I agree with the OP. Killing crabs during mid game in Btree was not fun. Oh look, I dinged. On to the next camp where there's... you guessed it, more crabs! Oh sweet! I'm 75, now I get to kill pink birds for the rest of my life.
This game is being made for FFXI fans. They won't risk alienating that playerbase. That is the reason I've decided to skip this one. I don't want to watch a game, I want to play it. It's simply far too slow for my tastes.
I have multiple 75s in FFXI. However, I played back when I was a fat kid in grade 10. It is now almost 7 years later for me and I've come a long way.....
Taking 6 people to kill meaningless monsters is not gonna sell =/
What about the people who still have a lot of time on their hands and wouldn't mind, or would even enjoy more group-focused combat? They don't count?
What about people who have full-time jobs and/or families and have little time to play, but still enjoy and prefer a more group-centric game? Just pretend they don't exist?
The game has to change to suit you, because you, Lienhart, no longer have the time to play the way you used to? Rather ego-centric, wouldn't you say?
Do you have reading comphrension issues?
Seriously, do you? You might wanna finish school before you take the time to flame others if ya can't read.
It appears that many many players here never played the original Final Fantasy XI, including the nerd rager that's been posting many times in this thread and following me around.
In Final Fantasy XI, in Valkrum Dunes, there were early PTs for bunnies, sheep, crabs, goblins, and worms. You know what gets kinda old? 6 people, towering over a midget goblin, and slamming stuff on it. Final Fantasy XI was a great game, I have many many memories from it however....I could not, for the life of me, get my RL friends into it. Everyone liked what I talked about, but when I showed them the gameplay the following things were immediate turn offs
1. Painfuly slow combat
2. 6 people to kill meaningless monsters to level up
Lets forget "WoW" for now, since people seem to have some fetish in trying to bash WoW to make themselves feel better about their lives, lets use Lineage 2 or Aion as an example. In Lineage 2, partying for level 40 involved 6ish people kiting around monsters 2-3 times your size while everyone whacks him. In Aion, the same applied. The monsters were menacing looking, generally twice your side, and had weapons (including their teeth) bigger than you or the same size as you. It made it appear, artistically, that you NEEDED more than one person to take it down.
And you wanna bring up the "try killing a sheep IRL" comment? Sure, I'll take a gun, point it to the sheep's head, and it's GG. This has NOTHING to do with IRL. It's all about art sense and immersion.
I played Final Fantasy XI when I was 16 up until I was 18. I'm now 23, my MMORPG virgnity was taken away a long time ago. I'm NOT going to be satsified with slow combat and 6 people to take down obese chickens as shown in that video.
Guess we'll see what the reviews say....seeing as how Square-Enix managed to piss off many people with Final Fantasy XIII, I'm starting to wonder if they can please anyone at all.
guess your going to want too play tera then. ff13 was just that ff13 they already said they wont use that design again it was a test and the first Hs game on the ps3 ff vs 13 will probly be better. and i dont think ff13 was a bad game it really wasnt. it could have been better
Yeah for the most part the video was boring, while I still plan on trying out the game, with video's like that my looking forward to it is dying down. But hey in WoW when you where doing questing in your 10-20 you where killing birds that looked just like that for some quest so not to surprised to see it here as well.
Like I been saying though we can not really put a game down if we have not played it. If you do not go into a game with an open mind or into anything with an open mind your preconcived notions will ruin it all. If you go into a relationship with a this is not going to work right of the bat more than likely your killing the possibilities, I know not a good comparison but still you get my point.
Yeah for the most part the video was boring, while I still plan on trying out the game, with video's like that my looking forward to it is dying down. But hey in WoW when you where doing questing in your 10-20 you where killing birds that looked just like that for some quest so not to surprised to see it here as well.
