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Including People from Various Gulf countries and Sham Countries and other Arab, Muslims and Non-Muslims.
The nice thing is that no one here gave a damn about this issue, i mean look at what happens in these boards when Israel get attacked or USA or Canada get attacked, but when an Arab country get attacked no one mentions a single word about it.
Well there now you have it, Israel going on a rampage attacking everyone around them, and then they expect no one to retaliate, and whoever retaliates is deemed terrorist.
Expect WW3 soon friends :}
And expect Israel to lose in it.
I do give a damn that Isreal is attacking places at will, but isn't that what my country is doing? I have no right to critisize Israel because I would then be a hypocrite. My main issue with the whole situation is that we fully support Israel in their actions. You can't balme the Palestineans for being angry about their land, but you can blame them for killing civilians not involved in the conflict.
On the other side of the spectrum there are the Israelis who are droping bombs and killing civilians also. It's not a good situation for that part of the world. I'm guessing that Israel just got fed up with the bombings and decided to go invade places.
I do care actually. Unfortunately Lebanon is one of the weakest governments in the Arab world and is basically run by Hezzbollah (sp?). It is unfortunate because if the Lebanese government were actually running the show things would be a lot better. Returning the hostages would be a good start and would certainly give them the high moral ground but Lebanon=Hezzbollah refuse to do it.
I am not sure how you can react moderately against people who want you "wiped off the face of the earth" in the words of the Iranian government (Hezzbollah is heavily Iranian based). The only good thing I can see coming outta this is that Hezzbollah is dismantled in that region.
As a Christian I always find it puzzling how the Muslim religion has such a problem with being hijacked by extremists. It's unfortunate since I know the extremists views and attitudes contrast so sharply with my Muslim friends.
The rockets attacks from Liban must stop, no matter what Israel must do.
Israel got my inconditional and total support. Terror attack must be destroyed, period.
A country harboring and encouraging these attacks for years have to face the consequences of harboring these CRIMINALS, peoples who throw rockets accross international borders.
Hezbollah (or whatever the right writting) bring this upon Liban, and hopefully Israel won't walk away until this criminal associations is completely and totally destroyed. Armed criminals are unacceptable. Israel should never have retreat from south-Liban years ago. But they did trust, wrongly, Liban to accomplish it duties. But the word duty seem like it doesn't ring much bells into Liban, thereby actions must be taken.
Anyone claming religious reasons is ill and deserve treatment. We are talking about criminals throwing rockets accross a border, nothing religious in that. Peace must prevail and if it take war to bring peace, then let's it be.
Unlike Iraq, in this case, Canada is totally supporting it. Which, on a morality level, show you just how deeply required and just this action is. Iraq was wrong, but eh, we can't stop the US from doing their thingy. Afghanistan was right. Israel is right, no matter what the French are going to say. Rockets attacks accross the border can't be allowed, period.
As to a comment about WW3, you are delusionning yourself over the importance of the Hezbollah. Any person just a little sane see how wrong it was that they throw rockets for many decades, accross the border. That is plainly insane it last that long, protecting your citizens is a duty, and Israel is merely accomplishing it duties.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Go Israel.
There are times when I really don't apporve of Israels tactics. This is not one of those times.
this is why no one sides with arabs (extremist ones).
You say Israel is attacking lebenon WITH NO mention of Hezbulah (which is part of the lebonese government), kidnapped 2 soldiers. .. . which is an act of war don't you know.
This is an argument to be made about disproportionate force... which I think is a losing argument however. If Israel shows any weakness in that crappy region of the world, then more people are gonna attack em.
Israel won't lose.
I'll tell you why, since the USA gave iran power in the first place by placing Ayatollah Al-Khumainy ( an extremist ), the extremists thorn was ever bigger than before.
the She'a sect of...well...i don't want to call them muslims because there are very very few of them who are muslims, the rest are just not-so-muslims.
and they are the majority of those in charge of the arab, or they have a bigger influence over the leaders, which leads into chaos.
the She'a Imams are the worst kind of people you might ever know, there are very very few of them who are stright, the rest of them always preach of the killing of other muslims, imagine yes, they say kill the Sunna and enter the Janna ( paradise ), and from them the europeans and americans take the teachings of She'a from, and view Islam from.
Iran is a She'a nation, your blood, and my blood are fair game for them, it makes no difference for them, whether you're a muslim or not, if you don't believe in what they believe in you're a fair game.
that's why is saddens me to see that westerners take Islam from those foolish corrupted muslim-wannabes and think it's from Islam.
As for Hezbollah, these people are She'a Irani group, it realy makes no difference for them either, they wish to control just as the US and Israel wish to control.
I do agree however that Hezbolla must be stopped and wiped, but i support hamas myself, since their acts are not of terrorism, these people strive to free their country from the Invading Israel, they attack no citizins, Hezbollah does, and i realy don't give a damn about Hezbollah.
