Not confused, just was pointing out that you like to make grandiose claims that you can't possible know for sure. And just FYI. I could give a shit what anyone on this forum thinks about you.
That post was so fuckin cringe. I feel like you just basically say "ask around im a big deal around here". The douche chills are so strong right now.
Not at all. It was simply pointing out that your post will read as utterly uninformed to anyone who has even casually been part of this community.
You can absolutely say you think I'm wrong about a whole slew of things. Heck you can even follow Sedryn and call me names (and you will get a lot of people agreeing with that!)... but the second you make silly claims about "minimal research" you will be laughed off the stage.
All I hear is a bunch of chest puffing and bullshit. Blah blah blah. Again, don't care about your reputation, and don't care what others think of me or you. I just know a bullshitter when I smell one, and you stink bro.
Quickly sliding into the namecalling phase. Are you sure you haven't been here before?
Sorry bro, didn't know you were so sensitive. I will try to turn it down.
So a studio that raised 4 million, that had to lay off 3 people, missed its initial release date by what looks like a couple years, cancelled its partnership with spatialOS touted as the fabric of the game, sold pay 2 king for 10k and vote tokens, that thought it was a good idea to make a MUD and can't find a publisher or additional investors since April...
Thats the horse you got your money on?
LOL.. Nope.
Not sure how many times I will need to say. I haven't bet a cent on this 'horse', but it seems like it always just one more time.
So let me see.. my choices are, a game company that is behind schedule vs a bunch of formites that can't read.
I am sure you can understand that It's a difficult choice.. no doubt.
Wait so you're just here because you think we're all bullies for trash talking a company that's going to end up taking $3+ million from fans and never giving them a product all because of hubris? HAHA
You really don't think you look bad for attacking the credibility of a company that people invested millions into before they actually fail?
See. I enjoy games, which is why I joined this forum, I don't get all excited at the prospect of a game failing, I think that is a sad situation when it happens.
In fact, I cannot fathom how anyone who enjoys games would get some gleeful exuberance that you are displaying at the potential of a game failing, especially one so many people have money in, it comes across a sadistic and depraved.
If the game fails, I'll offer my sympathies to those that lost money, and really will have wished they never had endured that, it's tragic, on both the money loss and the loss of what could have been a great game.
If the game gets made, even if late, then I can celebrate with them, and being glad they put their faith into this game and made it happen, a joyous occasion.
You get neither of those.
This is an honest question, but really, right or wrong, do you really think you don't come across as ginormous bullies and jerks regardless?
When you post this vitriol and hate, it's like, What do you hope to gain here? What is your end goal, just to thump your chest on a forum, and no matter how it ends, you still look bad.
I don't really care what you hope to gain, but whatever it is, I sincerely hope you don't get it. Just.. because.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
So a studio that raised 4 million, that had to lay off 3 people, missed its initial release date by what looks like a couple years, cancelled its partnership with spatialOS touted as the fabric of the game, sold pay 2 king for 10k and vote tokens, that thought it was a good idea to make a MUD and can't find a publisher or additional investors since April...
Thats the horse you got your money on?
LOL.. Nope.
Not sure how many times I will need to say. I haven't bet a cent on this 'horse', but it seems like it always just one more time.
So let me see.. my choices are, a game company that is behind schedule vs a bunch of formites that can't read.
I am sure you can understand that It's a difficult choice.. no doubt.
Wait so you're just here because you think we're all bullies for trash talking a company that's going to end up taking $3+ million from fans and never giving them a product all because of hubris? HAHA
You really don't think you look like an asshole for attacking the credibility of a company that people invested millions into before they actually fail?
If the game fails, I'll offer my sympathies to those that lost money, and really will have wished they never had endured that, it's tragic, on both the money loss and the loss of what could have been a great game.
If the game gets made, even if late, then I can celebrate with them, and being glad they put their faith into this game and made it happen, a joyous occasion.
You get neither of those.
This is an honest question, but really, right or wrong, do you really think you don't come across as ginormous bullies and jerk regardless?
what do you hope to gain here? What is your end goal, just to thump your chest on a forum, and no matter how it ends, you still look bad.
Nope I think I'm helping poor uneducated folks who are looking for a cool game not to get duped by a company that doesn't have the ability to deliver. I have no problem trashing a company if they bit off more than they could chew. If they manage to prove me wrong, I'll be happy for all the people who spent money. I don't think that's going to be the case though going by what we've seen thus far, and denying that at this point is counterproductive to the gaming industry as a whole.
Edit: I don't just bash any game for no reason. There are kickstarter projects that I'd defend even though they are well over their goal date; simply because they are actually showing signs of positive production that may end up with a playable product for people to enjoy. Star Citizen, Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, and Pantheon are the titles which fall into that category for me. All of them show signs of at least doing SOMETHING. COE lacks that, I also feel Ashes of Creation will end up in the same boat as COE. Whether the fans of that game want to believe it or not Steven the juice salesman is no game developer, he's just another LARPer.
@Realizer Saying "they don't have the talent or ability to make the game" is not the same as sayign "they have yet to make the game". And you calling it a fact? Come on bro, you think you were gonna slide that dumb shit passed me? THey shoudl get to work? Good advice man. You're a genius. We all thought they had to stare at a wall continuously to get the job done. Man they should hire you, with your great insight.
WTF are you talking about lol? If your stocks tank you also get screwed. And I'm sorry, but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It is very common for small companies to offer ownership stakes in the company, especially in the Tech industry. And whether the small company is public or not, you can offer either public or private shares. And people take these jobs all the time because they can end up a lot more profitable then most positions in the same field in the long run.
Wanna make a bet? If CoE gets canceled I will never step foot on any forum on this website again, and I'll make a forum post apologizing for my stupidity. If the game releases you can never come on the CoE forums again, and you also make a public apology for your stupidity. Deal?
P.S. Also you know they've been working on the back end of the game right? That's why they don't have a ton of stuff to show yet. But I get it, that can't be it. They must be "lazy". And "not workign enough". Or whatever dumb shit you can pull directly out of your ass next.
