Say you're a Guardian in pvp, you see a team mate go down, in the process of getting staked. You could Flashing Blade->Shield of Absorbtion->Weapon Swap-> Chains of Light-> Revive. If your downed team mate uses bandage or any other downed self heal, he will be up in 2 seconds.
Your ability to deny stakes is what will win you those close games.
I'm sure people had fun in the beta. I'm saying that most people would have more fun (and 25-30% of PvPers pretty much agrees with me) since the game would be faster and less predictable
... and that means 75-70% disagree with you. So uh. Yeah. Usually I would say that sheer numbers doesn't determine who is right, but if 'right' consists of 'what has the most people having fun', then apparently most people have more fun or at least equal fun doing it the Arenanet way. Go figure.
(edit: I'm not totally sure you know what the worst 'most' means. When the majority of votes disagree with you, that puts you in the minority. That's not-most. )
I don't think you are reading the poll correctly. 36.8% may like PvPing more with a downed state but they also like PvPing without - just a bit less (they are PvPers after all and have PvPed at least a few years in other games without a downed mechanic). The 19% on the other hand who voted against it; for them the downed mechanic might be gamebreaking.
... holy crap, you have no idea how to read polls. You don't give options 'Do you like apples' 'do you not like apples', then when there's a 2 to 1 split preferring apples, say 'Well, those people might like apples a little bit, while the apple dislikers? They LOATHE apples. They're probably allergic to them. They'd die if you put it in their food'.
That's not how a poll works. The poll says 'Do you prefer PvPing with or without a downed mechanic', and does not take into account the amount of dislike or like towards it. For all you know, 98% of the respondents are so close to neutral on the topic that they're just going off a random gut feeling that's partially because of the bean burrito they ate for lunch.
Don't go adding your own spin to the poll. The poll says exactly what it says, and you can't go say 'Oh, it might be gamebreaking for that 19%!'. Until you get each and every one of those people to come back and say 'Yes, I voted that way because it's gamebreaking', you're not reading the poll correctly either.
This is why MMORPG people should not be allowed to conduct polls, they always pull random made up information out of it to try and prove their point. I'm sure if it was 36.8% saying they liked PvP with downed state less, you'd be deliriously pointing out that you were totally right and this proves you have the majority opinion.
Just read the poll as it is. It's an interesting poll that gives some information about how people feel, don't degrade it by saying 'Oh, that 19%? Those people might have downed mechanic as gamebreaking!'. That just turns the whole poll into a joke. Sure, at least 1 of those people has downed mechanic as gamebreaking. You. You can't speak for anybody else though unless you have multiple layers of polls going more into depth as to how people feel specifically.
Are you implying those people who identify themselves as PvPers LOATHE PvPing without a downed mechanic (in other games and/or in GW2)?
I'm sure people had fun in the beta. I'm saying that most people would have more fun (and 25-30% of PvPers pretty much agrees with me) since the game would be faster and less predictable
... and that means 75-70% disagree with you. So uh. Yeah. Usually I would say that sheer numbers doesn't determine who is right, but if 'right' consists of 'what has the most people having fun', then apparently most people have more fun or at least equal fun doing it the Arenanet way. Go figure.
(edit: I'm not totally sure you know what the worst 'most' means. When the majority of votes disagree with you, that puts you in the minority. That's not-most. )
You got the math wrong. 55.8% disagree, 29.1% agree, 15% don't care either way.
It's different seeing it in videos and actually playing it. I liked it too before I tried it.
Nobody is talking about the downed mechanic in PvE. The problem is in PvP.
Also calling valid criticism 'crying' is a trademark fanboy move.
Right, and calling people a fanboy is trademark of a different kind of poster.
And yes, I do consider it whining / crying, when it stops being criticism, and starts being the next cashshop thread topic. Especially when the people starting these threads are saying that they've been playing the game, and yet we now all of a sudden have a half-dozen threads about the topic out of nowhere? Out of those threads do you know many are even about ways to improve the downed mechanic? zero. They are all based off of variations of 'its too hard to kill anything with the downed state! i don't like it!'. That isn't criticism. It's whining.
