I am a girl and I find this thread hilarious to the highest degree. I am sick and tired of people trying to argue that there is a demonstrable difference between men and women on the gaming front, or on most other fronts as well, for that matter. Men and women both have groups that want complex crafting, that want easy killing of large groups, that want massive overworld PVP, or anything else you can think of. Women are diverse just like men, and we want similar things. The problem lies not in the reality of things, but in the mentality of young men in the gaming world. So many of them are social rejects not because they play games, but because they are weird or boring in real life. They think girls will not like them in real life because girls do not like them in real life. They imagine a girl playing a game that will like them because she plays a game too, and that girl does not exist. If you are unpleasant to a girl in the real world, you would be just as unpleasant to the same girl online. There is this myth that developed when games were ONLY for these social rejects, but this is no longer the case. People from all walks of life play games, and it now is just, to me, like people that enjoy chess or camping. It is something they do. That girl at the party is more likely to play games than you think. If you get out of your house and go to said party, and talk to people, you might learn how to talk to girls. Then, they might like you more. We exist, we are in all games, and we are people just like you, and just like the people you know in the real world. Playing a game because you think girls are playing it is silly, and you are even less likely to get a girl in a game than in the real world. Think about that. I will say, though, sex sells, and the character models in Aion are hot hot hot. That might be a decent secret weapon on its own if GameGuard did not counteract that pull.
Couple of things
1) its not just the dumb ass boys at fault here (please dont call them men I had work for that title and so do they) young girls make just as much of an ass out of them selves as do the males though granted boys tend to excel at ass hatting if you will but its jsut that ass hattery not really a sexist thing in fact this whole flame storm while quite amusing is just that a troll, they where just looking to piss you off for fun if it wasnt your gender it would be somthing else.
2) gamers dont go outside so they cant meet you at the party unless said party is during the weekly maintance.
3) Yes sex sales it doesn't just sale to men though so dont go thinking your all high and mighty just because most men will gladly admit they first noticed the game because of the clevage on teh marketing add while most females dont seem to like to admit to being attracted by some base factor such as sexuality.
4) And there are demonstratable diffrences between all demographics in terms of gaming and well every thing else though granted they are all equivlent they are unique i.e. you can target market a gender, a religion, a political view, a race, a sexual prefrence even a favorit color it wont hit 100% never does but it will hit the majority of the target. But yes you can also target multiple markets, just wanted to point out that thogh I dont think Aion did they could have targeted teh female player base woudl that have had an affect on the male player base . . . nope if it did it wouldn't be a positive one in order to target a demographic specificaly you typicaly adversly impact the inverse demographic i.e. if I market to republicans odds are I am gona play hell getting democrats to sign up, if I market to female odds are males are going to feel the product wasn't intended for them so I think its clear that Aion is trageting as wide a market as they can I would guess 13 to dead no gender specific.
Lol...topic has been up for half a day and it already has over 3700 hits.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Ton's of immature E-Peens posting in this thread. Not sure if boys follow girls in games, But G/F's drag B/F's to games (and pick the race for them).
Hilarious. Made me laugh =]
Im not sure how accurate this may be but im pretty sure that at least 80% of "hot gamer chicks" dancing around in their underwear as Night Elves or whathaveyou are often creepy men with excess facial stubble in their mid to late 30's. I wouldnt base my decision on whether or not to play a game on how many "chicks" are playing
Lol, Surfer. I know there are women that do the same thing, but the same principle applies. I mentioned men (sorry, boys) because that is what this thread is about. I have met some social reject women that could not get a man no matter what they tried. Of course, part of that is that they will not go to a party or a pub in favour of playing their chosen game. You just cannot meet real people that way. The idea that you can meet someone special in a game is bogus. I know, some people have done it, but I worry about their sanity, and they are very few and far between besides.
In addition, this problem is more prevalent with men because there are more men in games so they seem desperate to play where the few women are. There are many more women playing games now so this is not as large a problem in reality as people think it is. It is perpetuated by media portraying gamers as fat young men or de-socialised nerds. People need to stop assuming the differences between men and women that simply are not there. There are some differences, but none of them should come into play when it comes to good games.
