Javac is right, anyone who does not agree that Darkfall is a huge massive success with over 40k subscribers and the best PvP sandbox MMO currently on the market is a sh*t-dumb bitter clueless troll.
objectively, chain-selling-out your first ever MMO as an indie company and barely being able to keep up with demand is a clear and unequivocal indication of success in ANY business-person's book. especially when you consider the $0 marketing budget and low overall development budget in the context of the incredible amount of grassroots-based game/brand recognition they've achieved.
anyone can see that.
{ Mod Edit }
subjective definitions of success do not diminish the very self-evident objective success.
the simple truth is, i'm right nearly all the time, cause i'm really quite smart IRL. most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their".
while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. it also goes without saying that any other readers here who don't have shit-for-brains are well capable of discerning informed posters from dumbass trolls.
btw i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
Aren't you the one that on several occasions posted that DF HAS 40k subs?
Lying doesn't seem like a "smart" thing to do.
You have to resort to imply (see here, could have swore I typed the word implying, but nope, hand didn't make the moves to i n and g. You'll understand) stupidity when someone makes grammatical errors?
I'm personally losing the use of my right hand due to a degenerative nerve condition. I make all kinds of gross gramaitcal errors do (do? should be due, I know that, anyone over 5 should know that, my hand doesn't seem to get it though) to signals being sent from my brain to my hands not coming through quite right. My hands no long move in the way they should. Sometimes I have to actually stare at my keyboard and make sure that I'm pressing the shift key otherwise I end up backspacing and trying to retype a capital letter over and over again. Sometimes I'll get letters put in the wrong order, or a letter just doesn't get put in at all cause my finger didn't actually move when I thought it did. Combined with the fact that, when all was well, I was typing upwards of a hundered words a minute, I'm still able to type a little faster then I can read what I'm writing so I miss a lot of my mispellings.
Then you can have some of the greatest novelists of our time, all of them still have these guys called editors that actually proof read the things they write, and make corrections. Guys that make a living writing, and yet they still need someone to ensure they used the correct form of thier, or they're. Go figure. I suppose Stephen King is an idiot to huh?
Resorting to insulting others, and attempting to boost your own sence of greatness by telling all how smart you are, is hardly an intelligent form of behavior. Do you think Einstein, or Hawkings had a need to run around telling everyone how much smarter they are, how they are almost always right?
An intelligent person would have the capicity to conciede when they were mistaken. A compasionate person undrstands that in the course of a discussion insults aren't really needed to prove themselves supperior. In fact, an intelligent person has no need to prove themself to be "smarter" then the next guy; after all intelligence and ego have nothing to do with one another.
The last I was aware, and egotistical person wasn't a very liked person, and having an over inflated ego wasn't considered a good personallity traite.
When you have to resort to insults, you've effectively lost your argument.
But you're a smart guy, you should already know this.
I'm wondering if Sgt. Frog had an opportunity to play this weekend.
"Our hope for Darkfall is that you won't spend a cent on the game until you've tried it and decided you want to play it. "
was spun by you and your type into:
"We promise that ..."
...and so on and so on. the core characteristic of a DF troll is lack of reading comprehension.
Mike you forgot about this guy javac
I don't know who is worse the fanboys or the trolls. Trolls start the same topic over and over again and post the same reply over and over again, but the fanboys are blatant liars, defending the lies with more lies and living in denial because according to them, their opinions are FACTS.
I was accused of being a troll when in reality most of my posts are elsewhere on this forum. Its ironic because when I first started gaining interest in DF I was considered "cool" and was defended, but as soon as my more recent replies in threads were negative, now all of a sudden I'm a troll.
"Javac: you either like sandbox MMOs or you like WOW. not a lot of people really like both."
Another blatant opinion he states as a fact, show me the proof. When did you take a census? Most of my friends who play Eve online play Wow as well, and that's a 120 man corp, but you don't see me stating that as a fact that applies to everyone. Do you see me saying everyone who likes sandbox likes WoW. And since when is DF sandbox? It has sandbox features, just barely. STOP LYING TO PEOPLE!
"Javac: [sarcastically] because 2 days is totally enough to decide if a MMO is good or not."
Here goes good old javac making fun of someone who did not like the game after 2 days. But guess what, in another post someone who played it for 2 days and liked it was defended by the same hypocrit javac. So which is it javac? Is or is not 2 days enough to determine how great a game is? So if you like it in 2 days you are ok with the hypocrits, but if you don't like it in 2 days then you must be a troll. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
"Javac: with over 40K subs, DF has been a huge success considering its hardcore niche and its tiny development budget. "
More lies. Show me where it is said they have 40k subs with PROOF! As much as Tasos has lied I don't think even he lied THAT HARD. So here we have another blatant lie.
"Javac: you'd have to be braindead (or a bitter/clueless troll) not to recognise that in terms of the big picture of gaming, DF is, and continues to be, massively successful."
Now this is such a blatant lie that even the fanboys on the DF forums disagree with this statement. Yet here is Javac making false claims again. We had a good laugh at this statement in DF chat last week.
"Javac: for now, it's the best PVP MMO hands-down on the market, and just that counts for a lot by itself."
Another opinion he stated on another thread as a FACT. LIES! Notice a trend here? Seems like this guy is really full of it.
"Javac: It's not client-side. every internet game ever made has hacks. stop being so naive & dramatic."
So it is not client-side eventhough EVERYONE DISAGREES with you? Is every internet game under dvelopment for 8 years? Why did they not foresee even the SIMPLEST hacks in all those years of development? Why is it that TCoS , which had a small development team, was under development for less time, is ALSO very reliant on client-side data JUST LIKE DF (you're living in denial if you think otherwise) and yet TCoS doesnt have the SAME easily exploitable tactics such as packet manipulation? How did one company get it right and the other didn't? ANOTHER LIE by Javac
These are all direct quotes taken from previous posts where this liar accuses people, insults people, and states his opinions are facts.
