And take note of those guys who are playing as girls in-game and some immature adults, especially on those in-game events for example. Due to rivalries, properties, strongholds and etc.
Stop responding to them. Every response, even if it is just a "fuck off" gets their dick harder and their harrassment will grow. Start to utilize the ignore button and recognize most of these guys would deep down inside kill to be with you, particularly the ones harassing you. You seem naive to nerd men so let me help you out-we don't get laid a lot typically so vagina ingame is like seeing an alien or member of the royal family walking down the streets. We also recognize all the fedora guys kissing your ass, so sometimes we think (just like when we were little boys) "If I'm mean to this bitch or give her a hard time, she'll respect me more". Or sometimes they might be harrassing you because you remind them of the cruelties of women that they have had to face. Know it isn't personal and any other woman would face the same thing.
First off want to make sure your in an adult guild, not one with teenage boys and many of them will try and act as if they are in their mid 20's and some growing bigshot.But I have a few suggestions how to survive as a female mmorpg gamer.
1. Your married: doesn't matter if its true or not but that will turn off some of the pushy guys. Add in having kids and your partner plays as well (maybe a diff server) and that will crush most of the problem.
2. Don't go asking for help from just anyone in the guild. If need something ask a cool friend and get them to help organize. Sounds kind of crappy but a known female in an mmorpg asking openly for help plays into the minds of the immature males that girls just can't game and they need to come save you and teach you thinking themselves superior.
3. Whenever the vent conversation turns dirty think about bowing out especially if you know that someone who's in vent is just a bit more then you want to handle or likes to turn it to you as the female that is around.
4. If a guy comes onto you don't turn him down nicely and politely.... be strict, direct, bold, and shoot him down hard. The more public it is the better (male ego's and all, hit that ego once and more likely he won't want to take another shot).
5. Don't ever play the female excepting special gifts and favors. If the guy wouldn't do it for another male guildie then don't accept it as well. Show that you don't need those things and can manage quite well on your own.
I learned a lot on this subject being around for nearing 2 decades and a couple ex gf's have been mmorpg gamers. I've also as someone not vent friendly for random chat have been thought many times to be a female as I tend to usually play female chars (rather look at a male or female rear-end all day long?) and I liked some sort of light fashion style (hey, if their were appearance options I took advantage of that). Then the fact I used to RP my characters in the older days when the genre was newer. Had plenty of guys trying to get close thinking I was a chick.... nailed a couple fbss, robe of the oracle, and a number of other goodies back in the early days of eq classic
I know what you're talking about, but I haven't had that problem since 2 kids and 30 kilos ago.
All I can say is hit the mature guilds and hope for the best. You don't owe anyone your time of day. Get that? Block the malingerers and harassers and don't lead anyone on for the sake of politeness- you will regret that, hell you'll regret that any age, losers are hard up these days for a bit of female recognition.
Hey guys, sorry this is so long. I'm having a bit of a dilemma and I wanted to ask some advice. So I am an adult female MMO player in my late twenties. I am not new to games, I've played several over the past 12 years and my current game for nearly 2 years. I think I would be considered a 'hardcore casual' player because I do everything, I'm good at a lot of stuff, I spend an obnoxious amount of time in the game, but I never really messed with staying on the cutting edge of new content as it came out, mainly because I am a full time student and didn't think I'dhave time to dedicate to a static and regular progression type work.
So any way, most of my time in this game has been spent with a very small, close knit group of people who are all very nice, respectful and friendly. I would say that I was a more active player than most of this group and probably had a bit more experience with a lot of things than them because of this.
Any way, so I started delving into some of the more end game content and was introduced to several serious, endgame-oriented people and made some friends and also some enemies it seems. The server we play on is not large, so it seems like most of these people know or know of each other so any news and drama with these people seems to travel very quickly. Obviously the second I started regularly going into vent with these people is when it changed. Most of these player are guys and early-mid twenties. They interact with me in different ways.
