haha seen this coming worst launch in history of any game ever made.
Wow, can you be that stupid? The worst release of all time? Try SWG, or that WWII MMO. Those both had catastrophic releases. And at least Vanguard moved fast to patch the holes, now its pretty much fine to play. SWG was never quite fixed.
NO, he's just a newb and just spouting his mouth off.. You have Horizons and Dark & Light that were utter disasters. WISH, never made it to the market and games like WWII had troubled released.
Vanguards servers are extremely stable and have has very little trouble during release. The DEV team is active and there are major patches every week. The game has excellent support and a great staff.
What are you going to say next (newb) now that I've dubunked you "worst release" bs. Vanguard's release was great... I played 14 hours on Day 1. Sorry, but if your going to spew garbage, at least lie a little better.
I'd like him to name a game SOE has bought within the last 5 years? WTF are they talking about..? Yes, that statment is an outright LIE! And your perpatrating it.
How about Matrix Online originally a Warner Brothers game but sold to SOE along with the rights to the Marvel Universe MMO.
AOC and WAR look promising but are 10+months away.
Not that it matters, but AoC is actually about 6 months off, and not 10+. Many folks reported from the RPC in Germany last week, that they found out that the game is actually fairly near completion, from a content persepctive. Quests, mobs, and classes, and the next 6 months will be spent polishing, and really optimizing the client. It's already taken a move back once, I'm actually expecting Funcom to hit their release date.
Lesson from the Vanguard release? Acutally spend time optimizing and polishing so you can put out the best product possible? If so, it's a good thing for gamers.
Dont be so sure that you are going to play AoC in 5 months. Experience shows that most of the times game releases are delayed. A recent example is WAR which was delayed.
AoC actually has been postponed twice now. And being that I have been following the game basically from the beginning, I will admit that both delays were indeed painful for me, but the final release date is Oct 30, 07. I will bet my paycheck on that date..............
We moan our love ones for 3 days ? How many days you guys need to moan for a game you hate? You know how stupid and dumb you guys sound, trying to justify your trolling in our forums? Get over it, the game wasnt meant for you and your $500 Circuit City computer, life goes on after your break up with VG, lol.
People express their distaste for this game to prevent the blind fanboi's from misleading potential customers.
It's a self-perpetuating problem. When fanboi's stop making up complete and utter crap (Example: This game runs perfect, it's bug free, there are tons of people playing all the time, it's the best game ever,etc etc) then haters wouldn't have to constantly chime in to point out these falsities.
That's how bad of a game Vanguard is; people are willing to go out of their way to ensure that fellow consumers won't pay Sigil money for such a crumby, inferior product. Vanguard is Star Wars Galaxies: Part 2, except SWG was actually fun at one point...and it's a cold day in hell when you're inferior to SWG.
Excellent Post: I could not have explained it better myself, if I might say............
yeah that info is pretty old. I doubt that Vanguard has 35k left at this time. Sales of retail boxes have pretty much stopped and with the successful launch of LOTRO the mass exodus is only gaining momentum. Vanguard will be dead before the end of the year. Feel free to quote me on that.
Why do you insisting on flamming VG in every thread that has to do with VG as a game?
You've said numerous times that LOTRO is the way, that it will kill VG. Well great, I'm sure we're all pleased that thats what you think. But do we (in the end) give a damn? Hell no. So would you please drag yourself back to your little hole which is LOTRO, and stay there.
Btw just to make things clear, I don't mind people expressing their opinions, not at all, but when it's done so over and over, and blindedly as well... Well I think you get what I'm saying.
PS I have a lifetime sub in LOTRO, and a 1 month Reoccuring sub in VG.
We moan our love ones for 3 days ? How many days you guys need to moan for a game you hate? You know how stupid and dumb you guys sound, trying to justify your trolling in our forums? Get over it, the game wasnt meant for you and your $500 Circuit City computer, life goes on after your break up with VG, lol.
People express their distaste for this game to prevent the blind fanboi's from misleading potential customers.
And the Vanboi's continues to post to prevent the blind haters from misleading potential customers.
It's a self-perpetuating problem. When fanboi's stop making up complete and utter crap (Example: This game runs perfect, it's bug free, there are tons of people playing all the time, it's the best game ever,etc etc) then haters wouldn't have to constantly chime in to point out these falsities. Yeah, it is a self-perpetuating problem (God I wish you spelled that one right:)). It is so when haters makes up complete and utter crap( For instance: You will need to be sponsored with a computer from NASA if you gonna run this slideshow of a game above 5fps. There is no content, you cant find people to group with.) then the vanbois would not have to call of the haters lies.
That's how bad of a game Vanguard is; people are willing to go out of their way to ensure that fellow consumers won't pay Sigil money for such a crumby, inferior product. Vanguard is Star Wars Galaxies: Part 2, except SWG was actually fun at one point...and it's a cold day in hell when you're inferior to SWG. But do you honestly now think that it would be onesided.
Who has the most right, the ones being positive or the one being negative. You are saying promote the negative I would say promote both balanced.
People express their distaste for this game to prevent the blind fanboi's from misleading potential customers. I might be mistaken, but aren't you really saying that you want to prevent people who are currently playing the game making any positive remarks about said game, instead wanting people, who are no longer playing the game in its current state, to warn about it? This sounds weird to me since those that left a long time ago would comment on a previous iteration compared to the current player that could actually comment on what was IN the game, not what WAS in the game? It's a self-perpetuating problem. When fanboi's stop making up complete and utter crap (Example: This game runs perfect, it's bug free, there are tons of people playing all the time, it's the best game ever,etc etc) then haters wouldn't have to constantly chime in to point out these falsities. Again I have to say that the information from current players are more valuable than the information about a given game from people who are not playing. I have to say that I'm also a tad wary about the players stating the game is totally bugged, since I played the game for a couple of months without a system crash and with steady graphics performance (except crossing chunk lines or with heavy PvP going on).
Others might have had different experiences but just as mine is worthless to the next user (there has been released performance patches to Vanguard since I stopped) so would even older information be even more worthless to an outsider. That's how bad of a game Vanguard is; people are willing to go out of their way to ensure that fellow consumers won't pay Sigil money for such a crumby, inferior product. Vanguard is Star Wars Galaxies: Part 2, except SWG was actually fun at one point...and it's a cold day in hell when you're inferior to SWG. I think the real crux of the matter is closer to this: Some people have a hard time moving on. Vanguard was not for you. OK.
I played Vanguard for two months (as stated) but then my old SuperGroup started up again in City of Heroes so I left for that game. I played Auto Assault when it came out and that was a huge disappointment for me but I would NEVER discourage anyone for picking up the game today as I have had no real experience with the game since their latest updates.
What I do not get is why this game (Vanguard) generates so strong emotions and why the criticism is so childish? I have lost count of the amount of blank statements simply debunking the game with various adjectives that give zero information about the actual problem.
To be extremely blunt and generalizing; the Vanguard haters simply appear to be the slow ignorant people of internet forums and that surely cannot be the quest you're currently on?
With well over 150K box sales, and tons more D2D downloads, there's no way this game is at 35k subscribers. Get a fricken clue. Everyone thinks Vanguard is dead, and I don't get it. Why is there so much hate for this game ? It's a very good game, and finally didn't follow WoW (isn't that what most of us have wanted all along?) Man, I expect this kind of hate for WoW, but not poor Vanguard.
