SWG was my first MMORPG and my experience almost made me give up MMOs forever.Some of the many problems the game had:
No it doesn't.I've never played any other game that required me to chane my gear and tactics on such a consistent basis. It was very rare that you actually had to change your gear or weapons because of a patch. You are over exaggerating. Easy only if you had lots of money. And once you got the armour and weapon that was right for you it degraded to nothing in a few months and you had to start the whole process over again. You didn't need lots of money to buy new armor, you are over exaggerating again. I can remember just before the NGE I bought 3 suits of maxed out recon armor for 200k each(the entire suit).
I was a part of guild you moron.I don't mind socially interacting. That's why I play MMOs. But I don't like being forced to sit around for 45 minutes waiting to do something because of a game mechanic.When a game that is played by so few requires almost complete dependence on others to do anything it becomes boring very quickly. Forgive me for not wanting to pay a monthIy subscription for that. So few people played? I never had a problem finding people until SOE screwed the game over. Before that cities were packed. You were a friggin jedi. It's not like you had to worry about replacing your stuff as frequently as the rest of us did.Most of you guys were able to solo what it took the rest of us to group and used your alts to sell the stuff you looted. Those of us who had to go thru the process of town hopping and dealing with the one million credits for a piece of armour that is worthless in two months are the ones who talk about the greedy crafters. Here's a dirty little secret to stomp a lot of the rest of what you say. I was a Jedi for... 3 weeks. I was a Jedi for 3 weeks before the NGE hit and I quit. The vast majority of my time playing was as a Non-Jedi. So don't give me this "You don't understand, wah wah wah Jedi hurt me" attitude. Bullshit. I've been playing World of Warcraft for 6 months and haven't rubberbanded once. Lag is extremely rare as well and I do PVP a lot.In SWG, I was rubberbanding and lagging constantly and it didn't matter if I was around people or just hanging in my house. I would rubberband just driving across open land. And I'm using the same computer for WOW as I did for SWG.SWG servers even in their supposed glory days never come close to the population that WOW servers have had for 4 1/2 years so there's no excuse. Apparently you have never played a Feral Druid. Here, I'll give you an idea of how it words. "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" Even though my head is half way up their ass. No lag my ass.
Once again you are blinded by your profession. Jedi got constant updates and fixes while professions like commando and smuggler got NOTHING. In fact, you guys got something new in almost every patch that came out. False assumptions, read above.
The typical response from the person who played an alpha class. It's no wonder so many of you quit when your "I Win" button got taken away. As a non jedi I would get attacked by packs of jedi as soon as I got flagged.Another reason that so many of us were against putting jedi in the game in the first place because we knew that once the alpha class was created that it would come to be a requirment to PVP. Soon as your "god" mode got taken away with the NGE the majority of you who thought you were so damn good either quit or respec every patch. More false assumptions, read above. Not very wise to base entire arguments and personal attacks on assumptions.
When you make a game for others to play, you should at least give them a general idea of how the game works. YOu shouldnh't just throw them in and say "now go play." And your "figure it out yourself" attitude is very typical of that community. Sure, there could have been a little more guidance, but half the fun is actually figuring it out, not having it handed to you on a silver platter.
To each their own. Must have been my server. All I can say is that on Corbantis the community sucked. And if most people who played it thought the community was the best then why did they leave the game even before the NGE and CU? Well first of all, there are more things to consider than the community on whether you like and want to keep playing the game. Beyond that, SWG was doing just fine before the CU, and was actually recovering before the NGE. "Everyone left" after the NGE. www.mmogchart.com/Chart2.html
Look, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you back and forth. Your experience in the game was obviously different from mine. I'm not exagerating anything and I played the game for 2 1/2 years so don't sit here and try and make me out to be a liar. You couldn't buy a decent weapon in that game for less than 1 million credits and you couldn't buy a decent set of armour for less than that either. The lag was ridiculous and the alpha class jedi killed PVP. That's the way it was on my server and many others.Don't try and paint a pretty picture because many of us were there and we know better.That's why the game never caught on.
Far as your little MMORPG chart, I think it's pretty sad that a game based off of a franchise that has made over a billion dollars can't do better than 300,000 subscribers. That's just sad and definetly NOT something I would be bragging about.If anything it proves my point even more. The majority of the folks who left the game had the same opinion as I did: It didn't feel like Star Wars and that was why many of us bought the game in the first place.Watching Stormtroopers get beat to death in hand to hand combat isn't Star Wars.Having people run around in composite armour while holding melee weapons isn't Star Wars. And having to find a group just to grind Bols over and over again not only isn't Star Wars but isn't fun either.The game was bleeding subs and even if the NGE hadn't have come it would have continued its downward slide because there are other games with far more things to do than hang around a cantina and chat.
I would love a sandbox type SWtOR, SWG II is just completely ruined by $OE.
That is a good thing,
No need to waste the IP on Uncle Owen, especially when there are tons of other SW fans that wanna play as well.
Let Uncle Owen cyber his mangina ents in an indie game.
If folks wanna just buy their gear, and not actually have to face the toughest content to get it they can use a gold seller. Wrapping a game, intended for many, around the few crafters is the most ignorant idea someone could come up with.
/wave Koster
Seriously the WoW generation needs to stop associating "Sandbox" with "roleplaying". Sandbox just means you aren't pigeonholed into doing one thing or another.
Can there be raiding for "Uber" gear in a sandobx? Yep, Mendalorian armor, jetpacks, AV-21(before the exploit was known :P), acklay bones for acklay weapons, Night Sister shards/weapons, Krayt Pearls, etc.
Can there be crafting? Yep
Can there be politics? Yep
Can there be player cities? yep
Can there be PvP? Yep
ANYTHING can be in a sandbox game.
The only difference between a Themepark and a Sandbox game is that Sandbox gives you LOTS of options and themepark gives you none. Personally I would rather have options.
So wait, everything you listed can pretty much be done in a themepark game. So what are you going on about. You act as if sandbox games give you options that most themeparks don't. In galaxies pre-cu you could hardly do any form of killing without doc buffs (still kinda applies), that's not freedom. Hardly any missions/quests in leveling. All you did was spend hours grinding in the squill caves or terminal missions. In themepark games you can grind mobs or quests to level. You sandbox boys are getting old. But I guess once enough sand gets kicked in your eyes you start to go blind.
SWG was my first MMORPG and my experience almost made me give up MMOs forever.Some of the many problems the game had:
No it doesn't.I've never played any other game that required me to chane my gear and tactics on such a consistent basis. It was very rare that you actually had to change your gear or weapons because of a patch. You are over exaggerating. Assault (+1000 kinetic, -1000 Energy), Reconnaissanse (+1000 Energy, -1000 Kinetic), Battle (none). You would HAVE to change gear depending on what you was fighting. Your fighting a TKM so you use Assault? Get the picture. Probably not. Easy only if you had lots of money. And once you got the armour and weapon that was right for you it degraded to nothing in a few months and you had to start the whole process over again. You didn't need lots of money to buy new armor, you are over exaggerating again. I can remember just before the NGE I bought 3 suits of maxed out recon armor for 200k each(the entire suit).
Different server different economy. 13 million on my server for a set of composite. But you're right and we are wrong, because thats the mentality you posses. I was a part of guild you moron.I don't mind socially interacting. That's why I play MMOs. But I don't like being forced to sit around for 45 minutes waiting to do something because of a game mechanic.When a game that is played by so few requires almost complete dependence on others to do anything it becomes boring very quickly. Forgive me for not wanting to pay a monthIy subscription for that. So few people played? I never had a problem finding people until SOE screwed the game over. Before that cities were packed. Sigh* Different server different population. Again you are so right Abe. (not) You were a friggin jedi. It's not like you had to worry about replacing your stuff as frequently as the rest of us did.Most of you guys were able to solo what it took the rest of us to group and used your alts to sell the stuff you looted. Those of us who had to go thru the process of town hopping and dealing with the one million credits for a piece of armour that is worthless in two months are the ones who talk about the greedy crafters. Here's a dirty little secret to stomp a lot of the rest of what you say. I was a Jedi for... 3 weeks. I was a Jedi for 3 weeks before the NGE hit and I quit. The vast majority of my time playing was as a Non-Jedi. So don't give me this "You don't understand, wah wah wah Jedi hurt me" attitude. You played your jedi for 3 weeks? I find that hard to believe considering you have had it as your avatar like it's some sort of memorablia to what you once had. Oh and you played all the classes to get what ezmode jedi? You have yet to answer his question dirrectly tbh. Bullshit. I've been playing World of Warcraft for 6 months and haven't rubberbanded once. Lag is extremely rare as well and I do PVP a lot.In SWG, I was rubberbanding and lagging constantly and it didn't matter if I was around people or just hanging in my house. I would rubberband just driving across open land. And I'm using the same computer for WOW as I did for SWG.SWG servers even in their supposed glory days never come close to the population that WOW servers have had for 4 1/2 years so there's no excuse. Apparently you have never played a Feral Druid. Here, I'll give you an idea of how it words. "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" Even though my head is half way up their ass. No lag my ass.
God you're dumb. Druids and Warriors both have charge abilities. But can only be used in a Min to Max distance. So having your head up thier ass wont work. Try getting about 5-10 yards then come back. You never played wow past level 8 did you? Once again you are blinded by your profession. Jedi got constant updates and fixes while professions like commando and smuggler got NOTHING. In fact, you guys got something new in almost every patch that came out. False assumptions, read above.
LOL RANGED VS MELEE. The typical response from the person who played an alpha class. It's no wonder so many of you quit when your "I Win" button got taken away. As a non jedi I would get attacked by packs of jedi as soon as I got flagged.Another reason that so many of us were against putting jedi in the game in the first place because we knew that once the alpha class was created that it would come to be a requirment to PVP. Soon as your "god" mode got taken away with the NGE the majority of you who thought you were so damn good either quit or respec every patch. More false assumptions, read above. Not very wise to base entire arguments and personal attacks on assumptions.
Do you know how many people rolled jedi at NGE release to get that IWIN button? And how many pre-nge jedi quit on the day of the NGE. The numbers are high in both. You're just another kid who had your class stripped of its power. But yet every day you are here on the SWTOR space on MMORPG constantly complaining about it sucking. I think most would agree with giving you a hot cup of STFU. When you make a game for others to play, you should at least give them a general idea of how the game works. YOu shouldnh't just throw them in and say "now go play." And your "figure it out yourself" attitude is very typical of that community. Sure, there could have been a little more guidance, but half the fun is actually figuring it out, not having it handed to you on a silver platter.
