Originally posted by Khrymson Where Square-Enix priorities are: ZAM: Well, we can agree companies make games that are different from one another. I was just curious as to why FFXIV is so very, very similar. Most companies, when they make additional MMOs, they try to change their focus so that they don't take their existing consumer base away from a game that's already established. I guess the question is, aside from the obvious "the same talent behind the game," aspect, why was the decision made to make FFXIV so similar to FFXI? Tanaka: [SNIP] Also, we want Final Fantasy players to enjoy the game who haven't played MMOs before, and we also want MMO players who haven't played the Final Fantasy series. We are trying to reach several different targets, but the first one will be FFXI players.
This is the greatest news I could have ever hoped for.
Oh, absolutely agreed. Regardless of how successful FFXIV ends up being, my sincere hope is that the MMORPG developping community that produces these AAA titles take note of this key aspect. Stop feeding us crap, because Blizzard did and is profitting from a model that abandonned priority of quality content to favor priority of subscribtions. Just because the big boy on the block does business one way doesn't mean everyone should. Let's get this whole MMO marketing thing under control finally- we've been suffering from lackluster titles for quite some time now.
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc. We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be. So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away. - MMO_Doubter
"Those who say there's nothing like a nice cup of tea for calming the nerves never had *real* tea. It's like a syringe of adrenaline straight to the heart! " - Cheshire Cat, American McGee?s Alice ------------ Room For Improvement
What are you talking about? There's 20 posts on this thread alone where you argue with anyone has the audacity to say that they're not looking forward to your game. Get a grip, man.
And there are 21 posts in this thread where you tell us that you're a federal agent on a mission in Albania.
Examples of this...? We can all say meaningless words that are not true, see I just did.
It's probably a good choice since both SW:TOR and Guild Wars 2 will be realeased in 2011 anyway. FF has never appealed to me, hopefully the game doesn't let people down that want to play it though.
Sorry, never heard of it. Given that list, I'd have to choose Star Wars - even if it's the most anticipated game of the year for the next 3 years. I remember the last Final Fantasy MMO though, or rather I remember the brief bit of time I forced myself to play. That's not to say I won't give the new one a shot, I just didn't know they were even giving it a second shot.
When i say more casual I'm hoping we wont see level downs, 3 hour waits for parties to do anything and 24 hour camp fests to get items. I dont mind grind tho.
People who don't know the definition of the word "Anticipated".
an·tic·i·pate (n-ts-pt)
v. an·tic·i·pat·ed, an·tic·i·pat·ing, an·tic·i·pates
1. To feel or realize beforehand; foresee: hadn't anticipated the crowds at the zoo.
2. To look forward to, especially with pleasure; expect: anticipated a pleasant hike in the country.
3. To deal with beforehand; act so as to mitigate, nullify, or prevent: anticipated the storm by boarding up the windows.
Yes, Aion was the most anticipated MMO of 2009. WHY IS THIS? Because, before Aion was released, that was all anyone would talk about, ge it good or bad. DOES ANTICIPATED MEAN IT IS GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL? No. Anticipating it means to recognize that it's coming, to discuss it, to notice it: be it good or bad. BUT WHY ISN'T SW:TOR THE MOST ANTICIPATED? Because everyone's in this thread talking about whether FFXIV will be good, or how bad it will fail, and how SW:TOR deserved the award more; Rather than talking about SW:TOR.
Final Fantasy games are always grind heavy, be it online or not. Final Fantasy 11 showed us how grindy it can get. So i am not really looking forward to this game.
PvP is a grindfest also, all you do is manically kill players over and over; same as in PvE killing mobs over and over to get enough points to advance your character!
When comparing FFXI to western MMOs, you grind mobs with an incredible storyline you're working towards unlocking as well as advancing your character. However, in western MMOs all you do is grind quest after pointless quest with no interesting story as fast as you can to some so called end-game that results in grinding once again over and over through the same dungeons and battlefields.
^In response to above poster^ Again....everything has a grind!
