Originally posted by Dekapitator Honestly I think this is probably some bs from someone that hates the game. But if Bioware implemented this they would only win points in my opinion. Sexual descrimination is reserved for the ignorant.
They've already stated that they would implement this at some later date. It will be in there. I'm not sure why it's a big deal though...it's not like I will ever actually see anyone engaging in their gay marriage antics.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
someone else reported on this recently saying that the whole homosexual romance thing was because one of the SWTOR writers (already forgot her name...) loves to put this stuff in BioWare games.
it's as if she's obsessed with the topic and needs to put it into every single title.
I personally think it's due to her lack of imagination and some weird need to stir the controversy, but that's just me.
Naw - it was never a single person - Bioware has been putting these SL's in their games for a decade now - probably the biggest defender is David Gaider. He's made a few really outstanding statements about the 'controversy' involved with these SL's.
As for that Christian Family garbage....it's just more publicity for them. Sad that they didn't even bother to fact check, however it is funny seeing some of their 'defenders' trying to justify the mistakes in the clip
They better implement it so that you can have several wives/husbands. If they go for the "you-can-only-be-married-to-one" it will be an absolute scandal. Also they should allow cross-faction marriages!
I found this video on one of the channels I'm subbed in youtube. OnKneesforJesus4
They describe this feature as going to the Dark Side. This might look like trolling but it isn't this is from a genuine christian youtube channel. I think this is a good thing shows Bioware cares about all gammers.
Apparently some christian gamers and parents dont want this feature implemented.
Christians are always trying to start fights/wars in the name of jesus. I thought we were supposed to do god's bidding thou. Also like alot of people have said if you dont want to marry or have sex with a male companion.....? DONT HIT ON THEM. Lol, its crazy thou these are the same religion that killed most of the scholars and cosmologist in greece and everyone clings to what they say at face value.
Personally I wouldn't take it personal,just one more thing to her them QQ about.
I found this video on one of the channels I'm subbed in youtube. OnKneesforJesus4
They describe this feature as going to the Dark Side. This might look like trolling but it isn't this is from a genuine christian youtube channel. I think this is a good thing shows Bioware cares about all gammers.
Apparently some christian gamers and parents dont want this feature implemented.
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
how do people know god hates sinners he might fucking love sinners for all any of you know. if such a thing as god exists i doubt it worries about little peon humans having same sex marriage, seems a miniscule thing in the grand scheme of the universe
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
For all the real life talk and how MMOS should get more real..why suddenyl get all defensive when Homosexuality is added to the game?
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
to be honest i don't see the point of any sexuality being added to a star wars game be it straight or gay, it suits mass effect because that was a feature from the begining but it doesn't suit the star wars world.
to be honest i don't see the point of any sexuality being added to a star wars game be it straight or gay, it suits mass effect because that was a feature from the begining but it doesn't suit the star wars world.
lol seriously? romance was a HUGE almost defining point of star wars... if it wasn't for this there would be no darth vader and anakin probably wouldn't of gone dark side.. no han and lea romance.. cmon star wars is all about romance
Just to clarfiy, the game rated for PEGI rating is 16 but the rating is different for other places. The rating should reflect where the game is made, and that is the States. The game is rated teen there, so that means its around the teen years, right? So this argument being about 16 and above is one sided and does not apply to everyone or considers all the ratings for that matter.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
For all the real life talk and how MMOS should get more real..why suddenyl get all defensive when Homosexuality is added to the game?
Because there is a large gap between being a tolerant society and accepting one. Most tolerate the fact that gays exist but do not really and fully accept that they want to see that lifestyle in front of them.
And yet the same society has no trouble accepting violence and bloodshed in video games. I am pretty sure more people die every day because of gun violence than say a person having same sex relationships.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
Its not about religion. Religion is only important or valid to human based laws or deicions when it is valid. By saying religion is important for that decision you are saying some super natural power said so, and there is no need for man made laws or logic.
Just to put into perspective, there are man made laws protecting kids against sexual exploitation. So it goes with the same logic, that exposing kids to mature themes they are no accustomed to will make them more open minded to ideas conflicting with what could be thier identity while they are still developing.