Bottomline: Stop being misled by people like javac who are blatant liars and don't listen to every troll who copies & pastes the same response over and over in every topic.
Try the game out for yourself or find yourself a respectable source of info. In DF's case, I suggest the latter since they have no free trial and probably won't ever. There is a reason the company has such a bad rep, there is a reason why it is a limited paid beta, and there is a reason why it only has one server. Do the research yourself, Do not take someones false claims as definitive proof, because you never know, the next thread you will most likely read will be from someone like Javac, and they could cost you the hard earned $$ you paid to try a game that misrepresented
the simple truth is, i'm right almost all the time, cause i'm smart IRL. i don't need or even are if or even how many people disagree with me, it doesn't make what i say any less right. only evidence and well-thought-through arguments matter.
most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their". and while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. noone with a clue cares what dumbasses say anyway; my comments are not aimed at them anyway, except as you say, to ridicule them.
lastly, i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
"Our hope for Darkfall is that you won't spend a cent on the game until you've tried it and decided you want to play it. "
was spun by you and your type into:
"We promise that ..."
...and so on and so on. the core characteristic of a DF troll is lack of reading comprehension.
Mike you forgot about this guy javac
I don't know who is worse the fanboys or the trolls. Trolls start the same topic over and over again and post the same reply over and over again, but the fanboys are blatant liars, defending the lies with more lies and living in denial because according to them, their opinions are FACTS.
I was accused of being a troll when in reality most of my posts are elsewhere on this forum. Its ironic because when I first started gaining interest in DF I was considered "cool" and was defended, but as soon as my more recent replies in threads were negative, now all of a sudden I'm a troll.
"Javac: you either like sandbox MMOs or you like WOW. not a lot of people really like both."
Another blatant opinion he states as a fact, show me the proof. When did you take a census? Most of my friends who play Eve online play Wow as well, and that's a 120 man corp, but you don't see me stating that as a fact that applies to everyone. Do you see me saying everyone who likes sandbox likes WoW. And since when is DF sandbox? It has sandbox features, just barely. STOP LYING TO PEOPLE!
"Javac: [sarcastically] because 2 days is totally enough to decide if a MMO is good or not."
Here goes good old javac making fun of someone who did not like the game after 2 days. But guess what, in another post someone who played it for 2 days and liked it was defended by the same hypocrit javac. So which is it javac? Is or is not 2 days enough to determine how great a game is? So if you like it in 2 days you are ok with the hypocrits, but if you don't like it in 2 days then you must be a troll. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
"Javac: with over 40K subs, DF has been a huge success considering its hardcore niche and its tiny development budget. "
More lies. Show me where it is said they have 40k subs with PROOF! As much as Tasos has lied I don't think even he lied THAT HARD. So here we have another blatant lie.
"Javac: you'd have to be braindead (or a bitter/clueless troll) not to recognise that in terms of the big picture of gaming, DF is, and continues to be, massively successful."
Now this is such a blatant lie that even the fanboys on the DF forums disagree with this statement. Yet here is Javac making false claims again. We had a good laugh at this statement in DF chat last week.
"Javac: for now, it's the best PVP MMO hands-down on the market, and just that counts for a lot by itself."
Another opinion he stated on another thread as a FACT. LIES! Notice a trend here? Seems like this guy is really full of it.
"Javac: It's not client-side. every internet game ever made has hacks. stop being so naive & dramatic."
So it is not client-side eventhough EVERYONE DISAGREES with you? Is every internet game under dvelopment for 8 years? Why did they not foresee even the SIMPLEST hacks in all those years of development? Why is it that TCoS , which had a small development team, was under development for less time, is ALSO very reliant on client-side data JUST LIKE DF (you're living in denial if you think otherwise) and yet TCoS doesnt have the SAME easily exploitable tactics such as packet manipulation? How did one company get it right and the other didn't? ANOTHER LIE by Javac
These are all direct quotes taken from previous posts where this liar accuses people, insults people, and states his opinions are facts.
Bottomline: Stop being misled by people like javac who are blatant liars and don't listen to every troll who copies & pastes the same response over and over in every topic.
Try the game out for yourself or find yourself a respectable source of info. In DF's case, I suggest the latter since they have no free trial and probably won't ever. There is a reason the company has such a bad rep, there is a reason why it is a limited paid beta, and there is a reason why it only has one server. Do the research yourself, Do not take someones false claims as definitive proof, because you never know, the next thread you will most likely read will be from someone like Javac, and they could cost you the hard earned $$ you paid to try a game that misrepresented
the simple truth is, i'm right almost all the time, cause i'm smart IRL. i don't need or even are if or even how many people disagree with me, it doesn't make what i say any less right. only evidence and well-thought-through arguments matter.
most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their". and while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. noone with a clue cares what dumbasses say anyway; my comments are not aimed at them anyway, except as you say, to ridicule them.
lastly, i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
Just a tip… If you’re going to criticize people’s grammar, make sure the grammar you use in the critical post is proper.
If you don’t you run the risk of making people think you’re a moron.
the simple truth is, i'm right almost all the time, cause i'm smart IRL. i don't need or even are if or even how many people disagree with me, it doesn't make what i say any less right. only evidence and well-thought-through arguments matter.
most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their". and while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. noone with a clue cares what dumbasses say anyway; my comments are not aimed at them anyway, except as you say, to ridicule them.
lastly, i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
the simple truth is, i'm right nearly all the time, cause i'm really quite smart IRL. most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their".
while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. it also goes without saying that any other readers here who don't have shit-for-brains are well capable of discerning informed posters from dumbass trolls.
btw i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
A typical javac non-response.
You do not address a single statement made or quote cited. Instead, you dance right around it and go straight to ad-hominem attacks and gratuitous self-praise.