It was not fun having to find out Doc buffs was NEEDED to kill. It was not fun walking around a massive planet with 10 credits to your name not being able to buy a speeder. It was not fun wandering around in a white t shirt, cdef carbine and never seeing a single piece of gear drop from mobs (later you learn its all purchased for an insane amount of credits) It was not fun in the least. To each their own. Must have been my server. All I can say is that on Corbantis the community sucked. And if most people who played it thought the community was the best then why did they leave the game even before the NGE and CU? Well first of all, there are more things to consider than the community on whether you like and want to keep playing the game. Beyond that, SWG was doing just fine before the CU, and was actually recovering before the NGE. "Everyone left" after the NGE. www.mmogchart.com/Chart2.html You are the most delusional person on this website. Let me list problems the existed even days before the NGE. Everybody was TKM, Fencer, or Pistoleer. Most of everybody that loved PvP played zabrak for Equilibrium. Kinetic Dizzy. Jedi LOL. DoT weapons. Mind bar (seriously wtf). Always attacking the mind bar. Required Doc buffs. CM/rifleman (more Im going to blow your mind away BS). Mindnumbing Squill cave and Boll grinding. Boring ass vendetta listed terminal missions. Screwed up armor, to where people only wore Helmet, Gloves, Chest, and boots. Oh and my favorite. PvP which consisted of 20 people all doing unarmed combat, spinning around like ballarinas with ribbons streaming from thier fists. At the end of the day Abe, you will always be an idiot in my eyes.
Why not both? One for the more action oriented crowd, and another for the more sandbox style people. That way everyone would be happy. The non-sandbox people, the sandbox people, and the people like me that like both. As long as SWG2 was made by someone OTHER then SOE, I would try it.
In War - Victory. In Peace - Vigilance. In Death - Sacrifice.
If someone should make a SWG2 it should be SOE not Bioware.
Bioware make games in their own way, they should not have to make a game to make SOEs old customers happy.
I am not against a SWG2 but it should not be made by Bioware, it is not a bioware kind of game. I do look forward to what Bioware can add to the genre, if they handle aligment like in KOTOR and NWN things will be intresting to say the least.
SWG was my first MMORPG and my experience almost made me give up MMOs forever.Some of the many problems the game had:
No it doesn't.I've never played any other game that required me to chane my gear and tactics on such a consistent basis. It was very rare that you actually had to change your gear or weapons because of a patch. You are over exaggerating. Assault (+1000 kinetic, -1000 Energy), Reconnaissanse (+1000 Energy, -1000 Kinetic), Battle (none). You would HAVE to change gear depending on what you was fighting. Your fighting a TKM so you use Assault? Get the picture. Probably not. there was no such think as "assault", "reconnaisance" and "battle" armor in pre-cu. that was a CU invention. so your theory is wrong. get the picture? probably not. Easy only if you had lots of money. And once you got the armour and weapon that was right for you it degraded to nothing in a few months and you had to start the whole process over again. You didn't need lots of money to buy new armor, you are over exaggerating again. I can remember just before the NGE I bought 3 suits of maxed out recon armor for 200k each(the entire suit).
Different server different economy. 13 million on my server for a set of composite. But you're right and we are wrong, because thats the mentality you posses. whilst i cannot question your spending of 13 million, i can remember that during pre-cu, in the ahazi server, i would buy 80% resist full composite for about 300k. it was expensive at the time, but lasted long enough. a year after the NGE, i returned to check on the game's progress and bought a full RIS armor for 6 million credits, energy layered. I was a part of guild you moron.I don't mind socially interacting. That's why I play MMOs. But I don't like being forced to sit around for 45 minutes waiting to do something because of a game mechanic.When a game that is played by so few requires almost complete dependence on others to do anything it becomes boring very quickly. Forgive me for not wanting to pay a monthIy subscription for that. So few people played? I never had a problem finding people until SOE screwed the game over. Before that cities were packed. Sigh* Different server different population. Again you are so right Abe. (not) i cannot remember anyone complain about server population during pre-cu, in any server; or asking for mergers or the like. You were a friggin jedi. It's not like you had to worry about replacing your stuff as frequently as the rest of us did.Most of you guys were able to solo what it took the rest of us to group and used your alts to sell the stuff you looted. Those of us who had to go thru the process of town hopping and dealing with the one million credits for a piece of armour that is worthless in two months are the ones who talk about the greedy crafters. Here's a dirty little secret to stomp a lot of the rest of what you say. I was a Jedi for... 3 weeks. I was a Jedi for 3 weeks before the NGE hit and I quit. The vast majority of my time playing was as a Non-Jedi. So don't give me this "You don't understand, wah wah wah Jedi hurt me" attitude. You played your jedi for 3 weeks? I find that hard to believe considering you have had it as your avatar like it's some sort of memorablia to what you once had. Oh and you played all the classes to get what ezmode jedi? You have yet to answer his question dirrectly tbh. i have seen TKM defeat jedi in combat, but i agree the jedi concept in swg was badly implemented/handled. Bullshit. I've been playing World of Warcraft for 6 months and haven't rubberbanded once. Lag is extremely rare as well and I do PVP a lot.In SWG, I was rubberbanding and lagging constantly and it didn't matter if I was around people or just hanging in my house. I would rubberband just driving across open land. And I'm using the same computer for WOW as I did for SWG.SWG servers even in their supposed glory days never come close to the population that WOW servers have had for 4 1/2 years so there's no excuse. Apparently you have never played a Feral Druid. Here, I'll give you an idea of how it words. "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" Even though my head is half way up their ass. No lag my ass.
God you're dumb. Druids and Warriors both have charge abilities. But can only be used in a Min to Max distance. So having your head up thier ass wont work. Try getting about 5-10 yards then come back. You never played wow past level 8 did you? Once again you are blinded by your profession. Jedi got constant updates and fixes while professions like commando and smuggler got NOTHING. In fact, you guys got something new in almost every patch that came out. False assumptions, read above.
LOL RANGED VS MELEE. uh? The typical response from the person who played an alpha class. It's no wonder so many of you quit when your "I Win" button got taken away. As a non jedi I would get attacked by packs of jedi as soon as I got flagged.Another reason that so many of us were against putting jedi in the game in the first place because we knew that once the alpha class was created that it would come to be a requirment to PVP. Soon as your "god" mode got taken away with the NGE the majority of you who thought you were so damn good either quit or respec every patch. More false assumptions, read above. Not very wise to base entire arguments and personal attacks on assumptions.
Do you know how many people rolled jedi at NGE release to get that IWIN button? And how many pre-nge jedi quit on the day of the NGE. The numbers are high in both. You're just another kid who had your class stripped of its power. But yet every day you are here on the SWTOR space on MMORPG constantly complaining about it sucking. I think most would agree with giving you a hot cup of STFU. they didnt roll jedi to get the "i win button". in case you have forgotten, jedi remained the only melee class available to play when the nge launched. this was changed after they revamped certain professions (eg smuggler) to allow for more variety of melee oriented classes. in any case, people who wanted to play a melee class had to roll a jedi. When you make a game for others to play, you should at least give them a general idea of how the game works. YOu shouldnh't just throw them in and say "now go play." And your "figure it out yourself" attitude is very typical of that community. Sure, there could have been a little more guidance, but half the fun is actually figuring it out, not having it handed to you on a silver platter.
It was not fun having to find out Doc buffs was NEEDED to kill. It was not fun walking around a massive planet with 10 credits to your name not being able to buy a speeder. It was not fun wandering around in a white t shirt, cdef carbine and never seeing a single piece of gear drop from mobs (later you learn its all purchased for an insane amount of credits) It was not fun in the least. fun is relative to taste. in many mmos today, instead of waiting to catch a shuttle or to have your wounds removed you run around trying to find stuff to do because you have completed all the quests (hence end content) of your game and dont know what to do next. the difference is before you waited for a purpose, now you wait because community interaction is limited to finding a group to quest. To each their own. Must have been my server. All I can say is that on Corbantis the community sucked. And if most people who played it thought the community was the best then why did they leave the game even before the NGE and CU? Well first of all, there are more things to consider than the community on whether you like and want to keep playing the game. Beyond that, SWG was doing just fine before the CU, and was actually recovering before the NGE. "Everyone left" after the NGE. www.mmogchart.com/Chart2.html You are the most delusional person on this website. Let me list problems the existed even days before the NGE. Everybody was TKM, Fencer, or Pistoleer. Most of everybody that loved PvP played zabrak for Equilibrium. Kinetic Dizzy. Jedi LOL. DoT weapons. Mind bar (seriously wtf). Always attacking the mind bar. Required Doc buffs. CM/rifleman (more Im going to blow your mind away BS). Mindnumbing Squill cave and Boll grinding. Boring ass vendetta listed terminal missions. Screwed up armor, to where people only wore Helmet, Gloves, Chest, and boots. Oh and my favorite. PvP which consisted of 20 people all doing unarmed combat, spinning around like ballarinas with ribbons streaming from thier fists. At the end of the day Abe, you will always be an idiot in my eyes. not everyone was tkm, fencer or pistoleer. many players gave a damn about their guild and helped out by rolling professions which the guilds needed, and *surprise* many enjoyed the experience because they posessed skills and abilities others needed. the zabrak ability was overpowered, yes, but since you couldn't have more than 1 toon per server and many found out about this ability later on in their gaming experience they didnt bother to create a new character. i had a zabrak but that was by chance. most of the players i knew were humans. the armor wasnt screwed - actually it had penalties for wearing it (encumbrance) as it should have. pvp was very much mixed. i dont know when you played swg but i have always experienced a good mix of ranged and melee pvp. and i find it curious you make fun of the combat animations in swg pre-cu because they are often regarded, even for todays standards, as very well done.
I wonder if you guys are aware this game will most likely blow hard. Bioware makes good single player rpgs, but lets face it... they have EA breathing down their neck with this, Lucas Arts limiting what they can and cannot do with the franchise, and the game just looks horrible. SWG was a sandbox yes...but thats what made it great. There were so many options, player cities, housing, space battles, vehicles, massive landscapes, player created content (politics, wars, pvp). This old republic game means there will be too many jedi, small landscapes, casual player focused content (meaning, it will be simple minded and shallow) and over all, theres nothing massive about it. I wish bioware all the luck in creating rpgs but this isnt one of their best decisions. I dont think any SWG fan would enjoy or feel comfortable in this game. The first thing it needs to do is look star wars, and it doesnt do that. Im a bit dissapointed at this Bioware project, i cant help but see it as WoW with lightsabers...rather in this case a warhammer with light sabers.