I have developed a group of suck up followers, for one, who now constantly invite me to things, want to be in contact 100% of the time when I am online, want to do things one-on-one; want to use a messenger outside the game. This has proved difficult because I no longer have as much "alone time" as I am use too, I am constantly bombarded with multiple requests to do *something* all the time, and these people get upset/butthurt when I turn them down, or they get jealous if I'm doing something with someone else and not them and then get catty and weird about it. They take personal offense if I invite someone else to the group. I've made it VERY clear that I am only interested in being friends, not some weird online relationship with all of them, but they don't listen. So there's THAT drama.
Then there's a fair group of people who seem irritated by me and my followers, who assume that I only have this fan club because I am a girl and that I obviously suck at everything and am not deserving of such adoration(which I did not ask for), so they seem to give me a hard time to balance out the suck ups.
Then there's a third group of very competitive, elitist jerks that seem threatened by my presence or that I could be good at anything they are good at and will not be outdone by a girl. This group is particularly nasty because they go for the low blows, always giving me a hard time, making very aggressive, sexually charged attacks at me, criticizing everything I do. This group, while usually all-around dicks with everyone, seem to lie in wait for my voice in a group of maybe 10 people, to chime in and attack me for whatever I've said and try to embarrass me in front of everyone else. I have tough skin though, I've dealt with aggressive dudes. I think I can handle myself on my own. I don't let them get away with it, and I try really hard not to be affected, but sometimes they do get to me and I just need a break from all that.
So I lay low for a bit, fighting off the followers as best I can, but the second I return, all this drama comes back with force. I am hoping that given time and more interaction with me the whole thing will die down some and I can just hang out and be treated relatively equally. Most of them are not bad, some I'd even call friends. But playing with this group means I can't escape the dicks because they are all so closely intertwined. Also I seem to have developed a questionable/negative rep among this group, including a fair group of people I've never met before because they are name dropping me one way or another in their circles.
These games are like grown up high school and some of these dudes are much worse than any woman with their drama. Advice for me here? I'm just trying to make things a little smoother. I want to be able to play with these people without all the drama and just see how it goes.
It might be a good idea to politely let them know you are busy. Some may retaliate negatively, don't mind them much, the ones who enjoy chatting with you for the person you are will be more understanding over time. It wouldn't hurt to let the online friends you enjoy playing with know you need a bit of "me" time. There is nothing wrong with that. Good luck.
Honestly, cut all the bull and invite all your fans into one room (Vent, in-game, or w/e) and just straight up let them all know how you feel at once.
Or just lie and say you have a boy friend in real life, or girl friend if you flout that way. Its better to crush unwanted hope sooner rather than later.
Honestly, cut all the bull and invite all your fans into one room (Vent, in-game, or w/e) and just straight up let them all know how you feel at once.
Or just lie and say you have a boy friend in real life, or girl friend if you flout that way. Its better to crush unwanted hope sooner rather than later.
lol I think the problem is, if she is a late twenties single female, chances are she wants to keep her options open - even though she doesn't like most of the other ones.
A lot of women has a tendency to do that lol. That's why the word "friend-zone" exists
Hey guys, sorry this is so long. I'm having a bit of a dilemma and I wanted to ask some advice. So I am an adult female MMO player in my late twenties. I am not new to games, I've played several over the past 12 years and my current game for nearly 2 years. I think I would be considered a 'hardcore casual' player because I do everything, I'm good at a lot of stuff, I spend an obnoxious amount of time in the game, but I never really messed with staying on the cutting edge of new content as it came out, mainly because I am a full time student and didn't think I'dhave time to dedicate to a static and regular progression type work.
So any way, most of my time in this game has been spent with a very small, close knit group of people who are all very nice, respectful and friendly. I would say that I was a more active player than most of this group and probably had a bit more experience with a lot of things than them because of this.
Any way, so I started delving into some of the more end game content and was introduced to several serious, endgame-oriented people and made some friends and also some enemies it seems. The server we play on is not large, so it seems like most of these people know or know of each other so any news and drama with these people seems to travel very quickly. Obviously the second I started regularly going into vent with these people is when it changed. Most of these player are guys and early-mid twenties. They interact with me in different ways.