You are right. Bashing VG is like kicking a retarded puppy. However, the reason this is so interesting is because VG is one of the biggest financial debacles in gaming.
If you are playing VG how can you not believe that 35k is an accurate number? My guess is they are still around 50-70k people subscribed but 35 is in VG's future. Is your server full of people everywhere at all levels. Although the world is large, if there were 150k people subscribed, there would be people at almost every level playing the game. This is simply not the case. Sales from launch to Feb. were slightly over 100k boxes. Sales last month were in the 13k range. Next month VG will fall off the sales chart altogether.
You can remain delusional about the game if you want to but we will continue to discuss it because in our small, little world of MMOs, VG is a disaster as big as the Titantic. We had a similar level of interest when Horizons and DnL failed but this one involves several high profile people in the industry, Microsoft, and SOE. In the geek world that provides great drama.
The game stinks, I just can't see why anyone continues to hang on. And my computer (which I built and didn't buy at CC) can't make this game look decent, yet LOTRO looks great. And Oblivion. And WoW. And Company of Heroes... Maybe it's not the computers after all...
Hmm, you have this;
I have a 3200+, 1 GB RAM, and an x800GTO, and the game will run "OK" with a lot of tweaking, but it isn't great. I'm underwhelmed with what I've experienced so far, sad to say.
End Quote:
is that your famous computer?
YOU MUST HAVE 2 GIG of memory to run VG correctly, and i hate to say this, your computer can be brought at Circuit City for $500, well not yours they got better ones now.
It's better? Yari, you are funny. Granted, the processor is better, it has the same 1GB of RAM, and the integrated 6100 isn't close to the x800GTO. I still stand behind the fact that the game is coded like junk.
Meh, what can I say? VG has a 6 month sub on me. The game is what I'm looking for at this present time in an MMO.
Is it perfect? Nope. Does it feed the need? Yep.
I get 65+ FPS on the game, with settings on full bust. I don't get crashes, and I rarely get lag.
The staff have been superb. The GM's have been prompt, polite and very helpful.
For me, the game lives and breaths.
My only complaint about it would be that it isn't the third generation MMO that was promised. Though a great game, it's really nothing more than a middle ground between EQ and WoW with an emphasis on grouping. Is this a bad thing? Not really, but there are other games out there (such as AoC and Tabula Rasa) that will hopefully move the industry in a new direction.
In the meantime, I find it highly doubtful that VG has anything less than 100k subscribers. I also believe though that Sigil really needs to do something. Though I'm sure the numbers are so/so, they could be better. I do know people that have quit the game, simply due to the whole "been there, done that" routine. Yes diplomacy is fun, and crafting is detailed, but ultimately if you want to play an adventure game, this game is probably more challenging than most. I personally love it, but can see why some others would not.
How to fix this? My personal opinion is to merge some servers. The game is H-U-G-E, and I hope they keep it that way! But yes, the population is way to scattered at this time. Lets get some peeps together, run through this game, then let word of mouth take it's course. It really is a good game, but definately does not have a very broad appeal. For those that feel their current MMO is too easy and want a bit of extra challenge, VG is worth a look at.
Brad Mcquaid and his shrinking Horde of fanbois are angry that people wont go out and spend $5,000 on a new pc to play their game. Thank god this is a free country if it wasent guys like Brad would send in the army to have you personally escorted to a store just to make sure you bought a new pc.
The game stinks, I just can't see why anyone continues to hang on. And my computer (which I built and didn't buy at CC) can't make this game look decent, yet LOTRO looks great. And Oblivion. And WoW. And Company of Heroes... Maybe it's not the computers after all...
Hmm, you have this;
I have a 3200+, 1 GB RAM, and an x800GTO, and the game will run "OK" with a lot of tweaking, but it isn't great. I'm underwhelmed with what I've experienced so far, sad to say.
End Quote:
is that your famous computer?
YOU MUST HAVE 2 GIG of memory to run VG correctly, and i hate to say this, your computer can be brought at Circuit City for $500, well not yours they got better ones now.
It's better? Yari, you are funny. Granted, the processor is better, it has the same 1GB of RAM, and the integrated 6100 isn't close to the x800GTO. I still stand behind the fact that the game is coded like junk.
The x800GTO is sold for about $ 60 at newegg. I am not trying to flame you or cut you down. But your computer is about $500 dollar now.
Today computers is not even close to 2-3 years ago, not in speed or price. What makes it worst is the piece of crap MS has made with Vista. Its going to take a good year before if will will faster then XP Pro, if it ever does.
Game hitches like a bitch and gameplay sux all around.
Must be my $500 comp huh?! Fact is VG has a problem on both machines. Fact is they screwed the public releasing beta. Fact is some peeps are stupid enough to cheer them on for it. Fact is the support team sux ass and can't figure out the bugs but instead blame it on the peeps machines. Fact is if they programed the game in accordance to Direct X params they wouldn't have these problems with hardware.
Fact is people like me will continue letting fellow gamers know how screwed up this game is so they don't get screwed as well.
Hey fanboy jackass, go read the VG forums under support to see all the peeps with high end machines having problems.
Love VG fanboys, Wonder how the VG devs feel having these guys hump their legs all the time lol.
To those of you thinking of buying this POS BEWARE!! Keep your money and buy a real game that is done.
Brad Mcquaid and his shrinking Horde of fanbois are angry that people wont go out and spend $5,000 on a new pc to play their game. Thank god this is a free country if it wasent guys like Brad would send in the army to have you personally escorted to a store just to make sure you bought a new pc.
Offcoarse, a simple $1200 machine would run Vanguard with little difficulty and get excellent performance. It's extremely ignorant people that think their computers are fast when they don't realize what $1200 can buy TODAY.
Game hitches like a bitch and gameplay sux all around.
Must be my $500 comp huh?! Fact is VG has a problem on both machines. Fact is they screwed the public releasing beta. Fact is some peeps are stupid enough to cheer them on for it. Fact is the support team sux ass and can't figure out the bugs but instead blame it on the peeps machines. Fact is if they programed the game in accordance to Direct X params they wouldn't have these problems with hardware.
Fact is people like me will continue letting fellow gamers know how screwed up this game is so they don't get screwed as well.
Hey fanboy jackass, go read the VG forums under support to see all the peeps with high end machines having problems.
Love VG fanboys, Wonder how the VG devs feel having these guys hump their legs all the time lol.
To those of you thinking of buying this POS BEWARE!! Keep your money and buy a real game that is done.
Don't support Retail Beta.
If you have:
Intel Core 2 Duo
2gig of memory
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here. Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..? Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..? Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...? I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb!
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
People like you are a big part of why no one plays this crappy game. Enough with the ugly ass screenshots already- how much is Sigil paying you? Whatever it is, it's WAY too much, because you aren't convincing anyone of anything other than that they should play anything but Vanguard.
AOC and WAR look promising but are 10+months away.
Not that it matters, but AoC is actually about 6 months off, and not 10+. Many folks reported from the RPC in Germany last week, that they found out that the game is actually fairly near completion, from a content persepctive. Quests, mobs, and classes, and the next 6 months will be spent polishing, and really optimizing the client. It's already taken a move back once, I'm actually expecting Funcom to hit their release date.
Lesson from the Vanguard release? Acutally spend time optimizing and polishing so you can put out the best product possible? If so, it's a good thing for gamers.
Dont be so sure that you are going to play AoC in 5 months. Experience shows that most of the times game releases are delayed. A recent example is WAR which was delayed.
