls, Fall is almost nonexistant, instead of leaves changing color they just die and fall off. None of your little right wing radio rants can convince me that everything is all right, but then I'm a thinking man who uses his eyes.
Tell you what, why not lock yourself in a closed space, start your bike, and let us know how long you can breathe (The Earth's a closed system too)
BTW making your font bigger doesn't make you right, it just shows how desperate you are to shout over any opposing view, as if being louder would somehow make you right.
It's constly. It makes the industry hate you. It makes the people hate you...
So why would anyone in their right mind want to promote cutting emission/reforming our industry?
To sell more newspapers?
My mind has changed so much. Yet I'm still acting like I'm the same.