Wow will still win, SWTOR will be number 2, GW2 will be a blip.
I don't understand why people think GW2 is going to be such a big hit, they don't have the money or the pull EA or Activision has, already putting them at a huge disadvantage, especialy with EA basicly coming out and saying they are going to put a lot of muscle behind this, which is backed by money no one but Blizzard can match.
And Frankly, aside from this website and a few other MMO specefic sites, GW2 is getting little to no press. Everytime TOR puts out some little update of news or a developer comment you see it on front page of 1up. When GW2 says something i see it here, and i don't see it on mainstream sites list of most anticipated games.
Quality of game is second, which games are going to be plastering your tv and your browser with ads, which has massive name reconginition, and which has the biggest company in the industry backing it and intent on getting a piece of the biggest market they haven't been able to tap yet.
Just like all other things EALause said were debunked and later proved to be completely true - and even facts that no outsider could have known.
Not really. In fact he said himself that he went off on a rant and was incorrect in a number of cases, referring to an insider that corrected his statements. And the EA representatives debunked it on an official quarterly conference meeting where financial figures and projections were discussed. Not the sort of place where you'll throw around lies, not if you're not Enron and at least not for something like that.
But hey, I see your passion against BW and EA is strong, so believe what you can't do without believing, we all need to have our faiths. So repeat with me: EA and BW are the devil and should be destroyed, let the crusade continue!
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums: Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Whatever happens, I will be playing TOR. I love Bioware. I love casual oriented games. I love meaningful story lines with branching and consequences. I'm so burned out on fantasy MMOs. I prefer the more classic approach to MMO combat that doesn't require twitch reflexes. It doesn't have to have auto attack, but it can't be FPS style with no target locking or clickable ability bar and absolutely not built for gamepad controllers.
I was hoping for territorial control and open world PvP. E.g. that players compete over resources, such as PvE mobs, in the open world. Not sure why I hoped it, but since they were going for dynamic content I thought they would spice up the PvP beyond some instanced, arena style PvP.
There is territorial control and competition over resources (Buildings and literal resources like mines) in the WvWvW.
It's not open world combat, but it's not exactly arena style PvP either.
They're week long battles that support hundreds of players each on 3 sides. It's an interesting middle ground nobody has really ever done before. It's basically like a week long version of DAoC RvR combat, so far as I can tell, with prizes alloted to the 'normal' PvE world depending upon how well a server does doing their PvP.
It has some disadvantages, though I think that limiting it to a week has the one really great advantage that it is long enough to be a pretty decisive battle... you don't carry over crippling disadvantages (Pushed into one corner of the territories) from one week to the next, and you get to fight different servers each week, which leads to some interesting varities, and if the mode proved really popular, some interesting server rivalry (Oh. You're one of THOSE guys.)
edit: Ninjaed by TWO people. Haha, that's what I get for deciding mid-post that it's more important to go snuggle with my wife after she woke up. I have to learn about priorities!
Sounds interesting indeed. Hope they implement it for release as PvE is no longer enough for me to stay interested in an MMORPG.
Well considering that GW2 was as done as most released MMORPGs are these days but is spending an nine months in development... I'm going to go with Arenanet's baby. I wouldn't say that but the guys there have proven time and time again to be smarter than every other MMO developer I've ever had any experience with and quicker at creating high quality content.
WoW is not dying. Too many dedicated fans, and regulars who resub every few months. Expect a new xpack after SW:TOR release has calmed down. Expect a surprise price reduction to push sales... maybe more cash shop goodies.
Rift is a winner with WoW-style gameplay, some new stuff added in and art that's a mix of LOTRO and VG. In a year it will start gaining perception as the "new" WoW (western markets only).
SW:TOR will do very well except with a few who are setting expectations too high. Current 18 to 25 male demo loves SW. Mass appeal games have to appeal to as many as possible. Expect challenging, but not impossible gameplay.
GW2 will win bigtime. Mostly with soloers and pvpers. Groups will do well enough, mostly as zergs.
Turbine will completely own the F2P market and become F2P's equivalent of WoW.
SOE will still be trying to catch up. Smedley will still consider himself an industry leader.
Disclaimed, opinions are my own and have very little reflection on reality.