I've been playing the game for months now. I only mention videos because most of the posts here suggest that the posters haven't. For example, you've been repeatedly stating that it takes you 200% as long to kill someone because of the downed state. However, many of us that have been playing the game know that isn't true.
Maybe you are just overexaggerating, who knows, but it literally takes 2 seconds to finish someone. ~1 second if you have quickness. If you decide to not use the finisher for some reason, their downed state health bar is not equal to their up state one. It also decays overtime. The only skill you really need to worry about (with the exception of the necro) is the #4 skill, which has a decently long cooldown and is interrupted the second the caster takes ANY damage (this includes dots).
In sPvP the downed mechanic generally boils down into a couple frequent scenarios. Either you finish the target immediately, (you may need to finish twice if they interrupt you), or you guage leaving them downed against dealing w/ their friends. This also depends a lot on your build. For example, when I was running a condition-heavy build in sPvP, many times I could just leave a target downed with heavy conditions and they would die on their own. The tradeoff being, if they got double ressed (2 people ressing them) I didn't have much to deal w/ that, and had to rely on my teamm8s to help.
You got the math wrong. 55.8% disagree, 29.1% agree, 15% don't care either way.
I wasn't bothering to add up the numbers, BUT... if your stance is one extreme, the neutral people are not agreeing with you either.
Also, I am not saying that all people who voted with downed state LOATHE normal PvP... but you shouldn't say that about the other side, either. You simply don't know. You're making stuff up. There is no level of like or dislike inherent in your poll, it's a fairly neutral question. Your poll is actually worded pretty well, but the information you're pulling from it is poorly done.
Here's how it works, BTW. If I were to say 'People prefer downed state in PvP', then 44.1% of the people do not share my beliefs.
if I were to say 'People prefer to not have downed state in PvP', then 84.9% of the people do not share my beliefs.
Neutral people do count for something, but even if you want to drag them out of the poll, then people disliking downed mechanic are still outvoted nearly 2 to 1.
being 1/3rd of the people with an opinion has never counted as 'most' or the majority.
It is a bad mechanic, not a game breaker per say, but it is bad, as I said earlier, it is just proof that not all innovation is good. As someone else noted, the labeling of all dissent as crying is a classic fanboy move, on top of that it exposes insecurity. When you can't read criticism without feeling hostile the problem is within you, not the person you're attacking.
I would honestly much rather see a discussion of why people think the mechanic is bad (with actually decent reasons backing them up, that are factually accurate), than what we have currently.
And again, I'm not labelling criticism and 'all dissent' as crying. However, complaining about a mechanic being too difficult, without offering actual facts and logic to back this up, is not critisim. It's like if I said '3 pointers in basketball are too hard! they're a horrible idea and should be taken out'. That's not criticism, that's complaining.
So please, offer actual criticism. Saying something negative doesn't make it criticism, and it certainly doesn't make it constructive. No matter how you try and rationalize it. If you don't like the downed mechanic; how would you improve it and why? Why is it a bad mechanic? What problems does it generate, and how do you think those should be corrected?
I'm sure people had fun in the beta. I'm saying that most people would have more fun (and 25-30% of PvPers pretty much agrees with me) since the game would be faster and less predictable
... and that means 75-70% disagree with you. So uh. Yeah. Usually I would say that sheer numbers doesn't determine who is right, but if 'right' consists of 'what has the most people having fun', then apparently most people have more fun or at least equal fun doing it the Arenanet way. Go figure.
(edit: I'm not totally sure you know what the worst 'most' means. When the majority of votes disagree with you, that puts you in the minority. That's not-most. )
You got the math wrong. 55.8% disagree, 29.1% agree, 15% don't care either way.
Wait what?
51.8% PREFER the downed mechanic in pvp
23.6% PREFER it without the downed mechanic in pvp
13.2% Dont care.
11.3% just want to see the results.
