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4 1/2 years later and still going strong



  • PheacePheace Member Posts: 2,408
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    It's not....just because you still have  a bunch  of sheep playing WoW....doesn't make WoW successful these days....unless you are blind to the MMO market.....


    Wait, what... just because millions are playing it across the globe doesn't mean it's successfull? 


  • GestankfaustGestankfaust Member UncommonPosts: 1,989
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    It's not....just because you still have  a bunch  of sheep playing WoW....doesn't make WoW successful these days....unless you are blind to the MMO market.....


    I wouldn't call 80% of the paying western subscription gamers a bunch of sheep.

    I would call the 5 % not accepting the fact a game that outsells every other PC game on the market .... 4.5 years after being published a kind of blind wolves.

    ... with a very odd and bad taste.



    I would call them sheep...and will call them sheep now...


    Because they have nothing to turn MMO that grabs them by the horns.....means nothing.


    They...and probably you....still play this mindless zombie juggernaut of an MMO.....cause that's what is out their....but it's the same as Taco Bell and's there...and it's cheap


    "This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."

  • Ramonski7Ramonski7 Member UncommonPosts: 2,662

    I can believe that it's still going strong for 4.5 years, you know why......cause it's fun. I get more bang for my buck. Like many people who frequent these forums and this topic are trying to get across to you condescending posters out there....stop trying to mask your dislike for the game with your so called neutrality. Like they say: "You can put shit on syrup, but it still don't make it pancakes." Call it easy, dumbed down, MMOs for dummies, retard camp, my grannie's MMO or what ever derogatory term you come up with and move on. These ain't the droids you're lookin for........sheesh.

    "Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."

  • popinjaypopinjay Member Posts: 6,539

    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    I would call them sheep...and will call them sheep now...
    Because they have nothing to turn MMO that grabs them by the horns.....means nothing.
    They...and probably you....still play this mindless zombie juggernaut of an MMO.....cause that's what is out their....but it's the same as Taco Bell and's there...and it's cheap

    So people play WoW because it's cheap? It costs the same amount as any "premium" or "higher quality" or "more sophisticated" MMOs. The exact same price in many cases. So if WoW is cheap, what does that make the MMOs priced exactly like it is? People have the choice of playing WoW or whatever MMO you can name, but don't pick yours.

    What does that say about your MMO of choice when again, they cost exactly the same?

  • VetarniasVetarnias Member UncommonPosts: 630
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    It's not....just because you still have  a bunch  of sheep playing WoW....doesn't make WoW successful these days....unless you are blind to the MMO market.....


    I wouldn't call 80% of the paying western subscription gamers a bunch of sheep.

    I would call the 5 % not accepting the fact a game that outsells every other PC game on the market .... 4.5 years after being published .... a kind of blind wolves.

    ... with a very odd and bad taste.

    Ah, here we go again.  Statistics.

    As for the 5% (which 5%?), I don't think that what they don't accept is the game outselling other games.  The figures are there.  And I think that, by and large, trying to dispute those figures, or trying to figure out how many of WoW's subscribers are gold sellers, is a waste of time.  The game outsells every other MMO both in boxes and subscriptions, and there is no denying it.  So stop toting figures around; we know, and it's not addressing the issue.

    The issue is that now you're making it a matter of taste, "very odd and bad" if we're to believe you. According to whom?  The 11.5 million?   The most prolific fanboys on these boards?  Activision Blizzard's CEO? Or just you?

    So you're claiming that those who look for alternatives to WoW all have bad taste, based on what? Oh yeah, that's right, the 11.5 million.  You're not even allowing players to like an alternative to WoW without accusing them of bad taste.  Just splendid.  Now what was that you were saying about my right to not like WoW?

    As for your other post, the one which went:

    "So the wolves not only have bad taste they also can't count.

    So tell me do you pay 15 dollars a month to just listen to records of Britney Spears :)))

    --- FACT ---

    Wow is not food and is not a musician or a singer."

    Well, sorry to break it to you, Zorn, but what McDonald's and Britney and WoW have in common is that they are cultural products, and as such, the comparison is apt.  (Certainly more appropriate than Hitler, wouldn't you say?)  And, again, completely omitted from your little dissertation is the fact that "popular" DOES NOT EQUAL "good", which is the point of all those comparisons to McDonald's and Britney (nor, however, does it equal bad); it just means someone is getting stinking rich. (As for paying $15 a month to listen to Britney: Heaven forfend her getting that prolific.)

