Games with a trinity system are all about resource and cooldown management, so it's more like a series of math problems and require less hand eye coordination. It takes more research and calculation than training your muscle memory.
Obviously healing and tanking ARE fun or else mmos won't be as popular as it is, but recently many gamers just want things to be more "realistic" and feel less like "working", if you know what I mean. Like it or not, the hardcore crowd is indeed diminishing.
On a side note, I never understood why people play healers... I mean most of the time you're just watch icons of players! But I guess I'm pretty weird myself too. I was a tank in EQ and WoW, and I just like to watch my health bar going up and down like heart heats. It's so cool in a freakish way XD
il just leave this little link here for ya. They are not all MMORPG's but alot of em are its the NEw thing. or was the new thing its being overdone right now asswell.
id kinda like my rebooted EQ1 we do not have that yet.
How many of those are full featured Triple-A MMO's? How many of those al feature the other aspects we as gamers love? I can ensure you thing right now, none of those games on that list offer me a sandbox world with my preferred combat style. On top of this for every game on that list that features action or quasi-action combat there are probably two-dozen Tab Target MMO's. So in actuality your link does nothing but bolster our need for another Action based MMO.
Random Forum Poster: I want an MMO that is different, original and fun.
Me: So you want something like EQN
Them: Nah dude, I want a Holy Trinity, Tab Target combat, Instanced Raiding, and Rigid classes.
Because playing a Trinity in a group require concentration, awareness and thinking.
People who look for a challenge love all of that.
Not every player look for a challenge when they play games though.............some just want to WIN (Easy and fast if possible)
Awareness? HA. Maybe to an extent but as soon as you know the boss strategy then its not about awareness but timing. For example in 30 secs the center becomes engulfed in fire, so you have to move the boss to the right. Then back to the center in another 30 seconds.
See I can tell you never played EQ.
You are describing a tipical WoW encounter.
In Everquest, trash mobs would wipe entire groups (or Raids), you could not steam roll them like in WoW and whatever MMO came after.
In order to get to the final Boss, you had to manage thrash mobs through carefully pulling, kiting, and CCing, together with a prompt Tank (and therefore healing) intervention if anything else failed.
It was a real Teamwork where everyone had to be aware of what was going on around them and react quickly to other players mistake or risking a painful wipe (with corpse run included, which wasn't fun).
Ummm sans the corpse run and loss of experience - WoW Vanilla was exactly like that. But I'll throw Aion in there too. Cause it had everything you've described as well. This type of gaming was not exclusive to just EQ and Vanguard.
Originally posted by spookydom Not against it and never will be. However I do feel it has been done to death, I like the way dev's are beginning to look at new ways for teams to play together in mmo's. If any genre of games needs a little innovation I feel it's the mmorpg. I support new ideas, if they don't work there is a solid foundation to go back to after all.
True.. the typical trinity which anymore is AOE taunt, Heals and AOE dps is boring as hell.. The trinity needs to be expanded so that other roles such as debuffing, CC and kiting are in play..
You described Everquest.................that's why EQ was so memorable and that's why it needs to be rebooted, because it's the only MMO (with Vanguard) who has this kind of Group Layout.
And that's what SoE doesn't get.
wrong, its hardly the only mmo that has that kind of group layout. WoW has it too. it was used more back in vanilla WoW up to burning crusade, after that though cc just stopped being used all together because they made dungeons/encounters so damn easy. back in Burning crusade groups HAD to sap and use cc to get through heroic dungeons and even starter groups doing their first dungeon runs while leveling had to use cc or just be extra careful but now its just a zerg mentality.
The layout is still there, its just the encounters are pathetically easy now where its not necessary to use except in some raid fights.
I agree , and I bet Ste agrees too.. WoW had a good trinity system BACK in the day.. For me the best fight as a group was in Kara in the banquet room with Moroes and his gang..... Talk about intense co-operaton in a raid
You described Everquest.................that's why EQ was so memorable and that's why it needs to be rebooted, because it's the only MMO (with Vanguard) who has this kind of Group Layout.
