I think the main thing to remember is this : Game is severly outdated, it isn't in BETA yet, not much new info from them, their bi weekly updates suck, they moved to greece to save money so they arent as rich as some people may think, Brannoc is a waste of life.
I suggest you keep playing wow because you have no idea what you are talking about.
1). Compare this mount to this mount and tell me which one looks dated.
2). No beta after 4,5 years isn't that uncommon. AoC used the same time with more devs available.
3). No they went to Greece to get money while saving cash on taxes. Not the first company that does that I would imagine. Some people would call $27 million alot others not. If i were an investor I would appreciate the devs saving cash where they could. I rather they use their resources on developing the game than trying to keep the lazy average gamer informed.
--- And when we got more women on the team, it was like No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there. John Smedley, SOE
This is an excerpt from an interview someone posted a link to earlier. They've kept their game fairly low on the PR radar until this year. "Too many MMOs are released before they're ready to go to market," said Associate Producer Tasos Flambouras. "We want the beta to be almost finished before we show it to the world." When I asked how far along they were with their game, they seemed pretty confident that the engine was almost ready. "We're spending a lot of our efforts tuning the graphics and art assets right now," explained Flambournas. This was particularly encouraging since I was concerned that the screenshots on their web site looked a bit dated. As I listened to the plans of these developers, one thing become increasingly apparent. These guys are hardcore guild-oriented PVPers (or people who enjoy player-vs-player style combat). Consequently, the MMO they're developing is designed for players like them. The difference between playing other mass-market MMOs and Darkfall will be like having a "McDonald's meal vs the special burger" explains Grovdal. Ok, let me get this straight. They claim they want a beta thats almost finished before they show it to the world. Yet, over the last 2 years, they've claimed beta was just around the corner on 3 separate occasions. So tell me, how does this not stink to high heaven like a phishing ploy independant gaming companies use to lure investors. OMG, they responded with confidence? That's utterly reassuring. I mean if they had showed an actual working product, that wouldn't prove a damn thing, now would it? You remember a company named Wolfpack Studios? Yeah, that garage based MMO company that manufactured the PvP game Shadowbane which is now F2P. Do you even want to know their opinion of Darkfall and it's legitimacy? I dare someone to PM AshenTemper over at straybullets.com and ask him. I'd ask, but I don't want to tarnish my well earned reputation with him, by having him laugh at me for asking such a ridiculous question.
Dude you need to check your eyes for colorblindness, that was pretty awful to read.
Yes, they have used the beta word way too much. No, they are no trying to scam you or any investors. They have a 27 million loan now and they are still around developing their game. Why would I want to know what AshenTemper think ? Does he have inside information from Aventurine or is he as uninformed as you are ?
--- And when we got more women on the team, it was like No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there. John Smedley, SOE
Odd pattern I see here... When the updates actually come in the trolls are completely silent and have nothing to say, but after the devs quieten down a bit they just suddenly start up again... I think it's hillarious if you lot are going to bash a game have the bloody guts to come up with some REAL evidence that the game is vaporware, so far there hasn't been any and I'm quite happy to believe that the game is under the works now. As for my personal view on this, game, I'm impatiently waiting but I'm not impatient enough to start calling it vaporware like a little spoilt child just because I can't get it in two years like the rest of the other grind MMORPG's that come out and ruin my gaming experience for me, like I said, bash the game all you want, but come up with some evidence that isn't a load of shite and has nothing to do with what the topic is actually about or is several years old. If you can't back up your vaporware 'facts' then don't bother posting them here, your just going to get bashed by the people who don't support your views, that includes me.
Prime excample, it took a fan that happened to run across some information about the company naming issues when that came up because within the offical forums we argued that the name "darkfall" was allready used by another company. Sure enough it was and this company had legal issues standing just on that very topic.
Thou within all of this , the devs persisted that everything is going smooth and on schedual. After this was brought to light, we then started hearing "well, yes we are working on that and it's a company matter" then followed by "we are at a stop of production while we work out these issues" then it went " Currently we cut our team down due to financial restraints but no worried DF is still on the way!" then to "cricket criket criket" then to "BETA! Have your clans join up to be part of our closed beta! more information to follow" then to "cricket cricket" ... Proof? yea sure, track record is all the proof you need. When we the "fanbase" made comments about being only numbers to be shown to potential investors or buyouts we were shuned.
Sorry, I didn't realize my post needed directions. See the very top where I state the following is an excerpt from an interview? Ok, now see the paragraph sections that are in italic? Yeah, thats the Inn terrr viewww. Now, notice how I highlighted different sections of the Inn terrr viewww? I thought it would be easier for people to correlate those sections with my individual responses below the Inn terrr viewww. Notice how my responses match the color of the sections of the Inn terrr viewww that I'm discussing?
Call me colorblind or call yourself an idiot, I really don't care. As for my reference to AshenTemper. I was trying to make the point that he has in fact gone through the very trials and tribulations that Aventurine claim to be experiencing. Except for the minor detail that his game actually launched without continuous delays for years. So yeah, he may have some insight into this line of bullshit coming from Aventurine that fanbois fail to acknowledge. The fact of the matter is, you don't seem to understand. Beta has been thrown around for years and it's still nowhere in sight. The game has no actual footage showing combat, GUI or anything. That's called faith in a game that has failed to prove itself to the public, which is also known as vaporware.
Did AshenTemper make a game of this magnitude? No. So unless he made a game EXACTLY like DF then there are going to be some serious differences.
Combat video? you mean something like this. About the gui. Is this good for you?
You like to spew alot of crap. Next time do some research before making yourself look like a complete idiot.
I am the president of the company, eh? hehe point being you can say all you want, the proof that so many keep saying is there and others that keep asking for it is plain. Past factual known facts of what the devs have done and the present which is nothing. It's all talk till as another poster in another thread so very well put, "if a few people can actually sit down and play it, then talk to us"... till then it is. Funny as well sense the start there were 30 people and now 30 people are working on it again. Hey, whatever till there is an actual game to see here there is nothing more to say on the topic till the actual game is viable and playable. Spew on all the " I know" stuff you want. It was just like the devs that hit the DnL and Mourning forums on this site that did the say thing. We players got scammed once, twice, but a third time? Highly doubtful, we learned our lesson. The proof is now in the actual playable product and nothing more. Saying someone is in a conspiracy theory just dictates that you are in one and just don't see it. Your conspiring to say there is such a game, I say there isn't. The proof I have is past performance of this devolpment team and the company as a whole. Your proof is you know some guy. Yea, you did me in good! Btw, What movies and screens and ??? Sense 2006 there hasn't been and those look just like the ones from 2004, whatever your smok'n pass it over! For a guy that has the "in" of some people at a company that is supposibly developing this, you sure have no clue on what recent means.
Arguing with you is abosultely pointless. Why? because you dont rely on facts.
What do we have to prove Darkfall is there? over 700 screenshots, multiple videos, Company taking a huge loan, fighting for trademark use, people that play the games actually talking to us about it from time to time, constant updates from the devs, and alot more crap.
What do u have to fight against it? Stupid and idiotic assumptions and speculations from other underdeveloped games that had the same concept. Those games failed because they didnt have money or time. Which the Darkfall developers have plenty of. Now once you bring some REAL evdience to the table then we can have a debate.
Oh yea btw there has been screens since 2006 and there are some from 2007. Its quite apparent that you DO NOT research the crap you say. Please research otherwise you just make yourself look like a complete ass.