    WoW is in a dominant spot today because it is widely available, cheap, had the Blizzard franchises to rely upon, and another important factor, sadly overlooked: nowadays, anyone with a glorified typewriter can play it instead of just the guys with the latest hardware.  Of all the new releases (so, not talking about WoW here), I played during the past year, only one (Pirates of the Burning Sea) played satisfactorily on my computer.  The rest (Conan, WAR) were for all purposes unplayable.  As long as those companies go for the rich kids with the latest hardware, they'll never tap into WoW's market.  But there they go, making those "strategic partnerships with NVIDIA" (Funcom) all the time and then wondering why people don't stay around.

  • cukimungacukimunga Member UncommonPosts: 2,258
    Originally posted by itchmon

    WoW will meet its match soooooooooon!!
    (because blizzard is making another MMO)


    I don't think Blizzards next MMO is going to have the sucsess that WoW has especially if its not goin to be Starcraft or a Diablo MMO.. Unless its another MMO that is made for the masses, which now I think about it is probably what they will do.  I think WoW sucsess was just a fluke, i mean what was the highest subscription number before? then WoW came out and hit what  5 mill with the first year? and now 11mill or whatnot.

  • PapadamPapadam Member Posts: 2,102

    I think no one can deny that WoW has become a pop-cultural phenomen, comparable to: Pokemon, The Simpsons, Harry Potter, Britney Spears etc. (IMO)

    It doesnt make it the best game ever made and it doesnt make it a bad game. Its just grown to become something much more than any other MMO and has changed this genre. Blizzard made an MMO for everyone and everyone came and played it. Earlier MMOS was designed only for us "nerds" so the mainstream didnt have reason to play them.

    I think the reason there are so many WoW haters here is:

    1. Because its mainstream and elitistic people always hate on things that are mainstream.

    2. Because the WoW fans here (Zorndorf is the perfect example of this but there are more) think that because WoW have more players than all other MMOs combined its 10x better than everything else and eveyone who doesnt like WoW is just a Hater and are stupid because they play other games.

    If WoW = The Beatles
    and WAR = Led Zeppelin
    Then LotrO = Pink Floyd

  • arctarusarctarus Member UncommonPosts: 2,581

    There's always both and lovers and haters for a game. No game can ever please all. But compare to other games WoW seems to have more, because of its populations.

    1% of WoW players can easily be the sub or half of many P2P mmo out there. So any effect it have, be it childish behaviour, trolls , lovers, will seems like really alot.

    Ultimatly WoW is still strong in its own right, and someday like all mmo do, it will come to an end....

    Though i heard that in times of nuclear war, only cockroaches and WoW will survive....






    RIP Orc Choppa

  • VetarniasVetarnias Member UncommonPosts: 630
    Originally posted by Papadam

    I think no one can deny that WoW has become a pop-cultural phenomen, comparable to: Pokemon, The Simpsons, Harry Potter, Britney Spears etc. (IMO)
    It remains to be seen how much of it will be remembered by future generations. Simpsons yes, Potter maybe, Pokemon unlikely, Spears no (or, at worst, not in a good light).  WoW, as a game that will long be offline, will remain of historical interest in both popular culture and in the gaming industry, but probably nothing more.
    It doesnt make it the best game ever made and it doesnt make it a bad game. Its just grown to become something much more than any other MMO and has changed this genre. Blizzard made an MMO for everyone and everyone came and played it. Earlier MMOS was designed only for us "nerds" so the mainstream didnt have reason to play them.
    I think the reason there are so many WoW haters here is:
    1. Because its mainstream and elitistic people always hate on things that are mainstream.
    I won't deny that there are people like that, who will criticize anything popular (and, occasionally, praise it but never oh never on the same grounds that led to its popularity).  Within the gaming community, the anti-WoW elitists are usually, but not always, those who long for a return to "old-school" MMO's, from which they cull every design flaw to distort them into desirable features.  And they're so blatantly easy to track; now they're in Darkfall, in four months they'll be in Mortal Online.  Yet they never see anything wrong with themselves, or their gaming style (which leads to dead games). When criticized, they'll drop the words "carebear" and "Hello Kitty Online" and worry about the WoW-ization of everything; the most twisted of them will actually defend their own gamestyle as the saner one because they laugh at any emotional attachment to pixels.  On this last point, I tend to agree with them that getting attached to such virtual belongings is a dubious attitude, but I'm far from their opposite view of bad-mouthing, ganking, griefing and scamming (which they consider okay because nothing in a game actually matters).  Why do they jump at any chance to measure their e-peen then?
    The problem is that WoW players seem to turn a blind eye to WoW's own type of elitism, the one which manifests itself in the form of high-level raiding guilds insisting prospective members be 80, only of certain classes (usually healers, in short supply apparently), already properly geared (with stuff found in raids, of course), know what they're doing (based on months of experience in raids) and are available at all times when scheduled raids are to be taking place.  I avoided Silvermoon and Orgrimmar because it was all over chat, all the time.  That's your WoW elitism.  And on top of that, add twinks, a distorted use of alts to pursue a similar type of elitism at much lower levels.
    Why aren't these WoW occurrences denounced as the elitism that they are?
    At the same time, there seems to be an anti-elitist hypocrisy gearing up in WoW, where the above isn't really seen as elitist (or in the most honest cases, is considered unavoidable), but where charges of elitism are aimed at every player either dissatisfied with the game, or who dedicates his time to the active pursuit of one activity within the game world.
    Remember when I said a few months ago that I had made 2000 gold by harvesting about as many small eggs during the holidays? Immediately I was being told that a new player, which I was (I had been playing for a month or so), wouldn't know how to make money within the game. Never mind my own experience in other games in which I played the economy.  A new player was not supposed to know how to make money, and that was that (I apparently "lucked into" the egg business).  To even suggest that you did know how to make money within a month of playing WoW looked borderline elitist to older players -- because it was their game, you were a neophyte, and you were supposed to respect the unspoken seniority of the place. And if you think seniority isn't important or one of the main sources of WoW elitism, look at old threads here.  As someone (not Zorn) once put it to me: "You see it's not JUST the fact that you only got to 46, it's that you have played for 6 weeks when some of us have been playing for 4+ years. You're trying to explain to us how our opinion is incorrect and that your opinion is correct, but you don't have one tenth of the knowledge of the game that we have."  That sort of thing.  I can't find the link where Zorndorf said how long it took to be considered a "WoW player", but I do believe it was around the two-year mark.