Do kids have to figure out if they are gay at a young age?
edit: Also the game is rated teen in the US.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
Firstly, I don't think we should be too worried about those groups of religious people being pissed off, as there is very little substance to their thoughts. There are very few serious arguments against homosexuality and unless these groups come up with a good one I don't think the mere fact that they are 'pissed off' warrants any concern with their feelings.
Secondly, your implication that engaging in homosexual acts is a choice you can reasonably refuse to make is pitiful.
Another thing. Games, and in this case SWTOR, have many aspects that are reflections of (western) society. That's obvious when it comes to dialogue options. After all, they're made by people living in society. Homosexuality is very much a part of society, whether you like it or not. It should be possible to reflect that in this game. If you think not, you must at least give an argument, but that burden is on you.
in the UK we've had same sex marriages for ages . No one bats and eyelid over it anymore and what adults get upto is really thier own buisness . Having same sex marriages in a game might treat tolerance so I've no problem with it . Thankfully only about 3-4 million people out of 70 million people attend church in the UK so much of its influence has gone now . I think we are quite different from America in that respect . Don't you guys have the Bliblcal creation story taught as fact in many of your schools rather than natural selection now ? To me that seems the first signs of a society backsliding into fundamentalism . More people have been killed in the name of christ than the devil perhaps christians should remember that before casting stones .
Please don't think all of the U.S. is like that. We still have some states that encourage academic advancement and intellectual curiosity. Creationism has been getting pushed heavily in a lot of schools in the Bible belt and Science and even our own U.S. history has been under attack constantly in places like Texas and Pennsyltucky, but we do have areas where thought and reason prevail and in turn, acceptance of others. We're not all wackjobs who think homosexuality is a sin or unnatural. In fact, we have a growing number every year of people in the U.S. who not only think it should be a man or woman's constitutional right to marry whom they choose (as long as they are both consenting adults), but also who don't subscribe to any form of religion, which in my personal opinion breeds social progress I know plenty of other straight guys who couldn't give a damn what your sexual preference is and plenty of woman who would love to be a gay guy's best friend lol
This is how I look at the gay issue: I'm cool with it as long as I don't have to see it or hear about it. If it's in game and there's nothing obvious or out of the ordinary about it then I'm fine.
Member of Talon | www.lakexeno.com RIFT: Redcameo, Warrior, Faemist Server RIFT: Bluecameo, Mage, Faemist Server
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
Firstly, I don't think we should be too worried about those groups of religious people being pissed off, as there is very little substance to their thoughts. There are very few serious arguments against homosexuality and unless these groups come up with a good one I don't think the mere fact that they are 'pissed off' warrants any concern with their feelings.
Just thousands of years of human history and what "marriage" is defined as, and it is not a right.
BTW, talking about laws and everything for/against gays...I want to remind everyone about our great state of TN.
No mention in any textbook k-12 and beyond that relates to or condones gay activities/behavior/people. I think the official wording is something like "no reference to any person or act that relates to homosexual behavior will be allowed in any text book in any venture statewide."
I tried looking it up and that's all I can remember...I'll try to copy and paste the entire legislation (its only like 3 paragraphs.)
Member of Talon | www.lakexeno.com RIFT: Redcameo, Warrior, Faemist Server RIFT: Bluecameo, Mage, Faemist Server
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
Its not about religion. Religion is only important or valid to human based laws or deicions when it is valid. By saying religion is important for that decision you are saying some super natural power said so, and there is no need for man made laws or logic.
Just to put into perspective, there are man made laws protecting kids against sexual exploitation. So it goes with the same logic, that exposing kids to mature themes they are no accustomed to will make them more open minded to ideas conflicting with what coulod be thier identity while they are still developing.
Do kids have to figure out if they are gay at a young age?
I could name a few more disturbing themes in swtor for kids than sexuality, it seems more important to ask if that is warranted if you say kids are so easily influenced by them.