And that's what SoE doesn't get.
wrong, its hardly the only mmo that has that kind of group layout. WoW has it too. it was used more back in vanilla WoW up to burning crusade, after that though cc just stopped being used all together because they made dungeons/encounters so damn easy.
You are correct, I forgot about it because I mainly played when it wasn't there anymore.
My points stands regardless, since WoW is the biggest MMO success in history and still uses the Trinity even if now it's a watered down Trinity (which is less fun than the original).
Because playing a Trinity in a group require concentration, awareness and thinking.
People who look for a challenge love all of that.
Not every player look for a challenge when they play games though.............some just want to WIN (Easy and fast if possible)
Awareness? HA. Maybe to an extent but as soon as you know the boss strategy then its not about awareness but timing. For example in 30 secs the center becomes engulfed in fire, so you have to move the boss to the right. Then back to the center in another 30 seconds.
See I can tell you never played EQ.
You are describing a tipical WoW encounter.
In Everquest, trash mobs would wipe entire groups (or Raids), you could not steam roll them like in WoW and whatever MMO came after.
In order to get to the final Boss, you had to manage thrash mobs through carefully pulling, kiting, and CCing, together with a prompt Tank (and therefore healing) intervention if anything else failed.
It was a real Teamwork where everyone had to be aware of what was going on around them and react quickly to other players mistake or risking a painful wipe (with corpse run included, which wasn't fun).
Yes I never played EQ as I was Seven when it came out. It seems like you are wishing for EQ1 2.0 which is delusional. If they wanted EQ1 2.0 they would just upgrade EQ1 graphics engine. You vets are not getting EQ1 2.0 so stop calling the game bad (never said you did, generalizing) because it wont be EQ1 2.0. This is Everquest Next. They never said it would be EQ1 2.0 They said it would be familiar yet different. The world Of Norrath is familiar, the races, ect ect. But the game mechanics dont have to mimic EQ1.
Playing: FFXIV, DnL, and World of Warships Waiting on: Ashes of Creation
Because playing a Trinity in a group require concentration, awareness and thinking.
People who look for a challenge love all of that.
Not every player look for a challenge when they play games though.............some just want to WIN (Easy and fast if possible)
Awareness? HA. Maybe to an extent but as soon as you know the boss strategy then its not about awareness but timing. For example in 30 secs the center becomes engulfed in fire, so you have to move the boss to the right. Then back to the center in another 30 seconds. If you memorize this then its no longer thinking but following a scripted schedule. Ive tanked in Wow and Rift and paid little to no attention. Whose to say this smart AI wont try to flank the group or ambush it? All we can do is speculate. We have no idea how combat works, but that doesnt stop people from spouting "ZERGING GW2 CLONE LOLOL"
Well then that's an argument for more varied and dynamic boss mechanics, not the obsolescence of an entire playstyle.
Many people enjoy playing a certain way, fulfilling a certain role. There are various types of tanks that I've seen over the years, and all have been situational. A Ninja tank in FFXI played entirely differently than a Paladin Tank.. and both were extremely situational, for one example. Healing can be handled in different ways as well. And for DPS, there's tons of options there.
There have also been MMOs with classes that were more for support. For example, in Lineage 2, I played a Bladedancer/Spectral Dancer.. which I loved. I could DPS, but it's not really where I shined. Where I really felt the most fulfilled (and the most helpful) was in using my class's Dances (in combination with another classes 'Songs') to buff the group so the dedicated DDs could do their job even better.
Any time I've played a game where there was no focus on specific roles, I've found it incredibly boring and, yes, it did become a zerg. It was a zerg of everyone using the same build, no one fulfilling any role and just spam-DPS'ing the enemies down. That gets boring as hell for me. It was a mindless mob spamming their same rotation over and over.
I've seen people say "well if you want to play a more specific playstyle in a non-Trinity MMO, then you can do that". Problem is, that's an over-simplistic and very short-sighted answer.