    Which is how the Zorndorfs of the world get to swagger around here, unopposed. How you guys can tolerate him is beyond me; don't you see he's harming WoW more than anything else?
    2. Because the WoW fans here (Zorndorf is the perfect example of this but there are more) think that because WoW have more players than all other MMOs combined its 10x better than everything else and eveyone who doesnt like WoW is just a Hater and are stupid because they play other games.
    Entirely agreed.  Apart from the "old school" elitists (whom I despise), I don't think many people who don't like WoW would turn their views into a screed against the game.  They'd just move on to what they like more.  But the Zorndorfs don't even allow you to make that choice.  Dislike (or just be indifferent to) WoW, and go against the will of 11.5 million players (who can't be wrong, on account that there are so many of them), and you're immediately accused of being an elitist, an idiot, and having no taste whatsoever, while "nobody can stop the juggernaut" (Zorn's words).  Which is precisely what the "old-schoolers" do towards people who do like WoW.  Yet one is bad, and the other is fine?
    Posters on this forum can't have it both ways.



  • Ramonski7Ramonski7 Member UncommonPosts: 2,662

    Thing is you have elitist in every mmo known to gamers, makes no difference if they are in WoW or EVE.. And you cannot expect WoW elitist to be any less proud of their epix, time vested, or mount collection than their non WoW playing counterparts. So that whole point is for moot. The issue that many posters have on these WoW forums is that those people  who jump from game to game and those that self-label themselves, old skool, hardcore or whatnot find it necessary to constantly try to debunk what makes/made WoW a successful MMO enjoyed by many.


    Too often they take their own opinions of what they deem easy, boring, dumbed-down, graphicly inferior, or simple and try to pass them off as standards among players. When quite simply there aren't any standards. There are millions of different combinations of PCs out there, millions of different opinions of value placed on all those things I listed above. So if a company has found a way to tap into the psyche of those many players, provide a solid experience and get it to run on modest PCs, in my opinion that's genius.


    Look at it like this.... If someone has showed you a way to make $1000 in a week for $15, but it took a LOT of hard work to do it, some people will bite and some won't. Word would spread and you'd have a decent group of people making thernselves some cash. Now say if I take that same formula, streamline it and I tell people they can make $800 in a week with half the amount of work but still have to pay the $15 to get the you not think more people would try it?


    Of course they would. Are they making as much money as they could be in a week? No. But with some people it's more about the level of work they are willing to tolerate weighed against the amount of reward they are willing to settle for. Does this make them dumb? No. Does this make the people willing to invest a little more work for a little more cash dumb? Absolutely not. But what is doesn't show is that there is more than one way to get a job done without the need to settle for the original game plan.


    This is basic business 101. There will always be people out there willing to shell out money to play their way, but to continue to bash, label or ridicule players for paying for the same formula to get their own sense of reward out of the system seems counterproductive. You never know how many of those people that may be willing to put in a little more work in the future for an extra $200 bucks.