Your Uncle Owen sandbox play is niche, and even though I didnt like WOW, I sure as heck would play that a zillion times over before I would touch a litter box. its not niche. it just hasnt been made successfully yet (EvE online probably being one exception, as was pre-cu had it not been for the buggs and unfinished release). just because WoW launched a successful themepark does not mean another publisher cannot launch a successfull sandbox game. no matter how much other developers have tried to emulate WoWs themepark they have failed again and again to reach anywhere near WoWs sub numbers. it can be argued, additionaly, that WoWs success cames from their polished and quality product, not their preference for themepark gaming. And as far as Uncle Owen specifically selling me things...why in the frack would I want that? Are you out of your God Damn mind? Seriously...you fracks need to STFU. Buying from Owen is no different than buying with RL cash. The only thing you earned was money to buy something, which any peckerhead can do farming 1st level mobs given enough time. YOu want top items, then you need to do top content. you want that because you create content for uncle owen, and uncle owen creates content for you. and so there is a difference. buying for RL cash does not offer you any new content. even if the economy is player driven, top items are still mostly obtainable doing the "top content". I know I know...Owen can make it after I loot a part. "Frack you in the ear" did ya say? Because you can bet before us PvE folks bend over for Owen, in order to give him content, we will be looking for another game. Owen takes away from the PvE game regardless if it is building upon a looted part. We wanna loot the LightSabre of Arse Kicking +5 instead of Spacely Sprocket 122. It takes away from the thrill of adventuring. well i am sorry if uncle owen compromises your instant gratification, but there is still loot to be collected through pve even if "uncle owen" is out there crafting his stuff. i remember when i looted darth vader's Victory Poster in swg from a stormtrooper... ah those were the days... And yes, in my native EQ there were some raid drops that required a smith. But the person had the option to be skilled enough themselves. They werent forced to deal with Owen, as everyone had their own Owen skills as secondary. Point being very few top end items are made with crafting in a good Pve...instead everything is dropped by mobs, or acquired thru questing. and whats the fun in that? dont you see that if everyone can accomplish everything by themselves, the interaction with other players suffers? how many times must be read complaints about todays mmos where people dont stop to talk to other players, group up for a quest and leave as soon as its done... it removes the whole point of a MMORPG. Lastly...PvP....did I say there couldnt be PvP? No I believe my stance is open PvP isnt liked by PvE folks. Instead, if Devs wish to include it then it needs to be in the form of BGs/RvR. The launch of EQ showed that folks dont like being ganked. UO lost the far majority, of their playerbase, almost overnight when EQ launched. The EQ PvE servers had about an 8:1 player advantage over the PvP servers. Open PvP is a niche, the same as Owen is. You sandboxers really need to accept your role as unwanted poster child of MMO gaming. Support the few games that do cater to ya, and hope for more. But in the meantime leave us PvE folks alone. We heard ya the first time with that tired arse litterbox talk, and if folks were interested in this much repetitive chit they would buy a cow. well i will tell you what kind of games cater to your type: counter strike, battlefield commando, halo... you will find plenty of pve there and no uncle owen.
SWG was my first MMORPG and my experience almost made me give up MMOs forever.Some of the many problems the game had:
No it doesn't.I've never played any other game that required me to chane my gear and tactics on such a consistent basis. It was very rare that you actually had to change your gear or weapons because of a patch. You are over exaggerating. Assault (+1000 kinetic, -1000 Energy), Reconnaissanse (+1000 Energy, -1000 Kinetic), Battle (none). You would HAVE to change gear depending on what you was fighting. Your fighting a TKM so you use Assault? Get the picture. Probably not. there was no such think as "assault", "reconnaisance" and "battle" armor in pre-cu. that was a CU invention. so your theory is wrong. get the picture? probably not. I'm pretty sure NGE was far more of a problem then CU. Pre-Cu was better, but CU was more a beauty update then anything. I never gave a timeline of the armor switching, it was still SWG not SWG NGE.Get the Picture? Easy only if you had lots of money. And once you got the armour and weapon that was right for you it degraded to nothing in a few months and you had to start the whole process over again. You didn't need lots of money to buy new armor, you are over exaggerating again. I can remember just before the NGE I bought 3 suits of maxed out recon armor for 200k each(the entire suit).
Different server different economy. 13 million on my server for a set of composite. But you're right and we are wrong, because thats the mentality you posses. whilst i cannot question your spending of 13 million, i can remember that during pre-cu, in the ahazi server, i would buy 80% resist full composite for about 300k. it was expensive at the time, but lasted long enough. a year after the NGE, i returned to check on the game's progress and bought a full RIS armor for 6 million credits, energy layered. My mistake forgot the period. 1.3 million was what I paid. I can remember grinding out 1mill a day, grouping with a At-Rt and multiple people and we would do our own missions we accepted. So basically the missions we got was far more challeging and the rewards meet this. Oh and Edit:Me and a few friend did eventually find them for 800k. But the vendor was hardly ever updated with new sets. I think after we got about 4 or so at that price the person that owned the vendor quit.
I was a part of guild you moron.I don't mind socially interacting. That's why I play MMOs. But I don't like being forced to sit around for 45 minutes waiting to do something because of a game mechanic.When a game that is played by so few requires almost complete dependence on others to do anything it becomes boring very quickly. Forgive me for not wanting to pay a monthIy subscription for that. So few people played? I never had a problem finding people until SOE screwed the game over. Before that cities were packed. Sigh* Different server different population. Again you are so right Abe. (not) i cannot remember anyone complain about server population during pre-cu, in any server; or asking for mergers or the like. Really you're saying you never saw any server showing as "very light"? I find that hard to believe. You were a friggin jedi. It's not like you had to worry about replacing your stuff as frequently as the rest of us did.Most of you guys were able to solo what it took the rest of us to group and used your alts to sell the stuff you looted. Those of us who had to go thru the process of town hopping and dealing with the one million credits for a piece of armour that is worthless in two months are the ones who talk about the greedy crafters. Here's a dirty little secret to stomp a lot of the rest of what you say. I was a Jedi for... 3 weeks. I was a Jedi for 3 weeks before the NGE hit and I quit. The vast majority of my time playing was as a Non-Jedi. So don't give me this "You don't understand, wah wah wah Jedi hurt me" attitude. You played your jedi for 3 weeks? I find that hard to believe considering you have had it as your avatar like it's some sort of memorablia to what you once had. Oh and you played all the classes to get what ezmode jedi? You have yet to answer his question dirrectly tbh. i have seen TKM defeat jedi in combat, but i agree the jedi concept in swg was badly implemented/handled. Indeed, I am not saying it is "impossible". I'm just saying you had to put everything you had into destroying them. Basically when a certain class is more powerful (and yes jedi was) that just shows disrespect for other players and there selected class. Bullshit. I've been playing World of Warcraft for 6 months and haven't rubberbanded once. Lag is extremely rare as well and I do PVP a lot.In SWG, I was rubberbanding and lagging constantly and it didn't matter if I was around people or just hanging in my house. I would rubberband just driving across open land. And I'm using the same computer for WOW as I did for SWG.SWG servers even in their supposed glory days never come close to the population that WOW servers have had for 4 1/2 years so there's no excuse. Apparently you have never played a Feral Druid. Here, I'll give you an idea of how it words. "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" Even though my head is half way up their ass. No lag my ass.
God you're dumb. Druids and Warriors both have charge abilities. But can only be used in a Min to Max distance. So having your head up thier ass wont work. Try getting about 5-10 yards then come back. You never played wow past level 8 did you? Once again you are blinded by your profession. Jedi got constant updates and fixes while professions like commando and smuggler got NOTHING. In fact, you guys got something new in almost every patch that came out. False assumptions, read above.
LOL RANGED VS MELEE. uh? I have played TKM, Bounty Hunter, and Carbineer in SWG pre-NGE. It was far more easier in using Kinetic Dizzy to your advantage. Ranged damage was a joke. The only one to ever and I mean ever gave me a problem was CM/Rifleman. The typical response from the person who played an alpha class. It's no wonder so many of you quit when your "I Win" button got taken away. As a non jedi I would get attacked by packs of jedi as soon as I got flagged.Another reason that so many of us were against putting jedi in the game in the first place because we knew that once the alpha class was created that it would come to be a requirment to PVP. Soon as your "god" mode got taken away with the NGE the majority of you who thought you were so damn good either quit or respec every patch. More false assumptions, read above. Not very wise to base entire arguments and personal attacks on assumptions.
Do you know how many people rolled jedi at NGE release to get that IWIN button? And how many pre-nge jedi quit on the day of the NGE. The numbers are high in both. You're just another kid who had your class stripped of its power. But yet every day you are here on the SWTOR space on MMORPG constantly complaining about it sucking. I think most would agree with giving you a hot cup of STFU. they didnt roll jedi to get the "i win button". in case you have forgotten, jedi remained the only melee class available to play when the nge launched. this was changed after they revamped certain professions (eg smuggler) to allow for more variety of melee oriented classes. in any case, people who wanted to play a melee class had to roll a jedi. Most of everybody I talked to when NGE hit was going with "screw it I dont have aurilla grind this shit anymore, i'll take it". Thier was a few that took it for melee. But that thought of playing jedi finally sparked more intrest. When you make a game for others to play, you should at least give them a general idea of how the game works. YOu shouldnh't just throw them in and say "now go play." And your "figure it out yourself" attitude is very typical of that community. Sure, there could have been a little more guidance, but half the fun is actually figuring it out, not having it handed to you on a silver platter.