I was not trying to sound high and mighty with my comment about sex, though I am both. The models are hot, and the ads are hot, and that was enough for me to look into it. Well, that and NCSoft. Most women are just as attracted to ads because of games, but I cannot think of anyone I know that will actually play a game because of the hotness level. I will watch the videos and I will look at the concepts, but I will not play a bad game because the characters are hot.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
(And I absolutely REFUSED to buy Haris Pilton's bag when I used to play WoW. Little diva charged too damn much anyway.)
Wait. Wait.
There is somebody in WoW named Haris Pilton?
They are lootable, therefore, I can hack them into little pieces with my special blue glowy swords of cartoonish Playskool doom?
S#it, screw Aion, I'm going back to WoW. ><p You may have just made the ultimate argument...
I's say, but WoW on hold cause there's an expansion coming out soon, in the mean time play games like Aion and FFXIV, then go back to WoW beat the expansion and then play SW:TOR and The Secret World.
I mean come, don't quit WoW, but don't let it be your only MMO.
Transgaming (as i call it) is just weird, and for all those that say "I want something to look at when i play my game" how about looking at what your killing it might make you a better player!
i don't think i have ever played a game just because they had a larger female base >.>,,,
Me neither. But often when I hear a female voice on chat. I wonder "Shit i hope this one ain't gonna tear the guild apart with drama" lol but of course that's not all females. I've met some fantastic female players in games, I treat them the same as my male buddies though. After all we're just gamers trying to have a bit of fun
lol I hate to say it and I'll probably generate a few flames but I think that same thing.."Man oh man here comes the drama." I don't know why but all too often it "seems" like gamer girls bring drama like nothing else into a guild.
Hmmm. Well....I've been in the same guild for almost 4 years now. It's about 1/3 women and 2/3 men, and we just don't have any drama really. Seems the most argumentative it's ever gotten is when someone rolled on an item at Ulduar for their off spec and won, and the other guy that rolled was rolling for his main spec. Both of them were male, and one of the guys left the guild over it....really silly shit. He came back a couple of days later and apologized for being an ass. (We don't do DKP in our guild and we're SUPPOSED to let everyone know if there's a particular piece we're planning on rolling for that we NEED. He didn't...so it really was his bad, by our guidelines, because MOST everyone is fully geared for their main spec, so naturally....people roll for off spec then.)
I think the reason our guild rarely sees any drama is that MOST of us are in our 30s and 40s, with a few 20-somethings mixed in. But still....with 300 people, you'd think there would be drama. I guess we all just really like each other.
Admittedly...I have been in guilds that were smaller and seemed to have more drama. The thing is....I don't stay in "drama guilds," so that's probably why I have relatively little experience with the "drama" thing. I don't pay a monthly fee to watch adults bicker like children, and I don't pay to play in a guild made UP of children either, so....there you have it.
By the way...I'm female, 46, and I'm one of the women that sucks at PvP. However....there are women my age and a bit younger, in our guild, that absolutely whoop ass. PvP is pretty much humiliating to me. I enjoy it....but I truly SUCK at it. lol
I have met both male and female players that bring the drama. There will also be the ones of both genders in every guild that need the hand holding and the constant reassurance that they are special snow flakes. There are a lot of lonely people out there that make the game like a 2nd life/home or sometimes a primary life/home. They need to be the best at everything all the time, they need revenge on everyone for any wrong ever done or imagined, and they need love and acceptance and praise and adoration. And they take up far too much of your time as a guild leader till eventually you pull them aside in vent and say "Man up or puss out, final warning. I am not your mommy nor would I ever want to be."
The game that draws users of both genders will have more box sales, so that is a good thing for NCSoft. And I have never heard a straight male with dropped testicles remark when entering a club "Wow! Its a sausage fest, this should be fun times!"
Anyone that leads you on in a game to bamboozle you out of gear/money/etc is a weird little monkey... I make it a firm rule.. Don't date a pixel! It won't happen, everyone on the internet lies to some degree about themselves. Take the game for what it is. Play, have fun, log out.
