What people seem to forget is that you are playing a game. The whole idea is to be in a world that is not reality. You want to play the opposite sex? Who cares? Does your sex have anything to do with how good of a player you are, or what you can contribute to a guild -- No.
I am female as well, and in the past people have not believed me. Now here is the kicker. I don't care. Why do I need to prove to anyone I am female? I don't. Generally when I am in a guild, I am in vent, so there is no doubt about who I am. If you are a female playing a male toon, you have no room to judge males who play females.
The internet community seems to get worse every day when it comes to rude behavior. So we have a choice. Either grow a thicker skin and deal with it, or quit playing. I chose to be secure with myself and continue to play because I don't really care what a 13 year old kid from Iowa thinks about me. I know who I am, and that's all that matters.
So your saying its Okay to lie as long as its on a game? Its okay to lie aslong as there is a computer involved? It is a game but that is a RL question and these are REAL people you are talking to not fake toons with no-1 behind the toon Lieing is lieing no matter who you are doing it too...
Teaching someone it is okay to lie even on the computer is bad.... and why lie when you can just aviod the question? or reply with "This is RP I dont want to talk about RL" what drives someone to lie about it?? You have yet to anwser my question Why lie?
I'm saying it's not "lying" it's a video game.
You're not at the mall, the grocery store, the high school dance, a bar, a friends party.
No one is "lying" to you. It is NOT real life, YOU are the one trying to force people to interact with you as if it was REaL LIFE, when it's not.
YOU are the problem, not the other people you think are "lying" to you.
If you want the truth, go talk in REAL LIFE, not in a video game. Go to a Dating site, or to a party, or to the mall, or to the grocery store, where people are expected to tell the truth, because it's a REAL LIFE interaction.
When I'm playing a game, I can never "lie" to you, because I'm not interacting with you in real life, I"m playing a game. If you're playing Real Life on a video game, that's your problem.
Lying is Lying no matter where you do it and on your "You will never meet any of these people" actualy I have LAN partys with my Halo 3 Team.... I talked to them even though I met them on a game ~gasp~ we are actualy good friends because new Techonlogy lets us be friends.
and I'm not asking them not to play females... Im asking them when asked what there RL sex is to say male and not say Female
Because I dont like liars, there is no point in lying to anyone game or not....
And I dont get pissed because people lie I get pissed because i get viewed as a liar because they lie if it dident effect me i could care less but it is directly effecting me and i care because I do make real connections with my Friends online and offline they are friends i have most of WoW guilds numbers and i Txt them.... because they are my friends online and offline I dont just use them to progress in a game I play the game is what made me meet them just because we met in a game doesent make them anyless a person that i can be friends with
Lying is Lying no matter where you do it and on your "You will never meet any of these people" actualy I have LAN partys with my Halo 3 Team.... I talked to them even though I met them on a game ~gasp~ we are actualy good friends because new Techonlogy lets us be friends.
and I'm not asking them not to play females... Im asking them when asked what there RL sex is to say male and not say Female
You become good friends FIRST, then you can accuse them of "lying" to you.
If they are not your good friends, they are playing a video game, and they have no reason to divulge anything to you about their real life, and you have no right to ask.
No one on a video game is obligated in any way to answer any of your questions truthfully, because they are not their to interact with you as your friend, they are there to play a video game.
IF they become your good friends, THEN and only THEN can you engage them in "real life" conversations. Until then, you have to respect that people on MMORPGs are playing a game, and are not there to meet you and be your real life friend.
I feel no obligation in any way to tell you anything about me whatsoever that has to do with my real life. I'm playing a video game, not trying to date you or become your friend.
Deal with it, or get upset every time you chat with people online that are playing a game, and not looking for real life interaction.
I will happily tell you I'm South American, German, Rich, Poor, Female, MAle, 60 years old, 12 years old, or anything else I feel like because I'm playing a game. I really don't care about you personally, don't care if you think I"m "lying", I don't want to be your friend, don't want to meet you, don't care about your real life in any way.
I want you to play the game, that's it. We can chat, and that's great, but I dont' really believe anything you are going to say, one way or another, as it doesn't affect me in any way. Tell me you're a girl, a guy, 12, 60, from Florida or Taiwan, it's all the same to me.