It was not fun having to find out Doc buffs was NEEDED to kill. It was not fun walking around a massive planet with 10 credits to your name not being able to buy a speeder. It was not fun wandering around in a white t shirt, cdef carbine and never seeing a single piece of gear drop from mobs (later you learn its all purchased for an insane amount of credits) It was not fun in the least. fun is relative to taste. in many mmos today, instead of waiting to catch a shuttle or to have your wounds removed you run around trying to find stuff to do because you have completed all the quests (hence end content) of your game and dont know what to do next. the difference is before you waited for a purpose, now you wait because community interaction is limited to finding a group to quest. I enjoyed the shuttle wait aswell, it made the community converse with one another. Abe, said "half the fun is actually figuring out". Maybe you should be directing this more torwards him. To each their own. Must have been my server. All I can say is that on Corbantis the community sucked. And if most people who played it thought the community was the best then why did they leave the game even before the NGE and CU? Well first of all, there are more things to consider than the community on whether you like and want to keep playing the game. Beyond that, SWG was doing just fine before the CU, and was actually recovering before the NGE. "Everyone left" after the NGE. www.mmogchart.com/Chart2.html You are the most delusional person on this website. Let me list problems the existed even days before the NGE. Everybody was TKM, Fencer, or Pistoleer. Most of everybody that loved PvP played zabrak for Equilibrium. Kinetic Dizzy. Jedi LOL. DoT weapons. Mind bar (seriously wtf). Always attacking the mind bar. Required Doc buffs. CM/rifleman (more Im going to blow your mind away BS). Mindnumbing Squill cave and Boll grinding. Boring ass vendetta listed terminal missions. Screwed up armor, to where people only wore Helmet, Gloves, Chest, and boots. Oh and my favorite. PvP which consisted of 20 people all doing unarmed combat, spinning around like ballarinas with ribbons streaming from thier fists. At the end of the day Abe, you will always be an idiot in my eyes. not everyone was tkm, fencer or pistoleer. many players gave a damn about their guild and helped out by rolling professions which the guilds needed, and *surprise* many enjoyed the experience because they posessed skills and abilities others needed. the zabrak ability was overpowered, yes, but since you couldn't have more than 1 toon per server and many found out about this ability later on in their gaming experience they didnt bother to create a new character. i had a zabrak but that was by chance. most of the players i knew were humans. the armor wasnt screwed - actually it had penalties for wearing it (encumbrance) as it should have. pvp was very much mixed. i dont know when you played swg but i have always experienced a good mix of ranged and melee pvp. and i find it curious you make fun of the combat animations in swg pre-cu because they are often regarded, even for todays standards, as very well done. Basically you're talking about the time Roleplayers ruled galaxies, until us damned dirty PvPers joined (not your words but a lot of frustrated players who hate pvp at the time). TKM, Fencer, and Pistoleer were the kings of PvP at that time (number wise and mostly class wise). When I say everybody I'm speaking PvP, my mistake. Armor was screwed, in most MMOs the idea is to upgrade your avatar, not run around half armored. The encumbrance was a broken dumbass idea, so this still aplies. I'm sorry I dont fit into the general SWG vet love train you guys have running around here. I loved the game but effects, not so much animations bothered me.
Originally posted by Troneas i am talking about swg because this thread topic encourages the comparison of swg and sw:tor. additionaly, some posters continue to distort the truth about swg to feel better for the fact that, plainly, they couldn't understand it. you ask me to stop posting about swg when you were amongst the first to bring up the topic by attacking it. truth is i am a BW fan as well, have always enjoyed their games and have hopes this one will be highly successful. i also believe that it could be even more successful if it addopted some of the most prominent features and ideas a game as swg, which was ahead of its time, had.
Really this thread is damn stupid. What are the comparisons really, other then the obvious Star Wars theme and massive amount of a light saber wielding class (lol SWG you did it wrong). Really there are none.
Anyways no this thread was not a "comparison" it was what would you prefer SWG or KOTOR. And it encourages no such thing. You guys all just see it that way because you are all still butthurt about the NGE.
SWG was my first MMORPG and my experience almost made me give up MMOs forever.Some of the many problems the game had:
No it doesn't.I've never played any other game that required me to chane my gear and tactics on such a consistent basis. It was very rare that you actually had to change your gear or weapons because of a patch. You are over exaggerating. Assault (+1000 kinetic, -1000 Energy), Reconnaissanse (+1000 Energy, -1000 Kinetic), Battle (none). You would HAVE to change gear depending on what you was fighting. Your fighting a TKM so you use Assault? Get the picture. Probably not. Which has nothing to do with patched. Learn to read the topic before you respond. Easy only if you had lots of money. And once you got the armour and weapon that was right for you it degraded to nothing in a few months and you had to start the whole process over again. You didn't need lots of money to buy new armor, you are over exaggerating again. I can remember just before the NGE I bought 3 suits of maxed out recon armor for 200k each(the entire suit).
Different server different economy. 13 million on my server for a set of composite. But you're right and we are wrong, because thats the mentality you posses. I never spent more than 1 million on any one thing the entire time I played. Prices didn't reach that high until way after the NGE when decay was removed and inflation was unstoppable. You are either an incredibly stupid consumer or lying. I was a part of guild you moron.I don't mind socially interacting. That's why I play MMOs. But I don't like being forced to sit around for 45 minutes waiting to do something because of a game mechanic.When a game that is played by so few requires almost complete dependence on others to do anything it becomes boring very quickly. Forgive me for not wanting to pay a monthIy subscription for that. So few people played? I never had a problem finding people until SOE screwed the game over. Before that cities were packed. Sigh* Different server different population. Again you are so right Abe. (not) What server did you play on? I played on Kauri, one of the lower population servers, and never ever had a problem finding people. I just say what I saw, and I have a lot of trouble believing that things could be so different from one server to another. You were a friggin jedi. It's not like you had to worry about replacing your stuff as frequently as the rest of us did.Most of you guys were able to solo what it took the rest of us to group and used your alts to sell the stuff you looted. Those of us who had to go thru the process of town hopping and dealing with the one million credits for a piece of armour that is worthless in two months are the ones who talk about the greedy crafters. Here's a dirty little secret to stomp a lot of the rest of what you say. I was a Jedi for... 3 weeks. I was a Jedi for 3 weeks before the NGE hit and I quit. The vast majority of my time playing was as a Non-Jedi. So don't give me this "You don't understand, wah wah wah Jedi hurt me" attitude. You played your jedi for 3 weeks? I find that hard to believe considering you have had it as your avatar like it's some sort of memorablia to what you once had. Oh and you played all the classes to get what ezmode jedi? You have yet to answer his question dirrectly tbh. I have trouble comprehending your jibberish and blabbering but I'll try. I unlocked my Jedi on October 22 of 2005. About 3 weeks before the NGE. I keep it as my avatar because I am proud that I got Jedi without simply clicking a button. I like to remember the fun I had in the best MMO I've ever played, and how I'll likely never find an MMO as good as it because all of the newer MMOs are made for simpletons like you. Answer what questions? Before I unlocked Jedi I was playing as Master Rifleman, Master Carbineer, 4XXX Combat Medic in the CU and enjoyed it very much, but I've mentioned that many times before. Bullshit. I've been playing World of Warcraft for 6 months and haven't rubberbanded once. Lag is extremely rare as well and I do PVP a lot.In SWG, I was rubberbanding and lagging constantly and it didn't matter if I was around people or just hanging in my house. I would rubberband just driving across open land. And I'm using the same computer for WOW as I did for SWG.SWG servers even in their supposed glory days never come close to the population that WOW servers have had for 4 1/2 years so there's no excuse. Apparently you have never played a Feral Druid. Here, I'll give you an idea of how it words. "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" Even though my head is half way up their ass. No lag my ass.
God you're dumb. Druids and Warriors both have charge abilities. But can only be used in a Min to Max distance. So having your head up thier ass wont work. Try getting about 5-10 yards then come back. You never played wow past level 8 did you? Are you retarded? If you don't know about the Feral Druid range bug, then you NEVER played a feral druid. Ever. When I played, charge was only available in bear form. In cat form, while chasing people in PvP, the lag would often cause you to be out of range when attempting to attack when it appeared that you were in range, sometimes so bad that I would be infront of the character before my attacks started landing. That was the druid range bug, and it is/was a well known issue for druids. I really don't even know why I'm responding to you because it is far too clear you don't have any idea what you are talking about. Once again you are blinded by your profession. Jedi got constant updates and fixes while professions like commando and smuggler got NOTHING. In fact, you guys got something new in almost every patch that came out. False assumptions, read above.
LOL RANGED VS MELEE. ... ? The typical response from the person who played an alpha class. It's no wonder so many of you quit when your "I Win" button got taken away. As a non jedi I would get attacked by packs of jedi as soon as I got flagged.Another reason that so many of us were against putting jedi in the game in the first place because we knew that once the alpha class was created that it would come to be a requirment to PVP. Soon as your "god" mode got taken away with the NGE the majority of you who thought you were so damn good either quit or respec every patch. More false assumptions, read above. Not very wise to base entire arguments and personal attacks on assumptions.
Do you know how many people rolled jedi at NGE release to get that IWIN button? And how many pre-nge jedi quit on the day of the NGE. The numbers are high in both. You're just another kid who had your class stripped of its power. But yet every day you are here on the SWTOR space on MMORPG constantly complaining about it sucking. I think most would agree with giving you a hot cup of STFU. Yes, I was so upset that the Jedi I had for 3 weeks that was seriously gimped because I only had a partial template grinded out because I was so new was stripped of his lack of power. That was my biggest issue with the NGE **rolls eyes**. Honestly, the funny thing is, my Jedi became more powerful in the NGE because I automatically got a full lvl 80 template. But honestly, you are just blabbering jibberish again. When you make a game for others to play, you should at least give them a general idea of how the game works. YOu shouldnh't just throw them in and say "now go play." And your "figure it out yourself" attitude is very typical of that community. Sure, there could have been a little more guidance, but half the fun is actually figuring it out, not having it handed to you on a silver platter.
It was not fun having to find out Doc buffs was NEEDED to kill. It was not fun walking around a massive planet with 10 credits to your name not being able to buy a speeder. It was not fun wandering around in a white t shirt, cdef carbine and never seeing a single piece of gear drop from mobs (later you learn its all purchased for an insane amount of credits) It was not fun in the least. More exaggerations to make it seem worse than it was. I never felt I spent an insane amount of credits on anything in that game, crafters were always fair(it's called supply and demand in a competative market. You think they had a union to keep prices high?). No, I'll just take your condescending route... No no, you are right and we are all wrong. To each their own. Must have been my server. All I can say is that on Corbantis the community sucked. And if most people who played it thought the community was the best then why did they leave the game even before the NGE and CU? Well first of all, there are more things to consider than the community on whether you like and want to keep playing the game. Beyond that, SWG was doing just fine before the CU, and was actually recovering before the NGE. "Everyone left" after the NGE. www.mmogchart.com/Chart2.html You are the most delusional person on this website. Let me list problems the existed even days before the NGE. Everybody was TKM, Fencer, or Pistoleer. Most of everybody that loved PvP played zabrak for Equilibrium. Kinetic Dizzy. Jedi LOL. DoT weapons. Mind bar (seriously wtf). Always attacking the mind bar. Required Doc buffs. CM/rifleman (more Im going to blow your mind away BS). Mindnumbing Squill cave and Boll grinding. Boring ass vendetta listed terminal missions. Screwed up armor, to where people only wore Helmet, Gloves, Chest, and boots. Oh and my favorite. PvP which consisted of 20 people all doing unarmed combat, spinning around like ballarinas with ribbons streaming from thier fists. Hey I will be the first to admit SWG had a whole lot of problems. Still has nothing to do with what you are actually replying to. The fact that SWG's underlying mechanics were so ahead of their time and amazing that it could over come all of the bugs and problems it had and still be the success it was speaks volumes. At the end of the day Abe, you will always be an idiot in my eyes. Right back at you. I'm atleast capable of presenting myself in a mature and intelligent manner. Judging my intelligence based on my opinion is as ignorant as you can be. I really don't care if you disagree with me, because that's just how opinions are. Stooping to personal attacks makes you look bad. You think I'm an idiot because you disagree with me. I think you are an idiot because you present yourself that way.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike Loved: Star Wars Galaxies Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Originally posted by Troneas i am talking about swg because this thread topic encourages the comparison of swg and sw:tor. additionaly, some posters continue to distort the truth about swg to feel better for the fact that, plainly, they couldn't understand it. you ask me to stop posting about swg when you were amongst the first to bring up the topic by attacking it. truth is i am a BW fan as well, have always enjoyed their games and have hopes this one will be highly successful. i also believe that it could be even more successful if it addopted some of the most prominent features and ideas a game as swg, which was ahead of its time, had.
