I hate using voice chat except where it's required, multiple reasons really.
1. I don't care who or what you are. Are you a good player, are you polite? well there you go, we can play together.
2. I love music, i LOVE MUSIC.... I LOVVVEE MUUUSSSICCC. I have music going every second i'm playing a game, i have a radio, and even my cable company has radio over some of their channels. I have a music player for when i'm out and about. I have a ever changing playlist on my 360. I've listened to game themes, and anime openings, and game opening, and all that repeatedly because i love the music! If I have to listen to people chat about this and that, while waiting for them to say something important...... i'm not listening to music. Don't want to miss your "important" call because i just hit one of my favorite songs and i pumped the volume. I ended up putting the audio to speakers instead of my headphones because it was easier to have music going lowly while still being able to distinguish your "important words of wisdom". If i have to be in a raid for 5 hours straight after doing it for the millionth time, i at least want to have -some enjoyment-
3. What to say, i don't care about your life, i don't want to talk about my life. WTF do you think is so fricken important to REQUIRE voice. I'm not functionally retarded. You get aggro? i know it, your oom, i knew it before you hit your button and was like oh crap i'm oom time to tell them AFTER i'm oom like nobody realizes it? You got debuffed? guess what i've already cleansed it. You lost aggro? Well i just taunted it off the mage, grab it quickly, but don't worry i know how to not die and save the group without you barking at me? amazing isnt it? What do i need to hear? Aggro! phase 2! Fire nova incoming! counterspell! For example in kara, the only REAL fight that i actually need voice is the shade of aran, simply to stop when he does his fire trap(name escapes me, has been a few months) and that's it. Do i need to do it in 5 mans? heroics? battlegrounds? arenas? no because once again, i'm not functionally retarded. I can see what people are doing, all the while fighting my foe, or healing you. I don't need to be told what to do every 3 seconds because i know everything every class can do, i know the areas, it's not that hard to play functionally, and as a group, without one person playing puppet master. But i guess it does make it easier to play... simply because you only need to have 1 person who knows anything and everyone else can just be brain dead zombies moving and playing as told.
4. Simply no interest. I'm not a 15 year old who buys a new cell phone every 2 weeks to stay uyp to date, honestly i don't even own a cell phone! shocking isn't it? That i can live my life without having to talk to someone every 3 seconds or i'm lost. It may be the new "wave" but honestly who gives a flying fark about you seeing a dog that was missing a leg and having to txt me 15 times like omgz its hobbling across the street! oh it lifted the stump to take a piss! lolzrzoz. I talk to people when i need to talk to them, either regarding some information i need to call them with, to get together with them. i simply don't call to just chat. I'm not a teenage girl.
And honestly you sound like a elitist teenager who thinks hes hot stuff.
Most of the Guilds I've played in don't require a Formal TS or Vent interview but they do say come hang out on our Vent or TS and see how you fit in, anyone can BS and interview as most of us that work know, its all about selling yourself even if it means only highlighting your good points, where as if you have to be on Vent or TS for a month or so first its very hard for all your flaws not to show up at one point or another.
I joined this guild just because of this. My other wow guilds im tryin to talk into requiring it as well. I think it's a really good idea. I want to know who is really a guy or a girl and who is faking being a girl. Plus by asking just a few simple questions you can learn a lot about their maturity and how serious the person is toward helping the guild or if they are just joining for free phat lewt. I think using voice chat is a must nowadays in mmorpgs, if you're a serious gamer.
What is really funny--- I asked my LOTRO guild leader to begin voice interviewing players interested in joining our guild. I figured that LOTRO even has voice chat built in game so it might be a good idea. Everyone in my guild was totally against it though, and thought i was being really weird to the point they all got angry at me. It was weird cause almost everyone in the guild uses voice chat.
I like voice chat. I think that it is way waaay better then having to type all the crap and read the chat box all the time. The advantages to using voice is so much compared to not using it for raids and pvp.
I think players who are so dead against using it to the point where it actually offends them need to get with the times. I think in many cases players who refuse to JUST TURN ON voice chat( just to listen)are so so selfish, especially when it's a feature that is built into the game.
What's the big deal? Why is it so hard for some people just to talk?
1. For starters Voice chat can ruin the experiance and feel of the game enviroment. Hearing someone cuss every other word, or just going on about out of game topics can break the mood. Sometimes.
