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There have been rampant rumors of GM's in alliances/clans abusing powers in game.. Today a thread surfaced about a player who was teleported by a GM where an enemy player was waiting for him to kill and gank. Afterwards the GM refused to refund the players items.. Allowed the enemy players to loot his body and basically told him to "contact support" and stuff it.. The player obviously went straight to the forums to get some closure and since every thread about the subject has been sensored and locked and or deleted. Another case of a corrupt company running a corrupt game that doesn't even work.. I've canceled my subs after this, I hope everyone follows.
I will pile on.. Not even a player but the proof is in the screens.
That must be the biggest pile of bshit I have ever read in my life, wtf? Teleporting character somewhere and saying "Sry, this is my bad day" :DD
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I hate to say it but does this really surprise you? Aventurine showed their true colors pre-release and yet, everyone still continued to support them. I am so glad I never gave them a single penny of my money.
This is why Darkfall will always be a niche game full of niche players that just love ruining your day.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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There's bad apples everywhere, hopefully this dude gets canned.
Fact is man that even in the PM it sounds like the dood ported you there and had no idea there was someone there waiting ....he even says "I'm trying to convince him not too loot you " maybe this Gm was a noob or maybe he was really having a bad day but i really dont think he ported you just to get you killed .There would be no real point .As for getting your gear and whatnot back ...GM will never give you in game items ....ewen if you account got hacked and everything taken with proof there is nothing they can do for him to replace your shit because of a PK...well its just not going to happen.I do see that your pissed and i can understand that .But its not the GM out to get you in the game ....its just some very bad luck and stupidity on the GM's part.Dont quit because of it .Just go PK the guy who killed you.
pwned much?
im subscribing this post just to see where it ends.
There is no knowledge that is no power.
Did the person ask to be teleported?
If so, how was a GM to know there was someone around?
Without knowing the actual situation, the screenshots show nothing other then someone crying and blaming someone else.
I do not want to say this, is bad... but .. You Just Made My Day !!
This is one of the funniest thing I ever saw in my MMO life !! hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah !!!!!!!
(I'm not laughing at you, but laughing at the GM) !!!!
This really going to lose a lot of confidence and debate, especially you exposed it !!!
With only 21k subs in Darkfall, I don't think they can afford this kind of bad publicity.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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not a hoax post.. i wasn't the one killed.. The guy went to the official forums and its being covered up and hidden by all of the threads being deleted... so we're talking about it here.. The same thing was said about T20 in EVE.. We see where that got..
Darkfall is so hardcore you can't even trust Mods.
I love the game but these guys are some serious fail right now.
Makes me wish they would sell DF to a real company.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
Look had bad their English is. I mean, jeez. Just the guy's poor English alone is enough to make me want to fire him. GMs are supposed to help players, but with this guy's English you'd have more help from Babelfish than you ever would from them.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
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not a hoax post.. i wasn't the one killed.. The guy went to the official forums and its being covered up and hidden by all of the threads being deleted... so we're talking about it here.. The same thing was said about T20 in EVE.. We see where that got..
Sounds to me like this is not something you post all over the offical forums of a game .Sure if the GM is corroupt you would want something done why make it look like a trool post on the forums and why not have a offical ticket with your proof to AV.They remove the post because its not something they want everyone to read...... because it could be a troll .
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
This is BS.I've got bugged before in the ground or whatnot and had to get a GM to port me out yes you can ask for a port they just dont port you for no reason.
Unbelievable. This is why I believe that GM's and game developers shouldnt be playing the game (with the player base) as it could cause problems. CCP BOB bluprint incident is another good example imo.
(BBBBBBBBBBBWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH hopes Adventurine straightens this out)
All my opinions are just that..opinions. If you like my opinions..coolness.If you dont like my opinion....I really dont care.
Playing: ESO, WOT, Smite, and Marvel Heroes
Is no one taking in to account what the mod on the forums said?
"Oh and its supposed to go through the support system.
Not on the forums."
So.. is it censorship or is it them fixing it the right way and not making a public spectacle of it like this kid is trying to?
I'm just saying......
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
This is BS.I've got bugged before in the ground or whatnot and had to get a GM to port me out yes you can ask for a port they just dont port you for no reason.
You're really missing the point, here.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
This is BS.I've got bugged before in the ground or whatnot and had to get a GM to port me out yes you can ask for a port they just dont port you for no reason.
They obviously did.. It isn't bullshit.. Fanboy's just don't want to believe their game is corrupt. This thread is 100% truth the accounts of the story are TRUTH.. Take it for what you want.. I posted this here because Aventurine is on a mission on their forums over 10 threads have been created on the subject.. EVERYONE of them has been locked on the first post or deleted before it could be discussed..
My question is why are they trying to cover it up if it was the players fault.. IF this was the players fault they would let the threads run its course so said player could be flamed.. It's how forumfall goes and as a player you should know that.
thanks alot i was just about to install DF now im gonna return it and look for something else to play. didnt like the fps crap anyways
I'm not really a "fanboi" of the company, but mistakes happen. I'm more curious to see what comes of the incident. If AV takes steps to rectify the situation then it really should be chalked up to a "live and learn" growing pain for the game and it's staff. If they choose to ignore it and hope it goes away then it becomes a sign of caution for those interested in the game.
At any rate, how long is acceptable for them to do their internal review before breaking silence? I (personally) don't see a problem with them removing the thread from their forums while it's being reviewed. I mean, news like this will be discussed somewhere right? :P
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
That really sucks, but that GM literally doesn't have the power to restore items. I've worked the customer service/hack detection GM role for a small company before(Gamestorm to be specific). All he has is a handful of simple commands (kick/teleport/ban/etc) and no way of directly contacting a Senior GM. The best he could do is probably send out an email, which would have taken longer to answer than a support ticket.
Chances are he's not even on payroll, he's just a volunteer that gets a free sub. He literally couldn't have helped you if he wanted to. If it makes you feel better I'd wager there is a 99.9% chance they'll remove his GM account.
Shit happens. Whether it was on purpose or whether it was a mistake, I sincerely doubt you're going to see GM Verimidar in the future. Chances are he meant to teleport to the person instead of teleporting them to him. The commands syntex are likely very similar, and I could see it slipping someones mind if they were being careless.
As for them locking/deleting threads. That's what moderators do. Nothing is gained by a bunch of people throwing tantrums on the forum. There is no room for discussion in this case, nothing is gained. It will just turn in to a derogatory flamewar. I'd lock those threads as soon as I saw them too.
Pretty stupid reason to throw away hundreds of hours you've spent developing on a character though.
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
This is BS.I've got bugged before in the ground or whatnot and had to get a GM to port me out yes you can ask for a port they just dont port you for no reason.
They obviously did.. It isn't bullshit.. Fanboy's just don't want to believe their game is corrupt. This thread is 100% truth the accounts of the story are TRUTH.. Take it for what you want.. I posted this here because Aventurine is on a mission on their forums over 10 threads have been created on the subject.. EVERYONE of them has been locked on the first post or deleted before it could be discussed..
My question is why are they trying to cover it up if it was the players fault.. IF this was the players fault they would let the threads run its course so said player could be flamed.. It's how forumfall goes and as a player you should know that.