Just want you get this straight..Isreal was formed by the UN after violence drove the British out. So the UN is the one responcible for seperated the two groups that wouldn't play nice into Isreal and Palenstine.
Then the arab countires attacked Isreal. Isreal won. Took land, gave some back.
They attack again..Isreal won, took land, gave some back.
Now its happening again. This is how the arabs treat a country that gave its conquered land back.
China is the world's biggest polluter and the greatest threat to the world, with the largest standing army and combined population.
Research your data.
The U.S. is the worlds biggest polluter.
The Chinese army while big has not invaded anyone for decades.
It has a very limited offensive capability. It is currently involved in no wars and is not deployed all over the planet and threatening a variety of other soveriegn nations. It has not threatened to nuke anyone this year. And it has no history of nuking people.
Originally posted by baff Originally posted by Merodoc
China is the world's biggest polluter and the greatest threat to the world, with the largest standing army and combined population.
Research your data.
The U.S. is the worlds biggest polluter.
The Chinese army while big has not invaded anyone for over 50 years.
It has a very limited offensive capability. It is currently involved in no wars and is not deployed all over the planet and threatening a variety of other soveriegn nations. It has not threatened to nuke anyone this year. And it has no history of nuking people.
Originally posted by OneMuslim then britain invation, shipping of jews, migrating, taking the arab homes by force, destroying other homes on top of their dwellers, and so on. now after people started retaliating at them, they branded them terrorists, and every movement the arab did to attack israel ended up in britain bombarding them from the skies, how brave.
Individuals outmatch nations. This is something that have yet to happen in the middle east.
As a Canadian French, a proud descendant of the "New French Empire" who rightfully steal everything from native indian, I resent a lot that the British steal our lands and then make it their country. LOL.
No human worthy of this name would kill another human for such vague concept 2 generations later. It is done. It is over. You can work pacifically or be part of the problem.
See, if instead of bullshitting the Palestinians would be doing like us, they would be able to BUILD a nation, a country, something to be proud of. See, with our unique heritage, as Canadian, I am freaking sure that if I show up in a French consulate, a US consulate, a British consulate and for any reason I want THEM to help me as a Canadian, I am pretty sure that as long as I look a little nice and depress, they would comply. Now, if instead of bullshitting all the time, Palestinians would actually BUILD Gaza, hunt criminals, then their citizens would prolly be able to get a HUGE support from the Israel all around the world, from the Palestinian gov, from the British gov and of course of all Arabs gov. But instead they fight and kill innocents, even some Arabs gov are shy about helping a tourist Palestinian and might refuse.
Get over it and BUILD. Israel is stuff that happen more than 2 generations AGO. They are RICHS, NICES, KINDS, PROTECTIVES. Do you have any idea of what economic edges and just how much Gaza could prosper if they would just be BUILDING instead of killing innocents? Israel GIVE you a LAND to call your own and is willing to help you, all they want is PEACE and NICE LIVES. Guess what, this is what most Palestinians want. Just get rid of these criminals and become an ECONOMIC LEADER for all the muslims and Arabs country damnit. This is a GOLDEN OCCASION.
If we would think like Palestinian, than Canada would still be in a Civil War since 1763! But the British gals, they need some warming if you get my meaning! Guess what, Canada is prospering and developping like never before. Maybe Québec will become a free country, maybe it will remain part of Canada, I can't say. But I know it will be done in mutual respect and an enormous economic prosperity. If Québec become a free country, it won't change much in fact. If Québec remains part of Canada, it will be just as good. The last 2 times Québec choose to remain part of Canada...and even if the population would say they want to "secede", the provincial gov want the right to do it, they never promise it would be done...in fact they would analyze what is better. Cutting the double income tax is seriously becoming a priority. I don't understand why the feds still exort that much since they offer so little back (the army, what a joke, we got the US as a neighbor, we honestly don't need to pay 25% of our revenues for the army).
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Originally posted by baff Originally posted by Malachi1975
I don't see us EVER having a "stronghold" in Iraq due to insurgencies. We may have a "Garrison" there but to create a fully functional base in an area where it would CONSTANTLY be under attack would be a logistical nightmare. Loser talk. No permanent bases = no win. Opinion. Unless you're now our resident military genius, that's opinion. You're concept of "winning" sounds more like genocide or utter destruction of a way of life. After 9/11, Saudi kicked us out. Osama said leave the Holy Land or else. So we started packing our bags. No choice. 9/11 stung and the unrest in Saudi was destabilising the Regime. And we did not leave the region. We re-based into Qatar. It's not as if we packed up and came home, thus putting everything out of reach again if needed. I don't blame the Saudi's in their decision to ask us to remove out Base of Operations out of their area with Osama threatening attacks on THEM if they didn't do so, but we've not severed all military ties with the Suadi's. We still have mutual trade and supply agreements as well as training regiments. We didn't leave the region, we went into Iraq. We are still very heavily in the region. The saudi's will not rubber stamp the use of their soil for offensive wars in the area. Training their soldiers isn't the same as having operational airstrips and ports from which we can mount invasions. Not reading much, are you? BEFORE we went into Iraq we re-based our troops from Suadi Arabia to Qatar. I assume you KNOW where Qatar is, correct? We have operational airstrips IN Qatar. Iran has isolated itself with it's idea that being "Persian" and holding it's "different" system of Islamic Beliefs makes it superior. Hence why a lot of the other arabic countries in the Middle East wouldn't weep too long if Iran was gone. Sure, we fostered the unrest there, but that's tactical and not much different that the founding fathers did here in the U.S. for the Revolution. Iran is not even remotely isolated. Persians (Shia) make up a third of the population of the middle east. Shia communities can be found in a significant percentage of all middle eastern countries. Politically, Iran has made themselves to be hated by MANY legitimate governments in the Middle East. If you're implying that since 30% of the Islamic populace is Sheit that means Iran has "friends" everywhere, you are right. But if you think that means that legitimate governments don't despise the elitist attitude of the "persian" Iran you are sorely mistaken.
Fostering revolution amongst a people who, for all appearances, can't stand their own leader is QUITE different than invading for oil stakes. The man IS paranoid and pounds it down on his own people. Why is paranoid? Well maybe he's just nuts or maybe he knows he's treating his people like crap and that sooner or later someone is going to go after him for that. I mean, he banned a VIDEO GAME because "it taught his people how to overthrow him." That makes about as much sense and Kim Jong-il "demanding" to be recorded in history as a great leader.