2. Some people have no clue how to setup and maintain their chat client settings so that they come thru clear. They will finally get their settings sorted after an hour or so. Then the next day log back on to voice chat and I'll be damned if there not goign thru another hour of asking "How DO I sound". Because their settings are fubared again.
3.Some people simply have really poor quality mic's. Having loud static bursts tends to also draw me out of the game enviroment. And is annoying as hell.
the list could easily go on. But really theres no need.
In some cases voice is a usefull tool. But these cases are few and far inbetween. Pre-Organized team focused pvp, Some cases in raids. Thats fine.
I don't care to log on and here how jowblow pissed off his girlfriend or how good of sex they had last night. Or how Smith got expelled from school for fighting . I don't care! I don't want to here it. I am here to play a game. Why do you care wether its a guy or a girl playing a female avatar. Generally you can tell in game by the way a player acts 90% of the time.
Why do you think players are selfish for not useing voice chat. That right there throws a red flag up the instant I read it. Who the hell are you? I am sorry but seriously? Maybe I am reading a bit to deep into it. If thats the case then that was really worded wrong.
Some people like to immerse themselves into the game. All the negatives that can come along with useing voice chat almost make that immersion impossable.
My clan has been playing games and using voice coms sence 1998 but for FPS type games such as Starseige, tribes, MW4, CS, COD, BF2, EVE etc...
Now the first time a clan mate came running up to as a gnome, and even though I had heard him for almost 8 years in FPS, and out of the gnome mouth comes this old gravely heavy southern accented voice... well I (and all the rest of the team) busted out laffing so hard that I had to run for the bathroom.
Long story short, we were laffing so hard that a lvl1 rabbit killed us all (ok it was a lvl 12 wolf but you get it) becuase we could not play from the tears in our eyes. From that point on we desided to never use any Voice comm in any RPG.
I want to know who is really a guy or a girl and who is faking being a girl. That you care about this so much that you feel the need for an online voice-chat interview speaks more volumes about you than about those applying. Also, you CAN'T tell, because there is software out there, such as MorphVox, which will let you modify your voice in real time and sound like the opposite sex.
The advantages to using voice is so much compared to not using it for raids and pvp. Not everyone is into raids and PVP. In fact, if you look at polls, the vast majority of gamers do not like raids or PVP. So voice chat as a benefit for that appeals only to a tiny segment of the audience.
I think players who are so dead against using it to the point where it actually offends them need to get with the times. I think players who want to force their preferred game style on everyone else need to get a life and stop trying to control the rest of us. What's the big deal? Why is it so hard for some people just to talk?
What's the big deal? Why is it so hard for someone to just type?
Just like you're so for the voice chat, there are just as many people against it. I think it's natural that not everybody who plays games would be willing to talk. Maybe they have children around and don't want their personal conversations with family to be broadcast to the others in the channel? Being shy plays a role... and so many other things.
Maybe the people who are playing a character don't want to attach real voices to characters they see on the screen simply because they want to maintain the fantasy and not associate the game with anything real.
And regarding your vent interview, I think that's pushing it a bit far for a game. Even before vent became "mandatory" for many guilds in wow the strict applications, rules, and the times you had to log on to raid made the game unplayable IMO. It was no longer fun, more like a job where I had to set dates and consciously think about the next day or 2 days from now. Once you begin to set your calendar around a game I think it's time to walk away.
my 2 cents
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Personally, I think it's a good idea, for any guild that's serious about keeping it's members long-term, and is going to use Vent anyway.
When you talk to someone on Vent, it's far more "human" relationship that you create than the distanced relationship of chat. It takes less time to get to know someone, it's easier to make jokes, you genuinely hear people laugh, you can hear if they're angry/sad/whatever. It's an upgrade to communication from chat.
I find that a lot of people who are quite annoying in pure chat are actually perfectly decent people in Vent. I've only seen the other way around maybe once or twice (I knew a couple of DAoC players who were polite but drama-queen-ish in chat, but were even more drama-queen-y in Vent - they sucked either way). So I generally find it easier to get along with people over Vent, than over text.
