Sorry wrong forum it's a gaming forum not one for journalists.
Trying to tell people who and should not be replying to comments.
There seems to be some hostility here. Flamebaiting another with your recurring remarks about CR's 'fanboys'. Did someone report you in this thread or something? Unfortunate as that would be, I still see no reason for you constantly bringing up what you believe CR fans would/wouldn't do... Discuss away, but leave the bait in the tackle box.
It has been said on this forum that is what happens, there is even been people saying you can get banned from the forum but i don't know how true that is.
Its okay hearsay is just as legit as facts right?
Shes right though- I have personal experience with this.
been warned and banned plenty (sometime I even deserve it...)
See this is how crazy shit is (when you cannot tell whats parody...)
There was thread about SC at CIG or Reddit (not sure if its there anymore) where people seriously wanted a ship made called "defender" to be used to give funds to CIG to go after DS and even people who post on forums. No shit.
Man, I dont have a link because ive been mired in this shit and have seen so much I had to walk away for a bit (when you stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back lolz) but I swear to god. Some of these people are really crazy and when the shit bottoms out I cannot imagine what we're going to see with some of these fans and how they reason it out. Itll be DS, the escapist, forum trolls , GG at fault who killed poor CRs dream and took their money.
I'm not so sure it's crazy, at least not for all I CAN understand why someone who spends $ on something and thinks attacks or perceived attacks will ruin that investment can be driven. Whether it's misplaced/targeted or not the anger is understandable.
EDIT how one deals with it however is slightly different.
See this is how crazy shit is (when you cannot tell whats parody...)
There was thread about SC at CIG or Reddit (not sure if its there anymore) where people seriously wanted a ship made called "defender" to be used to give funds to CIG to go after DS and even people who post on forums. No shit.
Man, I dont have a link because ive been mired in this shit and have seen so much I had to walk away for a bit (when you stare into the abyss and the abyss stares back lolz) but I swear to god. Some of these people are really crazy and when the shit bottoms out I cannot imagine what we're going to see with some of these fans and how they reason it out. Itll be DS, the escapist, forum trolls , GG at fault who killed poor CRs dream and took their money.
I'm not so sure it's crazy, at least not for all I CAN understand why someone who spends $ on something and thinks attacks or perceived attacks will ruin that investment. Whether or not it's misplaced or not the anger is understandable.
Oh, I certainly agree tht many who have $$$ invested and are major defenders arent crazy- But some are. Like wanting to give money to be used to go after forum posters and such because they said bad things about a video game- thats scary.
But yeah, I didnt mean to imply they are all this way- Im sure its just a very vocal minority who have made this a religion. Ive even seen backers start to comment about this.
This is getting good! I wonder if this goes into court those anonymous sources will have to go public? If I was escapist I would be a little worried witnesses would back out once it got too real.
uhm it depends on how evidentiary goes forward if the court verifies (closed/sealed session?)the sources RSI has another decision to make. as they would not be holograms anymore. in that case they would have a higher burden of proof. and I'm not sure how whistle blower laws, libel/slander laws 1st amen and 4th amen all counter act here. Hopefully someone can answer that.
Not entirely certain where Roberts is located or what jurisdiction he would be filing in but it would take extraordinary measures for him to prove a libel claim against the escapist. Essentially he would have to prove that the escapist knowingly published falsehoods about him and CIG which in this case is all but impossible unless he had proof they made up their sources statements.
either California or Texas? not sure
Just did a quick check and Cali actually has the looser of the laws in which you can file "defamation per se" in which you don't actually have to prove any financial damages. However the burden of proof would be on Roberts to present evidence that the escapist knew that the statements printed were false. As no judge would ever issue an order to force the escapist to reveal its sources I personally can't see any way for him to do so.
From everything I've seen Roberts best course IMHO would be to "put up and shut up". Basically say screw the media battle and just put out a good game to prove his opposites wrong. If he wastes money on a pointless legal pursuit then he runs the risk of SC becoming vaporware and proving the opposing view right.
Sorry wrong forum it's a gaming forum not one for journalists.