Final Fantasy games are always grind heavy, be it online or not. Final Fantasy 11 showed us how grindy it can get. So i am not really looking forward to this game.
FFXI is less grindy than WoW. So, what the hell is this nonsense.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
Final Fantasy games are always grind heavy, be it online or not. Final Fantasy 11 showed us how grindy it can get. So i am not really looking forward to this game.
1 - You obviously don't know the kind of changes SE did to the experience system in XI in recent years
2 - WoW is as grindy as it can get.
If you haven't noticed, most of the grind in XI is to the "end game". The grind in WoW is AT "end game".
I really am befuddled when someone throws out the grind whining. We're talking MMOs FFS. Are you really not going to expect some form of grinding?!
To people saying that no one likes FF, or plays, and the series should be dead:
Final Fantasy XIII sold 1,501,964 copies on launch week in Japan alone, and boosted ps3 console sales to from 75,000 to 253,000 for that week. When it launches anywhere in the World these kind of numbers will be put out. Come on now don't be this ignorant and put up on display on a public forum.
To people who vote for SWTOR:
Really two completely different games as SWTOR is confirmed to be a soloable npc companion single player like experience with the option to join up with others, and different story paths with different classes because it is designed for replayability. I remember Guild Wars and spending hours looking for people to do content with and only getting tells or responses to use the NPC's. I pray SWTOR isn't like this, and hopefully it won't be if designed right. Still FFXIV is designed to be a massive open world more sandbox like adventure game where you likely can't avoid human interaction if you tried vs. a heavily scripted game designed around the soloer where you can likely completely avoid human interaction if you want which takes away from the MMO part of the game.
Personally I am not excited about SWTOR in the least. I am really just constantly disappointed every single time they release new info, and one of my favorite games of all time was KOTOR.
Still I see peoples anticipation for it and hope that it is enjoyed by thousands, but they have not said anything about releasing in 2010 so the whole point is moot.
Umbral very good argument. Thank you for posting full and coherent sentences, and refraining from of calling someone a "moron" and throwing an immature tantrum, or saying someone is not as "sophisticated" as you for lack of knowledge concerning the difference between High Fantasy and Sci Fi when it comes to SW. I was not aware myself that SW was considered High Fantasy. And so I just didn't jump on the "you're right" bandwagon, I did do a search for further information. Unfortunately other than other opinionated websites (or wikapedia that does not count as "all truth and nothing but the truth") they all stated that SW was considered High Fantasy. I did find the definition of High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, and according to the definition, SW can be considered HF. But that is just from what I read with my own eyes, and my simple opinion created from facts.
Edit: Ok, came across "Space Opera" as Umbral mentioned before, and SW is labeled as such. Though space opera can also be considered part of fantasy as well as scifi.
I confess I could be less personal and use better arguments about the subject. When I mentioned it I was not expecting the offensive reception and I should not care about it as I did.
But as a side not, when I say Star Wars is more related to High Fantasy by no means I am trying to say it is a worse or better lore than a real Sci Fi IP. I am sure you understood it, but not so sure about others.
About the most antecipated game of 2010, FF XIV is indeed the best choice in my opinion, not only because it is from Square Enix or because it is a huge IP, but everything , from its character progression system to its "world" and graphics seems to be sophisticated and unique enough to compose maybe the first real "next generation" MMORPG.
You posted that whole thing and all you had to say was "I don't know what my friends and co-workers do in their free time". Maybe you should stop trolling game boards and talk to some people around you. I however, do talk to people, like I said we've talked about computer games - unless you think I used ESP to determine that they play WoW or EQ. You could have saved yourself 500 words of effort by just applying some brain power.
Nnnno... that bit in the first sentence is not all I had to say. If that's all you took from it, then you might need to work on that reading comprehension... just sayin'.
I used the Sushi example as a way to illustrate the absurdity of your statements... You might call it an analogy. Apparently I wasn't direct enough and the concept was lost on you. Fair enough. Let me try this another way. Maybe being more direct will help you comprehend what I'm saying...
Of all the people you've worked with all over the country and all around the world, how many of them...