    "Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by Ramonski7

    Thing is you have elitist in every mmo known to gamers, makes no difference if they are in WoW or EVE.. And you cannot expect WoW elitist to be any less proud of their epix, time vested, or mount collection than their non WoW playing counterparts. So that whole point is for moot. The issue that many posters have on these WoW forums is that those people  who jump from game to game and those that self-label themselves, old skool, hardcore or whatnot find it necessary to constantly try to debunk what makes/made WoW a successful MMO enjoyed by many.
    Too often they take their own opinions of what they deem easy, boring, dumbed-down, graphicly inferior, or simple and try to pass them off as standards among players. When quite simply there aren't any standards. There are millions of different combinations of PCs out there, millions of different opinions of value placed on all those things I listed above. So if a company has found a way to tap into the psyche of those many players, provide a solid experience and get it to run on modest PCs, in my opinion that's genius.
    Look at it like this.... If someone has showed you a way to make $1000 in a week for $15, but it took a LOT of hard work to do it, some people will bite and some won't. Word would spread and you'd have a decent group of people making thernselves some cash. Now say if I take that same formula, streamline it and I tell people they can make $800 in a week with half the amount of work but still have to pay the $15 to get the you not think more people would try it?
    Of course they would. Are they making as much money as they could be in a week? No. But with some people it's more about the level of work they are willing to tolerate weighed against the amount of reward they are willing to settle for. Does this make them dumb? No. Does this make the people willing to invest a little more work for a little more cash dumb? Absolutely not. But what is doesn't show is that there is more than one way to get a job done without the need to settle for the original game plan.
    This is basic business 101. There will always be people out there willing to shell out money to play their way, but to continue to bash, label or ridicule players for paying for the same formula to get their own sense of reward out of the system seems counterproductive. You never know how many of those people that may be willing to put in a little more work in the future for an extra $200 bucks.


    How dare you start talking business sense and bringing facts into the argument. ;)

    I don't believe anyone here said that "WOW is the best friggin thing since sliced bread." so I don't know where some of these posters got their ideas for this thread from. I don't think WOW is the best game I've ever played, but it is the most fun I've had in an MMORPG in awhile. That is my opinion.  WOW is still selling the original game in the top ten and dominates over 60 percent of the MMORPG market 4 1/2 years after it came out. That is not an opinion. It is a fact. Now if that burns a few posters bacon to see those words hanging around they will just have to deal with it, or move to another game's forum.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • OrthedosOrthedos Member Posts: 1,771
    Originally posted by Darkfalz89

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Originally posted by bagnol

    Originally posted by Pheace

    Originally posted by bagnol

    "people will not stay in a poor game for as long as WOW subscribers have." sure they will, if they don't know any better. Also it's a well known fact that one of the main reason SOME OF WoW's players return after quitting is because the don't want to spend the time to get back to the top.


    That's just a dumb statement. Of these, what, millions of people who never played the genre. If you think they actually overcame their disdain of paying monthly for a "game" , and yes that's how it was for most of the people I knew before WoW, for a game that's not even "good" you're just deluding yourself. They'd have dumped a crap game like a sore ... whatever.


    People enjoyed it, it's as simple and basic as that. Whether you consider the game good or not is besides the point, people enjoyed themselves and they wanted to play. That's why I play games, that's why they play games. I'd still play Pong if I hadn't got tired of it, because it was a thoroughly enjoyable game, even though it's the simplest and most basic thing you could imagine.


    Other MMO's are just different, and even 9/10 cases not even that significantly if you compared them to *any* other genre. These games are mostly basically the same. You get some people who look at just MMO's and argue semantics on how greatly beter game A is versus B but anyone else would consider them mostly the same in gamestyle.


    I also love the nostalgia people who seem to think that WoW is "easy" and "dumbed down" yet whenever they mention "how" it is dumbed down all they speak of is how much "easier" everything is, which basically comes down to how much less tedium and how much less downtime there is in the game. It has nothing to do with skill most of the time. Just time spent.


    Again you misunderstand, I say they didn't know any better because to anyone that's never played an MMO, WoW would be the largest game they've played, in some cases the most in-depth game they've played and the most social game they've played so immediately it's this great new thing that everyone loves and finds enjoyable, but that could be said about every MMORPG but WoW is most people's first so they stick with it. I'm not saying WoW is a bad game, I;m just trying to add to the reasons why people think it's "4 1/2 years later and still going strong". I give up anyway, this is like arguing with a 4 year old with my mouth full In that you people seem to have an idea in your head's that won't change-so there's no point in trying, and then typing leaves out half thepoint and makes it even harder to communicate.


    What about for all those players like me where WOW is NOT their first game and enjoy playing it? My first MMORPG was in 2004 and SWG. Also, many first timers who did start with WOW  and left came back because no other MMORPG for them was stable or fun compared to what WOW offers.

    And I us the phrase "4 1/2 years later and still going strong" because the facts say so. But from what I've gathered from the WOW haters, facts should never get in the way of dogma.