Like I been saying though we can not really put a game down if we have not played it. If you do not go into a game with an open mind or into anything with an open mind your preconcived notions will ruin it all. If you go into a relationship with a this is not going to work right of the bat more than likely your killing the possibilities, I know not a good comparison but still you get my point.
ffxi was boring to watch 2 . but i sure as hell had fun playing it. plenty of mmos look omg that looks awsome not boring to watch but the game actully sucks
I'm alright with the idea of a game being group centric, after all, mmos are supposed to be social games with multiple players. Though the idea of requiring several players in order to take down some weakling looking creatures just doesn't sound like it'd feel very heroic. Then again it looks like it appeals to a fair amount of people, plus i haven't looked into either of the FF mmos much at all, so i'll hold my tongue for now.
You can solo, but, SE have made it real easy to find groups
I loved FFXI to death, had/have multiple 75s. Don't play it anymore as I just got burned out on it.
I kinda agree that killing small crabs and the like for 75 levels was kinda silly, and really hoping they have more verity. However do to the way mobs were so much stronger then you in FFXI it made small creatures like crabs and bunnies a lot more menacing then ogres and trolls in other games.
In FFXI you had to be very careful about what you attacked, and what spells you used. If a blackmage used an AoE spell and hit a rabbit their was a real chance that it would link other rabbits in the area and result in a party wipe and loss of exp. Now it sounds silly because its 'just a rabbit' however it made you fear and hate rabbits in the game.
Now take a WoW style game ware every class can solo most elites, people don't think twice about attacking some giant 2 headed ogre, or 4 fire breathing dragons. There is no reason to worry or be afraid of anything in those types of games, when something does go bad its because people get cocky and think they can fight 15 at once rather then 10. After a few days you don't think 'big scary dragon' but 'how many can I kill in 40 seconds'
What I'm getting at is that game mechanics have a bigger impact on what mobs people consider a threat rather then the type of mob. I rather have rabbits, crabs and dodos that I have to be careful about fighting then ogres, trolls and dragons that die in less then 15 seconds and are less dangerous then the average house fly
I loved FFXI to death, had/have multiple 75s. Don't play it anymore as I just got burned out on it.
I kinda agree that killing small crabs and the like for 75 levels was kinda silly, and really hoping they have more verity. However do to the way mobs were so much stronger then you in FFXI it made small creatures like crabs and bunnies a lot more menacing then ogres and trolls in other games.
In FFXI you had to be very careful about what you attacked, and what spells you used. If a blackmage used an AoE spell and hit a rabbit their was a real chance that it would link other rabbits in the area and result in a party wipe and loss of exp. Now it sounds silly because its 'just a rabbit' however it made you fear and hate rabbits in the game.
Now take a WoW style game ware every class can solo most elites, people don't think twice about attacking some giant 2 headed ogre, or 4 fire breathing dragons. There is no reason to worry or be afraid of anything in those types of games, when something does go bad its because people get cocky and think they can fight 15 at once rather then 10. After a few days you don't think 'big scary dragon' but 'how many can I kill in 40 seconds'
What I'm getting at is that game mechanics have a bigger impact on what mobs people consider a threat rather then the type of mob. I rather have rabbits, crabs and dodos that I have to be careful about fighting then ogres, trolls and dragons that die in less then 15 seconds and are less dangerous then the average house fly
Um ill just toss some stuff out there. everygame has a fiant grab that nneds killing that takes more than 1 person the same level as it its a fact. Uhhh the animation speed is hella slow for your typical mmo but not so much for a FF series also take into account that all we have seen is low level play where you have the least amount of skills to use. Just something I noticed pugilist seems to have a decent attack speed out side of skills might be a good option for the boom boom boomers which I am also.
Yea that what I am concerned about. If it takes that many peopel to kill some dodo's in a low level area and that long to kill them, and soloing a bat, how will the rest of the game pan out?
I guess i'll just have to see, i'm not gonna pass up another FF game. I have played them as a small child into the 80's up until FF7 .