Really this thread is damn stupid. What are the comparisons really, other then the obvious Star Wars theme and massive amount of a light saber wielding class (lol SWG you did it wrong). Really there are none.
Anyways no this thread was not a "comparison" it was what would you prefer SWG or KOTOR. And it encourages no such thing. You guys all just see it that way because you are all still butthurt about the NGE.
in order to debate a preference, you will inevitably have to compare.
SWG was my first MMORPG and my experience almost made me give up MMOs forever.Some of the many problems the game had:
No it doesn't.I've never played any other game that required me to chane my gear and tactics on such a consistent basis. It was very rare that you actually had to change your gear or weapons because of a patch. You are over exaggerating. Assault (+1000 kinetic, -1000 Energy), Reconnaissanse (+1000 Energy, -1000 Kinetic), Battle (none). You would HAVE to change gear depending on what you was fighting. Your fighting a TKM so you use Assault? Get the picture. Probably not. Which has nothing to do with patched. Learn to read the topic before you respond. Um, the original "Topic" is what we prefer. This was no suppose to be all about SWG. Which through some freak method (crybaby SWG vets) it has happened that way.
Easy only if you had lots of money. And once you got the armour and weapon that was right for you it degraded to nothing in a few months and you had to start the whole process over again. You didn't need lots of money to buy new armor, you are over exaggerating again. I can remember just before the NGE I bought 3 suits of maxed out recon armor for 200k each(the entire suit).
Different server different economy. 13 million on my server for a set of composite. But you're right and we are wrong, because thats the mentality you posses. I never spent more than 1 million on any one thing the entire time I played. Prices didn't reach that high until way after the NGE when decay was removed and inflation was unstoppable. You are either an incredibly stupid consumer or lying. I corrected my post with 1.3mil. I missed a period. I made a incredible mistake, so I'm nether. You get to keep both titles today. I was a part of guild you moron.I don't mind socially interacting. That's why I play MMOs. But I don't like being forced to sit around for 45 minutes waiting to do something because of a game mechanic.When a game that is played by so few requires almost complete dependence on others to do anything it becomes boring very quickly. Forgive me for not wanting to pay a monthIy subscription for that. So few people played? I never had a problem finding people until SOE screwed the game over. Before that cities were packed. Sigh* Different server different population. Again you are so right Abe. (not) What server did you play on? I played on Kauri, one of the lower population servers, and never ever had a problem finding people. No no, I'll just say you must be right because there were different servers. When I first got the game I selected a Recommended server and played on it for about a week.. Which had hardly anybody on. So I switched to Scylla played there till NGE. Left scylla moved to bloodfin for the PvP. You were a friggin jedi. It's not like you had to worry about replacing your stuff as frequently as the rest of us did.Most of you guys were able to solo what it took the rest of us to group and used your alts to sell the stuff you looted. Those of us who had to go thru the process of town hopping and dealing with the one million credits for a piece of armour that is worthless in two months are the ones who talk about the greedy crafters. Here's a dirty little secret to stomp a lot of the rest of what you say. I was a Jedi for... 3 weeks. I was a Jedi for 3 weeks before the NGE hit and I quit. The vast majority of my time playing was as a Non-Jedi. So don't give me this "You don't understand, wah wah wah Jedi hurt me" attitude. You played your jedi for 3 weeks? I find that hard to believe considering you have had it as your avatar like it's some sort of memorablia to what you once had. Oh and you played all the classes to get what ezmode jedi? You have yet to answer his question dirrectly tbh. I have trouble comprehending your jibberish and blabbering but I'll try. I unlocked my Jedi on October 22 of 2005. About 3 weeks before the NGE. I keep it as my avatar because I am proud that I got Jedi without simply clicking a button. I like to remember the fun I had in the best MMO I've ever played, and how I'll likely never find an MMO as good as it because all of the newer MMOs are made for simpletons like you. Answer what questions? Before I unlocked Jedi I was playing as Master Rifleman, Master Carbineer, 4XXX Combat Medic in the CU and enjoyed it very much, but I've mentioned that many times before. If my jibberish is to advanced for you to understand perhaps I should dumb it down to your standards. You got the jedi without clicking a button, you quit because others could now simply select the class, now you are here on the forums day after day sporting your accomplishment. At the same time you constantly bitch and moan about the SWtor game style. While you fail to understand jedi in SWG was a aprils fools joke that SOE ran 24/7. Bullshit. I've been playing World of Warcraft for 6 months and haven't rubberbanded once. Lag is extremely rare as well and I do PVP a lot.In SWG, I was rubberbanding and lagging constantly and it didn't matter if I was around people or just hanging in my house. I would rubberband just driving across open land. And I'm using the same computer for WOW as I did for SWG.SWG servers even in their supposed glory days never come close to the population that WOW servers have had for 4 1/2 years so there's no excuse. Apparently you have never played a Feral Druid. Here, I'll give you an idea of how it words. "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" "You are out of range" Even though my head is half way up their ass. No lag my ass.
God you're dumb. Druids and Warriors both have charge abilities. But can only be used in a Min to Max distance. So having your head up thier ass wont work. Try getting about 5-10 yards then come back. You never played wow past level 8 did you? Are you retarded? It's really an honest question. Reading your responses I can't help but get the feeling that you are licking the monitor as you type. If you don't know about the Feral Druid range bug, then you NEVER played a feral druid. Ever. When I played, charge was only available in bear form. In cat form, while chasing people in PvP, the lag would often cause you to be out of range when attempting to attack when it appeared that you were in range, sometimes so bad that I would be infront of the character before my attacks started landing. That was the druid range bug, and it is/was a well known issue for druids. I really don't even know why I'm responding to you because it is far too clear you don't have any idea what you are talking about. Hahaha omg your responses are priceless. You tell him to not result to personal attacks but you do the same thing! Let me list my characters for you. Winstons level 70 (get this) FERAL DRUID OMG. Altair lvl 80 rogue, Arkhon lvl 74 paladin, Astrial lvl 62 priest. When was the lag, after patch day? Give me a break, your the worst liar on this forum and probably the most self centered tard of them all. Oh and you respond because "U MAD" k. Once again you are blinded by your profession. Jedi got constant updates and fixes while professions like commando and smuggler got NOTHING. In fact, you guys got something new in almost every patch that came out. False assumptions, read above.
LOL RANGED VS MELEE. ... ? I'm not going to spell this out for you. The typical response from the person who played an alpha class. It's no wonder so many of you quit when your "I Win" button got taken away. As a non jedi I would get attacked by packs of jedi as soon as I got flagged.Another reason that so many of us were against putting jedi in the game in the first place because we knew that once the alpha class was created that it would come to be a requirment to PVP. Soon as your "god" mode got taken away with the NGE the majority of you who thought you were so damn good either quit or respec every patch. More false assumptions, read above. Not very wise to base entire arguments and personal attacks on assumptions.
Do you know how many people rolled jedi at NGE release to get that IWIN button? And how many pre-nge jedi quit on the day of the NGE. The numbers are high in both. You're just another kid who had your class stripped of its power. But yet every day you are here on the SWTOR space on MMORPG constantly complaining about it sucking. I think most would agree with giving you a hot cup of STFU. Yes, I was so upset that the Jedi I had for 3 weeks that was seriously gimped because I only had a partial template grinded out because I was so new was stripped of his lack of power. That was my biggest issue with the NGE **rolls eyes**. Honestly, the funny thing is, my Jedi became more powerful in the NGE because I automatically got a full lvl 80 template. But honestly, you are just blabbering jibberish again. So you vent about it everyday on these forums. I'm not speaking jibberish you are just blocking out what you dont want to hear. When you make a game for others to play, you should at least give them a general idea of how the game works. YOu shouldnh't just throw them in and say "now go play." And your "figure it out yourself" attitude is very typical of that community. Sure, there could have been a little more guidance, but half the fun is actually figuring it out, not having it handed to you on a silver platter.
It was not fun having to find out Doc buffs was NEEDED to kill. It was not fun walking around a massive planet with 10 credits to your name not being able to buy a speeder. It was not fun wandering around in a white t shirt, cdef carbine and never seeing a single piece of gear drop from mobs (later you learn its all purchased for an insane amount of credits) It was not fun in the least. More exaggerations to make it seem worse than it was. I never felt I spent an insane amount of credits on anything in that game, crafters were always fair(it's called supply and demand in a competative market. You think they had a union to keep prices high?). No, I'll just take your condescending route... No no, you are right and we are all wrong. Did you like the way I put that, it was almost a direct mimic of you. YOU WRONG ME RIGHT ARGGH. It's the style you used, you said Its always fun finding things out on your own. Wouldnt that be opinion?