And yet every country in the world hates it's leaders. Seditious materials are banned in even the most liberal of societies. 60% of Americans don't want George Bush as their leader. How is that for appearances? NOW who is making assinine comparisons? "Polls" may show 60% of Americans don't want Bush as their leader but if they wanted they could vote him right back out. Go tell Fidel Castro you want to vote him out. Talk about comparing the apple to the turtle. Special Forces, a video game that teaches people how to overthrow the Israeli's is banned in both the U.S. and Europe. This game was DIRECT in the naming of the goverments and the person involved. Mercenaries 2, the banned title made referrence to a "South American Dictator". That's HARDLY a specifc point towards an individual. Next you'll be telling me that Halo teaches people to attack aliens and that would be the same as a game called "Kill Tony Blaire!". Tangent much? Appearance has nothing to do with it. Chavez isn't going to play ball with the U.S. and so just like Saddam, he has to go. Demonising him is just part of the process. I will remember to tell that to the good dozen plus friends and their family members FROM Venezeula that it's just the U.S. demonising him. He's really a nice guy, just misunderstood. Shall I mention that the U.S. has been fostering revolution in my own country for the last 200 years? Don't even bother to start preaching to me about unhappy citizens and evil dictators and the good of the world. That would fall on extremely deaf ears. You must think I was born yesterday. We're fostering revolution IN the UK itself? If you have proof I will be the first to admit I was wrong and that it's new to me. Watching Bush and Blaire talk today when they didn't realise the mic was still on really looked like fostering revolution! If you're saying we revolted against English rule 200+ years ago, sure we did. If you're saying that the UK is the SAME UK now that it was 200+ years ago you WERE born yesterday. . Kim Jong-il is a great leader. He has led his tiny and poor nation to stand up to the worlds largest super power for 50 years. They have finally reached the stage where the U.S. will have to sign a non aggression pact, and Korea may finally re-unify and gain independance. Kim Jong-il a great leader? So, ordering your people shot for disagreeing with you consitutes great? Do you click your heels often enough? Kim Jong-il did NOTHING to make his country great but ride out his father's, Kim il-sung, hard work. The ONLY thing that has kept North Korea afloat in the turmoil that IS the modern world is China. Without China, Japan and South Korea would have destroyed North Korea LONG ago. More than half his people are starving because he refuses to open his borders to the rest of the world. Their primary source of food is China with Japan in second. Now the idiot has gone and pissed off Japan that they are withdrawing food shipments. A non-agression treaty was signed a smidge back. Hence the birth of the DMZ and the 38th Parallel. They don't cross, no one will bug them, no one crosses, they don't bug them. Threatening "annihilating nuclear war", however is a bit on the side of OVER doing it. Unless you think THAT's a good idea too? First we demonise them, then when we attack them. It used to be called propaganda, now it's called The Media War. So I assume you think EVERYONE in the world is full of rainbows and horsefarts and that there's no such thing as an evil leader anymore? Tell that to the Kurds in Iraq, or the PEOPLE of North Korea. Ask a couple Cubans if they really LOVE Castro (the ones that won't get shot later for saying no.) The more you speak the more it really DOES sound like you were born yesterday. Sure, wars are fought in the media now, I concur. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some people that really are worth the cost of the bullet.
But alas, I digress. This is moving WAY off into "left field" and away from the original topic. If you wish to write a thread/essay as to whay you think Kim Jong-il is a nice guy, go for it. I will reply a bit more over there.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Originally posted by Malachi1975 Originally posted by baff Originally posted by Malachi1975 NB when the U.S. bombed Ghaddafi, it was a reprisal. They did not invade. The circumstances are not comparable. The comparison is similar. Gadhafi pulled a Saddam. He began making chemical weapons plants and was told to shut them down, comply or else. He didn't, we bombed the crap out of those foundries, attacks which cost him the lives of his familiy members. The VARYING difference between the two is that directly after the attacks MoMo complied. Saddam stayed defiant which REQUIRES invasion from a military perspective.
Ghaddafi blew up a 747 full of U.S. servicemen over Scotland.
Ghaddafi attacked us.
Ghaddafi gave up his WMD programs about 2 years ago, not after we bombed him in 1986.
Okay, now you've lost me ENTIRELY. The 6th Fleet airstrikes into Lybia took place in April 1986. Pam Am 103 blew up over Lockerbie in December 1988. So, we attacked him because of something he was going to do more than 2 years in the future?
If you are saying that the terrorist attacks at the Rome and Vienna airports by Lybian funded terrorists spurred the U.S. into action, you'd be correct. Economic sanctions were leveied. However, in the airstrikes Chemical Weapons facilities were targets as well as goverment buildings. Gadhafi may have kept research going into Chemical Warfare but his ability to deliver it at long range or disperse it over wide areas was a key target. We didn't want those weapons making their way into the hands of the terrorist groups supported by his regime.
After that fact, Gadhafi began to comply with UN inspection laws. That's where he went a different route than Saddam. In fact, I even feel as if I recall hearing from a representative from Gadhafi that he was urging Saddam to comply.
I stand corrected about lockerbie. Some other terrorist activity and maybe an assasination attempt on Reagan. Apparently. The motive is still revenge.
Sorry can't find any documentation about attacking any Libyan WMD.
No offense but this is just another invented WMD story.
As far as i can ascertain the targets in Libya were airbases at Tripoli and Benine, naval bases at Taranbulas and Benghazi, a terrorist training camp at Sidi Balal, and the Bab al Azizia barracks where Gaddafi often stayed in a Bedouin tent equipped with telephones, heaters and a television set.
Originally posted by baff Originally posted by Malachi1975 Originally posted by baff Originally posted by Malachi1975 NB when the U.S. bombed Ghaddafi, it was a reprisal. They did not invade. The circumstances are not comparable. The comparison is similar. Gadhafi pulled a Saddam. He began making chemical weapons plants and was told to shut them down, comply or else. He didn't, we bombed the crap out of those foundries, attacks which cost him the lives of his familiy members. The VARYING difference between the two is that directly after the attacks MoMo complied. Saddam stayed defiant which REQUIRES invasion from a military perspective.
Ghaddafi blew up a 747 full of U.S. servicemen over Scotland.
Ghaddafi attacked us.
Ghaddafi gave up his WMD programs about 2 years ago, not after we bombed him in 1986.
Okay, now you've lost me ENTIRELY. The 6th Fleet airstrikes into Lybia took place in April 1986. Pam Am 103 blew up over Lockerbie in December 1988. So, we attacked him because of something he was going to do more than 2 years in the future?
If you are saying that the terrorist attacks at the Rome and Vienna airports by Lybian funded terrorists spurred the U.S. into action, you'd be correct. Economic sanctions were leveied. However, in the airstrikes Chemical Weapons facilities were targets as well as goverment buildings. Gadhafi may have kept research going into Chemical Warfare but his ability to deliver it at long range or disperse it over wide areas was a key target. We didn't want those weapons making their way into the hands of the terrorist groups supported by his regime.
After that fact, Gadhafi began to comply with UN inspection laws. That's where he went a different route than Saddam. In fact, I even feel as if I recall hearing from a representative from Gadhafi that he was urging Saddam to comply.
I stand corrected about lockerbie. Some other terrorist activity and maybe an assasination attempt on Reagan. (Wait, are you talking about John Hinkley Jr.? Are you trying to connect a mentally ill man with Lybia? After he stalked Jimmy Carter for years as well? Just curious what assassination attempt you are talking about.) Apparently. The motive is still revenge.
Sorry can't find any documentation about attacking any Libyan WMD.
No offense but this is just another invented WMD story.
As far as i can ascertain the targets in Libya were airbases at Tripoli and Benine, naval bases at Taranbulas and Benghazi, a terrorist training camp at Sidi Balal, and the Bab al Azizia barracks where Gaddafi often stayed in a Bedouin tent equipped with telephones, heaters and a television set.
Rabta, Tarhuna, and Sebha. Tarhuna being just outside Tripoli. You can call it an invented WMD story all you want but these WMDs DO come from somewhere. Unless you think the WMD faery swings by and supplies these people.
But as I said, we're hi-jacking this thread and it's original topic. If you want to continue this onward, feel free to create a new thread.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Does't matter anymore, let it go guys, the purpose of this thread has been fullfilled, everyone has gained more information than before, and that is enough i think.
so let's not be like the israelies VS arab, let's be peaceful for once, just once. ok? ty.
. You're concept of "winning" sounds more like genocide or utter destruction of a way of life.
My concept of winning involves actually gaining something more than the complete emnitity of 90% of the worlds population.
