the game has a store also :P you said u hated star treks cstore, tsw has a store why complain? but if he quits faster then u then beat him across the head with a pipe and if you quit before him then u gotta stop complaining about a mans choices :P
rated it a 9) because its fun for me never been hooked to a game i had second thoughts about, sure it had/has bugs but what game doesnt in a beta or at launch? thats just me its shaping up pretty nice with potention and gave my brain a good excercis…
Originally posted by ShakyMo
Combat is not bad.
It's not as good as some games - gw2, Aoc, planetside, probably tera but I've not played that.
To me its better combat than wow & swtor
How anyone can say bad combat though I don't know -…
Originally posted by BigAndShiny Originally posted by Aryas
OMFG this sounds like a wet dream to the power 10!!!
This strikes me as a really innovative game on a number of levels, the most obvious being the setting.
I'm VERY te…
I like how people complain a game was "killed" ::NEWSFLASH:: it still running . a game isnt killed until the servers come down and its gone for good. also p2p models are a little better then f2p only because the community and community is whats make…
alot of the animations and sounds were different this weekend then last two OBs so they did add some new ones. idk if more are otw but they werent too bad like people complain.
the cash shop has been said to only be cosmetic so wtf do people complain about it in a sub game if all your doing is buying shit to make u look different? you dont have to buy anything from it so who cares?
so your complaining shits available to free players? they would still have to pay for the expansion anyways. also the games free to play ;p your still playing even if your paying they need money to keep the game up, if you disliked it that much the…
Originally posted by Vannor Obviously the level limitations restrict some freedom to do and go where you want. Essentially heart quests are just static dynamic events that are always there and you can only do once. They serve as a sort of guide both…
Originally posted by neonwire Originally posted by lifesbrink
Originally posted by mastersomrat
Maybe your right. Maybe, I just don't like the idea of Nickel and Diming me to death. I just so like the $15 sub and be done with it idea m…