What's more, if you're a guild that "interviews" anyway, this is by far the best way to do it! The information is conveyed faster, with more context (from the voice/intonation), and it's going to be easier to judge if someone is going to be easy to get along with, a pain in the arse, or what have you. It'll also be easier to tell if they have an actual sense of humour, something a surprising number of MMORPG nerds are completely lacking.
If your guild doesn't use Vent, it's obviously superfluous and perhaps inappropriate, but if it does...
Originally posted by Lobotomist I am member of hardcore roleplay guild (kinship) in LOTRO Any talk about real name, job,age,sex,nationality or anything else is frowned upon.It really breaks the immersion. I dont want to know who and what are you in RL , i want to know who you are in game. This is why we never use voice chat.
But this is the case for RP guild. I could see it being useful in pvp guild
What server are you on and can I please join?
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
severly anti social so if i have to talk in games now i would quit playing them in a heart beat
No insult, but people you are exactly those this guild is trying to weed out. Severely anti-social people obviously aren't going to fit in to guilds, by and large, certainly not genuinely cooperative guilds. Quite a significant percentage of MMORPG players have some kind of notable social difficulties, and if a Vent interview keeps them out of my guild, well, isn't that better for both of us? I don't have to put up with someone who is unable to communicate decently and politely with others, and they don't have to listen to my wittering.
I really don't like Vent, but it is very useful in certain situations.
In most top Lineage II clans, when you apply, you are invited to hang out in vent so the clan can get to know you (just like your character is invited to party so everyone can see how their playstyles mesh.) But people understand that some people just don't have mics, or can't use mics for whatever reason (sleeping baby, parents in the room, etc.)
In my clan, you were required to be on Vent during sieges, pvp or RBs. Clan orders were issued verbally because of the need for speed, so anyone not in Vent may not have heard the "Fake north, then head east as soon as we get to the bridge!", thus, charging right into enemy lines. Our alliance leaders even used server-wide chat, so everyone could hear their commands, no matter what channel they were in. But you didn't have to talk, just listen.
I think calling it an "interview" is what turns most people off. Like previous posters have said... nobody wants to think of a game as a job. While I completely understand being in a top-level guild and wanting to be selective about the type of people you fill your ranks with, I think requiring an interview is taking it just a little too far.
I find that a lot of people who are quite annoying in pure chat are actually perfectly decent people in Vent. I've only seen the other way around maybe once or twice (I knew a couple of DAoC players who were polite but drama-queen-ish in chat, but were even more drama-queen-y in Vent - they sucked either way). So I generally find it easier to get along with people over Vent, than over text.
Haha! I find the opposite! People who are at least tolerable in text are omg so annoying in vent! That's why I dislike vent. I get so sick of hearing nasally voices complain all the time, hearing kids (and sometimes, not kids) who think it's cool to use a cuss word EVERY OTHER WORD (literally), hearing people who are way too old for it throw a hissy fit whenever they loose in pvp, etc. I really wish they never even invented voice chat, but to be in the types of clans I want to be in, it's required.
Haha! I find the opposite! People who are at least tolerable in text are omg so annoying in vent! That's why I dislike vent. I get so sick of hearing nasally voices complain all the time, hearing kids (and sometimes, not kids) who think it's cool to use a cuss word EVERY OTHER WORD (literally), hearing people who are way too old for it throw a hissy fit whenever they loose in pvp, etc. I really wish they never even invented voice chat, but to be in the types of clans I want to be in, it's required.
Yeah, but that's because you're choosing to guild with people who are prats anyway. I don't join guilds with "kids" in them, and people who curse unecessarily (I don't mind cursing much, to be honest, just lame-o unecessary cursing, particularly at people) don't seem to end up in the same guilds as me. I don't know what kind of clans you're joining, but clearly they're not the same sort as me.
Yeah, but that's because you're choosing to guild with people who are prats anyway. I don't join guilds with "kids" in them, and people who curse unecessarily (I don't mind cursing much, to be honest, just lame-o unecessary cursing, particularly at people) don't seem to end up in the same guilds as me. I don't know what kind of clans you're joining, but clearly they're not the same sort as me.
Nice way to make a sweeping ignorant statement of which you truly have no idea. You know nothing about my clan or why I joined it.