Oh yea btw there has been screens since 2006 and there are some from 2007. Its quite apparent that you DO NOT research the crap you say. Please research otherwise you just make yourself look like a complete ass.
Dark and Light had tons of nice looking screenshots. And that game was a total disaster Screenshots don't prove anything.
What we need is a playable game. And thats what we don't have. And thats why they can't go into beta.
Oh yea btw there has been screens since 2006 and there are some from 2007. Its quite apparent that you DO NOT research the crap you say. Please research otherwise you just make yourself look like a complete ass.
Dark and Light had tons of nice looking screenshots. And that game was a total disaster Screenshots don't prove anything.
What we need is a playable game. And thats what we don't have. And thats why they can't go into beta.
Look right above you about the assumptions and speculations. BTW that game was forced to release it didnt get enough time.
I am the president of the company, eh? hehe point being you can say all you want, the proof that so many keep saying is there and others that keep asking for it is plain. Past factual known facts of what the devs have done and the present which is nothing. It's all talk till as another poster in another thread so very well put, "if a few people can actually sit down and play it, then talk to us"... till then it is. Funny as well sense the start there were 30 people and now 30 people are working on it again. Hey, whatever till there is an actual game to see here there is nothing more to say on the topic till the actual game is viable and playable. Spew on all the " I know" stuff you want. It was just like the devs that hit the DnL and Mourning forums on this site that did the say thing. We players got scammed once, twice, but a third time? Highly doubtful, we learned our lesson. The proof is now in the actual playable product and nothing more. Saying someone is in a conspiracy theory just dictates that you are in one and just don't see it. Your conspiring to say there is such a game, I say there isn't. The proof I have is past performance of this development team and the company as a whole. Your proof is you know some guy. Yea, you did me in good! Btw, What movies and screens and ??? Sense 2006 there hasn't been and those look just like the ones from 2004, whatever your smok'n pass it over! For a guy that has the "in" of some people at a company that is supposedly developing this, you sure have no clue on what recent means.
Arguing with you is absolutely pointless. Why? because you don't rely on facts.
What do we have to prove Darkfall is there? over 700 screen shots, multiple videos, Company taking a huge loan, fighting for trademark use, people that play the games actually talking to us about it from time to time, constant updates from the devs, and allot more crap.
What do u have to fight against it? Stupid and idiotic assumptions and speculations from other underdeveloped games that had the same concept. Those games failed because they didn't have money or time. Which the Darkfall developers have plenty of. Now once you bring some REAL evidence to the table then we can have a debate.
Oh yea btw there has been screens since 2006 and there are some from 2007. Its quite apparent that you DO NOT research the crap you say. Please research otherwise you just make yourself look like a complete ass.
You assume everything, I assume nothing, you bash anyone that repeats the track history of this company with more bs. You continually spin the lie of a loan were the links given is information for getting such. Funny how you mention companies that didn't have the money or time, kinda falls in right with this company about 3 years ago, amazing!
I was there for the old posting about the naming rights, the money running out etc etc. Want to shut us up? Show us an actual working engine and stop double talking your post to oblivion. Have the devs post nothing till they have something that actually is viable. Oh that's right, need to save face in hoping of selling off an idea. I have plenty of ideas, want to buy one?
Till it is a viable product, there is nothing more to be said. I defended Mourning with the blind eye you are doing now, (just look at my history on these forums) and I do understand your stance on the matter, I actually do. However after my experience's with two past companies who actually have almost the same history as this one. I for one need to see people actually playing this game or at least seeing it a convention etc. Not just some guys standing in a corner with a poster. Their history is the deceit here and that is the main focus of all these negative threads. You can cry wolf only so many times till people finally say, "yea right". So far this company cried to many wolf attacks and now many of us doubt there is such a wolf.
You can put any spin you want on it you like so can I, but the proof is in the history and sadly I have to repeat that as much as I repeat everything else on this thread.
"You can cry wolf only so many times till many will doubt there is such a wolf"
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
You assume everything, I assume nothing, you bash anyone that repeats the track history of this company with more bs. You continually spin the lie of a loan were the links given is information for getting such. Funny how you mention companies that didn't have the money or time, kinda falls in right with this company about 3 years ago, amazing!
I was there for the old posting about the naming rights, the money running out etc etc. Want to shut us up? Show us an actual working engine and stop double talking your post to oblivion. Have the devs post nothing till they have something that actually is viable. Oh that's right, need to save face in hoping of selling off an idea. I have plenty of ideas, want to buy one? Till it is a viable product, there is nothing more to be said. I defended Mourning with the blind eye you are doing now, (just look at my history on these forums) and I do understand your stance on the matter, I actually do. However after my experience's with two past companies who actually have almost the same history as this one. I for one need to see people actually playing this game or at least seeing it a convention etc. Not just some guys standing in a corner with a poster. Their history is the deceit here and that is the main focus of all these negative threads. You can cry wolf only so many times till people finally say, "yea right". So far this company cried to many wolf attacks and now many of us doubt there is such a wolf. You can put any spin you want on it you like so can I, but the proof is in the history and sadly I have to repeat that as much as I repeat everything else on this thread.
"You can cry wolf only so many times till many will doubt there is such a wolf"
I may assume a few but you do with everything. Thats the only way you can combat with this evidence. You speak of DnL but DnL was not complete thus having many bugs. So the devs had to fix the bugs WHILE trying to possibly implement their other features which causes more work and stress, with that comes more problems.
Apparently you didnt look deep enough if you didnt see where they got the money. What are you talking about? There was no problem with money or time that is of my knowledge so please show me a link or explain.
Yes you were there but you didnt take that as evidence EVEN THOUGH its more than waht you've given me. Which is just things that happened to past games which are irrelevant to DF's situation. Still tell me about this money running out because i never came across this.
Viable? You have such high standards only beta will end your skepticism. I've given enough proof to show that this is NOT vaporware. Wtill tell me what have you given me? Nothing factual.
Yes what i did give you is facts its a crapload of screenshots that prove the game is being developed. Of course you probably think that all 700+ of them are fake. These are cold hard facts but what you give me is just assumptions(Which is NOT a fact in case you dont know). Screenshots and videos combined with the company's activites is enough evidence that points to a game being developed. Now dont get mad because you have nothing factual to say.
There are gameplay videos showing people playing. They also had a small demo at a convention. Yes the demo wasnt much but if you want to see people playing DF then it was there.
There are very few games that dont get pushed back, that dont miss dates, that dont need changes made. Yes they may have missed their beta dates but is there a reason why? Yes but from what is seen the reason isnt because its vaporware.
This game is held on such a high standard that it needs to be practically perfect. They may have been over excited and thought they were finished but noticed a huge bug. Its a normal human mistake which many people dont realize.
They may have been over excited and thought they were finished but noticed a huge bug. Its a normal human mistake which many people dont realize.
It must have been a big bug if its taken 4 years to fix it! Come on now thats totally absurd. They have lied about beta over and over for the last 4 years, and this is the best excuse you can come up with?
They may have been over excited and thought they were finished but noticed a huge bug. Its a normal human mistake which many people dont realize.
It must have been a big bug if its taken 4 years to fix it! Come on now thats totally absurd. They have lied about beta over and over for the last 4 years, and this is the best excuse you can come up with?
give it up already.