Costco offers stock to it's employees also, and it's actually worth something. Doesn't mean it's an attractive offer. COE is not Facebook, they can't pretend shares of their company holds any sort of weight when they are currently in 3+ million in debt with nothing to show for it besides a forum and shopping page.
How's this for a potential pitch to a talented coder. I'm so glad you're interested in working for us, we can't offer you more money than anyone else in fact it's probably less. Don't worry though, if you manage to code this game into a mega hit and we become the next Blizzard you'll own 5% of the company and maybe you can sell it. Please come work for us! ROFL That's essentially their current offer in a nutshell.. Hardly attractive.
These guys aren't building the next paypal or twitter. Offering shares for "what could be" is not what you want to see when the company hasn't shown they can do anything without you so far.
Edit: I'll take your bet no problem, I'm confident I won't need to make any post, and there probably won't be a COE forum for me to go on anyway soon enough. Also, can you clarify "back end" do you mean they are working on the engine? What exactly have they done? Have they done any community updates explaining the current progress? I get emails every week from Camelot Unchained on exactly what they finished and what's still on the list.
Nope I think I'm helping poor uneducated folks who are looking for a cool game not to get duped by a company that doesn't have the ability to deliver. I have no problem trashing a company if they bit off more than they could chew. If they manage to prove me wrong, I'll be happy for all the people who spent money.
The thing here, is that if the game gets made, no one wants your congrats, or you being happy for them, they will just want you to shut up and go away, and never let you forget that you're the uneducated one.
Make no mistake, I realize that this game is behind schedule, and has issues all it's own, hell it has features I don't even like. It even risks going in the direction of Eternal Crusade, and some other games. It could happen, but hell, AAA titles with big name backers have died on the drawing board.
Games fail, so fucking what.
Now, Real Question, Right or wrong, Do you think you come across as the reasonable one in these discussions?
Do you really think your nasty jabs at the company and the creator, along with the oh so chic doom-boi quips targeted at the people who want this to happen, really change peoples mind, or do you think that it shines you in a bad light and that maybe you come across more as someone with an axe to grind and whole lot of irrational hate towards this game and it's creator.
To me, you come across as the latter.
If your goal was to come across as something other then a hater and a toll, you need to work on your delivery.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
Nope I think I'm helping poor uneducated folks who are looking for a cool game not to get duped by a company that doesn't have the ability to deliver. I have no problem trashing a company if they bit off more than they could chew. If they manage to prove me wrong, I'll be happy for all the people who spent money.
The thing here, is that if the game gets made, no one wants your congrats, or you being happy for them, they will just want you to shut up and go away, and never let you forget that you're the uneducated one.
Make no mistake, I realize that this game is behind schedule, and has issues all it's own, hell it has features I don't even like. It even risks going in the direction of Eternal Crusade, and some other games. It could happen, but hell, AAA titles with big name backers have died on the drawing board.
Games fail, so fucking what.
Now, Real Question, Right or wrong, Do you think you come across as the reasonable one in these discussions?
Do you really think your nasty jabs at the company and the creator, along with the oh so chic doom-boi quips targeted at the people who want this to happen, really change peoples mind, or do you think that it shines you in a bad light and that maybe you come across more as someone with an axe to grind and whole lot of irrational hate towards this game and it's creator.
To me, you come across as the latter.
If your goal was to come across as something other then a hater and a toll, you need to work on your delivery.
I don't care how I come across, I'm not some social justice warrior. I call it how I see it. You can take it or leave it. If you want a discussion of the why, I'm more than willing to explain why I feel this game is going nowhere fast. It's on you if you can't connect those dots, or perhaps you think it's just rude. Well to that I'll say it's also rude to take $3+ million from people when you don't have the experience to get it done. Especially when their lack of experience begins to become evident and instead of explain, say sorry, and get to work they decide to belittle the fanbase. Sounds pretty rude to me.
For the record, allow me to explain my personal reasons for being critical of SBS and the development of this game. I've backed, at one time or another, several kickstarter MMOs in recent history including Star Citizen, Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, and Chronicles of Elyria. But of all of them, my support for CoE was the highest in both time spent in the community (which is absolutely great, lots of good people hoping to play the game) and in dollars spent on pledge packages (well over $1,000 - not that I could really afford it). I supported CoE because out of all the upcoming games I believe that the game design SBS pitched has the most potential to change the industry for the better.
I've been studying game development for over a decade now and have even published a terrible little android game so I could call myself a developer. I love game design especially because it is essentially a plan for the game and a good one can make magic happen while a bad one can kill a game before development even starts. The design for CoE is absolutely phenomenal for a number of reasons and most of them center around the revolutionary concept of using the cloud to host the decentralized game logic instead of the traditional model where single servers host each copy of the game world. This distribution of the core logic means that the potential for massive persistent open worlds exists, not just in terms of landmass but also the entities populating it.
The problem SBS faces is that their game design is incredibly ambitious. This wouldn't be a problem except that they refuse to acknowledge their need for funding, presumably out of a fear of alienating their community who have already crowdfunded quite a bit. Another problem is hubris. SBS is not willing to bite the bullet and work it out with SpatialOS, the original inventors of the revolutionary technology their game is intended to be based on. Instead they want to develop this incredibly tricky and technical method themselves, from scratch. There are other problems as well but they pale in comparison to those two.
Make no mistake, both the gamer and developer in me very much want this game to be finished. Unfortunately, the way things are going, I don't think it will be. And that's truly a shame because while the scope of the game was perhaps larger than is wise, the potential for the game is enormous. I sincerely hope that SBS manages to turn it around and complete the game. But without people willing to speak up about the issues and bring them to light for SBS, they will never come to terms with the problems they face and the game will never reach its potential, if it is ever even finished at all.
What a thread, how could I have missed it? Seriously though, all points to this company going through a rough time and they have shown little to ease the concerns.
To all who think this place is made out of bitter haters, this isn't the first company or (concept of) a game going through this. Saying release at all is highly unlikely isn't hating on the game, it is what had happened before. Unless you call a game like Pathfinder Online an actual release instead of a giant, horrible mess.