Also, you seem to think that homosexuality is just an idea, and when that idea is being cultivated enough you somehow will act accordingly. This is the exact same premise some (christian) psychiatrists use when they believe they can 'cure' people from homosexuality, and time and time again that shows to be utter nonsense
someone else reported on this recently saying that the whole homosexual romance thing was because one of the SWTOR writers (already forgot her name...) loves to put this stuff in BioWare games.
it's as if she's obsessed with the topic and needs to put it into every single title.
I personally think it's due to her lack of imagination and some weird need to stir the controversy, but that's just me.
No... its just some chicks get off on it. There are women in the world who thing that two sweaty guys all up on each other is the hottest thing they could possibly thing of. She is probably one of those women
"Don't mistake a fun game for a good game... Checkers is fun to play but its not exactly the highest point of gaming design... and definatly not worth $60 plus $15 a month"
i have no problem when same sex marriage comes to tor but its not in yet. So any video is doctored. That said when it comes ill have no issue with it.
i live in maine my dad is a pentecostal preacher and i have no issue with gay marraige as long as they arent trying to force preachers who think there lifestyle is a sin to marry them.
Wanna get married go to see a justice of the peace. There is alot of politices involved in gay marriage laws and its why so few states have it.
The biggest issue when it comes up in maine is it forces preachers to marry gay people and if they dont they can be sued and forced to not marry anyone and i have a huge issue with anything with that kind of writing.
I have no issue with legalized gay marriage as long as u arent forcing people to have to marry u.
They've already stated that they would implement this at some later date. It will be in there. I'm not sure why it's a big deal though...it's not like I will ever actually see anyone engaging in their gay marriage antics.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Naw - it was never a single person - Bioware has been putting these SL's in their games for a decade now - probably the biggest defender is David Gaider. He's made a few really outstanding statements about the 'controversy' involved with these SL's.
As for that Christian Family garbage....it's just more publicity for them. Sad that they didn't even bother to fact check, however it is funny seeing some of their 'defenders' trying to justify the mistakes in the clip
They better implement it so that you can have several wives/husbands. If they go for the "you-can-only-be-married-to-one" it will be an absolute scandal. Also they should allow cross-faction marriages!
Christians are always trying to start fights/wars in the name of jesus. I thought we were supposed to do god's bidding thou. Also like alot of people have said if you dont want to marry or have sex with a male companion.....? DONT HIT ON THEM. Lol, its crazy thou these are the same religion that killed most of the scholars and cosmologist in greece and everyone clings to what they say at face value.
Personally I wouldn't take it personal,just one more thing to her them QQ about.
Think he's suggesting homosexual acts are OK if you're a demi-god?
lol religions
Homosexuality should just be kept out of the game. Why piss of a group of religious people and that includes: Christian, Jews and Muslims. It's only going to lead to loss of revenue...
You want to engage in gay acts go ahead, it's your private choice, but PLEASE keep it out of games!
how do people know god hates sinners he might fucking love sinners for all any of you know. if such a thing as god exists i doubt it worries about little peon humans having same sex marriage, seems a miniscule thing in the grand scheme of the universe
For all the real life talk and how MMOS should get more real..why suddenyl get all defensive when Homosexuality is added to the game?
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
to be honest i don't see the point of any sexuality being added to a star wars game be it straight or gay, it suits mass effect because that was a feature from the begining but it doesn't suit the star wars world.
lol seriously? romance was a HUGE almost defining point of star wars... if it wasn't for this there would be no darth vader and anakin probably wouldn't of gone dark side.. no han and lea romance.. cmon star wars is all about romance
Just to clarfiy, the game rated for PEGI rating is 16 but the rating is different for other places. The rating should reflect where the game is made, and that is the States. The game is rated teen there, so that means its around the teen years, right? So this argument being about 16 and above is one sided and does not apply to everyone or considers all the ratings for that matter.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
,,,for real?
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
and the rating can be seen at the bottom of the SWTOR homepage:
I guess people dont care, or maybe dont see the issue at all being an important one.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
And yet the same society has no trouble accepting violence and bloodshed in video games. I am pretty sure more people die every day because of gun violence than say a person having same sex relationships.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Its not about religion. Religion is only important or valid to human based laws or deicions when it is valid. By saying religion is important for that decision you are saying some super natural power said so, and there is no need for man made laws or logic.