Why is this argument even taking place in this thread? The voice-chat feature did not say "Change your voice so you can lie about your gender". It is just a tool that can be used or misused just like a chat box. Using the tool does not imply dishonesty. Ultimately, "gender dishonesty" is really a non-issue unless you plan to leverage your gender to your own gain.
I suppose the saying "ignorane is bliss" comes to mind. If you are playing with someone who looks and sounds like a female in the game does it really matter? When your play session ends, you log off, and the pixels disappear, does some random players gender really have any affect on you?
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
I think it is a bad idea I have to post pictures of myself just to get people to believe I am female.... with remarks such as "No girls play video games" or more insulting disgusting things giving people to pose as my gender disgust me! I am female and i do not need to be attack for being such because someone wants to act like a girl... play a girl toon fine... Personaly i play male toons simple because they are Hot lol... but make it clear your true gender
I dont get it... why do you feel that you have to prove that you're a girl to those random persons..? You dont have to prove anything. If they're friends (e-friends :P) then they should be able to take your word for it.
If its such a mess, then just tell them that you're a male. Seriously, does it actually make a difference what they believe?
Okay, not my point if your not realy a female and it comes in to question why can you not just say "No i am not" .... instead of saying you are a female in RL? is there a point in lying when the question is directly asked about your RL Sex not your ingame sex if someone asked are you female say "Yes i am a female night elf" and if the question was "What are you male or female in RL" say "I dont want to anwser" or "I am male" there is no good reason to lie to people on a video game is the question was out of RP then the reply can be out of RP
People lie. Get used to the fact that most people are little more than oxygen thieves and parasites to the rest of us and will lie and kill you if it would be a net gain for them.
My ONLY question is WHY LIE? WHY I just want to know your reasoning why you should lie.. and saying untill you become real friends you shouldent tell the truth thats like saying Lie to your GF until she becomes your wife there isent a deep enough bond untill there is a ring involved ? Why not start off with the truth?
Either the person complaining doesn't want to admit that they use games to date/flirt or they are just trolling. The only reason I am even posting in this thread is because I hate the female population to be represented by this crap. Use a dating service or leave your house to meet people. If you meet people from a game and make friends -- GREAT.
Not everyone is interested in doing that though. Most of us just want to play the game and keep our RL seperate from the games. The game is NOT real life and expecting people to always be honest is just naive. Do you really think that people in the real world are honest? People lie -- A LOT. They lie about their past, who they are, financial income, drug addictions, what job they have, how old they are -- the list goes on.
Not being honest isn't a gaming problem, it's a human problem.
Is there a point in lying unless you are comfortable with who you are? Is there a reason to lie to anyone?
Once again, your implication is that this tool is only intended for lying. If your rant is about cross-gender players, that could be a thread or blog post all its own. Otherwise, this is where the argument really becomes circular and I'll sum up the past few (and likely next few) posts for you:
- Why would people lie?
- Who cares?
-People shouldn't lie!
-Who cares?
-People are liars!
-Who cares?
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
My ONLY question is WHY LIE? WHY I just want to know your reasoning why you should lie.. and saying untill you become real friends you shouldent tell the truth thats like saying Lie to your GF until she becomes your wife there isent a deep enough bond untill there is a ring involved ? Why not start off with the truth?
This right here tells me you are young. Naive even.
I am young but my mother taught me dont lie and yes i know human society lies but why give someone the means to lie to someone else? we have become so okay with liars its disgusting
I am young but my mother taught me dont lie and yes i know human society lies but why give someone the means to lie to someone else? we have become so okay with liars its disgusting
Answer this question.
Why is someone obligated to tell you about their real life in a video game?
You arent, Nor are you Obligated to lie? Why not say "Im not going to anwser" or "I would rather not talk about my RL" Why do you Lie about things?
and yes i know the world lies... but you make it sound like its okay to lie...
I don't fly internet spaceships in real life, but if you asked me in game I would tell you I fly a Brutix most of the time. I apologize in advance for lying to you.
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
It's funny because your gender and the likelihood that you really fly internet spaceships are about as relevant as each other.