On top of that, Iran is not an Arabic country, they are Persians for that matter, but they do know how to speak Arabic.
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar."
- Edward R. Murrow
I am not ideologically opposed to people on a religious basis. While intresting to learn that Iran has a different version of islam to Arabic nations, I am brought up to respect all religions.
In order to make peace, violent response must be disproportional, not proportional.
I know "proportional" response is the big political buzz phrase, but that's not how you end wars. One side must so totally annhilate the other sidew that the other side is either dead, incapable or too afraid to fight.
Let me give Japan in 1945 as my example. Each man and women was going to fight. Suicide bombers were having a great military effect. The soldiers were all fighting to the death and civilains would rather kill themselves than be taken alive.
Then came Hiroshima, then Nagasaki, and they have been pacifists ever since.
Another Example is Germany. In 1918 we responded with proportional force. But it didn't end there. In 1945 we flattened the place. Burnt their cities to the ground. Now they are no trouble.
It's time for Israel to show it's neighbours the apocalpyse. There can only be one Alpha male in the pack. They have to fight until they all understand who is top dog.
And that will be after a long time, the true muslims showing the Israelies who's the top Dog as you call it, the "prophecy" has been foretold, and many have been told, all of them came true, this one has yet to come, and few others of course.
I'm not claiming to be a prophet, but this what has been told in the true religions, Israel will fall, sooner or later, whether you liked it or not :}
I didn't mean that in the world, i meant here, no one gave a damn here in these forums, i know that the attacks are a big issue everywhere, i know that as a fact, but i was talking, again, about here.
and i know these forums are not a measure :}
OneMuslim I give a damn as I posted on the Mid-east gonna be start of WW3? thread, therefore I dispute your claim that nobody gives a damn.
I am not religous, so I honestly try to take a unbiased look at the situation, are you capable of this as a theist? Do you value all life or just those of your religion? I am quite passionate about my atheism, would you have me executed for thinking your religion a pile of sh*t, can you tolerate people with differing viewpoints?
Sorry I don't mean to have a go at just you, I hate all religion with a passion, I understand though that there are good people of all religions, I will even go as far as to say most religious people are ok, though misguided in my view.
It is the folks who don't want to think for themselves or want to use religion to enforce their will other others that get me going, but I suppose they would act like jerks in a world without religion too.
Anyway I digressed onto religion because you mentioned prophecy, I don't think Isreals latest actions have anything to do with religion, it is just stupididty which is costing innocent lives. Let me rephrase that, I believe Israel are in the wrong, what they are currently doing is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.. ok? get the message?
That said, kidnapping is a totally weak p*ssy way to fight a war, it is also an act of terrorism, and the terrorists, like all terrorists, are complete scum in my book regardless of race/colour/religion.
"Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar."
- Edward R. Murrow
Israel to lose? Are you serious ? They are one of the WORLDS most powerful military's and also have nukes to detour any major invasions or attacks. In 1967 they easily defeated Egypt,Jordan,Syria and Lebanon in the 6 days war and now they have an even more advanced forces while the other countries are very much behind Israel. The only thing that I see being bad for Israel is if Iran makes a few crude nukes but in the end Israel would completly destroy every square inch of Iran if Iran used a nuke on Israel.
Israel's air force will destroy any target in their area with impunity and once Israel's tanks start rolling on major offensives its all over for the extremeists. The only tactics groups like Hamas and Hezzbollah have is suicide attacks, primitive rocket attacks, kidnappings but they have absolutley no way to stop a conventional war from Israel. WW3 will ultimitely start imo when other major countries take sides and other wars spill over into each other like Iraq war/Israel war getting tangled together and maby North Korea seeing an opprotunity to sieze the south.
1- Hamas might be better than Hezbollah, they have not been given the same opportunities, the same chances, the same options. They definitely start in the wrong direction, failing to maintain peace and forcing Israel to act and defend itself. Hamas has to prove that they can be peaceful and great working partner. Israel has the strengh of arms, but they are sensibles and humans, prove them it is more benefit to work peacefully by helping building peace and economy and yes, Gaza could prosper a LOT.
2- Israel won't fail. You better come to terms that Israel is there to stay. Not only have they 1 of the strongest military in the world, they have the backing of the strongest military who happen to be in position to take over Iran in 2 weeks if need be. Israel have the military might to annex all it neighbors if they want, but they are a peaceful inclined civilisation, yet they have to defend themselves. Just to let's you know understand the full scope of Israel might, there are about 4 or 5 countries that could defy them in the air, and no, Canada ain't one of these countries. Russia, US, France...and then it is open to debate on which country could meet Israel and stand a chance, in case you didn't notice they are all allies or neutral toward Israel. Canada has among the best jet fighter pilots in the whole world and no, we wouldn't even be able to contest this air superiority for long.