First off they started truly working on it in 2003 so what your saying is a complete lie. 2nd that was just an example and its huge game so theres a lot to test especially with the 500+ skills. Your ignorance is a tad annoying.
I may assume a few but you do with everything. Thats the only way you can combat with this evidence. You speak of DnL but DnL was not complete thus having many bugs. So the devs had to fix the bugs WHILE trying to possibly implement their other features which causes more work and stress, with that comes more problems.
Apparently you didnt look deep enough if you didnt see where they got the money. What are you talking about? There was no problem with money or time that is of my knowledge so please show me a link or explain. Yes you were there but you didnt take that as evidence EVEN THOUGH its more than waht you've given me. Which is just things that happened to past games which are irrelevant to DF's situation. Still tell me about this money running out because i never came across this. Viable? You have such high standards only beta will end your skepticism. I've given enough proof to show that this is NOT vaporware. Wtill tell me what have you given me? Nothing factual. Yes what i did give you is facts its a crapload of screenshots that prove the game is being developed. Of course you probably think that all 700+ of them are fake. These are cold hard facts but what you give me is just assumptions(Which is NOT a fact in case you dont know). Screenshots and videos combined with the company's activites is enough evidence that points to a game being developed. Now dont get mad because you have nothing factual to say. There are gameplay videos showing people playing. They also had a small demo at a convention. Yes the demo wasnt much but if you want to see people playing DF then it was there. There are very few games that dont get pushed back, that dont miss dates, that dont need changes made. Yes they may have missed their beta dates but is there a reason why? Yes but from what is seen the reason isnt because its vaporware. This game is held on such a high standard that it needs to be practically perfect. They may have been over excited and thought they were finished but noticed a huge bug. Its a normal human mistake which many people dont realize. The devs are people and people make mistakes.
Aye devs do, as far as proof on this topic? That tells me you havn't followed this title sense the start. If you did, you would know that the forums were changed and in so deleting many old posting on the original, but alas you knew this right? So knowing so would make that argument nill for proving such a sortage of funds was one time a given reason. You seem to miss all the points and the same as the last guy that just posted his comments.
I will keep posting this quote below till it sinks in on each post, as it says it all. I am sure you will twist that into me crying wolf, go ahead, don't really care. I have nothing to prove this company does. The way you defend the stupidity of this company is starting to make me beleive your a mod or dev of the offical forums. So be it, defend away, but their past is something they will (or you) will just have to prove with time. If I am wrong, woot! more the better, if I am right, too bad, hopefully a good dev company will pick up on the idea. I as many thou won't fall for the ploy's anymore, if they want to show an intrested public user base and hopfully get some publicity to further their agenda, they have a long way to go now from what they once were. Their credibility is in the stinker.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
If this game is so great(without you ever playing it), has everything anyone could ever want in a online game(none of which has ever been shown in a great length of time), and is made so extremely well that it will have no bugs and have no incomplete features(which can't be said because its a unknown developer...).
Then why is it so secretive about the actual game?
Don't say "They are too busy working on the game to release information". If you can't see why this is a bad thing... i don't know how to open your eyes. If you can't afford press releases when you should be within a year or 2 of release...
But don't you see? those screenshots they show once in awhile?
Yes... do you see the screenshots dark and light released? Do you remember some/most of them being "fake"
etc etc...
I can write down on a piece of paper, every single feature a mmo could ever hope to have, tell you all it's a mmorpg in development, and create a site for it, would you all give me this devotion?
What has darkfall ever done to show anyone enough reason to follow the game with such blind devotion that anyone saying it won't release(with justified opinions) is wrong/a idiot.
And really money doesn't mean jack... This game could have a 100 million supply left... if the developers can't make a good game the only thing it does is make the game stay in development longer... Which it looks like it's doing...
So Darkfall is actually a secretive clandestine organization run by the 5 Jew Bankers? That is indeed what you are implying, that this game and the site and all the stuff about it is a delicious lie bent to ruin mankind. How do you know its so bad? How do I even know you exist? Please, tell me the worthwhile cause to faking something like this, other than the vast amounts of money it creates, obviously.
i don't really follow this game as it "seems" to be PVP centric
anyway you can't help but notice the posts that show up on the main page of MMORPG so i usually take a look at the arguments for "vaporware" vs "coolest game ever" for the entertainment
from what i have seen of the videos and screenshots the only thing i get out of it is more or less tech demos
kind of like the cobbled together presentations that Brad would show of Sigils efforts for Microsoft to keep the money flowing
i don't really follow this game as it "seems" to be PVP centric anyway you can't help but notice the posts that show up on the main page of MMORPG so i usually take a look at the arguments for "vaporware" vs "coolest game ever" for the entertainment from what i have seen of the videos and screenshots the only thing i get out of it is more or less tech demos kind of like the cobbled together presentations that Brad would show of Sigils efforts for Microsoft to keep the money flowing
That is pretty much our point, well put. Not putting you in the catagory of any side, just that is a good summary of what many of us think atm.
No matter how many fan-bots spin the web, the truth is in the past. It is like going to a retail outlet and getting bad service or a product, chances are you won't go back or if you did, you will be highly sceptical about that next visit. The same goes here when a developer says and does one thing over and over again, there is only so much people will take till they say, "umm yea, sure".
P.S. Getting a vast amount of money to "make something up" is a good motivator, don't know about you, but the world runs on currency, so that is one heck of a motivator to get any capital in any way possible. Mourning found that out the hard way, their investor said release it as is, the funds are cut off till you can prove it's worth something. Then in the end he sunk his own boat by posting here and elswhere as the investor trying to defend a horrid game that was far from complete. Sad , it had potential like this title and this title is running the same course in many eyes, sad indeed.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Aye devs do, as far as proof on this topic? That tells me you havn't followed this title sense the start. If you did, you would know that the forums were changed and in so deleting many old posting on the original, but alas you knew this right? So knowing so would make that argument nill for proving such a sortage of funds was one time a given reason. You seem to miss all the points and the same as the last guy that just posted his comments.
I will keep posting this quote below till it sinks in on each post, as it says it all. I am sure you will twist that into me crying wolf, go ahead, don't really care. I have nothing to prove this company does. The way you defend the stupidity of this company is starting to make me beleive your a mod or dev of the offical forums. So be it, defend away, but their past is something they will (or you) will just have to prove with time. If I am wrong, woot! more the better, if I am right, too bad, hopefully a good dev company will pick up on the idea. I as many thou won't fall for the ploy's anymore, if they want to show an intrested public user base and hopfully get some publicity to further their agenda, they have a long way to go now from what they once were. Their credibility is in the stinker.
Your right i dont know everything about that but still if there was such a thing like you said there is then it would likely be posted somewhere. So until you show it to me i can only assume this untrue. Sorry im not into believeing something without proof.
Ok you can keep posting it but does that make it true? Did they intentionally do that? That just something that i can not believe through without a little proof. Like i said before people make mistakes and devs are people so why shouldnt it apply to them?
If you have no proof then why are you still here? Its obvious that you are trying to prove that they are vaporware.
Stupidity? Perhaps. They've made mistakes but "what can go wrong does go wrong"(forgot who said that). Things go wrong so why should you jump on it and say their a fake? Have you not made mistakes?