Not reading much, are you? BEFORE we went into Iraq we re-based our troops from Suadi Arabia to Qatar. I assume you KNOW where Qatar is, correct? We have operational airstrips IN Qatar.
Not enough obviously. Of course, the Iraq airstrips come complete with oil contracts ensuring that Iraq oil is sold to us and not our competitors.
Politically, Iran has made themselves to be hated by MANY legitimate governments in the Middle East. If you're implying that since 30% of the Islamic populace is Sheit that means Iran has "friends" everywhere, you are right. But if you think that means that legitimate governments don't despise the elitist attitude of the "persian" Iran you are sorely mistaken.
And then plenty of "legitimate" governments do.
NOW who is making assinine comparisons? "Polls" may show 60% of Americans don't want Bush as their leader but if they wanted they could vote him right back out. Go tell Fidel Castro you want to vote him out. Talk about comparing the apple to the turtle.
I was under the impression 40% voted for him. That means 60% did not.
I think my point is clear to see. If you ask any population of any country you will be able to find a significant proportion that hate their leader. It is nonsense to pretend that leaders like Castro rule without the consent of their populations. Governments are organisations. They require policemen and tax men and doctors and nurses and firemen and soldiers and thousands upon thousands of complicite humans to function.
40% of every employed person in the U.K. works for the government. It's not just democracies that are consentual. By it's very nature a government consists of it's people. It is implicitly consentual by it's very existance.
Special Forces, a video game that teaches people how to overthrow the Israeli's is banned in both the U.S. and Europe.
This game was DIRECT in the naming of the goverments and the person involved. Mercenaries 2, the banned title made referrence to a "South American Dictator". That's HARDLY a specifc point towards an individual. Next you'll be telling me that Halo teaches people to attack aliens and that would be the same as a game called "Kill Tony Blaire!". Tangent much?
You used a banned video game as an example of a country unfairly repressing it's people. Both our countries do the same. What difference to me if the name is either specified or just implied.
Appearance has nothing to do with it. Chavez isn't going to play ball with the U.S. and so just like Saddam, he has to go. Demonising him is just part of the process.
I will remember to tell that to the good dozen plus friends and their family members FROM Venezeula that it's just the U.S. demonising him. He's really a nice guy, just misunderstood.
I will remember to say the same about Bush to my American friends. He's a really nice guy the whole world is just demonising him. He's just misunderstood.
For the record, My own friends from Venezuala have never complained about Chavez or George Bush.
We're fostering revolution IN the UK itself? If you have proof I will be the first to admit I was wrong and that it's new to me. Watching Bush and Blaire talk today when they didn't realise the mic was still on really looked like fostering revolution! If you're saying we revolted against English rule 200+ years ago, sure we did. If you're saying that the UK is the SAME UK now that it was 200+ years ago you WERE born yesterday.
200+ years ago? the first time they stopped was 11/9/2003.
I've spent 30 years of my life being rocked by American explosives in London. My mates shot at with American bullets from American guns in N.I.. Bill Clinton donates to the I.R.A. and got televised doing so every year he was in office. What are you talking about 200+ years ago?
Why don't you ratify the anti terrorist treaty so we can get on and extradite the IRA from your country?
Why don't you do it today?
We're allies in the War on Terror aren't we?
Aren't we?
It's not just Israel where nothing ever changes.
Kim Jong-il a great leader? So, ordering your people shot for disagreeing with you consitutes great? Do you click your heels often enough? Kim Jong-il did NOTHING to make his country great but ride out his father's, Kim il-sung, hard work. The ONLY thing that has kept North Korea afloat in the turmoil that IS the modern world is China. Without China, Japan and South Korea would have destroyed North Korea LONG ago. More than half his people are starving because he refuses to open his borders to the rest of the world. Their primary source of food is China with Japan in second. Now the idiot has gone and pissed off Japan that they are withdrawing food shipments.
His people are starving because he is spending the GDP on defence. (Nuclear and ICBM research comes at a crippling price for a small country). If your lot went home, he could stop. Pretending his people are starving because he is possessed by the devil just makes you sound simple.
A non-agression treaty was signed a smidge back. Hence the birth of the DMZ and the 38th Parallel. They don't cross, no one will bug them, no one crosses, they don't bug them. Threatening "annihilating nuclear war", however is a bit on the side of OVER doing it. Unless you think THAT's a good idea too?
No non agression pact has been signed. America has refused a peace treaty for the last 50 years. You are still at war. What do you think the Koreans should think your intentions are?
First we demonise them, then when we attack them. It used to be called propaganda, now it's called The Media War.
So I assume you think EVERYONE in the world is full of rainbows and horsefarts and that there's no such thing as an evil leader anymore? Tell that to the Kurds in Iraq, or the PEOPLE of North Korea. Ask a couple Cubans if they really LOVE Castro (the ones that won't get shot later for saying no.) The more you speak the more it really DOES sound like you were born yesterday. Sure, wars are fought in the media now, I concur. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some people that really are worth the cost of the bullet.
And you assume that all the rainbows emanate from the U.S. That our governments smell of roses and are capable of no evil. That by some bizarre twist of human nature only the enemy is evil. That it's ok for us to kill our own citizens and have genocides, but not someone else.
I think we're both old enough to read between the lines. The last person to give us an objective opinion is an enemy bent on their destruction.
Are the coalition any better rulers of Iraq than Saddam. Is there less torture abuse and murder? Have less Iraqi's died? No. But Saddams' such a bad bad man. He used mustard gas on his enemies. (As have we). he fought a civil war. (as have we). He's killed 10's of thousands of iraqi's, as have we.The worlds full of evil people, why would you think they are only foreign?
I've asked plenty of cubans if they liked Castro. Ask Americans if they like Bush. You'll get a similar set of replies. Of course if you only meet the refuges to America, you will get a very skewed data set.
All my enemies are worth the cost of a bullet. That doesn't mean I have to lie to myself about them. Invent naughty stories of their badness so that I feel strong enough and righteous enough to pull the trigger.
I'm a fan of the warrior code. I like to respect my enemies.
I got no problems with Kim Jong il. He's not my enemy and he doesn't have anything I want.
Sorry this is just more WMD twaddle you are peddling. They didn't bomb Rabta, in 1986 to destroy WMDs because it wasn't built. They bombed the ports, the airports and his family home.
Please stop with this WMD foolishness. It only fools you if you want to be fooled.
Originally posted by baff Originally posted by Malachi1975
. You're concept of "winning" sounds more like genocide or utter destruction of a way of life. My concept of winning involves actually gaining something more than the complete emnitity of 90% of the worlds population. Let's hear it for the Brittish Empire, because THAT worked out so well setting up "permamnent strongholds" everywhere. Not reading much, are you? BEFORE we went into Iraq we re-based our troops from Suadi Arabia to Qatar. I assume you KNOW where Qatar is, correct? We have operational airstrips IN Qatar. Not enough obviously. Of course, the Iraq airstrips come complete with oil contracts ensuring that Iraq oil is sold to us and not our competitors. Politically, Iran has made themselves to be hated by MANY legitimate governments in the Middle East. If you're implying that since 30% of the Islamic populace is Sheit that means Iran has "friends" everywhere, you are right. But if you think that means that legitimate governments don't despise the elitist attitude of the "persian" Iran you are sorely mistaken. And then plenty of "legitimate" governments do. I can turn on the news today and see Lybia, Egypt, and Jordan condemning Iran for their actions. Can you turn on the news and see anyone lauding him? Didn't think so.
