lol! Holy moly. . .now that is a load of crap. That isn't even close to the norm experience for DF, but this falling on deaf-ears and not being addressed by AV is total horse-s hit.
I'm not really a "fanboi" of the company, but mistakes happen. I'm more curious to see what comes of the incident. If AV takes steps to rectify the situation then it really should be chalked up to a "live and learn" growing pain for the game and it's staff. If they choose to ignore it and hope it goes away then it becomes a sign of caution for those interested in the game. At any rate, how long is acceptable for them to do their internal review before breaking silence? I (personally) don't see a problem with them removing the thread from their forums while it's being reviewed. I mean, news like this will be discussed somewhere right? :P
I agree with that.. but if Aventurines past is any example I don't expect a comment for 3-5 months at least.. Darkfall 2010.. I however think it should be allowed to be discussed regardless.. they shouldn't be making themselves look so guilty. Even if said GM was guilty or it was a mistake it would be in their best interest to allow people to discuss it so it doesn't happen again instead of trying to sweep it under the carpet and hide it.. That is all.
I agree with that.. but if Aventurines past is any example I don't expect a comment for 3-5 months at least.. Darkfall 2010.. I however think it should be allowed to be discussed regardless.. they shouldn't be making themselves look so guilty. Even if said GM was guilty or it was a mistake it would be in their best interest to allow people to discuss it so it doesn't happen again instead of trying to sweep it under the carpet and hide it.. That is all.
yeah, you know I can agree with that. Maybe try to consolidate it all to one thread or something would be a better PR move.
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Look had bad their English is. I mean, jeez... ~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Isn't the first time I've seen something like this. I was visiting the grocery store a week ago and a dirty truck was parked in the lot. Someone used their finger to write in the dirt of the rear window: "I'm a good ol' redneck terd". I then used my finger to write "You spelled "Turd" wrong" and left.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
That really sucks, but that GM literally doesn't have the power to restore items. I've worked the customer service/hack detection GM role for a small company before(Gamestorm to be specific). All he has is a handful of simple commands (kick/teleport/ban/etc) and no way of directly contacting a Senior GM. The best he could do is probably send out an email, which would have taken longer to answer than a support ticket. Chances are he's not even on payroll, he's just a volunteer that gets a free sub. He literally couldn't have helped you if he wanted to. If it makes you feel better I'd wager there is a 99.9% chance they'll remove his GM account. Shit happens. Whether it was on purpose or whether it was a mistake, I sincerely doubt you're going to see GM Verimidar in the future. Pretty stupid reason to throw away hundreds of hours you've spent developing on a character though.
Just a straw that broke the camels back bro.. I'm not the one this happened to.. but i'm still unsubing because Aventurine is clueless.. I've bought 4 accounts 2 at EU launch and 2 at NA launch.. I stil lhave my 2 NA's active until today I canceled.. I have a full grinded char and anyone knows how hard that is.. all Magics 100 Intensify 50+ Melee Mastery 75+ on 2 weapons.. 100/100/100 archery 300+ HP.. I'm unsubing a very developed char because there is nothing to do in game..
The Epic battles they advertise are nothing more then a crash fest.. you can't get around a siege without getting a out of virtual address space crash because darkfall has a massive amount of memory leaks, the performance has gotten worse since launch and content more stagnet.. THey don't communicate with their customers and then this morning I wake up to see all these thread about this subject that keep getting deleted and locked. It was really just the straw that broke the camels back.
There have been rampant rumors of GM's in alliances/clans abusing powers in game.. Today a thread surfaced about a player who was teleported by a GM where an enemy player was waiting for him to kill and gank. Afterwards the GM refused to refund the players items.. Allowed the enemy players to loot his body and basically told him to "contact support" and stuff it.. The player obviously went straight to the forums to get some closure and since every thread about the subject has been sensored and locked and or deleted. Another case of a corrupt company running a corrupt game that doesn't even work.. I've canceled my subs after this, I hope everyone follows.
2 things.
First, it's understandable that they cannot refund items, it could cause various issues even in some cases like this.
Second, did he send a support ticket? Because according to this thread, he did not. And in this case, that's a fail on this part. The only reason why "Bill Brasky" had to post on the forum was to vent and QQ while the issue could've been resolved on the support. Yes that GM is horrible, but we all know that posting these type of things on the forum always gets the thread closed, not because they want to cover up this issue, but because it always creates bullshit.