Ken Fisher - Semi retired old fart Network Administrator, now working in Network Security. I don't Forum PVP. If you feel I've attacked you, it was probably by accident. When I don't understand, I ask. Such is not intended as criticism.
WoW is not dying. Too many dedicated fans, and regulars who resub every few months. Expect a new xpack after SW:TOR release has calmed down. Expect a surprise price reduction to push sales... maybe more cash shop goodies.
Rift is a winner with WoW-style gameplay, some new stuff added in and art that's a mix of LOTRO and VG. In a year it will start gaining perception as the "new" WoW (western markets only).
SW:TOR will do very well except with a few who are setting expectations too high. Current 18 to 25 male demo loves SW. Mass appeal games have to appeal to as many as possible. Expect challenging, but not impossible gameplay.
GW2 will win bigtime. Mostly with soloers and pvpers. Groups will do well enough, mostly as zergs.
Turbine will completely own the F2P market and become F2P's equivalent of WoW.
SOE will still be trying to catch up. Smedley will still consider himself an industry leader.
Disclaimed, opinions are my own and have very little reflection on reality.
I think youve got to little faith in your opinions. That all sounds pretty accurate to me, especially the SOE/Smedley stuff haha.
Though i will say, Soe did a good job with the design of their combat system in DCUO, it was quite fun, though they executed quite a few things pretty poorly in combat and the rest of the game. Lets hope someone else picks up what they started with that combat system and adds a bit of it into a much better game.
All three themeparks all three go for same players all three mediocre games we have already so many on market.
They bring nothing new its all done before we need some developers who dare deviate from the EQ style mmo's.
I dunno if TSW is the game or ARCHAGE sandbox but GW2 WoW and SWtor are boring outdated themeparks.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009..... In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
Wow is already on top. Its decline from that position will have more to do with age and Blizzard giving up on it and moving to a new project more than because some other game knocked it off top. Its really kind of pointless to compare it to other mmo's at this point.
This metric changes once blizzards Titan is shown to the gaming world. in any case we will have some good games coming. And many new sandbox games I'm keeping my eyes on. I do think Blizzard always trumps all in the end but I want to see it get it's run for the money.
WoW will always be on top until companies think of decent marketing strategies. Thats the OWNLY reason WoW is top. It was marketed towards non-gamers, specifically, non-mmo players. Ask the people on this site what their first mmo was, more than half will say WoW. Now, those of you that played multiple MMOs before WoW, think back to your first MMO, nostalgia right?
Everyone falls in love their first MMO. Just like WoW players, they fell in love with it, so this fact will keep WoW on top due to the sheer number of newbies it brought in. All these people think its best MMO ever and some are so ignorant that they think everything like it is a clone, when WoW its self is a generic dumbed down or "casual" clone of every other fantasy game. So when you have millions of people that know nothing of MMOs in general play their first MMO (and they all play the same MMO), you're going to get a lot of ignorant fanboys, because they feed off of other's mis-information of "this is the best mmo ever." "everything made after this is a clone"
There will never be a WoW killer because Blizzard already attracted all the non-gamers, which now count for way over half of the MMO communities around the world. These people will always hold WoW as a standard, calling anything with an elf in it, a clone. Theres no such thing as a WoW killer and there is no such thing as a WoW clone. WoW can only kill itself and WoW itself, is already a clone.
GW2 will take the initial box sales champ because i'm predicting 5mil out of the 6 mil gw1 owner will buy gw2 and maybe another 2mil new fans joining the hype train.
But will this impact swtor or wow?
WoW maybe but not really swtor. But for me i'm moving more toward casual carebear game that doesn't require me to invest a huge or constat amount of time aka raid grind. Found out that fact about me when i did rift. So it'll only be gw2 for me...wish i had time for swtor.
As others have said the "one game to rule them all!!!!111eleventy!!" trope is getting tired.
What I'd like to see is a market with 4-5 games having a pretty equal share, if we're talking 2011-12 my wishlist would be:
WoW, SW:TOR, GW2 , TSW & Archeage (not in any particular order). Past that I'd like to see WoD nab a big share too.
I've been done with WoW for some time now, but it'll survive and thrive for another while.
SW:TOR I'll sub to for story (yeah, it matters, to me) and sith-type fun.
GW2 is a no-brainer with no sub fees and if they meet even half the hype they'll definitely grab market-share.