I have developed a group of suck up followers, for one, who now constantly invite me to things, want to be in contact 100% of the time when I am online, want to do things one-on-one; want to use a messenger outside the game. This has proved difficult because I no longer have as much "alone time" as I am use too, I am constantly bombarded with multiple requests to do *something* all the time, and these people get upset/butthurt when I turn them down, or they get jealous if I'm doing something with someone else and not them and then get catty and weird about it. They take personal offense if I invite someone else to the group. I've made it VERY clear that I am only interested in being friends, not some weird online relationship with all of them, but they don't listen. So there's THAT drama.
Then there's a fair group of people who seem irritated by me and my followers, who assume that I only have this fan club because I am a girl and that I obviously suck at everything and am not deserving of such adoration(which I did not ask for), so they seem to give me a hard time to balance out the suck ups.
Then there's a third group of very competitive, elitist jerks that seem threatened by my presence or that I could be good at anything they are good at and will not be outdone by a girl. This group is particularly nasty because they go for the low blows, always giving me a hard time, making very aggressive, sexually charged attacks at me, criticizing everything I do. This group, while usually all-around dicks with everyone, seem to lie in wait for my voice in a group of maybe 10 people, to chime in and attack me for whatever I've said and try to embarrass me in front of everyone else. I have tough skin though, I've dealt with aggressive dudes. I think I can handle myself on my own. I don't let them get away with it, and I try really hard not to be affected, but sometimes they do get to me and I just need a break from all that.
So I lay low for a bit, fighting off the followers as best I can, but the second I return, all this drama comes back with force. I am hoping that given time and more interaction with me the whole thing will die down some and I can just hang out and be treated relatively equally. Most of them are not bad, some I'd even call friends. But playing with this group means I can't escape the dicks because they are all so closely intertwined. Also I seem to have developed a questionable/negative rep among this group, including a fair group of people I've never met before because they are name dropping me one way or another in their circles.
These games are like grown up high school and some of these dudes are much worse than any woman with their drama. Advice for me here? I'm just trying to make things a little smoother. I want to be able to play with these people without all the drama and just see how it goes.
Firstly...Not reading through 19 pages of replies.
"I think I would be considered a 'hardcore casual' player because I do everything, I'm good at a lot of stuff, I spend an obnoxious amount of time in the game, but I never really messed with staying on the cutting edge of new content as it came out, mainly because I am a full time student and didn't think I'dhave time to dedicate to a static and regular progression type work."
I am like that with runescape...I just call it IGR (In Game Retired).
Now, onto the main breadth of it...
"But playing with this group means I can't escape the dicks because they are all so closely intertwined."
^ I read this the exact wrong way and it gave me a mental image that literally had me rolling on the floor laughing.
Out of everything you said that is the most potent. Because, truth in humor (whether intended or not). That is exactly the problem as I see it. I watched this documentary on Elephants that were murdering Rhino's and other animals on a reserve somewhere in Africa. They were a bunch of young Bull Elephants. And, the rangers came up with a clever solution to put a stop to it. They brought in a much older larger male to dominate them and show them how to be real Elephants. It worked almost instantly. The young bulls fell in line and stopped killing things.
Now, how one translates that to being applicable in a game environment I don't know. But, the only evidence I have seen about player demographics in MMORPG points to it being mostly male. And, mostly between the ages of 14-25 (maybe there is new data out there or something counter to this...But, I have not personally seen it). Which is happenstantially when human males are at their worst. As you may have heard it in the past MMORPG = Many Men Online Role Playing Girls. Which isn't far from the truth as I have experienced it. I think the sheer shell shock of a verifiable female in an MMORPG sends them into bull mode.
Some act like puppy dogs that just want a scratch behind the ear and to be told they are a special snowflake. Some shoot themselves in the foot by being so aggressive that they shame themselves and can only think to double down on the behavior. But, they are all looking for attention and they don't care how they get it. As long as they get it. These are guys who probably grew up playing games like this (or are still growing up). And, Papa wasn't/isn't standing over their shoulder saying "I see how your speaking to that girl, son...not okay!". Heck, good Ole' Dad is probably afraid to open their room door (even the 25 year olds because if they are millenials chances are they are living at home) in fear of walking in on something he doesn't want to see...And, that isn't an unjustified fear.
