Amathe said:
Love it or hate it, it's the biggest thing happening right now.
Really sad and true statement of the shape the gaming world is in. I hate the fact it's going backwards not forward....
Wizardry said:
Unless law enforcement CHANGES their ways,this will always be an extremely dangerous prank on innocent victims.
Sure we only see the one person to blame but that person is only a proponent to the result which can at times…
Portal154 said:
To that person asking if it's worth buying, I'd say yes. It's about $20 now, and it's a LOT of fun to play. The classes are interesting and each have really fun abilities, and it's really great zooming around the countryside,…
Mackaveli44 said:
Please tell me how it’s an “MMO”. You don’t play with a ton of players, you don’t see a ton of players. Where does it fall into the “MMO” part? If you played with tons of people and saw tons of people than I could personal…
Torval said:
Myrdynn said:
can't believe people actually use Alexa
I use Siri. How is it different?
Look it up geez......
Alexa runs my house,lights,temp,stereo,TVs
Siri does shit!!!
I beat the game then uninstalled it, just did not like it.
Plus wasted so much time chasing that red headed Irish/Scottish girl only to find out I'd have to make a female character to do that. Bullshit gay Bullshit!
Acidblood83 said:
Sorry, but that's all just window dressing. I haven't played the full game (as I don't really want to support it / waste money on a game I'm pretty sure I won't like), but from playing the demos it just doesn't feel anything l…
exile01 said:
well, it took them 10years to dissapoint me in 10 sec.
Care to elaborate...... I'm 10 hours in and am not disappointed in the least.. combat is fantastic and the world is just unbelievable. Or are you just bashing th…
bcbully said:
LacedOpium said:
bcbully said:
LacedOpium said:
Why do you quest-haters torture yourselves by playing an MMORPG if you hate questing so much? That's a sincere question. Personally, I am enjoying the st…
Hello, tried the site but must still not be done,
Very interested in joining, trying to get some friends to join me but there still stuck on eso...sigh... I'll log into discord later. Thanks
Originally posted by JDis25
This game isn't for everyone. Please leave quietly and let us have our fun.
this and so much more. ..the majority of posts here are from solo wow types...this if anything a community/guild re enforced game. ..never …