Either you tried it at low settings or you have very high standards... anyways
Josgar, (Norrath's Best High Elf.... which is not self proclaimed.... where did you get that crazy idea?) Approves of this article =D
Wow the smilies on these forums are great =D
Anyways slot of people prefer EQ2 as it is now over how it was at release... (A lot of the people coming back and current players that is) So they are at least doing one game right. And with Vanguar…
Guess what sony haters? You are sadly mistaken. Did you know that Lucas Arts has/had their backhand in SOE's pocket on development this whole time? And did you also know that LucasArts pushed them into doing the NGE?
Try *GASP* talking to …
Originally posted by SWGLover
I had the exact opposite happen to me - WoW chat was never that bad yet in EQ II I found more of the players immature. The supposed "older and mature crowd" that forums bragged about in EQ II was no where to be found…
Are you kidding me? West karana could fit at least twice in the thundering steppes.
Neriak is available to play the fae people, all you have to do is go into the patcher and turn on optional downloads.
go to the everquest II website.
Log in to your account
click my account
and then scroll down and reactivate your subscription
You should not have to reenter your cd key to do this.
Hope this helps!
Some advice for potential customers for this product.
This is my advice based on my experience in order to save you the disappointment.
EQ2 sucks.
It's a raid centric game since the best items are achieved in raid content and they are non t…