Also Kudos to @Slapshot1188 , he actually knows what he is talking about and is always critical but fair. I also know he doesn't consider crowdfunding a dirty word and has donated to several projects. He might come across a bit blunt but I'll take his word over some angry fanboys'.
/Cheers, Lahnmir
'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'
Kyleran on yours sincerely
'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'
Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...
'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless.
It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.
It is just huge resource waste....'
Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer
So a studio that raised 4 million, that had to lay off 3 people, missed its initial release date by what looks like a couple years, cancelled its partnership with spatialOS touted as the fabric of the game, sold pay 2 king for 10k and vote tokens, that thought it was a good idea to make a MUD and can't find a publisher or additional investors since April...
Thats the horse you got your money on?
LOL.. Nope.
Not sure how many times I will need to say. I haven't bet a cent on this 'horse', but it seems like it always just one more time.
So let me see.. my choices are, a game company that is behind schedule vs a bunch of formites that can't read.
I am sure you can understand that It's a difficult choice.. no doubt.
The person defending the snake oil salesman won't even buy his product. How rich.
"You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Well, people have brought up some good examples of some games which have permitted scripting, but I think what makes this different was the original claim of 100K per "server"
As was pointed out, thats a lot of CPU, in the case of Star Citizen they are getting like 25 to 40 players per server. Even Derek Smart posted recently his environment migration of Alganon involved "30" actual pieces of hardware, and that is like for one or two "servers"
CCP utilizes a staggering amount of hardware to pull off their full persistant universe which once hit a maximum of 65K logged in.
I recall several games in the recent past struggling at launch because their servers had to deal with too many "objects" and the solutions included forcibly logging players out after being afk for too long and actually have the npcs "disappear" from the game world if no actual player was nearby to see them.
SpatialIOS seemed like one good solution, just spin up another server in the cloud when demand requires it but it makes sense there's more to it than that, and COE discovered it was an incomplete solution.
They aren't wrong about cost either, my company is jumping into AWS and other cloud services, and cost is a significant factor.
In fact one of the developers on my team came up with a real nice automated testing framework based on AWS which we had planned to use until the company found out what the potential monthly ongoing charges might be. Back to the drawing board and more conventional technology.
I understand they had to make changes, and why, its just they didn't really make any scope or design cut backs when the original plan seemed unrealistic, and seems even more so in light of funding concerns.
They may one day deliver a game, but it would not surprise me at all if it fell well short of the vision and took 8 years to fully launch.
Yes, I said 8, I'm probably low.
yeah, I was kind of going to stay out of it after what I said about testing but you brought up exactly the issue of amount of hardware to number of CCU.
By the way, I took this same number of CCU(1500) and ran it through AWS with M6 cores and using DynamoDB as a frontend. I think I posted that back in old developers forum. The cost was around 1.8 million a month so I kind of scraped that idea. AWS has since reduced the cost so maybe now it would be more feasible?
I haven't yet seen anything that can deliver this kind of numbers except maybe BW. They do have the world record at around 93K CCU but that is WoT which doesn't have a high demand like 10 frames a second realtime stuff.
So a studio that raised 4 million, that had to lay off 3 people, missed its initial release date by what looks like a couple years, cancelled its partnership with spatialOS touted as the fabric of the game, sold pay 2 king for 10k and vote tokens, that thought it was a good idea to make a MUD and can't find a publisher or additional investors since April...
Thats the horse you got your money on?
LOL.. Nope.
Not sure how many times I will need to say. I haven't bet a cent on this 'horse', but it seems like it always just one more time.
So let me see.. my choices are, a game company that is behind schedule vs a bunch of formites that can't read.
I am sure you can understand that It's a difficult choice.. no doubt.
Wait so you're just here because you think we're all bullies for trash talking a company that's going to end up taking $3+ million from fans and never giving them a product all because of hubris? HAHA
This is an honest question, but really, right or wrong, do you really think you don't come across as ginormous bullies and jerks regardless?
This part made me laugh out loud. I can see Caspian sitting there and sobbing after reading the MMORPG forums because everyone is bullying him because its a negative opinion.
People on here aren't jerks for pointing out that the team lacks experience or that the studio is repeating mistakes other companies have done that have led to ruin or that there is really nothing to show to end these arguments. You don't need to be a game developer to put 2 and 2 together and make an educated guess as to what the outcome will be.
If the person is wrong so what? Someone posting on a forum saying don't spend money on this game as I think its going to fail isn't going to make the studio fail.
It’s the goal of the angry mob. Caspien has made many mistakes but IMHO none more damaging then when he asked the Ivory Tower to go out and shut down critics because it wouldn’t look right if he did it himself. Nobody in their right mind could look at the last several pages of this thread and think it was good for the game. Yet every time the “new guys” post, it just gets on the front page and more eyeballs. As of now they have generated more than 6.4k views. It’s amazing that they think this is smart. It’s a thread about the company having to post that they had to lay off employees...
I mean, I even suggested multiple times that they shift over to the much more positive “The Way Forward” thread yet they insist on bumping the one about layoffs. I guess you just can’t get good help these days...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Does anyone like a pessimist even if they are right?
I understand that you want to be positive. And you may not like the pessimism. However, if this is true, and I believe it is, then SBS it is possibly practicing shady business.
But see, it's not True, until it happens, right now, it's nothing more then a pessimistic outlook, recited endlessly. Even if you agree with their prediction, it makes it no less pessimistic. And if someone is so sure something is going to fail, why not just walk away from it, why hang around and harp upon it endlessly?
As for any truth, given that half their ramblings and objections revolve around tin foil hat mudslinging about ivory towers, and what have you, its like they are playing their own delusional fantasy game around this games development.
Now, If you really look at it, it's more a cry for attention, they want to be head, they want this company to listen due to some self imposed feelings of importance and perhaps they were given a head nod for suggesting an idea that I would wager has already been around for a few decades, and suddenly feel they should have the power to shape the game as a whole, and perhaps got blown off when they pushed too hard, hence their "way forward" post they think is going to change the whole game.