Send a support ticket first and wait for a response. It's not rocket science.
Also, to your last post "Aventurine is clueless", the acts of a bad apple does not represent the whole company, get your shit rights.
If so, how was a GM to know there was someone around?
Without knowing the actual situation, the screenshots show nothing other then someone crying and blaming someone else.
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
That doesnt make any sense.. he must have asked for the teleport else he would not know that the gm had teleport him and would just think it was lagg/spike/server problem. maybe the player was stuck and asked for it.
There have been rampant rumors of GM's in alliances/clans abusing powers in game.. Today a thread surfaced about a player who was teleported by a GM where an enemy player was waiting for him to kill and gank. Afterwards the GM refused to refund the players items.. Allowed the enemy players to loot his body and basically told him to "contact support" and stuff it.. The player obviously went straight to the forums to get some closure and since every thread about the subject has been sensored and locked and or deleted. Another case of a corrupt company running a corrupt game that doesn't even work.. I've canceled my subs after this, I hope everyone follows.
2 things.
First, it's understandable that they cannot refund items, it could cause various issues even in some cases like this.
Second, did he send a support ticket? Because according to this thread, he did not. And in this case, that's a fail on this part. The only reason why "Bill Brasky" had to post on the forum was to vent and QQ while the issue could've been resolved on the support. Yes that GM is horrible, but we all know that posting these type of things on the forum always gets the thread closed, not because they want to cover up this issue, but because it always creates bullshit.
Send a support ticket first and wait for a response. It's not rocket science.
I have to echo what has been said here. The guy is just making the problem worse by trying to quote/unquote "Get him fired". First, he should make a support ticket, visit the support forums, and send E-mails. Even call if he has to.
If that doesn't work, then well.. One bad egg ruins the whole bunch? *shrugs*
Now it's time to play Devil's Advocate. I can understand his frustration. He was just burned by a GM and he feels that going to support will get nowhere. Most likely because he would be dealing with the very same people that he dealt with in the game. Probably sees them as his enemy and no good can come out of trying to fix the problem the proper way.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
Also, to your last post "Aventurine is clueless", the acts of a bad apple does not represent the whole company, get your shit rights.
I don't know where you're are from. But in the US, a lot of people have realized that one bad apple spoils the bunch? This is true in many applications. Take the military for example.
In BCT, if you act out, your entire platoon gets boned. Or the soldiers in Iraq, a few took pictures of prisoners with dog collars/leashes on and the actual prisoner was naked. Many other Iraqis felt 'America was bad' for allowing something, when a few bad soldiers used mediocre judgment.These are just two examples.
As for the OP, I wouldn't doubt that shit did happen. I saw some dopey GM kind of wandering around aimlessly in the Whiteclaw( I think that was the name) and he didn't say anything. He just looked really lost. But yeah, if it was true, that GM should be removed. If its fake, so be it. Nothing new about an angry player lashing out.
i dont see the abuse .... the GM say was mistake the logic action is to send a ticket and ask for support by another GM/senior gm /admin and get the stuff back the emo cry like a n00b dont solve this
also if i remember well in darkfall only admins can spawn items so a simple GM cant spawn the items back, mistake or not on GM side ticket is the solution the player is acting like a moron
i remember when there was a bug whit some ships a Av admin had to log in to despawn the ship
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
If I was a betting man I'd guess that the GM teleported to one individual to handle a troublecall. He then meant to teleport to the next invidual, and instead typed the syntax in wrong and ended up teleporting the guy to him. Then naturally, the one dude saw a red show up and he proceded to kill him.
If so, how was a GM to know there was someone around?
Without knowing the actual situation, the screenshots show nothing other then someone crying and blaming someone else.
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
That doesnt make any sense.. he must have asked for the teleport else he would not know that the gm had teleport him and would just think it was lagg/spike/server problem. maybe the player was stuck and asked for it.
you obviously haven't played darkfall.. a lot of things they do don't make much sense at all.