TSW I'd like to succeed and I will be playing it - think we need a different-feeling game, and I love Ragnar Tornquist's storytelling.
Archeage because I've been following it for ages and I think we need a AAA sandbox with AAA sub numbers to broaden the spectrum of games being developed.
I've never been one to want to see a game fail, whether I'm interested in playing it or not. The wider the MMO market is, the better for all us gamers. The better (and more successful) the games on the market are, the higher the bar is raised for development of future games, which is win/win no matter how you look at it.
GW2, because since its F2P, like GW1, but with the MMO tagged on this time, I expect it to sell, no matter how crappy it is. case and point again, GW1.
WoW still does things well. They tend to copy ideas that are good. So if something new comes out, you can be sure Blizzard will have their eyes on taking some the idea and putting them into WoW but on a much more polish scaled.
Hard to say really. Wow will get a kick in it's western playerbase, I can't imagine it not feeling 2 such games but it should survive fine enough, if nothing else could it keep living just on the Easter subs so Wow will do at least OK.
As for Anet Vs Bioware I am not 100% sure but it seems like ANET are a lot more free to do as they please while Bioware seems to be hard in EAs clutches now (I base this on several people that more or less admitted that EA hurried Bioware with DA2, that is not good news).
I will not count out Bioware yet, they do have made some really fun games in the past and counting them out without trying the game would be stupid but from what I seen is GW" more interesting to most MMO players.
On the other hand can it be that Bioware aim to get their fans into playing the game instead of general MMO players. They do have a few million fans and many of them do not play MMOs so it is possible that Bioware introduces many new players to the genre like Blizzard did before them.
If nothing else than will ANET have the eadvantage of no monthly fees meaning many people can buy it and play it side by side with another game and that means they wont neccesarily be competing with the others. I think GW2 will have most active players at the end, if for no other reason than many GW2 players will also play other games.
But it is still hard to say. Anyone of those 3 companies could make a stupid decision and loose a lot of their potential playerbase, and that includes Blizzard who could make a really bad patch.
Whatever that will happen will it be good to have some new fine games to try. I have a feeling the gap between Wow and it's closest competitor will be smaller after all this if Wow manage to keep the top place.
While of course we will never know for certain, EA has told us they are not rushing Bioware with TOR and it will take as long as it takes.
Long as TOR and GW2 deliver, and they look on track to do that in my opinion, WoW will lose a lot of western subscribers. Other games may also take noticeable hits. I think it will even out across all 3 games, not one will be top dog anymore.
I could easily see GW2 blowing WoW out of the water and do you know why?
Kids and people being introduced to MMORPGs for the first time will pretty soon have a better option to start with than WoW because GW2 is free once you buy it, you do not have to buy a bunch of expansions to get to the endgame, and it is extremely casual-player friendly.
I still voted WoW and GW2 being on top together.
NEWS FLASH!"A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!
I could easily see GW2 blowing WoW out of the water and do you know why?
Kids and people being introduced to MMORPGs for the first time will pretty soon have a better option to start with than WoW because GW2 is free once you buy it, you do not have to buy a bunch of expansions to get to the endgame, and it is extremely casual-player friendly.
I still voted WoW and GW2 being on top together.
The biggest hurdle for this to happen is to change public perception that MMO = WoW.
Like it or not, that's how it is. Similar to how 'coke' means Coca Cola / Pepsi.
Anyone who wants to start playing an MMORPG is going to get WoW, why? Cause everyone they know is/has played WoW and since it is an MMO, they will want to play with said people.
it is similar to the FPS genre, if you want to play an online military FPS you get COD:BO cause chances are that your friends is also playing that.
Gdemami - Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
I voted both new games will call the shots...though i am personally looking forward more to TOR myself. I think we are already seeing a little competition between WoW and RIFT ...IMHO, of course
I could easily see GW2 blowing WoW out of the water and do you know why?
Kids and people being introduced to MMORPGs for the first time will pretty soon have a better option to start with than WoW because GW2 is free once you buy it, you do not have to buy a bunch of expansions to get to the endgame, and it is extremely casual-player friendly.
I still voted WoW and GW2 being on top together.