I have multiple 75s in FFXI. However, I played back when I was a fat kid in grade 10. It is now almost 7 years later for me and I've come a long way.....
Taking 6 people to kill meaningless monsters is not gonna sell =/
EDIT: This topic is about it taking 6 people to kill a trash mob that looks harmless (bunnies, chickens, turkies, goats, lamb, midget goblins w/ dirks, etc.). This is NOT about whether or not a game should be centered around group play. Seeing as how 90% of the responses were made by English illiterate individuals, I had to add this section to assist anyone else who has poor reading comphrension.
FFXIV is supposed to be a bit more solo friendly, but I think you should probably give up on it now. Enemy size is more of an " art style " and I don't think there will be that much difference. If you seriously do think that those sheep, crabs, and worms were meaningless, then it might be time to look towards a different genre. RPGs will never give you that " macho " feeling after every encounter.
I'm not too worried about combat speed. One of my favorite combat systems believe it or not was EQ, and that was really slow. If it's slower it also gives you more of a sense that you're in a party working together, not just focused on all the action. Eventually, fast/unique combat systems tend to get boring anyway...like AoC. The blocking just losts its fun after awhile and at that point I wish they would have taken it away all together.
Eventually, fast/unique combat systems tend to get boring anyway...like AoC. The blocking just losts its fun after awhile and at that point I wish they would have taken it away all together.
And auto-attack with "clicking" some icons doesn't? It get's boring before you even start.
As for AOC - the best and only interesting combat system out there, the one that let you feel you're actually fighting and not "clicking" within limited choices/movements.
Well there has to be something, some of the games that have auto attack you dont even have to pay attention to the game lol, you click one button and can take a nap. Or write a macro that you can spam and its a 1 button click so no different than this, some games might not be like this but in WoW which I played from launch if you build yourself a good macro, its the IWIN button and you eventually break the key cause you push it so much. Since they are bringing macros to FFXIV as well I am sure you can build and I win macro as well with no issues While some people still spread out the actions there really is no reason when you can have it in 1 button that does it all. While I was in WoW my classes where always a 1 click IWIN button, not saying everyone does this but a lot of people do, use to be one of those that spread there actions across multiple buttons but eventually I got bored of that as well and just looked up a good IWIN macro online and found one for every class.
And yes that is faster combat and a better video than some of the previous video's that I have seen, not bad not bad at all, makes me look forward to the game.
the combat pace is better than ffxi and no you dont just sit and watch people ><</p>
I agree, the speed is alright for a thoughtful battle system. That written it may be slower than 1 shot with auto attach that you see in games like WoW.
The difference is if it becomes tedious or not. Even wow had a fairly decent combat system but for a raiding warlock it's the same old routine everytime. If it takes a certain amount of strategy that's one thing.
It takes 6 people to kill those animal mobs because the party went after the highest level of mob you can fight in the fastest time. Its also about developing skill for the big mobs it'll take a bunch of people to kill. Experience parties are about gaining xp and skilling up your weapon and defensive skills. Someone said before it's like you're kinda grazing the monster and finally someone gets the killing blow. Think of experience parties like you're in a group of training hunters. Someone excites an animal into coming to your group. You're basically learning how that particular animal moves. How to swing your sword at it. When you succeed you gain skills and experience. So now when you get enough skills and experience you can go after bigger targets like the rank 3 dragon and other notorious monsters.
Now you might be thinking "But what about the worm thats the same worm in the level 3 place as in the level 50 place?" Same worm different place. It like you fought a worm in a desert region then trying to fight a worm in a forest region the same way. You're character just has to learn how to fight them differently.
"But why am I killing the same mob for hours?" Why do sports players have practice where they are throwing a ball for hours all day? Why did knghts train sword skills? Why do boxers train before fights? Its all the same thing. And don't blame SE for needing 6 people to kill sheep, crabs and worms. Blame your party leader for taking you there.