Yes, I am female. Yes, I game. No, I will not date your sorry arse.
I'm going to have to hide my sister from you. In our legion there is a lot of females, blood thirsty ones too (A LOT OF THEM ARE MARRIED WITH THEIR HUSBANDS IN THE LEGION). It didn't suprise me at all that a lot of males, females, couples will be playing Aion. No diffrent than many of the other MMORPG's. I think that the Aion Facebook page just made it more visible which is really cool.
I'm going to have to hide my sister from you. In our legion there is a lot of females, blood thirsty ones too (A LOT OF THEM ARE MARRIED WITH THEIR HUSBANDS IN THE LEGION). It didn't suprise me at all that a lot of males, females, couples will be playing Aion. No diffrent than many of the other MMORPG's. I think that the Aion Facebook page just made it more visible which is really cool.
I'm a girl (well, woman as I just turned 24), and I won't be playing Aion. I love PvP, but Aion seems a bit linear considering that you pay a monthly subscription fee. I enjoyed WAR's PvP system much more, and even RF Online for that matter. (Argue with me if you want; you won't change my mind and I don't give a damn about how much my little ol' opinion upsets you, because it really shouldn't. If you like Aion, great, but that doesn't mean that I have to also. And I'm using the term "you" for illustrative purposes as this isn't directed at anyone in particular.) The character models in Aion are something that I absolutely detest, to be honest. The fluffy, angelic wings and the immaculate looking, incredibly effeminate male characters make me feel as if I'm playing as a character in some shojo-themed game. (No; it's not nearly as bad as, let's say, Mabinogi, but at least that game offered divergent paths for different play-styles.) As far as the misogynist opinions conveyed by some here are concerned: I've killed countless guys in PvP, and most of them didn't even realize I was a female since I often play male characters just to avoid being treated differently or as if my gender somehow makes me an inferior player. While I've met some cool guys who treat me no differently than everyone else because I'm a female, I've found that there are those ones who belittle my accomplishments because of this also. In fact, when I achieved a high PvP rank in another MMO once, and was ranked within the top 50 players on the server, a guy in my guild remarked that it "must be a bug." Jealous much? And, no, I'm not some butch in RL as some people like to assume when a girl is on par with the men in terms of skill in a predominately male hobby. I just exert the necessary effort it takes to become proficient in whatever task I'm trying to accomplish, be it PvP or otherwise. As far as drama goes, I was never at the center of the drama in the guilds I've been a part of, and men were just as responsible as the women in my guild for igniting it in the first place. For the tl;dr crowd: Don't assume that every person who has beaten you is in fact a male IRL. You might be surprised to learn otherwise. You'll never catch me playing a character that looks like Paris Hilton with her laced-corset and shiny, strappy stilettos. (And I absolutely REFUSED to buy Haris Pilton's bag when I used to play WoW. Little diva charged too damn much anyway.)
I like your style, I would make out with you if you could beat me at pvp. Too bad you wont be in AION, your loss. *Sticks tongue out*
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"
But ..but....male characters in dresses are great! Haliscan's Brim Hat and a Royal Dangui is a great combi I think in WoW, and it looks great on my female and male characters.
Oh , by the way...the only 2 times I ever got gifts was around 3 months ago when I started playing on a RP server called The Sha'Tar , I met a friendly guild ( Who I didnt join, because I am afraid I suddenly get unactive...I can focus on a game for a long time it seems :S) and the guildleader and one other gave me a nice amount of money I needed for a dualspec and a blue robe. And they were lovely women who I grouped with a few times, who said "Youre too kind....and a great healer "
I think I spent over a few thousand golds and quite a few days in hours to help people, give them random gifs, or boosts...mostly people new to the game, and its very much the same in other games
Anyway, I am getting offtopic ..