A) have you asked specifically if they play and/or have ever played a FF game?
told you specifically that they either don't and/or never have played a FF game?
Whatever your answer is to either of those questions is the number of people you can safely assume do not and/or have not ever played a FF game. That's it. Assuming anything beyond that is moot. I don't care if you worked in 36 countries and all 50 states. If you've spoken to 50 and only 25 fell under either of those options, then that's the only number of people you can state do not or have not played one.
Also, them telling you they play WoW or EQ does not rule out that they have ever played a FF title. I *really* hope you're not making that assertion; I'll go out on a limb here and give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not, because that would be incredibly dumb. If someone asks me what food I like and I say "Cheeseburgers, Pizza, General Tso's chicken and buffalo wings"... does that rule out Sushi? I didn't mention it after all. The answer is no, it doesn't. I happen to love Sushi... I just didn't mention it in my list. It would be foolish for someone to say "Mike doesn't like Sushi, because when I talked to him about food he didn't mention liking it".
Is it impossible that there are some who have never played or even tried a FF title? Not at all. Is it at least mildly surprising to find someone who considers themself an avid gamer to say they've never at least tried one of the games? Yes... a little, given how pervasive the series is. I'm not really disputing that.
I just found you using that argument about all those people you've talked to around the world as some kind of proof to be pretty amusing.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
To people saying that no one likes FF, or plays, and the series should be dead: Final Fantasy XIII sold 1,501,964 copies on launch week in Japan alone, and boosted ps3 console sales to from 75,000 to 253,000 for that week. When it launches anywhere in the World these kind of numbers will be put out. Come on now don't be this ignorant and put up on display on a public forum.
But but... some people have talked to a number of people around the world who do not play FF, so certainly that undermines those seemingly impressive numbers!
But anyway... back in reality...
I'll be honest... FFXIV taking that award concerns me. Not because I'm a greedy person who wants FFXIV all to myself, etc. etc. If FFXIV is a grand-slam and does really well, that would be awesome. I'm just concerned about "that certain crowd" of people who will be invariably drawn to it because they want to be "part of the latest big thing". Right now, Aion seems to have them occupied... but if FFXIV seems tempting enough... I dunno... I guess it's a fool's hope, but would kinda like to see a community in XIV a little closer to XI's than what is often described in Aion/WoW.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
FFXIV looks goddamn awful, the combat looks slower than Dragon Age.
TOR should have won, it's on the top of the hype list for a reason.
If MMORPG writers did their research, they would know that BioWare already confirmed it's a 2010 release and before that a writer for a TOR novel informed us that he was releasing his new SWTOR novel in the Summer "around the same time as the game."
FFXIV looks goddamn awful, the combat looks slower than Dragon Age.
TOR should have won, it's on the top of the hype list for a reason.
If MMORPG writers did their research, they would know that BioWare already confirmed it's a 2010 release and before that a writer for a TOR novel informed us that he was releasing his new SWTOR novel in the Summer "around the same time as the game."
It's okay, Odela. No really, it is.
The author has an opinion. You disagree with that opinion. The sun will still rise tomorrow. All will be well. You'll see.
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
FFXIV looks goddamn awful, the combat looks slower than Dragon Age.
You heard it here first people, only twitch based combat can be fun! And it's not just an opinion either, it's a fact!
And now I warn you... if you think differently, you are not worthy of having an opinion.
If MMORPG writes did their research, they would know that 99% of MMO's released in the past few years have been delayed to hell, and while the Saviour of Gaming industry BioWare promises to release the game in 2010, they would know that "promises" often mean nothing in the MMO industry.
Using LOL is like saying "my argument sucks but I still want to disagree".
FFXIV looks goddamn awful, the combat looks slower than Dragon Age.
Good; then you won't be playing it and everyone else that thinks the only way one can play an MMO is with super fast movement & combat animations, and bunny hopping madness can stay away too!
There are a ton of players though that really enjoy this slow style of combat, and while it may look boring and nothing is happening, there is quite a bit more going on than most other MMOs can even conceive!
