currently the Mobile gaming market is the top earner in the gaming industry. in the Mobile gaming market as far as I know DX12 has zero presence.
More over, OpenGL is not a company with profits and DX12 is not something you buy directly from Microsoft. So, with those TWO items (please do not overlook the first one). I ask, how does one measure profits?
(added: on a casual observation if DX12 is not even in the segment of the gaming industry that is making the most money but OpenGL is, it begs the question, is DX actually more relevant?)
is there a mistake in that? yes, does the mistake change the observation? no
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
If the majority of PC game sales are Direct X, which they are, and the 360 and the One both use Direct X, which total over 100 million units as well, then I think Direct X has more reach in gaming than you realize. Open GL is not used as commonly in Mobile as you thought and I proved that to be true by showing you Apple ditching it for their own API. This also bleeds over into the tablet market from Apple and the Surface. Open GL is used quite a bit and has a huge reach but not quite as much as you tried to point out and was proven wrong about. On several points.
does a % of 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of the entire mobile gaming market change the postion below?
no it does not, nor does any of it have dick to do with consoles vs pc wars that you guys dragged me into and manipulated me into.
currently the Mobile gaming market is the top earner in the gaming industry. in the Mobile gaming market as far as I know DX12 has zero presence.
More over, OpenGL is not a company with profits and DX12 is not something you buy directly from Microsoft. So, with those TWO items (please do not overlook the first one). I ask, how does one measure profits?
(added: on a casual observation if DX12 is not even in the segment of the gaming industry that is making the most money but OpenGL is, it begs the question, is DX actually more relevant?)
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
currently the Mobile gaming market is the top earner in the gaming industry.
in the Mobile gaming market as far as I know DX12 has zero presence.
More over, OpenGL is not a company with profits and DX12 is not something you buy directly from Microsoft. So, with those TWO items (please do not overlook the first one). I ask, how does one measure profits?
(added: on a casual observation if DX12 is not even in the segment of the gaming industry that is making the most money but OpenGL is, it begs the question, is DX actually more relevant?)
is there a mistake in that? yes, does the mistake change the observation? no
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
거북이는 목을 내밀 때 안 움직입니다
does a % of 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 of the entire mobile gaming market change the postion below?
no it does not, nor does any of it have dick to do with consoles vs pc wars that you guys dragged me into and manipulated me into.
currently the Mobile gaming market is the top earner in the gaming industry.
in the Mobile gaming market as far as I know DX12 has zero presence.
More over, OpenGL is not a company with profits and DX12 is not something you buy directly from Microsoft. So, with those TWO items (please do not overlook the first one). I ask, how does one measure profits?
(added: on a casual observation if DX12 is not even in the segment of the gaming industry that is making the most money but OpenGL is, it begs the question, is DX actually more relevant?)
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me