Trying to tell people who and should not be replying to comments.
There seems to be some hostility here. Flamebaiting another with your recurring remarks about CR's 'fanboys'. Did someone report you in this thread or something? Unfortunate as that would be, I still see no reason for you constantly bringing up what you believe CR fans would/wouldn't do... Discuss away, but leave the bait in the tackle box.
It has been said on this forum that is what happens, there is even been people saying you can get banned from the forum but i don't know how true that is.
Its okay hearsay is just as legit as facts right?
Shes right though- I have personal experience with this.
been warned and banned plenty (sometime I even deserve it...)
I've been warned multiple times because
I aint even going to say it.
Damn you MikeB
I was talking about the Star Citizen forum.
Every forum is going to have their different rulesets and butthurt people who get warned/banned. No need to be paranoid about it.
Just don't go there positing inappropriate pictures like I do, think I'm on warning #5.
I am not trying to be rude mate, but I was specifically asking someone a question based on their professional opinion.
You are free to have an opinion but if you haven't been a member of their profession you do not have a professional opinion.
Understand what i wrote, you must be able too if worked or still work as a journalist, As the mindset of some of Star Citizen fans have no i don't think they would of responded differently, only thing they wouldn't of been able to do is say this article as been set up by Derek Smart
/sigh... Again I was asking a trained professional for their opinion as I am interested in what they think.
Thanks again for your opinion. Now if you can't understand that you, as well as I, lack the training to have the specific insights that a professional speaking about their field would have I can't really think what else to say.
Sorry wrong forum it's a gaming forum not one for journalists.
Your self importance is officially noted.
One of the posters in this thread stated that they were a journalist. I quoted and asked them a question.
Yes it is a public forum about games but I believed their insight into that question could be relevant.
You do not have the expertise to answer the question. Nor do I.
Then you could of waited for their response and not act rude, usually when people start a sentence with i don't mean to be funny, they usually do.
I don't know where you are quoting me with --> i don't mean to be funny, but I was patient and explained my post even going out of my way to assure you I wasn't trying to be rude as text can be tone deaf. You continued to respond directly to me.
Yeah sorry you posted this i thought you said funny.
I am not trying to be rude mate
Usually when someone starts with not trying to be rude, funny or racist what comes next usually means they are and they are just trying to be polite.
Not sure how you claim i have self importance, i just replied to a comment in a forum, if you don't want random people replying to you i suggest don't write in a forum.
... From everything I've seen Roberts best course IMHO would be to "put up and shut up". Basically say screw the media battle and just put out a good game to prove his opposites wrong. If he wastes money on a pointless legal pursuit then he runs the risk of SC becoming vaporware and proving the opposing view right.
I'm in complete agreement.
If they can in the relatively short term. If we're talking several years with the cloud over hanging the whole time? a bit more problematic. And thats assuming E is blowing smoke about more to come(which they could be).
Most of the sources who are riding on the Derek Deadman Smarts Train are sources who never covered S.C. and they ar eusing this hype to sell advertising page views.
A Law suit of defamation agains Deadman Smart and Ecapist would suceed with one demo of the game in court. As well as an outline of the entire processes that SC took to get to where they are.
Deadman Smart is building a lot of powerful enemies right now. I see him fading out of this sooner then later. Words only go so far in this world.
Yeah "Powerful enemies"/....
Arent you guys glad we have crowdfunding to get away from those evil publishers?
That aside, DS has the grass roots. And Powerful Enemies are going to come crashing down because they are unethical, unscrupulous and things are now beginning to come to light.
Hmmm did I ever in any post I've made question the viability of anonymous sources? Or the veracity of the ones used by The Escapist? That has absolutely nothing to do with my post what so ever as I've never opined about that one way or another. So please stop with this strawman argument over something I did not say.
It makes perfect sense. They wrote the article and now that they are getting a response from CIG seem to have gone mum on the subject leaving me, and everyone else, to speculate they are busy getting their wagons in a circle in anticipation of a legal siege. And yes that is ONLY rampant speculation on my part, the very reason I think crystal clear transparency about their current and future actions surrounding this issue are so important. And if they aren't willing to let the public in on the fallout against them over this article I once again call hypocrisy on their part.