As far as publicity goes alot of people know about it so thats not much of a problem.
i don't really follow this game as it "seems" to be PVP centric anyway you can't help but notice the posts that show up on the main page of MMORPG so i usually take a look at the arguments for "vaporware" vs "coolest game ever" for the entertainment from what i have seen of the videos and screenshots the only thing i get out of it is more or less tech demos kind of like the cobbled together presentations that Brad would show of Sigils efforts for Microsoft to keep the money flowing
That is pretty much our point, well put. Not putting you in the catagory of any side, just that is a good summary of what many of us think atm.
No matter how many fan-bots spin the web, the truth is in the past. It is like going to a retail outlet and getting bad service or a product, chances are you won't go back or if you did, you will be highly sceptical about that next visit. The same goes here when a developer says and does one thing over and over again, there is only so much people will take till they say, "umm yea, sure".
P.S. Getting a vast amount of money to "make something up" is a good motivator, don't know about you, but the world runs on currency, so that is one heck of a motivator to get any capital in any way possible. Mourning found that out the hard way, their investor said release it as is, the funds are cut off till you can prove it's worth something. Then in the end he sunk his own boat by posting here and elswhere as the investor trying to defend a horrid game that was far from complete. Sad , it had potential like this title and this title is running the same course in many eyes, sad indeed.
Though he said it himself "I dont really follow this game...". So you just look at a small portion of it and write it off as a "tech demo"?
Since you said you think the same thing it only raises the question if you actually know that much about DF. For a guy that says he doesnt really care you seem to care alot about declaring it Vaporware. I've gotten bad services but if someone is truly open(which doesnt seem to be the case with you) then you would go there multiple times to get a full picture.
You just seem like a disgruntled follower that's mad because he hasnt got to play yet. So very persistant to stamp this vaporware.
Just wondering... To the darkfall fans, If this game is so great(without you ever playing it), has everything anyone could ever want in a online game(none of which has ever been shown in a great length of time), and is made so extremely well that it will have no bugs and have no incomplete features(which can't be said because its a unknown developer...). Then why is it so secretive about the actual game? Don't say "They are too busy working on the game to release information". If you can't see why this is a bad thing... i don't know how to open your eyes. If you can't afford press releases when you should be within a year or 2 of release... But don't you see? those screenshots they show once in awhile? Yes... do you see the screenshots dark and light released? Do you remember some/most of them being "fake" etc etc... I can write down on a piece of paper, every single feature a mmo could ever hope to have, tell you all it's a mmorpg in development, and create a site for it, would you all give me this devotion? What has darkfall ever done to show anyone enough reason to follow the game with such blind devotion that anyone saying it won't release(with justified opinions) is wrong/a idiot. And really money doesn't mean jack... This game could have a 100 million supply left... if the developers can't make a good game the only thing it does is make the game stay in development longer... Which it looks like it's doing...
I never said it was the greatest. Though i have said it could be the greatest if executed correctly. Which is true this game has alot of potential if this game can go through with its promises. In all it is a decent amount of time. The only thing they havent really shown is crafting and seige weapons(i think).
No they said that they wanted the beta to have little bugs and short like more of a stress test than a full-fledged beta.
They've said they wanted the game to be found out by the players.
They've been to a convention to show darkfall and a small demo of it.
There is 700+ screenshots. So there isnt as "few" as your trying to make it out.
Ok so if you joined a company and they backed you up with a 27 million dollars. Got the trademark use of the title after fighting for it for 4 years. Go to a convention and show it to other people. Then yes i might believe you.
Yea your right 27 million dollar loan is a great way to show its a hoax. Were talking about if its vaporware not if its good. Yes it will release after all this time and money aventurine will probably force it out if they take to much money.
Just like every other Nay-sayer there's more evidence saying its there then saying its not there. Also its getting obvious that none of these people that say its vaporware have any sort of knowledge about DF. just like that poster. Research is good you should try it.
So Darkfall is actually a secretive clandestine organization run by the 5 Jew Bankers? That is indeed what you are implying, that this game and the site and all the stuff about it is a delicious lie bent to ruin mankind. How do you know its so bad? How do I even know you exist? Please, tell me the worthwhile cause to faking something like this, other than the vast amounts of money it creates, obviously.
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
So Darkfall is actually a secretive clandestine organization run by the 5 Jew Bankers? That is indeed what you are implying, that this game and the site and all the stuff about it is a delicious lie bent to ruin mankind. How do you know its so bad? How do I even know you exist? Please, tell me the worthwhile cause to faking something like this, other than the vast amounts of money it creates, obviously.
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
I post about it for the same reasons you do. Well ok, obviously not the same, but if this was such a great "no doubts about it" type of game (say for instances Warhammer) there would be no posting on this very topic would there? I am just defending those as myself who believe in one thing and you the other. In the end, it is up to the masses to decide.
I see it vaporware for the reasons given and don't need to be repeated again and again, you believe it's a work in progress, so be it. But if these and other forums are any indication of what many think (not all), then there is a reason this thread and many others have shown up lately. Do you see negative issues on the official forum site, nope, just like any "official" site, take STO the mods will delete anything that talks about any negative discussions or say (the big topic atm) ships internals which were said not to be in the game (very hot topic and very "you can't post that here in our official forums"). The nice thing about this site and others like it is, we can say our peace and no mod will come in and go (DELETE) we don't like that here. The general populace can come here, base their thoughts and opinions on almost any subject and have at it. So have at it, I stick to my position till the Devs prove otherwise.
Oh and making money can be as simple as raising capital, to which I was pointing too.
:::::: To others here who would bash any poster here. You can keep it civil and not call names or get racial about anything. This is a discussion about DF and nothing more. If you are too emotional to post maturely then move on, we don't need your racial or personal attacks here. If you are unsure about this comment, look up the official FAQ and Rules and Regs of this site.. k thnx next time it will just be a /report ::::::::
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
So Darkfall is actually a secretive clandestine organization run by the 5 Jew Bankers? That is indeed what you are implying, that this game and the site and all the stuff about it is a delicious lie bent to ruin mankind. How do you know its so bad? How do I even know you exist? Please, tell me the worthwhile cause to faking something like this, other than the vast amounts of money it creates, obviously.
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
I post about it for the same reasons you do. Well ok, obviously not the same, but if this was such a great "no doubts about it" type of game (say for instances Warhammer) there would be no posting on this very topic would there? I am just defending those as myself who believe in one thing and you the other. In the end, it is up to the masses to decide.
I see it vaporware for the reasons given and don't need to be repeated again and again, you believe it's a work in progress, so be it. But if these and other forums are any indication of what many think (not all), then there is a reason this thread and many others have shown up lately. Do you see negative issues on the official forum site, nope, just like any "official" site, take STO the mods will delete anything that talks about any negative discussions or say (the big topic atm) ships internals which were said not to be in the game (very hot topic and very "you can't post that here in our official forums"). The nice thing about this site and others like it is, we can say our peace and no mod will come in and go (DELETE) we don't like that here. The general populace can come here, based their thoughts and opinions on almost any subject and have at it. So have at it, I stick to my position till the Devs prove otherwise.
Your just being unresonably skeptical and are to stubborn to admit it. The masses dont decide if this game is vapor or not its the devs.(if your talking about something else be a little more clear).
You can cling to w/e you wish to but if you dont have any SOLID proof then dont call it vaporware. There doesnt seem to be many that think its vaporware and even if it is its free publicity for when it comes out.
Now your just being stupid. There are plenty of trolls there as well and their posts and threads dont get locked/deleted unless you start going overboard such as:
"This game sucks its never coming out cause it sucks you guys suck for waiting for it" or other crap such as that.