This is the poll actual stats with all your options.
if you wanted the poll to make be more accurate you shouldnt have added the "show me the results" option.
Also you cant infer anything out of the options you have given in the poll other that they prefer it some way or another and thats all.
It's different seeing it in videos and actually playing it. I liked it too before I tried it.
Nobody is talking about the downed mechanic in PvE. The problem is in PvP.
Also calling valid criticism 'crying' is a trademark fanboy move.
Right, and calling people a fanboy is trademark of a different kind of poster.
And yes, I do consider it whining / crying, when it stops being criticism, and starts being the next cashshop thread topic. Especially when the people starting these threads are saying that they've been playing the game, and yet we now all of a sudden have a half-dozen threads about the topic out of nowhere? Out of those threads do you know many are even about ways to improve the downed mechanic? zero. They are all based off of variations of 'its too hard to kill anything with the downed state! i don't like it!'. That isn't criticism. It's whining.
I've been playing the game for months now. I only mention videos because most of the posts here suggest that the posters haven't. For example, you've been repeatedly stating that it takes you 200% as long to kill someone because of the downed state. However, many of us that have been playing the game know that isn't true.
Maybe you are just overexaggerating, who knows, but it literally takes 2 seconds to finish someone. ~1 second if you have quickness. If you decide to not use the finisher for some reason, their downed state health bar is not equal to their up state one. It also decays overtime. The only skill you really need to worry about (with the exception of the necro) is the #4 skill, which has a decently long cooldown and is interrupted the second the caster takes ANY damage (this includes dots).
In sPvP the downed mechanic generally boils down into a couple frequent scenarios. Either you finish the target immediately, (you may need to finish twice if they interrupt you), or you guage leaving them downed against dealing w/ their friends. This also depends a lot on your build. For example, when I was running a condition-heavy build in sPvP, many times I could just leave a target downed with heavy conditions and they would die on their own. The tradeoff being, if they got double ressed (2 people ressing them) I didn't have much to deal w/ that, and had to rely on my teamm8s to help.
Months you say? so you're closed beta tester? post a screenshot of your 80 (don't worry the NDA has been lifted) If not then you have played 6-7 days like all of us. And again you're telling me I need certain skills. The other guy told me to play with swords and stability (or 2 stabilities) and now you're telling me I need swiftness so warhorn or should i waste another utility slot? what would you suggest for main hand?
Again you are basing your opinions on having played some matches against players who are completely new to the game (as are you and me) and when people are new crazy/illogical things happen (that stop happening when retail comes and people l2p)
I'm sure people had fun in the beta. I'm saying that most people would have more fun (and 25-30% of PvPers pretty much agrees with me) since the game would be faster and less predictable
... and that means 75-70% disagree with you. So uh. Yeah. Usually I would say that sheer numbers doesn't determine who is right, but if 'right' consists of 'what has the most people having fun', then apparently most people have more fun or at least equal fun doing it the Arenanet way. Go figure.
(edit: I'm not totally sure you know what the worst 'most' means. When the majority of votes disagree with you, that puts you in the minority. That's not-most. )
You got the math wrong. 55.8% disagree, 29.1% agree, 15% don't care either way.
Wait what?
51.8% PREFER the downed mechanic in pvp
23.6% PREFER it without the downed mechanic in pvp
13.2% Dont care.
11.3% just want to see the results.
This is the poll actual stats with all your options.
if you wanted the poll to make be more accurate you shouldnt have added the "show me the results" option.
Also you cant infer anything out of the options you have given in the poll other that they prefer it some way or another and thats all.
I counted only the PvPers and didn't count the other options.
also removing "show me the results" would make it a lot less accurate.
I'm sure people had fun in the beta. I'm saying that most people would have more fun (and 25-30% of PvPers pretty much agrees with me) since the game would be faster and less predictable
... and that means 75-70% disagree with you. So uh. Yeah. Usually I would say that sheer numbers doesn't determine who is right, but if 'right' consists of 'what has the most people having fun', then apparently most people have more fun or at least equal fun doing it the Arenanet way. Go figure.