If there is a bed with a hot girl and a hot philly steak and cheese sandwich. And, you tell them they can only have one or the other. They would jump at the girl every time. By contrast you present the same scenario to guys in my age bracket and above... We will devour that sandwich then ask her to get off the bed so we can take a nap. There is a huge difference in what motivates the immature male v.s. the mature male. And, I honestly think only a Man can teach a boy how to be a man. I don't think it's a situation you are going to be able to fix (at least completely). So, I would focus on coping with it.
It sucks to say it. Because, it requires you taking action for their negative behavior (which they should take responsibility for but hey...their young...ain't gana happen unless forced). That said, in your place I would report every single one of those people who went to far every time they do. Don't even respond to them. screen shot/ mic record what they say, make an abuse report (don't blow it up publicly on forums that will only get you in trouble as well). And, if you can wash your hands of it. If the mod team does nothing about it (give ample time for them to actually respond) take it to the parent company/publisher (And, I mean legal department therein). Harassment and abuse is not okay. Maybe if they can't play their precious game any more they will get out into the real world and learn what happens when they try to talk to people that way face to face.
As for your herd of sheep...Made up SO (real is preferable but it might be hard to get them to come over and talk to you in the background any time you need it as an out). Because, these are omegas. And, that is what works on males who are to terrified to make a move even if it were offered to them on a silver platter. They will back off if they perceive that they truly have no chance (1/10000000 is still a chance as far as their concerned).
P.S. Learn to debate...Not argue, debate. Learn the rules of debate, the different types of argument fallacy, How to disect peoples words (all things to google search). If you can defeat them calmly, quickly, and intellectually. You will steal their power.
I didn't read much more than the first post; but I imagine the sound of your voice is appealing which would explain the minions who have gathered. Vent is just audio, I think.
BTW Helleri, that Forum pic cracks me up. I could think of quite a few things to add to it.
And I saw that elephant/rhino special on tv too!
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon. In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
If you truly don't like the attention, leave the guild, leave the server, or make a new character and start fresh. Next time around don't use voice chat or announce to people you are female either out right or with cutesy annoying talk I've seen many females do online for attention. No one will know you are female and that will solve your problem. I use to have this issue years ago in my first years of WoW 04-06 before I met my husband. After that we moved to a new server and new games and I changed the way I play and interact with people. It's entirely possible to play mmos without anyone ever knowing you are a female.
The drama. Something I hate and wish I could help you with, but I don't have those kinds of skills.
On the other hand, I've known lots of females playing in online games. Most of them keep it secret. They either play male characters, or when playing females, tell others that they are actually males in real life. Me, I don't discuss it because the game has nothing to do with my life outside the game.
Vent and other voice chats are a problem to that. It's not a complete waste though, if you take a few extra steps and your computer has the power to handle it. It's called voice filter software. Yes, you can change your voice. There are several out there, and they each have their own advantages, price, presets, ability to make customs, etc.
It's too late for that character, as they already know, but think about trying software to change your voice. It's not an ultimate solution, that would involve people to stop being assholes, but it will help in some situations, possibly yours.
I like voice filters just to make cool voices for my characters.
Originally posted by CrazyCraftLady If you truly don't like the attention, leave the guild, leave the server, or make a new character and start fresh. Next time around don't use voice chat or announce to people you are female either out right or with cutesy annoying talk I've seen many females do online for attention. No one will know you are female and that will solve your problem. I use to have this issue years ago in my first years of WoW 04-06 before I met my husband. After that we moved to a new server and new games and I changed the way I play and interact with people. It's entirely possible to play mmos without anyone ever knowing you are a female.
Pfft what do you mean females sometimes do it for the attention?I think Legendary Lea,Kaceytron,mob4rplz,alinity,Yuuie,VIC "serious gaming"A.Curry etc etc would tend to disagree ...:p
It used to be only be about gaming,then it became about attention,now they know they can actually make a living out of streaming even as a horrible gamer. They can even get real life items bought for them or in game items as well and they know it.Look through media centers and you will see they actually make a gift list for those that want to send them gifts.Seriously ,they expect total strangers to send them gifts.
