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  • Originally posted by Coldren Originally posted by Thaenei I still would like to have UO 2. At the time they cancelled it i could not believe it. I still want a game like this (skill based no levels, skilll tree with hundreds of skills ...)   …
  • Originally posted by paulscott The most intimidating part about programming is actually doing every last example in the books that you have.  With no exemptions, after all if it's too easy to do because you know it you should have had it done in …
  • I do as it is interesting to see things from both sides (developer minds and player minds).  I also do because I am taking the steps towards being a developer myself one day (I can do the art part, just picked up a very large book on C++ which is a …
  • UO was my first MMORPG and to date it is still the one I have had the most fun in.  I started on Atlantic then moved to Catskills.  No player community I have come accross has been as great as the old Catskills community.
  • I totally agree with the OP. I am only 25, but started with MUDs and RP chatrooms  and moved on to UO in 97.  Games now, I do not find the same fun in.  They are too linear and do little to let players create an actual community. MMORPGs now have …
  • It could make for some pretty awesome scenes.  Escaping city guards, stealing someone's wallet and taking off with it in an epic chase, seeing the flickering light  ontop the mountains and there is only the hard way to get up there, just to name a f…
  • The game needs some polish, but it has come a long way since launch.   One thing to note in regards to your review.  They just added in a token system for the RvR gear, so the gold bags in keeps are not the only way to get the gear now.
  • It is still around.  Here is the link to H.P. Lovecraft's complete works. www.dagonbytes.com/thelibrary/lovecraft/