I am not sure how much Aion I will play since too much and forced PVP might do me in, but I am all ears and open for a legion( is that what guilds are called in Aion?) with a diversity people, it makes for a great experience to see a pvp-obsessed woman, a laidback tank who says he's afk all the time, a spontaneous Vampire-novel lover who likes to run dungeons the whole time, a quiet and dedicated crafter who says she can craft a plethora of new things, a chatterbox who levels twice a month ..etc
What's your point OP? You don't seem to have one. So what if girls play or not. I only care how good the player is, nothing else.
Whats my point? lol I thought that was obvious... A lot of people here, those not in the girls vs boys debate (which I never asked for or wanted) get it. They have demonstrated this in the thread if you have read it.
My point was to say that Aion will gain a lot of crossover subs from succesfully appealling to the elusive holy grail of the female playerbase, and that fact will make this game extra attractive to a lot of boy players.
Thats it. Pure and simple. Nothing dramatic or inflammatory.
I think people deliberartly miss what is being said around here a lot
Aion's not so secret marketing weapon -- it appeals to women in their potential player base. If they can grow their female player proportion, it means their overall population/market/revenue will be higher. This is a good thing for anyone who wants the game to be successful (i.e. make money on an ongoing basis). And thanks to the OP for making this point, although his point got derailed from page 1. But Aion will have to keep those female players. Which means that most of the people in this thread need to chill and try not to be such amazingly flaming asshats on either side. Because you know, AS A WOMAN, I really despise guys who make drama around me being female. It not my fault, guys -- you do it to your nyerking selves. Women are more than half of online gamers. Higher in casual games, lower in MMOs, and likely even lower in PvP environments, although I have no proof of that except personal observation in old SWG, Eve, and Aion. I was playing war games before D&D white box came out -- serious multi-week turn based military simulations and such. There were not many "girl" gamers in the 70s, and we got crap for being butch and unfeminine sometimes. Yes, for most of you, this means I'm at least old enough to be your mom. So now, women in gaming get crap for not being good enough players, regardless of evidence. And *too* "girly." Can't win with y'all, can we? And for the most part, it's because we stand out to men with insecurity around gender roles, relationships and so on. There are *lots* of men who enjoy playing with women, can be comrades in arms without striking some weird 'tude about it. But there are other guys who will come in and accuse the women of creating drama because they can't handle their own internal feelings about being around the opposite sex for whatever reason. If you want the game to succeed, try to avoid being a troll, flamer, asshat, and otherwise a burden on your community, and you will make life easier for the rest of us who just want to have fun excelling at the game. Men or women. Social griefers are just a drag on the game. Get over yourselves. yrs, Shava
[find me in the WIGI group on LinkedIn]
Y'know... I'm not really into the whole GvB thing, I couldnt give a crap and I play a lot quite happily alongside my GF and sister as well as my RL buddies, but some posts just deserved to get quoted because they are simply good.
Lmao, transgaming, never heard that one before. Good one
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Lmao, transgaming, never heard that one before. Good one
Does this mean that eventually chics will role male characters, and guys will rock out with the chic toons? lol I wonder sometimes.
As for the lady who likes to play guy character models (I don't blame you, to avoid being patronized) , I ran into a few of those on XI, nobody was the wiser. Until one day she posted her pic on ffxi players.com and talked to us in vent. She was a mega-hottie and I always had a crush on her, but I didn't dare try anything because frankly I know its simply a game. Pursuing a relationship to me anyways, in an online virtual world, would be totally frivolous. I simply enjoyed the years I played along side her in the linkshell and enjoyed her company. No need to get all psycho stalker on someone. heh... btw I was roleing a mithra at the time. rofflez.
Lol, Surfer. I know there are women that do the same thing, but the same principle applies. I mentioned men (sorry, boys) because that is what this thread is about. I have met some social reject women that could not get a man no matter what they tried. Of course, part of that is that they will not go to a party or a pub in favour of playing their chosen game. You just cannot meet real people that way. The idea that you can meet someone special in a game is bogus. I know, some people have done it, but I worry about their sanity, and they are very few and far between besides. In addition, this problem is more prevalent with men because there are more men in games so they seem desperate to play where the few women are. There are many more women playing games now so this is not as large a problem in reality as people think it is. It is perpetuated by media portraying gamers as fat young men or de-socialised nerds. People need to stop assuming the differences between men and women that simply are not there. There are some differences, but none of them should come into play when it comes to good games. I was not trying to sound high and mighty with my comment about sex, though I am both. The models are hot, and the ads are hot, and that was enough for me to look into it. Well, that and NCSoft. Most women are just as attracted to ads because of games, but I cannot think of anyone I know that will actually play a game because of the hotness level. I will watch the videos and I will look at the concepts, but I will not play a bad game because the characters are hot.