Since WoW is always the topic of comparison, I'll use that again...you rush in zerg-style and just thwack an enemy til it dies; while only looking at the color aura or lvl via a number next to their name to gauge their difficulty, usually with no care in the world if you should die cause you can just get back up about 100-300yrds away at the local graveyard and rush back in and repeat until you win.
With FFXI and more than likely FFXIV from what was recently released that enemies will once again be similar in style and even have new aggro qualities to look out for:
As for the normal monsters, their behavior in the field has also evolved. In FFXIV, as in FFXI, monsters can be categorized as passive, aggressive, and linked, but in FFXIV there are also monsters that are in packs or monsters that prefer to live alone. There’s also a food-chain sort of relationship planned.
One must slow down and or stop when faced with several enemies near each other of the same model or various ones...there are no color or number indicators that reveal an enemies strengths and weaknesses. The player must be cautious and "check" the mob to determine that, and even then its still just an estimate. One must also be wary of how that mob may aggro, by sight alone, sound, smell a combination of all 3, does it link with similar enemies of its type nearby and more may come when you engage it, what about low HP, or when casting magic, and lastly if you just want to get by and are using magic or pots to hide from the various detections, does this enemy have true ...... and can still see through those masks and detect you!
Then as posted in the cyan above, it appears we have at least 3 new ways mobs may engage us that we have to look out for, but most of all I'm liking the food-chain relationship, which tells me that another enemy that is higher on that chain in the area could be roaming about while we're fighting a lesser mob, could come around and it'll join our fight and attack this mob and help us kill it, but then we have to watch out for if that mob will then engage us afterward...its quite possibly going to be stronger than what we were just fighting so we could end up dying if we don't try to get away while it feeds on the engaged mob it just semi-stole from us.
All the while this is going on , we also have to watch carefully for the buffs that enemies cast on themselves and be sure to remove them, cause some make it impossible to dmg them for quite some time and can turn the battle in major negative against us if we can't combat it. It also greatly helps to get debuffs on most enemies like blind, poison, dia, silence and a slew of others which are a tremendous help that most MMOs seem to forget that even exist and if they are available most never use them, cause its always a zerg fest with little consequence and fairly easy battles.
Now should one fall during all this mayhem, you can hope that your party can complete the fight and raise you afterward, or if you don't have a White Mage or another class with Raise among you, you can lay there eating dirt for a time while a raise in found in the zone or further away which can take in upwards of an hr to arrive, then you have a very debilitating rez sickness that lasts about 10min you have to wait out too. Or when worst comes to shove, one must get up and be returned to their bind point, which could be an hr walk away or more, also you lose a small percentage of your XP earned, and possibly the lvl you may or may not have earned recently. There are no instant teleport systems or a mage than can summon you, you have the option of riding a Chocobo via a rental or a personal one if you took the minimum 3 months to try ans raise one yourself, or pay a white mage to teleport you to the nearest crag that could still be a good 10-20min ride away from your party!
Anyway, all-in-all; sure this may sound horrendous and OMG thats horrible to have to endure, why would anyone put up with it too most of you new-gen of casual players or even the new-gen hardcore players. This is what most of us Elder MMO players enjoy and quite a few new-gen gamers as well...we love having these intelligent challenges to face; that really make one have to think and most of all come prepared for, but that is not always the case and it can take a ton of trial-and-error that does result in ones death more times than not, but its just so damned exciting and keeps you on your toes all the time!
I'm greatly looking forward to this style of adventure once again with great challenges to face and overcome!
I loved Dragon Age, but that type of slow combat kills MMOs. That's why the majority of MMO players who have seen FFXIV turn their head and say "boring."
but that type of slow combat kills MMOs. That's why the majority of MMO players who have seen FFXIV turn their head and say "boring."
I dunno can I? ...and thx...hehe
You do know that FFXI has maintained the the #2 spot under WoW in terms of population{500k to 1.7mil} and popularity for 7+ years now. And almost every MMO post-WoW has been a miserable unbalanced mess whom only play the copy-n-paste game, can barely hold onto 100-200k subs, and are rife with whiners that complain everything is too hard cause they have to turn on their lightbulb on occasion!