Problem is, several of the statements quoted have nothing to do with "intellect".
Javac: "you either like sandbox MMOs or you like WOW. not a lot of people really like both."
Pure unsupported conjecture, with a dose of ignorance. It's, at best, your opinion. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Javac: "[sarcastically] because 2 days is totally enough to decide if a MMO is good or not."
As was stated in the follow-up, you imply that 2 days isn't enough to formulate a negative opinion of DF. Yet find 2 days to be more than enough time to develop a positive opinion of it in another thread. That is known as a double-standard. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Javac: "with over 40K subs, DF has been a huge success considering its hardcore niche and its tiny development budget. "
An exaggerrated opinion stated as fact, derived from 100% conjecture with 0 proof given to support those claims (40k and "huge success" in particular). Pure fanboy hyperbole. Has nothing to do with smart you are.
Javac: "for now, it's the best PVP MMO hands-down on the market, and just that counts for a lot by itself."
More fanboy opinion stated as fact. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Javac: "It's not client-side. every internet game ever made has hacks. stop being so naive & dramatic."
Blatant misinformation wrapped in nonsense. That a significant amount of DF's data is client-side is well-known, well-supported and has been for a while now. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Responding to a list of direct quotes by declaring yourself right "nearly all the time" and talking about how dumb others are is not a rebuttal. It's a cop-out.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Just a tip… If you’re going to criticize people’s grammar, make sure the grammar you use in the critical post is proper. If you don’t you run the risk of making people think you’re a moron.
the grammar was correct. all lower-case is a conscious stylistic choice, and/or an adaptive response to being able to type fast, i'm not sure which.
What I find ironic is we consistantly heard "There are no cheaters in game that aren't banned, hardly anyone is cheating" etc etc then today they ban 200+
I am all for banning cheaters but why lie and say you have very few when 200+ is actually A LOT
200 out of 13,000 + is not a large number. They never said there wasn't a problem, they said it was minimal compared to the impression people got from the forums. Judging from those numbers, Tasos was right.
To the above poster, they were banned because they were hacking. They will say otherwise to try to save themselves, but I would bet any money they're just scrambling to save themselves. It's too late. They hacked, they're gone.
Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions.
Last edited by Signus; Today at 01:50 AM..
Granted, he might not be right, either, but at least he's more closely connected to Aventurine, as far as we know. This gives his numbers a little more credence.
the approximate total subscriber number of DF is 250K / 15K * 2.5K == 41K DF subscribers.
i expect, that with DF being such a new game, that people are still playing DF slightly more in terms of hours per day than its contemporaries, so a more accurate sub number for DF might be more in the range of 30-40K subs.
Now I'm going to leave the gramatical errors alone. Far be it for me to be a judge of ones literary aptitude or ability to do something as simple as capitalize.
You base your math off of hourse played in Eve and WAR.
War, the most casual of pvp games I have ever played. Hop in play for a half hour to an hour or so.
Eve, a game that you don't even have to log in to play. I haven't logged in for more then a half hour this week alone and yet I've been playing every day.
Darkfall. In order to progress you HAVE to log in for hours on end.
There is absolutly nothing about these three games that is even remotely similliar in as far as the sort of people that would stick to them in the sense of hours played. Darkfall demands large portions of time were as games like Eve and WAR do not.
Then you through out a bunch of numbers as if they have any value or imprtance to DF and to come to a sub number wich you then adjust at the end of your post to make "accurate".
In other words. Your sub numbers are total BS.
PS. learn to capitalize genius if you're going to call other people stupid for making far, far fewer gramatical errors then you did in that post. For gods sake you didn't start a single sentence in that post with a capital. You have two shift keys genius.
Edit: Looks like a mod for the game blows your math out of the water. Someone with an actually affiliation with the game and the company posts 13k. Guess your math isn't as smart as you think it is.
Edit again: Not being able to use a cap has nothing to do with typing fast. I'm still able to get over 60 words a minute out with constant pain and numbness in my hands and I'm still able to get to the shift keys. And it's hardly stylistic, it's called hypocritical. In other words, when you put someone else down as beind stupid when they make grammatical errors and then you don't even take the time to hit the shift key; whether on purpose or through error, it makes you a hypocrit.
Javac: "you either like sandbox MMOs or you like WOW. not a lot of people really like both."
Javac: "[sarcastically] because 2 days is totally enough to decide if a MMO is good or not."
comment applies equally to anyone. however, hostile criticism does carry a higher burden of veracity.
Javac: "with over 40K subs, DF has been a huge success considering its hardcore niche and its tiny development budget. "
self-evidently true. if i made planes on a low budget, spent $0 on marketing but tons of my prospective market know the name of my product and when released, my product sold out in hours and continues to sell faster than i can make more, it is, without question, a success.
Javac: "for now, it's the best PVP MMO hands-down on the market, and just that counts for a lot by itself."
any idiot can see this too is just an opinion.
Javac: "It's not client-side. every internet game ever made has hacks. stop being so naive & dramatic."
every internet game ever made does have hacks, simply because the flow of data over the internet is of its own nature, observable and modifiable in transit. DF is no exception. it just happens to be the latest thing to troll in the case of DF. proof of client-side anything requires dumps of UDP packets showing callable server functions/actions. in a "perfect world", clients are 100% dumb and are never trusted, and there is no such thing as latency, finite bandwidth, and packet loss. in the real world, increasingly higher demands on getting more out of the network than is feasible with zero trust of the client has meant that some game processing is offloaded onto the client.
it is likely that there *is* *some* stuff being trusted on the DF client, which may or may not be deliberate, or a bug. it is also likely that a game like DF would not even be possible without this compromise without an unacceptable amount of lag/bandwidth. DF is not alone here, you can be sure that any FPS game based on a persistent world is doing the exact same thing. to characterise DF as being all "client-side" or is alone in being subject to hacks is totally and utterly ignorant of client-server networking realities and is just plain naive, since anyone can find hacks for any game on the internet using google in under 5 mins.