Ah- My bad for misunderstanding.
Legal would have told them to keep Mum right now. This is another reason the SC threat letters are bullshit- it would have been done silently.
I'm sure we'll hear from the Escapist over this. Right now its best they wait and see what CIG does.
Again, by saying nothing, Escapist has said a lot.
And @MisterZebub that analogy doesn't really hold, as the Escapist hasn't received $90 million in donations from folks in preparation for a legal battle.
EDIT- CIG's lawyer made it very clear being silent on the subject was intent to fight the battle in court. Escapist has remained silent. The message is clear.
No they haven't said shit. The message is not clear. They've just left themselves open to rampant speculation and rumor mongering and ab hominem attacks, much like CIG over their financials. And *ahem* much like what I'm doing to them right now in this very thread.
The Escapist decided to throw a rock through CIG's window and now that the owners of that house are out yelling in anger on the lawn the Escapist just seems to be busy hiding under their desks. A simple statement that they refuse to be bullied and will take the bull by the horns if a lawsuit is imminent would go a long way in helping their own public image, ... in my not so humble opinion.
Under these circumstances, the last thing an entity under legal attack should do is concern themselves with rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks. By expecting a response you are asking them to repeat the same mistake that CIG/Chris Roberts has made. The Escapist are doing what CIG/Chris Roberts should have done. They are keeping their traps shut and letting their legal team handle the matter. Two responses from Chris Roberts did not stop the rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks from flying what would make you think that they will stop with a response from The Escapist?
Do I think they'll stop? Of course not. Do I think they'll have the same impact as The Escapist seeming to just be huddling in the corner of the ring taking body blow after body blow without making any attempt to fight back? Absolutely fucking not, which honestly isn't important, but what is important is that The Escapist sure seems to agree with me as that is exactly what they just did, fight back. And more importantly did so with brevity and honesty, instead a long winded rant or lawyerup letter. They stand by their story and not only will not back down, will continue the strive to bring more evidence to light, and at the same time stated they are still willing to reach out to CIG if the offer still stands.
So looks like The Escapist doesn't agree with you.
You were right. I based my post on the assumption that The Escapist were not in as firm ground as they apparently are. This appears to be an open and shut case for them. The speediness of their response should make SC/Chris Roberts very afraid. I am certain this is not the response Roberts and team where expecting and wishing for. If you've been waiting for a sign to bail out ... this is it. Don't say you haven't been warned.
I wonder how this will affect the grey market. Most of the highly invested "backers" are speculating on rising prices for rare ships and such. This can't be good for them.
Also @Erillion has been really quite since this hit the news. I was wondering what he thinks. Should CIG take legal action of shut up and hope this goes away?
"It's pretty simple, really. If your only intention in posting about a particular game or topic is to be negative, then yes, you should probably move on. Voicing a negative opinion is fine, continually doing so on the same game is basically just trolling." - Michael Bitton Community Manager,
"As an online discussion about Star Citizen grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Derek Smart approaches 1" - MrSnuffles's law
"I am jumping in here a bit without knowing exactly what you all or talking about." - SEANMCAD
Most of the sources who are riding on the Derek Deadman Smarts Train are sources who never covered S.C. and they ar eusing this hype to sell advertising page views.
A Law suit of defamation agains Deadman Smart and Ecapist would suceed with one demo of the game in court. As well as an outline of the entire processes that SC took to get to where they are.
Deadman Smart is building a lot of powerful enemies right now. I see him fading out of this sooner then later. Words only go so far in this world.
Yeah "Powerful enemies"/....
Arent you guys glad we have crowdfunding to get away from those evil publishers?
That aside, DS has the grass roots. And Powerful Enemies are going to come crashing down because they are unethical, unscrupulous and things are now beginning to come to light.
What happens when it comes out that Deadman Smarrt has been getting paid to cause this ruckus ? (speculation since that is what all of this is)
Paid by who?