In order for someone being a "dedicated tank" to matter, there has to be some kind of team coordination. If everyone's just spam DPS'ing, and hate is all over the place, the dedicated Tank's presence is completely superfluous. Same with a Healer. If everyone can just heal themselves, then there's little room for someone who enjoys playing specifically that role... and so on.
Try joining a group where everyone's "everything at the same time", except you. Ask those people to please keep their DPS under control so you can hold hate and Tank the encounter - because that's how you want to play - and see how that works out. You'll probably be laughed and mocked out of the party, if not outright kicked.
"So just find a group who wants to play the same as you!" I can already hear some saying. Again... easier said than done. People, in general, tend to like following the path of least resistance (or what they perceive as such anyway), and they often want to feel like they "fit in". So, they're most often going to do "what everyone else is doing", even if it means surrendering to a playstyle they don't enjoy. It doesn't help when poeple - often seeking validation for their own choice of playstyle - are telling others how they should be playing.
The problem with this topic, as is the case with so many others, is that people throw out these arguments and examples without thinking them through. People tend to over-simplify much more complex situations, focusing on a single facet, and attempting to sum them up in some witty-sounding one-sentence response.
I agree , and I bet Ste agrees too.. WoW had a good trinity system BACK in the day.. For me the best fight as a group was in Kara in the banquet room with Moroes and his gang..... Talk about intense co-operaton in a raid
Yes I do Agree, WoW vanilla was almost as good as Everquest.
Games with a trinity system are all about resource and cooldown management, so it's more like a series of math problems and require less hand eye coordination. It takes more research and calculation than training your muscle memory.
Obviously healing and tanking ARE fun or else mmos won't be as popular as it is, but recently many gamers just want things to be more "realistic" and feel less like "working", if you know what I mean. Like it or not, the hardcore crowd is indeed diminishing.
On a side note, I never understood why people play healers... I mean most of the time you're just watch icons of players! But I guess I'm pretty weird myself too. I was a tank in EQ and WoW, and I just like to watch my health bar going up and down like heart heats. It's so cool in a freakish way XD
Healing and tanking are not fun, else you'd never see an the dreaded "LF tank" or "LF healer" Spam that plague this genre. And speaking of this genre, for every dollar an MMO makes another genre makes 100 fold. In the MMO genre, selling a 1 million boxes is an accomplishment and a milestone. In another gaming genre it would bankrupt a company. If EA only sold 1 million Madden 20xx football games, EA would shutter the franchise.
Random Forum Poster: I want an MMO that is different, original and fun.
Me: So you want something like EQN
Them: Nah dude, I want a Holy Trinity, Tab Target combat, Instanced Raiding, and Rigid classes.
il just leave this little link here for ya. They are not all MMORPG's but alot of em are its the NEw thing. or was the new thing its being overdone right now asswell.
id kinda like my rebooted EQ1 we do not have that yet.
How many of those are full featured Triple-A MMO's? How many of those al feature the other aspects we as gamers love? I can ensure you thing right now, none of those games on that list offer me a sandbox world with my preferred combat style. On top of this for every game on that list that features action or quasi-action combat there are probably two-dozen Tab Target MMO's. So in actuality your link does nothing but bolster our need for another Action based MMO.
il just leave this little link here for ya. They are not all MMORPG's but alot of em are its the NEw thing. or was the new thing its being overdone right now asswell.
id kinda like my rebooted EQ1 we do not have that yet.
How many of those are full featured Triple-A MMO's? How many of those al feature the other aspects we as gamers love? I can ensure you thing right now, none of those games on that list offer me a sandbox world with my preferred combat style. On top of this for every game on that list that features action or quasi-action combat there are probably two-dozen Tab Target MMO's. So in actuality your link does nothing but bolster our need for another Action based MMO.
Rofl your just changing the subject now into what works for you. Things like TERA and GW2 arnt triple A enough?
You are correct you do not have a triple A action based MMO wich is a sandbox.