99% of the annoying people I mentioned were not my clanmates - or at least not for long. Most of my clannies were mature (except one who did curse all the time...). However, we shared a vent server with our alliance. That means upwards of 400 people using one vent server. While I liked everyone in my clan, I did not like everyone in my ally. And there were inevitably annoying people, who for some unknown reason liked to hang out in our channel. Sometimes we would go in a password secure channel, but not always. We were in an alliance for political reasons - breaking off the alliance just because some of them were annoying would not have been smart.
The other annoying people were "kids", who usually just joined the clan for a very short time and then left. I was in that clan for a long time and had most of my friends in it. I was not going to leave just because some kiddies passed through our ranks. But with so many people in our clan/alliance, there was often (perhaps 55% of the time) at least one person in vent that annoyed me.
Oh, and by the way, your higher-than-thou statement about my choice of guilds was quite obviously inflammatory, yet you chose to make it anyway. That, in my book, qualifies you as a "prat" - and a big one at that. I think you're right. I don't think I would want to be in the same sort of clan as you.
I joined this guild just because of this. My other wow guilds im tryin to talk into requiring it as well. I think it's a really good idea. I want to know who is really a guy or a girl and who is faking being a girl. Plus by asking just a few simple questions you can learn a lot about their maturity and how serious the person is toward helping the guild or if they are just joining for free phat lewt. I think using voice chat is a must nowadays in mmorpgs, if you're a serious gamer.
What is really funny--- I asked my LOTRO guild leader to begin voice interviewing players interested in joining our guild. I figured that LOTRO even has voice chat built in game so it might be a good idea. Everyone in my guild was totally against it though, and thought i was being really weird to the point they all got angry at me. It was weird cause almost everyone in the guild uses voice chat.
I like voice chat. I think that it is way waaay better then having to type all the crap and read the chat box all the time. The advantages to using voice is so much compared to not using it for raids and pvp.
I think players who are so dead against using it to the point where it actually offends them need to get with the times. I think in many cases players who refuse to JUST TURN ON voice chat( just to listen)are so so selfish, especially when it's a feature that is built into the game.
What's the big deal? Why is it so hard for some people just to talk?
Ummm...ok. I'll be honest and admit, trying to accurately tell someone outloud something is a LOT harder than it is for me to type it correctly. I am very introverted and just don't think in that way, having a conversation with someone IRL is not an easy task. My mind also does not multitask, It's hard enough just to think of what to say to talk that I can't do anything else while talking. I can't conversate well when I am driving, and I sure in hell cannot conversate while playing a game. I HATE voice chat programs and believe them to be pure evil. I also HATE talking on the phone. I refuse to use voice chat software and I sure in hell would never interview to join a guild, rofl.
I don't want to listen to your voice and I don't want to you listen to mine. I actually can talk with you MUCH quicker by typing. It might be hard to understand, but we are not all born with the ability to talk faster than we type.
Also as far as LoTRO goes, my headset isn't plugged into the computer that has LoTRO on it, so that does no good. I have a headset on my laptop so I can use skype with a couple RL friends sometimes. Otherwise normally I refuse to talk to people while playing, I will either stop playing and talk or ignore the call all together and play.
It surely has nothing to do with how serious I am as a gamer, I'm much more serious and focused when I play listening to music.
Originally posted by Listof I really don't like Vent, but it is very useful in certain situations. In most top Lineage II clans, when you apply, you are invited to hang out in vent so the clan can get to know you (just like your character is invited to party so everyone can see how their playstyles mesh.) But people understand that some people just don't have mics, or can't use mics for whatever reason (sleeping baby, parents in the room, etc.) In my clan, you were required to be on Vent during sieges, pvp or RBs. Clan orders were issued verbally because of the need for speed, so anyone not in Vent may not have heard the "Fake north, then head east as soon as we get to the bridge!", thus, charging right into enemy lines. Our alliance leaders even used server-wide chat, so everyone could hear their commands, no matter what channel they were in. But you didn't have to talk, just listen. I think calling it an "interview" is what turns most people off. Like previous posters have said... nobody wants to think of a game as a job. While I completely understand being in a top-level guild and wanting to be selective about the type of people you fill your ranks with, I think requiring an interview is taking it just a little too far.