It takes 6 people to kill those animal mobs because the party went after the highest level of mob you can fight in the fastest time. Its also about developing skill for the big mobs it'll take a bunch of people to kill. Experience parties are about gaining xp and skilling up your weapon and defensive skills. Someone said before it's like you're kinda grazing the monster and finally someone gets the killing blow. Think of experience parties like you're in a group of training hunters. Someone excites an animal into coming to your group. You're basically learning how that particular animal moves. How to swing your sword at it. When you succeed you gain skills and experience. So now when you get enough skills and experience you can go after bigger targets like the rank 3 dragon and other notorious monsters.
Now you might be thinking "But what about the worm thats the same worm in the level 3 place as in the level 50 place?" Same worm different place. It like you fought a worm in a desert region then trying to fight a worm in a forest region the same way. You're character just has to learn how to fight them differently.
"But why am I killing the same mob for hours?" Why do sports players have practice where they are throwing a ball for hours all day? Why did knghts train sword skills? Why do boxers train before fights? Its all the same thing. And don't blame SE for needing 6 people to kill sheep, crabs and worms. Blame your party leader for taking you there.
That was a well thought out response.
I personally loved fighting those types of monsters, especially crabs in the Dunes (CRAB BATTEL), but my only complaint would be a bit more variety in monster skins especially when they become higher level.
Seeing the same sheep skin used for the level 5 sheep as the 75+ ones with only variation in size was a bit meh.
I agree with the OP. Killing crabs during mid game in Btree was not fun. Oh look, I dinged. On to the next camp where there's... you guessed it, more crabs! Oh sweet! I'm 75, now I get to kill pink birds for the rest of my life.
This game is being made for FFXI fans. They won't risk alienating that playerbase. That is the reason I've decided to skip this one. I don't want to watch a game, I want to play it. It's simply far too slow for my tastes.
Do you have reading comphrension issues?
Seriously, do you? You might wanna finish school before you take the time to flame others if ya can't read.
guess your going to want too play tera then. ff13 was just that ff13 they already said they wont use that design again it was a test and the first Hs game on the ps3 ff vs 13 will probly be better. and i dont think ff13 was a bad game it really wasnt. it could have been better
Yeah for the most part the video was boring, while I still plan on trying out the game, with video's like that my looking forward to it is dying down. But hey in WoW when you where doing questing in your 10-20 you where killing birds that looked just like that for some quest so not to surprised to see it here as well.
Like I been saying though we can not really put a game down if we have not played it. If you do not go into a game with an open mind or into anything with an open mind your preconcived notions will ruin it all. If you go into a relationship with a this is not going to work right of the bat more than likely your killing the possibilities, I know not a good comparison but still you get my point.
ffxi was boring to watch 2 . but i sure as hell had fun playing it. plenty of mmos look omg that looks awsome not boring to watch but the game actully sucks
I loved FFXI to death, had/have multiple 75s. Don't play it anymore as I just got burned out on it.
I kinda agree that killing small crabs and the like for 75 levels was kinda silly, and really hoping they have more verity. However do to the way mobs were so much stronger then you in FFXI it made small creatures like crabs and bunnies a lot more menacing then ogres and trolls in other games.
In FFXI you had to be very careful about what you attacked, and what spells you used. If a blackmage used an AoE spell and hit a rabbit their was a real chance that it would link other rabbits in the area and result in a party wipe and loss of exp. Now it sounds silly because its 'just a rabbit' however it made you fear and hate rabbits in the game.
Now take a WoW style game ware every class can solo most elites, people don't think twice about attacking some giant 2 headed ogre, or 4 fire breathing dragons. There is no reason to worry or be afraid of anything in those types of games, when something does go bad its because people get cocky and think they can fight 15 at once rather then 10. After a few days you don't think 'big scary dragon' but 'how many can I kill in 40 seconds'
What I'm getting at is that game mechanics have a bigger impact on what mobs people consider a threat rather then the type of mob. I rather have rabbits, crabs and dodos that I have to be careful about fighting then ogres, trolls and dragons that die in less then 15 seconds and are less dangerous then the average house fly
a'men brother, a'men
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Yea that what I am concerned about. If it takes that many peopel to kill some dodo's in a low level area and that long to kill them, and soloing a bat, how will the rest of the game pan out?
