Originally posted by Chonicles
WOW on Xbox LMFAO. Will never happen. Infact there will never be a MMORPG on any console for that matter and even if it did it would be hell to play on. How would you comunicate with anyone. There it no keyboard on the…
Originally posted by BradzZ
Originally posted by Drvanitus Well i'm really curious as why is this game free. Aside from poor text translation of quests/skills/command sand just about anything else, this game can compete with top-notch games out the…
i think wow is a better game but not by a lot. WoW still needs a lot of improvement to do. They neet to start listening to people. Which they dont do very well.
Instead of reluying on bit content patches and talent tree rebuilding they should take…
Originally posted by mugengaia
Oh yea...I forgot about Zera...
As far as I can tell from the netizen community in korea...Alot of people are saying Zera is boring -_-;;
Other people in community boards are mad that OB hasn't even started or...closed…
btw today i found out that Nexon has a english website out there it does not have much information, and i had never seen it before here is the link
Hopefully this is a good sing for a US release.
Originally posted by Esorlleh
Originally posted by ionicwings
RohanSystemholic Online Rohanhttp://www.rohan.co.kr/Closed Beta
Yeah, it does look like another Lineage 2, Granado Espada, and Zera clone under unreal engine with grind as the main featu…
How do I sign up and such? Thanks.
the game is still on close beta last i hear they had only let in 3000 players or so. i would look for a open beta around the end of october or early november
Originally posted by Tyzen
The game is simply amazing.
http://s.nx.com/S2/Zera/Movie/movie_01.wmv <----- Best Trailer I seen in a while!
http://zera.nexon.com/Zera/Teaser/teaser2.html <---- more friendly English site !
Great thanks…
Originally posted by Esorlleh
Two very very different games. ATM I have more hopes in Zera for three reasons. This is ofcourse, in a NA context.
1. Game MechanicesWith GE..the new systems they're trying (controlling multiple characters, hiring NPCs…
Originally posted by erso
Do you know when the EU version for Zera will be out?
i think the game is still in close beta in Korea, been that the game was keept secret for 3 years i would say to expect a US release by 1st quarter of 2006. That is if…
i have been looking at the website now for a few hours and have done a few searches with no luck atm. I was happy when i heard that RF was going to come to us but now im back to square one with ZerA.
Im really hoping they bring this bad boy to th…
Sorry but you people need to put the fanboy hat aside and look at the real problem.
This is not about a unknown bug been introduced. This is not minor bug that get introduced with every day to day patches. This is a major known bug. do not feed th…
Originally posted by ianubisi
In other words, they operate like any other MMOG on the market today.
Bad as it may be, that's just the way it always is. I'm not sure why anyone should expect any different from Blizzard.
I do not know of another…
Im sorry but i dont consider Wow to be casual at all, maybe until around lvl 20.
Finding a group in wow can be hard specially since the lvling curve is so fast you will find people out lvl or you outlvl them.
WOW is just a huge repetition. Do x …
Im not going to comment much, since i dont know if this is completely true. But in the other hand, If blizzard is lossing people at that rate they can kiss their game good bye.
It is a tragicblow to losse people that been working on a project sinc…