The simple statement "this is never coming out" doesnt even give you a warning. Though trolling and intentionaly causing trouble does which is what the others do. The mods are very lenient and allow you to say almost anything even flame at each other(unless it gets REALLY out of hand). Your completely full of crap and lies.
Your just a disgruntled player that wants to lure people away from DF for no reason. Whats the worst if they follow the game huh? it distracts them for a couple of minutes a day? Also for saying you dont care too much about it being vaporware or not you sure do post a lot of things that says it is. All the way back to the beginning of last year.
Tell me why you spend so much time trying to disprove it? Is it because your a fanboy of another game and dont want DF to steal your players? To be honest thats exactly the way its starting to look.
So Darkfall is actually a secretive clandestine organization run by the 5 Jew Bankers? That is indeed what you are implying, that this game and the site and all the stuff about it is a delicious lie bent to ruin mankind. How do you know its so bad? How do I even know you exist? Please, tell me the worthwhile cause to faking something like this, other than the vast amounts of money it creates, obviously.
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
I post about it for the same reasons you do. Well ok, obviously not the same, but if this was such a great "no doubts about it" type of game (say for instances Warhammer) there would be no posting on this very topic would there? I am just defending those as myself who believe in one thing and you the other. In the end, it is up to the masses to decide.
I see it vaporware for the reasons given and don't need to be repeated again and again, you believe it's a work in progress, so be it. But if these and other forums are any indication of what many think (not all), then there is a reason this thread and many others have shown up lately. Do you see negative issues on the official forum site, nope, just like any "official" site, take STO the mods will delete anything that talks about any negative discussions or say (the big topic atm) ships internals which were said not to be in the game (very hot topic and very "you can't post that here in our official forums"). The nice thing about this site and others like it is, we can say our peace and no mod will come in and go (DELETE) we don't like that here. The general populace can come here, based their thoughts and opinions on almost any subject and have at it. So have at it, I stick to my position till the Devs prove otherwise.
Your just being unresonably skeptical and are to stubborn to admit it. The masses dont decide if this game is vapor or not its the devs.(if your talking about something else be a little more clear).
You can cling to w/e you wish to but if you dont have any SOLID proof then dont call it vaporware. There doesnt seem to be many that think its vaporware and even if it is its free publicity for when it comes out.
Now your just being stupid. There are plenty of trolls there as well and their posts and threads dont get locked/deleted unless you start going overboard such as:
"This game sucks its never coming out cause it sucks you guys suck for waiting for it" or other crap such as that.
The simple statement "this is never coming out" doesnt even give you a warning. Though trolling and intentionaly causing trouble does which is what the others do. The mods are very lenient and allow you to say almost anything even flame at each other(unless it gets REALLY out of hand). Your completely full of crap and lies.
Your just a disgruntled player that wants to lure people away from DF for no reason. Whats the worst if they follow the game huh? it distracts them for a couple of minutes a day? Also for saying you dont care too much about it being vaporware or not you sure do post a lot of things that says it is. All the way back to the beginning of last year.
Tell me why you spend so much time trying to disprove it? Is it because your a fanboy of another game and dont want DF to steal your players? To be honest thats exactly the way its starting to look.
I was a fan a few years back till all the delays and misleading information. Again going threw all that, just look back at all our post (gees, not going to write that all again). I don't play any MMO's currently and if I did it wouldn't matter. This is my opinion, your attempt to put some conspiracy theory in it all is amusing for sure. Most of us come here to find out the in's and out's of coming titles. Get the latest news etc. Then discuss said project here and our thoughts on it. Not surprisingly, this topic has come up more and more because of the reasons mentioned before.
You can follow this as a fan all you want, you can tell people it's coming or not. No one is forcing you to read this actually, but it is a choice you made. Just as my choice to respond to what I personally believe at this point is a bunch of nothing. If I went to the official forums right now and posted, " I believe this title has been in such disarray it's going to be vaporware" I would first get post just like we have here were I have to explain over and over again my thoughts on it. Then we will end up having the same discussion we are here to conclude with a "this thread is a trolling thread" and closed. (as any thread de-nouncing a title is considered trolling) Then would be deleted and a warning given.
Now how would I know this ? ok, here is a huge HUGE hint, if you actually followed this title as you say you have I am the one with the sig of "The Devils Advocate". How fitting huh? Bet you love that one .. I added that little tidbit to my sig after 2005 when all the crap came out of the bag. Sense that time, I have in the past stated my opinion as I have here, to only get it deleted and a "warning" as soon as it was posted.
You seem to say you know allot, but as you think I am some spy of some other company, I think you have no actually clue to the past of this development team. That or you are a dev trying to save your title for a hopeful future investor and trying to keep the fan-base intact. The last ploy was the Clan beta announcement which brought scores of players to sign up. Before that you were lucky to see 2 post a day on the official forums. But then again you know this, as you seem to know everything about the title.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I was a fan a few years back till all the delays and misleading information. Again going threw all that, just look back at all our post (gees, not going to write that all again). I don't play any MMO's currently and if I did it wouldn't matter. This is my opinion, your attempt to put some conspiracy theory in it all is amusing for sure. Most of us come here to find out the in's and out's of coming titles. Get the latest news etc. Then discuss said project here and our thoughts on it. Not surprisingly, this topic has come up more and more because of the reasons mentioned before. You can follow this as a fan all you want, you can tell people it's coming or not. No one is forcing you to read this actually, but it is a choice you made. Just as my choice to respond to what I personally believe at this point is a bunch of nothing. If I went to the official forums right now and posted, " I believe this title has been in such disarray it's going to be vaporware" I would first get post just like we have here were I have to explain over and over again my thoughts on it. Then we will end up having the same discussion we are here to conclude with a "this thread is a trolling thread" and closed. (as any thread de-nouncing a title is considered trolling) Then would be deleted and a warning given. Now how would I know this ? ok, here is a huge HUGE hint, if you actually followed this title as you say you have I am the one with the sig of "The Devils Advocate". How fitting huh? Bet you love that one .. I added that little tidbit to my sig after 2005 when all the crap came out of the bag. Sense that time, I have in the past stated my opinion as I have here, to only get it deleted and a "warning" as soon as it was posted. You seem to say you know allot, but as you think I am some spy of some other company, I think you have no actually clue to the past of this development team. That or you are a dev trying to save your title for a hopeful future investor and trying to keep the fan-base intact. The last ploy was the Clan beta announcement which brought scores of players to sign up. Before that you were lucky to see 2 post a day on the official forums. But then again you know this, as you seem to know everything about the title.
Yep your just a disgruntled fan who likes to base things off his own assumptions and wont even acknowledge the slightest bit of factual information. Yes your allowed to say anything you like but it makes your argument alot better if you had a little more facts and tad bit less speculations. If you believe its nothing then why stay here and argue? You've made up your own mind so if your not going to try and look at that facts then why stay?
That would be a trolling thread because you have, just like in your last posts, no actual HARD evidence. Your just starting to say things without actually thinking. Yes in the past they may have been wrong but why must you go and try to then prove it vaporware. Now if you dont have any hard evidence then please stop this since its senseless. If you have the same argument here when you did back then i see why because for some reason you dont understand that assumptions ARE NOT hard evidence. No matter what their based on.
So they didnt get a beta when they said they would people make mistakes just like you and me. So stop holding a grudge and get over it. Like i said before Assumptions are NOT hard evidence so bring something real to me.