NOW who is making assinine comparisons? "Polls" may show 60% of Americans don't want Bush as their leader but if they wanted they could vote him right back out. Go tell Fidel Castro you want to vote him out. Talk about comparing the apple to the turtle. I was under the impression 40% voted for him. That means 60% did not. You're first call of 60% of the PEOPLE not wanting him is now different that 60% of VOTERS. Last I checked it was actually a small, albeit pitiful, amount of people who actually vote here. The "majority" did vote him in. While opinions may have changed, and the people are MORE than welcome to vote him out should they exercise their power (without being drug into fields and shot like you would be in N. Korea). I think my point is clear to see. If you ask any population of any country you will be able to find a significant proportion that hate their leader. It is nonsense to pretend that leaders like Castro rule without the consent of their populations. Governments are organisations. They require policemen and tax men and doctors and nurses and thousands upon thousands of complicite humans to function. Okay, now you've officially gone off into dimwit-land. I can't help but feel bad for you. You think that "Dictators" are really elected through fair means? No strongarm tactics are used, people aren't shot. You've never been to or known anyone from South American in general, have you? 40% of every employed person in the U.K. works for the government. It's not just democracies that are consentual. Special Forces, a video game that teaches people how to overthrow the Israeli's is banned in both the U.S. and Europe. This game was DIRECT in the naming of the goverments and the person involved. Mercenaries 2, the banned title made referrence to a "South American Dictator". That's HARDLY a specifc point towards an individual. Next you'll be telling me that Halo teaches people to attack aliens and that would be the same as a game called "Kill Tony Blaire!". Tangent much? You used a banned video game as an example of a country unfairly repressing it's people. Both our countries do the same. What difference to me if the name is either specified or just implied. The difference BEING, and I would think you had the sense to SEE this, that implication is open to interpretation. Specific labelling is not. Hell, if you are going to be affraid of everything that is implied, like Chavez is, then you'd best not wake up and get out of bed in the morning. Appearance has nothing to do with it. Chavez isn't going to play ball with the U.S. and so just like Saddam, he has to go. Demonising him is just part of the process. I will remember to tell that to the good dozen plus friends and their family members FROM Venezeula that it's just the U.S. demonising him. He's really a nice guy, just misunderstood. I will remember to say the same about Bush to my American friends. How is this even remotely comparible? We're talking about ONE country "demonising" another countries leader. Not something within a country. I am quite sure the people of Venezeula know what Hugo Chavez is like without us telling them anything. That was just a weak attempt to make a vain jab in the hopes to strike some chord, which you will not find. Unless you were aiming for pity? We're fostering revolution IN the UK itself? If you have proof I will be the first to admit I was wrong and that it's new to me. Watching Bush and Blaire talk today when they didn't realise the mic was still on really looked like fostering revolution! If you're saying we revolted against English rule 200+ years ago, sure we did. If you're saying that the UK is the SAME UK now that it was 200+ years ago you WERE born yesterday. 200+ years ago? the first time you stopped was 11/9/2003. So we stopped, and are now damned for all time in your eyes? What, pray tell, does someone have to do to make you happy? Do you want some affirmative action you make you feel better? I've spent 30 years of my life be rocked by American explosives in London. My mates shot at with American bullets from American guns in N.I.. Bill Clinton donates to the IRA. And got caught doing so every year he was in office. What are you talking about 200+ years ago? I was talking about the UK being a different place 200+ years ago. Apparently, you didn't or CANNOT read what I write. I'm not going to deny that Clinton filtered money to the wrong places, but that's BACKING dissention, not fostering it. Without any aid the IRA would be just as pissed off as they are, I will concede that they just may not be as dangerous.
Why don't you ratify the anti terrorist treaty so we can get on and extradite the IRA from your country? If it were up to me, and me alone, I would gladly mail you their heads. Now who are you going to condemn? Since I agree with you, your steam is really lost. Why don't you do it today? I don't represent the people when it comes to voting. I can't do it all myself. Not sure what you want of me here. See, *I* am not a dictator like some of the people I've pointed out to you. We're allies in the War on Terror aren't we? Aren't we? It's not just Israel where nothing ever changes. .
Kim Jong-il a great leader? So, ordering your people shot for disagreeing with you consitutes great? Do you click your heels often enough? Kim Jong-il did NOTHING to make his country great but ride out his father's, Kim il-sung, hard work. The ONLY thing that has kept North Korea afloat in the turmoil that IS the modern world is China. Without China, Japan and South Korea would have destroyed North Korea LONG ago. More than half his people are starving because he refuses to open his borders to the rest of the world. Their primary source of food is China with Japan in second. Now the idiot has gone and pissed off Japan that they are withdrawing food shipments. His people are starving because he is spending the GDP on defence. (Nuclear and ICBM research comes at a crippling price for a small country). If your lot went home, he could stop. Pretending his people are starving because he is possessed by the devil just makes you sound simple. Our people? Hrm, so South Korea and Japan would miraculously STOP being a threat? Let me get right on packing their land up and moving it for you. *salute*. Kim Jong-il hates them just as much as he does US. His last threats of Nuclear War were not even aimed solely at the U.S. He included Japan in there as well. You're right, a man who starves his people to defend HIMSELF ( not his people who are dying from starvation ) is a WONDERFUL leader. And Stalin was the worlds first Union Boss while we're at it. How dense CAN you be? Remove the U.S. and Jong-il would still have Japan and S. Korea. Now what? Keep starving those people. Colour me happy that you don't work for the Peace Corp., Baff. A non-agression treaty was signed a smidge back. Hence the birth of the DMZ and the 38th Parallel. They don't cross, no one will bug them, no one crosses, they don't bug them. Threatening "annihilating nuclear war", however is a bit on the side of OVER doing it. Unless you think THAT's a good idea too? No non agression pact has been signed. America has refused a peace treaty for the last 50 years. You are still at war. What do you think the Koreans should think your intentions are? I digress. The Armistice that ended agression. But, if we're going to get anal-rententive about details, the Korea "war' was never even a "declared" war to begin with. First we demonise them, then when we attack them. It used to be called propaganda, now it's called The Media War. So I assume you think EVERYONE in the world is full of rainbows and horsefarts and that there's no such thing as an evil leader anymore? Tell that to the Kurds in Iraq, or the PEOPLE of North Korea. Ask a couple Cubans if they really LOVE Castro (the ones that won't get shot later for saying no.) The more you speak the more it really DOES sound like you were born yesterday. Sure, wars are fought in the media now, I concur. But that doesn't mean that there aren't some people that really are worth the cost of the bullet. And you assume that all the rainbows emanate from the U.S. That the government smells of roses and is capable of no evil. That by some bizarre twist of human nature only the enemy is evil. That it's ok for us to kill our own citizens and have genocides, but not someone else. So you suggest that we NOT take what we've learned from our past and try to help those being slaughtered. Well then, damn that England for giving shelted to those Jews after WWII. *rolls eyes* Your logic here says "Oh well, we did it, so other people can do it to so they will learn." Now THAT is what I call a GREAT humanitarian motto. I've seen NOTHING in my words to suggest that I think the U.S. government is perfect in any way, shape, nor form. In fact, I've spoken to the contrary many a times on this forum. Apparently, reading isn't your forte. I do see a patern that you get stuck on a single point a tad easy. I think we're both old enough to read between the lines. The last person to give us an objective opinion is an enemy bent on their destruction. Are the coalition any better rulers of Iraq than Saddam, is there less torture abuse and murder. Have less Iraqi's died? No. But Saddams' such a bad bad man. He used mustard gas on his enemies. (As have we).(AFTER The Geneva Conventions and the majority of the world deemed such acts attrocities) he fought a civil war. (as have we). He's killed 10's of thousands of iraqi's, as have we. The worlds full of evil people, why would you think they are only foreign? I've asked plenty of cubans if they liked Castro. Ask Americans if they like Bush. You'll get a similar set of replies. Of course if you only meet the refuges to America, you will get a very skewed data set. I've yet to meet an American who would say "Bush had my family shot for disagreeing with him in public". There goes that apple and orange again. Not liking someone, and being threatened daily by soemone are two WHOLLY different things. All my enemies are worth the cost of a bullet. That doesn't mean I have to lie to myself about them. Invent naughty stories of their badness so that I feel strong enough and righteous enough to pull the trigger. True enough, but the flipside of that coin is that SOMETIMES the enemy IS that gruesom and needs to be taken down for even more righteous reasons than "I want what he has." If all you believe in is fighting for or against people as long as they have SOMETHING you want then you, my friend, are worse than ANY American that could be called the scum of the Earth. I'm a fan of the warrior code. I like to respect my enemies. If you can, read my Avatar, then preach to me the Warrior Code. Once you are done reading The Art of War, and The Book of the Five Rings come talk to me about the difference between respecting an opponents capability and respecting your opponent in general.