Just to put into perspective, there are man made laws protecting kids against sexual exploitation. So it goes with the same logic, that exposing kids to mature themes they are no accustomed to will make them more open minded to ideas conflicting with what could be thier identity while they are still developing.
Do kids have to figure out if they are gay at a young age?
edit: Also the game is rated teen in the US.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
Firstly, I don't think we should be too worried about those groups of religious people being pissed off, as there is very little substance to their thoughts. There are very few serious arguments against homosexuality and unless these groups come up with a good one I don't think the mere fact that they are 'pissed off' warrants any concern with their feelings.
Secondly, your implication that engaging in homosexual acts is a choice you can reasonably refuse to make is pitiful.
Another thing. Games, and in this case SWTOR, have many aspects that are reflections of (western) society. That's obvious when it comes to dialogue options. After all, they're made by people living in society. Homosexuality is very much a part of society, whether you like it or not. It should be possible to reflect that in this game. If you think not, you must at least give an argument, but that burden is on you.
Please don't think all of the U.S. is like that. We still have some states that encourage academic advancement and intellectual curiosity. Creationism has been getting pushed heavily in a lot of schools in the Bible belt and Science and even our own U.S. history has been under attack constantly in places like Texas and Pennsyltucky, but we do have areas where thought and reason prevail and in turn, acceptance of others. We're not all wackjobs who think homosexuality is a sin or unnatural. In fact, we have a growing number every year of people in the U.S. who not only think it should be a man or woman's constitutional right to marry whom they choose (as long as they are both consenting adults), but also who don't subscribe to any form of religion, which in my personal opinion breeds social progress I know plenty of other straight guys who couldn't give a damn what your sexual preference is and plenty of woman who would love to be a gay guy's best friend lol
This is how I look at the gay issue: I'm cool with it as long as I don't have to see it or hear about it. If it's in game and there's nothing obvious or out of the ordinary about it then I'm fine.
Member of Talon | www.lakexeno.com
RIFT: Redcameo, Warrior, Faemist Server
RIFT: Bluecameo, Mage, Faemist Server
Just thousands of years of human history and what "marriage" is defined as, and it is not a right.
BTW, talking about laws and everything for/against gays...I want to remind everyone about our great state of TN.
No mention in any textbook k-12 and beyond that relates to or condones gay activities/behavior/people. I think the official wording is something like "no reference to any person or act that relates to homosexual behavior will be allowed in any text book in any venture statewide."
I tried looking it up and that's all I can remember...I'll try to copy and paste the entire legislation (its only like 3 paragraphs.)
Member of Talon | www.lakexeno.com
RIFT: Redcameo, Warrior, Faemist Server
RIFT: Bluecameo, Mage, Faemist Server
I could name a few more disturbing themes in swtor for kids than sexuality, it seems more important to ask if that is warranted if you say kids are so easily influenced by them.
Also, you seem to think that homosexuality is just an idea, and when that idea is being cultivated enough you somehow will act accordingly. This is the exact same premise some (christian) psychiatrists use when they believe they can 'cure' people from homosexuality, and time and time again that shows to be utter nonsense
No... its just some chicks get off on it. There are women in the world who thing that two sweaty guys all up on each other is the hottest thing they could possibly thing of. She is probably one of those women
"Don't mistake a fun game for a good game... Checkers is fun to play but its not exactly the highest point of gaming design... and definatly not worth $60 plus $15 a month"
i have no problem when same sex marriage comes to tor but its not in yet. So any video is doctored. That said when it comes ill have no issue with it.
i live in maine my dad is a pentecostal preacher and i have no issue with gay marraige as long as they arent trying to force preachers who think there lifestyle is a sin to marry them.
Wanna get married go to see a justice of the peace. There is alot of politices involved in gay marriage laws and its why so few states have it.
The biggest issue when it comes up in maine is it forces preachers to marry gay people and if they dont they can be sued and forced to not marry anyone and i have a huge issue with anything with that kind of writing.
I have no issue with legalized gay marriage as long as u arent forcing people to have to marry u.