The solutions would be to have backup gear or coordinate well enough to avoid deaths. Tip 1. Rez downed teammates.
I understand the concept of fun, but do you really think the community is looking for easymode dungeons with no chances of failure? …
The armor thing may or may not be an issue. You have to die (not downed) at least 5 times before something breaks.10 times before it ALL breaks. There has to be some penalty to death. People need to realise there IS a chance of failure in dungeons …
Nadrian3k seems either very young or newer to the mmo scene. If this doesn't seem like an honest post regarding your concern then I don't know what does. You won't always get what you want when you want it.
I see now, you don't want information. You want specific information and updates on which parts of the game are done. Those "fillers" like "sound stuff" and "lore" are all very important parts of the game. They don't need to prove they've been worki…
I can understand why some are anxious for release info. There still is nothing "disrespectful" of a developer for not releasing info every month when we still don't have even an estimate release date. If anything, Anet has been more liberal with gam…
Agreed, this is what I found most annoying from the beta. It's a neat way of going about server selection but it feels very cheap to not run off of a title screen within the game. They have already had stat tracking online, so that part isn't any im…
I don't see how TSW holds more innovation than GW2. I've been looking into both games and TSW may have a classes system based on skills, but other than that it's pretty standard. Both games have 3 sided pvp. Apart from that GW2 has many more breakin…
You might have missed out on Aion's rocky start then. I played for 9 months and that's how long it took to release their first content patch. Too little too late. Aion was a lesson learned for NCsoft.
For anyone who's game crashes on startup try disabling any type of overlay such as mumble or ventrilo. For some reason screen overlays are incompatible.
The only thing I found confusing with the new interface is I never found a way to change individual warhammer account password. The change password option always defaults to the EA master account password even when its set to a specific warhammer ac…
What an unproductive post. Ranting on forums and typing completely unproductive threads isn't going to gain you any sympathy.
I'm no fan of EA business practices but if you're going to create useless threads at least calm down enough to proof read…
If someone believes wow is the best and will never leave they're just sheltered. That's a pretty view even if you've had less than satisfactory experiences in the past.
Originally posted by Caldrin
it will be a massive shame if its coems out f2p with a cash shop..
The pay monthly system is the best option for any AAA MMORPG has been for a long time, only failing or cheap ass mmos should go f2p.. this seems to …