Two words : suicide ganking.
Five words : naked gang of suicide gankers.
19 words : gang of suicide gankers plus some friends remaining blue, helping to kill and loot the gankers then banking stuff
I bet people buying gold in darkfall will have the surprise to encounter, just after the meeting with the goldseller and before reaching the bank, a big gang of not english speaking naked thugs.
It would be stupid for gold farmers to waste gold wh…
Results are rather fun so far :
q4 - for most people the ffa full loot pvp isn't the main interesting feature of Darkfall, most are here for the sandbox aspect
q1 - more than half aren't confident for a game with this feature to succeed (only 1/…
Another interesting question as it's my "poll with many answers" day :
Why are you interested by darkfall ?
I think many players are not all limiting darkfall to its free pvp/gank aspect, and it's why some don't understand that people may be int…
Originally posted by Pynda
I just don't think this game is going to be the gankfest most people seem to be imagining.
The consequences for pk'ing a friendly are a little softer than I would like, but they are still substantial. And there was a de…
I'm not discussing human nature but I think the question are...
How many griefers will have the balls to play this way with their main character in a game without alts ?
How many will have the endurance to travel 10 minutes each time they are ki…
I think if full loot "don't work" and the game lose too many people the system will be changed anyway so why bother ?
If you don't like the idea of full loot and don't believe in players policing themselves just wait for this change (personnally I…
Dry looted ...or not (like I say above I think people haven't realised how looting will be) it's just a death penalty = a timesink to re-farm some stuff. It's not really different than losing xp = a timesink to re-farm it, or any other death penalty…
@Nikoliath : Depends what you call pvp centric (were t4c and runescape classic pvp centric or games with pvp among other things ? was EQ on zek servers pvp centric or PvE centric + a lot of griefing ? are rvr games pve centric or pvp ?).
I have so…
I think people are afraid of full loot because they believe a lot of things, when none of these things is necessary true.
- "Everytime I'll be killed I'll be dry looted" -> will probably be an exception not the rule, looting someone won't be cl…
Imo anyone who enjoyed...
- UO (hundreds of thousands have touched it before Trammel, thousands of Felucca-only players still exist)
- Lineage (the first MMO in number of accounts before WoW success stories had full loot)
- Runescape (hundred…
Wow already 12 pages, what a succesfull troll.
ps : I always wondered why only the "haters" are usually called "trolls" when fanboys tend to be the best at this forum sport.
As I remember what I've read (not played SB myself), the game survived a bad release and fixed its servers but then continued to have huge problems due to the number of critic exploits the small team running it was unable to fix in correct delays.
It's fun because some months ago, the title of an official screenshot was saying that Agon was "the size of Germany", then a dev has said it took "8 hours" to cross the continent, then a month ago another poster on forumfall has posted another map c…
The strange thing with Audio Visual is there is no mention on their site (or of their new activity of video games publisher, nor any link to aventurine/darkfall sites or even the press release about their agreement.
But I gu…
If SOE buy Darkfall I preorder and subscribe at launch eyes closed.
Of course SOE would Trammelize the game after a year or two and ruin it, BUT I'm also sure SOE wouldn't buy a crappy unplayable DnL2 and would have correct Customer Support, Billi…
Personnally I dislike playing betas as it spoils my explorer pleasure, I prefer to discover a game when it releases.
I'm also just a lurker on official forums if I see the developpers of a game interesting me have their own Vision(tm) and aren't a…