(edit: I'm not totally sure you know what the worst 'most' means. When the majority of votes disagree with you, that puts you in the minority. That's not-most. )
You got the math wrong. 55.8% disagree, 29.1% agree, 15% don't care either way.
Wait what?
51.8% PREFER the downed mechanic in pvp
23.6% PREFER it without the downed mechanic in pvp
13.2% Dont care.
11.3% just want to see the results.
This is the poll actual stats with all your options.
if you wanted the poll to make be more accurate you shouldnt have added the "show me the results" option.
Also you cant infer anything out of the options you have given in the poll other that they prefer it some way or another and thats all.
I counted only the PvPers and didn't count the other options.
also removing "show me the results" would make it a lot less accurate.
Even then it makes no difference, your opinion is not the majority, you are being outnumbered 2 to 1 with pvpers
Months you say? so you're closed beta tester? post a screenshot of your 80 (don't worry the NDA has been lifted) If not then you have played 6-7 days like all of us. And again you're telling me I need certain skills. The other guy told me to play with swords and stability (or 2 stabilities) and now you're telling me I need swiftness so warhorn or should i waste another utility slot? what would you suggest for main hand?
Again you are basing your opinions on having played some matches against players who are completely new to the game (as are you and me) and when people are new crazy/illogical things happen (that stop happening when retail comes and people l2p)
You realize there's been 3 'monthly' beta tests + an intial stress test before each one, right?
I also don't have a time machine to go back and magically take screenshots, nor did I have any reason to take screens during the betas. So please, cut that crap out.
And I don't see where I told you to use specific skills, at all. I merely mentioned some of the things you can do with certain skill setups, because, this IS a skill-based game. You don't have to play with any specific skills. But you can't blame the game for not being prepared for a certain situation. A lack of preparation isn't the game's fault, it's yours.
I also said nothing about swiftness. I said quickness (you know, the skill that makes you attack faster). The finishing mechanic is effected by that, and you can use that to quickly finish off an opponent if you're having a tough time. Swiftness just makes you run faster.
I'm also really getting tired of this assumption that 'this only works against noobs!'. I'm sorry, but no. I'm not claiming to be an amazing PvPer, because I spent more of my time in WvW, honestly. However, I did do my fair share of sPvP throughout the betas. I played a few tournaments, and I've played with and against some pretty skilled players. It's also obvious, if you played any tournaments in sPvP, that many of these people are not noobs anymore. They may not be experts, but they definitely know what they are doing. I took a lot of tips from some of these people. I watched some of their videos as well, and more importantly I learned from them.
I see a lot of people on these forums that seem more quick to assume that they have the PvP skills down, and it's the game's fault when they can't do something. However, there is quite a big skill curve to this game (and the downed mechanics are part of that). I'd highly suggest at the very least watching some of the higher-end PvP vids to at least get an understanding of how this plays out. There are dozens of videos that explain high-end PvP, many of which you can also hear the decisions being made over teamspeak during the match. sPvP is team-oriented in this game, so you've gotta think about it in such a mindset. In 1v1s the downed mechanic rarely prevents you from finishing a kill, unless it's a ridiculously close fight. Any other odds, and you're already talking about additional layers of complexity.
I would honestly much rather see a discussion of why people think the mechanic is bad (with actually decent reasons backing them up, that are factually accurate), than what we have currently.
And again, I'm not labelling criticism and 'all dissent' as crying. However, complaining about a mechanic being too difficult, without offering actual facts and logic to back this up, is not critisim. It's like if I said '3 pointers in basketball are too hard! they're a horrible idea and should be taken out'. That's not criticism, that's complaining.
So please, offer actual criticism. Saying something negative doesn't make it criticism, and it certainly doesn't make it constructive. No matter how you try and rationalize it. If you don't like the downed mechanic; how would you improve it and why? Why is it a bad mechanic? What problems does it generate, and how do you think those should be corrected?
The reasons presented in this thread seem pretty decent to me.