Now this is juicy, I can agree though with some posters that this issue really needs to fully run it's course before I will make a personal assessment on what I think this means either about this game or the company. I have to disagree with all the posts on here though that say that nothing could have been done about either the player looting the guys corpse or the reimbursment of the guys lost items, I recall as early as SWG having issues that caused them to have to return items to my own toon personally sometimes up to a day or so after the incident, maybe there is something that Aventurine lacks technologically that makes it impossible for them to do it but please guys stop spreading untruths like "reimbursment of items is impossible."
The post would also be more helpful if we could see what led up to the teleporting anyway, why did the player ask to be teleported? If he didn't ask to be teleoprted I have to ask why would he never mention that the gm teleported him without his knowledge/request?
I'm inclined to believe the story though I've read some comments from some posters here who seem to think this is simply not possible for a GM to do this, oh really? These are the times when I tend to feel proud of my knowledge of the mmo industry because I know for a fact it can happen (heck if we can catch a GM having Cybersex why not collusion?).
I do hope though that this turns out to be a misunderstanding that they do work out to the satisfaction of the player because as has been stated these types of actions are not new in independant development houses and I don't think indy dev really needs anymore bad press like this so Aventurine good luck with this situation and do the right thing.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Personally I think this is Aventurine trying to get the title of" King of Bad PR" back from Cryptic!Good Luck Aventurine,your gonna need it Cryptic/Atari are pros.
If you fuck up once at work, should you be fired? It's a game fella's a game. A GM is human. The GM made a mistake, the player refused to contact support right away like he should have, and instead behaved childishly and ran to the forums.
All of you who "hope this GM gets fired" If you fuck up once at work, should you be fired? It's a game fella's a game. A GM is human. The GM made a mistake, the player refused to contact support right away like he should have, and instead behaved childishly and ran to the forums. This is being blown way out of proportion.
As I stated in my earlier post on the one hand you are right this is being blown out of proportion (at this point) but you are equally wrong as your posts have pointed out with the multitude of excuses you've handed them nor we should be just acting like this didn't happen or atleast we certainly should know exactly what we are seeing before making a decision so again while you are right and we shouldn't be throwing AV under a bus yet you are equally wrong and we shouldn't just be assuming this was a mistake and that whatever happens from it is ok.....
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
All of you who "hope this GM gets fired" If you fuck up once at work, should you be fired? It's a game fella's a game. A GM is human. The GM made a mistake, the player refused to contact support right away like he should have, and instead behaved childishly and ran to the forums. This is being blown way out of proportion.
The GM in question should have done more than just say send a support ticket. I agree it's just a game, but the GM didn't show any professionalism at all, and game or not the guy is a paying customer and deserved a little more action than what he got.
All of you who "hope this GM gets fired" If you fuck up once at work, should you be fired? It's a game fella's a game. A GM is human. The GM made a mistake, the player refused to contact support right away like he should have, and instead behaved childishly and ran to the forums. This is being blown way out of proportion.
As I stated in my earlier post on the one hand you are right this is being blown out of proportion (at this point) but you are equally wrong as your posts have pointed out with the multitude of excuses you've handed them nor we should be just acting like this didn't happen or atleast we certainly should know exactly what we are seeing before making a decision so again while you are right and we shouldn't be throwing AV under a bus yet you are equally wrong and we shouldn't just be assuming this was a mistake and that whatever happens from it is ok.....
It is being blown out of proportion because the community found out and instead of Tasos coming in and saying "we're looking into it.. We will update you as soon as we have information" They're pulling their usual tactics of sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away.. No communication, no nothing. There are still bugs introduced from the last expansion that they refuse to fix.. 3 MONTHS.. NO FIXES.. No communication.. the only way to get Aventurine to respond to anything is to put them on blast until they have no choice but to respond.. it is the only method that works.
All of you who "hope this GM gets fired" If you fuck up once at work, should you be fired? It's a game fella's a game. A GM is human. The GM made a mistake, the player refused to contact support right away like he should have, and instead behaved childishly and ran to the forums. This is being blown way out of proportion.
As I stated in my earlier post on the one hand you are right this is being blown out of proportion (at this point) but you are equally wrong as your posts have pointed out with the multitude of excuses you've handed them nor we should be just acting like this didn't happen or atleast we certainly should know exactly what we are seeing before making a decision so again while you are right and we shouldn't be throwing AV under a bus yet you are equally wrong and we shouldn't just be assuming this was a mistake and that whatever happens from it is ok.....