Now, If that is who you want to follow, be my guest, but.. for me. I like games, I enjoy playing games, and I look forward to new and fun games play. To me, CoE is not new in the sense of Online Games, it's more a return to old school MUDs, which I loved playing back in the day.
But, this is just one of many games out there to me, so, I am not going to piss away my life tending an ear to the ramblings of pessimist, if that is what makes you happy and you want to cling that they are prophetic truth speakers, be my guest, but don't expect me to give that decision, or the words you cling to, any respect.
If they end up being right.. Oh well. Guess Ill just have to play something else.. much like what I am doing right now.. playing something else. So my life won't change, as such, I have no reason to humor such negativity.
You're basically arguing that willful ignorance is alright as long as it comes with a positive mentality. But if you don't want to admit things because they are negative then how will you ever change or inspire the change you really want? People aren't pessimistic because they enjoy it, they're pessimistic because they have a vision of something that works better and want to see it realized.
Accepting that if they say they have things under control, that they have things under control, is a whole lot better then running around like a chicken with head chopped off screaming the whole game is gonna die, when you really have no idea.
Now, Don't let me stop you doing that.. but understand I am not going to take you seriously either.
If you accept that they have things under control you might end up buying something from them and losing your money if they can't deliver, whereas running around like a headless chicken is free.
Therefore I submit that panicking and running around like a headless chicken is the better alternative.
I see you never heard the story of Chicken Little, See, making an ass of yourself may not cost money, but it is not free either.
Now, look at things form my angle, I am given the choice between the word of someone on a form with no credentials to speak of, or the developer of the game itself.. which sounds like the most reliable bet to have a clue on what is really going on?
If they say, this is just a set back, then.. maybe, it's just a set back.
Sure, the developer of the game has the most knowledge of what is going on. But, that doesn't mean they are willing to share that info publicly.
Just because they have the inside knowledge does not make them a reliable source. The owner of the company has everything to gain if they succeed and everything to lose if they fail.
You also have to look at the the track record of the company. Have they been up front and honest so far?
I would argue some random guy on the forums who has observed many other KS projects and has 0 skin in the game may actually be a more reliable and less biased resource.
Back then when Secret World did this jointventure where this other company was creating real life puzzles for them, I felt their community was raiding us and I had clear words for that.
But looking back now their community was friendly and somewhat reasonable in comparison to this toxic bunch sent to us by Caspian.
So a studio that raised 4 million, that had to lay off 3 people, missed its initial release date by what looks like a couple years, cancelled its partnership with spatialOS touted as the fabric of the game, sold pay 2 king for 10k and vote tokens, that thought it was a good idea to make a MUD and can't find a publisher or additional investors since April...
Thats the horse you got your money on?
LOL.. Nope.
Not sure how many times I will need to say. I haven't bet a cent on this 'horse', but it seems like it always just one more time.
So let me see.. my choices are, a game company that is behind schedule vs a bunch of formites that can't read.
I am sure you can understand that It's a difficult choice.. no doubt.
The person defending the snake oil salesman won't even buy his product. How rich.
And this is any more asinine then the people who defend not being liable or for the contracts they sign demanding that someone else be liable for what they randomly said to how?
Also, how do you know they are a snake oil salesman?
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
Does anyone like a pessimist even if they are right?
I understand that you want to be positive. And you may not like the pessimism. However, if this is true, and I believe it is, then SBS it is possibly practicing shady business.
But see, it's not True, until it happens, right now, it's nothing more then a pessimistic outlook, recited endlessly. Even if you agree with their prediction, it makes it no less pessimistic. And if someone is so sure something is going to fail, why not just walk away from it, why hang around and harp upon it endlessly?
As for any truth, given that half their ramblings and objections revolve around tin foil hat mudslinging about ivory towers, and what have you, its like they are playing their own delusional fantasy game around this games development.
Now, If you really look at it, it's more a cry for attention, they want to be head, they want this company to listen due to some self imposed feelings of importance and perhaps they were given a head nod for suggesting an idea that I would wager has already been around for a few decades, and suddenly feel they should have the power to shape the game as a whole, and perhaps got blown off when they pushed too hard, hence their "way forward" post they think is going to change the whole game.
Now, If that is who you want to follow, be my guest, but.. for me. I like games, I enjoy playing games, and I look forward to new and fun games play. To me, CoE is not new in the sense of Online Games, it's more a return to old school MUDs, which I loved playing back in the day.
But, this is just one of many games out there to me, so, I am not going to piss away my life tending an ear to the ramblings of pessimist, if that is what makes you happy and you want to cling that they are prophetic truth speakers, be my guest, but don't expect me to give that decision, or the words you cling to, any respect.
If they end up being right.. Oh well. Guess Ill just have to play something else.. much like what I am doing right now.. playing something else. So my life won't change, as such, I have no reason to humor such negativity.
You're basically arguing that willful ignorance is alright as long as it comes with a positive mentality. But if you don't want to admit things because they are negative then how will you ever change or inspire the change you really want? People aren't pessimistic because they enjoy it, they're pessimistic because they have a vision of something that works better and want to see it realized.
Accepting that if they say they have things under control, that they have things under control, is a whole lot better then running around like a chicken with head chopped off screaming the whole game is gonna die, when you really have no idea.
Now, Don't let me stop you doing that.. but understand I am not going to take you seriously either.
If you accept that they have things under control you might end up buying something from them and losing your money if they can't deliver, whereas running around like a headless chicken is free.
Therefore I submit that panicking and running around like a headless chicken is the better alternative.
I see you never heard the story of Chicken Little, See, making an ass of yourself may not cost money, but it is not free either.
Now, look at things form my angle, I am given the choice between the word of someone on a form with no credentials to speak of, or the developer of the game itself.. which sounds like the most reliable bet to have a clue on what is really going on?
If they say, this is just a set back, then.. maybe, it's just a set back.
Sure, the developer of the game has the most knowledge of what is going on. But, that doesn't mean they are willing to share that info publicly.