I mean, it would cause some ethical questions but doesnt change the truth. Derek Smart started this and this would go nowhere if this were merely a "troll" lying. The only way DS had/has any effect on this is if what he is saying is true (or mostly true) and GIG have something to hide.
But sure, if money changed hands here DS is shady. Still doesnt change the truth about SC and then that becomes a whole separate issue.
Hmmm did I ever in any post I've made question the viability of anonymous sources? Or the veracity of the ones used by The Escapist? That has absolutely nothing to do with my post what so ever as I've never opined about that one way or another. So please stop with this strawman argument over something I did not say.
It makes perfect sense. They wrote the article and now that they are getting a response from CIG seem to have gone mum on the subject leaving me, and everyone else, to speculate they are busy getting their wagons in a circle in anticipation of a legal siege. And yes that is ONLY rampant speculation on my part, the very reason I think crystal clear transparency about their current and future actions surrounding this issue are so important. And if they aren't willing to let the public in on the fallout against them over this article I once again call hypocrisy on their part.
Ah- My bad for misunderstanding.
Legal would have told them to keep Mum right now. This is another reason the SC threat letters are bullshit- it would have been done silently.
I'm sure we'll hear from the Escapist over this. Right now its best they wait and see what CIG does.
Again, by saying nothing, Escapist has said a lot.
And @MisterZebub that analogy doesn't really hold, as the Escapist hasn't received $90 million in donations from folks in preparation for a legal battle.
EDIT- CIG's lawyer made it very clear being silent on the subject was intent to fight the battle in court. Escapist has remained silent. The message is clear.
No they haven't said shit. The message is not clear. They've just left themselves open to rampant speculation and rumor mongering and ab hominem attacks, much like CIG over their financials. And *ahem* much like what I'm doing to them right now in this very thread.
The Escapist decided to throw a rock through CIG's window and now that the owners of that house are out yelling in anger on the lawn the Escapist just seems to be busy hiding under their desks. A simple statement that they refuse to be bullied and will take the bull by the horns if a lawsuit is imminent would go a long way in helping their own public image, ... in my not so humble opinion.
Under these circumstances, the last thing an entity under legal attack should do is concern themselves with rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks. By expecting a response you are asking them to repeat the same mistake that CIG/Chris Roberts has made. The Escapist are doing what CIG/Chris Roberts should have done. They are keeping their traps shut and letting their legal team handle the matter. Two responses from Chris Roberts did not stop the rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks from flying what would make you think that they will stop with a response from The Escapist?
Do I think they'll stop? Of course not. Do I think they'll have the same impact as The Escapist seeming to just be huddling in the corner of the ring taking body blow after body blow without making any attempt to fight back? Absolutely fucking not, which honestly isn't important, but what is important is that The Escapist sure seems to agree with me as that is exactly what they just did, fight back. And more importantly did so with brevity and honesty, instead a long winded rant or lawyerup letter. They stand by their story and not only will not back down, will continue the strive to bring more evidence to light, and at the same time stated they are still willing to reach out to CIG if the offer still stands.
So looks like The Escapist doesn't agree with you.
You were right. I based my post on the assumption that The Escapist were not in as firm ground as they apparently are. This appears to be an open and shut case for them. The speediness of their response should make SC/Chris Roberts very afraid. I am certain this is not the response Roberts and team where expecting and wishing for. If you've been waiting for a sign to bail out ... this is it. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Oh... you haven't seen anything yet. This shit goes all the way to the Whitehouse.
Hmmm did I ever in any post I've made question the viability of anonymous sources? Or the veracity of the ones used by The Escapist? That has absolutely nothing to do with my post what so ever as I've never opined about that one way or another. So please stop with this strawman argument over something I did not say.
It makes perfect sense. They wrote the article and now that they are getting a response from CIG seem to have gone mum on the subject leaving me, and everyone else, to speculate they are busy getting their wagons in a circle in anticipation of a legal siege. And yes that is ONLY rampant speculation on my part, the very reason I think crystal clear transparency about their current and future actions surrounding this issue are so important. And if they aren't willing to let the public in on the fallout against them over this article I once again call hypocrisy on their part.