No one said to act "as if it didn't happen". But the fact that some "players" are overexagerating the matter is stupid.
Hell, even the GM said to Bill Brasky to contact Support. Why didn't he do it? Also, I'm pretty sure the story doesn't says all. Why did this GM need to interact with Bill Brasky? If the GM used Teleport by mistake, it certainly means that the GM wanted to use a different command or made a mistake with the location when teleporting him. So there's a part of this issue that has not been mentionned by Bill Brasky.
But regardless, the GM made a mistake, Bill should've contacted the Support to get the issue solved ASAP, he didn't. He prefer to QQ on the forum, the threads gets locked (obviously) and he proceeds to vent even further. Seriously.....some people just need to grow up instead of crying in forums.
What i get from pictures is a GM made a mistake and tried afterwards to solve it by all possible means he had access too.
Does it suck to loose loot to this, yes it sucks ..but also it could have happen that someone else could have just go there and kill him and part the loot from him.
I have extremely well experiences with Darkfall 's GM's so far, they quick and they solved any prob i had so far.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
All of you who "hope this GM gets fired" If you fuck up once at work, should you be fired? It's a game fella's a game. A GM is human. The GM made a mistake, the player refused to contact support right away like he should have, and instead behaved childishly and ran to the forums. This is being blown way out of proportion.
Exactly. The GM is simply human and the "victim" didn't even follow the correct protocol.
This thread seems to be composed of many individuals who have all been waiting for an excuse to pounce on this game. My Advice: wait for an error of actual substance to occur before creating any drama threads. Weak sauce is weak.
lol! Holy moly. . .now that is a load of crap. That isn't even close to the norm experience for DF, but this falling on deaf-ears and not being addressed by AV is total horse-s hit.
I agree with that.. but if Aventurines past is any example I don't expect a comment for 3-5 months at least.. Darkfall 2010.. I however think it should be allowed to be discussed regardless.. they shouldn't be making themselves look so guilty. Even if said GM was guilty or it was a mistake it would be in their best interest to allow people to discuss it so it doesn't happen again instead of trying to sweep it under the carpet and hide it.. That is all.
yeah, you know I can agree with that. Maybe try to consolidate it all to one thread or something would be a better PR move.
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Isn't the first time I've seen something like this. I was visiting the grocery store a week ago and a dirty truck was parked in the lot. Someone used their finger to write in the dirt of the rear window: "I'm a good ol' redneck terd". I then used my finger to write "You spelled "Turd" wrong" and left.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
Just a straw that broke the camels back bro.. I'm not the one this happened to.. but i'm still unsubing because Aventurine is clueless.. I've bought 4 accounts 2 at EU launch and 2 at NA launch.. I stil lhave my 2 NA's active until today I canceled.. I have a full grinded char and anyone knows how hard that is.. all Magics 100 Intensify 50+ Melee Mastery 75+ on 2 weapons.. 100/100/100 archery 300+ HP.. I'm unsubing a very developed char because there is nothing to do in game..
The Epic battles they advertise are nothing more then a crash fest.. you can't get around a siege without getting a out of virtual address space crash because darkfall has a massive amount of memory leaks, the performance has gotten worse since launch and content more stagnet.. THey don't communicate with their customers and then this morning I wake up to see all these thread about this subject that keep getting deleted and locked. It was really just the straw that broke the camels back.
2 things.
First, it's understandable that they cannot refund items, it could cause various issues even in some cases like this.
Second, did he send a support ticket? Because according to this thread, he did not. And in this case, that's a fail on this part. The only reason why "Bill Brasky" had to post on the forum was to vent and QQ while the issue could've been resolved on the support. Yes that GM is horrible, but we all know that posting these type of things on the forum always gets the thread closed, not because they want to cover up this issue, but because it always creates bullshit.
Send a support ticket first and wait for a response. It's not rocket science.
Also, to your last post "Aventurine is clueless", the acts of a bad apple does not represent the whole company, get your shit rights.
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
That doesnt make any sense.. he must have asked for the teleport else he would not know that the gm had teleport him and would just think it was lagg/spike/server problem. maybe the player was stuck and asked for it.