I totally agree with you %100.
Humans are humans, male or female, both are capable of being bad.
I am a girl and I find this thread hilarious to the highest degree. I am sick and tired of people trying to argue that there is a demonstrable difference between men and women on the gaming front, or on most other fronts as well, for that matter. Men and women both have groups that want complex crafting, that want easy killing of large groups, that want massive overworld PVP, or anything else you can think of. Women are diverse just like men, and we want similar things. Agreed, no issue here. The problem lies not in the reality of things, but in the mentality of young men in the gaming world. So many of them are social rejects not because they play games, but because they are weird or boring in real life. They think girls will not like them in real life because girls do not like them in real life. They imagine a girl playing a game that will like them because she plays a game too, and that girl does not exist. If you are unpleasant to a girl in the real world, you would be just as unpleasant to the same girl online. There is this myth that developed when games were ONLY for these social rejects, but this is no longer the case. People from all walks of life play games, and it now is just, to me, like people that enjoy chess or camping. It is something they do. That girl at the party is more likely to play games than you think. If you get out of your house and go to said party, and talk to people, you might learn how to talk to girls. Then, they might like you more. While I agree with the fact that it is alot more of a diverse crowd that plays games (Hell if I told you who I was, what race I was, and what I did for a living it would probably surprise most of you as it usually does whenever I post pics in my guild forums lol.) but the idea that most of these guys in game are obsessed with women is stupid. Most of these guys don't give a damn if a girl is playing or not and the general mentality is that those girls are actually guys anyway so the reality is that they are there for the purpose of kicking ass, story lines, crafting, and levelling their characters and the social aspect for most is just an afterthought. Now they may have some thing for some girl they hear in vent or something along those lines but that's a different story since there are out of game elements to those interests...creepy as that may be...then again who knows maybe some people have met their significant others in vent for all I know. We exist, we are in all games, and we are people just like you, and just like the people you know in the real world. Playing a game because you think girls are playing it is silly, and you are even less likely to get a girl in a game than in the real world. Think about that. This is probably only true because the pool of girls in the game is alot smaller than that of the real world of course. But that aside it's statistically proven that when physical appearance is taken out of the equation, more people are able to find deeper connections in other areas. I will say, though, sex sells, and the character models in Aion are hot hot hot. That might be a decent secret weapon on its own if GameGuard did not counteract that pull. Yes....yes they are, but it's still a bunch of pixels. So appreciate the visual art work for what it is but that's all it is.
Seriously... I mean, girls play games, we know this, and a few even play mmorpgs, we know this also, but by looking at the Aion FB page it looks like this game has managed to appeal to the female player base in a massive way. And we all know that where girls go, boys follow...
I originally thought my 15 year old daughter, who plays Wo_ (censored) hardcore, would love this game. Shes into the anime thing, Japanese Music, Asian Videos, etc. But she played in the second CBT for like 2 hours and never came back. Didn't bash it or anything, didn't say it had problems. Just flat didn't appeal to her at all. I was disappointed, but at least we still play that "other" game together.
Originally posted by Cypt1 (And I absolutely REFUSED to buy Haris Pilton's bag when I used to play WoW. Little diva charged too damn much anyway.)
Wait. Wait. There is somebody in WoW named Haris Pilton? They are lootable, therefore, I can hack them into little pieces with my special blue glowy swords of cartoonish Playskool doom? S#it, screw Aion, I'm going back to WoW. ><p You may have just made the ultimate argument...
I mean come, don't quit WoW, but don't let it be your only MMO.
Wow, that one went over your head, eh? I'm losing my touch.