But the same goes for us at the other side of the fence. We do not have a triple MMO wich upholds the core principles mmo's started out with. you guys keep pointing at EQ1 but that game is 15y old after 15y of eating chicken youd like a steak at some point. Also The game has changed alot since its beginning it is now nowhere near what everyone here is describing.
All for mob collision and holding the line for a real tank. The bigger the tank is and with shield, you'll be blocking more space, and the mobs will want to kill you to get through and to the ranged classes. You have two or three tanks with shields, maybe more, you can form a line of shields commonly observed in Roman tactics. This way, you can completely block a small passageway like an alley, a cave tunnel, or most dungeon corridors. Even with a single tank and large shield, you'll be able to block passageway advancement in most cases. If you're in a huge open room, the CC comes into action more.
All for CC abilities. Fire walls, enemies won't want to go through unless they risk is worth it. Ice spells to contain and slow movement. Vines. Traps. A flock of birds/bugs. Blindness. All of that goodness. Even pets.
Healing and tanking are not fun, else you'd never see an the dreaded "LF tank" or "LF healer" Spam that plague this genre. And speaking of this genre, for every dollar an MMO makes another genre makes 100 fold. In the MMO genre, selling a 1 million boxes is an accomplishment and a milestone. In another gaming genre it would bankrupt a company. If EA only sold 1 million Madden 20xx football games, EA would shutter the franchise.
No, Healing and Tanking are not fun FOR YOU. But for people like me, Healing, and even Tanking are fun.
Originally posted by DSWBeef IMO the trinity is boring and done to death. I do believe with smarter AI and better combat mechanics Trinity will become obsolete. If there has to be a Healer, tank, and DPS then have more roles: CC, Buffs, Debuff, ect ect.
Smarter AI leads to this: Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination. Kyle Reese
Games with a trinity system are all about resource and cooldown management, so it's more like a series of math problems and require less hand eye coordination. It takes more research and calculation than training your muscle memory.
Obviously healing and tanking ARE fun or else mmos won't be as popular as it is, but recently many gamers just want things to be more "realistic" and feel less like "working", if you know what I mean. Like it or not, the hardcore crowd is indeed diminishing.
On a side note, I never understood why people play healers... I mean most of the time you're just watch icons of players! But I guess I'm pretty weird myself too. I was a tank in EQ and WoW, and I just like to watch my health bar going up and down like heart heats. It's so cool in a freakish way XD
Healing and tanking are not fun, else you'd never see an the dreaded "LF tank" or "LF healer" Spam that plague this genre. And speaking of this genre, for every dollar an MMO makes another genre makes 100 fold. In the MMO genre, selling a 1 million boxes is an accomplishment and a milestone. In another gaming genre it would bankrupt a company. If EA only sold 1 million Madden 20xx football games, EA would shutter the franchise.
you realize you're talking completely out of your ass right? or do you not understand that mmo's are often box purchases ON TOP OF subscription or cash shop payments. mmo's don't just make their $$ solely from box purchases like console games do.
It depends what kind of trinity we're talking about.
Tank - healer - dps : I find this boring.
Tank - healer - damage - cc - support : I find this fantastic.
And then some.. I always found it exhilarating when we had a tough mob to take down and someone yells "ADD"..... shit shit.. Someone park that ADD, or off tank him, or do something.. ha ha ha.. Talk about button mashing.. LOL
I'm not against it, I actually prefer it. Regardless, I can adapt and still have fun with other games like GW2 that didn't have it. I'm not so fanatical about everything like so many in these forums are.
Yes I never played EQ as I was Seven when it came out. It seems like you are wishing for EQ1 2.0 which is delusional. If they wanted EQ1 2.0 they would just upgrade EQ1 graphics engine. You vets are not getting EQ1 2.0 so stop calling the game bad (never said you did, generalizing) because it wont be EQ1 2.0. This is Everquest Next. They never said it would be EQ1 2.0 They said it would be familiar yet different. The world Of Norrath is familiar, the races, ect ect. But the game mechanics dont have to mimic EQ1.