Ah- My bad for misunderstanding.
Legal would have told them to keep Mum right now. This is another reason the SC threat letters are bullshit- it would have been done silently.
I'm sure we'll hear from the Escapist over this. Right now its best they wait and see what CIG does.
Again, by saying nothing, Escapist has said a lot.
And @MisterZebub that analogy doesn't really hold, as the Escapist hasn't received $90 million in donations from folks in preparation for a legal battle.
EDIT- CIG's lawyer made it very clear being silent on the subject was intent to fight the battle in court. Escapist has remained silent. The message is clear.
No they haven't said shit. The message is not clear. They've just left themselves open to rampant speculation and rumor mongering and ab hominem attacks, much like CIG over their financials. And *ahem* much like what I'm doing to them right now in this very thread.
The Escapist decided to throw a rock through CIG's window and now that the owners of that house are out yelling in anger on the lawn the Escapist just seems to be busy hiding under their desks. A simple statement that they refuse to be bullied and will take the bull by the horns if a lawsuit is imminent would go a long way in helping their own public image, ... in my not so humble opinion.
Under these circumstances, the last thing an entity under legal attack should do is concern themselves with rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks. By expecting a response you are asking them to repeat the same mistake that CIG/Chris Roberts has made. The Escapist are doing what CIG/Chris Roberts should have done. They are keeping their traps shut and letting their legal team handle the matter. Two responses from Chris Roberts did not stop the rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks from flying what would make you think that they will stop with a response from The Escapist?
Do I think they'll stop? Of course not. Do I think they'll have the same impact as The Escapist seeming to just be huddling in the corner of the ring taking body blow after body blow without making any attempt to fight back? Absolutely fucking not, which honestly isn't important, but what is important is that The Escapist sure seems to agree with me as that is exactly what they just did, fight back. And more importantly did so with brevity and honesty, instead a long winded rant or lawyerup letter. They stand by their story and not only will not back down, will continue the strive to bring more evidence to light, and at the same time stated they are still willing to reach out to CIG if the offer still stands.
So looks like The Escapist doesn't agree with you.
You were right. I based my post on the assumption that The Escapist were not in as firm ground as they apparently are. This appears to be an open and shut case for them. The speediness of their response should make SC/Chris Roberts very afraid. I am certain this is not the response Roberts and team where expecting and wishing for. If you've been waiting for a sign to bail out ... this is it. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Oh... you haven't seen anything yet. This shit goes all the way to the Whitehouse.
White House?
This shit goes all the way to the galactic federation.
First off there is no way in hell CR will take them to court. Second it has finally hit me how much I feel sorry for the people that still have blinders on and can't see the truth. A lot of people are going to lose a lot of money all for nothing.
I hate saying ti but I do hope CR gets charged for embezzlement. I just don't see him getting out of any jail time once all the truth comes out.
There is no way this will end well for CR and his wife.
So I made a final video to discuss how I feel that the Grand Narrative of the Escapist - which began with the September 25th Escapist article, spun out of control, and has now led us to these very strongly opinionated groups on both sides.
In Short: The Escapist seems hell-bent on keeping their narrative alive, despite compounding information. Both sides have suffered for virtually no reason, and Derek Smart is no "David".
Hmmm did I ever in any post I've made question the viability of anonymous sources? Or the veracity of the ones used by The Escapist? That has absolutely nothing to do with my post what so ever as I've never opined about that one way or another. So please stop with this strawman argument over something I did not say.
It makes perfect sense. They wrote the article and now that they are getting a response from CIG seem to have gone mum on the subject leaving me, and everyone else, to speculate they are busy getting their wagons in a circle in anticipation of a legal siege. And yes that is ONLY rampant speculation on my part, the very reason I think crystal clear transparency about their current and future actions surrounding this issue are so important. And if they aren't willing to let the public in on the fallout against them over this article I once again call hypocrisy on their part.
Ah- My bad for misunderstanding.
Legal would have told them to keep Mum right now. This is another reason the SC threat letters are bullshit- it would have been done silently.
