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Well i made it to level 25 and for the first time today i couldn't face logging in . My copy of Tera has gone into PC desk drawer along with Age of Conan, SWTOR, Rift., LOTR and all the other turkeys i've bought and got bored of.
A few weeks back i put a very positive post about this game. It was something different, gorgeous looking and easy to play. I thought i wouldn't mind the grind and enjoyed it at first then it slowly dawned on me just how repetitive this game is.
The first dungeon Bastion of Lok was just unispiring. Mobs same as in the world with those annoying groups of tiny monster that follow you around all the time. End bosses were a mash of running around button bashing. Got fed up of constantly dodging attacks and having to run constantly after the boss.
Quests and mobs got samey. I thought i could grind through this as the combat was different but even that became stale and boring.
BIg gamebreaker for me was constantly having to group quests to kill BAMS. First bam was fun then having to kill 5 basilisks got tedious especially when it took forever to kill them. Not a solo friendly game.
Loot/gear visually is unappealing. I never got exxcited winning blue gear in dungoens as it all looks the same. crafting is boring and goes nowwhere unless you a fanboy.
So all in all if you ccan stand the grind then fine but i've had enough and my copy of Tera is destined to the MMO drawer of cobwebs never to be seen again.
Land of AKA Godzilla with Wifey
Its not honeymoon period, More like not enough research, you could play to lv38 in the Closed BETA and you are telling me you didnt even play to level 25? lol.
He made it to level 25 and is not enjoying the game, accept it.
I can understand him, although I am level 49 at the moment. There is no content next to quest grinding and farming dungeons. I had that with lots of other games in the past and I'm not gonna pay for something like that again. TERA impressed me in the beginning, but the closer I get to 60 the more lackluster this game is.
I like the art, graphics, sound and music, mobs and combat system, but I just can't stand farming better gear over and over again.
Was it this thread?
I have a 56 (almost 57) Priest and I haven't logged in for 3 or 4 days now. Sure the graphics are amazing and the combat style is a lot of fun, I like being able to heal and not have to stare at HP bars and hotbars the whole time. I was ok with the Kill X quests because it was a new stlye of combat but once the initial excitement wore off, I don't really have the desire to log in knowing all I am going to be doing is the same quest over and over with a dungeon mixed in every few hours.
Looking at the OPs list of games it seems like the problem might be less Tera and more that he does not like MMO's. But then again that is true with most of the players on this forum. They simply do not have the patience, attention span or maturity to play a MMO. They want to be constantly entertained and have everything given to them. Most of the players here, including the MMOROG>Com writers and staff just play MMOs in theory. They hype games up in their minds and on these boards, shout down all voices of reason, then when they play their dream game they quickly become bored and quit. A few months later they are bashing the game as they move on to hyping some other game. Sadly they have no clue what they want in a MMO or even why they left. Developers bend over backwards dumbing down games for these players and doing all they can to attract them at release.
lesson not learned after one another
Yes! You have hit the nail on the button! I couldn't agree more. If you look at his original post he was complaining how dull and lifeless SWTOR was in comparison....very telling.
I played the beta for about 3-4 hours. Sure combat was entertaining, however from that few hours, I figured out this game wasn't for me. I'm only thankful that I didnt have to purchase to try it out
"Look at me when I'm hitting you!"
Well said Zippy...
personally i've felt like the OP on many games in the last 2 years or so. it's just mmo burn out. you have done the same thing too many times and it's simply not exciting anymore. the whole "quest to level, level to reach end game, then gear grind to get into dungeons, farm dungeons to get into raids, and on and on" thing is just getting so old and repetitive. i simply cannot enjoy it anymore as i used to.
this is why sandboxes become more appealing as you grow older in your mmo experience. the questing/leveling/endgame threadmill is replaced by freedom and using your immagination to creat content and shaping the world arround you instead of following the same carrot on a stick. games that lets you create content become incredibly more stimulating and attractive.
sure i still like to log in every once in a while and play a bit fo themepark mmo but it never lasts very long. a few hours and i'm done.
Really, well said? You do realize that if it wasn't for those very "entertain me" players, the genre would probably be close to if not already defunct. There certainly wouldn't be any more AAA games after SWG, if WoW hadn't come along and drawn in all of these new, paying customers. At best, you'd have a handful of indie niche games with very few people to group with as all of your hardcore buds would be spread out in the older games like EQ, UO, AC, AO and DAoC.
Obviously you are upset that you are outnumbered and therefore will not get to see the representation you feel your playstyle deserves. I can empathize with that, but I cannot stand your elitist attitude about current games being dumbed down and that casual gamers are clueless, immature, lack patience and have no attention span and that developers are stupid to be catering to casuals. The sheer arrogance of such statements boggles the mind. With that kind of attitude, you deserve your dying breed status in this genre.
+1000 and I lift my glass to you.
Very well said and spot on.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
no it wouldn't, it would be something different. It would be smaller but it would just be different, not defunct.