Uh, since my sarcasm-o-meter is on the fritz: I hate WoW
You obviously haven't known what you were playng against. Chances are, the ones in PvP who didn't just kill you, but DESTROYED you, yup those were girls.
No, they weren't. Regardles of your attempt to earn Brownie points, women are generally inferior in PvP.
Sir, no offense meant, but how could you possibly back that statement up?
Couple of things
1) its not just the dumb ass boys at fault here (please dont call them men I had work for that title and so do they) young girls make just as much of an ass out of them selves as do the males though granted boys tend to excel at ass hatting if you will but its jsut that ass hattery not really a sexist thing in fact this whole flame storm while quite amusing is just that a troll, they where just looking to piss you off for fun if it wasnt your gender it would be somthing else.
2) gamers dont go outside so they cant meet you at the party unless said party is during the weekly maintance.
3) Yes sex sales it doesn't just sale to men though so dont go thinking your all high and mighty just because most men will gladly admit they first noticed the game because of the clevage on teh marketing add while most females dont seem to like to admit to being attracted by some base factor such as sexuality.
4) And there are demonstratable diffrences between all demographics in terms of gaming and well every thing else though granted they are all equivlent they are unique i.e. you can target market a gender, a religion, a political view, a race, a sexual prefrence even a favorit color it wont hit 100% never does but it will hit the majority of the target. But yes you can also target multiple markets, just wanted to point out that thogh I dont think Aion did they could have targeted teh female player base woudl that have had an affect on the male player base . . . nope if it did it wouldn't be a positive one in order to target a demographic specificaly you typicaly adversly impact the inverse demographic i.e. if I market to republicans odds are I am gona play hell getting democrats to sign up, if I market to female odds are males are going to feel the product wasn't intended for them so I think its clear that Aion is trageting as wide a market as they can I would guess 13 to dead no gender specific.
lol @ reason # 2!!
Lol...topic has been up for half a day and it already has over 3700 hits.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
What's your point OP? You don't seem to have one. So what if girls play or not. I only care how good the player is, nothing else.
He just made his point.. Look at this thread already because there is girls replying to it hahah. Girls are in this thread so the guys are in here to
Hilarious. Made me laugh =]
Im not sure how accurate this may be but im pretty sure that at least 80% of "hot gamer chicks" dancing around in their underwear as Night Elves or whathaveyou are often creepy men with excess facial stubble in their mid to late 30's. I wouldnt base my decision on whether or not to play a game on how many "chicks" are playing
Lol, Surfer. I know there are women that do the same thing, but the same principle applies. I mentioned men (sorry, boys) because that is what this thread is about. I have met some social reject women that could not get a man no matter what they tried. Of course, part of that is that they will not go to a party or a pub in favour of playing their chosen game. You just cannot meet real people that way. The idea that you can meet someone special in a game is bogus. I know, some people have done it, but I worry about their sanity, and they are very few and far between besides.
In addition, this problem is more prevalent with men because there are more men in games so they seem desperate to play where the few women are. There are many more women playing games now so this is not as large a problem in reality as people think it is. It is perpetuated by media portraying gamers as fat young men or de-socialised nerds. People need to stop assuming the differences between men and women that simply are not there. There are some differences, but none of them should come into play when it comes to good games.
I was not trying to sound high and mighty with my comment about sex, though I am both. The models are hot, and the ads are hot, and that was enough for me to look into it. Well, that and NCSoft. Most women are just as attracted to ads because of games, but I cannot think of anyone I know that will actually play a game because of the hotness level. I will watch the videos and I will look at the concepts, but I will not play a bad game because the characters are hot.
"Gamers will no longer buy the argument that every MMO requires a subscription fee to offset server and bandwidth costs. It's not true you know it, and they know it." Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet, 2007
WTF? No subscription fee?
Wait. Wait.
There is somebody in WoW named Haris Pilton?
They are lootable, therefore, I can hack them into little pieces with my special blue glowy swords of cartoonish Playskool doom?
S#it, screw Aion, I'm going back to WoW. ><p You may have just made the ultimate argument...