There are also MANY women who start out all cool and innocent but after awhile they realize the power they hold and soon you can see the noticeable change in them.Then of course the guys are going to like them,it is human nature,but it starts somewhere.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
This happens in every major no life clan. Usually there's a good amount of people that consider themselve's quite pro at the game in these clans. These clans are usually like nerdy drunk fun like karoke or whatever all day any time of the day there will almost always be active bs voice chat going on. They usually won't even pay any attention to you unless you make yourself known in the chat program or even know your part of the game. And that's just what they do. They're not the most friendly people in the world. But they flirt by being mean and constantly just rude in general. And every guild needs its share of online girls they can mess with to full this whole scenerio out. Almost every clan I've been in I've seen this. It's annoying and the girl buys into it cause they go around giving her everything she wants first in the clan and watever. But all it is is people sitting on mics behind computers.
If your not into this immature behavior even seen plenty in league of legends then I would just not use the mic ever and just stick to keeping it about the game. There's some nicer clans out there that can be mature. But usually these guys won't be in some of the top skilled clans and will be more of a only a couple active people.
Learn one simple thing never tell people you are young. I start by saying I am a 55 year old housewife. This cuts down 90 % of the problems. Well I am actually 54 but I say I am even 60 if I think there might be trouble. Learn to lie. If they already know your age tell them you wanted to be young online but are actually this 60 year old who enjoys video games. You are sorry you told them you were 29 but in reality you're 55 or 65 or whatever age you want to pick. Talk about your grandchildren make stuff up it will help with the illusion of age. Always talk about the 50's and 60's. If you do not know any shows from the 60's and singers from the 50's just find a few on Google and occasionally drop those facts it will solidify your story better and voila you will not be harassed any more. If you feel bad about lying remember they asked for it . When I first started gaming I also had these issues and I was not even on Vent and I have an awful problem I sound very young on voice chat but if I establish that I am old they think I am a cute old lady.
This works really well.
If it ever fails my backup plan is to explain I can't meet anyone in real life because I'm forbidden to by my parole officer but it's not fair because my ex deserved what he got.
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.
I didn't read much more than the first post; but I imagine the sound of your voice is appealing which would explain the minions who have gathered. Vent is just audio, I think.
BTW Helleri, that Forum pic cracks me up. I could think of quite a few things to add to it.
And I saw that elephant/rhino special on tv too!
Yeah I made that some time ago. And, every time I actually look at it now I can think of more things to add. But, it is just a sig and there is only so much room on it to put speech bubbles.
First off want to make sure your in an adult guild, not one with teenage boys and many of them will try and act as if they are in their mid 20's and some growing bigshot.But I have a few suggestions how to survive as a female mmorpg gamer.
1. Your married: doesn't matter if its true or not but that will turn off some of the pushy guys. Add in having kids and your partner plays as well (maybe a diff server) and that will crush most of the problem.
2. Don't go asking for help from just anyone in the guild. If need something ask a cool friend and get them to help organize. Sounds kind of crappy but a known female in an mmorpg asking openly for help plays into the minds of the immature males that girls just can't game and they need to come save you and teach you thinking themselves superior.
3. Whenever the vent conversation turns dirty think about bowing out especially if you know that someone who's in vent is just a bit more then you want to handle or likes to turn it to you as the female that is around.
4. If a guy comes onto you don't turn him down nicely and politely.... be strict, direct, bold, and shoot him down hard. The more public it is the better (male ego's and all, hit that ego once and more likely he won't want to take another shot).
5. Don't ever play the female excepting special gifts and favors. If the guy wouldn't do it for another male guildie then don't accept it as well. Show that you don't need those things and can manage quite well on your own.
I learned a lot on this subject being around for nearing 2 decades and a couple ex gf's have been mmorpg gamers. I've also as someone not vent friendly for random chat have been thought many times to be a female as I tend to usually play female chars (rather look at a male or female rear-end all day long?) and I liked some sort of light fashion style (hey, if their were appearance options I took advantage of that). Then the fact I used to RP my characters in the older days when the genre was newer. Had plenty of guys trying to get close thinking I was a chick.... nailed a couple fbss, robe of the oracle, and a number of other goodies back in the early days of eq classic
I know what you're talking about, but I haven't had that problem since 2 kids and 30 kilos ago.