    Ktanner, how many times do you think these threads have been made and with the same result. Numbers mean nothing and a good example why is the Wii. Now just like wow, nintendo caters to a larger fanbase, thus it has a large playing field. Does nintendo(wow) have better graphics than its predecessors? No it does not its simply because both can be played by all ages and thats your result. I frankly dont care about several million 12 year olds or several age groups higher that play the game due to its simplicity. I know you have to keep ppl playing somehow, but clearly other games proved that adding levels to a game didnt make it anymore interesting to play, in fact it made it more of a chore. In wotlk WoW started something new which was wintergrasp and also one of WoWs first "attempts" at RvR which failed miserably.

    And just to remind you tanner, just like the fanbase rmt has a major chunk of subscriptions as well as the larger fanbase that WoW can reach. How many ppl are to damn cheap to get a good comp? I could name at least 30 i know personally that say no and also say the play wow because thier PC cant run anything else. WoW can be played from a carboard tower and a ice cube cooling system, which yet again is why they reach a higher fanbase. Finally, how many ppl do you know that play wow that doesnt have  thier total immediate family play it also? Average family has about 3 kids, thats 3 subs and 2 more for the parents if they all play(which due to WoWs simplicity and easy mode this is more than possible in every case).

    [Mod Edit]


    Ok figures means nothing, when they do not support your arguement.  12 millions subs means nothing to you.  But you quoted what? 30 people you know that proves WoW players are cheap and cannot afford to pay for better computers.  Now figures means something b/c they support your argument.  Come on, make up your mind, is 30 a stronger support to an argument than 12 million?  The 30 you know represents the entire 12 million?  I casually browsed the web and found more than 30 persons posting online seeking ways to configure high level display cards or vista, to play WoW, now we have more than 30 people willing to buy good hardware to play WoW.  Does that defeats your argument?

    You have to remind us that WoW has family appeal?  Thank you for the big reminder.  How about I tell you that WoW has a wider social appeal than just a family.  My family members play it, even after we no longer live together.  Many friends and colleagues play it.  So what?  That proves WoW is weak? is simple to play? appeals to a wider spectrum of people?  How is that a weakness?

    You want a game in which you are tortured, in which you need to run around for an hour to find a mob, or wait spam for an hour to form a group, to have to find the right group just to head out of town?  Ok, good for you.  I wonder why people find improvements in household appliances "good", but simplication of UI and game mechanisms "dumb down".  If you do not want to be dumbed down, do not use washing machine, vacuum machine nor even cooker.  Better still grow your own wheat and make your own bread.  Milk your own cow and never visit a grocery.  Throw money out of the window and do every chore yourself.

    WoW cuts out the stupid time sinks in EQ, the competitor they face when they started some 4 years ago.  They replace the stupid timesinks with another form of timesink, that is more fun.  Lets use EQ in its hey days (before WoW) as an illustration.  If you want to use another game, do it yourself.

    (1) In EQ you waste time going to the instance.  Yeah no kidding, we wipe a lot just reaching the zone in.  Which is not fun.  In WoW you just need 2 persons to reach the summoning stone, where as in EQ you have to wait for all raid members to make his way there.  In WoW you can summon people directly into the instance (warlocks) to replace lost members, in EQ you have to fight back all the way to zone in to pick up the new member.  How many times we wipe trying to get out to pick up replacement member, then having to fight in nake to get our corpse or fight nake to zone in and have someone go to get enough coffins to summon the corpses?  I find more fun actually doing the instance, than spending the same amount of time trying to set up for the instance.

    (2) In EQ you have to walk, and ridiculous walking time, to get from one place to another.  That leads to many of us loggin alts in different instances, and using only the alt for that instance.  Travelling in EQ is not funny nor friendly.  WoW provides flightpaths, flying mounts.  That saves a lot of troubles.  I would say CoX is most friendly in terms of mobility, and superjump is outright fun.  Do I want to spent time walking from place to place or have me forced to play only this alt for this instance?  No, I prefer the freedom in WoW, in which I pool all my alts in dalaran, and select the alt I prefer to play today.

    (3) EQ makes recovery from wipes a pain.  Well there are times when wipes are caused by accidents.  Server spike have killed lots of raids.  Why should we waste hours trying to recover, b/c the server spikes?  Why should we lose a level after some painful raid wipes, and have to go back to pve to recover the level in order to resume raiding, cos lvl 60 give us some spells or skill vital to raids, and droppin down to lvl 59 means bye bye to raiding?  WoW makes death a minor issue, so we can wipe laugh and try again.  Not everyone online have 12 hours per session, and easy recovery from wipes makes it possible to get something done in 2 or 3 hours, with simple solution to replacing members and keeping the raid going on for 4-6 hours.  Its not unknown that the starting group replaces half its members by the time the raid comes to an end.  Can you do that in EQ?