Edit: Looks like a mod for the game blows your math out of the water. Someone with an actually affiliation with the game and the company posts 13k. Guess your math isn't as smart as you think it is.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Just a tip… If you’re going to criticize people’s grammar, make sure the grammar you use in the critical post is proper. If you don’t you run the risk of making people think you’re a moron.
the grammar was correct. all lower-case is a conscious stylistic choice, and/or an adaptive response to being able to type fast, i'm not sure which.
You like to go all grammer nazi, but its ok if you do it, what a tool.
---------- "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
Edit: Looks like a mod for the game blows your math out of the water. Someone with an actually affiliation with the game and the company posts 13k. Guess your math isn't as smart as you think it is.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Edit: Looks like a mod for the game blows your math out of the water. Someone with an actually affiliation with the game and the company posts 13k. Guess your math isn't as smart as you think it is.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Try looking at the post above mine!
Signus made the comment about 13k subs.
You're not looking as smart as you claim to be.
perhaps you missed signus' signature?
"Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions."
there is no indication that that 13K comes from anywhere. there is fuck all chance that community volunteer mods have insider info as to the exact number of DF subs... get a clue....
get us a link to a clear statement of DF sub numbers that holds weight and i'll gladly believe it. the 40K i posted was an educated ballparking exercise in the absence of better evidence.
Edit: Looks like a mod for the game blows your math out of the water. Someone with an actually affiliation with the game and the company posts 13k. Guess your math isn't as smart as you think it is.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Try looking at the post above mine!
Signus made the comment about 13k subs.
You're not looking as smart as you claim to be.
perhaps you missed signus' signature?
"Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions."
there is no indication that that 13K comes from anywhere. there is fuck all chance that community volunteer mods have insider info as to the exact number of DF subs... get a clue....
get us a link to a clear statement of DF sub numbers that holds weight and i'll gladly believe it. the 40K i posted was an educated ballparking exercise in the absence of better evidence.
Like I said.
Someone with an actual affiliation with the game and the company. Paid employee or not.
You think everyone should take the word of a fan who uses xfire and assumed numbers drawn off thier own assumptions as aposed to an actual affiliate of the company?
Better evidence? He's a mod for the the company. His evidence is considerably better then someone that has to resort to insults to back up his arguments.
Edit: Looks like a mod for the game blows your math out of the water. Someone with an actually affiliation with the game and the company posts 13k. Guess your math isn't as smart as you think it is.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Try looking at the post above mine!
Signus made the comment about 13k subs.
You're not looking as smart as you claim to be.
perhaps you missed signus' signature?
"Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions."
there is no indication that that 13K comes from anywhere. there is fuck all chance that community volunteer mods have insider info as to the exact number of DF subs... get a clue....
get us a link to a clear statement of DF sub numbers that holds weight and i'll gladly believe it. the 40K i posted was an educated ballparking exercise in the absence of better evidence.
We're supposed to believe your 40k over his 13k? Your figures aren't any more credible. What I do find interesting, however, is that Signus' post has mysteriously disappeared from the official boards. I wonder why thiat is? At least Signus is connected, in some manner, with Darkfall, whereas you--to the best of our knowledge--aren't. Also, while his opinions may not be those of Aventurine, his facts may be. His signature is simply an escape pod.
I dont poarticularly care how many subs the game has , but of all the words one could choose, not just from the English language, but of any language, to described the blatent lies, misinformation and spin you have posted in this forum for the last 3 months, educated would not make the list.
I dont poarticularly care how many subs the game has , but of all the words one could choose, not just from the English language, but of any language, to described the blatent lies, misinformation and spin you have posted in this forum for the last 3 months, educated would not make the list.
imagine how deliciously ironic your post is to me given that i'm probably the highest educated person on this whole site.
ironic also that the majority of my posting here is just to bring some truth/reality/perspective into the seething mass of blatant lies, misinformation, and spin from trolls such as yourself. that, and to make fun of you.
Originally posted by javac imagine how deliciously ironic your post is to me given that i'm probably the highest educated person on this whole site.
I don't care if you have 4 PHDs, highest educated does not equal intelligence.
I have a simple philosophy I live by: Let people's actions define who they are and what they are capable of.
Your actions, good sir, define you as an idiot that is apparently very full of himself. So take a step back and have some perspective, you might be laughing and think you're never wrong, but anyone that I have ever met in my life that has said they are rarely wrong, are some of the most naive and clueless people on this planet because we all are wrong, often, it's how we learn and grow. If you think you're always right your whole life, you have not learned much in life, and it shows, by your intelligence level everyone keeps pointing out.
I know I didn't help you because you won't listen, but at least I made myself feel better trying. Good luck with gaming and MMOs, it is just too bad you play MMOs instead of share you high intelligence with the world instead of using it to defend a video game on a daily basis.
I dont poarticularly care how many subs the game has , but of all the words one could choose, not just from the English language, but of any language, to described the blatent lies, misinformation and spin you have posted in this forum for the last 3 months, educated would not make the list.
imagine how deliciously ironic your post is to me given that i'm probably the highest educated person on this whole site.
Given you have spent the last couple of months blatantly lying on these forums, for instance, calling someone a troll , and claiming they were making things up for asking about a bug you later admit knew existed, this is perhaps the funniest statement in the histroy of this site, and there have been some prize ones on here in the past.
That you think that
a) anyone would believe you
b) your conduct, language, and strawman arguments don't absolutely contradict the above statement
c) That when faced with an argument you cannot win you simply make wild, unsubstantiated claims about over 1 million people and your own percieved superiority
is in any way anything other than farcical is simply a laughable train of thought, for anyone, let alone a 'highly educated' deity.