To each their own. Must have been my server. All I can say is that on Corbantis the community sucked. And if most people who played it thought the community was the best then why did they leave the game even before the NGE and CU? Well first of all, there are more things to consider than the community on whether you like and want to keep playing the game. Beyond that, SWG was doing just fine before the CU, and was actually recovering before the NGE. "Everyone left" after the NGE. www.mmogchart.com/Chart2.html You are the most delusional person on this website. Let me list problems the existed even days before the NGE. Everybody was TKM, Fencer, or Pistoleer. Most of everybody that loved PvP played zabrak for Equilibrium. Kinetic Dizzy. Jedi LOL. DoT weapons. Mind bar (seriously wtf). Always attacking the mind bar. Required Doc buffs. CM/rifleman (more Im going to blow your mind away BS). Mindnumbing Squill cave and Boll grinding. Boring ass vendetta listed terminal missions. Screwed up armor, to where people only wore Helmet, Gloves, Chest, and boots. Oh and my favorite. PvP which consisted of 20 people all doing unarmed combat, spinning around like ballarinas with ribbons streaming from thier fists. Hey I will be the first to admit SWG had a whole lot of problems. Still has nothing to do with what you are actually replying to. The fact that SWG's underlying mechanics were so ahead of their time and amazing that it could over come all of the bugs and problems it had and still be the success it was speaks volumes. Your exact words was "just fine". Make up your mind. At the end of the day Abe, you will always be an idiot in my eyes. Right back at you. I'm atleast capable of presenting myself in a mature and intelligent manner. Judging my intelligence based on my opinion is as ignorant as you can be. You think I'm an idiot because you disagree with me. I think you are an idiot because you present yourself that way. Nope, not buying it. Every day here you crying like some little manchild about how ToR does not live up to your standards. You are not mature or intelligent. You want to force you're way of gaming on us. You are a disgruntled SWG vet who never got over the NGE. So you have to let everybody know how horrible you feel about the situation by attacking this game. Why are you the idiot? You are the one wasting your time here like some teenage girl looking for a shoulder to cry on about your frustrations with the way this game is going, before its released I will add. At the same time you try to go into each ToR thread trying to derail is or push what you want on us. Seriously dude, gtfo. Nobody wants you here.
Anyways I'm heading to bed. I'll respond to whatever angry message you leave me tomorrow.
This is some really good stuff.. lol SWG vet forums are that a way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Yeah.. gotta love SWG..
I miss the TEF ganking at mission terminals..
I miss the rubberband warping..
I miss the class INbalances.. (I'm a CM, let me lob a gas bomb thru this wall).. lol
I miss the halo grinding (what a concept)..
I miss the broken economy.. (why SOE nerfed the mission terminals)
I miss player cities that normally resembled FORTs.. lol
I miss the militia ganking on covert unflagged players.. (THIS was so exploited SOE had to step in and disarm the militia) LOL
I miss running out to missions ONLY to find that the "nest" or "camp" was bugged and didn't spawn..
I miss having my pet Rancor, like EVERYONE else (have you forgetten the title we gave this game " Pet Wars".. I haven't)
I miss having a patch after patch that was normally nerfing and changing the game as often as a babies diaper.. lol
I miss reading all the HATE post on the SWG forums.. got so bad that SOE had to change the forum rules to clean it up a bit for possible new customers.. LOL..
I miss going to planets like Rori (which was my starting point) and NEVER running into a soul after the first couple months.. Rori became a ghost planet.. LIKE all the rest wtih the exception of Naboo and Corusant..
Crafting profession was so broken, and inbalance and the Devs at SOE didnt' give a shit, nor did they want to listen.. They thought they were god's of the computer world.. ( I bet any of them now WISH they had a job at Blizzard) lol
I miss buying 2 or 3 accounts just so I can enjoy playing more then 1 style.. C'mon really now.. What other successful mmo gives you 1 toon per server? I'm trying to visualize EQ or WoW has limiting 1 toon per server.. hmm ROFL..
This list can go on and on and on.. but I thnk you get the idea.. TOR is here to stay and I hope it's done right, and wish to G*d, that the SWG vet fanbois would go home.. I for one am tired of their rantings over 3 year old spilled milk.. Where is that "beating a dead horse" picture.. I love that .
This is some really good stuff.. lol SWG vet forums are that a way >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah.. gotta love SWG.. I miss the TEF ganking at mission terminals.. I miss the rubberband warping.. I miss the class INbalances.. (I'm a CM, let me lob a gas bomb thru this wall).. lol I miss the halo grinding (what a concept).. I miss the broken economy.. (why SOE nerfed the mission terminals) I miss player cities that normally resembled FORTs.. lol I miss the militia ganking on covert unflagged players.. (THIS was so exploited SOE had to step in and disarm the militia) LOL I miss running out to missions ONLY to find that the "nest" or "camp" was bugged and didn't spawn.. I miss having my pet Rancor, like EVERYONE else (have you forgetten the title we gave this game " Pet Wars".. I haven't) I miss having a patch after patch that was normally nerfing and changing the game as often as a babies diaper.. lol I miss reading all the HATE post on the SWG forums.. got so bad that SOE had to change the forum rules to clean it up a bit for possible new customers.. LOL.. I miss going to planets like Rori (which was my starting point) and NEVER running into a soul after the first couple months.. Rori became a ghost planet.. LIKE all the rest wtih the exception of Naboo and Corusant.. Crafting profession was so broken, and inbalance and the Devs at SOE didnt' give a shit, nor did they want to listen.. They thought they were god's of the computer world.. ( I bet any of them now WISH they had a job at Blizzard) lol I miss buying 2 or 3 accounts just so I can enjoy playing more then 1 style.. C'mon really now.. What other successful mmo gives you 1 toon per server? I'm trying to visualize EQ or WoW has limiting 1 toon per server.. hmm ROFL.. This list can go on and on and on.. but I thnk you get the idea.. TOR is here to stay and I hope it's done right, and wish to G*d, that the SWG vet fanbois would go home.. I for one am tired of their rantings over 3 year old spilled milk.. Where is that "beating a dead horse" picture.. I love that . PS.. GO MOAKY..
Not to mention that the poll shows over 60 percent of the people here don't want a rehash of that piece of shit for a game.
Who could forget that great exploit in Kashyyk that large groups of jedi used to grind because they knew that Bounty Hunters couldn't attack them in that spot? I'd enter that area and twenty jedi padawans would quickly jump back in that spot and I couldn't attack them. Or the fact that BH droids didn't work on Kashyyk or Mustafar so jedi used those places to grind? I've never seen a game that encouraged exploiting quite like SWG did.Most games try and fix an exploit as soon as its seen. SOE on the other hand knew about them and did nothing. Last I heard, Bounty Hunter droids STILL don't work on those two planets and that was spotted 3 friggin years ago.
Don't worry, I'm sure someone will be along soon to say that you're either lying , exagerating, or didn't understand the game.Funny how I supposedly don't understand a game that I played for 2 1/2 years on a consistent basis.We only argued those very points I made on the SWG forums for the ENTIRE time I played the game so I guess all of them didn't understand the game either.And I guess all those other people who were quiting before the changes didn't understand it either./rolleyes
This is some really good stuff.. lol SWG vet forums are that a way >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah.. gotta love SWG.. I miss the TEF ganking at mission terminals.. I miss the rubberband warping.. I miss the class INbalances.. (I'm a CM, let me lob a gas bomb thru this wall).. lol I miss the halo grinding (what a concept).. I miss the broken economy.. (why SOE nerfed the mission terminals) I miss player cities that normally resembled FORTs.. lol I miss the militia ganking on covert unflagged players.. (THIS was so exploited SOE had to step in and disarm the militia) LOL I miss running out to missions ONLY to find that the "nest" or "camp" was bugged and didn't spawn.. I miss having my pet Rancor, like EVERYONE else (have you forgetten the title we gave this game " Pet Wars".. I haven't) I miss having a patch after patch that was normally nerfing and changing the game as often as a babies diaper.. lol I miss reading all the HATE post on the SWG forums.. got so bad that SOE had to change the forum rules to clean it up a bit for possible new customers.. LOL.. I miss going to planets like Rori (which was my starting point) and NEVER running into a soul after the first couple months.. Rori became a ghost planet.. LIKE all the rest wtih the exception of Naboo and Corusant.. Crafting profession was so broken, and inbalance and the Devs at SOE didnt' give a shit, nor did they want to listen.. They thought they were god's of the computer world.. ( I bet any of them now WISH they had a job at Blizzard) lol I miss buying 2 or 3 accounts just so I can enjoy playing more then 1 style.. C'mon really now.. What other successful mmo gives you 1 toon per server? I'm trying to visualize EQ or WoW has limiting 1 toon per server.. hmm ROFL.. This list can go on and on and on.. but I thnk you get the idea.. TOR is here to stay and I hope it's done right, and wish to G*d, that the SWG vet fanbois would go home.. I for one am tired of their rantings over 3 year old spilled milk.. Where is that "beating a dead horse" picture.. I love that . PS.. GO MOAKY..
listing all the bugs in a game, doesn't make it a bad game. i will admit, BIoware shouldn't attempt to make a SWG remake... it's a different development team and it would probably come out horribly.
however you acting like SWG was some pos game is just total bullsh*t. when every other MMO was doing X... SWG was doing Y. the player driven economy from that game, beats the hell out of anything around currently. plus half the sh*t you're complaining about, is purely opinion based. class imbalance was an issue and it needed some fixes... but what other game allowed you to make custom classes like SWG? complaining about hologrinding? the only people who b*tched about hologrinding were the people who couldn't handle it. as a system is made a lot of sense, and the guessing made it interesting... but than a bunch of babies cried because they didn't know when they would unlock... which was the whole FUN of the system. let's not forget the crafting system you are complaining so much about, you know the one driven completely by players... instead of killing the same retarded NPC a millions times to get some loot... you earned money however you wanted and purchased the items from actual players, not npc's.
there are SO many flaws in your arguments, but i'm not going to sit here and pick apart everything. maybe half of your post is legit bugs, while all the rest is just skewed opinion or personal dislikes. the system needed to be balanced not completely removed. if i had to guess i'd say you read everything you know about pre-CU on some message boards, instead of actually experiencing it.
name me one game that is even half as inovative as SWG was. explain to me why the SWG community went from Millions to Tens of Thousands after the NGE release? i guess we're all retarded and you got it all figured out?
LOL. Millions use to play that game? Abe's own chart shows that SWG never reached above 300,000 subscribers. That's piss poor for a franchise as big as Star Wars.
LOL. Millions use to play that game? Abe's own chart shows that SWG never reached above 300,000 subscribers. That's piss poor for a franchise as big as Star Wars.
lmao.. and I would bet most were like me that owned a 2nd account as well......... So.. How many true customers were there? Only SOE knows that answer and they're not talking.. I would guess that there were only 150,000 true blue customers at peak at any given time.... Considering they sold over a million boxes tells me alot.. The customer base was a revolving door.. People were leaving as fast as they were coming in..
LOL. Millions use to play that game? Abe's own chart shows that SWG never reached above 300,000 subscribers. That's piss poor for a franchise as big as Star Wars.