I got no problems with Kim Jong il. He's not my enemy and he doesn't have anything I want.
So just wait till he does nuke someone, as long as it's not you then you are fine? Once again, I'd like to nominate you for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Last time now....copy and paste elsewhere if you want. But I am not responding anymore in this thread. Create a new one if you want to debate the ethics of war and that no one is ever wrong. If you want to consider my unwillingness to subject this thread to this discussion anymore as a defualt victory, more power to you. But I am moving on.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Sorry this is just more WMD twaddle you are peddling. They didn't bomb Rabta, in 1986 to destroy WMDs because it wasn't built. They bombed the ports, the airports and his family home.
Please stop with this WMD foolishness. It only fools you if you want to be fooled.
Completed, yes. Construction BEGAN as a chemical weapons foundry LONG before 1988. YOu prattle on and on about WMD being a "made up story" but where do you think these weapons come from, eBay?
Tarhuna was hit during the raids in 1986, however, which is why I singled it out of my FIRST listing of the three sites. I only corrected your belief that Rabta was non-existant at the time.
But yes, you are right, there are no such things as WMDs. Terrorists aren't trying to get their hands on them. This was ALL a story made up by the Boogeyman to keep you scared straight. There's no such thing as a nuclear device either. And Iran just wants to provide power to it's masses while we are at it (even though they were offered open technologies to nuclear power that could NOT be used as a weaponry and they declined, opting to stay with the "system" that could very well be used for nuclear weaponry).
Let's all sleep easy now. Baff has shown us that there's no such things as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Saddam really just killed the Kurds in his own lands with harsh language.
Have fun in your fantasy world where nothing bad exists. Remember to tell that to the IRA. They're not real. They are just a high school prank.
I am done with this nonesense.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Let's hear it for the Brittish Empire, because THAT worked out so well setting up "permamnent strongholds" everywhere.
2/3's of the world baby. Largest empire the world has ever seen. Larger than yours. Included yours actually.
I can turn on the news today and see Lybia, Egypt, and Jordan condemning Iran for their actions. Can you turn on the news and see anyone lauding him? Didn't think so.
Tune in to Iranian instead of American news.
You're first call of 60% of the PEOPLE not wanting him is now different that 60% of VOTERS. Last I checked it was actually a small, albeit pitiful, amount of people who actually vote here.
The "majority" did vote him in. While opinions may have changed, and the people are MORE than welcome to vote him out should they exercise their power (without being drug into fields and shot like you would be in N. Korea).
Castro and Chavez were elected too. They rose to power with a lot more popularity than G.B. and i don't remember there being a massive outcry about election rigging either. North Korea came about as a peoples movement too. Why so quick to judge other cultures? Look first to your own.
So you suggest that we NOT take what we've learned from our past and try to help those being slaughtered. Well then, damn that England for giving shelted to those Jews after WWII. *rolls eyes* Your logic here says "Oh well, we did it, so other people can do it to so they will learn." Now THAT is what I call a GREAT humanitarian motto.
I'm tempted to suggest that you have not had much of a past or enough time to learn too much from it. What I really suggest is that there is nothing Humanitarian about war. Killing loads of people isn't an act of love or kindness. When you try and make out that it is, don't be suprised if no one buys into it.
I've seen NOTHING in my words to suggest that I think the U.S. government is perfect in any way, shape, nor form. In fact, I've spoken to the contrary many a times on this forum. Apparently, reading isn't your forte. I do see a patern that you get stuck on a single point a tad easy.
My point here is not to bring the U.S. government or people to book. It is to demonstrate to you that demonisation isn't history. What people say about other peoples countries isn't based as much on fact as it is agenda. Every demonisation you have made about others sounds equally as credible when made about yours.
Hence, neither are very credible. It's fools talk for the people who prefer to be lead than think freely.
I've yet to meet an American who would say "Bush had my family shot for disagreeing with him in public". There goes that apple and orange again. Not liking someone, and being threatened daily by soemone are two WHOLLY different things
I've yet to meet a Cuban with the same problem. I'm not a major student, bit for what it's worth I've also never seen anybody disagree with the president of the U.S. in public.
True enough, but the flipside of that coin is that SOMETIMES the enemy IS that gruesom and needs to be taken down for even more righteous reasons than "I want what he has." If all you believe in is fighting for or against people as long as they have SOMETHING you want then you, my friend, are worse than ANY American that could be called the scum of the Earth.
The world is full of "gruesome leaders", terrible and atrocious.Iit should not be lost on you that more often than not, unless they have something we want or are directly attcking us, we never take them down. Our righteous fervour is notably missing when self intrest is absent.
I'm just honest. When I'm just figthing for oil and world domination, I admit it. I don't try and kid you, I don't try and kid myself. I understand the nature of my wealth. I know the price that needs to be paid to live this way. I don't have to justify my wars with words like "freedom" and "democracy" and "god" and "prophecy". I don't need to rebrand my invasions, liberations, my puppet governments full and free democracies. I accept the bad that comes with good. It's the price.
I lead a pretty good life. So do my loved ones. I'm ready to kill to maintain it. You probably are too.
If you can, read my Avatar, then preach to me the Warrior Code. Once you are done reading The Art of War, and The Book of the Five Rings come talk to me about the difference between respecting an opponents capability and respecting your opponent in general.
I've read the Art of War.
I think you should re-read it. In case you have only read it as well as the links you posted me.
I'm not intrested in respecting my opponents capabilities only, I also wish to respect his way of life. There is always something to learn. However it is that he is living, if it is worth dying for, it is worth learning about.