In reality , it is, of course, a very transparent attempt to deflect the debate into the realms of strawman arguments and personal attacks because you were wildly out of your depth with the. yet more, lies you have been recently posting being called on by an increasing number of forum members.
In reality , it is, of course, a very transparent attempt to deflect the debate into the realms of strawman arguments and personal attacks because you were wildly out of your depth with the. yet more, lies you have been recently posting being called on by an increasing number of forum trolls.
fixed that for you. FYI, the number of DF trolls is decreasing as i can see it.
my posts are either:
1) serious evidence-based rebuttals of troll/ignorant posts, usually backed up by references, or just common-sense
2) simple opinions of a DF player
3) trollbait/ridiculing trolls for my amusement
hope that helps. in future i will state which of the 3 is being used in any particular post, so you stop getting confused between my serious posts, and my facetious posts.
objectively, chain-selling-out your first ever MMO as an indie company and barely being able to keep up with demand is a clear and unequivocal indication of success in ANY business-person's book. especially when you consider the $0 marketing budget and low overall development budget in the context of the incredible amount of grassroots-based game/brand recognition they've achieved.
anyone can see that.
{ Mod Edit }
subjective definitions of success do not diminish the very self-evident objective success.
Aren't you the one that on several occasions posted that DF HAS 40k subs?
Lying doesn't seem like a "smart" thing to do.
You have to resort to imply (see here, could have swore I typed the word implying, but nope, hand didn't make the moves to i n and g. You'll understand) stupidity when someone makes grammatical errors?
I'm personally losing the use of my right hand due to a degenerative nerve condition. I make all kinds of gross gramaitcal errors do (do? should be due, I know that, anyone over 5 should know that, my hand doesn't seem to get it though) to signals being sent from my brain to my hands not coming through quite right. My hands no long move in the way they should. Sometimes I have to actually stare at my keyboard and make sure that I'm pressing the shift key otherwise I end up backspacing and trying to retype a capital letter over and over again. Sometimes I'll get letters put in the wrong order, or a letter just doesn't get put in at all cause my finger didn't actually move when I thought it did. Combined with the fact that, when all was well, I was typing upwards of a hundered words a minute, I'm still able to type a little faster then I can read what I'm writing so I miss a lot of my mispellings.
Then you can have some of the greatest novelists of our time, all of them still have these guys called editors that actually proof read the things they write, and make corrections. Guys that make a living writing, and yet they still need someone to ensure they used the correct form of thier, or they're. Go figure. I suppose Stephen King is an idiot to huh?
Resorting to insulting others, and attempting to boost your own sence of greatness by telling all how smart you are, is hardly an intelligent form of behavior. Do you think Einstein, or Hawkings had a need to run around telling everyone how much smarter they are, how they are almost always right?
An intelligent person would have the capicity to conciede when they were mistaken. A compasionate person undrstands that in the course of a discussion insults aren't really needed to prove themselves supperior. In fact, an intelligent person has no need to prove themself to be "smarter" then the next guy; after all intelligence and ego have nothing to do with one another.
The last I was aware, and egotistical person wasn't a very liked person, and having an over inflated ego wasn't considered a good personallity traite.
When you have to resort to insults, you've effectively lost your argument.
But you're a smart guy, you should already know this.
I'm wondering if Sgt. Frog had an opportunity to play this weekend.
you mean like how this tasos quote:
"Our hope for Darkfall is that you won't spend a cent on the game until you've tried it and decided you want to play it. "
was spun by you and your type into:
"We promise that ..."
...and so on and so on. the core characteristic of a DF troll is lack of reading comprehension.
Mike you forgot about this guy javac
I don't know who is worse the fanboys or the trolls. Trolls start the same topic over and over again and post the same reply over and over again, but the fanboys are blatant liars, defending the lies with more lies and living in denial because according to them, their opinions are FACTS.
I was accused of being a troll when in reality most of my posts are elsewhere on this forum. Its ironic because when I first started gaining interest in DF I was considered "cool" and was defended, but as soon as my more recent replies in threads were negative, now all of a sudden I'm a troll.
"Javac: you either like sandbox MMOs or you like WOW. not a lot of people really like both."
Another blatant opinion he states as a fact, show me the proof. When did you take a census? Most of my friends who play Eve online play Wow as well, and that's a 120 man corp, but you don't see me stating that as a fact that applies to everyone. Do you see me saying everyone who likes sandbox likes WoW. And since when is DF sandbox? It has sandbox features, just barely. STOP LYING TO PEOPLE!
"Javac: [sarcastically] because 2 days is totally enough to decide if a MMO is good or not."
Here goes good old javac making fun of someone who did not like the game after 2 days. But guess what, in another post someone who played it for 2 days and liked it was defended by the same hypocrit javac. So which is it javac? Is or is not 2 days enough to determine how great a game is? So if you like it in 2 days you are ok with the hypocrits, but if you don't like it in 2 days then you must be a troll. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
"Javac: with over 40K subs, DF has been a huge success considering its hardcore niche and its tiny development budget. "
More lies. Show me where it is said they have 40k subs with PROOF! As much as Tasos has lied I don't think even he lied THAT HARD. So here we have another blatant lie.
"Javac: you'd have to be braindead (or a bitter/clueless troll) not to recognise that in terms of the big picture of gaming, DF is, and continues to be, massively successful."
Now this is such a blatant lie that even the fanboys on the DF forums disagree with this statement. Yet here is Javac making false claims again. We had a good laugh at this statement in DF chat last week.
"Javac: for now, it's the best PVP MMO hands-down on the market, and just that counts for a lot by itself."
Another opinion he stated on another thread as a FACT. LIES! Notice a trend here? Seems like this guy is really full of it.