Fact: Dark and Light and (Age of) Mourning had registered names and that doesnt change the fact that their list of feature was a lie and in the case of Mourning, it was vaporware (never really released), it was just huge scams with subpar games and lying advertisement. I dont know where comes your blind faith in Darkfall... but i surely wont fall for it, i hope i m wrong, but there is too many similarities.
I suggest you keep playing wow because you have no idea what you are talking about.
1). Compare this mount to this mount and tell me which one looks dated.
2). No beta after 4,5 years isn't that uncommon. AoC used the same time with more devs available.
3). No they went to Greece to get money while saving cash on taxes. Not the first company that does that I would imagine. Some people would call $27 million alot others not. If i were an investor I would appreciate the devs saving cash where they could. I rather they use their resources on developing the game than trying to keep the lazy average gamer informed.
And when we got more women on the team, it was like No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there.
John Smedley, SOE
Yes, they have used the beta word way too much. No, they are no trying to scam you or any investors. They have a 27 million loan now and they are still around developing their game. Why would I want to know what AshenTemper think ? Does he have inside information from Aventurine or is he as uninformed as you are ?
And when we got more women on the team, it was like No, no, no. We need puppies and horses in there.
John Smedley, SOE
Prime excample, it took a fan that happened to run across some information about the company naming issues when that came up because within the offical forums we argued that the name "darkfall" was allready used by another company. Sure enough it was and this company had legal issues standing just on that very topic.
Thou within all of this , the devs persisted that everything is going smooth and on schedual. After this was brought to light, we then started hearing "well, yes we are working on that and it's a company matter" then followed by "we are at a stop of production while we work out these issues" then it went " Currently we cut our team down due to financial restraints but no worried DF is still on the way!" then to "cricket criket criket" then to "BETA! Have your clans join up to be part of our closed beta! more information to follow" then to "cricket cricket" ... Proof? yea sure, track record is all the proof you need. When we the "fanbase" made comments about being only numbers to be shown to potential investors or buyouts we were shuned.
Where did you read that?
Can you provide us with some links plz
Did AshenTemper make a game of this magnitude? No. So unless he made a game EXACTLY like DF then there are going to be some serious differences.
Combat video? you mean something like this. About the gui. Is this good for you?
You like to spew alot of crap. Next time do some research before making yourself look like a complete idiot.
Arguing with you is abosultely pointless. Why? because you dont rely on facts.
What do we have to prove Darkfall is there? over 700 screenshots, multiple videos, Company taking a huge loan, fighting for trademark use, people that play the games actually talking to us about it from time to time, constant updates from the devs, and alot more crap.
What do u have to fight against it? Stupid and idiotic assumptions and speculations from other underdeveloped games that had the same concept. Those games failed because they didnt have money or time. Which the Darkfall developers have plenty of. Now once you bring some REAL evdience to the table then we can have a debate.
Oh yea btw there has been screens since 2006 and there are some from 2007. Its quite apparent that you DO NOT research the crap you say. Please research otherwise you just make yourself look like a complete ass.
Dark and Light had tons of nice looking screenshots. And that game was a total disaster Screenshots don't prove anything.
What we need is a playable game. And thats what we don't have. And thats why they can't go into beta.
Dark and Light had tons of nice looking screenshots. And that game was a total disaster Screenshots don't prove anything.
What we need is a playable game. And thats what we don't have. And thats why they can't go into beta.
Look right above you about the assumptions and speculations. BTW that game was forced to release it didnt get enough time.
Arguing with you is absolutely pointless. Why? because you don't rely on facts.
What do we have to prove Darkfall is there? over 700 screen shots, multiple videos, Company taking a huge loan, fighting for trademark use, people that play the games actually talking to us about it from time to time, constant updates from the devs, and allot more crap.
What do u have to fight against it? Stupid and idiotic assumptions and speculations from other underdeveloped games that had the same concept. Those games failed because they didn't have money or time. Which the Darkfall developers have plenty of. Now once you bring some REAL evidence to the table then we can have a debate.
Oh yea btw there has been screens since 2006 and there are some from 2007. Its quite apparent that you DO NOT research the crap you say. Please research otherwise you just make yourself look like a complete ass.
You assume everything, I assume nothing, you bash anyone that repeats the track history of this company with more bs. You continually spin the lie of a loan were the links given is information for getting such. Funny how you mention companies that didn't have the money or time, kinda falls in right with this company about 3 years ago, amazing!
I was there for the old posting about the naming rights, the money running out etc etc. Want to shut us up? Show us an actual working engine and stop double talking your post to oblivion. Have the devs post nothing till they have something that actually is viable. Oh that's right, need to save face in hoping of selling off an idea. I have plenty of ideas, want to buy one?
Till it is a viable product, there is nothing more to be said. I defended Mourning with the blind eye you are doing now, (just look at my history on these forums) and I do understand your stance on the matter, I actually do. However after my experience's with two past companies who actually have almost the same history as this one. I for one need to see people actually playing this game or at least seeing it a convention etc. Not just some guys standing in a corner with a poster. Their history is the deceit here and that is the main focus of all these negative threads. You can cry wolf only so many times till people finally say, "yea right". So far this company cried to many wolf attacks and now many of us doubt there is such a wolf.
You can put any spin you want on it you like so can I, but the proof is in the history and sadly I have to repeat that as much as I repeat everything else on this thread.
"You can cry wolf only so many times till many will doubt there is such a wolf"
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Apparently you didnt look deep enough if you didnt see where they got the money. What are you talking about? There was no problem with money or time that is of my knowledge so please show me a link or explain.
Yes you were there but you didnt take that as evidence EVEN THOUGH its more than waht you've given me. Which is just things that happened to past games which are irrelevant to DF's situation. Still tell me about this money running out because i never came across this.
Viable? You have such high standards only beta will end your skepticism. I've given enough proof to show that this is NOT vaporware. Wtill tell me what have you given me? Nothing factual.
Yes what i did give you is facts its a crapload of screenshots that prove the game is being developed. Of course you probably think that all 700+ of them are fake. These are cold hard facts but what you give me is just assumptions(Which is NOT a fact in case you dont know). Screenshots and videos combined with the company's activites is enough evidence that points to a game being developed. Now dont get mad because you have nothing factual to say.
There are gameplay videos showing people playing. They also had a small demo at a convention. Yes the demo wasnt much but if you want to see people playing DF then it was there.
There are very few games that dont get pushed back, that dont miss dates, that dont need changes made. Yes they may have missed their beta dates but is there a reason why? Yes but from what is seen the reason isnt because its vaporware.
This game is held on such a high standard that it needs to be practically perfect. They may have been over excited and thought they were finished but noticed a huge bug. Its a normal human mistake which many people dont realize.
The devs are people and people make mistakes.
It must have been a big bug if its taken 4 years to fix it! Come on now thats totally absurd. They have lied about beta over and over for the last 4 years, and this is the best excuse you can come up with?
give it up already.
It must have been a big bug if its taken 4 years to fix it! Come on now thats totally absurd. They have lied about beta over and over for the last 4 years, and this is the best excuse you can come up with?
give it up already.
First off they started truly working on it in 2003 so what your saying is a complete lie. 2nd that was just an example and its huge game so theres a lot to test especially with the 500+ skills. Your ignorance is a tad annoying.
