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  • I've played it a bit. FW has good potential, hopefully alot of refinement in just about every aspect will take place before the beta, and alot more before release. We'll see how it goes.
  • I bounce around alot. My friend also, and we usually pick classes that compliment each other. However, when i play without my friends, I'll take a healer(spellcaster) to switch things up. And, its way easy too find a group, you can be pretty choosy …
  • I have to say, the acting washorrible in this miniseries. I felt like i was watching hercules, only worse. At least the plot development in hercules was comprehendable. BTW, if you missed the first part, its on scifi in 2 minutes (central & e…
  • Those SG-1 season DVDs sure are a killer, I just got them myself. I like to have them on DVD also, even though iv'e watched every aired episode. Kick Ass about season 9.
  • I'm a big fan of the stargate series. I wonder how the game is going to do. It sounds like a good idea, but I worry about the implementation. Hopefully they will leave it very open without making it too monotonous, or straying too far from the show …
  • Originally posted by dekron Ok my turn for some help.  I am coming close to building my new pc and this is what I have so far: AMD Athalon XP 3200+ Barton 400Mhz FSB with 512MB cache Iomega external 7 in 1 floppy drive Seagate 200GB 7200RPM Sata H…
  • For the record, the Nforce4 supports pci-e, and it's a kick ass board. The only thing that it doesn't support is DDR-2. I would go with that over an Intel system anyday.
  • Originally posted by ianubisi Learn to live with it, because there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. I disagree. By commenting on it in an intelligent manner to the developers (or where the developers can hear) a solution may be f…
  • Originally posted by Asmodeus_ How to delete everything from your computer? including windows (98) without a bios. I've done a bad installation, messed up my system a little. And should install window over-again. Just dont know how to delete it. W…
  • My reason isn't really on your poll so.... I usually stop playing a game because of the extremely slow character development, and poor support for solo characters.
  • Originally posted by Saigonshakes So would I be better of with the AMD processor and Agp card, or the intel cpu and PCI-e card? It really depends on what you want. If you want the better computer, go with AMD. If you want the best upgradabil…
  • fatalblitzz is right. However, PCI-e has more available bandwidth, it just isn't being utilized to the full in the current lineup of cards. ________________________________ Why does the chicken stalk me like that?
  • I've had similar problems. Check to see if you have any unwanted extentions in IE. If so, get rid of them. (Tools>Internet Options>Settings>view objects) Another time it was my router. Seems my router was overheating and dropping my IP. …
  • Originally posted by MurtBijani http://www.scifi.com/earthsea/ Scifi is making the popular "EarthSea" Into a series, which will premier december 13th (I think) based on the books.. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0553262505/103-8775…
  • My friend had a similar proiblem with his speakers. Come to find out his microphone wasn't muted and was sitting right in front of his speakers. ________________________________ Why does the chicken stalk me like that?
  • What about the Dragon Warrior series? Suikoden? Star Ocean? (I havn't played the latest yet.) Btw: I gave up on Ultima when the battery in my Ultima: Exodus (NES) died for the 3rd time. It kinda left a sour taste in my mouth. _______________…
  • Most rear projection TVs have a warning in the manual about using video game consoles. Using consoles on on them can void the warranty. I wouldn't suggest it. ________________________________ Why does the chicken stalk me like that?
  • Are you running Sbybot, or the like, it may be blocking your url redirect. Also, double check your firewall, that may be the cause also. Let us know if you figure it out. ________________________________ Why does the chicken stalk me like that?
  • Originally posted by Harlee MICROSOFT ONLINE SVCS -------------------------------- 12.95   What could this be? I have no clue why I owe microsoft 13 dollars! [12:38am] <+steve> don't speak of tampons in a channel like this Read this http…