2 things.
First, it's understandable that they cannot refund items, it could cause various issues even in some cases like this.
Second, did he send a support ticket? Because according to this thread, he did not. And in this case, that's a fail on this part. The only reason why "Bill Brasky" had to post on the forum was to vent and QQ while the issue could've been resolved on the support. Yes that GM is horrible, but we all know that posting these type of things on the forum always gets the thread closed, not because they want to cover up this issue, but because it always creates bullshit.
Send a support ticket first and wait for a response. It's not rocket science.
I have to echo what has been said here. The guy is just making the problem worse by trying to quote/unquote "Get him fired". First, he should make a support ticket, visit the support forums, and send E-mails. Even call if he has to.
If that doesn't work, then well.. One bad egg ruins the whole bunch? *shrugs*
Now it's time to play Devil's Advocate. I can understand his frustration. He was just burned by a GM and he feels that going to support will get nowhere. Most likely because he would be dealing with the very same people that he dealt with in the game. Probably sees them as his enemy and no good can come out of trying to fix the problem the proper way.
~Miles "Tails" Prower out! Catch me if you can!
Come Join us at - Meet other fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
I don't know where you're are from. But in the US, a lot of people have realized that one bad apple spoils the bunch? This is true in many applications. Take the military for example.
In BCT, if you act out, your entire platoon gets boned. Or the soldiers in Iraq, a few took pictures of prisoners with dog collars/leashes on and the actual prisoner was naked. Many other Iraqis felt 'America was bad' for allowing something, when a few bad soldiers used mediocre judgment.These are just two examples.
As for the OP, I wouldn't doubt that shit did happen. I saw some dopey GM kind of wandering around aimlessly in the Whiteclaw( I think that was the name) and he didn't say anything. He just looked really lost. But yeah, if it was true, that GM should be removed. If its fake, so be it. Nothing new about an angry player lashing out.
i dont see the abuse .... the GM say was mistake the logic action is to send a ticket and ask for support by another GM/senior gm /admin and get the stuff back the emo cry like a n00b dont solve this
also if i remember well in darkfall only admins can spawn items so a simple GM cant spawn the items back, mistake or not on GM side ticket is the solution the player is acting like a moron
i remember when there was a bug whit some ships a Av admin had to log in to despawn the ship
BestSigEver :P
If I was a betting man I'd guess that the GM teleported to one individual to handle a troublecall. He then meant to teleport to the next invidual, and instead typed the syntax in wrong and ended up teleporting the guy to him. Then naturally, the one dude saw a red show up and he proceded to kill him.
I can easily see how that could happen.
Wow, I do not get how they cannot give him this stuff back...that makes no sense at all.
Hope the GM gets fired.
March on! - Lets Invade Pekopon
You don't ask to be teleported in darkfall.. just doesn't work that way.. there is no teleporting.. it is a GM function only... and you don't just ask them to do it. The guy was in his own player city.. the GM teleported him to where a player was waiting.. the guy killed said teleported player.. GM refused to help said teleported player.
That doesnt make any sense.. he must have asked for the teleport else he would not know that the gm had teleport him and would just think it was lagg/spike/server problem. maybe the player was stuck and asked for it.
you obviously haven't played darkfall.. a lot of things they do don't make much sense at all.
Now this is juicy, I can agree though with some posters that this issue really needs to fully run it's course before I will make a personal assessment on what I think this means either about this game or the company. I have to disagree with all the posts on here though that say that nothing could have been done about either the player looting the guys corpse or the reimbursment of the guys lost items, I recall as early as SWG having issues that caused them to have to return items to my own toon personally sometimes up to a day or so after the incident, maybe there is something that Aventurine lacks technologically that makes it impossible for them to do it but please guys stop spreading untruths like "reimbursment of items is impossible."
The post would also be more helpful if we could see what led up to the teleporting anyway, why did the player ask to be teleported? If he didn't ask to be teleoprted I have to ask why would he never mention that the gm teleported him without his knowledge/request?
I'm inclined to believe the story though I've read some comments from some posters here who seem to think this is simply not possible for a GM to do this, oh really? These are the times when I tend to feel proud of my knowledge of the mmo industry because I know for a fact it can happen (heck if we can catch a GM having Cybersex why not collusion?).