I guess i'll just have to see, i'm not gonna pass up another FF game. I have played them as a small child into the 80's up until FF7 .
FFXIV is supposed to be a bit more solo friendly, but I think you should probably give up on it now. Enemy size is more of an " art style " and I don't think there will be that much difference. If you seriously do think that those sheep, crabs, and worms were meaningless, then it might be time to look towards a different genre. RPGs will never give you that " macho " feeling after every encounter.
the combat pace is better than ffxi and no you dont just sit and watch people ><
I'm not too worried about combat speed. One of my favorite combat systems believe it or not was EQ, and that was really slow. If it's slower it also gives you more of a sense that you're in a party working together, not just focused on all the action. Eventually, fast/unique combat systems tend to get boring anyway...like AoC. The blocking just losts its fun after awhile and at that point I wish they would have taken it away all together.
And auto-attack with "clicking" some icons doesn't? It get's boring before you even start.
As for AOC - the best and only interesting combat system out there, the one that let you feel you're actually fighting and not "clicking" within limited choices/movements.
Well there has to be something, some of the games that have auto attack you dont even have to pay attention to the game lol, you click one button and can take a nap. Or write a macro that you can spam and its a 1 button click so no different than this, some games might not be like this but in WoW which I played from launch if you build yourself a good macro, its the IWIN button and you eventually break the key cause you push it so much. Since they are bringing macros to FFXIV as well I am sure you can build and I win macro as well with no issues While some people still spread out the actions there really is no reason when you can have it in 1 button that does it all. While I was in WoW my classes where always a 1 click IWIN button, not saying everyone does this but a lot of people do, use to be one of those that spread there actions across multiple buttons but eventually I got bored of that as well and just looked up a good IWIN macro online and found one for every class.
And yes that is faster combat and a better video than some of the previous video's that I have seen, not bad not bad at all, makes me look forward to the game.
the combat pace is better than ffxi and no you dont just sit and watch people ><</p>
The difference is if it becomes tedious or not. Even wow had a fairly decent combat system but for a raiding warlock it's the same old routine everytime. If it takes a certain amount of strategy that's one thing.
It takes 6 people to kill those animal mobs because the party went after the highest level of mob you can fight in the fastest time. Its also about developing skill for the big mobs it'll take a bunch of people to kill. Experience parties are about gaining xp and skilling up your weapon and defensive skills. Someone said before it's like you're kinda grazing the monster and finally someone gets the killing blow. Think of experience parties like you're in a group of training hunters. Someone excites an animal into coming to your group. You're basically learning how that particular animal moves. How to swing your sword at it. When you succeed you gain skills and experience. So now when you get enough skills and experience you can go after bigger targets like the rank 3 dragon and other notorious monsters.
Now you might be thinking "But what about the worm thats the same worm in the level 3 place as in the level 50 place?" Same worm different place. It like you fought a worm in a desert region then trying to fight a worm in a forest region the same way. You're character just has to learn how to fight them differently.
"But why am I killing the same mob for hours?" Why do sports players have practice where they are throwing a ball for hours all day? Why did knghts train sword skills? Why do boxers train before fights? Its all the same thing. And don't blame SE for needing 6 people to kill sheep, crabs and worms. Blame your party leader for taking you there.
That was a well thought out response.
I personally loved fighting those types of monsters, especially crabs in the Dunes (CRAB BATTEL), but my only complaint would be a bit more variety in monster skins especially when they become higher level.
Seeing the same sheep skin used for the level 5 sheep as the 75+ ones with only variation in size was a bit meh.