"Javac: It's not client-side. every internet game ever made has hacks. stop being so naive & dramatic."
So it is not client-side eventhough EVERYONE DISAGREES with you? Is every internet game under dvelopment for 8 years? Why did they not foresee even the SIMPLEST hacks in all those years of development? Why is it that TCoS , which had a small development team, was under development for less time, is ALSO very reliant on client-side data JUST LIKE DF (you're living in denial if you think otherwise) and yet TCoS doesnt have the SAME easily exploitable tactics such as packet manipulation? How did one company get it right and the other didn't? ANOTHER LIE by Javac
These are all direct quotes taken from previous posts where this liar accuses people, insults people, and states his opinions are facts.
Bottomline: Stop being misled by people like javac who are blatant liars and don't listen to every troll who copies & pastes the same response over and over in every topic.
Try the game out for yourself or find yourself a respectable source of info. In DF's case, I suggest the latter since they have no free trial and probably won't ever. There is a reason the company has such a bad rep, there is a reason why it is a limited paid beta, and there is a reason why it only has one server. Do the research yourself, Do not take someones false claims as definitive proof, because you never know, the next thread you will most likely read will be from someone like Javac, and they could cost you the hard earned $$ you paid to try a game that misrepresented
the simple truth is, i'm right almost all the time, cause i'm smart IRL. i don't need or even are if or even how many people disagree with me, it doesn't make what i say any less right. only evidence and well-thought-through arguments matter.
most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their". and while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. noone with a clue cares what dumbasses say anyway; my comments are not aimed at them anyway, except as you say, to ridicule them.
lastly, i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
holy cow...WSIMike's post just came to fruition!
you mean like how this tasos quote:
"Our hope for Darkfall is that you won't spend a cent on the game until you've tried it and decided you want to play it. "
was spun by you and your type into:
"We promise that ..."
...and so on and so on. the core characteristic of a DF troll is lack of reading comprehension.
Good thing that's not the only place he said that. Hope, only appeared on that, as launch got closer.
got a quote for that cowboy?
you mean like how this tasos quote:
"Our hope for Darkfall is that you won't spend a cent on the game until you've tried it and decided you want to play it. "
was spun by you and your type into:
"We promise that ..."
...and so on and so on. the core characteristic of a DF troll is lack of reading comprehension.
Mike you forgot about this guy javac
I don't know who is worse the fanboys or the trolls. Trolls start the same topic over and over again and post the same reply over and over again, but the fanboys are blatant liars, defending the lies with more lies and living in denial because according to them, their opinions are FACTS.
I was accused of being a troll when in reality most of my posts are elsewhere on this forum. Its ironic because when I first started gaining interest in DF I was considered "cool" and was defended, but as soon as my more recent replies in threads were negative, now all of a sudden I'm a troll.
"Javac: you either like sandbox MMOs or you like WOW. not a lot of people really like both."
Another blatant opinion he states as a fact, show me the proof. When did you take a census? Most of my friends who play Eve online play Wow as well, and that's a 120 man corp, but you don't see me stating that as a fact that applies to everyone. Do you see me saying everyone who likes sandbox likes WoW. And since when is DF sandbox? It has sandbox features, just barely. STOP LYING TO PEOPLE!
"Javac: [sarcastically] because 2 days is totally enough to decide if a MMO is good or not."
Here goes good old javac making fun of someone who did not like the game after 2 days. But guess what, in another post someone who played it for 2 days and liked it was defended by the same hypocrit javac. So which is it javac? Is or is not 2 days enough to determine how great a game is? So if you like it in 2 days you are ok with the hypocrits, but if you don't like it in 2 days then you must be a troll. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!
"Javac: with over 40K subs, DF has been a huge success considering its hardcore niche and its tiny development budget. "
More lies. Show me where it is said they have 40k subs with PROOF! As much as Tasos has lied I don't think even he lied THAT HARD. So here we have another blatant lie.
"Javac: you'd have to be braindead (or a bitter/clueless troll) not to recognise that in terms of the big picture of gaming, DF is, and continues to be, massively successful."
Now this is such a blatant lie that even the fanboys on the DF forums disagree with this statement. Yet here is Javac making false claims again. We had a good laugh at this statement in DF chat last week.
"Javac: for now, it's the best PVP MMO hands-down on the market, and just that counts for a lot by itself."
Another opinion he stated on another thread as a FACT. LIES! Notice a trend here? Seems like this guy is really full of it.
"Javac: It's not client-side. every internet game ever made has hacks. stop being so naive & dramatic."
So it is not client-side eventhough EVERYONE DISAGREES with you? Is every internet game under dvelopment for 8 years? Why did they not foresee even the SIMPLEST hacks in all those years of development? Why is it that TCoS , which had a small development team, was under development for less time, is ALSO very reliant on client-side data JUST LIKE DF (you're living in denial if you think otherwise) and yet TCoS doesnt have the SAME easily exploitable tactics such as packet manipulation? How did one company get it right and the other didn't? ANOTHER LIE by Javac
These are all direct quotes taken from previous posts where this liar accuses people, insults people, and states his opinions are facts.
Bottomline: Stop being misled by people like javac who are blatant liars and don't listen to every troll who copies & pastes the same response over and over in every topic.
Try the game out for yourself or find yourself a respectable source of info. In DF's case, I suggest the latter since they have no free trial and probably won't ever. There is a reason the company has such a bad rep, there is a reason why it is a limited paid beta, and there is a reason why it only has one server. Do the research yourself, Do not take someones false claims as definitive proof, because you never know, the next thread you will most likely read will be from someone like Javac, and they could cost you the hard earned $$ you paid to try a game that misrepresented
the simple truth is, i'm right almost all the time, cause i'm smart IRL. i don't need or even are if or even how many people disagree with me, it doesn't make what i say any less right. only evidence and well-thought-through arguments matter.
most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their". and while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. noone with a clue cares what dumbasses say anyway; my comments are not aimed at them anyway, except as you say, to ridicule them.
lastly, i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
Just a tip… If you’re going to criticize people’s grammar, make sure the grammar you use in the critical post is proper.