Even with WAR when they added the colored splotches on the map that told you exactly where where you had to go for each quest and exactly where the NPC was that you had to return to and turn the quest into, there were still tons of players that complained that was still too hard!
Anyway, I'm very happy that by your speculation most MMO gamers are turning a blind eye to FFXIV, just as most of them had with FFXI. We Final Fantasy fans will once again have an amazingly competent & mature community with which to call home for another 7+ years...heh!
Final Fantasy games are always grind heavy, be it online or not. Final Fantasy 11 showed us how grindy it can get. So i am not really looking forward to this game.
1 - You obviously don't know the kind of changes SE did to the experience system in XI in recent years 2 - WoW is as grindy as it can get.
If you haven't noticed, most of the grind in XI is to the "end game". The grind in WoW is AT "end game".
I really am befuddled when someone throws out the grind whining. We're talking MMOs FFS. Are you really not going to expect some form of grinding?!
I do, i just don't like the kind of grinding FF has, it's a matter of taste. Stop being such a butthurt fanboy.
This is the greatest news I could have ever hoped for.
Oh, absolutely agreed. Regardless of how successful FFXIV ends up being, my sincere hope is that the MMORPG developping community that produces these AAA titles take note of this key aspect. Stop feeding us crap, because Blizzard did and is profitting from a model that abandonned priority of quality content to favor priority of subscribtions. Just because the big boy on the block does business one way doesn't mean everyone should. Let's get this whole MMO marketing thing under control finally- we've been suffering from lackluster titles for quite some time now.
That is exactly right, and we're not saying NO to save WoW, because it is already a lost cause. We are saying NO to dissuade the next group of greedy suits who decide to emulate Blizzard and Cryptic, etc.
We can prevent some of the future games from spewing this crap, but the sooner we start saying no, the better the results will be.
So - Stand up, pull up your pants, and walk away.
- MMO_Doubter
Never understood this FF hype, bad choice.
"Those who say there's nothing like a nice cup of tea for calming the nerves
never had *real* tea. It's like a syringe of adrenaline straight to the heart! "
- Cheshire Cat, American McGee?s Alice
Room For Improvement
Just because you dont understand it doesnt automatically make it a bad choice, Take a look at the hype meter, theres a lot of people that do get it.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
And there are 21 posts in this thread where you tell us that you're a federal agent on a mission in Albania.
Examples of this...? We can all say meaningless words that are not true, see I just did.
i LIKE PECAN PIE! That's true.
It's probably a good choice since both SW:TOR and Guild Wars 2 will be realeased in 2011 anyway. FF has never appealed to me, hopefully the game doesn't let people down that want to play it though.
Sorry, never heard of it. Given that list, I'd have to choose Star Wars - even if it's the most anticipated game of the year for the next 3 years. I remember the last Final Fantasy MMO though, or rather I remember the brief bit of time I forced myself to play. That's not to say I won't give the new one a shot, I just didn't know they were even giving it a second shot.
When i say more casual I'm hoping we wont see level downs, 3 hour waits for parties to do anything and 24 hour camp fests to get items. I dont mind grind tho.
People who don't know the definition of the word "Anticipated".
an·tic·i·pate (n-ts-pt)
v. an·tic·i·pat·ed, an·tic·i·pat·ing, an·tic·i·pates
1. To feel or realize beforehand; foresee: hadn't anticipated the crowds at the zoo.
2. To look forward to, especially with pleasure; expect: anticipated a pleasant hike in the country.
3. To deal with beforehand; act so as to mitigate, nullify, or prevent: anticipated the storm by boarding up the windows.