Totally off-topic, but what game is Adelei from? That's a really pretty picture, and I like the art.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
I joined this guild just because of this. My other wow guilds im tryin to talk into requiring it as well. I think it's a really good idea. I want to know who is really a guy or a girl and who is faking being a girl. Plus by asking just a few simple questions you can learn a lot about their maturity and how serious the person is toward helping the guild or if they are just joining for free phat lewt. I think using voice chat is a must nowadays in mmorpgs, if you're a serious gamer.
What is really funny--- I asked my LOTRO guild leader to begin voice interviewing players interested in joining our guild. I figured that LOTRO even has voice chat built in game so it might be a good idea. Everyone in my guild was totally against it though, and thought i was being really weird to the point they all got angry at me. It was weird cause almost everyone in the guild uses voice chat.
I like voice chat. I think that it is way waaay better then having to type all the crap and read the chat box all the time. The advantages to using voice is so much compared to not using it for raids and pvp.
I think players who are so dead against using it to the point where it actually offends them need to get with the times. I think in many cases players who refuse to JUST TURN ON voice chat( just to listen)are so so selfish, especially when it's a feature that is built into the game.
What's the big deal? Why is it so hard for some people just to talk?
As far as turning it on to listen for raid instruction and the like .. I have no problem with that. But keeping it on to chit chat in general .. no .. heres a few reasons why ..
1: Most people have annoying voices .. its true.
2: I don't want to hear people CONSTANTLY talking.
3: I prefer real life not be injected into my game time. by that I mean .. babies crying, parents yelling, etc. Kills my immersion buzz.
4: Goes in part to a point you made. Cross gender playing (which I am not against) .. seeing a pretty dainty robe wearing priest and hearing a voice thats a cross between the Macho Man and Barry White is just weird. I have no problem with guys playing girls or vice versa .. but I don't want to hear the guy playing the girl. Get it?
5: I refuse to undergo an interview in a GAME .. its supposed to be fun. And frankly you can learn alot more by simply playing with a person than you ever can playing voip 20 questions. If you have any questions .. learn to type.
6: Voice chat completely kills RP for me.
That pretty much should clarify my opinion on the subject.
Totally off-topic, but what game is Adelei from? That's a really pretty picture, and I like the art.
Actually, the picture is not from a game (that I know of), but she looks a lot like the Light Elf I played in Lineage II, so I used her. I got her from a picture I found on Deviant Art. Unfortunately, the picture I found her in was not even the original - the person who made that picture said she was a render (meaning, he did not paint her, just cut her out of another picture) and never linked to the original (you're always supposed to credit the original artist.) Kinda frustrating, but I've had no luck locating the original piece. I'm sure it was beautiful though.
Originally posted by Listof Originally posted by Leodious
Totally off-topic, but what game is Adelei from? That's a really pretty picture, and I like the art.
Actually, the picture is not from a game (that I know of), but she looks a lot like the Light Elf I played in Lineage II, so I used her. I got her from a picture I found on Deviant Art. Unfortunately, the picture I found her in was not even the original - the person who made that picture said she was a render (meaning, he did not paint her, just cut her out of another picture) and never linked to the original (you're always supposed to credit the original artist.) Kinda frustrating, but I've had no luck locating the original piece. I'm sure it was beautiful though.
Very cool, thank you.
It really is beautiful. She is the epitome of elegance.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
I hate using voice chat except where it's required, multiple reasons really.
1. I don't care who or what you are. Are you a good player, are you polite? well there you go, we can play together.
2. I love music, i LOVE MUSIC.... I LOVVVEE MUUUSSSICCC. I have music going every second i'm playing a game, i have a radio, and even my cable company has radio over some of their channels. I have a music player for when i'm out and about. I have a ever changing playlist on my 360. I've listened to game themes, and anime openings, and game opening, and all that repeatedly because i love the music! If I have to listen to people chat about this and that, while waiting for them to say something important...... i'm not listening to music. Don't want to miss your "important" call because i just hit one of my favorite songs and i pumped the volume. I ended up putting the audio to speakers instead of my headphones because it was easier to have music going lowly while still being able to distinguish your "important words of wisdom". If i have to be in a raid for 5 hours straight after doing it for the millionth time, i at least want to have -some enjoyment-
3. What to say, i don't care about your life, i don't want to talk about my life. WTF do you think is so fricken important to REQUIRE voice. I'm not functionally retarded. You get aggro? i know it, your oom, i knew it before you hit your button and was like oh crap i'm oom time to tell them AFTER i'm oom like nobody realizes it? You got debuffed? guess what i've already cleansed it. You lost aggro? Well i just taunted it off the mage, grab it quickly, but don't worry i know how to not die and save the group without you barking at me? amazing isnt it? What do i need to hear? Aggro! phase 2! Fire nova incoming! counterspell! For example in kara, the only REAL fight that i actually need voice is the shade of aran, simply to stop when he does his fire trap(name escapes me, has been a few months) and that's it. Do i need to do it in 5 mans? heroics? battlegrounds? arenas? no because once again, i'm not functionally retarded. I can see what people are doing, all the while fighting my foe, or healing you. I don't need to be told what to do every 3 seconds because i know everything every class can do, i know the areas, it's not that hard to play functionally, and as a group, without one person playing puppet master. But i guess it does make it easier to play... simply because you only need to have 1 person who knows anything and everyone else can just be brain dead zombies moving and playing as told.
