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They took Star Wars, put cartoon graphics and then watered down the Star Wars look even more.
If it doesn't look like / resemble this, then it isn't Star Wars to me. ( And why would you want to change the Star Wars Image / Style anyway, it's the perfect look for it's setting regardless. ) Now that we're in a next-gen graphics era, for them to make it cartoony is a major let down.
I could understand if they made something similar to Super Star Wars for the Super Nintendo with next-gen graphics, but instead we get this cartoony, watered down garbage.
Its not cartoony thats for sure but i also does not have realistic graphics like AOC. Which in my opinion will never work with Star Wars universe. moreover if you played the original KOTOR you will realise that graphics style of TOR are very close to the single player rpg.
You are not alone, a lot of people are miffed about the character models.
The games not done being developed yet there is still plenty of time for tweaking and it also takes place in a completely different time period than the movies. It may not be to your tastes but you also have the option of not buying the game when it is released.
Lucas is going to get you for using those pic's now.
I like the look. It will appeal to more players than a ultra realistic style would.
Anyway Kotor was a bit cartoony and noone complained.
Playing: Rift, LotRO
Waiting on: GW2, BP in the real world back in the 1920's everyone looked like a cartoon and then refined to looking more realistic in the 1970-80's.
more detail = more lag.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Firstly, it's not set in that time period for a reason. It's following the story thousands of years before the empire and vader. If this is an issue with you then Im not sure what to say other than good luck with Star wars Galaxies.
Secondly, they're trying to make the game accessible to a wild variety of players. This meaning that they're not going to have crysisesque reality simulating graphics as it's an mmo with potentially numerous people on screen at once. So yes the graphics are "dumbed" down but only for the sake of allowing people to get more than 10 frames a second on older computers as well.
Thirdly, anything similar to super star wars is going to be flawed if bioware made it. What would be the point, essentially the story is already made, it'd just be a retelling with graphical enhancements. Bioware likes to make their own imerrsive world through story and setting.
All and all, you're judging the game way to early, and for silly nit picks at that. Think back for a moment, 5 years ago how were the graphics in games? 10 years? you're going to bust balls on them trying to make the game feasible for a large population of people and complain about it's non realistic graphics
. I still replay playstation 1 games, and though I'd love for remakes I can still tolerate the graphics of that time. Sw : Tor is vastly different than that still but it's the same concept. Appreciate why they're doing it that way... It's so you can have an actual community btw. Recession hurts the computer upgrades for them fancy next gen games.
Anywho, rambled a bit. Early in the morning and collecting my thoughts effectively is not entirely possible.
I'm not really worried about the graphics, it the game play I'm more concerned with, some games have awsome graphics, like Guild Wars, but if the game isn't that intresting I lose intrest real fast, the graphics do nothing to hold me to the game. If the game is intresting I can deal with sub par graphics. What I would like to know is, has anyone seen any aliens in the previews other than those artist drawn history sequnces they release. I haven't seen anything and if anything is going to not make the game feal like Star Wars it would be the lack of aliens, might make if feal like Fire Fly though.
The only issues I see with it are proportional, or with the human models (Or atleast the males.. but even those seem to be getting better.)... there's enough time to correct either,the enviroments, creatures and aliens look stunning, in my opinion. As for why this art style.. it's easier to keep a style that isn't 100% realism up to speed than one that's a middle ground.
Remember back when Oblivion as the height of graphics? That didn't last long, because it tries to imitate reality, as are many games, with the additional strain on older comps. Not to mention that this art style is very close to the kotor one.
Found quite a few from different releases... I figure they're making the majority human till they reveal playables.
Take a look at the Clone Wars animated series. Not all Star Wars media follows the official canon of the movies.
No, George Lucas butchered Star Wars.
Speak for yourself mate, I love the look of the characters and am thoroughly looking forward to SWTOR going live.
I still remember the release of Starwars and how everyone at school thought it was the coolest film ever made, now I've grown up and have 3 kids of my own they are used to the CGI cartoon Clone Wars and love the show and have even got me into watching it, I like how the style of the whole Starwars genre has moved on, I'd be mortified if the next Sci/Fi film I was to watch used the same tech that the original Starwars used, it would be so dated, the film was good for it's time, but to whine about a game taking a different approach is a little short sighted.
Slightly more cartoony graphics = less polygons which to me = faster frame rates and more players/npcs on the screen at once which leads to better PvE and better PvP.
Do you want ToR to be as good (lawl) as AoC was? Pretty much unplayable at points and anytime you had more then 3 people on screen fighting... anything? Especially each other, it was terrible!
Ask around about the early PvP sieges of Age of Conan.
Last time i checked George Lucas created Star Wars. its his baby and he can do whatever he wants with it. But calling him hack is just an angry emotional response nothing more.
A very very rich hack though.
Way too obvious...
Feel free to use my referral link for SW:TOR if you want to test out the game. You'll get some special unlocks!
I'm sorry but when I see games like All Points Bulletin, Fallen Earth, Vanguard, Age of Conan, or the countless asian titles with amazing character models there's no reason why SW:TOR has to look like the clone wars cartoon. Guild wars is how old and the models look great. I would have prefered to see KOTOR graphics with realism and detail taken up a notch not WoWars clone-a-toon... imho
I'd like to see some hard data for poly counts and framerates over a couple games taking into acount cartoony vs realistic as well as average computer specs...
How hard would it be to have a graphics setting slider and make it more realistic but take into account performance?
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at think this is closer to the truth.
And OP, remember, it's not like George Lucas has no control. In the end he has the final say.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
No one is debating if he created it or not, nor if he has the right to do what he wants with it. But he did ruin it for a lot of people.
The thing that got me was when Bioware stated how they wanted an original look. How exactly is this original? It looks like WoW 2.0 / WAR 2.0 / Every new MMO...
I wish they sort of went with an Age of Conan type thing - that game runs pretty good desptite having great graphics.
Ok, this original poster is what we call a troll or a very uneducated individual because Lucas considers what happened in KoToR and KoToR II to be canon. Therefore, this person doesn't know what they are talking about. For gods sakes, its even part of the Star Wars database on which is Lukas' web site.
And YES that matters, because ITS HIS WORLD.
Enough freaking out already.
Usually people say this man butchered Star Wars:
Many people have stated they prefer the story of the KoTOR games to the prequel films
I don't think it looks cartoony at all. It may not be photorealism, but it's definitely good for a videogame:
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