I'm sure we'll hear from the Escapist over this. Right now its best they wait and see what CIG does.
Again, by saying nothing, Escapist has said a lot.
And @MisterZebub that analogy doesn't really hold, as the Escapist hasn't received $90 million in donations from folks in preparation for a legal battle.
EDIT- CIG's lawyer made it very clear being silent on the subject was intent to fight the battle in court. Escapist has remained silent. The message is clear.
No they haven't said shit. The message is not clear. They've just left themselves open to rampant speculation and rumor mongering and ab hominem attacks, much like CIG over their financials. And *ahem* much like what I'm doing to them right now in this very thread.
The Escapist decided to throw a rock through CIG's window and now that the owners of that house are out yelling in anger on the lawn the Escapist just seems to be busy hiding under their desks. A simple statement that they refuse to be bullied and will take the bull by the horns if a lawsuit is imminent would go a long way in helping their own public image, ... in my not so humble opinion.
Under these circumstances, the last thing an entity under legal attack should do is concern themselves with rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks. By expecting a response you are asking them to repeat the same mistake that CIG/Chris Roberts has made. The Escapist are doing what CIG/Chris Roberts should have done. They are keeping their traps shut and letting their legal team handle the matter. Two responses from Chris Roberts did not stop the rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks from flying what would make you think that they will stop with a response from The Escapist?
Do I think they'll stop? Of course not. Do I think they'll have the same impact as The Escapist seeming to just be huddling in the corner of the ring taking body blow after body blow without making any attempt to fight back? Absolutely fucking not, which honestly isn't important, but what is important is that The Escapist sure seems to agree with me as that is exactly what they just did, fight back. And more importantly did so with brevity and honesty, instead a long winded rant or lawyerup letter. They stand by their story and not only will not back down, will continue the strive to bring more evidence to light, and at the same time stated they are still willing to reach out to CIG if the offer still stands.
So looks like The Escapist doesn't agree with you.
You were right. I based my post on the assumption that The Escapist were not in as firm ground as they apparently are. This appears to be an open and shut case for them. The speediness of their response should make SC/Chris Roberts very afraid. I am certain this is not the response Roberts and team where expecting and wishing for. If you've been waiting for a sign to bail out ... this is it. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Oh... you haven't seen anything yet. This shit goes all the way to the Whitehouse.
White House?
This shit goes all the way to the galactic federation.
I heard Obama himself has got 60k racked up in ships.
Under these circumstances, the last thing an entity under legal attack should do is concern themselves with rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks. By expecting a response you are asking them to repeat the same mistake that CIG/Chris Roberts has made. The Escapist are doing what CIG/Chris Roberts should have done. They are keeping their traps shut and letting their legal team handle the matter. Two responses from Chris Roberts did not stop the rampant speculation, rumor mongering, and ad hominem attacks from flying what would make you think that they will stop with a response from The Escapist?
Do I think they'll stop? Of course not. Do I think they'll have the same impact as The Escapist seeming to just be huddling in the corner of the ring taking body blow after body blow without making any attempt to fight back? Absolutely fucking not, which honestly isn't important, but what is important is that The Escapist sure seems to agree with me as that is exactly what they just did, fight back. And more importantly did so with brevity and honesty, instead a long winded rant or lawyerup letter. They stand by their story and not only will not back down, will continue the strive to bring more evidence to light, and at the same time stated they are still willing to reach out to CIG if the offer still stands.
So looks like The Escapist doesn't agree with you.
You were right. I based my post on the assumption that The Escapist were not in as firm ground as they apparently are. This appears to be an open and shut case for them. The speediness of their response should make SC/Chris Roberts very afraid. I am certain this is not the response Roberts and team where expecting and wishing for. If you've been waiting for a sign to bail out ... this is it. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Oh... you haven't seen anything yet. This shit goes all the way to the Whitehouse.
White House?
This shit goes all the way to the galactic federation.
I heard Obama himself has got 60k racked up in ships.
Oh shoot ... there are men in black suits, shades, walkie talkies and American flag pins on their lapels at my door!