No you don't get it
We don't want EQ 2.0, there is already an EQ 2.0 with better graphics, that's Vanguard.
That's not what we want, we moved on as well.
We want an evolution of Everquest.
Keep the core features of what made Everquest great, add some Sandbox features, a more accessable UI blended together with modern technology (and better graphics).
What we ask is something like: EQNext + the original Everquest Trinity (Tank, Heal, DPS, CC, Puller) + Dungeon Crawling and Raids (optional, not as the main content like in the old EQ)
It depends what kind of trinity we're talking about.
Tank - healer - dps : I find this boring.
Tank - healer - damage - cc - support : I find this fantastic.
And then some.. I always found it exhilarating when we had a tough mob to take down and someone yells "ADD"..... shit shit.. Someone park that ADD, or off tank him, or do something.. ha ha ha.. Talk about button mashing.. LOL
a Typical day in Vox´s Keep freaking ice goblins and Snow Giants everywhere. Man i miss that, It wasnt just static tanking a mob it was looking into every corner while doing it for that possible add wich might patrol nearby.
It depends what kind of trinity we're talking about.
Tank - healer - dps : I find this boring.
Tank - healer - damage - cc - support : I find this fantastic.
again, pretty much any game with a trinity already has this. you guys are asking for the wrong things. the tools are there, the reasons to use said tools are whats lacking.
As my example of how WoW already has tank - healer - damage - cc - support roles, the problem is not having those roles, the problem is the encounters not needing them. In Vanilla WoW/BC you needed to use those cc/support roles to survive. Now, you do not. That is the problem with current gen games. It is not a fault of the trinity system. It is a fault of the devs dumbing down our games.
Even if you switch to action combat, nothing will change. Devs will still be dumbing down our games. Until devs stop making things easier and easier for the growing casual 5-minute a week crowd, no matter what mechanics they put into our games, its gonna be a mindless play regardless.
It depends what kind of trinity we're talking about.
Tank - healer - dps : I find this boring.
Tank - healer - damage - cc - support : I find this fantastic.
And then some.. I always found it exhilarating when we had a tough mob to take down and someone yells "ADD"..... shit shit.. Someone park that ADD, or off tank him, or do something.. ha ha ha.. Talk about button mashing.. LOL
a Typical day in Vox´s Keep freaking ice goblins and Snow Giants everywhere. Man i miss that, It wasnt just static tanking a mob it was looking into every corner while doing it for that possible add wich might patrol nearby.
Indeed.. Every be up in the Hand Room in KC, and you invite a new person, and on their way, their invis drops and he tells the group, "I'm almost there, with friends"...... Ha Ha Ha.. Where is that damn enchanter? lol
Games with a trinity system are all about resource and cooldown management, so it's more like a series of math problems and require less hand eye coordination. It takes more research and calculation than training your muscle memory.
Obviously healing and tanking ARE fun or else mmos won't be as popular as it is, but recently many gamers just want things to be more "realistic" and feel less like "working", if you know what I mean. Like it or not, the hardcore crowd is indeed diminishing.
On a side note, I never understood why people play healers... I mean most of the time you're just watch icons of players! But I guess I'm pretty weird myself too. I was a tank in EQ and WoW, and I just like to watch my health bar going up and down like heart heats. It's so cool in a freakish way XD
How many of those are full featured Triple-A MMO's? How many of those al feature the other aspects we as gamers love? I can ensure you thing right now, none of those games on that list offer me a sandbox world with my preferred combat style. On top of this for every game on that list that features action or quasi-action combat there are probably two-dozen Tab Target MMO's. So in actuality your link does nothing but bolster our need for another Action based MMO.
Random Forum Poster: I want an MMO that is different, original and fun.
Me: So you want something like EQN
Them: Nah dude, I want a Holy Trinity, Tab Target combat, Instanced Raiding, and Rigid classes.
Me: Double Facepalm.
Ummm sans the corpse run and loss of experience - WoW Vanilla was exactly like that. But I'll throw Aion in there too. Cause it had everything you've described as well. This type of gaming was not exclusive to just EQ and Vanguard.