Aye devs do, as far as proof on this topic? That tells me you havn't followed this title sense the start. If you did, you would know that the forums were changed and in so deleting many old posting on the original, but alas you knew this right? So knowing so would make that argument nill for proving such a sortage of funds was one time a given reason. You seem to miss all the points and the same as the last guy that just posted his comments.
I will keep posting this quote below till it sinks in on each post, as it says it all. I am sure you will twist that into me crying wolf, go ahead, don't really care. I have nothing to prove this company does. The way you defend the stupidity of this company is starting to make me beleive your a mod or dev of the offical forums. So be it, defend away, but their past is something they will (or you) will just have to prove with time. If I am wrong, woot! more the better, if I am right, too bad, hopefully a good dev company will pick up on the idea. I as many thou won't fall for the ploy's anymore, if they want to show an intrested public user base and hopfully get some publicity to further their agenda, they have a long way to go now from what they once were. Their credibility is in the stinker.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Just wondering...
To the darkfall fans,
If this game is so great(without you ever playing it), has everything anyone could ever want in a online game(none of which has ever been shown in a great length of time), and is made so extremely well that it will have no bugs and have no incomplete features(which can't be said because its a unknown developer...).
Then why is it so secretive about the actual game?
Don't say "They are too busy working on the game to release information". If you can't see why this is a bad thing... i don't know how to open your eyes. If you can't afford press releases when you should be within a year or 2 of release...
But don't you see? those screenshots they show once in awhile?
Yes... do you see the screenshots dark and light released? Do you remember some/most of them being "fake"
etc etc...
I can write down on a piece of paper, every single feature a mmo could ever hope to have, tell you all it's a mmorpg in development, and create a site for it, would you all give me this devotion?
What has darkfall ever done to show anyone enough reason to follow the game with such blind devotion that anyone saying it won't release(with justified opinions) is wrong/a idiot.
And really money doesn't mean jack... This game could have a 100 million supply left... if the developers can't make a good game the only thing it does is make the game stay in development longer... Which it looks like it's doing...
So Darkfall is actually a secretive clandestine organization run by the 5 Jew Bankers? That is indeed what you are implying, that this game and the site and all the stuff about it is a delicious lie bent to ruin mankind. How do you know its so bad? How do I even know you exist? Please, tell me the worthwhile cause to faking something like this, other than the vast amounts of money it creates, obviously.
i don't really follow this game as it "seems" to be PVP centric
anyway you can't help but notice the posts that show up on the main page of MMORPG so i usually take a look at the arguments for "vaporware" vs "coolest game ever" for the entertainment
from what i have seen of the videos and screenshots the only thing i get out of it is more or less tech demos
kind of like the cobbled together presentations that Brad would show of Sigils efforts for Microsoft to keep the money flowing
That is pretty much our point, well put. Not putting you in the catagory of any side, just that is a good summary of what many of us think atm.
No matter how many fan-bots spin the web, the truth is in the past. It is like going to a retail outlet and getting bad service or a product, chances are you won't go back or if you did, you will be highly sceptical about that next visit. The same goes here when a developer says and does one thing over and over again, there is only so much people will take till they say, "umm yea, sure".
P.S. Getting a vast amount of money to "make something up" is a good motivator, don't know about you, but the world runs on currency, so that is one heck of a motivator to get any capital in any way possible. Mourning found that out the hard way, their investor said release it as is, the funds are cut off till you can prove it's worth something. Then in the end he sunk his own boat by posting here and elswhere as the investor trying to defend a horrid game that was far from complete. Sad , it had potential like this title and this title is running the same course in many eyes, sad indeed.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Ok you can keep posting it but does that make it true? Did they intentionally do that? That just something that i can not believe through without a little proof. Like i said before people make mistakes and devs are people so why shouldnt it apply to them?
If you have no proof then why are you still here? Its obvious that you are trying to prove that they are vaporware.
Stupidity? Perhaps. They've made mistakes but "what can go wrong does go wrong"(forgot who said that). Things go wrong so why should you jump on it and say their a fake? Have you not made mistakes?
As far as publicity goes alot of people know about it so thats not much of a problem.
So says you.
That is pretty much our point, well put. Not putting you in the catagory of any side, just that is a good summary of what many of us think atm.
No matter how many fan-bots spin the web, the truth is in the past. It is like going to a retail outlet and getting bad service or a product, chances are you won't go back or if you did, you will be highly sceptical about that next visit. The same goes here when a developer says and does one thing over and over again, there is only so much people will take till they say, "umm yea, sure".
P.S. Getting a vast amount of money to "make something up" is a good motivator, don't know about you, but the world runs on currency, so that is one heck of a motivator to get any capital in any way possible. Mourning found that out the hard way, their investor said release it as is, the funds are cut off till you can prove it's worth something. Then in the end he sunk his own boat by posting here and elswhere as the investor trying to defend a horrid game that was far from complete. Sad , it had potential like this title and this title is running the same course in many eyes, sad indeed.
Since you said you think the same thing it only raises the question if you actually know that much about DF. For a guy that says he doesnt really care you seem to care alot about declaring it Vaporware. I've gotten bad services but if someone is truly open(which doesnt seem to be the case with you) then you would go there multiple times to get a full picture.
You just seem like a disgruntled follower that's mad because he hasnt got to play yet. So very persistant to stamp this vaporware.
I never said it was the greatest. Though i have said it could be the greatest if executed correctly. Which is true this game has alot of potential if this game can go through with its promises. In all it is a decent amount of time. The only thing they havent really shown is crafting and seige weapons(i think).
No they said that they wanted the beta to have little bugs and short like more of a stress test than a full-fledged beta.
They've said they wanted the game to be found out by the players.
They've been to a convention to show darkfall and a small demo of it.
There is 700+ screenshots. So there isnt as "few" as your trying to make it out.
Ok so if you joined a company and they backed you up with a 27 million dollars. Got the trademark use of the title after fighting for it for 4 years. Go to a convention and show it to other people. Then yes i might believe you.
Yea your right 27 million dollar loan is a great way to show its a hoax. Were talking about if its vaporware not if its good. Yes it will release after all this time and money aventurine will probably force it out if they take to much money.
Just like every other Nay-sayer there's more evidence saying its there then saying its not there. Also its getting obvious that none of these people that say its vaporware have any sort of knowledge about DF. just like that poster. Research is good you should try it.
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
I post about it for the same reasons you do. Well ok, obviously not the same, but if this was such a great "no doubts about it" type of game (say for instances Warhammer) there would be no posting on this very topic would there? I am just defending those as myself who believe in one thing and you the other. In the end, it is up to the masses to decide.
I see it vaporware for the reasons given and don't need to be repeated again and again, you believe it's a work in progress, so be it. But if these and other forums are any indication of what many think (not all), then there is a reason this thread and many others have shown up lately. Do you see negative issues on the official forum site, nope, just like any "official" site, take STO the mods will delete anything that talks about any negative discussions or say (the big topic atm) ships internals which were said not to be in the game (very hot topic and very "you can't post that here in our official forums"). The nice thing about this site and others like it is, we can say our peace and no mod will come in and go (DELETE) we don't like that here. The general populace can come here, base their thoughts and opinions on almost any subject and have at it. So have at it, I stick to my position till the Devs prove otherwise.
Oh and making money can be as simple as raising capital, to which I was pointing too.