I would have to disagree. Keep in mind, many new players will also need better system riggs to play GW2. just look at Rift, and how its handling lower rig PC. Not so well right now. Now imagine GW2,,,, That will be extreme on low rigs.
will casual new comers be able to handle that kind of pressure?
I could easily see GW2 blowing WoW out of the water and do you know why?
Kids and people being introduced to MMORPGs for the first time will pretty soon have a better option to start with than WoW because GW2 is free once you buy it, you do not have to buy a bunch of expansions to get to the endgame, and it is extremely casual-player friendly.
I still voted WoW and GW2 being on top together.
I would have to disagree. Keep in mind, many new players will also need better system riggs to play GW2. just look at Rift, and how its handling lower rig PC. Not so well right now. Now imagine GW2,,,, That will be extreme on low rigs.
will casual new comers be able to handle that kind of pressure?
If you know the system requirements for GW2 then please show them. Anet stated that they want GW2 to be playable on a wide range of computers and unless you show me proof that mid-to-low end computers won't be able to handle the game that well I'm going to take the dev's words over yours.
I could easily see GW2 blowing WoW out of the water and do you know why?
Kids and people being introduced to MMORPGs for the first time will pretty soon have a better option to start with than WoW because GW2 is free once you buy it, you do not have to buy a bunch of expansions to get to the endgame, and it is extremely casual-player friendly.
I still voted WoW and GW2 being on top together.
I would have to disagree. Keep in mind, many new players will also need better system riggs to play GW2. just look at Rift, and how its handling lower rig PC. Not so well right now. Now imagine GW2,,,, That will be extreme on low rigs.
will casual new comers be able to handle that kind of pressure?
If you know the system requirements for GW2 then please show them. Anet stated that they want GW2 to be playable on a wide range of computers and unless you show me proof that mid-to-low end computers won't be able to handle the game that well I'm going to take the dev's words over yours.
They said their graphics will be 'better' than Aion which suggests it'll be at least on par with Aion's system requirements.
I would have to disagree. Keep in mind, many new players will also need better system riggs to play GW2. just look at Rift, and how its handling lower rig PC. Not so well right now. Now imagine GW2,,,, That will be extreme on low rigs.
will casual new comers be able to handle that kind of pressure?
Unlike Rift is GW2s engine written by Jeff Strain, one of the best if not the best programmer in the genre (he also coded Diablo, the original and Warcraft 3 to mention a few games).
GW1 had really low requirements even at launch.
So I wouldn't worry too much, Trion actually have rather competent programmers but they are playing in a different leauge, many people consider Strain the finest programmer Blizzard ever had.
Wow will still win, SWTOR will be number 2, GW2 will be a blip.
I don't understand why people think GW2 is going to be such a big hit, they don't have the money or the pull EA or Activision has, already putting them at a huge disadvantage, especialy with EA basicly coming out and saying they are going to put a lot of muscle behind this, which is backed by money no one but Blizzard can match.
And Frankly, aside from this website and a few other MMO specefic sites, GW2 is getting little to no press. Everytime TOR puts out some little update of news or a developer comment you see it on front page of 1up. When GW2 says something i see it here, and i don't see it on mainstream sites list of most anticipated games.
Quality of game is second, which games are going to be plastering your tv and your browser with ads, which has massive name reconginition, and which has the biggest company in the industry backing it and intent on getting a piece of the biggest market they haven't been able to tap yet.
As for which game will be best? Probably GW2.
Not really. In fact he said himself that he went off on a rant and was incorrect in a number of cases, referring to an insider that corrected his statements. And the EA representatives debunked it on an official quarterly conference meeting where financial figures and projections were discussed. Not the sort of place where you'll throw around lies, not if you're not Enron and at least not for something like that.
But hey, I see your passion against BW and EA is strong, so believe what you can't do without believing, we all need to have our faiths. So repeat with me: EA and BW are the devil and should be destroyed, let the crusade continue!
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Whatever happens, I will be playing TOR. I love Bioware. I love casual oriented games. I love meaningful story lines with branching and consequences. I'm so burned out on fantasy MMOs. I prefer the more classic approach to MMO combat that doesn't require twitch reflexes. It doesn't have to have auto attack, but it can't be FPS style with no target locking or clickable ability bar and absolutely not built for gamepad controllers.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
Sounds interesting indeed. Hope they implement it for release as PvE is no longer enough for me to stay interested in an MMORPG.