4. Simply no interest. I'm not a 15 year old who buys a new cell phone every 2 weeks to stay uyp to date, honestly i don't even own a cell phone! shocking isn't it? That i can live my life without having to talk to someone every 3 seconds or i'm lost. It may be the new "wave" but honestly who gives a flying fark about you seeing a dog that was missing a leg and having to txt me 15 times like omgz its hobbling across the street! oh it lifted the stump to take a piss! lolzrzoz. I talk to people when i need to talk to them, either regarding some information i need to call them with, to get together with them. i simply don't call to just chat. I'm not a teenage girl.
And honestly you sound like a elitist teenager who thinks hes hot stuff.
Most of the Guilds I've played in don't require a Formal TS or Vent interview but they do say come hang out on our Vent or TS and see how you fit in, anyone can BS and interview as most of us that work know, its all about selling yourself even if it means only highlighting your good points, where as if you have to be on Vent or TS for a month or so first its very hard for all your flaws not to show up at one point or another.
"I'm sorry, but we're really looking for somebody with two to three years of Molten Core experience. We'll keep you resume on file."
Chris Mattern
Different strokes for different folks.
2. Some people have no clue how to setup and maintain their chat client settings so that they come thru clear. They will finally get their settings sorted after an hour or so. Then the next day log back on to voice chat and I'll be damned if there not goign thru another hour of asking "How DO I sound". Because their settings are fubared again.
3.Some people simply have really poor quality mic's. Having loud static bursts tends to also draw me out of the game enviroment. And is annoying as hell.
the list could easily go on. But really theres no need.
In some cases voice is a usefull tool. But these cases are few and far inbetween. Pre-Organized team focused pvp, Some cases in raids. Thats fine.
I don't care to log on and here how jowblow pissed off his girlfriend or how good of sex they had last night. Or how Smith got expelled from school for fighting . I don't care! I don't want to here it. I am here to play a game. Why do you care wether its a guy or a girl playing a female avatar. Generally you can tell in game by the way a player acts 90% of the time.
Why do you think players are selfish for not useing voice chat. That right there throws a red flag up the instant I read it. Who the hell are you? I am sorry but seriously? Maybe I am reading a bit to deep into it. If thats the case then that was really worded wrong.
Some people like to immerse themselves into the game. All the negatives that can come along with useing voice chat almost make that immersion impossable.
My clan has been playing games and using voice coms sence 1998 but for FPS type games such as Starseige, tribes, MW4, CS, COD, BF2, EVE etc...
Now the first time a clan mate came running up to as a gnome, and even though I had heard him for almost 8 years in FPS, and out of the gnome mouth comes this old gravely heavy southern accented voice... well I (and all the rest of the team) busted out laffing so hard that I had to run for the bathroom.
Long story short, we were laffing so hard that a lvl1 rabbit killed us all (ok it was a lvl 12 wolf but you get it) becuase we could not play from the tears in our eyes. From that point on we desided to never use any Voice comm in any RPG.
An so it begins
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.[/CENTER]
Do yourself a huge favor, do not play WoW.
You will be relieved to quit. Trust me on this. Try it. Quit for a month, then post here how right or wrong I am!
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Some peoples turned games into jobs ! They should make a new abbreviation, MMORPJ where J is Job !
What's the big deal? Why is it so hard for someone to just type?
Yeah, you really are a supernerd.