:::::: To others here who would bash any poster here. You can keep it civil and not call names or get racial about anything. This is a discussion about DF and nothing more. If you are too emotional to post maturely then move on, we don't need your racial or personal attacks here. If you are unsure about this comment, look up the official FAQ and Rules and Regs of this site.. k thnx next time it will just be a /report ::::::::
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
I post about it for the same reasons you do. Well ok, obviously not the same, but if this was such a great "no doubts about it" type of game (say for instances Warhammer) there would be no posting on this very topic would there? I am just defending those as myself who believe in one thing and you the other. In the end, it is up to the masses to decide.
I see it vaporware for the reasons given and don't need to be repeated again and again, you believe it's a work in progress, so be it. But if these and other forums are any indication of what many think (not all), then there is a reason this thread and many others have shown up lately. Do you see negative issues on the official forum site, nope, just like any "official" site, take STO the mods will delete anything that talks about any negative discussions or say (the big topic atm) ships internals which were said not to be in the game (very hot topic and very "you can't post that here in our official forums"). The nice thing about this site and others like it is, we can say our peace and no mod will come in and go (DELETE) we don't like that here. The general populace can come here, based their thoughts and opinions on almost any subject and have at it. So have at it, I stick to my position till the Devs prove otherwise.
You can cling to w/e you wish to but if you dont have any SOLID proof then dont call it vaporware. There doesnt seem to be many that think its vaporware and even if it is its free publicity for when it comes out.
Now your just being stupid. There are plenty of trolls there as well and their posts and threads dont get locked/deleted unless you start going overboard such as:
"This game sucks its never coming out cause it sucks you guys suck for waiting for it" or other crap such as that.
The simple statement "this is never coming out" doesnt even give you a warning. Though trolling and intentionaly causing trouble does which is what the others do. The mods are very lenient and allow you to say almost anything even flame at each other(unless it gets REALLY out of hand). Your completely full of crap and lies.
Your just a disgruntled player that wants to lure people away from DF for no reason. Whats the worst if they follow the game huh? it distracts them for a couple of minutes a day? Also for saying you dont care too much about it being vaporware or not you sure do post a lot of things that says it is. All the way back to the beginning of last year.
Tell me why you spend so much time trying to disprove it? Is it because your a fanboy of another game and dont want DF to steal your players? To be honest thats exactly the way its starting to look.
I dont think its going to be bad since they have the time and money to create this. Since i wasnt given any proof of this money shortage and after asking around about it, it seems like everyone that i ask says it was just a rumor spread by a troll.
You dont?
I'm not sure who your talking to but DF doesnt make any sort of money. Theres not an ad on the site so how its going to creat money is beyond me.
I post about it for the same reasons you do. Well ok, obviously not the same, but if this was such a great "no doubts about it" type of game (say for instances Warhammer) there would be no posting on this very topic would there? I am just defending those as myself who believe in one thing and you the other. In the end, it is up to the masses to decide.
I see it vaporware for the reasons given and don't need to be repeated again and again, you believe it's a work in progress, so be it. But if these and other forums are any indication of what many think (not all), then there is a reason this thread and many others have shown up lately. Do you see negative issues on the official forum site, nope, just like any "official" site, take STO the mods will delete anything that talks about any negative discussions or say (the big topic atm) ships internals which were said not to be in the game (very hot topic and very "you can't post that here in our official forums"). The nice thing about this site and others like it is, we can say our peace and no mod will come in and go (DELETE) we don't like that here. The general populace can come here, based their thoughts and opinions on almost any subject and have at it. So have at it, I stick to my position till the Devs prove otherwise.
You can cling to w/e you wish to but if you dont have any SOLID proof then dont call it vaporware. There doesnt seem to be many that think its vaporware and even if it is its free publicity for when it comes out.
Now your just being stupid. There are plenty of trolls there as well and their posts and threads dont get locked/deleted unless you start going overboard such as:
"This game sucks its never coming out cause it sucks you guys suck for waiting for it" or other crap such as that.
The simple statement "this is never coming out" doesnt even give you a warning. Though trolling and intentionaly causing trouble does which is what the others do. The mods are very lenient and allow you to say almost anything even flame at each other(unless it gets REALLY out of hand). Your completely full of crap and lies.
Your just a disgruntled player that wants to lure people away from DF for no reason. Whats the worst if they follow the game huh? it distracts them for a couple of minutes a day? Also for saying you dont care too much about it being vaporware or not you sure do post a lot of things that says it is. All the way back to the beginning of last year.
Tell me why you spend so much time trying to disprove it? Is it because your a fanboy of another game and dont want DF to steal your players? To be honest thats exactly the way its starting to look.
I was a fan a few years back till all the delays and misleading information. Again going threw all that, just look back at all our post (gees, not going to write that all again). I don't play any MMO's currently and if I did it wouldn't matter. This is my opinion, your attempt to put some conspiracy theory in it all is amusing for sure. Most of us come here to find out the in's and out's of coming titles. Get the latest news etc. Then discuss said project here and our thoughts on it. Not surprisingly, this topic has come up more and more because of the reasons mentioned before.
You can follow this as a fan all you want, you can tell people it's coming or not. No one is forcing you to read this actually, but it is a choice you made. Just as my choice to respond to what I personally believe at this point is a bunch of nothing. If I went to the official forums right now and posted, " I believe this title has been in such disarray it's going to be vaporware" I would first get post just like we have here were I have to explain over and over again my thoughts on it. Then we will end up having the same discussion we are here to conclude with a "this thread is a trolling thread" and closed. (as any thread de-nouncing a title is considered trolling) Then would be deleted and a warning given.
Now how would I know this ? ok, here is a huge HUGE hint, if you actually followed this title as you say you have I am the one with the sig of "The Devils Advocate". How fitting huh? Bet you love that one .. I added that little tidbit to my sig after 2005 when all the crap came out of the bag. Sense that time, I have in the past stated my opinion as I have here, to only get it deleted and a "warning" as soon as it was posted.
You seem to say you know allot, but as you think I am some spy of some other company, I think you have no actually clue to the past of this development team. That or you are a dev trying to save your title for a hopeful future investor and trying to keep the fan-base intact. The last ploy was the Clan beta announcement which brought scores of players to sign up. Before that you were lucky to see 2 post a day on the official forums. But then again you know this, as you seem to know everything about the title.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
Yep your just a disgruntled fan who likes to base things off his own assumptions and wont even acknowledge the slightest bit of factual information. Yes your allowed to say anything you like but it makes your argument alot better if you had a little more facts and tad bit less speculations. If you believe its nothing then why stay here and argue? You've made up your own mind so if your not going to try and look at that facts then why stay?
That would be a trolling thread because you have, just like in your last posts, no actual HARD evidence. Your just starting to say things without actually thinking. Yes in the past they may have been wrong but why must you go and try to then prove it vaporware. Now if you dont have any hard evidence then please stop this since its senseless. If you have the same argument here when you did back then i see why because for some reason you dont understand that assumptions ARE NOT hard evidence. No matter what their based on.
So they didnt get a beta when they said they would people make mistakes just like you and me. So stop holding a grudge and get over it. Like i said before Assumptions are NOT hard evidence so bring something real to me.
Fact: Dark and Light and (Age of) Mourning had registered names and that doesnt change the fact that their list of feature was a lie and in the case of Mourning, it was vaporware (never really released), it was just huge scams with subpar games and lying advertisement. I dont know where comes your blind faith in Darkfall... but i surely wont fall for it, i hope i m wrong, but there is too many similarities.