Yes, Aion was the most anticipated MMO of 2009. WHY IS THIS? Because, before Aion was released, that was all anyone would talk about, ge it good or bad. DOES ANTICIPATED MEAN IT IS GOING TO BE SUCCESSFUL? No. Anticipating it means to recognize that it's coming, to discuss it, to notice it: be it good or bad. BUT WHY ISN'T SW:TOR THE MOST ANTICIPATED? Because everyone's in this thread talking about whether FFXIV will be good, or how bad it will fail, and how SW:TOR deserved the award more; Rather than talking about SW:TOR.
Final Fantasy games are always grind heavy, be it online or not. Final Fantasy 11 showed us how grindy it can get. So i am not really looking forward to this game.
PvP is a grindfest also, all you do is manically kill players over and over; same as in PvE killing mobs over and over to get enough points to advance your character!
When comparing FFXI to western MMOs, you grind mobs with an incredible storyline you're working towards unlocking as well as advancing your character. However, in western MMOs all you do is grind quest after pointless quest with no interesting story as fast as you can to some so called end-game that results in grinding once again over and over through the same dungeons and battlefields.
^In response to above poster^ Again....everything has a grind!
IMO** This game will downfall like 11, and just be fans of FF that like squareenix stories.
FFXI is less grindy than WoW. So, what the hell is this nonsense.
SWTOR is my choice too but I would not slight this outstanding Franchise. I have other MMOS worth slamming.
Unaware of the Jestor?
Friends enjoy his classic Vblog - https://www.facebook.com/GoodOldReliableNathan
1 - You obviously don't know the kind of changes SE did to the experience system in XI in recent years
2 - WoW is as grindy as it can get.
If you haven't noticed, most of the grind in XI is to the "end game". The grind in WoW is AT "end game".
I really am befuddled when someone throws out the grind whining. We're talking MMOs FFS. Are you really not going to expect some form of grinding?!
To people saying that no one likes FF, or plays, and the series should be dead:
Final Fantasy XIII sold 1,501,964 copies on launch week in Japan alone, and boosted ps3 console sales to from 75,000 to 253,000 for that week. When it launches anywhere in the World these kind of numbers will be put out. Come on now don't be this ignorant and put up on display on a public forum.
To people who vote for SWTOR:
Really two completely different games as SWTOR is confirmed to be a soloable npc companion single player like experience with the option to join up with others, and different story paths with different classes because it is designed for replayability. I remember Guild Wars and spending hours looking for people to do content with and only getting tells or responses to use the NPC's. I pray SWTOR isn't like this, and hopefully it won't be if designed right. Still FFXIV is designed to be a massive open world more sandbox like adventure game where you likely can't avoid human interaction if you tried vs. a heavily scripted game designed around the soloer where you can likely completely avoid human interaction if you want which takes away from the MMO part of the game.
Personally I am not excited about SWTOR in the least. I am really just constantly disappointed every single time they release new info, and one of my favorite games of all time was KOTOR.
Still I see peoples anticipation for it and hope that it is enjoyed by thousands, but they have not said anything about releasing in 2010 so the whole point is moot.
I confess I could be less personal and use better arguments about the subject. When I mentioned it I was not expecting the offensive reception and I should not care about it as I did.
But as a side not, when I say Star Wars is more related to High Fantasy by no means I am trying to say it is a worse or better lore than a real Sci Fi IP. I am sure you understood it, but not so sure about others.
About the most antecipated game of 2010, FF XIV is indeed the best choice in my opinion, not only because it is from Square Enix or because it is a huge IP, but everything , from its character progression system to its "world" and graphics seems to be sophisticated and unique enough to compose maybe the first real "next generation" MMORPG.
You posted that whole thing and all you had to say was "I don't know what my friends and co-workers do in their free time". Maybe you should stop trolling game boards and talk to some people around you. I however, do talk to people, like I said we've talked about computer games - unless you think I used ESP to determine that they play WoW or EQ. You could have saved yourself 500 words of effort by just applying some brain power.
Nnnno... that bit in the first sentence is not all I had to say. If that's all you took from it, then you might need to work on that reading comprehension... just sayin'.
I used the Sushi example as a way to illustrate the absurdity of your statements... You might call it an analogy. Apparently I wasn't direct enough and the concept was lost on you. Fair enough. Let me try this another way. Maybe being more direct will help you comprehend what I'm saying...