I agree , and I bet Ste agrees too.. WoW had a good trinity system BACK in the day.. For me the best fight as a group was in Kara in the banquet room with Moroes and his gang..... Talk about intense co-operaton in a raid
You are correct, I forgot about it because I mainly played when it wasn't there anymore.
My points stands regardless, since WoW is the biggest MMO success in history and still uses the Trinity even if now it's a watered down Trinity (which is less fun than the original).
Yes I never played EQ as I was Seven when it came out. It seems like you are wishing for EQ1 2.0 which is delusional. If they wanted EQ1 2.0 they would just upgrade EQ1 graphics engine. You vets are not getting EQ1 2.0 so stop calling the game bad (never said you did, generalizing) because it wont be EQ1 2.0. This is Everquest Next. They never said it would be EQ1 2.0 They said it would be familiar yet different. The world Of Norrath is familiar, the races, ect ect. But the game mechanics dont have to mimic EQ1.
Playing: FFXIV, DnL, and World of Warships
Waiting on: Ashes of Creation
Well then that's an argument for more varied and dynamic boss mechanics, not the obsolescence of an entire playstyle.
Many people enjoy playing a certain way, fulfilling a certain role. There are various types of tanks that I've seen over the years, and all have been situational. A Ninja tank in FFXI played entirely differently than a Paladin Tank.. and both were extremely situational, for one example. Healing can be handled in different ways as well. And for DPS, there's tons of options there.
There have also been MMOs with classes that were more for support. For example, in Lineage 2, I played a Bladedancer/Spectral Dancer.. which I loved. I could DPS, but it's not really where I shined. Where I really felt the most fulfilled (and the most helpful) was in using my class's Dances (in combination with another classes 'Songs') to buff the group so the dedicated DDs could do their job even better.
Any time I've played a game where there was no focus on specific roles, I've found it incredibly boring and, yes, it did become a zerg. It was a zerg of everyone using the same build, no one fulfilling any role and just spam-DPS'ing the enemies down. That gets boring as hell for me. It was a mindless mob spamming their same rotation over and over.
I've seen people say "well if you want to play a more specific playstyle in a non-Trinity MMO, then you can do that". Problem is, that's an over-simplistic and very short-sighted answer.
In order for someone being a "dedicated tank" to matter, there has to be some kind of team coordination. If everyone's just spam DPS'ing, and hate is all over the place, the dedicated Tank's presence is completely superfluous. Same with a Healer. If everyone can just heal themselves, then there's little room for someone who enjoys playing specifically that role... and so on.
Try joining a group where everyone's "everything at the same time", except you. Ask those people to please keep their DPS under control so you can hold hate and Tank the encounter - because that's how you want to play - and see how that works out. You'll probably be laughed and mocked out of the party, if not outright kicked.
"So just find a group who wants to play the same as you!" I can already hear some saying. Again... easier said than done. People, in general, tend to like following the path of least resistance (or what they perceive as such anyway), and they often want to feel like they "fit in". So, they're most often going to do "what everyone else is doing", even if it means surrendering to a playstyle they don't enjoy. It doesn't help when poeple - often seeking validation for their own choice of playstyle - are telling others how they should be playing.
The problem with this topic, as is the case with so many others, is that people throw out these arguments and examples without thinking them through. People tend to over-simplify much more complex situations, focusing on a single facet, and attempting to sum them up in some witty-sounding one-sentence response.
Yes I do Agree, WoW vanilla was almost as good as Everquest.
Healing and tanking are not fun, else you'd never see an the dreaded "LF tank" or "LF healer" Spam that plague this genre. And speaking of this genre, for every dollar an MMO makes another genre makes 100 fold. In the MMO genre, selling a 1 million boxes is an accomplishment and a milestone. In another gaming genre it would bankrupt a company. If EA only sold 1 million Madden 20xx football games, EA would shutter the franchise.
Random Forum Poster: I want an MMO that is different, original and fun.