    (4) WoW keeps enhancing its interace, I am not talking about the mods.  The little details makes life very comfortable in raids.  You know whether your raid member is in range to your heals, you know who has debuffs.  You have options to display what, say hp bars of mobs on top of the mobs.  You have so much room to configurate, with different setting for each alt.  You got fancy little details that just makes life easy.  I do not see how this is dumb down.  Some mods do make the game a bit too easy, and you have the option not to use it.  I do not.  But the efforts of WoW in creating a first class "configurable" UI, is a classic example of customer service.  I am given options, which allows me to set up the difficulty level I want.  If you want challenge, you can remove all setting and play in the old EQ way, find your member one by one my hand and heal with no debuffing displayed.  You can do it.

    (5) WoW makes a game in which there are so many different things to do.  Much more than EQ.  Whether you like it or not is your issue.  There are people who likes some of each.  That is the key to WoW's success, different people, in different mood, could still find something to do in WoW.  In EQ, after reaching max level, you will be waiing for a group to form up to raid.  In WoW there are various raids to choose from, and you can pvp while waiting for a raid to form, or craft or harvest or do dailies (and various kinds of them).  Yes daily is repetitive, but still more fun than just sitting at zone in waiting for the raid to form.

    Not that WoW is without weakness.  But to use a sweeping statement to dismiss WoW, like you did, is simply unconvincing.

  • OrthedosOrthedos Member Posts: 1,771
    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by Gestankfaust

    It's not....just because you still have  a bunch  of sheep playing WoW....doesn't make WoW successful these days....unless you are blind to the MMO market.....


    I wouldn't call 80% of the paying western subscription gamers a bunch of sheep.

    I would call the 5 % not accepting the fact a game that outsells every other PC game on the market .... 4.5 years after being published a kind of blind wolves.

    ... with a very odd and bad taste.



    I would call them sheep...and will call them sheep now...


    Because they have nothing to turn MMO that grabs them by the horns.....means nothing.


    They...and probably you....still play this mindless zombie juggernaut of an MMO.....cause that's what is out their....but it's the same as Taco Bell and's there...and it's cheap



    You can call them anything you want.  No one cares.  Oh or you believe these 12 million players actually start eating grass, because you call them sheeps?

    Because they have nothing to turn to?  Oh you know every one of the 12 million, in person and have been checking their lives.  Assuming you spend an hour to establish the living habit of each 12 millions, you need 12 million hours or 1370 years to establish your argument.  Wait till you are 1370 years old before coming up with a conclusion.

    Or you do a survey and establish some sampling results.  Tell me how you draw samples.  Do not tell me you know 30 persons who are fat filthy or whatever and that represents the 12 million.  Everyone knows 30 WoW players (and is that not amazing?) and each person's 30 WoWers are different.  Your 30 means nothing to me.

    Until you can establish your argument, you are just bullshitting and having nothing else to argue about, short of namecalling.  A sheep?  or a fool in you?

  • AbrahmmAbrahmm Member Posts: 2,448
    Originally posted by ktanner3

    I don't believe anyone here said that "WOW is the best friggin thing since sliced bread." so I don't know where some of these posters got their ideas for this thread from.


    You do realize that Zorndorf is posting in this thread right?

    Nah, I agree with you, WoW was fun while I was playing it. I just got bored of it. It wasn't a very deep game, and it doesn't take very long to do most of what you can do. It is very repetative. But hey, some people like that, so whatever.

    Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
    Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
    Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
    Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
    Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.

  • OrthedosOrthedos Member Posts: 1,771
    Originally posted by Abrahmm

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    I don't believe anyone here said that "WOW is the best friggin thing since sliced bread." so I don't know where some of these posters got their ideas for this thread from.


    You do realize that Zorndorf is posting in this thread right?

    Nah, I agree with you, WoW was fun while I was playing it. I just got bored of it. It wasn't a very deep game, and it doesn't take very long to do most of what you can do. It is very repetative. But hey, some people like that, so whatever.


    Very true.  So one way out is not to do it everyday.  Do it only when you have a strong urge to loggon on.

    Oh if I have to play tennis every day like a work schedule, I will throw in the towel.

  • veritas_Xveritas_X Member Posts: 393
    Originally posted by ktanner3

    It's amazing how the WOW haters flock to this forum like flies on shit for a game that they supposedly detest. Seriously folks, get over it. Whatever game you were playing before World of Warcraft came out got squashed like a little bug because people found this game more appealing. That's not the fault of Blizzard, that is the fault of whatever company was making your game.It's that companies fault for not making a game more appealing except to only a niche group of  players who crave extreme game mechanics(forced grouping,perma death) that only the "Thank you sir, may I have another?" crowd would eat up.
    It's not Blizzard's fault that every company out there decided to copy WOW afterwards. Or that other morons like SOE decided to make their horrible game worse by revamping it and making it a WOW clone with a FPS. A lot of the comments I read here and on other gaming forums read like the KKK , who are still pissed off that the South lost the war and want to bring back the confederacy.