If you looked at any genre of, say, entertainment media you would know this.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
*Balances on a tightrope*
*Jumps down*
*Sits on a fence*
This genre is unique in the enterainment industry and how it fluctuates is unique as well and you'd know this if you paid any attention at all.
The spirt of that, if you would take a deep breath, is "always having the pleasure/I win and get a prize button" pushed.
He is not implying that people want 5 minutes of fun and 55 minutes of a hair shirt.
But there is a large group of players who, instead of being faced with a challenge or something that requires them to persevere or trouble shoot, they just throw their hands up and say "I give up".
What many of these games have turned into is "go to x, follow glowing y marker, go back to x and get a prize/ rinse and repeat".
And doing something for the enjoyment of it isn't good enough anymore. there has to be rewards!
Heck, I even see this attitude in the younger workers at my office. They always need treats, they think they are entitled, if something is hard or they have to put themselves out (like come in an hour earlier than usual to get something done) they complain.
It's a very different paradigm shift and it is a different way of being.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Yes of course, there has never been a genre taht evolved to become complex and weighty only to be met with a counter movement that then asserted simplifying and stripping those elements in order to make it more palatable to a greater amount of people developign subgroups of the former state to continue and thrive, albeit in a smaller manifistation of its former self.
You are aware that history stretches back a bit longer than what you've experienced in your "however many years you've been on the earth"?
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
I agree with Zippy 100%. I am also 100% okay with the highlited sentence. Pretty much every game I played before WoW (which includes UO, AOC, SWG, and EQ) were actually challenging games. They really didn't cater to the 'casual gamer' very well, and the people who did play were actually skilled gamers. I actually like TERA and it is challenging in some areas, but a lot of times I literally almost fall asleep quest grinding. This to me is just not the ways mmo's should be played.
very telling?..i'd have to agree with him...both swtor and tera are boring. and i, as well as most posters here do know what makes a good mmo. even if its good in their eyes, to them its good. people will devote endless hours to games they like, while others wont give it 10 hours. I know exactly what i want in an mmo. i played EQ for 2 years. i played daoc for 3 years, i played wow for almost 4 years...why? because they had fun stuff to do. why did i leave? because i like change or just got burnt out. not because i cant be pleased.
and by the way, nails dont have buttons
Yep couldn't agree more...
I really find it odd that so many posters think that you just must be burned out on MMORPGs if you didn't like the huge string of quest-hub games to come out in the last 6 years or so.
Some of us just realize that MMORPGs can be so much more than quest hub games and we're frankly tired of it.
Much like the OP, I disliked AoC, SWTOR, TERA...many others, and yet...I actually like GW shocking! Looks l wasn't burned out on MMORPGs after all. I just wanted one that actually deviated from the terrible quest-hub system.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
same boat here, to me its just to many are so similar or just overall so uninspiried i get bored with them quickly. Doesn't matter if its a MMO, FPS, RTS. Many people here get all butthurt when you throw around GW2 but playing in beta for that one was really the first game in a very long time that sparked my love for MMOs again. To me its just the incredible attention to detail they put into that game, while others could care less about the little details to me it really shows a developers passion for their game and not just another copy and paste job with a fancy coat of paint... but maybe were just the minority here who knows...
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
Ya because some people have the attention span to work for something long term. mmorpgs is never always fun, but you become part of a community. Sure there are time where its like work but other time its very fun. Its something to last you for a long time and some people like that. Other perfer to jump from one to other.
Let me ask you are relationship constantly entertaining? No does that mean everyone jump from person to person all the time? Are hobbies always constantly entertaining? No you have your periods of boredom as well, but people still stick to it because its something they like. I could go on, world isn't full of constant instant satisfaction.
He just wants tank-and-spank bosses that stand there and die on command and he wants to be able to easily solo everything.
I dont think the OP is burned out on MMOs, probably video games in general if he's going to complain that Tera is "button bashing" and that constantly dodging attacks is upsetting.
This is basically why I have not been following or playing this game. I know from games like Vindictus and Dragon' Nest that enjoyable combat isn't enough for me.
As far as I can Tera is mostly a quest based quest grind and I would simply get tired of it. I don't actually think from what I have seen that Tera's combat is any better than Dragon's Nest. There really are a number of games out there with pretty good action combat. They simply don't have that much else either. Of course Tera has way better graphics and is much less cartoony than DN.
I might also add i was a great fan of World PVP which began for me in Vanilla WOW. Yet a big immersion breaker for me was having to activate PVP in the world. Also the appeal of world PVP wore off after my 3rd battle. They simply last too long and most of the time you could mount up and escape. . I was on the busiest PVP server and found PVP to be non existment as most people learned after a few goes it was pretty dull and pointless.
And yes im probably burned out on grindy MMO's. We all reach a point where you just can't be bothered and i've reached mine. However i'll still stand to saying killing 5 basilisks in Tera is too much. I killed my fifth and thought NO MORE BAMS!!!!!
Land of AKA Godzilla with Wifey