Of all the people you've worked with all over the country and all around the world, how many of them...
A) have you asked specifically if they play and/or have ever played a FF game?
told you specifically that they either don't and/or never have played a FF game?
Whatever your answer is to either of those questions is the number of people you can safely assume do not and/or have not ever played a FF game. That's it. Assuming anything beyond that is moot. I don't care if you worked in 36 countries and all 50 states. If you've spoken to 50 and only 25 fell under either of those options, then that's the only number of people you can state do not or have not played one.
Also, them telling you they play WoW or EQ does not rule out that they have ever played a FF title. I *really* hope you're not making that assertion; I'll go out on a limb here and give you the benefit of the doubt that you're not, because that would be incredibly dumb. If someone asks me what food I like and I say "Cheeseburgers, Pizza, General Tso's chicken and buffalo wings"... does that rule out Sushi? I didn't mention it after all. The answer is no, it doesn't. I happen to love Sushi... I just didn't mention it in my list. It would be foolish for someone to say "Mike doesn't like Sushi, because when I talked to him about food he didn't mention liking it".
Is it impossible that there are some who have never played or even tried a FF title? Not at all. Is it at least mildly surprising to find someone who considers themself an avid gamer to say they've never at least tried one of the games? Yes... a little, given how pervasive the series is. I'm not really disputing that.
I just found you using that argument about all those people you've talked to around the world as some kind of proof to be pretty amusing.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
But but... some people have talked to a number of people around the world who do not play FF, so certainly that undermines those seemingly impressive numbers!
But anyway... back in reality...
I'll be honest... FFXIV taking that award concerns me. Not because I'm a greedy person who wants FFXIV all to myself, etc. etc. If FFXIV is a grand-slam and does really well, that would be awesome. I'm just concerned about "that certain crowd" of people who will be invariably drawn to it because they want to be "part of the latest big thing". Right now, Aion seems to have them occupied... but if FFXIV seems tempting enough... I dunno... I guess it's a fool's hope, but would kinda like to see a community in XIV a little closer to XI's than what is often described in Aion/WoW.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
This is why I hate MMORPG members.
FFXIV looks goddamn awful, the combat looks slower than Dragon Age.
TOR should have won, it's on the top of the hype list for a reason.
If MMORPG writers did their research, they would know that BioWare already confirmed it's a 2010 release and before that a writer for a TOR novel informed us that he was releasing his new SWTOR novel in the Summer "around the same time as the game."
It's okay, Odela. No really, it is.
The author has an opinion. You disagree with that opinion. The sun will still rise tomorrow. All will be well. You'll see.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
You heard it here first people, only twitch based combat can be fun! And it's not just an opinion either, it's a fact!
And now I warn you... if you think differently, you are not worthy of having an opinion.
If MMORPG writes did their research, they would know that 99% of MMO's released in the past few years have been delayed to hell, and while the Saviour of Gaming industry BioWare promises to release the game in 2010, they would know that "promises" often mean nothing in the MMO industry.
Good; then you won't be playing it and everyone else that thinks the only way one can play an MMO is with super fast movement & combat animations, and bunny hopping madness can stay away too!
There are a ton of players though that really enjoy this slow style of combat, and while it may look boring and nothing is happening, there is quite a bit more going on than most other MMOs can even conceive!
Since WoW is always the topic of comparison, I'll use that again...you rush in zerg-style and just thwack an enemy til it dies; while only looking at the color aura or lvl via a number next to their name to gauge their difficulty, usually with no care in the world if you should die cause you can just get back up about 100-300yrds away at the local graveyard and rush back in and repeat until you win.
With FFXI and more than likely FFXIV from what was recently released that enemies will once again be similar in style and even have new aggro qualities to look out for:
As for the normal monsters, their behavior in the field has also evolved. In FFXIV, as in FFXI, monsters can be categorized as passive, aggressive, and linked, but in FFXIV there are also monsters that are in packs or monsters that prefer to live alone. There’s also a food-chain sort of relationship planned.