As has been said, the game is not RL and therefore RL questions do not belong in the game. So, if you are asking someone's gender then you are facilitating the lie as much as any tools. It all goes back to motive though. What do you gain by for proving you are a female?
"Do something right, no one remembers. Do something wrong, no one forgets" -from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Isnt part of playing an Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Genre, is to create a character as you see fit and what class and equipment they use.
The vast majority of times I will create female characters because personally I think armour usually ends up looking better on females than males. But that is my choice and opinion which allows me to create a character of my choice whether it is male or female.
I don't see the sense in going round saying to every person I see "Even though I look like woman, I'm really all man". It's a shame that the essense of role playing has been lost over the years.
What people seem to forget is that you are playing a game. The whole idea is to be in a world that is not reality. You want to play the opposite sex? Who cares? Does your sex have anything to do with how good of a player you are, or what you can contribute to a guild -- No.
I am female as well, and in the past people have not believed me. Now here is the kicker. I don't care. Why do I need to prove to anyone I am female? I don't. Generally when I am in a guild, I am in vent, so there is no doubt about who I am. If you are a female playing a male toon, you have no room to judge males who play females.
The internet community seems to get worse every day when it comes to rude behavior. So we have a choice. Either grow a thicker skin and deal with it, or quit playing. I chose to be secure with myself and continue to play because I don't really care what a 13 year old kid from Iowa thinks about me. I know who I am, and that's all that matters.
I'm saying it's not "lying" it's a video game.
You're not at the mall, the grocery store, the high school dance, a bar, a friends party.
No one is "lying" to you. It is NOT real life, YOU are the one trying to force people to interact with you as if it was REaL LIFE, when it's not.
YOU are the problem, not the other people you think are "lying" to you.
If you want the truth, go talk in REAL LIFE, not in a video game. Go to a Dating site, or to a party, or to the mall, or to the grocery store, where people are expected to tell the truth, because it's a REAL LIFE interaction.
When I'm playing a game, I can never "lie" to you, because I'm not interacting with you in real life, I"m playing a game. If you're playing Real Life on a video game, that's your problem.
Lying is Lying no matter where you do it and on your "You will never meet any of these people" actualy I have LAN partys with my Halo 3 Team.... I talked to them even though I met them on a game ~gasp~ we are actualy good friends because new Techonlogy lets us be friends.
and I'm not asking them not to play females... Im asking them when asked what there RL sex is to say male and not say Female
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
Why do you care if people lie to you in a game if it doesn't effect your gaming experience?
Because I dont like liars, there is no point in lying to anyone game or not....
And I dont get pissed because people lie I get pissed because i get viewed as a liar because they lie if it dident effect me i could care less but it is directly effecting me and i care because I do make real connections with my Friends online and offline they are friends i have most of WoW guilds numbers and i Txt them.... because they are my friends online and offline I dont just use them to progress in a game I play the game is what made me meet them just because we met in a game doesent make them anyless a person that i can be friends with
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
You become good friends FIRST, then you can accuse them of "lying" to you.
If they are not your good friends, they are playing a video game, and they have no reason to divulge anything to you about their real life, and you have no right to ask.
No one on a video game is obligated in any way to answer any of your questions truthfully, because they are not their to interact with you as your friend, they are there to play a video game.
IF they become your good friends, THEN and only THEN can you engage them in "real life" conversations. Until then, you have to respect that people on MMORPGs are playing a game, and are not there to meet you and be your real life friend.
I feel no obligation in any way to tell you anything about me whatsoever that has to do with my real life. I'm playing a video game, not trying to date you or become your friend.
Deal with it, or get upset every time you chat with people online that are playing a game, and not looking for real life interaction.
I will happily tell you I'm South American, German, Rich, Poor, Female, MAle, 60 years old, 12 years old, or anything else I feel like because I'm playing a game. I really don't care about you personally, don't care if you think I"m "lying", I don't want to be your friend, don't want to meet you, don't care about your real life in any way.
I want you to play the game, that's it. We can chat, and that's great, but I dont' really believe anything you are going to say, one way or another, as it doesn't affect me in any way. Tell me you're a girl, a guy, 12, 60, from Florida or Taiwan, it's all the same to me.