Me: So you want something like EQN
Them: Nah dude, I want a Holy Trinity, Tab Target combat, Instanced Raiding, and Rigid classes.
Me: Double Facepalm.
Those many out of how many?
Not only that, but the traditional MMORPGs weren't made like that by choice only, but by technical limitations.
Currently playing: GW2
Going cardboard starter kit: Ticket to ride, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Dominion, 7 Wonders
Rofl your just changing the subject now into what works for you. Things like TERA and GW2 arnt triple A enough?
You are correct you do not have a triple A action based MMO wich is a sandbox.
But the same goes for us at the other side of the fence. We do not have a triple MMO wich upholds the core principles mmo's started out with. you guys keep pointing at EQ1 but that game is 15y old after 15y of eating chicken youd like a steak at some point. Also The game has changed alot since its beginning it is now nowhere near what everyone here is describing.
All for mob collision and holding the line for a real tank. The bigger the tank is and with shield, you'll be blocking more space, and the mobs will want to kill you to get through and to the ranged classes. You have two or three tanks with shields, maybe more, you can form a line of shields commonly observed in Roman tactics. This way, you can completely block a small passageway like an alley, a cave tunnel, or most dungeon corridors. Even with a single tank and large shield, you'll be able to block passageway advancement in most cases. If you're in a huge open room, the CC comes into action more.
All for CC abilities. Fire walls, enemies won't want to go through unless they risk is worth it. Ice spells to contain and slow movement. Vines. Traps. A flock of birds/bugs. Blindness. All of that goodness. Even pets.
No, Healing and Tanking are not fun FOR YOU. But for people like me, Healing, and even Tanking are fun.
It depends what kind of trinity we're talking about.
Tank - healer - dps : I find this boring.
Tank - healer - damage - cc - support : I find this fantastic.
^This sums my thoughts up on the trinity perfectly
Well said
No signature, I don't have a pen
Smarter AI leads to this: Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination. Kyle Reese
you realize you're talking completely out of your ass right? or do you not understand that mmo's are often box purchases ON TOP OF subscription or cash shop payments. mmo's don't just make their $$ solely from box purchases like console games do.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
And then some.. I always found it exhilarating when we had a tough mob to take down and someone yells "ADD"..... shit shit.. Someone park that ADD, or off tank him, or do something.. ha ha ha.. Talk about button mashing.. LOL
There Is Always Hope!
No you don't get it
We don't want EQ 2.0, there is already an EQ 2.0 with better graphics, that's Vanguard.
That's not what we want, we moved on as well.
We want an evolution of Everquest.
Keep the core features of what made Everquest great, add some Sandbox features, a more accessable UI blended together with modern technology (and better graphics).
What we ask is something like: EQNext + the original Everquest Trinity (Tank, Heal, DPS, CC, Puller) + Dungeon Crawling and Raids (optional, not as the main content like in the old EQ)
a Typical day in Vox´s Keep freaking ice goblins and Snow Giants everywhere. Man i miss that, It wasnt just static tanking a mob it was looking into every corner while doing it for that possible add wich might patrol nearby.
again, pretty much any game with a trinity already has this. you guys are asking for the wrong things. the tools are there, the reasons to use said tools are whats lacking.
As my example of how WoW already has tank - healer - damage - cc - support roles, the problem is not having those roles, the problem is the encounters not needing them. In Vanilla WoW/BC you needed to use those cc/support roles to survive. Now, you do not. That is the problem with current gen games. It is not a fault of the trinity system. It is a fault of the devs dumbing down our games.
Even if you switch to action combat, nothing will change. Devs will still be dumbing down our games. Until devs stop making things easier and easier for the growing casual 5-minute a week crowd, no matter what mechanics they put into our games, its gonna be a mindless play regardless.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
Indeed.. Every be up in the Hand Room in KC, and you invite a new person, and on their way, their invis drops and he tells the group, "I'm almost there, with friends"...... Ha Ha Ha.. Where is that damn enchanter? lol