Most of the sources who are riding on the Derek Deadman Smarts Train are sources who never covered S.C. and they ar eusing this hype to sell advertising page views.
A Law suit of defamation agains Deadman Smart and Ecapist would suceed with one demo of the game in court. As well as an outline of the entire processes that SC took to get to where they are.
Deadman Smart is building a lot of powerful enemies right now. I see him fading out of this sooner then later. Words only go so far in this world.
Yeah "Powerful enemies"/....
Arent you guys glad we have crowdfunding to get away from those evil publishers?
That aside, DS has the grass roots. And Powerful Enemies are going to come crashing down because they are unethical, unscrupulous and things are now beginning to come to light.
What happens when it comes out that Deadman Smarrt has been getting paid to cause this ruckus ? (speculation since that is what all of this is)
Paid by who?
Exactly ? Isn't a worthy question to ask if someone is getting some kind of kickback for trolling SC or causing the game to fail ? I can only think of a handful of games to cater to that audience...
I had a brief conspiracy theory moment earlier this week. I was thinking that a great scam would be to raise 90 million in non-enforceably-refundable crowdfunding, gin up some kind of controversy from a third party like DS, and then fold up shop due to "legal fees" or other company breaking issues such as unethical hiring practices. Then you simply abscond with tens of millions of dollars.
Unfortunately there's a few things that don't add up in my theory such as opening other studios in Austin. If you're planning on escaping with as much money as possible then you keep as small a team as you can and produce as little content as you can. Also, Chris Roberts is not Stanley Kubric; there's no way he could come up with a plan this complex.
So I made a final video to discuss how I feel that the Grand Narrative of the Escapist - which began with the September 25th Escapist article, spun out of control, and has now led us to these very strongly opinionated groups on both sides.
In Short: The Escapist seems hell-bent on keeping their narrative alive, despite confounding information. Both sides have suffered for virtually no reason, and Derek Smart is no "David".
Most of the sources who are riding on the Derek Deadman Smarts Train are sources who never covered S.C. and they ar eusing this hype to sell advertising page views.
A Law suit of defamation agains Deadman Smart and Ecapist would suceed with one demo of the game in court. As well as an outline of the entire processes that SC took to get to where they are.
Deadman Smart is building a lot of powerful enemies right now. I see him fading out of this sooner then later. Words only go so far in this world.
Yeah "Powerful enemies"/....
Arent you guys glad we have crowdfunding to get away from those evil publishers?
That aside, DS has the grass roots. And Powerful Enemies are going to come crashing down because they are unethical, unscrupulous and things are now beginning to come to light.
What happens when it comes out that Deadman Smarrt has been getting paid to cause this ruckus ? (speculation since that is what all of this is)
Paid by who?
Exactly ? Isn't a worthy question to ask if someone is getting some kind of kickback for trolling SC or causing the game to fail ? I can only think of a handful of games to cater to that audience...
I had a brief conspiracy theory moment earlier this week. I was thinking that a great scam would be to raise 90 million in non-enforceably-refundable crowdfunding, gin up some kind of controversy from a third party like DS, and then fold up shop due to "legal fees" or other company breaking issues such as unethical hiring practices. Then you simply abscond with tens of millions of dollars.
Unfortunately there's a few things that don't add up in my theory such as opening other studios in Austin. If you're planning on escaping with as much money as possible then you keep as small a team as you can and produce as little content as you can. Also, Chris Roberts is not Stanley Kubric; there's no way he could come up with a plan this complex.
Meanwhile a year from now:
*Sounds of waves gently crashing on a sandy shore - Fade in to Chris Roberts sitting on a beach chair overlooking the ocean in some non-extradition country while sipping an umbrella drink*
"I have to give it to you," Chris says to a man sitting in a chair next to him with a hat covering his face, "This worked out perfectly!"
"Remember what I said, Chris?' The man says as he removes the hat and takes a sip of his drink "What's that, Derek?" Chris inquires. *Camera pans to reveal Derek Smart as the man in the hat* "There is a sucker born every minute"
*Pan out and fade to black*
*Credits roll*
There are 3 types of people in the world. 1.) Those who make things happen 2.) Those who watch things happen 3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"
EDIT how one deals with it however is slightly different.