Originally posted by Malachi1975 Originally posted by robbykl1415 I really dont know why anyone who is remotly intelligent is surprised by this move....it plays right into the plan of the U.S. gov and its allies. The cards are falling on the table just as the U.S. wants. How much longer can we allow this to go on unchecked? Are we going to allow this facist gov to lead us down this path of destruction? There has to be somthing we can do....And for all you out there who still are in denial about or gov and its intentions please just open up your eyes for a few mins. Just read this post or watch the news with an open mind FOR TWO F****** SECONDS! The news, although being the 4th branch of the gov, gives you all you need to know. All you must do it connect the dots. I know it takes some brain power, but you can do it trust me. Just think about for a sec.....first we get a military stronghold in the Middle East by taking Afghanistan and Iraq. That was justified by a "terrorist" attack by this unseen and unheard of enemy that no one ever knew about till 9/11. Now whether that was an inside job or not does not matter. So we get a foot in the Middle East. Now our allie, more like puppet, Israel has attacked Lebanon over a captured soldier. now come on, WHO THE F*** STARTS A WAR OVER ONE HOSTAGE? This is only the beggining of the bigger plan. Now Israel is in a war with Lebanon, and who does Lebanon gets its weapons from? Iran and Syria!! So why is the American gov so agaisnt a peace treaty with Lebanon and Israel? Because now we have an reason to take one over one of the largest OIL producing countries in the WORLD! Syria is a side note. Although to tell the truth, Lebanon has more Syrian weapons than from any other country. Now the Amercian gov will connect this Hezbollah to Iran just as they did with Iraq and Osama. And then what? Where to next for this fascist, imperialistic, immoral, terrorist gov? I just hope someone will stand up for all the people who die everyday cause of this ignorant gov.
Okay, first, can I suggest you meet a new friend called "the enter key". That mess is as run-on as it gets. Makes it kind of hard to read what your point is.
Now, since you are such a grand intellect here to shine the light down on us all...
Israel is going to fight regardless of our backing or not. While I will concur with you that they HAVE our backing and that may enbolden them a bit, they are a country surrounded by people out for their blood. Sitting in your safe little home it's easy for you to wag a finger around and point blame but until you live a day in that life you really don't have foot one to stand on in the way of judgement.
Now when you say "connect this Hezbollah" that really tells me that you're acting as if we've never heard about them before. I grew UP hearing about Hezbollah. They were the Al Queda of the 80s. They're not some "new" group that's been made up by the media to control the masses into some mass-hypnosis syndrome like you seem to think everyone has fallen under. Ask the Lebonese Government who they are? They don't like them. However, due to exploitation of an open voting system roughly 20% of the Lebonese Government IS Hezbollah. This took place LONG before anything that is going on today. Seems to me you've not read much in the way of history over there. As for whether or not Iran is supporting Hezbollah, most of their weapons DO come from Iran. Iran IS a trouble maker, straight out. Ask Pakistan, Egypt, Lybia, or Suadi Arabia. Iranians are "persians" and think themselves above the "arabs". So it doesn't shock me that they would use arabs to do their dirty work for them.
So Israel is at war with Lebanon now? That's odd, last I heard the declaration was between Israel and Hezbollah. If you're going to point out the targets attacked by Israel, feel free to read up in this thread in one of my previous posts, read Sun Tzu, take a few basic lesson in strategy, then come back to me.
It amazes me how you claim EVERYONE is so under the spell of the current government in the U.S. ( though I would like to point out that Hezbollah has been around since at the VERY least Reagan, which means Bush Sr. and Clinton too. You're brainwashing theory starts getting a little long in the tooth here ) but you are STUCK on oil, oil, oil. Do you even realise just how much oil there is in the REST of the world? Yet you can freely spout out phrases like "One of the largest oil producing countries in the world" without a single point of research to back that up? You are sounding like a broken record with the "oil song" going over and over in your head. Oil may be "A" reason but stop trying to sum it up as "THE" reason for everything. You really may want to think about putting your tinfoil hat on to tune out the CIAs brain-manipulating-waves for a few moments.
Now, where you lost me entirely. Military Strongholds in the Middle East by TAKING Afghanistan and Iraq? Are you implying that we've had no real military presence there until we went into those two countries? Kuwait and Suadi Arabia could tell you otherwise. We've openly had bases in those two countries for at least 15+ years. I guess we were looking for another "Military Stronghold" when we bombed the tar out of old MoMo Gadhafi back in the 80s too?
I guess since we're only in it for oil Venuzeula must be next. I mean, they produce more oil that Iraq and we can't STAND Hugo "I've been funding the import of illegal aliens into the United States for quite some time just to mess with you all" Chavez there. And hell, look how much CLOSER that is. Weeee....
Dont give that BULL about you "living the life" blah blah. Turn off your tv and read.
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.- Frank Zappa
I've been pretty depressed since the whole thing started.
I'm reluctant to see the headlines now, good thing it's my homepage and it forces me to keep on top of it. I am seriously disappointed with both sides for being so trigger-happy. This is a stupid replay for someone around long enough.
You know how you read about wars in the annals of history, that lasted so and so many decades, some centuries, and you wonder how the hell was it possible that anyone could act so brutishly with each other across so many generations? I mean, how could anyone be so foolishly proud to do that, right?
Well, it looks like this. It's what's happening, right now.
Just want you get this straight..Isreal was formed by the UN after violence drove the British out. So the UN is the one responcible for seperated the two groups that wouldn't play nice into Isreal and Palenstine.
Then the arab countires attacked Isreal. Isreal won. Took land, gave some back.
They attack again..Isreal won, took land, gave some back.
Now its happening again. This is how the arabs treat a country that gave its conquered land back.
This is not opinion..look it up, this is fact.
The U.S. is the worlds biggest polluter.
The Chinese army while big has not invaded anyone for decades.
It has a very limited offensive capability. It is currently involved in no wars and is not deployed all over the planet and threatening a variety of other soveriegn nations. It has not threatened to nuke anyone this year. And it has no history of nuking people.
Research your own data.
The U.S. is the worlds biggest polluter.
The Chinese army while big has not invaded anyone for over 50 years.
It has a very limited offensive capability. It is currently involved in no wars and is not deployed all over the planet and threatening a variety of other soveriegn nations. It has not threatened to nuke anyone this year. And it has no history of nuking people.
Research your own data.
America hater! Foudn one right here.
I should check under your bed too. Those Reds are everywhere.
Individuals outmatch nations. This is something that have yet to happen in the middle east.
As a Canadian French, a proud descendant of the "New French Empire" who rightfully steal everything from native indian, I resent a lot that the British steal our lands and then make it their country. LOL.
No human worthy of this name would kill another human for such vague concept 2 generations later. It is done. It is over. You can work pacifically or be part of the problem.
See, if instead of bullshitting the Palestinians would be doing like us, they would be able to BUILD a nation, a country, something to be proud of. See, with our unique heritage, as Canadian, I am freaking sure that if I show up in a French consulate, a US consulate, a British consulate and for any reason I want THEM to help me as a Canadian, I am pretty sure that as long as I look a little nice and depress, they would comply. Now, if instead of bullshitting all the time, Palestinians would actually BUILD Gaza, hunt criminals, then their citizens would prolly be able to get a HUGE support from the Israel all around the world, from the Palestinian gov, from the British gov and of course of all Arabs gov. But instead they fight and kill innocents, even some Arabs gov are shy about helping a tourist Palestinian and might refuse.
Get over it and BUILD. Israel is stuff that happen more than 2 generations AGO. They are RICHS, NICES, KINDS, PROTECTIVES. Do you have any idea of what economic edges and just how much Gaza could prosper if they would just be BUILDING instead of killing innocents? Israel GIVE you a LAND to call your own and is willing to help you, all they want is PEACE and NICE LIVES. Guess what, this is what most Palestinians want. Just get rid of these criminals and become an ECONOMIC LEADER for all the muslims and Arabs country damnit. This is a GOLDEN OCCASION.
If we would think like Palestinian, than Canada would still be in a Civil War since 1763! But the British gals, they need some warming if you get my meaning! Guess what, Canada is prospering and developping like never before. Maybe Québec will become a free country, maybe it will remain part of Canada, I can't say. But I know it will be done in mutual respect and an enormous economic prosperity. If Québec become a free country, it won't change much in fact. If Québec remains part of Canada, it will be just as good. The last 2 times Québec choose to remain part of Canada...and even if the population would say they want to "secede", the provincial gov want the right to do it, they never promise it would be done...in fact they would analyze what is better. Cutting the double income tax is seriously becoming a priority. I don't understand why the feds still exort that much since they offer so little back (the army, what a joke, we got the US as a neighbor, we honestly don't need to pay 25% of our revenues for the army).