He may be confusing the announcment of "Million boxes sold" or whatever they announced with actual subscribers. But no, SWG never came close to a million concurrent subscribers.
Saying 300k subscribers is piss poor for Star Wars is not exactly accurate, as you really have to think of the time that it was made. MMORPGs weren't exactly the mass market trend back then. 300k subscribers was a very successful MMO then, and frankly, still is today. Should SWG had a bigger population, even back then? Yes, I think so. Was it because of the game design? No, not entirely. Yes, the sandbox style probably drove off a few people, but that style of game was a lot more accepted back then than it is today. I think a bigger contributor to the SWG performing the way that it did was the large amount of bugs and exploits that were never fixed by SOE.
In the end, many factors contributed to it. But 300k subscribers is a very respectable number, even today. LotRO, which is a huge franchise, is pushing what, 100k subscribers in a linear style game?
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike Loved: Star Wars Galaxies Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Regardless of any discussion about the games. Regardless of the flamefest and bash-fest that's going on between SWG-Veterans and SWG-Haters. Regardless of all these things and regardless how good/bad SWG was...
I want SW: TOR.
Why? Because I like the era much more than I like the original series. Don't get me wrong, I love the Original Trilogy and adore it and hated Lucas when he made the prequels and hated him even more when he put that stupid whiny brat at the end of Episode 6 as a force-ghost instead of the actor who actually played in that movie.
Still, I love the setting more. I enjoy it, have enjoyed it in several P&P RPG sessions, have enjoyed it in Forum as well as IM RP and the rich history, the amazing background and the exciting setting have captured me from moment one.
So yeah...I want TOR. Not because SWG was a bad game (which in some ways it was, in other ways it wasn't), but simply because I want to play in the Old Republic era. XD
And I trust BioWare to make the game in a way that i can enjoy the story of my character in that setting. *shrugs*
Regardless of any discussion about the games. Regardless of the flamefest and bash-fest that's going on between SWG-Veterans and SWG-Haters. Regardless of all these things and regardless how good/bad SWG was...
I want SW: TOR.
Why? Because I like the era much more than I like the original series. Don't get me wrong, I love the Original Trilogy and adore it and hated Lucas when he made the prequels and hated him even more when he put that stupid whiny brat at the end of Episode 6 as a force-ghost instead of the actor who actually played in that movie.
Still, I love the setting more. I enjoy it, have enjoyed it in several P&P RPG sessions, have enjoyed it in Forum as well as IM RP and the rich history, the amazing background and the exciting setting have captured me from moment one.
So yeah...I want TOR. Not because SWG was a bad game (which in some ways it was, in other ways it wasn't), but simply because I want to play in the Old Republic era. XD
And I trust BioWare to make the game in a way that i can enjoy the story of my character in that setting. *shrugs*
You make a really good point, if you are solely going from a lore perspective on which you prefer. The setting for the KotOR games is much more fitting for an MMO than the original trilogy setting is. Making an mmo fitting of the original trilogy setting is hard because you have a massive imperial army that controls everything, and a small rebel fighting force that is supposed to be in hiding. It's hard to make people playing rebels to stay in hiding.
I do think this time line will be a lot better for an MMO, because you have two evenly powered sides, and a lot more freedom for the developers to work with.
Good point.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike Loved: Star Wars Galaxies Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
LOL. Millions use to play that game? Abe's own chart shows that SWG never reached above 300,000 subscribers. That's piss poor for a franchise as big as Star Wars.
He may be confusing the announcment of "Million boxes sold" or whatever they announced with actual subscribers. But no, SWG never came close to a million concurrent subscribers.
Saying 300k subscribers is piss poor for Star Wars is not exactly accurate, as you really have to think of the time that it was made. MMORPGs weren't exactly the mass market trend back then. 300k subscribers was a very successful MMO then, and frankly, still is today. Should SWG had a bigger population, even back then? Yes, I think so. Was it because of the game design? No, not entirely. Yes, the sandbox style probably drove off a few people, but that style of game was a lot more accepted back then than it is today. I think a bigger contributor to the SWG performing the way that it did was the large amount of bugs and exploits that were never fixed by SOE.
In the end, many factors contributed to it. But 300k subscribers is a very respectable number, even today. LotRO, which is a huge franchise, is pushing what, 100k subscribers in a linear style game?
i was talking about sold games, just a goof. look at how many people bought pre-cu and stopped playing right around nge. then look at how many people bought NGE, and stopped playing. subscription numbers dropped due to game changes, more than probably any other MMO ever. the only people to dispute this is SOE, only to save their own asses.
again i don't want another SWG but i'd love if they took some of the great aspects from pre-CU SWG, and found a way to include them in this new game. calling pre-CU a bad game is probably one of the most rediculous things i've ever heard. bugs are bugs, you can find those in any game, but how many games break the mold like SWG... how many break away from the pack and don't follow the sheep.
Regardless of any discussion about the games. Regardless of the flamefest and bash-fest that's going on between SWG-Veterans and SWG-Haters. Regardless of all these things and regardless how good/bad SWG was...
I want SW: TOR.
Why? Because I like the era much more than I like the original series. Don't get me wrong, I love the Original Trilogy and adore it and hated Lucas when he made the prequels and hated him even more when he put that stupid whiny brat at the end of Episode 6 as a force-ghost instead of the actor who actually played in that movie.
Still, I love the setting more. I enjoy it, have enjoyed it in several P&P RPG sessions, have enjoyed it in Forum as well as IM RP and the rich history, the amazing background and the exciting setting have captured me from moment one.
So yeah...I want TOR. Not because SWG was a bad game (which in some ways it was, in other ways it wasn't), but simply because I want to play in the Old Republic era. XD
And I trust BioWare to make the game in a way that i can enjoy the story of my character in that setting. *shrugs*
You make a really good point, if you are solely going from a lore perspective on which you prefer. The setting for the KotOR games is much more fitting for an MMO than the original trilogy setting is. Making an mmo fitting of the original trilogy setting is hard because you have a massive imperial army that controls everything, and a small rebel fighting force that is supposed to be in hiding. It's hard to make people playing rebels to stay in hiding.
I do think this time line will be a lot better for an MMO, because you have two evenly powered sides, and a lot more freedom for the developers to work with.
Good point.
You agree with me!!! <.< >.>
The world is coming to an end!!!!!
Errr, yeah. But anyway, yes, that was the point. Not only is it more fitting for an MMO (for the reasons you mentioned) it's also much better for a "Story"-driven MMO. More stories to tell, because the main timeline is not as rigid as it is in the original Trilogy.
Look, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you back and forth. Your experience in the game was obviously different from mine. I'm not exagerating anything and I played the game for 2 1/2 years so don't sit here and try and make me out to be a liar. You couldn't buy a decent weapon in that game for less than 1 million credits and you couldn't buy a decent set of armour for less than that either. The lag was ridiculous and the alpha class jedi killed PVP. That's the way it was on my server and many others.Don't try and paint a pretty picture because many of us were there and we know better.That's why the game never caught on.
Far as your little MMORPG chart, I think it's pretty sad that a game based off of a franchise that has made over a billion dollars can't do better than 300,000 subscribers. That's just sad and definetly NOT something I would be bragging about.If anything it proves my point even more. The majority of the folks who left the game had the same opinion as I did: It didn't feel like Star Wars and that was why many of us bought the game in the first place.Watching Stormtroopers get beat to death in hand to hand combat isn't Star Wars.Having people run around in composite armour while holding melee weapons isn't Star Wars. And having to find a group just to grind Bols over and over again not only isn't Star Wars but isn't fun either.The game was bleeding subs and even if the NGE hadn't have come it would have continued its downward slide because there are other games with far more things to do than hang around a cantina and chat.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
That is a good thing,
No need to waste the IP on Uncle Owen, especially when there are tons of other SW fans that wanna play as well.
Let Uncle Owen cyber his mangina ents in an indie game.
If folks wanna just buy their gear, and not actually have to face the toughest content to get it they can use a gold seller. Wrapping a game, intended for many, around the few crafters is the most ignorant idea someone could come up with.
/wave Koster
Seriously the WoW generation needs to stop associating "Sandbox" with "roleplaying". Sandbox just means you aren't pigeonholed into doing one thing or another.
Can there be raiding for "Uber" gear in a sandobx? Yep, Mendalorian armor, jetpacks, AV-21(before the exploit was known :P), acklay bones for acklay weapons, Night Sister shards/weapons, Krayt Pearls, etc.
Can there be crafting? Yep
Can there be politics? Yep
Can there be player cities? yep
Can there be PvP? Yep
ANYTHING can be in a sandbox game.
The only difference between a Themepark and a Sandbox game is that Sandbox gives you LOTS of options and themepark gives you none. Personally I would rather have options.
So wait, everything you listed can pretty much be done in a themepark game. So what are you going on about. You act as if sandbox games give you options that most themeparks don't. In galaxies pre-cu you could hardly do any form of killing without doc buffs (still kinda applies), that's not freedom. Hardly any missions/quests in leveling. All you did was spend hours grinding in the squill caves or terminal missions. In themepark games you can grind mobs or quests to level. You sandbox boys are getting old. But I guess once enough sand gets kicked in your eyes you start to go blind.
eh double post
I'll go with either one if $ony isn't involved, neither if they are.
Why not both? One for the more action oriented crowd, and another for the more sandbox style people. That way everyone would be happy. The non-sandbox people, the sandbox people, and the people like me that like both. As long as SWG2 was made by someone OTHER then SOE, I would try it.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
If someone should make a SWG2 it should be SOE not Bioware.
Bioware make games in their own way, they should not have to make a game to make SOEs old customers happy.
I am not against a SWG2 but it should not be made by Bioware, it is not a bioware kind of game. I do look forward to what Bioware can add to the genre, if they handle aligment like in KOTOR and NWN things will be intresting to say the least.
I wonder if you guys are aware this game will most likely blow hard. Bioware makes good single player rpgs, but lets face it... they have EA breathing down their neck with this, Lucas Arts limiting what they can and cannot do with the franchise, and the game just looks horrible. SWG was a sandbox yes...but thats what made it great. There were so many options, player cities, housing, space battles, vehicles, massive landscapes, player created content (politics, wars, pvp). This old republic game means there will be too many jedi, small landscapes, casual player focused content (meaning, it will be simple minded and shallow) and over all, theres nothing massive about it. I wish bioware all the luck in creating rpgs but this isnt one of their best decisions. I dont think any SWG fan would enjoy or feel comfortable in this game. The first thing it needs to do is look star wars, and it doesnt do that. Im a bit dissapointed at this Bioware project, i cant help but see it as WoW with lightsabers...rather in this case a warhammer with light sabers.