My gaming blog
Well considering that GW2 was as done as most released MMORPGs are these days but is spending an nine months in development... I'm going to go with Arenanet's baby. I wouldn't say that but the guys there have proven time and time again to be smarter than every other MMO developer I've ever had any experience with and quicker at creating high quality content.
My predictions:
WoW is not dying. Too many dedicated fans, and regulars who resub every few months. Expect a new xpack after SW:TOR release has calmed down. Expect a surprise price reduction to push sales... maybe more cash shop goodies.
Rift is a winner with WoW-style gameplay, some new stuff added in and art that's a mix of LOTRO and VG. In a year it will start gaining perception as the "new" WoW (western markets only).
SW:TOR will do very well except with a few who are setting expectations too high. Current 18 to 25 male demo loves SW. Mass appeal games have to appeal to as many as possible. Expect challenging, but not impossible gameplay.
GW2 will win bigtime. Mostly with soloers and pvpers. Groups will do well enough, mostly as zergs.
Turbine will completely own the F2P market and become F2P's equivalent of WoW.
SOE will still be trying to catch up. Smedley will still consider himself an industry leader.
Disclaimed, opinions are my own and have very little reflection on reality.
I think youve got to little faith in your opinions. That all sounds pretty accurate to me, especially the SOE/Smedley stuff haha.
Though i will say, Soe did a good job with the design of their combat system in DCUO, it was quite fun, though they executed quite a few things pretty poorly in combat and the rest of the game. Lets hope someone else picks up what they started with that combat system and adds a bit of it into a much better game.
None of the above i hope!
All three themeparks all three go for same players all three mediocre games we have already so many on market.
They bring nothing new its all done before we need some developers who dare deviate from the EQ style mmo's.
I dunno if TSW is the game or ARCHAGE sandbox but GW2 WoW and SWtor are boring outdated themeparks.
Games played:AC1-Darktide'99-2000-AC2-Darktide/dawnsong2003-2005,Lineage2-2005-2006 and now Darkfall-2009.....
In between WoW few months AoC few months and some f2p also all very short few weeks.
Oh yes, GW2 does not have ANYTHING new and innovative. I hear you
scribble scribble scribble
Wow is already on top. Its decline from that position will have more to do with age and Blizzard giving up on it and moving to a new project more than because some other game knocked it off top. Its really kind of pointless to compare it to other mmo's at this point.
World of warcraft
Guidwars 2
This metric changes once blizzards Titan is shown to the gaming world. in any case we will have some good games coming. And many new sandbox games I'm keeping my eyes on. I do think Blizzard always trumps all in the end but I want to see it get it's run for the money.
WoW will always be on top until companies think of decent marketing strategies. Thats the OWNLY reason WoW is top. It was marketed towards non-gamers, specifically, non-mmo players. Ask the people on this site what their first mmo was, more than half will say WoW. Now, those of you that played multiple MMOs before WoW, think back to your first MMO, nostalgia right?
Everyone falls in love their first MMO. Just like WoW players, they fell in love with it, so this fact will keep WoW on top due to the sheer number of newbies it brought in. All these people think its best MMO ever and some are so ignorant that they think everything like it is a clone, when WoW its self is a generic dumbed down or "casual" clone of every other fantasy game. So when you have millions of people that know nothing of MMOs in general play their first MMO (and they all play the same MMO), you're going to get a lot of ignorant fanboys, because they feed off of other's mis-information of "this is the best mmo ever." "everything made after this is a clone"
There will never be a WoW killer because Blizzard already attracted all the non-gamers, which now count for way over half of the MMO communities around the world. These people will always hold WoW as a standard, calling anything with an elf in it, a clone. Theres no such thing as a WoW killer and there is no such thing as a WoW clone. WoW can only kill itself and WoW itself, is already a clone.
GW2 will take the initial box sales champ because i'm predicting 5mil out of the 6 mil gw1 owner will buy gw2 and maybe another 2mil new fans joining the hype train.
But will this impact swtor or wow?
WoW maybe but not really swtor. But for me i'm moving more toward casual carebear game that doesn't require me to invest a huge or constat amount of time aka raid grind. Found out that fact about me when i did rift. So it'll only be gw2 for me...wish i had time for swtor.