Why is this argument even taking place in this thread? The voice-chat feature did not say "Change your voice so you can lie about your gender". It is just a tool that can be used or misused just like a chat box. Using the tool does not imply dishonesty. Ultimately, "gender dishonesty" is really a non-issue unless you plan to leverage your gender to your own gain.
I suppose the saying "ignorane is bliss" comes to mind. If you are playing with someone who looks and sounds like a female in the game does it really matter? When your play session ends, you log off, and the pixels disappear, does some random players gender really have any affect on you?
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
I dont get it... why do you feel that you have to prove that you're a girl to those random persons..? You dont have to prove anything. If they're friends (e-friends :P) then they should be able to take your word for it.
If its such a mess, then just tell them that you're a male. Seriously, does it actually make a difference what they believe?
Is there a point in lying unless you are comfortable with who you are? Is there a reason to lie to anyone?
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
People lie. Get used to the fact that most people are little more than oxygen thieves and parasites to the rest of us and will lie and kill you if it would be a net gain for them.
My ONLY question is WHY LIE? WHY I just want to know your reasoning why you should lie.. and saying untill you become real friends you shouldent tell the truth thats like saying Lie to your GF until she becomes your wife there isent a deep enough bond untill there is a ring involved ? Why not start off with the truth?
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
Either the person complaining doesn't want to admit that they use games to date/flirt or they are just trolling. The only reason I am even posting in this thread is because I hate the female population to be represented by this crap. Use a dating service or leave your house to meet people. If you meet people from a game and make friends -- GREAT.
Not everyone is interested in doing that though. Most of us just want to play the game and keep our RL seperate from the games. The game is NOT real life and expecting people to always be honest is just naive. Do you really think that people in the real world are honest? People lie -- A LOT. They lie about their past, who they are, financial income, drug addictions, what job they have, how old they are -- the list goes on.
Not being honest isn't a gaming problem, it's a human problem.
Once again, your implication is that this tool is only intended for lying. If your rant is about cross-gender players, that could be a thread or blog post all its own. Otherwise, this is where the argument really becomes circular and I'll sum up the past few (and likely next few) posts for you:
- Why would people lie?
- Who cares?
-People shouldn't lie!
-Who cares?
-People are liars!
-Who cares?
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
You support dishonesty and yes i am naive but I just cant understand why you would lie about somthing so stupid.
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
This right here tells me you are young. Naive even.
Why do I have to tell you about my real life in a video game?
I am young but my mother taught me dont lie and yes i know human society lies but why give someone the means to lie to someone else? we have become so okay with liars its disgusting
Why do you have to lie?
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
You have a mouth, ie. the means to lie. Next comment?
Answer this question.
Why is someone obligated to tell you about their real life in a video game?
You arent, Nor are you Obligated to lie? Why not say "Im not going to anwser" or "I would rather not talk about my RL"
Why do you Lie about things?
and yes i know the world lies... but you make it sound like its okay to lie...
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
I don't fly internet spaceships in real life, but if you asked me in game I would tell you I fly a Brutix most of the time. I apologize in advance for lying to you.
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
That is the most .... thing i said RL question that is a IN GAME question.... Not a RL question
Lvl 75 Black Mage/White Mage ffxi
Lvl 80 Druid WoW
Lvl 34 Ranger Aion
It's funny because your gender and the likelihood that you really fly internet spaceships are about as relevant as each other.
As has been said, the game is not RL and therefore RL questions do not belong in the game. So, if you are asking someone's gender then you are facilitating the lie as much as any tools. It all goes back to motive though. What do you gain by for proving you are a female?
"Do something right, no one remembers.
Do something wrong, no one forgets"
-from No One Remembers by In Strict Confidence
Isnt part of playing an Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Genre, is to create a character as you see fit and what class and equipment they use.
The vast majority of times I will create female characters because personally I think armour usually ends up looking better on females than males. But that is my choice and opinion which allows me to create a character of my choice whether it is male or female.
I don't see the sense in going round saying to every person I see "Even though I look like woman, I'm really all man". It's a shame that the essense of role playing has been lost over the years.
Voice chat detracts from immersion. I don't use it unless absoluteley necessary.
Author of the Amazon kindle book, The Clan and the Crown