If you don’t you run the risk of making people think you’re a moron.
the simple truth is, i'm right almost all the time, cause i'm smart IRL. i don't need or even are if or even how many people disagree with me, it doesn't make what i say any less right. only evidence and well-thought-through arguments matter.
most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their". and while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. noone with a clue cares what dumbasses say anyway; my comments are not aimed at them anyway, except as you say, to ridicule them.
lastly, i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
Iiii-iiiiiit's.... me!!! *Hooray*
it's a guesstimate based on recent evidence. my fan club should have linked from my post history by now... let's see... here it is:
the simple truth is, i'm right nearly all the time, cause i'm really quite smart IRL. most DF trolls, and some fans, are shit-dumb to the point of not knowing even basic facts about IT, and/or dead giveaways of stupidity like repeated use of "you're/your", "they're/their".
while it's really not anyone's fault for being dumb, it is so incredibly amusing. it also goes without saying that any other readers here who don't have shit-for-brains are well capable of discerning informed posters from dumbass trolls.
btw i take your *desperate* attempt to troll my comments as the highest form of flattery.
A typical javac non-response.
You do not address a single statement made or quote cited. Instead, you dance right around it and go straight to ad-hominem attacks and gratuitous self-praise.
Problem is, several of the statements quoted have nothing to do with "intellect".
Javac: "you either like sandbox MMOs or you like WOW. not a lot of people really like both."
Pure unsupported conjecture, with a dose of ignorance. It's, at best, your opinion. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Javac: "[sarcastically] because 2 days is totally enough to decide if a MMO is good or not."
As was stated in the follow-up, you imply that 2 days isn't enough to formulate a negative opinion of DF. Yet find 2 days to be more than enough time to develop a positive opinion of it in another thread. That is known as a double-standard. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Javac: "with over 40K subs, DF has been a huge success considering its hardcore niche and its tiny development budget. "
An exaggerrated opinion stated as fact, derived from 100% conjecture with 0 proof given to support those claims (40k and "huge success" in particular). Pure fanboy hyperbole. Has nothing to do with smart you are.
Javac: "for now, it's the best PVP MMO hands-down on the market, and just that counts for a lot by itself."
More fanboy opinion stated as fact. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Javac: "It's not client-side. every internet game ever made has hacks. stop being so naive & dramatic."
Blatant misinformation wrapped in nonsense. That a significant amount of DF's data is client-side is well-known, well-supported and has been for a while now. Has nothing to do with how smart you are.
Responding to a list of direct quotes by declaring yourself right "nearly all the time" and talking about how dumb others are is not a rebuttal. It's a cop-out.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
the grammar was correct. all lower-case is a conscious stylistic choice, and/or an adaptive response to being able to type fast, i'm not sure which.
it's a guesstimate based on recent evidence. my fan club should have linked from my post history by now... let's see... here it is:
According to Signus, the number is 13k+:
I am all for banning cheaters but why lie and say you have very few when 200+ is actually A LOT
200 out of 13,000 + is not a large number. They never said there wasn't a problem, they said it was minimal compared to the impression people got from the forums. Judging from those numbers, Tasos was right.
To the above poster, they were banned because they were hacking. They will say otherwise to try to save themselves, but I would bet any money they're just scrambling to save themselves. It's too late. They hacked, they're gone.
Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions.
Last edited by Signus; Today at 01:50 AM..
Granted, he might not be right, either, but at least he's more closely connected to Aventurine, as far as we know. This gives his numbers a little more credence.
it's a guesstimate based on recent evidence. my fan club should have linked from my post history by now... let's see... here it is:
I'm quoting a portion of what you wrote:
the approximate total subscriber number of DF is 250K / 15K * 2.5K == 41K DF subscribers.
i expect, that with DF being such a new game, that people are still playing DF slightly more in terms of hours per day than its contemporaries, so a more accurate sub number for DF might be more in the range of 30-40K subs.
Now I'm going to leave the gramatical errors alone. Far be it for me to be a judge of ones literary aptitude or ability to do something as simple as capitalize.
You base your math off of hourse played in Eve and WAR.
War, the most casual of pvp games I have ever played. Hop in play for a half hour to an hour or so.
Eve, a game that you don't even have to log in to play. I haven't logged in for more then a half hour this week alone and yet I've been playing every day.
Darkfall. In order to progress you HAVE to log in for hours on end.
There is absolutly nothing about these three games that is even remotely similliar in as far as the sort of people that would stick to them in the sense of hours played. Darkfall demands large portions of time were as games like Eve and WAR do not.
Then you through out a bunch of numbers as if they have any value or imprtance to DF and to come to a sub number wich you then adjust at the end of your post to make "accurate".
In other words. Your sub numbers are total BS.
PS. learn to capitalize genius if you're going to call other people stupid for making far, far fewer gramatical errors then you did in that post. For gods sake you didn't start a single sentence in that post with a capital. You have two shift keys genius.
Edit: Looks like a mod for the game blows your math out of the water. Someone with an actually affiliation with the game and the company posts 13k. Guess your math isn't as smart as you think it is.
Edit again: Not being able to use a cap has nothing to do with typing fast. I'm still able to get over 60 words a minute out with constant pain and numbness in my hands and I'm still able to get to the shift keys. And it's hardly stylistic, it's called hypocritical. In other words, when you put someone else down as beind stupid when they make grammatical errors and then you don't even take the time to hit the shift key; whether on purpose or through error, it makes you a hypocrit.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
the grammar was correct. all lower-case is a conscious stylistic choice, and/or an adaptive response to being able to type fast, i'm not sure which.