Just because they have the inside knowledge does not make them a reliable source. The owner of the company has everything to gain if they succeed and everything to lose if they fail.
You also have to look at the the track record of the company. Have they been up front and honest so far?
I would argue some random guy on the forums who has observed many other KS projects and has 0 skin in the game may actually be a more reliable and less biased resource.
My understanding is that Soul Bound Studios, and Caspian directly, has been very transparent and open with their community so far, keeping them up to date on the good and the bad, far more then a lot of other game companies have done or do at all, hence why so may people seem to know so much about what they are doing and get to sit around an play arm-chair developer with them.
Now, anyone who is in fact informed would know that when things go bad, companies cut off communications, put up veils of silence, and only allow PR reps to deal with the public as a form of damage control.
Case in point, Caspian did not need to make any mention of their deals with SpartalOS, or their decision to no use it, he could have sat on that for a long as he liked, he could have kept that hidden away till release date, and then simply not added their logo to the product page. He was under no obligation to say what was going on between them, and, truth be told, if this was going to be really bad, or he was trying to hide things, he would have simply said nothing at all.
But he was open, transparent, and made things clear to his supporters what was going on, everything opposite of what someone who was trying to hide something would do, and for that, you rip upon him, call him a thief, say his company will fail, and accuse him of lying about what is going on.
Oh, well, gosh you must be the voice of reason.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
@Realizer Saying "they don't have the talent or ability to make the game" is not the same as sayign "they have yet to make the game". And you calling it a fact? Come on bro, you think you were gonna slide that dumb shit passed me? THey shoudl get to work? Good advice man. You're a genius. We all thought they had to stare at a wall continuously to get the job done. Man they should hire you, with your great insight.
WTF are you talking about lol? If your stocks tank you also get screwed. And I'm sorry, but you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It is very common for small companies to offer ownership stakes in the company, especially in the Tech industry. And whether the small company is public or not, you can offer either public or private shares. And people take these jobs all the time because they can end up a lot more profitable then most positions in the same field in the long run.
Wanna make a bet? If CoE gets canceled I will never step foot on any forum on this website again, and I'll make a forum post apologizing for my stupidity. If the game releases you can never come on the CoE forums again, and you also make a public apology for your stupidity. Deal?
P.S. Also you know they've been working on the back end of the game right? That's why they don't have a ton of stuff to show yet. But I get it, that can't be it. They must be "lazy". And "not workign enough". Or whatever dumb shit you can pull directly out of your ass next.
Costco offers stock to it's employees also, and it's actually worth something. Doesn't mean it's an attractive offer. COE is not Facebook, they can't pretend shares of their company holds any sort of weight when they are currently in 3+ million in debt with nothing to show for it besides a forum and shopping page.
How's this for a potential pitch to a talented coder. I'm so glad you're interested in working for us, we can't offer you more money than anyone else in fact it's probably less. Don't worry though, if you manage to code this game into a mega hit and we become the next Blizzard you'll own 5% of the company and maybe you can sell it. Please come work for us! ROFL That's essentially their current offer in a nutshell.. Hardly attractive.
These guys aren't building the next paypal or twitter. Offering shares for "what could be" is not what you want to see when the company hasn't shown they can do anything without you so far.
Edit: I'll take your bet no problem, I'm confident I won't need to make any post, and there probably won't be a COE forum for me to go on anyway soon enough. Also, can you clarify "back end" do you mean they are working on the engine? What exactly have they done? Have they done any community updates explaining the current progress? I get emails every week from Camelot Unchained on exactly what they finished and what's still on the list.
1. OMFG, I'm going to try to be as nice as possible with this. Getting COstco stock might be okay, but getting private shares of a company before it begins selling their product, is even better. Because again, when you're in a company as small as this, the work you put in will directly effect how much money you make. You can work yourself to the bone at costco, and the value of that stock isn't going up. So if you go to a startup company, and build a game, and it becomes a success, you will make a lot more money then the same job at a well known company. I get it, you don't think it's a good idea (even though it's quite clear, you've done minimal research).
2. You have to understand that the developers of this game, aren't arm chair warriors, that think they can know everything about a project while doing 0 research. They are actually you know... working for the company. And yes people in the tech industry do this all the time. Sometimes the company folds, and you end up just making your lower than average salary. But sometimes the company ends up exploding, and you find yourself in early retirement. Just because you (with again very little research) think the game is going to fail, doesn't mean the people who actually.... you know.. know what they're doing, and have decades of experience in the industry. But I'm sure they should listen to you lol. I mean they're obviously stupid, while your the expert on this LOLOL. SPare me your bullshit.
3. OMFG. So you have this strong ass opinion, but you haven't even read the state of Elyria? Yes that's why they had to move away from SPatial OS. It ended up not being the perfect fit they'd hope, and they had to build the back end stuff for things like load balancing themselves. They explained all of this in the State of Elyria. Here I'll post it for you.
It's amazing people like you. You probably read a few click baity articles and now you think you know everything. WHy do you even sit around in these forums if you aren't even going to do a minimal amount of research? WHy do you have strong opinions on things you clearly don't know anything about, and are too intellectually lazy to do any sort of research?
And BTW yes, CoE does weekly letters explaining what they have completed, what they're working on, and what problems they've ran into. VOX Elyria is going to be opening to a limited amount of backers starting around April. They also do Q&A's (there is one today actually), weekly public updates, and they constantly talk to players on the COE Dischord channel, and answer their questions.
Nope I think I'm helping poor uneducated folks who are looking for a cool game not to get duped by a company that doesn't have the ability to deliver. I have no problem trashing a company if they bit off more than they could chew. If they manage to prove me wrong, I'll be happy for all the people who spent money.
The thing here, is that if the game gets made, no one wants your congrats, or you being happy for them, they will just want you to shut up and go away, and never let you forget that you're the uneducated one.
Make no mistake, I realize that this game is behind schedule, and has issues all it's own, hell it has features I don't even like. It even risks going in the direction of Eternal Crusade, and some other games. It could happen, but hell, AAA titles with big name backers have died on the drawing board.
Games fail, so fucking what.