Okay, going slow so you get it....
It was due out early this year, it was pushed back already. Someone who knows more can correct me, but I also believe that's the 2nd pushback. The game was shown a week ago and the features I listed were touted as already being done, and what I listed was pretty much what was on the agenda. It's not that I'm saying I'm not sure, it's been pushed back twice, and in my experience, with over a 10 month pushback, there is a very good chance it'll be ready.
I'm just curious why you would be so certain, when it's fairly obvious you have ZERO idea where that game is, and that it's already been delayed, much less it's current state?
Game hitches like a bitch and gameplay sux all around.
Must be my $500 comp huh?! Fact is VG has a problem on both machines. Fact is they screwed the public releasing beta. Fact is some peeps are stupid enough to cheer them on for it. Fact is the support team sux ass and can't figure out the bugs but instead blame it on the peeps machines. Fact is if they programed the game in accordance to Direct X params they wouldn't have these problems with hardware.
Fact is people like me will continue letting fellow gamers know how screwed up this game is so they don't get screwed as well.
Hey fanboy jackass, go read the VG forums under support to see all the peeps with high end machines having problems.
Love VG fanboys, Wonder how the VG devs feel having these guys hump their legs all the time lol.
To those of you thinking of buying this POS BEWARE!! Keep your money and buy a real game that is done.
Don't support Retail Beta.
If you have:
Intel Core 2 Duo
2gig of memory
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. (Tell him my specs and he tells me it works fine lol) The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here.(The info provided if from my dxdiag)Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..?(Wasn't my statement is about paying for beta. aka Retail beta)Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..?(Once again as stated currently have the game installed and have played it today) Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...?(Too many to list, take a look on these forums fanboy to the other posts people are making) I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? (Once again as stated in my post. Go to the support forums for VG to read for yourself) What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb! ( who mentioned wow? Don't even have it installed)
Are you seriously daft? Or perhaps your zeal to becomes the next Brad fanclub superstar blocked your better judgement. Eitherway I honestly have to say , you have to be the stupidest person I've met in any game forum.
If you had bothered to read my post you would've noticed that I posted my dxdiag.txt file of what components my second system is comprised of. Also I had stated that not only I but a great deal of people are having issues with this game. I also sugested that you zealots should head over to the Vanguard support forums and do some fact finding for yourself .
I find it curious and amazing that somebody can be so blinded by the love of a game that they will risk all self dignity to support it.
Is it just me or has this guy taken the fanboy thing to a new level? Getting scary
Actualy when i think about the topic header I think there is again some kid that has misread the words that Vanguard needs atleast 35k people (EDIT: growth) to get into the game each month to be atleast at a safe point and somewhere along the line this sentence was changed into the words Vanguard has 35k subs.
I'm definitly not saying that what i say here is thru but this is the closets i could find to be more accurate then to read Vanguard only has 35k subs.
Actualy when i think about the topic header I think there is again some kid that has misread the words that Vanguard needs atleast 35k people to get into the game each month to be atleast at a safe point and somewhere along the line this sentence was changed into the words Vanguard has 35k subs. I'm definitly not saying that what i say here is thru but this is the closets i could find to be more accurate then to read Vanguard only has 35k subs.
I think 35k a month would be way low. That's only $524,650 a month in reveune, and then you have to start subtracting overhead costs, and so on. I'm not going to presume what those are, but I dont see how they could get away with 35k a month.
Even worst case, while population seems low, I'd be fairly surprised if they had less than 75k-100k subscribers. More? I dont know, but even when it seems low, I'd still think in that 75k to 100k range at a minimum.
Game hitches like a bitch and gameplay sux all around.
Must be my $500 comp huh?! Fact is VG has a problem on both machines. Fact is they screwed the public releasing beta. Fact is some peeps are stupid enough to cheer them on for it. Fact is the support team sux ass and can't figure out the bugs but instead blame it on the peeps machines. Fact is if they programed the game in accordance to Direct X params they wouldn't have these problems with hardware.
Fact is people like me will continue letting fellow gamers know how screwed up this game is so they don't get screwed as well.
Hey fanboy jackass, go read the VG forums under support to see all the peeps with high end machines having problems.
Love VG fanboys, Wonder how the VG devs feel having these guys hump their legs all the time lol.
To those of you thinking of buying this POS BEWARE!! Keep your money and buy a real game that is done.
Don't support Retail Beta.
If you have:
Intel Core 2 Duo
2gig of memory
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. (Tell him my specs and he tells me it works fine lol) The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here.(The info provided if from my dxdiag)Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..?(Wasn't my statement is about paying for beta. aka Retail beta)Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..?(Once again as stated currently have the game installed and have played it today) Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...?(Too many to list, take a look on these forums fanboy to the other posts people are making) I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? (Once again as stated in my post. Go to the support forums for VG to read for yourself) What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb! ( who mentioned wow? Don't even have it installed)
Are you seriously daft? Or perhaps your zeal to becomes the next Brad fanclub superstar blocked your better judgement. Eitherway I honestly have to say , you have to be the stupidest person I've met in any game forum.
If you had bothered to read my post you would've noticed that I posted my dxdiag.txt file of what components my second system is comprised of. Also I had stated that not only I but a great deal of people are having issues with this game. I also sugested that you zealots should head over to the Vanguard support forums and do some fact finding for yourself .
I find it curious and amazing that somebody can be so blinded by the love of a game that they will risk all self dignity to support it.
Is it just me or has this guy taken the fanboy thing to a new level? Getting scary
Yes, perhaps you didn't read my post. I am aware of your system specs, thats why I re-listed it without all the ancillary clutter so people could see your system specs. Your saying you get horiible performance on your machine while playing Vanguard..?
With you machine you shouldn't. I do not when I play Vanguard and I dont have as robust system as you, so... what I'd like to know is, what EXACTLY are your performance concerns with VG. .? What issues are you having that I am not..? Don't just keep directing me to their hardware support forum....
Your arguement to go and look at the "hardware section" of Sigil help forums is rediculious. I guess you didn't get the joke a shot at you earlier, thanking you for informing us where you go if YOU have a problem with the game. Your making it sound as if there is 1 single, reoccuring problem people are having with Vanguard thats related to Sigil's programing. There isn't!
People are having problems with their systems to get vanguard to run...! Goto Battlefeild 2142's Hardware help forum,, it's the same shit. Or WoW's.... people are always having issues with their computers and games. Thats why game companies offer those forums, it nothing new on Sigil's part. LOL!
Game hitches like a bitch and gameplay sux all around.
Must be my $500 comp huh?! Fact is VG has a problem on both machines. Fact is they screwed the public releasing beta. Fact is some peeps are stupid enough to cheer them on for it. Fact is the support team sux ass and can't figure out the bugs but instead blame it on the peeps machines. Fact is if they programed the game in accordance to Direct X params they wouldn't have these problems with hardware.
Fact is people like me will continue letting fellow gamers know how screwed up this game is so they don't get screwed as well.
Hey fanboy jackass, go read the VG forums under support to see all the peeps with high end machines having problems.
Love VG fanboys, Wonder how the VG devs feel having these guys hump their legs all the time lol.
To those of you thinking of buying this POS BEWARE!! Keep your money and buy a real game that is done.
Don't support Retail Beta.