IMHO, I find it hard to find a reason why it should stay in the game. I can see it being a good mechanic for PvE purposes, but for PvP it seems to hurt " good play " by players.
Downed mechanic in sPvP doesn't really matter, since you always get Finished most of the time, and besides, you can respawn faster instead of waiting to get back up.
In WvW, it's more strategic though, since you have to run back from a waypoint.
You realize there's been 3 'monthly' beta tests + an intial stress test before each one, right?
I also don't have a time machine to go back and magically take screenshots, nor did I have any reason to take screens during the betas. So please, cut that crap out.
I stopped reading right there. There is <1% chance you're telling the truth.
Lmfao, you're serious?
You really don't know that this past weekend was the 3rd beta weekend event? Or you just honestly think a beta tester would be dumb enough to post a screenshot with their personal email watermarked all over it?
The reasons presented in this thread seem pretty decent to me.
IMHO, I find it hard to find a reason why it should stay in the game. I can see it being a good mechanic for PvE purposes, but for PvP it seems to hurt " good play " by players.
Any reasons in particular? The only ones I see cropping up are that it takes too long to kill something, which I can't really agree with.
I'd honestly understand it a lot more coming from a PvE perspective, tbh. If only because there isn't currently a feature to automatically kill yourself. So if you are either trying to die; or are stuck in a situation where you can't possibly get back up, but it's taking forever, that can get kinda annoying at times. For that I wouldn't be opposed to a 5th skill that acts as a suicide option.
I wish it wasn't there. Its f'ing annoying. I wish they had a button that killed yourself so I could just get back into it. I've never gotten up in pvp, not once, so whats the point, at least waiting in the starting box for some small penalizing time, I can usually scope out the map, buff up, change up tactics, but in GW2 instead I'm relegated to smashing my button like I'm playing mike tysons punch out(ol timers reference)
I think the downed mechanic would rock in pve( I hate respawing), but in pvp, its just annoying, I'd rather spend that time in a penalty box. Just my 2 cents. not saying my way's the right way, just how I feel. Other than that, games fun as hell.
EDIT-I don't know about w v w, they didn't have it available in the beta I played. It might be great there. But in battlegrounds, its downright just a frustration builder.
You realize there's been 3 'monthly' beta tests + an intial stress test before each one, right?
I also don't have a time machine to go back and magically take screenshots, nor did I have any reason to take screens during the betas. So please, cut that crap out.
I stopped reading right there. There is <1% chance you're telling the truth.
Well, i think your own poll has proven you wrong, the results clearly show your a minorityy, so its safe to end this topic here and now.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)
Say you're a Guardian in pvp, you see a team mate go down, in the process of getting staked. You could Flashing Blade->Shield of Absorbtion->Weapon Swap-> Chains of Light-> Revive. If your downed team mate uses bandage or any other downed self heal, he will be up in 2 seconds.
Your ability to deny stakes is what will win you those close games.
... and that means 75-70% disagree with you. So uh. Yeah. Usually I would say that sheer numbers doesn't determine who is right, but if 'right' consists of 'what has the most people having fun', then apparently most people have more fun or at least equal fun doing it the Arenanet way. Go figure.
(edit: I'm not totally sure you know what the worst 'most' means. When the majority of votes disagree with you, that puts you in the minority. That's not-most. )
Are you implying those people who identify themselves as PvPers LOATHE PvPing without a downed mechanic (in other games and/or in GW2)?
my review of GW2
You got the math wrong. 55.8% disagree, 29.1% agree, 15% don't care either way.
my review of GW2
Right, and calling people a fanboy is trademark of a different kind of poster.
And yes, I do consider it whining / crying, when it stops being criticism, and starts being the next cashshop thread topic. Especially when the people starting these threads are saying that they've been playing the game, and yet we now all of a sudden have a half-dozen threads about the topic out of nowhere? Out of those threads do you know many are even about ways to improve the downed mechanic? zero. They are all based off of variations of 'its too hard to kill anything with the downed state! i don't like it!'. That isn't criticism. It's whining.