    Lmao, can you be a little more dramatic?

    Honestly, WoW is a phenomenal success, no one can dispute that, and even though its not my cup of tea, my hat's off to Blizzard and I'm eagerly waiting to see what they do as a follow-up.

    That said, why would you even start this thread?  Did you just feel the need to have a little forum fight with the guys on this site that you know hate the game?  Sounds like you're a little bored with it yourself if you feel the need to come here and point out the very bloody obvious, lol.

    They took the bait and you've got everyone riled up, but really you look like just as much of an asshat as the haters do, if not more, especially when throwing around KKK references and the like.

    Enjoy the game, it is fun and many people agree with you, but stop coming here and being a flame-baiting richard-head, there's no point to it other than making yourself look like a d-bag.

  • ParkCarsHereParkCarsHere Member Posts: 666
    Originally posted by andmiller

    Originally posted by Yipple

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    "With more than 11.5 million monthly subscribers,World of Warcraft is currently the world's largest MMORPG in those terms, and holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG.In April 2008, World of Warcraft was estimated to hold 62% of the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) market."
    Beat that with a stick.


    In the early 1950's 80% of the Western World smoked tobacco, it's now down to 25%.

    Beat that statistic with a (cancer) stick.


    Now I have seen it all.......someone is comparing WOW to a carcinogen.  LOL.....

    Meh, it's been done before :P.

    WoW kills people with its addictive qualities!

  • metalcoremetalcore Member Posts: 798

    I remember the doom sayers on this site saying it wouldn't last 6 months (if memory recalls).

    Whilst I don't play WoW anymore, I understand its attraction.

    People have said its like Britney Spears of MMOs, I kind of look at it as the Metallica of MMOs.

    My sims is more the Britney of this genre.

    Whilst many games trying to copy it (just like Metallica), I feel in the long run when things calm down and everyone stops trying to replicate WoW, things will be better.

    Now playing: VG (after a long break from MMORPGS)
    Played for more than a month: Darkfall online, Vanguard SOH, Everquest, Horizons, WoW, SWG, Everquest II, Eve

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063

    I think we can close this thread now. It's devolved to another pointless argument and that was not my intent.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • TadamitsuTadamitsu Member Posts: 118

    LOL its has devolved to bimbo spears..


    I have played wow off and on for 3ish years also, very polished and overall a very good game.

    I wonder about if there are 11.5m accounts how many of those are active?

    played:WoW and Eve off and on 5 years
    Tried:CoH/V, PoTBS, War, TR, STO, FE
    TOR is likely to rock

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by veritas_X

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    It's amazing how the WOW haters flock to this forum like flies on shit for a game that they supposedly detest. Seriously folks, get over it. Whatever game you were playing before World of Warcraft came out got squashed like a little bug because people found this game more appealing. That's not the fault of Blizzard, that is the fault of whatever company was making your game.It's that companies fault for not making a game more appealing except to only a niche group of  players who crave extreme game mechanics(forced grouping,perma death) that only the "Thank you sir, may I have another?" crowd would eat up.
    It's not Blizzard's fault that every company out there decided to copy WOW afterwards. Or that other morons like SOE decided to make their horrible game worse by revamping it and making it a WOW clone with a FPS. A lot of the comments I read here and on other gaming forums read like the KKK , who are still pissed off that the South lost the war and want to bring back the confederacy.


    Lmao, can you be a little more dramatic?

    Honestly, WoW is a phenomenal success, no one can dispute that, and even though its not my cup of tea, my hat's off to Blizzard and I'm eagerly waiting to see what they do as a follow-up.

    That said, why would you even start this thread?  Did you just feel the need to have a little forum fight with the guys on this site that you know hate the game?  Sounds like you're a little bored with it yourself if you feel the need to come here and point out the very bloody obvious, lol.

    They took the bait and you've got everyone riled up, but really you look like just as much of an asshat as the haters do, if not more, especially when throwing around KKK references and the like.

    Enjoy the game, it is fun and many people agree with you, but stop coming here and being a flame-baiting richard-head, there's no point to it other than making yourself look like a d-bag.


    Since when do Wow players need to defend their posts they make about their game in their forums? 



    Yeah, that assinine comment threw me off a bit. I post a fact about World of Warcraft on a World of Warcraft forum and somehow it was a conspiracy to piss off people? Didn't know we had so many conspiracy theorists around here. As Freud said " Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • PheacePheace Member Posts: 2,408
    Originally posted by ParkCarsHere

    Originally posted by andmiller

    Originally posted by Yipple

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    "With more than 11.5 million monthly subscribers,World of Warcraft is currently the world's largest MMORPG in those terms, and holds the Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG.In April 2008, World of Warcraft was estimated to hold 62% of the massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) market."
    Beat that with a stick.


