Originally posted by Gunblade
Plus I saw somone post that the xbox is totally awsome for adventure? What are you joking?
I own around 40 X-box titles. Over half of them I would consider action/adventure. You typed "totally awesome" I didn't. So mu…
Its been possible to solo since day one.
Unfortunately there are only a few select areas in each zone worth soloing. You also need to consider that by soloing up to 50 you are going to miss a lot of content that you will most likely need an entire…
The Eberron Campaign Setting is exactly the reason why I will not be playing D&D Online.
In absolutely no way has Wizards or Hasbro given me any reason to continue enjoying Dungeons and Dragons like I used to.
I would have prefered to see Dr…
"I couldnt take a piss in CoH without it overflowing..."
LMAO - nice.
I personally wouldn't piss on Lineage 2 if its teeth were on fire.
I also wasn't very attracted to the game when I saw the fan-costume-contest-winner-picture with the 300 poun…
I really enjoyed 'VTM: Bloodlines', 'Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within', 'The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay', and the 'Battle out of Hell' expansion pack for 'Painkiller'.
I also want to add that I enjoyed 'Painkiller' far beyon…
I should also mention that some games don't actually open up to the player before a certain level or tier
And... that if you pick a game where majority of the population is at the higher level you might find yourself not experiencing the highest l…
A grind or the act of grinding is when you hopelessly fall into a zombie like state and retentively quest/hunt/tradeskill over and over for the sole purpose of gaining experience to level up or mastering a skill or profession.
This is also known as…
Since you mentioned NCSoft and have an interest in Lineage 2 or CoH -- My advice is to wait for Guild Wars or Tabula Rasa.
I enjoyed Lineage 2 and City of Heroes simultaneously during beta phases, but, when both games were realeased they complete…
WoW can still be found if you look hard enough.
I stopped by my local Media Play today and they had 30+ copies (at least) just rotting away on the self.
As much as I was originally against the idea of a Matrix Online when I first heard about it...
I'd now have to say that its looking pretty good and am placing my pre-order as I type this.
No more orcs and dragons works for me.
I couldn't agree more; I've been actually thinking of restarting on a new server in hope to rekindle the flame.
Ultima Online and EverQuest were absolutely magical for me and everything since them has been a huge disappointment after disappointment.