You like to go all grammer nazi, but its ok if you do it, what a tool.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Try looking at the post above mine!
Signus made the comment about 13k subs.
You're not looking as smart as you claim to be.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Try looking at the post above mine!
Signus made the comment about 13k subs.
You're not looking as smart as you claim to be.
perhaps you missed signus' signature?
"Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions."
there is no indication that that 13K comes from anywhere. there is fuck all chance that community volunteer mods have insider info as to the exact number of DF subs... get a clue....
get us a link to a clear statement of DF sub numbers that holds weight and i'll gladly believe it. the 40K i posted was an educated ballparking exercise in the absence of better evidence.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Try looking at the post above mine!
Signus made the comment about 13k subs.
You're not looking as smart as you claim to be.
perhaps you missed signus' signature?
"Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions."
there is no indication that that 13K comes from anywhere. there is fuck all chance that community volunteer mods have insider info as to the exact number of DF subs... get a clue....
get us a link to a clear statement of DF sub numbers that holds weight and i'll gladly believe it. the 40K i posted was an educated ballparking exercise in the absence of better evidence.
Like I said.
Someone with an actual affiliation with the game and the company. Paid employee or not.
You think everyone should take the word of a fan who uses xfire and assumed numbers drawn off thier own assumptions as aposed to an actual affiliate of the company?
Better evidence? He's a mod for the the company. His evidence is considerably better then someone that has to resort to insults to back up his arguments.
link? i very clearly indicated that 40K was an educated guess. duh.
Try looking at the post above mine!
Signus made the comment about 13k subs.
You're not looking as smart as you claim to be.
perhaps you missed signus' signature?
"Community staff are not paid employees of Aventurine. In all business our opinions are entirely our own, and do not represent official Aventurine opinions."
there is no indication that that 13K comes from anywhere. there is fuck all chance that community volunteer mods have insider info as to the exact number of DF subs... get a clue....
get us a link to a clear statement of DF sub numbers that holds weight and i'll gladly believe it. the 40K i posted was an educated ballparking exercise in the absence of better evidence.
We're supposed to believe your 40k over his 13k? Your figures aren't any more credible. What I do find interesting, however, is that Signus' post has mysteriously disappeared from the official boards. I wonder why thiat is? At least Signus is connected, in some manner, with Darkfall, whereas you--to the best of our knowledge--aren't. Also, while his opinions may not be those of Aventurine, his facts may be. His signature is simply an escape pod.
I dont poarticularly care how many subs the game has , but of all the words one could choose, not just from the English language, but of any language, to described the blatent lies, misinformation and spin you have posted in this forum for the last 3 months, educated would not make the list.
I know I haven't posted on this thread in a long time.
I really just wish though, that Javac would stop making post.
Every time he post something, he just digs himself further and further into a hole.
What does a hammer and Javac have in common?
Anyone who is educated will be able to figure out the answer to that one.
Sgt Frog, come back and tell us how your experience has been so we can end this derailed train.
*cough* why have some people not been banned as forewarned by the mod? *cough*
I dont poarticularly care how many subs the game has , but of all the words one could choose, not just from the English language, but of any language, to described the blatent lies, misinformation and spin you have posted in this forum for the last 3 months, educated would not make the list.
imagine how deliciously ironic your post is to me given that i'm probably the highest educated person on this whole site.
ironic also that the majority of my posting here is just to bring some truth/reality/perspective into the seething mass of blatant lies, misinformation, and spin from trolls such as yourself. that, and to make fun of you.
I don't care if you have 4 PHDs, highest educated does not equal intelligence.
I have a simple philosophy I live by: Let people's actions define who they are and what they are capable of.
Your actions, good sir, define you as an idiot that is apparently very full of himself. So take a step back and have some perspective, you might be laughing and think you're never wrong, but anyone that I have ever met in my life that has said they are rarely wrong, are some of the most naive and clueless people on this planet because we all are wrong, often, it's how we learn and grow. If you think you're always right your whole life, you have not learned much in life, and it shows, by your intelligence level everyone keeps pointing out.
I know I didn't help you because you won't listen, but at least I made myself feel better trying. Good luck with gaming and MMOs, it is just too bad you play MMOs instead of share you high intelligence with the world instead of using it to defend a video game on a daily basis.
I dont poarticularly care how many subs the game has , but of all the words one could choose, not just from the English language, but of any language, to described the blatent lies, misinformation and spin you have posted in this forum for the last 3 months, educated would not make the list.
imagine how deliciously ironic your post is to me given that i'm probably the highest educated person on this whole site.
Given you have spent the last couple of months blatantly lying on these forums, for instance, calling someone a troll , and claiming they were making things up for asking about a bug you later admit knew existed, this is perhaps the funniest statement in the histroy of this site, and there have been some prize ones on here in the past.
That you think that
a) anyone would believe you
b) your conduct, language, and strawman arguments don't absolutely contradict the above statement
c) That when faced with an argument you cannot win you simply make wild, unsubstantiated claims about over 1 million people and your own percieved superiority
is in any way anything other than farcical is simply a laughable train of thought, for anyone, let alone a 'highly educated' deity.
In reality , it is, of course, a very transparent attempt to deflect the debate into the realms of strawman arguments and personal attacks because you were wildly out of your depth with the. yet more, lies you have been recently posting being called on by an increasing number of forum members.
fixed that for you. FYI, the number of DF trolls is decreasing as i can see it.
my posts are either:
1) serious evidence-based rebuttals of troll/ignorant posts, usually backed up by references, or just common-sense
2) simple opinions of a DF player
3) trollbait/ridiculing trolls for my amusement
hope that helps. in future i will state which of the 3 is being used in any particular post, so you stop getting confused between my serious posts, and my facetious posts.
this post is a (1), with a little of (3).