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I should check under your bed too. Those Reds are everywhere.
Last time America heard that...we had the Venona codes. So yes.
But alas, I digress. This is moving WAY off into "left field" and away from the original topic. If you wish to write a thread/essay as to whay you think Kim Jong-il is a nice guy, go for it. I will reply a bit more over there.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Ghaddafi blew up a 747 full of U.S. servicemen over Scotland.
Ghaddafi attacked us.
Ghaddafi gave up his WMD programs about 2 years ago, not after we bombed him in 1986.
Okay, now you've lost me ENTIRELY. The 6th Fleet airstrikes into Lybia took place in April 1986. Pam Am 103 blew up over Lockerbie in December 1988. So, we attacked him because of something he was going to do more than 2 years in the future?
If you are saying that the terrorist attacks at the Rome and Vienna airports by Lybian funded terrorists spurred the U.S. into action, you'd be correct. Economic sanctions were leveied. However, in the airstrikes Chemical Weapons facilities were targets as well as goverment buildings. Gadhafi may have kept research going into Chemical Warfare but his ability to deliver it at long range or disperse it over wide areas was a key target. We didn't want those weapons making their way into the hands of the terrorist groups supported by his regime.
After that fact, Gadhafi began to comply with UN inspection laws. That's where he went a different route than Saddam. In fact, I even feel as if I recall hearing from a representative from Gadhafi that he was urging Saddam to comply.
I stand corrected about lockerbie. Some other terrorist activity and maybe an assasination attempt on Reagan. Apparently. The motive is still revenge.
Sorry can't find any documentation about attacking any Libyan WMD.
No offense but this is just another invented WMD story.
As far as i can ascertain the targets in Libya were airbases at Tripoli and Benine, naval bases at Taranbulas and Benghazi, a terrorist training camp at Sidi Balal, and the Bab al Azizia barracks where Gaddafi often stayed in a Bedouin tent equipped with telephones, heaters and a television set.
Ghaddafi blew up a 747 full of U.S. servicemen over Scotland.
Ghaddafi attacked us.
Ghaddafi gave up his WMD programs about 2 years ago, not after we bombed him in 1986.
Okay, now you've lost me ENTIRELY. The 6th Fleet airstrikes into Lybia took place in April 1986. Pam Am 103 blew up over Lockerbie in December 1988. So, we attacked him because of something he was going to do more than 2 years in the future?
If you are saying that the terrorist attacks at the Rome and Vienna airports by Lybian funded terrorists spurred the U.S. into action, you'd be correct. Economic sanctions were leveied. However, in the airstrikes Chemical Weapons facilities were targets as well as goverment buildings. Gadhafi may have kept research going into Chemical Warfare but his ability to deliver it at long range or disperse it over wide areas was a key target. We didn't want those weapons making their way into the hands of the terrorist groups supported by his regime.
After that fact, Gadhafi began to comply with UN inspection laws. That's where he went a different route than Saddam. In fact, I even feel as if I recall hearing from a representative from Gadhafi that he was urging Saddam to comply.
I stand corrected about lockerbie. Some other terrorist activity and maybe an assasination attempt on Reagan. (Wait, are you talking about John Hinkley Jr.? Are you trying to connect a mentally ill man with Lybia? After he stalked Jimmy Carter for years as well? Just curious what assassination attempt you are talking about.) Apparently. The motive is still revenge.
Sorry can't find any documentation about attacking any Libyan WMD.
No offense but this is just another invented WMD story.
As far as i can ascertain the targets in Libya were airbases at Tripoli and Benine, naval bases at Taranbulas and Benghazi, a terrorist training camp at Sidi Balal, and the Bab al Azizia barracks where Gaddafi often stayed in a Bedouin tent equipped with telephones, heaters and a television set.
Rabta, Tarhuna, and Sebha. Tarhuna being just outside Tripoli. You can call it an invented WMD story all you want but these WMDs DO come from somewhere. Unless you think the WMD faery swings by and supplies these people.
But as I said, we're hi-jacking this thread and it's original topic. If you want to continue this onward, feel free to create a new thread.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
I don't think Rabata was even built in 1986, let alone bombed.
Rabta, not Rabata, was the first of the three built in the 80s. Pharma-150 as it was labelled during those times.
If you are bored read http://www.nti.org/e_research/profiles/Libya/3944.html for one example. This is really turning into the beating of a dead horse...time to move on.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Does't matter anymore, let it go guys, the purpose of this thread has been fullfilled, everyone has gained more information than before, and that is enough i think.
so let's not be like the israelies VS arab, let's be peaceful for once, just once. ok? ty.
Rabta, not Rabata, was the first of the three built in the 80s. Pharma-150 as it was labelled during those times.
If you are bored read http://www.nti.org/e_research/profiles/Libya/3944.html for one example. This is really turning into the beating of a dead horse...time to move on.
From the link provided.
"Construction at Rabta was completed in 1988"
Sorry this is just more WMD twaddle you are peddling. They didn't bomb Rabta, in 1986 to destroy WMDs because it wasn't built. They bombed the ports, the airports and his family home.
Please stop with this WMD foolishness. It only fools you if you want to be fooled.
I got no problems with Kim Jong il. He's not my enemy and he doesn't have anything I want.
So just wait till he does nuke someone, as long as it's not you then you are fine? Once again, I'd like to nominate you for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Last time now....copy and paste elsewhere if you want. But I am not responding anymore in this thread. Create a new one if you want to debate the ethics of war and that no one is ever wrong. If you want to consider my unwillingness to subject this thread to this discussion anymore as a defualt victory, more power to you. But I am moving on.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Rabta, not Rabata, was the first of the three built in the 80s. Pharma-150 as it was labelled during those times.
If you are bored read http://www.nti.org/e_research/profiles/Libya/3944.html for one example. This is really turning into the beating of a dead horse...time to move on.
From the link provided.
"Construction at Rabta was completed in 1988"
Sorry this is just more WMD twaddle you are peddling. They didn't bomb Rabta, in 1986 to destroy WMDs because it wasn't built. They bombed the ports, the airports and his family home.
Please stop with this WMD foolishness. It only fools you if you want to be fooled.
Completed, yes. Construction BEGAN as a chemical weapons foundry LONG before 1988. YOu prattle on and on about WMD being a "made up story" but where do you think these weapons come from, eBay?
Tarhuna was hit during the raids in 1986, however, which is why I singled it out of my FIRST listing of the three sites. I only corrected your belief that Rabta was non-existant at the time.
But yes, you are right, there are no such things as WMDs. Terrorists aren't trying to get their hands on them. This was ALL a story made up by the Boogeyman to keep you scared straight. There's no such thing as a nuclear device either. And Iran just wants to provide power to it's masses while we are at it (even though they were offered open technologies to nuclear power that could NOT be used as a weaponry and they declined, opting to stay with the "system" that could very well be used for nuclear weaponry).
Let's all sleep easy now. Baff has shown us that there's no such things as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Saddam really just killed the Kurds in his own lands with harsh language.
Have fun in your fantasy world where nothing bad exists. Remember to tell that to the IRA. They're not real. They are just a high school prank.
I am done with this nonesense.
