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  • Great post, and sadly this doesn't just apply to MMORPGs for me.  Most games do not really seem to care about immersion anymore.   It is not nostalgia.
  • The only reason they would have to make a "WoW 2" is to completely overhaul the aging engine of the entire game.   Entirely revamped world, characters, animations, etc.   WoW has gone in cycles since WOTLK.  The population dwindles (In wow terms be…
  • Originally posted by Bigdaddyx Originally posted by Stzza Officially put our guild to bed the other night for the time being.  Couldn't keep people interested to log in for raids.   Did all the attunements, fielding 40 ppl, having some success.  T…
  • Its struggling because its boring and recycled.  and my guild has been doing genesis for a while now.  People stopped logging in at all.  I had 5 other gms of other guilds losing ppl asking for a merge just to be able to make raid times.  Itemizati…
  • Officially put our guild to bed the other night for the time being.  Couldn't keep people interested to log in for raids.   Did all the attunements, fielding 40 ppl, having some success.  There is simply no point and at first it was fun, but got old…
  • Spent a lot of time in the last few tests.  Cannot argue, the animations / abilities absolutely have to be addressed.  It feels very clunky and sometimes unresponsive. Almost like AoC when it launched though not as bad.  (I dunno what it is like now)
  • Bad story, uninteresting world 90% useless skills on every class. No room for creativity at all My entire guild seems to have quit...hah Lag, run the game easily, yet sometimes my character feels noticeably behind my keystrokes.   UI still stink…
  • I enjoyed WoW for years.  Few games I have played can say that.  While I doubt I will be returning to it even though I like the direction the story is going and the changes, I am very interested to see what the Undead will look like with the overhau…
  • Find it funny and kinda sad that the most fun I have had in gaming in the last 3 years are from games resembling ones I played when I was growing up.   The big titles with the high end engines just havn't done it for me lately.  
  • I loved WoW from 04-08.  Started going downhill for me after WoTLK.  It had a story I adored playing the RTS games growing up.  The questing and leveling 1-60 was long sure, but I had a lot of fun.  The servers felt like real communities. You knew t…
  • WoW had a great back story and lore for an MMORPG.  Most of the people who bought that game at release were fans of the series.  Leveling and questing, even though very long was fun for me.  I enjoyed seeing places I remembered from the RTS games gr…
  • enjoyed the combat system, felt responsive and like I was hitting something.  thats about it though.   Total fast travel hub world, feels too linear to be called an MMORPG Uninterested quests Mute community, or the usual overused insults.
  • Mechwarrior online is open beta and is pretty cool, if you can manage to stay interested and get enough creds to buy a decent Mech.  They are running a cadet bonus for your first 25 games atm so you can accumulate creds and xp like a premium member …
  • Originally posted by Iselin Originally posted by nariusseldon Originally posted by Iselin Originally posted by nariusseldon Originally posted by Gnarv The question You all should be asking is how to make ways to avoid these apes, …
  • WoW destroyed MMOs   Since 2007,  its all shit and catered to whining brats.   I miss when a game would actually launch, you buy it, you pay the 10-15 month and whoa there are updates.  This F2P, DLC etc nonsense is ridiculous and this whole thi…
  • regardless of all of this, the game that they are charging people money for, flat out sucks.   -"Combat" system is laughable -Cannot swim!!!???  MMO's arnt supposed to be linear with no choice but to try and walk down the freeway if there is wate…
  • I could not agree more with this article.  I havnt played SWTOR for this very reason.  ALot of my buddies are playin it and they are all complaining about this very issue.  Getting to max level should BE the endgame of a just launched MMO.  Their sh…
  • wow..... thats all
  • They fixed what wasnt broken and made it suck, sooooo a new game
  • Id like a game where the community doesnt suck