I do hope though that this turns out to be a misunderstanding that they do work out to the satisfaction of the player because as has been stated these types of actions are not new in independant development houses and I don't think indy dev really needs anymore bad press like this so Aventurine good luck with this situation and do the right thing.
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
Personally I think this is Aventurine trying to get the title of" King of Bad PR" back from Cryptic!Good Luck Aventurine,your gonna need it Cryptic/Atari are pros.
All of you who "hope this GM gets fired"
If you fuck up once at work, should you be fired? It's a game fella's a game. A GM is human. The GM made a mistake, the player refused to contact support right away like he should have, and instead behaved childishly and ran to the forums.
This is being blown way out of proportion.
As I stated in my earlier post on the one hand you are right this is being blown out of proportion (at this point) but you are equally wrong as your posts have pointed out with the multitude of excuses you've handed them nor we should be just acting like this didn't happen or atleast we certainly should know exactly what we are seeing before making a decision so again while you are right and we shouldn't be throwing AV under a bus yet you are equally wrong and we shouldn't just be assuming this was a mistake and that whatever happens from it is ok.....
but yeah, to call this game Fantastic is like calling Twilight the Godfather of vampire movies....
The GM in question should have done more than just say send a support ticket. I agree it's just a game, but the GM didn't show any professionalism at all, and game or not the guy is a paying customer and deserved a little more action than what he got.
GM cant spawn stuff in darkfall only Admins
BestSigEver :P
As I stated in my earlier post on the one hand you are right this is being blown out of proportion (at this point) but you are equally wrong as your posts have pointed out with the multitude of excuses you've handed them nor we should be just acting like this didn't happen or atleast we certainly should know exactly what we are seeing before making a decision so again while you are right and we shouldn't be throwing AV under a bus yet you are equally wrong and we shouldn't just be assuming this was a mistake and that whatever happens from it is ok.....
It is being blown out of proportion because the community found out and instead of Tasos coming in and saying "we're looking into it.. We will update you as soon as we have information" They're pulling their usual tactics of sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away.. No communication, no nothing. There are still bugs introduced from the last expansion that they refuse to fix.. 3 MONTHS.. NO FIXES.. No communication.. the only way to get Aventurine to respond to anything is to put them on blast until they have no choice but to respond.. it is the only method that works.
As I stated in my earlier post on the one hand you are right this is being blown out of proportion (at this point) but you are equally wrong as your posts have pointed out with the multitude of excuses you've handed them nor we should be just acting like this didn't happen or atleast we certainly should know exactly what we are seeing before making a decision so again while you are right and we shouldn't be throwing AV under a bus yet you are equally wrong and we shouldn't just be assuming this was a mistake and that whatever happens from it is ok.....
No one said to act "as if it didn't happen". But the fact that some "players" are overexagerating the matter is stupid.
Hell, even the GM said to Bill Brasky to contact Support. Why didn't he do it? Also, I'm pretty sure the story doesn't says all. Why did this GM need to interact with Bill Brasky? If the GM used Teleport by mistake, it certainly means that the GM wanted to use a different command or made a mistake with the location when teleporting him. So there's a part of this issue that has not been mentionned by Bill Brasky.
But regardless, the GM made a mistake, Bill should've contacted the Support to get the issue solved ASAP, he didn't. He prefer to QQ on the forum, the threads gets locked (obviously) and he proceeds to vent even further. Seriously.....some people just need to grow up instead of crying in forums.
What i get from pictures is a GM made a mistake and tried afterwards to solve it by all possible means he had access too.
Does it suck to loose loot to this, yes it sucks ..but also it could have happen that someone else could have just go there and kill him and part the loot from him.
I have extremely well experiences with Darkfall 's GM's so far, they quick and they solved any prob i had so far.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Exactly. The GM is simply human and the "victim" didn't even follow the correct protocol.
This thread seems to be composed of many individuals who have all been waiting for an excuse to pounce on this game. My Advice: wait for an error of actual substance to occur before creating any drama threads. Weak sauce is weak.
GM made a mistake whoop de do. there was nothing he could do to resolve it. its not a big deal.
give the GM a slap on the wrist but otherwise this is NOT a be deal.
[mod edit]
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