All I can say is hit the mature guilds and hope for the best. You don't owe anyone your time of day. Get that? Block the malingerers and harassers and don't lead anyone on for the sake of politeness- you will regret that, hell you'll regret that any age, losers are hard up these days for a bit of female recognition.
It might be a good idea to politely let them know you are busy. Some may retaliate negatively, don't mind them much, the ones who enjoy chatting with you for the person you are will be more understanding over time. It wouldn't hurt to let the online friends you enjoy playing with know you need a bit of "me" time. There is nothing wrong with that. Good luck.
lol at that fan club.
Honestly, cut all the bull and invite all your fans into one room (Vent, in-game, or w/e) and just straight up let them all know how you feel at once.
Or just lie and say you have a boy friend in real life, or girl friend if you flout that way. Its better to crush unwanted hope sooner rather than later.
lol I think the problem is, if she is a late twenties single female, chances are she wants to keep her options open - even though she doesn't like most of the other ones.
A lot of women has a tendency to do that lol. That's why the word "friend-zone" exists
Firstly...Not reading through 19 pages of replies.
"I think I would be considered a 'hardcore casual' player because I do everything, I'm good at a lot of stuff, I spend an obnoxious amount of time in the game, but I never really messed with staying on the cutting edge of new content as it came out, mainly because I am a full time student and didn't think I'dhave time to dedicate to a static and regular progression type work."
I am like that with runescape...I just call it IGR (In Game Retired).
Now, onto the main breadth of it...
"But playing with this group means I can't escape the dicks because they are all so closely intertwined."
^ I read this the exact wrong way and it gave me a mental image that literally had me rolling on the floor laughing.
Out of everything you said that is the most potent. Because, truth in humor (whether intended or not). That is exactly the problem as I see it. I watched this documentary on Elephants that were murdering Rhino's and other animals on a reserve somewhere in Africa. They were a bunch of young Bull Elephants. And, the rangers came up with a clever solution to put a stop to it. They brought in a much older larger male to dominate them and show them how to be real Elephants. It worked almost instantly. The young bulls fell in line and stopped killing things.
Now, how one translates that to being applicable in a game environment I don't know. But, the only evidence I have seen about player demographics in MMORPG points to it being mostly male. And, mostly between the ages of 14-25 (maybe there is new data out there or something counter to this...But, I have not personally seen it). Which is happenstantially when human males are at their worst. As you may have heard it in the past MMORPG = Many Men Online Role Playing Girls. Which isn't far from the truth as I have experienced it. I think the sheer shell shock of a verifiable female in an MMORPG sends them into bull mode.
Some act like puppy dogs that just want a scratch behind the ear and to be told they are a special snowflake. Some shoot themselves in the foot by being so aggressive that they shame themselves and can only think to double down on the behavior. But, they are all looking for attention and they don't care how they get it. As long as they get it. These are guys who probably grew up playing games like this (or are still growing up). And, Papa wasn't/isn't standing over their shoulder saying "I see how your speaking to that girl, son...not okay!". Heck, good Ole' Dad is probably afraid to open their room door (even the 25 year olds because if they are millenials chances are they are living at home) in fear of walking in on something he doesn't want to see...And, that isn't an unjustified fear.
If there is a bed with a hot girl and a hot philly steak and cheese sandwich. And, you tell them they can only have one or the other. They would jump at the girl every time. By contrast you present the same scenario to guys in my age bracket and above... We will devour that sandwich then ask her to get off the bed so we can take a nap. There is a huge difference in what motivates the immature male v.s. the mature male. And, I honestly think only a Man can teach a boy how to be a man. I don't think it's a situation you are going to be able to fix (at least completely). So, I would focus on coping with it.