If you have:
Intel Core 2 Duo
2gig of memory
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. (Tell him my specs and he tells me it works fine lol) The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here.(The info provided if from my dxdiag)Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..?(Wasn't my statement is about paying for beta. aka Retail beta)Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..?(Once again as stated currently have the game installed and have played it today) Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...?(Too many to list, take a look on these forums fanboy to the other posts people are making) I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? (Once again as stated in my post. Go to the support forums for VG to read for yourself) What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb! ( who mentioned wow? Don't even have it installed)
Are you seriously daft? Or perhaps your zeal to becomes the next Brad fanclub superstar blocked your better judgement. Eitherway I honestly have to say , you have to be the stupidest person I've met in any game forum.
If you had bothered to read my post you would've noticed that I posted my dxdiag.txt file of what components my second system is comprised of. Also I had stated that not only I but a great deal of people are having issues with this game. I also sugested that you zealots should head over to the Vanguard support forums and do some fact finding for yourself .
I find it curious and amazing that somebody can be so blinded by the love of a game that they will risk all self dignity to support it.
Is it just me or has this guy taken the fanboy thing to a new level? Getting scary
Yes, perhaps you didn't read my post. I am aware of your system specs, thats why I re-listed it without all the ancillary clutter so people could see your system specs. Your saying you get horiible performance on your machine while playing Vanguard..?
With you machine you shouldn't. I do not when I play Vanguard and I dont have as robust system as you, so... what I'd like to know is, what EXACTLY are your performance concerns with VG. .? What issues are you having that I am not..? Don't just keep directing me to their hardware support forum....
Your arguement to go and look at the "hardware section" of Sigil help forums is rediculious. I guess you didn't get the joke a shot at you earlier, thanking you for informing us where you go if YOU have a problem with the game. Your making it sound as if there is 1 single, reoccuring problem people are having with Vanguard thats related to Sigil's programing. There isn't!
People are having problems with their systems to get vanguard to run...! Goto Battlefeild 2142's Hardware help forum,, it's the same shit. Or WoW's.... people are always having issues with their computers and games. Thats why game companies offer those forums, it nothing new on Sigil's part. LOL!
Nice pic
But thats the thing bro, to many of these "haters" are so BLIND because they have played games that did not cause them much problems and mostlikely they never spent time before on support forums so never saw that actualy every game regardless if its a single player game or MMO there always lots and lots and lots of people complaining, bashing, trolling. Its funny you see this type of stupid behaviour already happening to LotrO which i feel is soo out of place as even i agree that game had a much better release then Vanguard had and still we see pathatic little people already starting to bash that game.Instead they do some research the keep coming back with more nonsense. Let me be clear as of lately i have a few more problems in regards to Vanguard but i feel i have to much experiance to let something like those few minor things upset me into not liking the game. Already had to much fun with it to let go and besides there's no other game that offers the things i like in a MMO that is offered in Vanguard.
This circle is ongoing i'm afraid, to many people that do not want others to have fun where they can't have fun with. They are totaly unaware they only are being incridible selfish. They even think they feel some desire to WARN people, now how sad is that if people do something like that with games. Its like its alright we have junkie using drugs, idiots using alcohol, let not even start with all the hunger in the world. No lets start to warn people about games.
Fact remains that to many of the "haters" seem to have a over-active Amygdala or atleast a damage one. And unfortunaly this can go on for generations and generations.
Nice pic But thats the thing bro, to many of these "haters" are so BLIND because they have played games that did not cause them much problems and mostlikely they never spent time before on support forums so never saw that actualy every game regardless if its a single player game or MMO there always lots and lots and lots of people complaining, bashing, trolling. Its funny you see this type of stupid behaviour already happening to LotrO which i feel is soo out of place as even i agree that game had a much better release then Vanguard had and still we see pathatic little people already starting to bash that game.Instead they do some research the keep coming back with more nonsense. Let me be clear as of lately i have a few more problems in regards to Vanguard but i feel i have to much experiance to let something like those few minor things upset me into not liking the game. Already had to much fun with it to let go and besides there's no other game that offers the things i like in a MMO that is offered in Vanguard. This circle is ongoing i'm afraid, to many people that do not want others to have fun where they can't have fun with. They are totaly unaware they only are being incridible selfish. They even think they feel some desire to WARN people, now how sad is that if people do something like that with games. Its like its alright we have junkie using drugs, idiots using alcohol, let not even start with all the hunger in the world. No lets start to warn people about games. Fact remains that to many of the "haters" seem to have a over-active Amygdala or atleast a damage one. And unfortunaly this can go on for generations and generations.
Now this cracks me up to no end. So according to you people should not warn others of bad products or services? So instead of putting blame on the developers that create and put out these bad products, we should blame the public instead?
Hmm wonder how would this go down for other products as well? For example would it be prudent to blame the public for cars that have factory defects? Should we blame the public for products that fail prematurely? How about blaming the public if your electricity goes out or your cable service cuts in and out or if your DVD's come with a scratch?
Should we blame the public for bad movies as well? Should we blame the critics for warning others of bad movies? Should we blame reviewers for bad products, such as consumer reports?
Fact of the matter these forums are to disguss games and also to inform others.
How is it, you think by being a fanboy you are helping the industry out? Coaxing others to pay for incomplete games and staunchly defending bad products?
Do you feel it would be ok if the newpaper or magazine you subscibe to only came half complete? What about if the pictures or stories bleeded out off the page?
Do you feel it would be Ok if your cable TV only had half the channels you were promised? Or if the channels sometimes caused your TV to turn off or just became fuzzy in the middle of a show?
If you went to a movie would it be OK if the movie ended half way throught or skipped ahead a few minutes?
How would you feel if your Mp3 player just didn't work at times and it was a known issue among it's maker?
I myself would rather get what I expected from my money. I think others would as well. I know if some people had problems with a particular product or service they would like to warn others to stay away.
The problem with fanboys is that you do more harm than good to the industry. I've seen the deterioration of quality control in the computer gaming industry for the last 13 years because of fanboy behavior. First it was the patch back when the web was really getting going. Most of these patches were very small and were to fix certain issues reguarding hardware. Then when that became the norm the patches grew to fix gameplay bugs. Once that became the norm the patches grew to implement game play that was not finished before the game went gold.
Now they don't even bother to finish the games anymore and fanboys cheer them on for it. Now it is expected for a game to not be funtional before it's release. Their excuses are always the same.. didn't have time.. didn't have the money .. blah blah.. and we are expected to pay for it. In MMO's not just once but every month. Often times players have to beg for fixes or content. In some games like SWG it's the paying public that is expected to be the testers for beta. If they don't and there are bugs released in the live game the devs blame the customers for not telling them during testing.
It wouldn't be so bad if we got a rebate for this kind of unscrupulous business practices but we don't. Instead it just keeps getting worse and fanboy boneheads just keep cheering it on.
MMORPG make money on unfinished products and as of yet no comsumer group has taken them on. Yet! When they do things will change for the better and the industry will flourish even more.
In closing it is not the fanboys that keep the devs on their toes and challenge them to do better. It is players like me that expect a certain level or professionalism amongst the people who create these products. Fanboys will always be known as the people who don't mind getting taken for a ride and ridicule those of us that do.