I've been playing the game for months now. I only mention videos because most of the posts here suggest that the posters haven't. For example, you've been repeatedly stating that it takes you 200% as long to kill someone because of the downed state. However, many of us that have been playing the game know that isn't true.
Maybe you are just overexaggerating, who knows, but it literally takes 2 seconds to finish someone. ~1 second if you have quickness. If you decide to not use the finisher for some reason, their downed state health bar is not equal to their up state one. It also decays overtime. The only skill you really need to worry about (with the exception of the necro) is the #4 skill, which has a decently long cooldown and is interrupted the second the caster takes ANY damage (this includes dots).
In sPvP the downed mechanic generally boils down into a couple frequent scenarios. Either you finish the target immediately, (you may need to finish twice if they interrupt you), or you guage leaving them downed against dealing w/ their friends. This also depends a lot on your build. For example, when I was running a condition-heavy build in sPvP, many times I could just leave a target downed with heavy conditions and they would die on their own. The tradeoff being, if they got double ressed (2 people ressing them) I didn't have much to deal w/ that, and had to rely on my teamm8s to help.
I wasn't bothering to add up the numbers, BUT... if your stance is one extreme, the neutral people are not agreeing with you either.
Also, I am not saying that all people who voted with downed state LOATHE normal PvP... but you shouldn't say that about the other side, either. You simply don't know. You're making stuff up. There is no level of like or dislike inherent in your poll, it's a fairly neutral question. Your poll is actually worded pretty well, but the information you're pulling from it is poorly done.
Here's how it works, BTW. If I were to say 'People prefer downed state in PvP', then 44.1% of the people do not share my beliefs.
if I were to say 'People prefer to not have downed state in PvP', then 84.9% of the people do not share my beliefs.
Neutral people do count for something, but even if you want to drag them out of the poll, then people disliking downed mechanic are still outvoted nearly 2 to 1.
being 1/3rd of the people with an opinion has never counted as 'most' or the majority.
I would honestly much rather see a discussion of why people think the mechanic is bad (with actually decent reasons backing them up, that are factually accurate), than what we have currently.
And again, I'm not labelling criticism and 'all dissent' as crying. However, complaining about a mechanic being too difficult, without offering actual facts and logic to back this up, is not critisim. It's like if I said '3 pointers in basketball are too hard! they're a horrible idea and should be taken out'. That's not criticism, that's complaining.
So please, offer actual criticism. Saying something negative doesn't make it criticism, and it certainly doesn't make it constructive. No matter how you try and rationalize it. If you don't like the downed mechanic; how would you improve it and why? Why is it a bad mechanic? What problems does it generate, and how do you think those should be corrected?
Wait what?
51.8% PREFER the downed mechanic in pvp
23.6% PREFER it without the downed mechanic in pvp
13.2% Dont care.
11.3% just want to see the results.
This is the poll actual stats with all your options.
if you wanted the poll to make be more accurate you shouldnt have added the "show me the results" option.
Also you cant infer anything out of the options you have given in the poll other that they prefer it some way or another and thats all.
Months you say? so you're closed beta tester? post a screenshot of your 80 (don't worry the NDA has been lifted) If not then you have played 6-7 days like all of us. And again you're telling me I need certain skills. The other guy told me to play with swords and stability (or 2 stabilities) and now you're telling me I need swiftness so warhorn or should i waste another utility slot? what would you suggest for main hand?
Again you are basing your opinions on having played some matches against players who are completely new to the game (as are you and me) and when people are new crazy/illogical things happen (that stop happening when retail comes and people l2p)
my review of GW2
I counted only the PvPers and didn't count the other options.
also removing "show me the results" would make it a lot less accurate.
my review of GW2
Those were not the results from isolating the "pvp-ers" either.
I used google and they add up to 99.9% so yes they are. welcome btw
my review of GW2
Even then it makes no difference, your opinion is not the majority, you are being outnumbered 2 to 1 with pvpers
You realize there's been 3 'monthly' beta tests + an intial stress test before each one, right?