Quote "if you're a serious gamer"
Sorry dude but I dont play for serious business, I just play to have fun from time to time.
I really get sick of all these things today in games (like TS, schedules etc.).
Just like you're so for the voice chat, there are just as many people against it. I think it's natural that not everybody who plays games would be willing to talk. Maybe they have children around and don't want their personal conversations with family to be broadcast to the others in the channel? Being shy plays a role... and so many other things.
Maybe the people who are playing a character don't want to attach real voices to characters they see on the screen simply because they want to maintain the fantasy and not associate the game with anything real.
And regarding your vent interview, I think that's pushing it a bit far for a game. Even before vent became "mandatory" for many guilds in wow the strict applications, rules, and the times you had to log on to raid made the game unplayable IMO. It was no longer fun, more like a job where I had to set dates and consciously think about the next day or 2 days from now. Once you begin to set your calendar around a game I think it's time to walk away.
my 2 cents
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
Personally, I think it's a good idea, for any guild that's serious about keeping it's members long-term, and is going to use Vent anyway.
When you talk to someone on Vent, it's far more "human" relationship that you create than the distanced relationship of chat. It takes less time to get to know someone, it's easier to make jokes, you genuinely hear people laugh, you can hear if they're angry/sad/whatever. It's an upgrade to communication from chat.
I find that a lot of people who are quite annoying in pure chat are actually perfectly decent people in Vent. I've only seen the other way around maybe once or twice (I knew a couple of DAoC players who were polite but drama-queen-ish in chat, but were even more drama-queen-y in Vent - they sucked either way). So I generally find it easier to get along with people over Vent, than over text.
What's more, if you're a guild that "interviews" anyway, this is by far the best way to do it! The information is conveyed faster, with more context (from the voice/intonation), and it's going to be easier to judge if someone is going to be easy to get along with, a pain in the arse, or what have you. It'll also be easier to tell if they have an actual sense of humour, something a surprising number of MMORPG nerds are completely lacking.
If your guild doesn't use Vent, it's obviously superfluous and perhaps inappropriate, but if it does...
What server are you on and can I please join?
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
severly anti social so if i have to talk in games now i would quit playing them in a heart beat
No insult, but people you are exactly those this guild is trying to weed out. Severely anti-social people obviously aren't going to fit in to guilds, by and large, certainly not genuinely cooperative guilds. Quite a significant percentage of MMORPG players have some kind of notable social difficulties, and if a Vent interview keeps them out of my guild, well, isn't that better for both of us? I don't have to put up with someone who is unable to communicate decently and politely with others, and they don't have to listen to my wittering.
I really don't like Vent, but it is very useful in certain situations.
In most top Lineage II clans, when you apply, you are invited to hang out in vent so the clan can get to know you (just like your character is invited to party so everyone can see how their playstyles mesh.) But people understand that some people just don't have mics, or can't use mics for whatever reason (sleeping baby, parents in the room, etc.)
In my clan, you were required to be on Vent during sieges, pvp or RBs. Clan orders were issued verbally because of the need for speed, so anyone not in Vent may not have heard the "Fake north, then head east as soon as we get to the bridge!", thus, charging right into enemy lines. Our alliance leaders even used server-wide chat, so everyone could hear their commands, no matter what channel they were in. But you didn't have to talk, just listen.
I think calling it an "interview" is what turns most people off. Like previous posters have said... nobody wants to think of a game as a job. While I completely understand being in a top-level guild and wanting to be selective about the type of people you fill your ranks with, I think requiring an interview is taking it just a little too far.
Haha! I find the opposite! People who are at least tolerable in text are omg so annoying in vent! That's why I dislike vent. I get so sick of hearing nasally voices complain all the time, hearing kids (and sometimes, not kids) who think it's cool to use a cuss word EVERY OTHER WORD (literally), hearing people who are way too old for it throw a hissy fit whenever they loose in pvp, etc. I really wish they never even invented voice chat, but to be in the types of clans I want to be in, it's required.
Yeah, but that's because you're choosing to guild with people who are prats anyway. I don't join guilds with "kids" in them, and people who curse unecessarily (I don't mind cursing much, to be honest, just lame-o unecessary cursing, particularly at people) don't seem to end up in the same guilds as me. I don't know what kind of clans you're joining, but clearly they're not the same sort as me.