Nice pic But thats the thing bro, to many of these "haters" are so BLIND because they have played games that did not cause them much problems and mostlikely they never spent time before on support forums so never saw that actualy every game regardless if its a single player game or MMO there always lots and lots and lots of people complaining, bashing, trolling. Its funny you see this type of stupid behaviour already happening to LotrO which i feel is soo out of place as even i agree that game had a much better release then Vanguard had and still we see pathatic little people already starting to bash that game.Instead they do some research the keep coming back with more nonsense. Let me be clear as of lately i have a few more problems in regards to Vanguard but i feel i have to much experiance to let something like those few minor things upset me into not liking the game. Already had to much fun with it to let go and besides there's no other game that offers the things i like in a MMO that is offered in Vanguard. This circle is ongoing i'm afraid, to many people that do not want others to have fun where they can't have fun with. They are totaly unaware they only are being incridible selfish. They even think they feel some desire to WARN people, now how sad is that if people do something like that with games. Its like its alright we have junkie using drugs, idiots using alcohol, let not even start with all the hunger in the world. No lets start to warn people about games. Fact remains that to many of the "haters" seem to have a over-active Amygdala or atleast a damage one. And unfortunaly this can go on for generations and generations.
Now this cracks me up to no end. So according to you people should not warn others of bad products or services? So instead of putting blame on the developers that create and put out these bad products, we should blame the public instead?
Hmm wonder how would this go down for other products as well? For example would it be prudent to blame the public for cars that have factory defects? Should we blame the public for products that fail prematurely? How about blaming the public if your electricity goes out or your cable service cuts in and out or if your DVD's come with a scratch?
Should we blame the public for bad movies as well? Should we blame the critics for warning others of bad movies? Should we blame reviewers for bad products, such as consumer reports?
Fact of the matter these forums are to disguss games and also to inform others.
How is it, you think by being a fanboy you are helping the industry out? Coaxing others to pay for incomplete games and staunchly defending bad products?
Do you feel it would be ok if the newpaper or magazine you subscibe to only came half complete? What about if the pictures or stories bleeded out off the page?
Do you feel it would be Ok if your cable TV only had half the channels you were promised? Or if the channels sometimes caused your TV to turn off or just became fuzzy in the middle of a show?
If you went to a movie would it be OK if the movie ended half way throught or skipped ahead a few minutes?
How would you feel if your Mp3 player just didn't work at times and it was a known issue among it's maker?
I myself would rather get what I expected from my money. I think others would as well. I know if some people had problems with a particular product or service they would like to warn others to stay away.
The problem with fanboys is that you do more harm than good to the industry. I've seen the deterioration of quality control in the computer gaming industry for the last 13 years because of fanboy behavior. First it was the patch back when the web was really getting going. Most of these patches were very small and were to fix certain issues reguarding hardware. Then when that became the norm the patches grew to fix gameplay bugs. Once that became the norm the patches grew to implement game play that was not finished before the game went gold.
Now they don't even bother to finish the games anymore and fanboys cheer them on for it. Now it is expected for a game to not be funtional before it's release. There excuses are always the same.. didn't have time.. didn't have the money .. blah blah.. and we are expected to pay for it. In MMO's not just once but every month. Often times players have to beg for fixes or content. In some games like SWG it's the paying public that is expected to be the testers for beta. If they don't and there are bugs released in the live game the devs blame the customers for not telling them during testing.
It wouldn't be so bad if we got a rebate for this kind of unscrupulous business practices but we don't. Instead it just keeps getting worse and fanboy boneheads just keep cheering it on.
MMORPG make money on unfinished products and as of yet no comsumer group has taken them on. Yet! When they do things will change for the better and the industry will flourish even more.
NO, I think he ment, saying something without backing it up (or being specific about it).... over and over and over and over (endlessly repeating yourself) tends to imply your not telling the truth, but trying to perpatrate a lie or paint a picture of doom & gloom.
If Vanguard didn't work and was as bad as your suggesting I would not be defending it, nor would I be playing it....! Tell you the truth I wasnt haveing fun playing Vanguard when i had my ATI 850XT, but when I upgraded to an 8800GTS 640mb ($360 @ newegg), Vanguard turned into a whole different game. I didn't have stuttering or FPS issues anymore, my FPS was like butter. I had renewed interest in VG and forgot about the old 850Xt days.... that was so yesteryear now. he he.
I hosted a LAn party about 1.5 months ago. My buddies could not beleive the difference a video card made in playing the game. Offcoarse they all spent hours on my rig playing and in the end, 1 of my friends ordered the exact same card and i still playing 30+ hours a week. The other drives 2 hours to play at my house.
It comes down to that VG in fact plays good, it just up to the end-user to decide at what level of performance they want the game to play at. Unfortunatly, that pisses alot of lowbies off. Thus they have a grudge on their shoulder at Sigil for designing a game that requires them to realize that foostamps and MMO's don't mix.
So argueing over performance or preaching VG hate because the game has poor performance directly implies your not a gamer, nor do you have a modern rig. Anything else I'll debate... combat, animation, graphics...etc. But performance... nahh!
Wow, can you be that stupid? The worst release of all time? Try SWG, or that WWII MMO. Those both had catastrophic releases. And at least Vanguard moved fast to patch the holes, now its pretty much fine to play. SWG was never quite fixed.
NO, he's just a newb and just spouting his mouth off.. You have Horizons and Dark & Light that were utter disasters. WISH, never made it to the market and games like WWII had troubled released.
Vanguards servers are extremely stable and have has very little trouble during release. The DEV team is active and there are major patches every week. The game has excellent support and a great staff.
What are you going to say next (newb) now that I've dubunked you "worst release" bs. Vanguard's release was great... I played 14 hours on Day 1. Sorry, but if your going to spew garbage, at least lie a little better.
How about Matrix Online originally a Warner Brothers game but sold to SOE along with the rights to the Marvel Universe MMO.
Lesson from the Vanguard release? Acutally spend time optimizing and polishing so you can put out the best product possible? If so, it's a good thing for gamers.
Dont be so sure that you are going to play AoC in 5 months. Experience shows that most of the times game releases are delayed. A recent example is WAR which was delayed.
AoC actually has been postponed twice now. And being that I have been following the game basically from the beginning, I will admit that both delays were indeed painful for me, but the final release date is Oct 30, 07. I will bet my paycheck on that date..............People express their distaste for this game to prevent the blind fanboi's from misleading potential customers.
It's a self-perpetuating problem. When fanboi's stop making up complete and utter crap (Example: This game runs perfect, it's bug free, there are tons of people playing all the time, it's the best game ever,etc etc) then haters wouldn't have to constantly chime in to point out these falsities.
That's how bad of a game Vanguard is; people are willing to go out of their way to ensure that fellow consumers won't pay Sigil money for such a crumby, inferior product. Vanguard is Star Wars Galaxies: Part 2, except SWG was actually fun at one point...and it's a cold day in hell when you're inferior to SWG.
Why do you insisting on flamming VG in every thread that has to do with VG as a game?
You've said numerous times that LOTRO is the way, that it will kill VG. Well great, I'm sure we're all pleased that thats what you think. But do we (in the end) give a damn? Hell no. So would you please drag yourself back to your little hole which is LOTRO, and stay there.
Btw just to make things clear, I don't mind people expressing their opinions, not at all, but when it's done so over and over, and blindedly as well... Well I think you get what I'm saying.
PS I have a lifetime sub in LOTRO, and a 1 month Reoccuring sub in VG.
People express their distaste for this game to prevent the blind fanboi's from misleading potential customers.
And the Vanboi's continues to post to prevent the blind haters from misleading potential customers.
It's a self-perpetuating problem. When fanboi's stop making up complete and utter crap (Example: This game runs perfect, it's bug free, there are tons of people playing all the time, it's the best game ever,etc etc) then haters wouldn't have to constantly chime in to point out these falsities.
