I remember being so hyped for this game, playing all the betas, only to see my guild die within a month after launch, never been so disappointed in a video game ever, let alone one that I had invested a lot of time into pre-launch. RIP
Originally posted by Sober_Sean
I never bought gold, but I did sell my account for real life cash.
I've done this. I always find that playing an MMO from scratch the 2nd or 3rd time around is quite fun.
launches aren't perfect, and servers are almost always full for every game that luanches, if they add new servers, chances are a fair share of them will be ghost towns in 2 months once the population dies off after the free month 'n such.
I've looked into coming back several times as well, but the fact of the matter is that the game is nowhere better off now than it was a year ago. I was as hyped up for this game as most were, and was crushed by its immense shortcomings. This game ha…
Originally posted by Murashu
That seems to be a common trend of the new MMOs.
Good PvE = crap PvP.
Good PvP = crap PvE.
Hopefully someday a dev team will come along and balance it all out.
RPPvPPvE? One can hope, seeing as so many have…
Hype has effectively killed so many games its hard to count them anymore. Games that aren't even close to a high standard are brushed off by the masses.
Can't believe everything you see. They just need aput a date for the game so they can start taking preorders, but the game can come out whenever as long as its perfect.
Originally posted by Lydon
The developers have actually stated that it will be the most persistent MMO in existence. There won't be any quests in the game, rather Events that anyone can partake in. That's what I call immersion.
Instances wil…
You hit the nail on the head with this review, AND were pretty unbiased (a rarity). I think the score is fair, but I hold higher hopes for the future of WoW with Cataclysm, where Battleground PvP makes its return. Where PvP and Raiding are the meat …
We've barely heard a thing about GW 2 besides the fact that you can finally jump (lol) its still too early to tell what they are going to do with its entirety.