Wait. Wait.
There is somebody in WoW named Haris Pilton?
They are lootable, therefore, I can hack them into little pieces with my special blue glowy swords of cartoonish Playskool doom?
S#it, screw Aion, I'm going back to WoW. ><p You may have just made the ultimate argument...
I's say, but WoW on hold cause there's an expansion coming out soon, in the mean time play games like Aion and FFXIV, then go back to WoW beat the expansion and then play SW:TOR and The Secret World.
I mean come, don't quit WoW, but don't let it be your only MMO.
Transgaming (as i call it) is just weird, and for all those that say "I want something to look at when i play my game" how about looking at what your killing it might make you a better player!
Me neither. But often when I hear a female voice on chat. I wonder "Shit i hope this one ain't gonna tear the guild apart with drama" lol but of course that's not all females. I've met some fantastic female players in games, I treat them the same as my male buddies though. After all we're just gamers trying to have a bit of fun
lol I hate to say it and I'll probably generate a few flames but I think that same thing.."Man oh man here comes the drama." I don't know why but all too often it "seems" like gamer girls bring drama like nothing else into a guild.
Hmmm. Well....I've been in the same guild for almost 4 years now. It's about 1/3 women and 2/3 men, and we just don't have any drama really. Seems the most argumentative it's ever gotten is when someone rolled on an item at Ulduar for their off spec and won, and the other guy that rolled was rolling for his main spec. Both of them were male, and one of the guys left the guild over it....really silly shit. He came back a couple of days later and apologized for being an ass. (We don't do DKP in our guild and we're SUPPOSED to let everyone know if there's a particular piece we're planning on rolling for that we NEED. He didn't...so it really was his bad, by our guidelines, because MOST everyone is fully geared for their main spec, so naturally....people roll for off spec then.)
I think the reason our guild rarely sees any drama is that MOST of us are in our 30s and 40s, with a few 20-somethings mixed in. But still....with 300 people, you'd think there would be drama. I guess we all just really like each other.
Admittedly...I have been in guilds that were smaller and seemed to have more drama. The thing is....I don't stay in "drama guilds," so that's probably why I have relatively little experience with the "drama" thing. I don't pay a monthly fee to watch adults bicker like children, and I don't pay to play in a guild made UP of children either, so....there you have it.
By the way...I'm female, 46, and I'm one of the women that sucks at PvP. However....there are women my age and a bit younger, in our guild, that absolutely whoop ass. PvP is pretty much humiliating to me. I enjoy it....but I truly SUCK at it. lol
President of The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club
I have met both male and female players that bring the drama. There will also be the ones of both genders in every guild that need the hand holding and the constant reassurance that they are special snow flakes. There are a lot of lonely people out there that make the game like a 2nd life/home or sometimes a primary life/home. They need to be the best at everything all the time, they need revenge on everyone for any wrong ever done or imagined, and they need love and acceptance and praise and adoration. And they take up far too much of your time as a guild leader till eventually you pull them aside in vent and say "Man up or puss out, final warning. I am not your mommy nor would I ever want to be."
The game that draws users of both genders will have more box sales, so that is a good thing for NCSoft. And I have never heard a straight male with dropped testicles remark when entering a club "Wow! Its a sausage fest, this should be fun times!"
Anyone that leads you on in a game to bamboozle you out of gear/money/etc is a weird little monkey... I make it a firm rule.. Don't date a pixel! It won't happen, everyone on the internet lies to some degree about themselves. Take the game for what it is. Play, have fun, log out.
Yes, I am female. Yes, I game. No, I will not date your sorry arse.
Currently Playing: D3-ROS
Previously played: WoW, Tera, SWTOR, TSW, Rift, Defiance, GW2, Aion, LotRO, Rapplez, RoM, Dofus, LC, Requiem, WoKF, PW, etc
Waiting on: Wildstar
I'm going to have to hide my sister from you. In our legion there is a lot of females, blood thirsty ones too (A LOT OF THEM ARE MARRIED WITH THEIR HUSBANDS IN THE LEGION). It didn't suprise me at all that a lot of males, females, couples will be playing Aion. No diffrent than many of the other MMORPG's. I think that the Aion Facebook page just made it more visible which is really cool.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I think in our legion, we have 3 female leaders.