Yeah, it is a self-perpetuating problem (God I wish you spelled that one right:)). It is so when haters makes up complete and utter crap( For instance: You will need to be sponsored with a computer from NASA if you gonna run this slideshow of a game above 5fps. There is no content, you cant find people to group with.) then the vanbois would not have to call of the haters lies.
That's how bad of a game Vanguard is; people are willing to go out of their way to ensure that fellow consumers won't pay Sigil money for such a crumby, inferior product. Vanguard is Star Wars Galaxies: Part 2, except SWG was actually fun at one point...and it's a cold day in hell when you're inferior to SWG.
But do you honestly now think that it would be onesided.
Who has the most right, the ones being positive or the one being negative. You are saying promote the negative I would say promote both balanced.
I'm so broke. I can't even pay attention.
"You have the right not to be killed"
You are right. Bashing VG is like kicking a retarded puppy. However, the reason this is so interesting is because VG is one of the biggest financial debacles in gaming.
If you are playing VG how can you not believe that 35k is an accurate number? My guess is they are still around 50-70k people subscribed but 35 is in VG's future. Is your server full of people everywhere at all levels. Although the world is large, if there were 150k people subscribed, there would be people at almost every level playing the game. This is simply not the case. Sales from launch to Feb. were slightly over 100k boxes. Sales last month were in the 13k range. Next month VG will fall off the sales chart altogether.
You can remain delusional about the game if you want to but we will continue to discuss it because in our small, little world of MMOs, VG is a disaster as big as the Titantic. We had a similar level of interest when Horizons and DnL failed but this one involves several high profile people in the industry, Microsoft, and SOE. In the geek world that provides great drama.
VG is like a Nerd soap opera.
Hmm, you have this;
I have a 3200+, 1 GB RAM, and an x800GTO, and the game will run "OK" with a lot of tweaking, but it isn't great. I'm underwhelmed with what I've experienced so far, sad to say.
End Quote:
is that your famous computer?
YOU MUST HAVE 2 GIG of memory to run VG correctly, and i hate to say this, your computer can be brought at Circuit City for $500, well not yours they got better ones now.
It's better? Yari, you are funny. Granted, the processor is better, it has the same 1GB of RAM, and the integrated 6100 isn't close to the x800GTO. I still stand behind the fact that the game is coded like junk.that is essentially the same
Meh, what can I say? VG has a 6 month sub on me. The game is what I'm looking for at this present time in an MMO.
Is it perfect? Nope. Does it feed the need? Yep.
I get 65+ FPS on the game, with settings on full bust. I don't get crashes, and I rarely get lag.
The staff have been superb. The GM's have been prompt, polite and very helpful.
For me, the game lives and breaths.
My only complaint about it would be that it isn't the third generation MMO that was promised. Though a great game, it's really nothing more than a middle ground between EQ and WoW with an emphasis on grouping. Is this a bad thing? Not really, but there are other games out there (such as AoC and Tabula Rasa) that will hopefully move the industry in a new direction.
In the meantime, I find it highly doubtful that VG has anything less than 100k subscribers. I also believe though that Sigil really needs to do something. Though I'm sure the numbers are so/so, they could be better. I do know people that have quit the game, simply due to the whole "been there, done that" routine. Yes diplomacy is fun, and crafting is detailed, but ultimately if you want to play an adventure game, this game is probably more challenging than most. I personally love it, but can see why some others would not.
How to fix this? My personal opinion is to merge some servers. The game is H-U-G-E, and I hope they keep it that way! But yes, the population is way to scattered at this time. Lets get some peeps together, run through this game, then let word of mouth take it's course. It really is a good game, but definately does not have a very broad appeal. For those that feel their current MMO is too easy and want a bit of extra challenge, VG is worth a look at.
Brad Mcquaid and his shrinking Horde of fanbois are angry that people wont go out and spend $5,000 on a new pc to play their game. Thank god this is a free country if it wasent guys like Brad would send in the army to have you personally escorted to a store just to make sure you bought a new pc.
Hmm, you have this;
I have a 3200+, 1 GB RAM, and an x800GTO, and the game will run "OK" with a lot of tweaking, but it isn't great. I'm underwhelmed with what I've experienced so far, sad to say.
End Quote:
is that your famous computer?
YOU MUST HAVE 2 GIG of memory to run VG correctly, and i hate to say this, your computer can be brought at Circuit City for $500, well not yours they got better ones now.
It's better? Yari, you are funny. Granted, the processor is better, it has the same 1GB of RAM, and the integrated 6100 isn't close to the x800GTO. I still stand behind the fact that the game is coded like junk.The x800GTO is sold for about $ 60 at newegg. I am not trying to flame you or cut you down. But your computer is about $500 dollar now.
Today computers is not even close to 2-3 years ago, not in speed or price. What makes it worst is the piece of crap MS has made with Vista. Its going to take a good year before if will will faster then XP Pro, if it ever does.
System Information
Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (5.0, Build 2195) Service Pack 4
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: INTEL_
System Model: D975XBX2
BIOS: Default System BIOS
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.4GHz
Memory: 2046MB RAM
Page File: 208MB used, 3730MB available
Windows Dir: C:WINNT
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 5.03.0001.0904 32bit Unicode
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 8800 GTX
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Key: EnumPCIVEN_10DE&DEV_0191&SUBSYS_039C10DE&REV_A2
Display Memory: 768.0 MB
Current Mode: 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (75Hz)
Description: Sound Blaster Audigy
Default Sound Playback: Yes
Default Voice Playback: Yes
Hardware ID: PCIVEN_1102&DEV_0007&SUBSYS_100A1102&REV_00
Manufacturer ID: 1
Product ID: 100
Type: WDM
Driver Name: P17.sys
Driver Version: 5.12.0001.0512 (English)
Driver Attributes: Final Retail
WHQL Logo'd: Yes
Date and Size: 7/6/2005 17:14:30, 1389056 bytes
Other Files:
Driver Provider: CREATIVE
HW Accel Level: Full
Game hitches like a bitch and gameplay sux all around.
Must be my $500 comp huh?! Fact is VG has a problem on both machines. Fact is they screwed the public releasing beta. Fact is some peeps are stupid enough to cheer them on for it. Fact is the support team sux ass and can't figure out the bugs but instead blame it on the peeps machines. Fact is if they programed the game in accordance to Direct X params they wouldn't have these problems with hardware.
Fact is people like me will continue letting fellow gamers know how screwed up this game is so they don't get screwed as well.
Hey fanboy jackass, go read the VG forums under support to see all the peeps with high end machines having problems.
Love VG fanboys, Wonder how the VG devs feel having these guys hump their legs all the time lol.
To those of you thinking of buying this POS BEWARE!! Keep your money and buy a real game that is done.
Don't support Retail Beta.
Offcoarse, a simple $1200 machine would run Vanguard with little difficulty and get excellent performance. It's extremely ignorant people that think their computers are fast when they don't realize what $1200 can buy TODAY.
If you have:
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here. Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..? Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..? Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...? I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb!
Originally posted by Zvorak
People like you are a big part of why no one plays this crappy game. Enough with the ugly ass screenshots already- how much is Sigil paying you? Whatever it is, it's WAY too much, because you aren't convincing anyone of anything other than that they should play anything but Vanguard.
Bite me, Turbine.