I also don't have a time machine to go back and magically take screenshots, nor did I have any reason to take screens during the betas. So please, cut that crap out.
And I don't see where I told you to use specific skills, at all. I merely mentioned some of the things you can do with certain skill setups, because, this IS a skill-based game. You don't have to play with any specific skills. But you can't blame the game for not being prepared for a certain situation. A lack of preparation isn't the game's fault, it's yours.
I also said nothing about swiftness. I said quickness (you know, the skill that makes you attack faster). The finishing mechanic is effected by that, and you can use that to quickly finish off an opponent if you're having a tough time. Swiftness just makes you run faster.
I'm also really getting tired of this assumption that 'this only works against noobs!'. I'm sorry, but no. I'm not claiming to be an amazing PvPer, because I spent more of my time in WvW, honestly. However, I did do my fair share of sPvP throughout the betas. I played a few tournaments, and I've played with and against some pretty skilled players. It's also obvious, if you played any tournaments in sPvP, that many of these people are not noobs anymore. They may not be experts, but they definitely know what they are doing. I took a lot of tips from some of these people. I watched some of their videos as well, and more importantly I learned from them.
I see a lot of people on these forums that seem more quick to assume that they have the PvP skills down, and it's the game's fault when they can't do something. However, there is quite a big skill curve to this game (and the downed mechanics are part of that). I'd highly suggest at the very least watching some of the higher-end PvP vids to at least get an understanding of how this plays out. There are dozens of videos that explain high-end PvP, many of which you can also hear the decisions being made over teamspeak during the match. sPvP is team-oriented in this game, so you've gotta think about it in such a mindset. In 1v1s the downed mechanic rarely prevents you from finishing a kill, unless it's a ridiculously close fight. Any other odds, and you're already talking about additional layers of complexity.
The reasons presented in this thread seem pretty decent to me.
IMHO, I find it hard to find a reason why it should stay in the game. I can see it being a good mechanic for PvE purposes, but for PvP it seems to hurt " good play " by players.
Downed mechanic in sPvP doesn't really matter, since you always get Finished most of the time, and besides, you can respawn faster instead of waiting to get back up.
In WvW, it's more strategic though, since you have to run back from a waypoint.
Lmfao, you're serious?
You really don't know that this past weekend was the 3rd beta weekend event? Or you just honestly think a beta tester would be dumb enough to post a screenshot with their personal email watermarked all over it?
Any reasons in particular? The only ones I see cropping up are that it takes too long to kill something, which I can't really agree with.
I'd honestly understand it a lot more coming from a PvE perspective, tbh. If only because there isn't currently a feature to automatically kill yourself. So if you are either trying to die; or are stuck in a situation where you can't possibly get back up, but it's taking forever, that can get kinda annoying at times. For that I wouldn't be opposed to a 5th skill that acts as a suicide option.
I wish it wasn't there. Its f'ing annoying. I wish they had a button that killed yourself so I could just get back into it. I've never gotten up in pvp, not once, so whats the point, at least waiting in the starting box for some small penalizing time, I can usually scope out the map, buff up, change up tactics, but in GW2 instead I'm relegated to smashing my button like I'm playing mike tysons punch out(ol timers reference)
I think the downed mechanic would rock in pve( I hate respawing), but in pvp, its just annoying, I'd rather spend that time in a penalty box. Just my 2 cents. not saying my way's the right way, just how I feel. Other than that, games fun as hell.
EDIT-I don't know about w v w, they didn't have it available in the beta I played. It might be great there. But in battlegrounds, its downright just a frustration builder.
Well, i think your own poll has proven you wrong, the results clearly show your a minorityy, so its safe to end this topic here and now.
Best MMO experiences : EQ(PvE), DAoC(PvP), WoW(total package) LOTRO (worldfeel) GW2 (Artstyle and animations and worlddesign) SWTOR (Story immersion) TSW (story) ESO (character advancement)