One must slow down and or stop when faced with several enemies near each other of the same model or various ones...there are no color or number indicators that reveal an enemies strengths and weaknesses. The player must be cautious and "check" the mob to determine that, and even then its still just an estimate. One must also be wary of how that mob may aggro, by sight alone, sound, smell a combination of all 3, does it link with similar enemies of its type nearby and more may come when you engage it, what about low HP, or when casting magic, and lastly if you just want to get by and are using magic or pots to hide from the various detections, does this enemy have true ...... and can still see through those masks and detect you!
Then as posted in the cyan above, it appears we have at least 3 new ways mobs may engage us that we have to look out for, but most of all I'm liking the food-chain relationship, which tells me that another enemy that is higher on that chain in the area could be roaming about while we're fighting a lesser mob, could come around and it'll join our fight and attack this mob and help us kill it, but then we have to watch out for if that mob will then engage us afterward...its quite possibly going to be stronger than what we were just fighting so we could end up dying if we don't try to get away while it feeds on the engaged mob it just semi-stole from us.
All the while this is going on , we also have to watch carefully for the buffs that enemies cast on themselves and be sure to remove them, cause some make it impossible to dmg them for quite some time and can turn the battle in major negative against us if we can't combat it. It also greatly helps to get debuffs on most enemies like blind, poison, dia, silence and a slew of others which are a tremendous help that most MMOs seem to forget that even exist and if they are available most never use them, cause its always a zerg fest with little consequence and fairly easy battles.
Now should one fall during all this mayhem, you can hope that your party can complete the fight and raise you afterward, or if you don't have a White Mage or another class with Raise among you, you can lay there eating dirt for a time while a raise in found in the zone or further away which can take in upwards of an hr to arrive, then you have a very debilitating rez sickness that lasts about 10min you have to wait out too. Or when worst comes to shove, one must get up and be returned to their bind point, which could be an hr walk away or more, also you lose a small percentage of your XP earned, and possibly the lvl you may or may not have earned recently. There are no instant teleport systems or a mage than can summon you, you have the option of riding a Chocobo via a rental or a personal one if you took the minimum 3 months to try ans raise one yourself, or pay a white mage to teleport you to the nearest crag that could still be a good 10-20min ride away from your party!
Anyway, all-in-all; sure this may sound horrendous and OMG thats horrible to have to endure, why would anyone put up with it too most of you new-gen of casual players or even the new-gen hardcore players. This is what most of us Elder MMO players enjoy and quite a few new-gen gamers as well...we love having these intelligent challenges to face; that really make one have to think and most of all come prepared for, but that is not always the case and it can take a ton of trial-and-error that does result in ones death more times than not, but its just so damned exciting and keeps you on your toes all the time!
I'm greatly looking forward to this style of adventure once again with great challenges to face and overcome!
Could you be a more obvious fanboy? Nice sig.
I loved Dragon Age, but that type of slow combat kills MMOs. That's why the majority of MMO players who have seen FFXIV turn their head and say "boring."
Enjoy your mediocre product of a game.
I dunno can I? ...and thx...hehe
You do know that FFXI has maintained the the #2 spot under WoW in terms of population{500k to 1.7mil} and popularity for 7+ years now. And almost every MMO post-WoW has been a miserable unbalanced mess whom only play the copy-n-paste game, can barely hold onto 100-200k subs, and are rife with whiners that complain everything is too hard cause they have to turn on their lightbulb on occasion!
Even with WAR when they added the colored splotches on the map that told you exactly where where you had to go for each quest and exactly where the NPC was that you had to return to and turn the quest into, there were still tons of players that complained that was still too hard!
Anyway, I'm very happy that by your speculation most MMO gamers are turning a blind eye to FFXIV, just as most of them had with FFXI. We Final Fantasy fans will once again have an amazingly competent & mature community with which to call home for another 7+ years...heh!
I do, i just don't like the kind of grinding FF has, it's a matter of taste. Stop being such a butthurt fanboy.