Lesson from the Vanguard release? Acutally spend time optimizing and polishing so you can put out the best product possible? If so, it's a good thing for gamers.
Dont be so sure that you are going to play AoC in 5 months. Experience shows that most of the times game releases are delayed. A recent example is WAR which was delayed.
Okay, going slow so you get it....
It was due out early this year, it was pushed back already. Someone who knows more can correct me, but I also believe that's the 2nd pushback. The game was shown a week ago and the features I listed were touted as already being done, and what I listed was pretty much what was on the agenda. It's not that I'm saying I'm not sure, it's been pushed back twice, and in my experience, with over a 10 month pushback, there is a very good chance it'll be ready.
I'm just curious why you would be so certain, when it's fairly obvious you have ZERO idea where that game is, and that it's already been delayed, much less it's current state?
If you have:
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. (Tell him my specs and he tells me it works fine lol) The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here. (The info provided if from my dxdiag)Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..? (Wasn't my statement is about paying for beta. aka Retail beta)Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..? (Once again as stated currently have the game installed and have played it today) Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...? (Too many to list, take a look on these forums fanboy to the other posts people are making) I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? (Once again as stated in my post. Go to the support forums for VG to read for yourself) What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb! ( who mentioned wow? Don't even have it installed)
Are you seriously daft? Or perhaps your zeal to becomes the next Brad fanclub superstar blocked your better judgement. Eitherway I honestly have to say , you have to be the stupidest person I've met in any game forum.If you had bothered to read my post you would've noticed that I posted my dxdiag.txt file of what components my second system is comprised of. Also I had stated that not only I but a great deal of people are having issues with this game. I also sugested that you zealots should head over to the Vanguard support forums and do some fact finding for yourself .
I find it curious and amazing that somebody can be so blinded by the love of a game that they will risk all self dignity to support it.
Is it just me or has this guy taken the fanboy thing to a new level? Getting scary
Actualy when i think about the topic header I think there is again some kid that has misread the words that Vanguard needs atleast 35k people (EDIT: growth) to get into the game each month to be atleast at a safe point and somewhere along the line this sentence was changed into the words Vanguard has 35k subs.
I'm definitly not saying that what i say here is thru but this is the closets i could find to be more accurate then to read Vanguard only has 35k subs.
I think 35k a month would be way low. That's only $524,650 a month in reveune, and then you have to start subtracting overhead costs, and so on. I'm not going to presume what those are, but I dont see how they could get away with 35k a month.
Even worst case, while population seems low, I'd be fairly surprised if they had less than 75k-100k subscribers. More? I dont know, but even when it seems low, I'd still think in that 75k to 100k range at a minimum.
If you have:
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. (Tell him my specs and he tells me it works fine lol) The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here. (The info provided if from my dxdiag)Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..? (Wasn't my statement is about paying for beta. aka Retail beta)Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..? (Once again as stated currently have the game installed and have played it today) Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...? (Too many to list, take a look on these forums fanboy to the other posts people are making) I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? (Once again as stated in my post. Go to the support forums for VG to read for yourself) What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb! ( who mentioned wow? Don't even have it installed)
Are you seriously daft? Or perhaps your zeal to becomes the next Brad fanclub superstar blocked your better judgement. Eitherway I honestly have to say , you have to be the stupidest person I've met in any game forum.If you had bothered to read my post you would've noticed that I posted my dxdiag.txt file of what components my second system is comprised of. Also I had stated that not only I but a great deal of people are having issues with this game. I also sugested that you zealots should head over to the Vanguard support forums and do some fact finding for yourself .
I find it curious and amazing that somebody can be so blinded by the love of a game that they will risk all self dignity to support it.
Is it just me or has this guy taken the fanboy thing to a new level? Getting scary
Yes, perhaps you didn't read my post. I am aware of your system specs, thats why I re-listed it without all the ancillary clutter so people could see your system specs. Your saying you get horiible performance on your machine while playing Vanguard..?
With you machine you shouldn't. I do not when I play Vanguard and I dont have as robust system as you, so... what I'd like to know is, what EXACTLY are your performance concerns with VG. .? What issues are you having that I am not..? Don't just keep directing me to their hardware support forum....
Your arguement to go and look at the "hardware section" of Sigil help forums is rediculious. I guess you didn't get the joke a shot at you earlier, thanking you for informing us where you go if YOU have a problem with the game. Your making it sound as if there is 1 single, reoccuring problem people are having with Vanguard thats related to Sigil's programing. There isn't!
People are having problems with their systems to get vanguard to run...! Goto Battlefeild 2142's Hardware help forum,, it's the same shit. Or WoW's.... people are always having issues with their computers and games. Thats why game companies offer those forums, it nothing new on Sigil's part. LOL!
If you have:
Vanguard will not have any issues playing on your system specs. (Tell him my specs and he tells me it works fine lol) The game runs smooth on my 8800GTS, so I can imagine your not being truthfull here. (The info provided if from my dxdiag)Whay are we (you) talking aboiut the public release of BETA..? (Wasn't my statement is about paying for beta. aka Retail beta)Is that what your stemming all this nonsense from, and not the actual gameplay NOW..? (Once again as stated currently have the game installed and have played it today) Do you think it's even the same game..?
Oh, and what bugs are you talking about...? (Too many to list, take a look on these forums fanboy to the other posts people are making) I played for 14 hours today. I know of only one bug that happens when you travel, and it's not gamebreaking, it's cosmetic..! So can you please elaborate on thse supposed "bugs" that the Dev team don't know how to Fix..? (Once again as stated in my post. Go to the support forums for VG to read for yourself) What problems is Vanguard having with Hardware..?
Are you sure YOU, yourself didn't have an issue with Vanguard and were too inept to get your machines drivers or Bios updated..?
If you read the support forums for WoW you get the same retarded questions. There are simply people who have so much clutter or don't use windows update their computer will have issues with other games aswell. Hardware support is a forum all game companies have. Thanx for pointing that out though, was nice enough to tel us all where you usually hang out. Newb! ( who mentioned wow? Don't even have it installed)
If you had bothered to read my post you would've noticed that I posted my dxdiag.txt file of what components my second system is comprised of. Also I had stated that not only I but a great deal of people are having issues with this game. I also sugested that you zealots should head over to the Vanguard support forums and do some fact finding for yourself .
I find it curious and amazing that somebody can be so blinded by the love of a game that they will risk all self dignity to support it.
Is it just me or has this guy taken the fanboy thing to a new level? Getting scary
Yes, perhaps you didn't read my post. I am aware of your system specs, thats why I re-listed it without all the ancillary clutter so people could see your system specs. Your saying you get horiible performance on your machine while playing Vanguard..?
With you machine you shouldn't. I do not when I play Vanguard and I dont have as robust system as you, so... what I'd like to know is, what EXACTLY are your performance concerns with VG. .? What issues are you having that I am not..? Don't just keep directing me to their hardware support forum....
Your arguement to go and look at the "hardware section" of Sigil help forums is rediculious. I guess you didn't get the joke a shot at you earlier, thanking you for informing us where you go if YOU have a problem with the game. Your making it sound as if there is 1 single, reoccuring problem people are having with Vanguard thats related to Sigil's programing. There isn't!
People are having problems with their systems to get vanguard to run...! Goto Battlefeild 2142's Hardware help forum,, it's the same shit. Or WoW's.... people are always having issues with their computers and games. Thats why game companies offer those forums, it nothing new on Sigil's part. LOL!