3- IF Israel would fall (which won't happen), do you think for 1 moment that the US wouldn't go free them right away? When France fall, the US took time to act and they learn that the longer they wait, the harder it is. It would in the very week it would have happen and honestly, I wouldn't want to be in the invading country. I can already see a debate about what exactly is or not a tactical nuke.
4- God is American, end of debate!
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
BioWare is located in Texas and Alberta! Lot of Americans in their staff, in both places.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I can understand where is everyone coming from, seeing islam as an intolerant religion, and a religion of war and such, these views are hardcorely taken from Iran, i understand that.
however Iran only represents the She'a sect of Islam, which is around less than 30% of the total muslims.
are the other 70% just like Iran? HELL NO WAY BABY.
The She'a are an extremist sect, they teach to kill even their brother muslims just because they do not follow their ways.
and from where do people ( westerners ) take islam from? from She'a, isn't this just sad?
The USA gave power to the Khumainy, then people revolted against him, he escpaed to Canada and died there, that scumbag Khumainy, leaving so much confusion and misery, then the Shah came after him, and did no good, actually he did much worse, he totally destroyed the ideals of true Islam and instituted his own beliefs, the She'a beliefs, which has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
and all of this because of who? USA, UN, and their masters, why? to control the middle east in the long process, and who's paying the price? the rest of the innocent and peaceful muslims.
First, get your facts straight. The USA did NOT give power to Khomeini, and he was most certainly not hated by the Iranian people. Ever heard of the Iranian Hostage Crisis? Yeah, that was all him. We deffinitely did not like Khomeini and we certainly did not PUT him in power. Who we DID put in power was the Shah, who came BEFORE Khomeini, not after. Yes, the people did revolt against him, and that's how Khomeini came into power. He gained tremendous support from the people, and there was massive mourning when he died. He did not escape to Canada as you say, he was not put into place by the USA, and he was not hated by the people of Iran.
As for the whole Israel/Lebanon situation, it frankly scares the shit out of me. I don't agree with what either country is doing. Isreal has a right to defend itself against attacks, but so does Lebanon. I wish both countries would get their heads out of their asses and just sit down and talk. The last thing this world needs is another World War.
Schutzbar - Human Warrior - Windrunner Alliance - World of Warcraft
Nihilanth - Kerra Paladin - Blackburrow - EverQuest II
XBL Gamertag - Eagle15GT
And that will be after a long time, the true muslims showing the Israelies who's the top Dog as you call it, the "prophecy" has been foretold, and many have been told, all of them came true, this one has yet to come, and few others of course.
I'm not claiming to be a prophet, but this what has been told in the true religions, Israel will fall, sooner or later, whether you liked it or not :}
It does not matter who wins as long as someone does. While no one does, the war will continue.
For the Record, my money is on Israel. Since it has a nuclear deterrant, the thought of "Israel falling" should be too devasting a concept for it's enemies to invite. How many Arab speaking cities can the Israelies turn into ash within 2 minutes? There are fights you can win and fights you can't.
The reason why Hamas Hezbollah etc are wrong to attack Israel is not because they don't have moral cause, it's because they don't have the military capability to win. Not immoral or unrighteous, just stupid and ignorant.
They are prolonging a losing war. They hurt themselves more than they hurt their enemy.
In about 4 billion years it will be whats left of the earth that falls.
Can't WAIT!
Israel is going pretty extreme here but considering all that they have been through it doesnt suprise me.
30% of the second largest religion is a very big number. Also the hamas are Sunni but they still use suicide bombing and talk about the destruction of Israel. But if im not mistaken doesnt the Qur'an say that Judaism and Christianity are brothers of the book? Doesnt it say to respect fellow religions?
Persoanly i dont think Israel is treating this war the best they should but i believe that they will win it.
And that will be after a long time, the true muslims showing the Israelies who's the top Dog as you call it, the "prophecy" has been foretold, and many have been told, all of them came true, this one has yet to come, and few others of course.
I'm not claiming to be a prophet, but this what has been told in the true religions, Israel will fall, sooner or later, whether you liked it or not :}
Iran is a She'a nation. Do you mean Shiite? l
Nobody cares about the, "Prophecy" of a false religion.
That if people lasted 1000 more years heheh, we are all dead men, as i always used to say.
those who believe in God will be judged by him, those who don't believe in God will also be judged by him, or they'll just enter in a world of dreams for their favour.
but all of what they have gained in this life will be for nothing, basically what israel is doing right now, will be for nothing.
as a believer, like the jews, like the christians, we believe in the same God, but all of us have abandoned him, and have gone running after life and what lusts it offers, that's why you see these wars and miseries, that's why you see this chaos, this injust, because we have simply left the way of God, and ran after our desires, for power, for money, for girls and pleasures, for cars, for...GAMES...*cough*, for many other things, and left God alone.
And we didn't stop, whenever we see someone having more than us, we either try to get rid of them or try to get better than them, am i right?
only those who accept what God has given for them, and those who only ask God to give them more, and thank him for what he gives them, will be amongst the winners.