Now, Real Question, Right or wrong, Do you think you come across as the reasonable one in these discussions?
Do you really think your nasty jabs at the company and the creator, along with the oh so chic doom-boi quips targeted at the people who want this to happen, really change peoples mind, or do you think that it shines you in a bad light and that maybe you come across more as someone with an axe to grind and whole lot of irrational hate towards this game and it's creator.
To me, you come across as the latter.
If your goal was to come across as something other then a hater and a toll, you need to work on your delivery.
I don't care how I come across, I'm not some social justice warrior. I call it how I see it. You can take it or leave it. If you want a discussion of the why, I'm more than willing to explain why I feel this game is going nowhere fast. It's on you if you can't connect those dots, or perhaps you think it's just rude. Well to that I'll say it's also rude to take $3+ million from people when you don't have the experience to get it done. Especially when their lack of experience begins to become evident and instead of explain, say sorry, and get to work they decide to belittle the fanbase. Sounds pretty rude to me.
Yeah but you do 0 research, so how you ultimately "see it" doesn't matter and is a waste of everyone's time.
Yet they have nothing to show for it yet. Nobody cares how much work has been done until then. If they worked on it for 10 more years and kept feeding people information about it we still wouldn't care.
Until there is some proof of concept it's all just hot air.
It’s the goal of the angry mob. Caspien has made many mistakes but IMHO none more damaging then when he asked the Ivory Tower to go out and shut down critics because it wouldn’t look right if he did it himself. Nobody in their right mind could look at the last several pages of this thread and think it was good for the game. Yet every time the “new guys” post, it just gets on the front page and more eyeballs. As of now they have generated more than 6.4k views. It’s amazing that they think this is smart. It’s a thread about the company having to post that they had to lay off employees...
I mean, I even suggested multiple times that they shift over to the much more positive “The Way Forward” thread yet they insist on bumping the one about layoffs. I guess you just can’t get good help these days...
WTF are you talking about. No one told me to do this. I just thought I'd spend some time spreading actual information, instead of talking out of my bulbous ass like you. Nothing irritates me more than intellectual laziness, which internet armchair warriors like yourselves are full of.
And your suggestions are meaningless. You have no experience in anything that would render you close, to someone that should be listened to. The cheetoh dust on your dick doesn't make you an expert in running a video game company, believe it or not.
You can't expect them to back up their claims, Slap keeps talking about Tin Foil Hat stuff like Ivory Towers like he's living in a fantasy land.
All the others wonder why someone trying to bring a dream to life does not want to deal with a bunch of pessimist.
Really.. they can't figure it out.. for real.
Egotism is the anesthetic that dullens the pain of stupidity, this is why when I try to beat my head against the stupidity of other people, I only hurt myself.
It's quite funny how a lot of you don't know shit about this game, nothing about owning your own company, nothing about the tech industry in general, but seem to have extremely strong opinions. It's obvious you don't read updates, you don't talk to the devs, you have 0 understanding of a lot of the systems, and the work that's been accomplished. Yet your so positive this game is gonna fail lol. God, what a bunch of fucking idiots.
Yet they have nothing to show for it yet. Nobody cares how much work has been done until then. If they worked on it for 10 more years and kept feeding people information about it we still wouldn't care.
Until there is some proof of concept it's all just hot air.
Yup they've showed absolutely nothing, you're right. Not a single thing has been shown, .. There isn't updates weekly. There isn't NDA disclosed stuff, to show in even more detail on what's been done. They're just sitting on a beach somewhere, collecting checks.
It’s the goal of the angry mob. Caspien has made many mistakes but IMHO none more damaging then when he asked the Ivory Tower to go out and shut down critics because it wouldn’t look right if he did it himself. Nobody in their right mind could look at the last several pages of this thread and think it was good for the game. Yet every time the “new guys” post, it just gets on the front page and more eyeballs. As of now they have generated more than 6.4k views. It’s amazing that they think this is smart. It’s a thread about the company having to post that they had to lay off employees...
I mean, I even suggested multiple times that they shift over to the much more positive “The Way Forward” thread yet they insist on bumping the one about layoffs. I guess you just can’t get good help these days...
WTF are you talking about. No one told me to do this. I just thought I'd spend some time spreading actual information, instead of talking out of my bulbous ass like you. Nothing irritates me more than intellectual laziness, which internet armchair warriors like yourselves are full of.
And your suggestions are meaningless. You have no experience in anything that would render you close, to someone that should be listened to. The cheetoh dust on your dick doesn't make you an expert in running a video game company, believe it or not.
You can't expect them to back up their claims, Slap keeps talking about Tin Foil Hat stuff like Ivory Towers like he's living in a fantasy land.
All the others wonder why someone trying to bring a dream to life does not want to deal with a bunch of pessimist.
Really.. they can't figure it out.. for real.
I've caught on to that. At first he tries to discredit me as someone who use to visit this site, and got banned or something I guess. Then he tries to paint me as someone "sent by the developers". Lol, it's really just pathetic. Next he's going to call me a shill, and claim I'm on the CoE payroll. WHatever claim he has to make, to avoid discussing any of my actual points.
It's quite funny how a lot of you don't know shit about this game, nothing about owning your own company, nothing about the tech industry in general, but seem to have extremely strong opinions. It's obvious you don't read updates, you don't talk to the devs, you have 0 understanding of a lot of the systems, and the work that's been accomplished. Yet your so positive this game is gonna fail lol. God, what a bunch of fucking idiots.
Good for you, knowing so much more then everybody else around these parts. A shame you forgot how to be a decent human being, go insult people that might be impressed by your loudmouthing somewhere else, you won't find them here.
I hope this game succeeds, I don't wish ill fortune on anyone. It will be despite its "fans" though, not because of them.
/Cheers, Lahnmir
'the only way he could nail it any better is if he used a cross.'
Kyleran on yours sincerely
'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'
Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...
'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless.
It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.
It is just huge resource waste....'
Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer
It's quite funny how a lot of you don't know shit about this game, nothing about owning your own company, nothing about the tech industry in general, but seem to have extremely strong opinions. It's obvious you don't read updates, you don't talk to the devs, you have 0 understanding of a lot of the systems, and the work that's been accomplished. Yet your so positive this game is gonna fail lol. God, what a bunch of fucking idiots.
Good for you, knowing so much more then everybody else around these parts. A shame you forgot how to be a decent human being, go insult people that might be impressed by your loudmouthing somewhere else, you won't find them here.
I hope this game succeeds, I don't wish ill fortune on anyone. It will be despite its "fans" though, not because of them.
/Cheers, Lahnmir
Again... I say let the angry mob vent all they want. It was Caspien’s biggest mistake IMHO when he encouraged the Ivory Tower to go out and shut down critics because it wouldn’t look right if he did It himself. This is the end result. Nobody can possibly think having them as ambassadors of the community is good. Nor can bumping the thread about layoffs be seen as smart. Just since my earlier post about 6.4k views it’s now 6.6k.
Amazing. Anyhow the next Q and A is near. Pre submitted questions of course, but maybe a state of studio update will come too.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
It's quite funny how a lot of you don't know shit about this game, nothing about owning your own company, nothing about the tech industry in general, but seem to have extremely strong opinions. It's obvious you don't read updates, you don't talk to the devs, you have 0 understanding of a lot of the systems, and the work that's been accomplished. Yet your so positive this game is gonna fail lol. God, what a bunch of fucking idiots.
Good for you, knowing so much more then everybody else around these parts. A shame you forgot how to be a decent human being, go insult people that might be impressed by your loudmouthing somewhere else, you won't find them here.
I hope this game succeeds, I don't wish ill fortune on anyone. It will be despite its "fans" though, not because of them.
/Cheers, Lahnmir
If you expect me to feel sorry for shitting on people that spread misinformation, and having strong opinions, while having 0 knowledge? Sorry. Go write your bullshit theories, and retarded opinions in your diary if you don't want to be called out for having a shitty opinion.
You really don't think you look bad for attacking the credibility of a company that people invested millions into before they actually fail?
See. I enjoy games, which is why I joined this forum, I don't get all excited at the prospect of a game failing, I think that is a sad situation when it happens.
In fact, I cannot fathom how anyone who enjoys games would get some gleeful exuberance that you are displaying at the potential of a game failing, especially one so many people have money in, it comes across a sadistic and depraved.
If the game fails, I'll offer my sympathies to those that lost money, and really will have wished they never had endured that, it's tragic, on both the money loss and the loss of what could have been a great game.
If the game gets made, even if late, then I can celebrate with them, and being glad they put their faith into this game and made it happen, a joyous occasion.
You get neither of those.
This is an honest question, but really, right or wrong, do you really think you don't come across as ginormous bullies and jerks regardless?
When you post this vitriol and hate, it's like, What do you hope to gain here? What is your end goal, just to thump your chest on a forum, and no matter how it ends, you still look bad.
I don't really care what you hope to gain, but whatever it is, I sincerely hope you don't get it. Just.. because.
Edit: I don't just bash any game for no reason. There are kickstarter projects that I'd defend even though they are well over their goal date; simply because they are actually showing signs of positive production that may end up with a playable product for people to enjoy. Star Citizen, Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, and Pantheon are the titles which fall into that category for me. All of them show signs of at least doing SOMETHING. COE lacks that, I also feel Ashes of Creation will end up in the same boat as COE. Whether the fans of that game want to believe it or not Steven the juice salesman is no game developer, he's just another LARPer.
How's this for a potential pitch to a talented coder. I'm so glad you're interested in working for us, we can't offer you more money than anyone else in fact it's probably less. Don't worry though, if you manage to code this game into a mega hit and we become the next Blizzard you'll own 5% of the company and maybe you can sell it. Please come work for us! ROFL That's essentially their current offer in a nutshell.. Hardly attractive.
These guys aren't building the next paypal or twitter. Offering shares for "what could be" is not what you want to see when the company hasn't shown they can do anything without you so far.
Edit: I'll take your bet no problem, I'm confident I won't need to make any post, and there probably won't be a COE forum for me to go on anyway soon enough. Also, can you clarify "back end" do you mean they are working on the engine? What exactly have they done? Have they done any community updates explaining the current progress? I get emails every week from Camelot Unchained on exactly what they finished and what's still on the list.
Make no mistake, I realize that this game is behind schedule, and has issues all it's own, hell it has features I don't even like. It even risks going in the direction of Eternal Crusade, and some other games. It could happen, but hell, AAA titles with big name backers have died on the drawing board.
Games fail, so fucking what.
Now, Real Question, Right or wrong, Do you think you come across as the reasonable one in these discussions?
Do you really think your nasty jabs at the company and the creator, along with the oh so chic doom-boi quips targeted at the people who want this to happen, really change peoples mind, or do you think that it shines you in a bad light and that maybe you come across more as someone with an axe to grind and whole lot of irrational hate towards this game and it's creator.
To me, you come across as the latter.
If your goal was to come across as something other then a hater and a toll, you need to work on your delivery.
For the record, allow me to explain my personal reasons for being critical of SBS and the development of this game. I've backed, at one time or another, several kickstarter MMOs in recent history including Star Citizen, Camelot Unchained, Crowfall, and Chronicles of Elyria. But of all of them, my support for CoE was the highest in both time spent in the community (which is absolutely great, lots of good people hoping to play the game) and in dollars spent on pledge packages (well over $1,000 - not that I could really afford it). I supported CoE because out of all the upcoming games I believe that the game design SBS pitched has the most potential to change the industry for the better.
I've been studying game development for over a decade now and have even published a terrible little android game so I could call myself a developer. I love game design especially because it is essentially a plan for the game and a good one can make magic happen while a bad one can kill a game before development even starts. The design for CoE is absolutely phenomenal for a number of reasons and most of them center around the revolutionary concept of using the cloud to host the decentralized game logic instead of the traditional model where single servers host each copy of the game world. This distribution of the core logic means that the potential for massive persistent open worlds exists, not just in terms of landmass but also the entities populating it.