    In the early 1950's 80% of the Western World smoked tobacco, it's now down to 25%.

    Beat that statistic with a (cancer) stick.


    Now I have seen it all.......someone is comparing WOW to a carcinogen.  LOL.....

    Meh, it's been done before :P.

    WoW kills people with its addictive qualities!


    The percentages fit WAR or AoC better actually, those games made such a drop, just a lot faster ;)


  • veritas_Xveritas_X Member Posts: 393
    Originally posted by ktanner3

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by veritas_X

    Originally posted by ktanner3

    It's amazing how the WOW haters flock to this forum like flies on shit for a game that they supposedly detest. Seriously folks, get over it. Whatever game you were playing before World of Warcraft came out got squashed like a little bug because people found this game more appealing. That's not the fault of Blizzard, that is the fault of whatever company was making your game.It's that companies fault for not making a game more appealing except to only a niche group of  players who crave extreme game mechanics(forced grouping,perma death) that only the "Thank you sir, may I have another?" crowd would eat up.
    It's not Blizzard's fault that every company out there decided to copy WOW afterwards. Or that other morons like SOE decided to make their horrible game worse by revamping it and making it a WOW clone with a FPS. A lot of the comments I read here and on other gaming forums read like the KKK , who are still pissed off that the South lost the war and want to bring back the confederacy.


    Lmao, can you be a little more dramatic?

    Honestly, WoW is a phenomenal success, no one can dispute that, and even though its not my cup of tea, my hat's off to Blizzard and I'm eagerly waiting to see what they do as a follow-up.

    That said, why would you even start this thread?  Did you just feel the need to have a little forum fight with the guys on this site that you know hate the game?  Sounds like you're a little bored with it yourself if you feel the need to come here and point out the very bloody obvious, lol.

    They took the bait and you've got everyone riled up, but really you look like just as much of an asshat as the haters do, if not more, especially when throwing around KKK references and the like.

    Enjoy the game, it is fun and many people agree with you, but stop coming here and being a flame-baiting richard-head, there's no point to it other than making yourself look like a d-bag.


    Since when do Wow players need to defend their posts they make about their game in their forums? 



    Yeah, that assinine comment threw me off a bit. I post a fact about World of Warcraft on a World of Warcraft forum and somehow it was a conspiracy to piss off people? Didn't know we had so many conspiracy theorists around here. As Freud said " Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."


    No, not a conspiracy, but the tone of the post that I quoted, and the fact that you compared gamers to the KKK, indicated that your intent was nothing more than flame-baiting.  Nice try at backpedaling though.

  • ktanner3ktanner3 Member UncommonPosts: 4,063
    Originally posted by Tadamitsu

    LOL its has devolved to bimbo spears..
    I have played wow off and on for 3ish years also, very polished and overall a very good game.
    I wonder about if there are 11.5m accounts how many of those are active?


    Good question. I don't know why people would pay for a game that they aren't playing unless they did a year long sub and stopped after a few months. That's why I either do monthly of three month subs.

    Currently Playing: World of Warcraft

  • GoronianGoronian Member Posts: 724

     Sigh.. You want to talk bloody statistics? Here you go.

    In Russia about 60-70 percents of teenagers and young adults drink an "energy cocktail" (alcoholic), known as "Jaguar". Highly toxic, highly unhealthy, yet they buy 2-3 cans a day, just to puke it all tommorow. Effectively destroying their liver and (to an extent) their brain.

    Gee, this sure does mean, that Jaguar is the best thing ever! They make huge profit and outsell everyone on the market!

    Cut me a break. WoW is not a bad game. In fact, I like it. But the thing is - WoW is not the best MMO out there. And will never be. The "simplicity" of it is not the point, but rather it's shalowness. You can't do much - crafting is useless, leveling is a solo minigame, the raiding is basically the same in every other game, the PvP is... There. That's all I can say about it. The RP is barely existent. There are no side-activities - no housing, no collecting, no build experimenting... Nothing. The players have no visual difference (seriously, FFXI had more) and the community... Sigh... The community is another thread entirely.

    And yet I play it. Why? Because it's a fun game. It's a MMO version of Geometry Wars - sweet and short. But sometimes, I crave something akin to Heroes of Might and Magic, or, say, Baldur's Gate.

    I hate WoW because it made my plush hamster kill himself, created twin clones of Hitler, punched Superboy Prime in reality, stared my dog down, spoiled my grandmother, assimilated me into the Borg, then made me into a real boy, just to make me a woman again.

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