Really this thread is damn stupid. What are the comparisons really, other then the obvious Star Wars theme and massive amount of a light saber wielding class (lol SWG you did it wrong). Really there are none.
Anyways no this thread was not a "comparison" it was what would you prefer SWG or KOTOR. And it encourages no such thing. You guys all just see it that way because you are all still butthurt about the NGE.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Really this thread is damn stupid. What are the comparisons really, other then the obvious Star Wars theme and massive amount of a light saber wielding class (lol SWG you did it wrong). Really there are none.
Anyways no this thread was not a "comparison" it was what would you prefer SWG or KOTOR. And it encourages no such thing. You guys all just see it that way because you are all still butthurt about the NGE.
in order to debate a preference, you will inevitably have to compare.
Anyways I'm heading to bed. I'll respond to whatever angry message you leave me tomorrow.
This is some really good stuff.. lol SWG vet forums are that a way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Yeah.. gotta love SWG..
I miss the TEF ganking at mission terminals..
I miss the rubberband warping..
I miss the class INbalances.. (I'm a CM, let me lob a gas bomb thru this wall).. lol
I miss the halo grinding (what a concept)..
I miss the broken economy.. (why SOE nerfed the mission terminals)
I miss player cities that normally resembled FORTs.. lol
I miss the militia ganking on covert unflagged players.. (THIS was so exploited SOE had to step in and disarm the militia) LOL
I miss running out to missions ONLY to find that the "nest" or "camp" was bugged and didn't spawn..
I miss having my pet Rancor, like EVERYONE else (have you forgetten the title we gave this game " Pet Wars".. I haven't)
I miss having a patch after patch that was normally nerfing and changing the game as often as a babies diaper.. lol
I miss reading all the HATE post on the SWG forums.. got so bad that SOE had to change the forum rules to clean it up a bit for possible new customers.. LOL..
I miss going to planets like Rori (which was my starting point) and NEVER running into a soul after the first couple months.. Rori became a ghost planet.. LIKE all the rest wtih the exception of Naboo and Corusant..
Crafting profession was so broken, and inbalance and the Devs at SOE didnt' give a shit, nor did they want to listen.. They thought they were god's of the computer world.. ( I bet any of them now WISH they had a job at Blizzard) lol
I miss buying 2 or 3 accounts just so I can enjoy playing more then 1 style.. C'mon really now.. What other successful mmo gives you 1 toon per server? I'm trying to visualize EQ or WoW has limiting 1 toon per server.. hmm ROFL..
This list can go on and on and on.. but I thnk you get the idea.. TOR is here to stay and I hope it's done right, and wish to G*d, that the SWG vet fanbois would go home.. I for one am tired of their rantings over 3 year old spilled milk.. Where is that "beating a dead horse" picture.. I love that .
Not to mention that the poll shows over 60 percent of the people here don't want a rehash of that piece of shit for a game.
Who could forget that great exploit in Kashyyk that large groups of jedi used to grind because they knew that Bounty Hunters couldn't attack them in that spot? I'd enter that area and twenty jedi padawans would quickly jump back in that spot and I couldn't attack them. Or the fact that BH droids didn't work on Kashyyk or Mustafar so jedi used those places to grind? I've never seen a game that encouraged exploiting quite like SWG did.Most games try and fix an exploit as soon as its seen. SOE on the other hand knew about them and did nothing. Last I heard, Bounty Hunter droids STILL don't work on those two planets and that was spotted 3 friggin years ago.
Don't worry, I'm sure someone will be along soon to say that you're either lying , exagerating, or didn't understand the game.Funny how I supposedly don't understand a game that I played for 2 1/2 years on a consistent basis.We only argued those very points I made on the SWG forums for the ENTIRE time I played the game so I guess all of them didn't understand the game either.And I guess all those other people who were quiting before the changes didn't understand it either./rolleyes
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
listing all the bugs in a game, doesn't make it a bad game. i will admit, BIoware shouldn't attempt to make a SWG remake... it's a different development team and it would probably come out horribly.
however you acting like SWG was some pos game is just total bullsh*t. when every other MMO was doing X... SWG was doing Y. the player driven economy from that game, beats the hell out of anything around currently. plus half the sh*t you're complaining about, is purely opinion based. class imbalance was an issue and it needed some fixes... but what other game allowed you to make custom classes like SWG? complaining about hologrinding? the only people who b*tched about hologrinding were the people who couldn't handle it. as a system is made a lot of sense, and the guessing made it interesting... but than a bunch of babies cried because they didn't know when they would unlock... which was the whole FUN of the system. let's not forget the crafting system you are complaining so much about, you know the one driven completely by players... instead of killing the same retarded NPC a millions times to get some loot... you earned money however you wanted and purchased the items from actual players, not npc's.
there are SO many flaws in your arguments, but i'm not going to sit here and pick apart everything. maybe half of your post is legit bugs, while all the rest is just skewed opinion or personal dislikes. the system needed to be balanced not completely removed. if i had to guess i'd say you read everything you know about pre-CU on some message boards, instead of actually experiencing it.
name me one game that is even half as inovative as SWG was. explain to me why the SWG community went from Millions to Tens of Thousands after the NGE release? i guess we're all retarded and you got it all figured out?
LOL. Millions use to play that game? Abe's own chart shows that SWG never reached above 300,000 subscribers. That's piss poor for a franchise as big as Star Wars.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
lmao.. and I would bet most were like me that owned a 2nd account as well......... So.. How many true customers were there? Only SOE knows that answer and they're not talking.. I would guess that there were only 150,000 true blue customers at peak at any given time.... Considering they sold over a million boxes tells me alot.. The customer base was a revolving door.. People were leaving as fast as they were coming in..
He may be confusing the announcment of "Million boxes sold" or whatever they announced with actual subscribers. But no, SWG never came close to a million concurrent subscribers.
Saying 300k subscribers is piss poor for Star Wars is not exactly accurate, as you really have to think of the time that it was made. MMORPGs weren't exactly the mass market trend back then. 300k subscribers was a very successful MMO then, and frankly, still is today. Should SWG had a bigger population, even back then? Yes, I think so. Was it because of the game design? No, not entirely. Yes, the sandbox style probably drove off a few people, but that style of game was a lot more accepted back then than it is today. I think a bigger contributor to the SWG performing the way that it did was the large amount of bugs and exploits that were never fixed by SOE.
In the end, many factors contributed to it. But 300k subscribers is a very respectable number, even today. LotRO, which is a huge franchise, is pushing what, 100k subscribers in a linear style game?
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
Regardless of any discussion about the games. Regardless of the flamefest and bash-fest that's going on between SWG-Veterans and SWG-Haters. Regardless of all these things and regardless how good/bad SWG was...
I want SW: TOR.
Why? Because I like the era much more than I like the original series. Don't get me wrong, I love the Original Trilogy and adore it and hated Lucas when he made the prequels and hated him even more when he put that stupid whiny brat at the end of Episode 6 as a force-ghost instead of the actor who actually played in that movie.
Still, I love the setting more. I enjoy it, have enjoyed it in several P&P RPG sessions, have enjoyed it in Forum as well as IM RP and the rich history, the amazing background and the exciting setting have captured me from moment one.
So yeah...I want TOR. Not because SWG was a bad game (which in some ways it was, in other ways it wasn't), but simply because I want to play in the Old Republic era. XD
And I trust BioWare to make the game in a way that i can enjoy the story of my character in that setting. *shrugs*
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Final Fantasy 7
You make a really good point, if you are solely going from a lore perspective on which you prefer. The setting for the KotOR games is much more fitting for an MMO than the original trilogy setting is. Making an mmo fitting of the original trilogy setting is hard because you have a massive imperial army that controls everything, and a small rebel fighting force that is supposed to be in hiding. It's hard to make people playing rebels to stay in hiding.
I do think this time line will be a lot better for an MMO, because you have two evenly powered sides, and a lot more freedom for the developers to work with.
Good point.
Tried: LotR, CoH, AoC, WAR, Jumpgate Classic
Played: SWG, Guild Wars, WoW
Playing: Eve Online, Counter-strike
Loved: Star Wars Galaxies
Waiting for: Earthrise, Guild Wars 2, anything sandbox.
He may be confusing the announcment of "Million boxes sold" or whatever they announced with actual subscribers. But no, SWG never came close to a million concurrent subscribers.
Saying 300k subscribers is piss poor for Star Wars is not exactly accurate, as you really have to think of the time that it was made. MMORPGs weren't exactly the mass market trend back then. 300k subscribers was a very successful MMO then, and frankly, still is today. Should SWG had a bigger population, even back then? Yes, I think so. Was it because of the game design? No, not entirely. Yes, the sandbox style probably drove off a few people, but that style of game was a lot more accepted back then than it is today. I think a bigger contributor to the SWG performing the way that it did was the large amount of bugs and exploits that were never fixed by SOE.
In the end, many factors contributed to it. But 300k subscribers is a very respectable number, even today. LotRO, which is a huge franchise, is pushing what, 100k subscribers in a linear style game?
i was talking about sold games, just a goof. look at how many people bought pre-cu and stopped playing right around nge. then look at how many people bought NGE, and stopped playing. subscription numbers dropped due to game changes, more than probably any other MMO ever. the only people to dispute this is SOE, only to save their own asses.
again i don't want another SWG but i'd love if they took some of the great aspects from pre-CU SWG, and found a way to include them in this new game. calling pre-CU a bad game is probably one of the most rediculous things i've ever heard. bugs are bugs, you can find those in any game, but how many games break the mold like SWG... how many break away from the pack and don't follow the sheep.
You make a really good point, if you are solely going from a lore perspective on which you prefer. The setting for the KotOR games is much more fitting for an MMO than the original trilogy setting is. Making an mmo fitting of the original trilogy setting is hard because you have a massive imperial army that controls everything, and a small rebel fighting force that is supposed to be in hiding. It's hard to make people playing rebels to stay in hiding.
I do think this time line will be a lot better for an MMO, because you have two evenly powered sides, and a lot more freedom for the developers to work with.
Good point.
You agree with me!!! <.< >.>
The world is coming to an end!!!!!
Errr, yeah. But anyway, yes, that was the point. Not only is it more fitting for an MMO (for the reasons you mentioned) it's also much better for a "Story"-driven MMO. More stories to tell, because the main timeline is not as rigid as it is in the original Trilogy.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7