As others have said the "one game to rule them all!!!!111eleventy!!" trope is getting tired.
What I'd like to see is a market with 4-5 games having a pretty equal share, if we're talking 2011-12 my wishlist would be:
WoW, SW:TOR, GW2 , TSW & Archeage (not in any particular order). Past that I'd like to see WoD nab a big share too.
I've been done with WoW for some time now, but it'll survive and thrive for another while.
SW:TOR I'll sub to for story (yeah, it matters, to me) and sith-type fun.
GW2 is a no-brainer with no sub fees and if they meet even half the hype they'll definitely grab market-share.
TSW I'd like to succeed and I will be playing it - think we need a different-feeling game, and I love Ragnar Tornquist's storytelling.
Archeage because I've been following it for ages and I think we need a AAA sandbox with AAA sub numbers to broaden the spectrum of games being developed.
I've never been one to want to see a game fail, whether I'm interested in playing it or not. The wider the MMO market is, the better for all us gamers. The better (and more successful) the games on the market are, the higher the bar is raised for development of future games, which is win/win no matter how you look at it.
I voted WoW and GW2.
GW2, because since its F2P, like GW1, but with the MMO tagged on this time, I expect it to sell, no matter how crappy it is. case and point again, GW1.
WoW still does things well. They tend to copy ideas that are good. So if something new comes out, you can be sure Blizzard will have their eyes on taking some the idea and putting them into WoW but on a much more polish scaled.
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
Who freekin' cares.
While of course we will never know for certain, EA has told us they are not rushing Bioware with TOR and it will take as long as it takes.
Long as TOR and GW2 deliver, and they look on track to do that in my opinion, WoW will lose a lot of western subscribers. Other games may also take noticeable hits. I think it will even out across all 3 games, not one will be top dog anymore.
I could easily see GW2 blowing WoW out of the water and do you know why?
Kids and people being introduced to MMORPGs for the first time will pretty soon have a better option to start with than WoW because GW2 is free once you buy it, you do not have to buy a bunch of expansions to get to the endgame, and it is extremely casual-player friendly.
I still voted WoW and GW2 being on top together.
NEWS FLASH! "A bank was robbed the other day and a man opened fire on the customers being held hostage. One customer zig-zag sprinted until he found cover. When questioned later he explained that he was a hardcore gamer and knew just what to do!" Download my music for free! I release several albums per month as part of project "Thee Untitled" . .. some video game music remixes and cover songs done with instruments in there as well! Check out my roleplaying blog, collection of fictional short stories, and fantasy series... updated on a blog for now until I am finished! Watch me game on occasion or make music... and subscribe!
The biggest hurdle for this to happen is to change public perception that MMO = WoW.
Like it or not, that's how it is. Similar to how 'coke' means Coca Cola / Pepsi.
Anyone who wants to start playing an MMORPG is going to get WoW, why? Cause everyone they know is/has played WoW and since it is an MMO, they will want to play with said people.
it is similar to the FPS genre, if you want to play an online military FPS you get COD:BO cause chances are that your friends is also playing that.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
I voted both new games will call the shots...though i am personally looking forward more to TOR myself. I think we are already seeing a little competition between WoW and RIFT ...IMHO, of course
I would have to disagree. Keep in mind, many new players will also need better system riggs to play GW2. just look at Rift, and how its handling lower rig PC. Not so well right now. Now imagine GW2,,,, That will be extreme on low rigs.
will casual new comers be able to handle that kind of pressure?
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
If you know the system requirements for GW2 then please show them. Anet stated that they want GW2 to be playable on a wide range of computers and unless you show me proof that mid-to-low end computers won't be able to handle the game that well I'm going to take the dev's words over yours.
I vote WoW cuz no mater which one it is that comes out it top it is still wow.
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
They said their graphics will be 'better' than Aion which suggests it'll be at least on par with Aion's system requirements.
Managed to dig this up
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Unlike Rift is GW2s engine written by Jeff Strain, one of the best if not the best programmer in the genre (he also coded Diablo, the original and Warcraft 3 to mention a few games).
GW1 had really low requirements even at launch.
So I wouldn't worry too much, Trion actually have rather competent programmers but they are playing in a different leauge, many people consider Strain the finest programmer Blizzard ever had.