The problem SBS faces is that their game design is incredibly ambitious. This wouldn't be a problem except that they refuse to acknowledge their need for funding, presumably out of a fear of alienating their community who have already crowdfunded quite a bit. Another problem is hubris. SBS is not willing to bite the bullet and work it out with SpatialOS, the original inventors of the revolutionary technology their game is intended to be based on. Instead they want to develop this incredibly tricky and technical method themselves, from scratch. There are other problems as well but they pale in comparison to those two.
Make no mistake, both the gamer and developer in me very much want this game to be finished. Unfortunately, the way things are going, I don't think it will be. And that's truly a shame because while the scope of the game was perhaps larger than is wise, the potential for the game is enormous. I sincerely hope that SBS manages to turn it around and complete the game. But without people willing to speak up about the issues and bring them to light for SBS, they will never come to terms with the problems they face and the game will never reach its potential, if it is ever even finished at all.
What a thread, how could I have missed it? Seriously though, all points to this company going through a rough time and they have shown little to ease the concerns.
To all who think this place is made out of bitter haters, this isn't the first company or (concept of) a game going through this. Saying release at all is highly unlikely isn't hating on the game, it is what had happened before. Unless you call a game like Pathfinder Online an actual release instead of a giant, horrible mess.
Also Kudos to @Slapshot1188 , he actually knows what he is talking about and is always critical but fair. I also know he doesn't consider crowdfunding a dirty word and has donated to several projects. He might come across a bit blunt but I'll take his word over some angry fanboys'.
Kyleran on yours sincerely
'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'
Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...
'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless.
It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.
It is just huge resource waste....'
Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at the way, I took this same number of CCU(1500) and ran it through AWS with M6 cores and using DynamoDB as a frontend. I think I posted that back in old developers forum. The cost was around 1.8 million a month so I kind of scraped that idea. AWS has since reduced the cost so maybe now it would be more feasible?
I haven't yet seen anything that can deliver this kind of numbers except maybe BW. They do have the world record at around 93K CCU but that is WoT which doesn't have a high demand like 10 frames a second realtime stuff.
If you are interested in making a MMO maybe visit my page to get a free open source engine.
People on here aren't jerks for pointing out that the team lacks experience or that the studio is repeating mistakes other companies have done that have led to ruin or that there is really nothing to show to end these arguments. You don't need to be a game developer to put 2 and 2 together and make an educated guess as to what the outcome will be.
If the person is wrong so what? Someone posting on a forum saying don't spend money on this game as I think its going to fail isn't going to make the studio fail.
I mean, I even suggested multiple times that they shift over to the much more positive “The Way Forward” thread yet they insist on bumping the one about layoffs. I guess you just can’t get good help these days...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Just because they have the inside knowledge does not make them a reliable source. The owner of the company has everything to gain if they succeed and everything to lose if they fail.
You also have to look at the the track record of the company. Have they been up front and honest so far?
I would argue some random guy on the forums who has observed many other KS projects and has 0 skin in the game may actually be a more reliable and less biased resource.
Back then when Secret World did this jointventure where this other company was creating real life puzzles for them, I felt their community was raiding us and I had clear words for that.
But looking back now their community was friendly and somewhat reasonable in comparison to this toxic bunch sent to us by Caspian.
Also, how do you know they are a snake oil salesman?
Now, anyone who is in fact informed would know that when things go bad, companies cut off communications, put up veils of silence, and only allow PR reps to deal with the public as a form of damage control.
Case in point, Caspian did not need to make any mention of their deals with SpartalOS, or their decision to no use it, he could have sat on that for a long as he liked, he could have kept that hidden away till release date, and then simply not added their logo to the product page. He was under no obligation to say what was going on between them, and, truth be told, if this was going to be really bad, or he was trying to hide things, he would have simply said nothing at all.
But he was open, transparent, and made things clear to his supporters what was going on, everything opposite of what someone who was trying to hide something would do, and for that, you rip upon him, call him a thief, say his company will fail, and accuse him of lying about what is going on.
Oh, well, gosh you must be the voice of reason.
2. You have to understand that the developers of this game, aren't arm chair warriors, that think they can know everything about a project while doing 0 research. They are actually you know... working for the company. And yes people in the tech industry do this all the time. Sometimes the company folds, and you end up just making your lower than average salary. But sometimes the company ends up exploding, and you find yourself in early retirement. Just because you (with again very little research) think the game is going to fail, doesn't mean the people who actually.... you know.. know what they're doing, and have decades of experience in the industry. But I'm sure they should listen to you lol. I mean they're obviously stupid, while your the expert on this LOLOL. SPare me your bullshit.
3. OMFG. So you have this strong ass opinion, but you haven't even read the state of Elyria? Yes that's why they had to move away from SPatial OS. It ended up not being the perfect fit they'd hope, and they had to build the back end stuff for things like load balancing themselves. They explained all of this in the State of Elyria. Here I'll post it for you.
It's amazing people like you. You probably read a few click baity articles and now you think you know everything. WHy do you even sit around in these forums if you aren't even going to do a minimal amount of research? WHy do you have strong opinions on things you clearly don't know anything about, and are too intellectually lazy to do any sort of research?
And BTW yes, CoE does weekly letters explaining what they have completed, what they're working on, and what problems they've ran into. VOX Elyria is going to be opening to a limited amount of backers starting around April. They also do Q&A's (there is one today actually), weekly public updates, and they constantly talk to players on the COE Dischord channel, and answer their questions.
Yeah but you do 0 research, so how you ultimately "see it" doesn't matter and is a waste of everyone's time.
Until there is some proof of concept it's all just hot air.
All the others wonder why someone trying to bring a dream to life does not want to deal with a bunch of pessimist.
Really.. they can't figure it out.. for real.
I hope this game succeeds, I don't wish ill fortune on anyone. It will be despite its "fans" though, not because of them.
Kyleran on yours sincerely
'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'
Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...
'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless.
It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.
It is just huge resource waste....'
Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer
Amazing. Anyhow the next Q and A is near. Pre submitted questions of course, but maybe a state of studio update will come too.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018