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In our newest weekly video column, Hillary "Pokket" Nicole brings her views on all things MMO to the table for discussion. This week Hillary takes a look at Star Wars: The Old Republic. While generally painted in shades of gray, the Republic is considered by many as holders of the "good" side of the force. Hillary takes a look at the perennial (to some) good guys from SWTOR: The Republic. Check out Game Face: SWTOR Republic Preview and then leave us a comment or two.
The audio was terible, the music enough to make your ears blead. Sorry I would rather have an article to read instead of some vidoe podcast that has a bad adio and even worse video presentation.
Great preview! Great to see you on This NDA needs to drop nao!
All i will say is minus the pvp because i didn't get to that...i totally agree with what she said.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
Not mine Mr. Crankypants... I liked it.
I agree with her pod cast, I didn't do any pvp however, because I was always wanting to know what happens next with in the story. I was also engrossed in the side quests as well, voiceover really does make a difference. I had to pull myself away from my Sorc, because I did not want to get to far into it. So I pretty much stopped after I got my ship, and rolled a JC for the rest of my playtime
A recurring theme I keep hearing is, "I want to see where the story goes." This is the first MMO where it could actually be said that the story is important to the game play. You could almost say the story takes precedence over the game play.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Music not so good. Could not hear much of what was being said. It's difficult to identify with a video of this type because it needs to explain the basics for people who have not been following it as closely as many of us. It's not that relevant for us I think.
Still I think it's good when people make their own shows. Podcasts and video blogs are great and can be great entertainment. I'm looking forward to see the next Total Biscuit type guy who has some good commentating. That's really whats important. If there is something interesting to say. For me at least.
Game looks bad, not a true StarWars MMO :'(.
Animations are rigid and out of place.
Effects are over the top, and in some places just plain embarassing to see in a North American product.
Linear Hand-Held Questing, even with voiced interactions, is simply boring. Not to mention developement for new quests will take several times longer to produce because of all the different choices available, but in the end it's essentially the same outcome with a momentary "feeling" that you're actually effecting the end game goal. Needless to say the final outcome is something less desirable.
Arena based PvP is pathetic, and a redesign needs to be implemented. Whenever a developer allows for BOTH Open-Zone & Arena based pvp the player's focus is split causing one to become more populated in regards to the other. Leading to one audience being completely alienated over the other. Bioware, being new to MMOs, hasn't figured this out yet .
Crafting is a joke, and is completely uninspired. Allowing your companions to craft FOR YOU doesn''t make this any easier to stomach either.
On-Rails space combat & travel is also a MASSIVE downer. What's the title called again? PlanetWars? OH WAIT, doesn't it have "STAR" in the title indicating that HUGE SPACE BATTLES would most likely be found inside? No? My fault then !
If you loved World of Warcraft, you'll adore this game.
Just my two cents from being around MMOs, Alpha & Beta testing them, since 1998
ps: Please fix your damn edit-post option. It adds like 6 lines of space between each entry!
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
Argumentum ad nauseam
This is the incorrect belief that an assertion is more likely to be true, or is more likely to be accepted as true, the more often it is heard. So an Argumentum ad Nauseam is one that employs constant repetition in asserting something; saying the same thing over and over again until you're sick of hearing it.
On the Net, your argument is often less likely to be heard if you repeat it over and over again, as people will tend to put you in their kill files.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Giving this game four months tops before it goes F2P with cash shop(hey, Bioware has already perfected the cash shop with their ridiculously stupid Me2 and DA2 DLC stuff)
As said before a couple of times, audio is bad, mucis terrible but the review is rather good. One thing that picked my interest was the light/dark side decisions you can (still) make. Kinda something I wrote about on my blog almost 18 months ago, and am happy that it indeed is included in the game, thought not in the way I'd like to see it ;-)
So we wont be seeing you in game then? I for one am crushed..
Who cares how well the video was done? It doesnt matter. due to the NDA with the beta what elsse could be showen? Nothing!
As for the game this vid did get me a bit more interested in a game I really had no desire to play.
All Murlocs must die horrible, painful, bloody deaths!
Well since you know how a MMO should be made and you have all of this insight, how about you go out and make a better one. It amazes me how some people hate to see others enjoy something that they do not like, you don't like the game that's fine. I am sure some of the other upcoming games will appease you or maybe not who knows.
Is there a transcript available?
All I can say is grab one of the beta keys, don't let what other people are saying sway your opinion. I found that I really enjoyed the game better than all of the other recent released MMOs, despite all of the negetive comments and misinformation that the uninformed have been trying to put out. I found that all of the stuff that the haters had been saying was total hog wash and nothing like what they say it is. Darkfall, Earthrise, MO, and another one I forget the name it launched the same time as Rift, but they all failed. The mass majority do not want FFA sandbox gameplay so just get over it all ready. And no I am not implying that Rift fail, but the sandbox title that released around that same time.
Biggest complaint Ive heard so far is that it's not SWG and that it...*gasp* plays like kotor 1 and kotor 2 did!!!
...on the upside though your headphones are nice
to sum up, basically she liked it.
She liked some of the choices, really got into story. Had a hard time getting into it at the start but about 5 or so levels in she really got into the game.
Also noted that the animations were really smooth.
Alos stated that even though other people were higher levels in PvP she could do just as good as them.
Thats a basic run down. Shes looking forward to playing the game.
Help me Bioware, you're my only hope.
Is ToR going to be good? Dude it's Bioware making a freaking star wars game, all signs point to awesome. -G4tv MMo report.
I love pokket, seriously.
Nice short preview, funny to see Pokket here, is this a regular thing? (1st video I saw of her here)
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."
Thanks for the vid, from what I could actually hear, good things were said (positive and accurate that is), so some feedback would certainly be: The audio music clashed with the commentary, I think the pitch of voice is quite high so harder to hear especially with music better suited to a punchy advert of no more than 15-20 seconds.
As said this sort of vid discussion on swotor puts it in much better light than still images and text does, perhaps the enjoyment of the story the player is expressing feels more immediately said? Anyway definitely needs clearer sound but gj otherwise.
edit: to be clear like the music, just needs to be lower volume or not punch atst as the end of the sentences are reached which tend to go up in pitch at the end anyway
Then you are being very selective in the arguments that you are choosing to hear.
I don't care that it isn't SWG, and I don't care that it has a passing connection too KOTO. I have plenty of 'complaints' (critical opinions of the direction and scope of this game as a AAA themepark) though that go beyond those two elements.
It does some things right as well ofc, but the fans never want to acknowledge me talking about them, prefering to focu in on what makes them angry, so I won't bother mentioning them.
Yep! She'll be recurring with Game Face hosted here every week. Plus she'll be starting up her blog again and writing features once in a while too.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
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Ah, great, saw some of her videos elsewhere, nice addition
The ACTUAL size of MMORPG worlds: a comparison list between MMO's
The ease with which predictions are made on these forums:
Fratman: "I'm saying Spring 2012 at the earliest [for TOR release]. Anyone still clinging to 2011 is deluding themself at this point."