I like your style, I would make out with you if you could beat me at pvp. Too bad you wont be in AION, your loss. *Sticks tongue out*
"Sometimes people say stuff they don''t mean, but more often then that they don''t say things they do mean"
But ..but....male characters in dresses are great! Haliscan's Brim Hat and a Royal Dangui is a great combi I think in WoW, and it looks great on my female and male characters.
Oh , by the way...the only 2 times I ever got gifts was around 3 months ago when I started playing on a RP server called The Sha'Tar , I met a friendly guild ( Who I didnt join, because I am afraid I suddenly get unactive...I can focus on a game for a long time it seems :S) and the guildleader and one other gave me a nice amount of money I needed for a dualspec and a blue robe. And they were lovely women who I grouped with a few times, who said "Youre too kind....and a great healer "
I think I spent over a few thousand golds and quite a few days in hours to help people, give them random gifs, or boosts...mostly people new to the game, and its very much the same in other games
Anyway, I am getting offtopic ..
I am not sure how much Aion I will play since too much and forced PVP might do me in, but I am all ears and open for a legion( is that what guilds are called in Aion?) with a diversity people, it makes for a great experience to see a pvp-obsessed woman, a laidback tank who says he's afk all the time, a spontaneous Vampire-novel lover who likes to run dungeons the whole time, a quiet and dedicated crafter who says she can craft a plethora of new things, a chatterbox who levels twice a month ..etc
Grr...offtopic again, sorry -.-
Whats my point? lol I thought that was obvious... A lot of people here, those not in the girls vs boys debate (which I never asked for or wanted) get it. They have demonstrated this in the thread if you have read it.
My point was to say that Aion will gain a lot of crossover subs from succesfully appealling to the elusive holy grail of the female playerbase, and that fact will make this game extra attractive to a lot of boy players.
Thats it. Pure and simple. Nothing dramatic or inflammatory.
I think people deliberartly miss what is being said around here a lot
*edit for terrible english*
Y'know... I'm not really into the whole GvB thing, I couldnt give a crap and I play a lot quite happily alongside my GF and sister as well as my RL buddies, but some posts just deserved to get quoted because they are simply good.
This is one of those posts
Lmao, transgaming, never heard that one before. Good one
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Lmao, transgaming, never heard that one before. Good one
Does this mean that eventually chics will role male characters, and guys will rock out with the chic toons? lol I wonder sometimes.
As for the lady who likes to play guy character models (I don't blame you, to avoid being patronized) , I ran into a few of those on XI, nobody was the wiser. Until one day she posted her pic on ffxi players.com and talked to us in vent. She was a mega-hottie and I always had a crush on her, but I didn't dare try anything because frankly I know its simply a game. Pursuing a relationship to me anyways, in an online virtual world, would be totally frivolous. I simply enjoyed the years I played along side her in the linkshell and enjoyed her company. No need to get all psycho stalker on someone. heh... btw I was roleing a mithra at the time. rofflez.
I totally agree with you %100.
Humans are humans, male or female, both are capable of being bad.
I originally thought my 15 year old daughter, who plays Wo_ (censored) hardcore, would love this game. Shes into the anime thing, Japanese Music, Asian Videos, etc. But she played in the second CBT for like 2 hours and never came back. Didn't bash it or anything, didn't say it had problems. Just flat didn't appeal to her at all. I was disappointed, but at least we still play that "other" game together.
Wow, that one went over your head, eh? I'm losing my touch.
Uh, since my sarcasm-o-meter is on the fritz: I hate WoW
No, they weren't. Regardles of your attempt to earn Brownie points, women are generally inferior in PvP.
Sir, no offense meant, but how could you possibly back that statement up?
So basically, your gonna try and turn what I am saying into a negative thing by insinuating a non stated fact to try and troll me?
lol ok
Oldest failing tactic ever: don't answer the points coherently or completely, just resort to insults.