"What is it I have against Microsoft, you ask? Well, you know how you feel when you wait for an MMO to come out and when it does you feel like you've paid to play it's beta test for another 6-9 months before anything even thinks of working the way it should? Being a network engineer you feel that way about anything Microsoft puts out."
Let's hear it for the Brittish Empire, because THAT worked out so well setting up "permamnent strongholds" everywhere.
2/3's of the world baby. Largest empire the world has ever seen. Larger than yours. Included yours actually.
I can turn on the news today and see Lybia, Egypt, and Jordan condemning Iran for their actions. Can you turn on the news and see anyone lauding him? Didn't think so.
Tune in to Iranian instead of American news.
You're first call of 60% of the PEOPLE not wanting him is now different that 60% of VOTERS. Last I checked it was actually a small, albeit pitiful, amount of people who actually vote here.
The "majority" did vote him in. While opinions may have changed, and the people are MORE than welcome to vote him out should they exercise their power (without being drug into fields and shot like you would be in N. Korea).
Castro and Chavez were elected too. They rose to power with a lot more popularity than G.B. and i don't remember there being a massive outcry about election rigging either. North Korea came about as a peoples movement too. Why so quick to judge other cultures? Look first to your own.
So you suggest that we NOT take what we've learned from our past and try to help those being slaughtered. Well then, damn that England for giving shelted to those Jews after WWII. *rolls eyes* Your logic here says "Oh well, we did it, so other people can do it to so they will learn." Now THAT is what I call a GREAT humanitarian motto.
I'm tempted to suggest that you have not had much of a past or enough time to learn too much from it. What I really suggest is that there is nothing Humanitarian about war. Killing loads of people isn't an act of love or kindness. When you try and make out that it is, don't be suprised if no one buys into it.
I've seen NOTHING in my words to suggest that I think the U.S. government is perfect in any way, shape, nor form. In fact, I've spoken to the contrary many a times on this forum. Apparently, reading isn't your forte. I do see a patern that you get stuck on a single point a tad easy.
My point here is not to bring the U.S. government or people to book. It is to demonstrate to you that demonisation isn't history. What people say about other peoples countries isn't based as much on fact as it is agenda. Every demonisation you have made about others sounds equally as credible when made about yours.
Hence, neither are very credible. It's fools talk for the people who prefer to be lead than think freely.
I've yet to meet an American who would say "Bush had my family shot for disagreeing with him in public". There goes that apple and orange again. Not liking someone, and being threatened daily by soemone are two WHOLLY different things
I've yet to meet a Cuban with the same problem. I'm not a major student, bit for what it's worth I've also never seen anybody disagree with the president of the U.S. in public.
True enough, but the flipside of that coin is that SOMETIMES the enemy IS that gruesom and needs to be taken down for even more righteous reasons than "I want what he has." If all you believe in is fighting for or against people as long as they have SOMETHING you want then you, my friend, are worse than ANY American that could be called the scum of the Earth.
The world is full of "gruesome leaders", terrible and atrocious.Iit should not be lost on you that more often than not, unless they have something we want or are directly attcking us, we never take them down. Our righteous fervour is notably missing when self intrest is absent.
I'm just honest. When I'm just figthing for oil and world domination, I admit it. I don't try and kid you, I don't try and kid myself. I understand the nature of my wealth. I know the price that needs to be paid to live this way. I don't have to justify my wars with words like "freedom" and "democracy" and "god" and "prophecy". I don't need to rebrand my invasions, liberations, my puppet governments full and free democracies. I accept the bad that comes with good. It's the price.
I lead a pretty good life. So do my loved ones. I'm ready to kill to maintain it. You probably are too.
If you can, read my Avatar, then preach to me the Warrior Code. Once you are done reading The Art of War, and The Book of the Five Rings come talk to me about the difference between respecting an opponents capability and respecting your opponent in general.
I've read the Art of War.
I think you should re-read it. In case you have only read it as well as the links you posted me.
I'm not intrested in respecting my opponents capabilities only, I also wish to respect his way of life. There is always something to learn. However it is that he is living, if it is worth dying for, it is worth learning about.
Okay, first, can I suggest you meet a new friend called "the enter key". That mess is as run-on as it gets. Makes it kind of hard to read what your point is.
Now, since you are such a grand intellect here to shine the light down on us all...
Israel is going to fight regardless of our backing or not. While I will concur with you that they HAVE our backing and that may enbolden them a bit, they are a country surrounded by people out for their blood. Sitting in your safe little home it's easy for you to wag a finger around and point blame but until you live a day in that life you really don't have foot one to stand on in the way of judgement.
Now when you say "connect this Hezbollah" that really tells me that you're acting as if we've never heard about them before. I grew UP hearing about Hezbollah. They were the Al Queda of the 80s. They're not some "new" group that's been made up by the media to control the masses into some mass-hypnosis syndrome like you seem to think everyone has fallen under. Ask the Lebonese Government who they are? They don't like them. However, due to exploitation of an open voting system roughly 20% of the Lebonese Government IS Hezbollah. This took place LONG before anything that is going on today. Seems to me you've not read much in the way of history over there. As for whether or not Iran is supporting Hezbollah, most of their weapons DO come from Iran. Iran IS a trouble maker, straight out. Ask Pakistan, Egypt, Lybia, or Suadi Arabia. Iranians are "persians" and think themselves above the "arabs". So it doesn't shock me that they would use arabs to do their dirty work for them.
So Israel is at war with Lebanon now? That's odd, last I heard the declaration was between Israel and Hezbollah. If you're going to point out the targets attacked by Israel, feel free to read up in this thread in one of my previous posts, read Sun Tzu, take a few basic lesson in strategy, then come back to me.
It amazes me how you claim EVERYONE is so under the spell of the current government in the U.S. ( though I would like to point out that Hezbollah has been around since at the VERY least Reagan, which means Bush Sr. and Clinton too. You're brainwashing theory starts getting a little long in the tooth here ) but you are STUCK on oil, oil, oil. Do you even realise just how much oil there is in the REST of the world? Yet you can freely spout out phrases like "One of the largest oil producing countries in the world" without a single point of research to back that up? You are sounding like a broken record with the "oil song" going over and over in your head. Oil may be "A" reason but stop trying to sum it up as "THE" reason for everything. You really may want to think about putting your tinfoil hat on to tune out the CIAs brain-manipulating-waves for a few moments.
Now, where you lost me entirely. Military Strongholds in the Middle East by TAKING Afghanistan and Iraq? Are you implying that we've had no real military presence there until we went into those two countries? Kuwait and Suadi Arabia could tell you otherwise. We've openly had bases in those two countries for at least 15+ years. I guess we were looking for another "Military Stronghold" when we bombed the tar out of old MoMo Gadhafi back in the 80s too?
I guess since we're only in it for oil Venuzeula must be next. I mean, they produce more oil that Iraq and we can't STAND Hugo "I've been funding the import of illegal aliens into the United States for quite some time just to mess with you all" Chavez there. And hell, look how much CLOSER that is. Weeee....
Dont give that BULL about you "living the life" blah blah. Turn off your tv and read.
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced.-
Frank Zappa
I'm reluctant to see the headlines now, good thing it's my homepage and it forces me to keep on top of it.
I am seriously disappointed with both sides for being so trigger-happy. This is a stupid replay for someone around long enough.
You know how you read about wars in the annals of history, that lasted so and so many decades, some centuries, and you wonder how the hell was it possible that anyone could act so brutishly with each other across so many generations? I mean, how could anyone be so foolishly proud to do that, right?
Well, it looks like this. It's what's happening, right now.
-virtual tourist
want your game back?