It sucks to say it. Because, it requires you taking action for their negative behavior (which they should take responsibility for but hey...their young...ain't gana happen unless forced). That said, in your place I would report every single one of those people who went to far every time they do. Don't even respond to them. screen shot/ mic record what they say, make an abuse report (don't blow it up publicly on forums that will only get you in trouble as well). And, if you can wash your hands of it. If the mod team does nothing about it (give ample time for them to actually respond) take it to the parent company/publisher (And, I mean legal department therein). Harassment and abuse is not okay. Maybe if they can't play their precious game any more they will get out into the real world and learn what happens when they try to talk to people that way face to face.
As for your herd of sheep...Made up SO (real is preferable but it might be hard to get them to come over and talk to you in the background any time you need it as an out). Because, these are omegas. And, that is what works on males who are to terrified to make a move even if it were offered to them on a silver platter. They will back off if they perceive that they truly have no chance (1/10000000 is still a chance as far as their concerned).
P.S. Learn to debate...Not argue, debate. Learn the rules of debate, the different types of argument fallacy, How to disect peoples words (all things to google search). If you can defeat them calmly, quickly, and intellectually. You will steal their power.
I didn't read much more than the first post; but I imagine the sound of your voice is appealing which would explain the minions who have gathered. Vent is just audio, I think.
BTW Helleri, that Forum pic cracks me up. I could think of quite a few things to add to it.
And I saw that elephant/rhino special on tv too!
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
I'm a MUDder. I play MUDs.
Current: Dragonrealms
The drama. Something I hate and wish I could help you with, but I don't have those kinds of skills.
On the other hand, I've known lots of females playing in online games. Most of them keep it secret. They either play male characters, or when playing females, tell others that they are actually males in real life. Me, I don't discuss it because the game has nothing to do with my life outside the game.
Vent and other voice chats are a problem to that. It's not a complete waste though, if you take a few extra steps and your computer has the power to handle it. It's called voice filter software. Yes, you can change your voice. There are several out there, and they each have their own advantages, price, presets, ability to make customs, etc.
It's too late for that character, as they already know, but think about trying software to change your voice. It's not an ultimate solution, that would involve people to stop being assholes, but it will help in some situations, possibly yours.
I like voice filters just to make cool voices for my characters.
Lost my mind, now trying to lose yours...
Pfft what do you mean females sometimes do it for the attention?I think Legendary Lea,Kaceytron,mob4rplz,alinity,Yuuie,VIC "serious gaming"A.Curry etc etc would tend to disagree ...:p
It used to be only be about gaming,then it became about attention,now they know they can actually make a living out of streaming even as a horrible gamer. They can even get real life items bought for them or in game items as well and they know it.Look through media centers and you will see they actually make a gift list for those that want to send them gifts.Seriously ,they expect total strangers to send them gifts.
There are also MANY women who start out all cool and innocent but after awhile they realize the power they hold and soon you can see the noticeable change in them.Then of course the guys are going to like them,it is human nature,but it starts somewhere.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
This happens in every major no life clan. Usually there's a good amount of people that consider themselve's quite pro at the game in these clans. These clans are usually like nerdy drunk fun like karoke or whatever all day any time of the day there will almost always be active bs voice chat going on. They usually won't even pay any attention to you unless you make yourself known in the chat program or even know your part of the game. And that's just what they do. They're not the most friendly people in the world. But they flirt by being mean and constantly just rude in general. And every guild needs its share of online girls they can mess with to full this whole scenerio out. Almost every clan I've been in I've seen this. It's annoying and the girl buys into it cause they go around giving her everything she wants first in the clan and watever. But all it is is people sitting on mics behind computers.
If your not into this immature behavior even seen plenty in league of legends then I would just not use the mic ever and just stick to keeping it about the game. There's some nicer clans out there that can be mature. But usually these guys won't be in some of the top skilled clans and will be more of a only a couple active people.
If it ever fails my backup plan is to explain I can't meet anyone in real life because I'm forbidden to by my parole officer but it's not fair because my ex deserved what he got.
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals.
~Albert Einstein
Yeah I made that some time ago. And, every time I actually look at it now I can think of more things to add. But, it is just a sig and there is only so much room on it to put speech bubbles.