Nice picBut thats the thing bro, to many of these "haters" are so BLIND because they have played games that did not cause them much problems and mostlikely they never spent time before on support forums so never saw that actualy every game regardless if its a single player game or MMO there always lots and lots and lots of people complaining, bashing, trolling. Its funny you see this type of stupid behaviour already happening to LotrO which i feel is soo out of place as even i agree that game had a much better release then Vanguard had and still we see pathatic little people already starting to bash that game.Instead they do some research the keep coming back with more nonsense. Let me be clear as of lately i have a few more problems in regards to Vanguard but i feel i have to much experiance to let something like those few minor things upset me into not liking the game. Already had to much fun with it to let go and besides there's no other game that offers the things i like in a MMO that is offered in Vanguard.
This circle is ongoing i'm afraid, to many people that do not want others to have fun where they can't have fun with. They are totaly unaware they only are being incridible selfish. They even think they feel some desire to WARN people, now how sad is that if people do something like that with games. Its like its alright we have junkie using drugs, idiots using alcohol, let not even start with all the hunger in the world. No lets start to warn people about games.
Fact remains that to many of the "haters" seem to have a over-active Amygdala or atleast a damage one. And unfortunaly this can go on for generations and generations.
Hmm wonder how would this go down for other products as well? For example would it be prudent to blame the public for cars that have factory defects? Should we blame the public for products that fail prematurely? How about blaming the public if your electricity goes out or your cable service cuts in and out or if your DVD's come with a scratch?
Should we blame the public for bad movies as well? Should we blame the critics for warning others of bad movies? Should we blame reviewers for bad products, such as consumer reports?
Fact of the matter these forums are to disguss games and also to inform others.
How is it, you think by being a fanboy you are helping the industry out? Coaxing others to pay for incomplete games and staunchly defending bad products?
Do you feel it would be ok if the newpaper or magazine you subscibe to only came half complete? What about if the pictures or stories bleeded out off the page?
Do you feel it would be Ok if your cable TV only had half the channels you were promised? Or if the channels sometimes caused your TV to turn off or just became fuzzy in the middle of a show?
If you went to a movie would it be OK if the movie ended half way throught or skipped ahead a few minutes?
How would you feel if your Mp3 player just didn't work at times and it was a known issue among it's maker?
I myself would rather get what I expected from my money. I think others would as well. I know if some people had problems with a particular product or service they would like to warn others to stay away.
The problem with fanboys is that you do more harm than good to the industry. I've seen the deterioration of quality control in the computer gaming industry for the last 13 years because of fanboy behavior. First it was the patch back when the web was really getting going. Most of these patches were very small and were to fix certain issues reguarding hardware. Then when that became the norm the patches grew to fix gameplay bugs. Once that became the norm the patches grew to implement game play that was not finished before the game went gold.
Now they don't even bother to finish the games anymore and fanboys cheer them on for it. Now it is expected for a game to not be funtional before it's release. Their excuses are always the same.. didn't have time.. didn't have the money .. blah blah.. and we are expected to pay for it. In MMO's not just once but every month. Often times players have to beg for fixes or content. In some games like SWG it's the paying public that is expected to be the testers for beta. If they don't and there are bugs released in the live game the devs blame the customers for not telling them during testing.
It wouldn't be so bad if we got a rebate for this kind of unscrupulous business practices but we don't. Instead it just keeps getting worse and fanboy boneheads just keep cheering it on.
MMORPG make money on unfinished products and as of yet no comsumer group has taken them on. Yet! When they do things will change for the better and the industry will flourish even more.
In closing it is not the fanboys that keep the devs on their toes and challenge them to do better. It is players like me that expect a certain level or professionalism amongst the people who create these products. Fanboys will always be known as the people who don't mind getting taken for a ride and ridicule those of us that do.
Hmm wonder how would this go down for other products as well? For example would it be prudent to blame the public for cars that have factory defects? Should we blame the public for products that fail prematurely? How about blaming the public if your electricity goes out or your cable service cuts in and out or if your DVD's come with a scratch?
Should we blame the public for bad movies as well? Should we blame the critics for warning others of bad movies? Should we blame reviewers for bad products, such as consumer reports?
Fact of the matter these forums are to disguss games and also to inform others.
How is it, you think by being a fanboy you are helping the industry out? Coaxing others to pay for incomplete games and staunchly defending bad products?
Do you feel it would be ok if the newpaper or magazine you subscibe to only came half complete? What about if the pictures or stories bleeded out off the page?
Do you feel it would be Ok if your cable TV only had half the channels you were promised? Or if the channels sometimes caused your TV to turn off or just became fuzzy in the middle of a show?
If you went to a movie would it be OK if the movie ended half way throught or skipped ahead a few minutes?
How would you feel if your Mp3 player just didn't work at times and it was a known issue among it's maker?
I myself would rather get what I expected from my money. I think others would as well. I know if some people had problems with a particular product or service they would like to warn others to stay away.
The problem with fanboys is that you do more harm than good to the industry. I've seen the deterioration of quality control in the computer gaming industry for the last 13 years because of fanboy behavior. First it was the patch back when the web was really getting going. Most of these patches were very small and were to fix certain issues reguarding hardware. Then when that became the norm the patches grew to fix gameplay bugs. Once that became the norm the patches grew to implement game play that was not finished before the game went gold.
Now they don't even bother to finish the games anymore and fanboys cheer them on for it. Now it is expected for a game to not be funtional before it's release. There excuses are always the same.. didn't have time.. didn't have the money .. blah blah.. and we are expected to pay for it. In MMO's not just once but every month. Often times players have to beg for fixes or content. In some games like SWG it's the paying public that is expected to be the testers for beta. If they don't and there are bugs released in the live game the devs blame the customers for not telling them during testing.
It wouldn't be so bad if we got a rebate for this kind of unscrupulous business practices but we don't. Instead it just keeps getting worse and fanboy boneheads just keep cheering it on.
MMORPG make money on unfinished products and as of yet no comsumer group has taken them on. Yet! When they do things will change for the better and the industry will flourish even more.
NO, I think he ment, saying something without backing it up (or being specific about it).... over and over and over and over (endlessly repeating yourself) tends to imply your not telling the truth, but trying to perpatrate a lie or paint a picture of doom & gloom.
If Vanguard didn't work and was as bad as your suggesting I would not be defending it, nor would I be playing it....! Tell you the truth I wasnt haveing fun playing Vanguard when i had my ATI 850XT, but when I upgraded to an 8800GTS 640mb ($360 @ newegg), Vanguard turned into a whole different game. I didn't have stuttering or FPS issues anymore, my FPS was like butter. I had renewed interest in VG and forgot about the old 850Xt days.... that was so yesteryear now. he he.
I hosted a LAn party about 1.5 months ago. My buddies could not beleive the difference a video card made in playing the game. Offcoarse they all spent hours on my rig playing and in the end, 1 of my friends ordered the exact same card and i still playing 30+ hours a week. The other drives 2 hours to play at my house.
It comes down to that VG in fact plays good, it just up to the end-user to decide at what level of performance they want the game to play at. Unfortunatly, that pisses alot of lowbies off. Thus they have a grudge on their shoulder at Sigil for designing a game that requires them to realize that foostamps and MMO's don't mix.
So argueing over performance or preaching VG hate because the game has poor performance directly implies your not a gamer, nor do you have a modern rig. Anything else I'll debate... combat, animation, graphics...etc. But performance... nahh!