Nice way to make a sweeping ignorant statement of which you truly have no idea. You know nothing about my clan or why I joined it.
99% of the annoying people I mentioned were not my clanmates - or at least not for long. Most of my clannies were mature (except one who did curse all the time...). However, we shared a vent server with our alliance. That means upwards of 400 people using one vent server. While I liked everyone in my clan, I did not like everyone in my ally. And there were inevitably annoying people, who for some unknown reason liked to hang out in our channel. Sometimes we would go in a password secure channel, but not always. We were in an alliance for political reasons - breaking off the alliance just because some of them were annoying would not have been smart.
The other annoying people were "kids", who usually just joined the clan for a very short time and then left. I was in that clan for a long time and had most of my friends in it. I was not going to leave just because some kiddies passed through our ranks. But with so many people in our clan/alliance, there was often (perhaps 55% of the time) at least one person in vent that annoyed me.
Oh, and by the way, your higher-than-thou statement about my choice of guilds was quite obviously inflammatory, yet you chose to make it anyway. That, in my book, qualifies you as a "prat" - and a big one at that. I think you're right. I don't think I would want to be in the same sort of clan as you.
Ummm...ok. I'll be honest and admit, trying to accurately tell someone outloud something is a LOT harder than it is for me to type it correctly. I am very introverted and just don't think in that way, having a conversation with someone IRL is not an easy task. My mind also does not multitask, It's hard enough just to think of what to say to talk that I can't do anything else while talking. I can't conversate well when I am driving, and I sure in hell cannot conversate while playing a game. I HATE voice chat programs and believe them to be pure evil. I also HATE talking on the phone. I refuse to use voice chat software and I sure in hell would never interview to join a guild, rofl.
I don't want to listen to your voice and I don't want to you listen to mine. I actually can talk with you MUCH quicker by typing. It might be hard to understand, but we are not all born with the ability to talk faster than we type.
Also as far as LoTRO goes, my headset isn't plugged into the computer that has LoTRO on it, so that does no good. I have a headset on my laptop so I can use skype with a couple RL friends sometimes. Otherwise normally I refuse to talk to people while playing, I will either stop playing and talk or ignore the call all together and play.
It surely has nothing to do with how serious I am as a gamer, I'm much more serious and focused when I play listening to music.
Totally off-topic, but what game is Adelei from? That's a really pretty picture, and I like the art.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
As far as turning it on to listen for raid instruction and the like .. I have no problem with that. But keeping it on to chit chat in general .. no .. heres a few reasons why ..
1: Most people have annoying voices .. its true.
2: I don't want to hear people CONSTANTLY talking.
3: I prefer real life not be injected into my game time. by that I mean .. babies crying, parents yelling, etc. Kills my immersion buzz.
4: Goes in part to a point you made. Cross gender playing (which I am not against) .. seeing a pretty dainty robe wearing priest and hearing a voice thats a cross between the Macho Man and Barry White is just weird. I have no problem with guys playing girls or vice versa .. but I don't want to hear the guy playing the girl. Get it?
5: I refuse to undergo an interview in a GAME .. its supposed to be fun. And frankly you can learn alot more by simply playing with a person than you ever can playing voip 20 questions. If you have any questions .. learn to type.
6: Voice chat completely kills RP for me.
That pretty much should clarify my opinion on the subject.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Actually, the picture is not from a game (that I know of), but she looks a lot like the Light Elf I played in Lineage II, so I used her. I got her from a picture I found on Deviant Art. Unfortunately, the picture I found her in was not even the original - the person who made that picture said she was a render (meaning, he did not paint her, just cut her out of another picture) and never linked to the original (you're always supposed to credit the original artist.) Kinda frustrating, but I've had no luck locating the original piece. I'm sure it was beautiful though.
Actually, the picture is not from a game (that I know of), but she looks a lot like the Light Elf I played in Lineage II, so I used her. I got her from a picture I found on Deviant Art. Unfortunately, the picture I found her in was not even the original - the person who made that picture said she was a render (meaning, he did not paint her, just cut her out of another picture) and never linked to the original (you're always supposed to credit the original artist.) Kinda frustrating, but I've had no luck locating the original piece. I'm sure it was beautiful though.
Very cool, thank you.
It really is beautiful. She is the epitome of elegance.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman