I've thought from the very beginning that this game will make wow's alliance/horde imbalance look like nothing. Now chaos is even more attractive? My god. It's not so much that I'm worried about numbers imbalance, it's that chaos like horde will have the best pvpers most games.
Both sides are equal, you can only have a max of both Order and Disorder on the same server so where can therebe an inballance?
said chaos not destruction. Now no one will want to be empire, since they have no tank. Chaos is the ONLY faction with a TANK and a CITY. As if people needed a bigger reason to play chaos. They already looked the coolest, and had some of the best classes!
No one wanting to go for Empire because they have no tank? . . . I'd ask how stupid someone'd have to be to make remarks like that but then I remember... The internet is full of stupid people.
Wasn't there some poll taken earlier this year relating to what faction most on this forum would play? If so, I do believe Chaos was overwhelmingly on top. Unless someone can show me a thread stating they are really actually much closer I see a huge disadvantage from the "get-go". I also realize that this particular forum isn't even one thousandth of one percent of the actual fan base, but somehow I just get this sneaking suspicion that Chaos will have at least a 2:1 superiority at release.
Hope I'm wrong and all, but I kinda doubt it. Last week on the forum thread, "Can't We All Get Along?", I believe it was alluded to that server numbers would be balanced. This might have been a mistype as I was asking about actual faction numbers. Do you think the folks in charge of this game will force a numbers balance upon a subscribers character creation? Hmmm, wonder how people would feel about that?
At any rate if there are faction imbalances this doesn't bode well for gamers down the line. Even the ruling class will become bored when not challenged enough...
All I want is the truth Just gimme some truth John Lennon
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
All I want is the truth Just gimme some truth John Lennon
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
Nah, the only thing headed for meltdown are the idiot doom and gloom protestors who like to cry about the sky falling anytime something does not fit their personal agenda. I am quite happy to have them in meltdown though. Perhaps it will be severe enough they will be locked away in private facilities that cater to their more... special needs, and leave the game to those who will enjoy it.
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
They cut the only class I wanted to play.... Black Guard.
Well since AoC bombed the big one and WAR cut my class, I guess it's back to wow until someone else can release something worth a shit.
You are seriously giving up on a game because -ONE- class isn't in the game? Well...this certainly is a good thing for the WAR community...less whiners. You don't even know if you would have liked the class or not. I'm sure the replacement will be just as good though.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Nah, the only thing headed for meltdown are the idiot doom and gloom protestors who like to cry about the sky falling anytime something does not fit their personal agenda. I am quite happy to have them in meltdown though. Perhaps it will be severe enough they will be locked away in private facilities that cater to their more... special needs, and leave the game to those who will enjoy it.
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
Then you didn't follow WoW's development. There were many things not included at release (not talkin shit about WoW's release, it is still the Gold Standard). Though I will admit, nothing like not including starting cities for 75% of the races and slashing 4 core classes......
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
Finally, someone with an answer to my question. I ty neonaka. I sure hope Mythic plans on addition for many, many servers. I do apologise for calling "destruction" chaos..lol i suppose to my mind's way of seeing things, Destruction is Chaos to some degree!
If you are dead set on Destruction, then you most likely will need to keep your options open as to which server you play on. Especially if you had a buddy that finally talked you into playing on WAR with him and you buy the game only to find you can't play as the same faction with your buddy because the numbers are at peak on your buddy's server.
This still remains the fairest way to actually balance the servers, but, I think it may take longer than many think to gain equality with the Destruction faction...Hope I'm wrong though!
All I want is the truth Just gimme some truth John Lennon
Nah, the only thing headed for meltdown are the idiot doom and gloom protestors who like to cry about the sky falling anytime something does not fit their personal agenda. I am quite happy to have them in meltdown though. Perhaps it will be severe enough they will be locked away in private facilities that cater to their more... special needs, and leave the game to those who will enjoy it.
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
90% of our game world that Mythic wanted is going to be there...in WoW...where's hyjal? Wheres Kul Tiras? Where's Undermine? Where's the zones that are now just large, empty mountains? Hmmm? Oh, that's right...Blizz cutthem. And a third of our classes are gone? Time to go back to 3rd grade and learn math all over again
20/24 = 83% of the classes.
Blizz wanted to put in hero classes...and now you are getting an astounding ONE! Wooo...your right. Blizz really lived up to ALL their promises.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Nah, the only thing headed for meltdown are the idiot doom and gloom protestors who like to cry about the sky falling anytime something does not fit their personal agenda. I am quite happy to have them in meltdown though. Perhaps it will be severe enough they will be locked away in private facilities that cater to their more... special needs, and leave the game to those who will enjoy it.
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
Then you didn't follow WoW's development. There were many things not included at release (not talkin shit about WoW's release, it is still the Gold Standard). Though I will admit, nothing like not including starting cities for 75% of the races and slashing 4 core classes......
2 core classes that will probably be the first to be implemented into the game. The MDPS really aren't -that- important.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Why the fuck are we still fighting about this shit. The NDA has not been dropped, we're not in open beta, guild beta has -just- started, and we don't even have a launch date. How 'bout we all calm the fuck down, pull up our skirts, and wait until we've actually played the game!
I think it's time I take a break from these forums. People are so damn negative about everything. We are getting a 90% complete world (40 areas out of 44 are complete) with 20 possible careers. We have endgame content (which is more than AoC can say). We have a very long list of things to keep us busy. ToK, PQs, Quests, Dungeons, Senarios, Keep seiges, RvR areas, two cites to attack and defend, crafting, etc etc etc. The list goes on. Hell...if you complete everything on that list...you could Role-play to pass the time, but I'm absolutely 100% positive you will have more content by that time. This game has -far- more fun stuff to do than WoW and very, very little of it is grinding. I don't know about you, but I'm still extremely excited for this game. Sure, all companies have certain things they hide from their customer. Frankly...some of the stuff that goes on, I don't want to know about! If you honestly are not conent with that sort of game at launch you will be disappointed with...every...single...MMO...there...ever...will...be. MMOs are constantly changing.
I promise you all that the sky is not falling. Mythic is doing as much as possible to keep us updated. Would Blizz or Funcom or [insert name of large MMO company] have told you about this stuff 2-4 months in advance? Don't kid yourself. This is the first MMO company I've see that actually gives a shit about their community. Every other MMO is depending on the success of WAR. If it fails...the rest of the gaming community will be very disappointed. Mythic is raising the bar...and that only means good things for every game out there.
/rant over
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
The company cuts content to the bone, AND changes it's name and structure The bone? They removed hardly anything, there are still 20/24 classes. lol we will see. 4 Classes are going on "hold" indefinately, which if that is anything like a beta invite, it could be years. The classes were removed to provide balance, and better game play! removed due to time and money (EA) Capitol cities are cut... There are still Capital, just not as many. And again, this is improve game play. immersion breaking. the dwarves are homeless?! Balance is out the window.... now no one will want to be any race but chaos, since they get a capitol city AND all of their classes I dont know what your smoking, but I want some. Chaos lost 2 classes, and 2 capitals. Order lost 2 classes, and 2 capitals. Theyre equal. remains to be seen. Promises of beta contests and giveaways have all been BS, with no winners named or end in sight. My buddy won one last month. The guild beta let hundreds in this week. Open beta should be next month or so. why haven't they announced the winners? fishy. Pre-orders nation-wide are being mis-handled and people are not getting their codes, and never will due to misunderstandings with the distributors. Mythic isnt in charge of distribution. This is a problem with places like Gamestop and Best Buy
but they are in charge of the game. all pre-orders mishandled? funny coincidence. Is this game in a complete meltdown? I really don't know how they will release a balanced and functional game with so many necessary classes missing. Ebay is selling preorders for a ton from people who were scammed by bestbuy or gamestop... all of this slop makes me think the launch will be a disaster!! Reminds me of Vanguard. even i will say this isn't as bad as vancrap but they are on the slippery soe slope.
I've thought from the very beginning that this game will make wow's alliance/horde imbalance look like nothing. Now chaos is even more attractive? My god. It's not so much that I'm worried about numbers imbalance, it's that chaos like horde will have the best pvpers most games.
Both sides are equal, you can only have a max of both Order and Disorder on the same server so where can therebe an inballance?
Each server is 5,000 people, 2,500 for each side
When you skim read you should at least catch people's main points. I SAID: "It's not so much that I'm worried about numbers imbalance, it's that chaos like horde will have the best pvpers most games."
This is the problem with wow... idiots and weaker pvp'ers for whatever reason chose the clean looking, un-scary, good guys. It gets so stupid that even in the official trailer I remember chaos totally being glorified and kicking butt. And order classes, gear, weapons look so ultra-pansey. They should be doing everything possible, from marketing to class mechanics to minimize this. Instead they're maximizing the problem.
I've thought from the very beginning that this game will make wow's alliance/horde imbalance look like nothing. Now chaos is even more attractive? My god. It's not so much that I'm worried about numbers imbalance, it's that chaos like horde will have the best pvpers most games.
Both sides are equal, you can only have a max of both Order and Disorder on the same server so where can therebe an inballance?
Each server is 5,000 people, 2,500 for each side
When you skim read you should at least catch people's main points. I SAID: "It's not so much that I'm worried about numbers imbalance, it's that chaos like horde will have the best pvpers most games."
This is the problem with wow... idiots and weaker pvp'ers for whatever reason chose the clean looking, un-scary, good guys. It gets so stupid that even in the official trailer I remember chaos totally being glorified and kicking butt. And order classes, gear, weapons look so ultra-pansey. They should be doing everything possible, from marketing to class mechanics to minimize this. Instead they're maximizing the problem.
I'm not really worried. It'll all come out in the wask.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Yeah wow cut alot from its what we want thing. But instead they didn say anything about it, they coverd it up and just never did it, now mythic tells you and its a big fucking deal.
Also another misconception, cities are not starting zone things, cities are end game things with alot of shit to do and seige. In wow terms its more like if you have MC,BWL,AQ and instead of all 3 they do MC then release BWl, then AQ.
On the same note all you people who claim omg this is horrible 2/3 content gone, well first off you dont know math, and 2nd you arnt in beta to know the actuale impact. What if its still fun with the 2 cities at the start? because its all new to you so its not like they took anything away and you will prob still have fun if the mechanics are working. and then oh look patch now the cities are coming in let me go try that. oh this is fun(and since you didnt know what the old cities are like you cant compare if they are better or worse, but they are prob better when they get in just hunt for a beta tester and ask)
It seems to me alot of this hysteria is brought about by a few things, poor math skills, a non understanding of how the games works, and the "sky is falling" factor
Please before you make a post or decide to cancel or buy, read up on the information of how the game works and these changes. If you dont want to play after the changes thats fine, but also keep in mind for all of you bitching about a push back you know you could always just not buy it till its in, as far as you are concerned its the same.
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
And how am I going to join my friends or guild with this system?
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
And how am I going to join my friends or guild with this system?
Yah...that's the biggest problem.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Instead of a hard cap as described, where it goes by accounts made for each side, what Mythic will most likely do is a soft cap. For example, only 2500 on either Destruction or Order playing at one time. If there's 2500 Destruction on and you're playing but you log off, a spot opens up for someone else. The caps may not be as high as 2500 so you don't have 2000 Destruction vs. something like 1200 Order...still unbalanced.
-------------------------------------- A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
The realm & racial caps are not character creation related. Only Log in related. A server could have 3,000 destruction characters stored on it and a pop cap of 2500 meaning only 2500 can log in at that moment anyone else gets queue'd until someone logs off or gets booted.
They spoke about this a while ago in Paris but even then details weren't firm since they were still deciding on just how much a server could handle.
In my opinion there's no perfect solution for imbalances. But Mythic is aware of the possiblities & the realities on the subject and mentioned multiple ways to help lower populated realms through temporary buffs etc until enough players are on so they have a chance. Seriously though your realm could be 10 destruction players for 3 or 4 order players but the Order could still techincally kick destructions ass if they're better PvP players.
You have to remember and account for that a decent percentages of the players are going to be PvEing too so while maybe the PvE players are lacking in numbers there could be perfectly equal numbers doing PvP instead.
Instead of a hard cap as described, where it goes by accounts made for each side, what Mythic will most likely do is a soft cap. For example, only 2500 on either Destruction or Order playing at one time. If there's 2500 Destruction on and you're playing but you log off, a spot opens up for someone else. The caps may not be as high as 2500 so you don't have 2000 Destruction vs. something like 1200 Order...still unbalanced.
but if you have a fewer amount of servers...just keep all at medium-high and you're good
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
Finally, someone with an answer to my question. I ty neonaka. I sure hope Mythic plans on addition for many, many servers. I do apologise for calling "destruction" chaos..lol i suppose to my mind's way of seeing things, Destruction is Chaos to some degree!
If you are dead set on Destruction, then you most likely will need to keep your options open as to which server you play on. Especially if you had a buddy that finally talked you into playing on WAR with him and you buy the game only to find you can't play as the same faction with your buddy because the numbers are at peak on your buddy's server.
This still remains the fairest way to actually balance the servers, but, I think it may take longer than many think to gain equality with the Destruction faction...Hope I'm wrong though!
Did any of you think twice about this system? What happens when you have 100 people trying to roll order and 500 try to roll destruction.
100 per server per side.
1 server 100-100 balance
4 servers 100- 0
Or are you suggesting these people all trying to roll destruction either roll order or go find another game till a spot frees up?
Originally posted by Pheace Did any of you think twice about this system? What happens when you have 100 people trying to roll order and 500 try to roll destruction.
100 per server per side.
1 server 100-100 balance
4 servers 100- 0
Or are you suggesting these people all trying to roll destruction either roll order or go find another game till a spot frees up?
You do realize there's probably going to be a dozen or more servers, right? Not just one.
And even then, at least Mythic is TRYING to solve the overpopulated faction problem; Blizzard had no proposed solution and turned out fine.
They might give people incentives to join the underpopulated side, such as shorter queues on a busy or full server, or maybe some extra guards around RVR hotspots (I don't know, just something).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently Waiting For: Nothing, found my addiction for awhile
Currently Playing: Warhammer Online - Oblivion, Warrior Priest, Averheim; Team Fortress 2
Both sides are equal, you can only have a max of both Order and Disorder on the same server so where can therebe an inballance?
Each server is 5,000 people, 2,500 for each side
No one wanting to go for Empire because they have no tank? . . . I'd ask how stupid someone'd have to be to make remarks like that but then I remember... The internet is full of stupid people.
Wasn't there some poll taken earlier this year relating to what faction most on this forum would play? If so, I do believe Chaos was overwhelmingly on top. Unless someone can show me a thread stating they are really actually much closer I see a huge disadvantage from the "get-go". I also realize that this particular forum isn't even one thousandth of one percent of the actual fan base, but somehow I just get this sneaking suspicion that Chaos will have at least a 2:1 superiority at release.
Hope I'm wrong and all, but I kinda doubt it. Last week on the forum thread, "Can't We All Get Along?", I believe it was alluded to that server numbers would be balanced. This might have been a mistype as I was asking about actual faction numbers. Do you think the folks in charge of this game will force a numbers balance upon a subscribers character creation? Hmmm, wonder how people would feel about that?
At any rate if there are faction imbalances this doesn't bode well for gamers down the line. Even the ruling class will become bored when not challenged enough...
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
for example: say 100,000 people subscribe to the game. 70% pick destruction, and 30% pick order. How are you going to balance 70,000 vs 30,000??? fail.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
I just canceled my CE pre-order
They cut the only class I wanted to play.... Black Guard.
Well since AoC bombed the big one and WAR cut my class, I guess it's back to wow until someone else can release something worth a shit.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
You are seriously giving up on a game because -ONE- class isn't in the game? Well...this certainly is a good thing for the WAR community...less whiners. You don't even know if you would have liked the class or not. I'm sure the replacement will be just as good though.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
Then you didn't follow WoW's development. There were many things not included at release (not talkin shit about WoW's release, it is still the Gold Standard). Though I will admit, nothing like not including starting cities for 75% of the races and slashing 4 core classes......
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
Finally, someone with an answer to my question. I ty neonaka. I sure hope Mythic plans on addition for many, many servers. I do apologise for calling "destruction" chaos..lol i suppose to my mind's way of seeing things, Destruction is Chaos to some degree!
If you are dead set on Destruction, then you most likely will need to keep your options open as to which server you play on. Especially if you had a buddy that finally talked you into playing on WAR with him and you buy the game only to find you can't play as the same faction with your buddy because the numbers are at peak on your buddy's server.
This still remains the fairest way to actually balance the servers, but, I think it may take longer than many think to gain equality with the Destruction faction...Hope I'm wrong though!
All I want is the truth
Just gimme some truth
John Lennon
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
90% of our game world that Mythic wanted is going to be there...in WoW...where's hyjal? Wheres Kul Tiras? Where's Undermine? Where's the zones that are now just large, empty mountains? Hmmm? Oh, that's right...Blizz cut them. And a third of our classes are gone? Time to go back to 3rd grade and learn math all over again
20/24 = 83% of the classes.
Blizz wanted to put in hero classes...and now you are getting an astounding ONE! Wooo...your right. Blizz really lived up to ALL their promises.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Hmmm sounds just like the fanbois for D&L, vangurad, AOC. ect. ect.
No matter how often this happens people continue to ignore the same signs over, and over again.
cause wow cut alot of things they where developing and is now going into the 2nd xpac but its a fail of a game right?
I don't play wow, but was in the beta. I can't think of anything wow advertised that wasn't in the game at release. They certainly didn't release without a third of the classes and over a year release date push. Be an idiot ignor the continuing patterns that developers do when they lack the management skills to get a game ready for release.
Then you didn't follow WoW's development. There were many things not included at release (not talkin shit about WoW's release, it is still the Gold Standard). Though I will admit, nothing like not including starting cities for 75% of the races and slashing 4 core classes......
2 core classes that will probably be the first to be implemented into the game. The MDPS really aren't -that- important.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Time to repaste my copy paste
Why the fuck are we still fighting about this shit. The NDA has not been dropped, we're not in open beta, guild beta has -just- started, and we don't even have a launch date. How 'bout we all calm the fuck down, pull up our skirts, and wait until we've actually played the game!
I think it's time I take a break from these forums. People are so damn negative about everything. We are getting a 90% complete world (40 areas out of 44 are complete) with 20 possible careers. We have endgame content (which is more than AoC can say). We have a very long list of things to keep us busy. ToK, PQs, Quests, Dungeons, Senarios, Keep seiges, RvR areas, two cites to attack and defend, crafting, etc etc etc. The list goes on. Hell...if you complete everything on that list...you could Role-play to pass the time, but I'm absolutely 100% positive you will have more content by that time. This game has -far- more fun stuff to do than WoW and very, very little of it is grinding. I don't know about you, but I'm still extremely excited for this game. Sure, all companies have certain things they hide from their customer. Frankly...some of the stuff that goes on, I don't want to know about! If you honestly are not conent with that sort of game at launch you will be disappointed with...every...single...MMO...there...ever...will...be. MMOs are constantly changing.
I promise you all that the sky is not falling. Mythic is doing as much as possible to keep us updated. Would Blizz or Funcom or [insert name of large MMO company] have told you about this stuff 2-4 months in advance? Don't kid yourself. This is the first MMO company I've see that actually gives a shit about their community. Every other MMO is depending on the success of WAR. If it fails...the rest of the gaming community will be very disappointed. Mythic is raising the bar...and that only means good things for every game out there.
/rant over
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Both sides are equal, you can only have a max of both Order and Disorder on the same server so where can therebe an inballance?
Each server is 5,000 people, 2,500 for each side
When you skim read you should at least catch people's main points. I SAID: "It's not so much that I'm worried about numbers imbalance, it's that chaos like horde will have the best pvpers most games."
This is the problem with wow... idiots and weaker pvp'ers for whatever reason chose the clean looking, un-scary, good guys. It gets so stupid that even in the official trailer I remember chaos totally being glorified and kicking butt. And order classes, gear, weapons look so ultra-pansey. They should be doing everything possible, from marketing to class mechanics to minimize this. Instead they're maximizing the problem.
Both sides are equal, you can only have a max of both Order and Disorder on the same server so where can therebe an inballance?
Each server is 5,000 people, 2,500 for each side
When you skim read you should at least catch people's main points. I SAID: "It's not so much that I'm worried about numbers imbalance, it's that chaos like horde will have the best pvpers most games."
This is the problem with wow... idiots and weaker pvp'ers for whatever reason chose the clean looking, un-scary, good guys. It gets so stupid that even in the official trailer I remember chaos totally being glorified and kicking butt. And order classes, gear, weapons look so ultra-pansey. They should be doing everything possible, from marketing to class mechanics to minimize this. Instead they're maximizing the problem.
I'm not really worried. It'll all come out in the wask.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Yeah wow cut alot from its what we want thing. But instead they didn say anything about it, they coverd it up and just never did it, now mythic tells you and its a big fucking deal.
Also another misconception, cities are not starting zone things, cities are end game things with alot of shit to do and seige. In wow terms its more like if you have MC,BWL,AQ and instead of all 3 they do MC then release BWl, then AQ.
