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I found this video on one of the channels I'm subbed in youtube. OnKneesforJesus4
They describe this feature as going to the Dark Side. This might look like trolling but it isn't this is from a genuine christian youtube channel. I think this is a good thing shows Bioware cares about all gammers.
Apparently some christian gamers and parents dont want this feature implemented.
Just as many (or more) don't care or DO support it. *shrug* I couldn't care either way. It's just another soapbox to allow a 'group' to get a tidbit into the news. (Not saying right or wrong, just that it is an opportunity)
someone else reported on this recently saying that the whole homosexual romance thing was because one of the SWTOR writers (already forgot her name...) loves to put this stuff in BioWare games.
it's as if she's obsessed with the topic and needs to put it into every single title.
I personally think it's due to her lack of imagination and some weird need to stir the controversy, but that's just me.
I review lots of indie games and MMORPGs
Slashfic writers are everywhere.
Since it can be avoided with the dialogue options, I do not see what is the point of this. Typical fundamentalist rhetoric.
"The person who experiences greatness must have a feeling for the myth he is in."
Honestly I think this is probably some bs from someone that hates the game.
But if Bioware implemented this they would only win points in my opinion. Sexual descrimination is reserved for the ignorant.
As religious groups object, I think it's only reasonable that this is implemented immediately.
Ah religion.. the dark side of humanity.
Funny thing. The bible says a lot more about the evils of divorce than it does about same sex marriage. When I see fundamentalist groups picketting divorce courts I may begin to take them seriously.
There is NO miracle patch.
95% of what you see in beta won't change by launch.
Hope is not a stategy.
"This kind of topic is like one of those little cartoon boxes held up by a stick on a string, with a piece of meat under it. In other words, bait."
So is he trying to tell us that Jesus hates gays and homosexuals? Since when God acts like a petty human being?
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
It's just pixels! Jeebus.
(\ /) ?
( . .)
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As long as done right who cares, it shouldnt be an option with every romanceable character but no harm in it being for some and just so long as its not as in your face as Anders in DA2.
Nope. God hates sin, never sinners.
My gaming blog
So God has made this very clear that being gay is a sin? is that so?
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
WWII, The plague, Dark ages, I mean i can go on cant i?
Both statements are "false".
Countless "issues" in the new and old testament regarding these matters, and much more.
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You have trouble reading or something? God hates SIN and not SINNERs. I.e. he would hate homosexual acts but not homosexuals and yes, I believe homosexual acts is a sin like I believe sex outside of marriage is a sin as well. Does not mean God hates people who have sex outside of marriage.
My gaming blog
Wait what? To stir the controversy? You mean homosexuality is still a controversy in civilised parts of the world? then I think it is an excellent idea to 'stir the controversy'.
Are you sure it is me who can not read? i am also talking about SIN part not the sinners which would be gays according to you. That is why i asked if you are sure that GOD said that being gay is a sin. I don't see from where you read 'God hates gays'.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
I do not think it should be hidden away eithier
The Force > The Bible
I laughed my ass off when i watched that, so no homosexuality exists in the galaxy far, far away?
Im simply going to say Goran Beviin....the EU can't be wrong Bioware and 3 years before your announcement we met Goran, a homosexual Mandalorian. He's there in the enclyclopedia for all to see.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
You know what, the damn christian screwed it all up with interpretation. God hit the reboot button and gave us the Koran over a thousand years ago. Its nice easy and user friendly/. Heck its the mac of relgious text. Get with the program already you outdated snuff.
My gaming blog
And yet i doubt that GOD really cares for such petty issues.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
so parents dont want the kids to be exposed to such things in a game but they dont care about their kids getting exposed to worst things after school? pathetic