But yeah, I didnt mean to imply they are all this way- Im sure its just a very vocal minority who have made this a religion. Ive even seen backers start to comment about this.
From everything I've seen Roberts best course IMHO would be to "put up and shut up". Basically say screw the media battle and just put out a good game to prove his opposites wrong. If he wastes money on a pointless legal pursuit then he runs the risk of SC becoming vaporware and proving the opposing view right.
Just don't go there positing inappropriate pictures like I do, think I'm on warning #5.
I am not trying to be rude mate
Usually when someone starts with not trying to be rude, funny or racist what comes next usually means they are and they are just trying to be polite.
Not sure how you claim i have self importance, i just replied to a comment in a forum, if you don't want random people replying to you i suggest don't write in a forum.
If they can in the relatively short term. If we're talking several years with the cloud over hanging the whole time? a bit more problematic. And thats assuming E is blowing smoke about more to come(which they could be).
Arent you guys glad we have crowdfunding to get away from those evil publishers?
That aside, DS has the grass roots. And Powerful Enemies are going to come crashing down because they are unethical, unscrupulous and things are now beginning to come to light.
You were right. I based my post on the assumption that The Escapist were not in as firm ground as they apparently are. This appears to be an open and shut case for them. The speediness of their response should make SC/Chris Roberts very afraid. I am certain this is not the response Roberts and team where expecting and wishing for. If you've been waiting for a sign to bail out ... this is it. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Also @Erillion has been really quite since this hit the news. I was wondering what he thinks. Should CIG take legal action of shut up and hope this goes away?
"It's pretty simple, really. If your only intention in posting about a particular game or topic is to be negative, then yes, you should probably move on. Voicing a negative opinion is fine, continually doing so on the same game is basically just trolling."
- Michael Bitton
Community Manager,
"As an online discussion about Star Citizen grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Derek Smart approaches 1" - MrSnuffles's law
"I am jumping in here a bit without knowing exactly what you all or talking about."
I mean, it would cause some ethical questions but doesnt change the truth. Derek Smart started this and this would go nowhere if this were merely a "troll" lying. The only way DS had/has any effect on this is if what he is saying is true (or mostly true) and GIG have something to hide.
But sure, if money changed hands here DS is shady. Still doesnt change the truth about SC and then that becomes a whole separate issue.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
This shit goes all the way to the galactic federation.
I hate saying ti but I do hope CR gets charged for embezzlement. I just don't see him getting out of any jail time once all the truth comes out.
There is no way this will end well for CR and his wife.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
So I made a final video to discuss how I feel that the Grand Narrative of the Escapist - which began with the September 25th Escapist article, spun out of control, and has now led us to these very strongly opinionated groups on both sides.
In Short: The Escapist seems hell-bent on keeping their narrative alive, despite compounding information. Both sides have suffered for virtually no reason, and Derek Smart is no "David".
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Oh shoot ... there are men in black suits, shades, walkie talkies and American flag pins on their lapels at my door!
I only meant well ...
/crickets ....
Unfortunately there's a few things that don't add up in my theory such as opening other studios in Austin. If you're planning on escaping with as much money as possible then you keep as small a team as you can and produce as little content as you can. Also, Chris Roberts is not Stanley Kubric; there's no way he could come up with a plan this complex.
*Sounds of waves gently crashing on a sandy shore - Fade in to Chris Roberts sitting on a beach chair overlooking the ocean in some non-extradition country while sipping an umbrella drink*
"I have to give it to you," Chris says to a man sitting in a chair next to him with a hat covering his face, "This worked out perfectly!"
"Remember what I said, Chris?' The man says as he removes the hat and takes a sip of his drink
"What's that, Derek?" Chris inquires.
*Camera pans to reveal Derek Smart as the man in the hat*
"There is a sucker born every minute"
*Pan out and fade to black*
*Credits roll*
There are 3 types of people in the world.
1.) Those who make things happen
2.) Those who watch things happen
3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"