On the same note all you people who claim omg this is horrible 2/3 content gone, well first off you dont know math, and 2nd you arnt in beta to know the actuale impact. What if its still fun with the 2 cities at the start? because its all new to you so its not like they took anything away and you will prob still have fun if the mechanics are working. and then oh look patch now the cities are coming in let me go try that. oh this is fun(and since you didnt know what the old cities are like you cant compare if they are better or worse, but they are prob better when they get in just hunt for a beta tester and ask)
It seems to me alot of this hysteria is brought about by a few things, poor math skills, a non understanding of how the games works, and the "sky is falling" factor
Please before you make a post or decide to cancel or buy, read up on the information of how the game works and these changes. If you dont want to play after the changes thats fine, but also keep in mind for all of you bitching about a push back you know you could always just not buy it till its in, as far as you are concerned its the same.
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
And how am I going to join my friends or guild with this system?
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
And how am I going to join my friends or guild with this system?
Yah...that's the biggest problem.
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
Instead of a hard cap as described, where it goes by accounts made for each side, what Mythic will most likely do is a soft cap. For example, only 2500 on either Destruction or Order playing at one time. If there's 2500 Destruction on and you're playing but you log off, a spot opens up for someone else. The caps may not be as high as 2500 so you don't have 2000 Destruction vs. something like 1200 Order...still unbalanced.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
The realm & racial caps are not character creation related. Only Log in related. A server could have 3,000 destruction characters stored on it and a pop cap of 2500 meaning only 2500 can log in at that moment anyone else gets queue'd until someone logs off or gets booted.
They spoke about this a while ago in Paris but even then details weren't firm since they were still deciding on just how much a server could handle.
In my opinion there's no perfect solution for imbalances. But Mythic is aware of the possiblities & the realities on the subject and mentioned multiple ways to help lower populated realms through temporary buffs etc until enough players are on so they have a chance. Seriously though your realm could be 10 destruction players for 3 or 4 order players but the Order could still techincally kick destructions ass if they're better PvP players.
You have to remember and account for that a decent percentages of the players are going to be PvEing too so while maybe the PvE players are lacking in numbers there could be perfectly equal numbers doing PvP instead.
but if you have a fewer amount of servers...just keep all at medium-high and you're good
Guys! I'm hopelessly lost in a mountain of mole hills! Them damn moles!
How did this work for DAOC? I've never played it, but ppl say it had great RvR...
Exactly my point SoulSurfer. This has been the one unaswered question I have had about this game since all the "hubbub" began!
This could be easily fixed on mythics side.
They just need to code in a wall.
New Server : Lickmyballs US
2500 Order
2500 Destruction
As the Destruction fills up the server keep track of it. Once it reaches max capacity it simply gives users a message when attempting to create new characters on Lickmyballs US that states "We are sorry but destruction is at max capacity at this time".
Ok so now noone can make destruction anymore on this server it is full.
However people can still make Order.
You can also filter people into this role by "server forcing" players.
When you create an account and boot up, they should make the server screen choose your server for you. Based on the needs of Order vs Destruction on the servers.
If Lickmyballs US still needs lets say 500 more players to cap out the server for order, the next 500 players to roll order get sent to Lickmyballs US.
There now you have balance.
They could make a page on the official site that shows capacity numbers for servers.
If some of the players un-subscribe or leave that server, it could show the number of open slots left on each server, in case you want to reroll somewhere else.
Finally, someone with an answer to my question. I ty neonaka. I sure hope Mythic plans on addition for many, many servers. I do apologise for calling "destruction" chaos..lol i suppose to my mind's way of seeing things, Destruction is Chaos to some degree!
If you are dead set on Destruction, then you most likely will need to keep your options open as to which server you play on. Especially if you had a buddy that finally talked you into playing on WAR with him and you buy the game only to find you can't play as the same faction with your buddy because the numbers are at peak on your buddy's server.
This still remains the fairest way to actually balance the servers, but, I think it may take longer than many think to gain equality with the Destruction faction...Hope I'm wrong though!
Did any of you think twice about this system? What happens when you have 100 people trying to roll order and 500 try to roll destruction.
100 per server per side.
1 server 100-100 balance
4 servers 100- 0
Or are you suggesting these people all trying to roll destruction either roll order or go find another game till a spot frees up?
You do realize there's probably going to be a dozen or more servers, right? Not just one.
And even then, at least Mythic is TRYING to solve the overpopulated faction problem; Blizzard had no proposed solution and turned out fine.
They might give people incentives to join the underpopulated side, such as shorter queues on a busy or full server, or maybe some extra guards around RVR hotspots (I don't know, just something).
Currently Waiting For: Nothing, found my addiction for awhile
Currently Playing: Warhammer Online - Oblivion, Warrior Priest, Averheim; Team Fortress 2