Originally posted by HJ-Diviana
Actually, if anything, we are highly encouraged to play other games. A lot of our GMs play at least one other MMO, while most play two or three.>>
And we wonder why the game isn't out yet...
Guys, keep in mind... there are separate teams working on the ENGINE and ones working on the HJ world. Onsite GMs that work AT Simutronics in St. Louis (and I think there's a satellite office in Maryland maybe?) are doing the whole engine/collab wo…
Originally posted by parrotpholk
Hopefully some more info will start to slowly leak out soon. Its been awhile since I last heard anything major on the game but looking forward to it either way. Least it isnt over hyped.
Although it could be sai…
<<Hmm, well, for Clerics they'd have some Melee skills. They're fighters in the Simu games. And Gearknights will likely have some aggro-type mob control, like taunting. >>
Yea, but I almost see those two as completely staple skills ava…
I posted this question in the Hero's Hall forums...
One thing I'm confused about in the "Triangle" is that "Humans" are presently (as far as we know) composed of Old Bloods (normal humans) and Togs which are somewhat different. I assume that "Hum…
Don't know if you saw the preview posted by the fellas at TenTonHammer.com, but it seemed pretty decent. Other than that, I'm fairly disappointed so far as well. Keep in mind, that it's still fairly early to hear back from folks that went...
Yea, there's a few screenshots with Qwi IN them... but like I said, I meant from a PC stand-point, as in Qwi being customized at creation, etc. Burian and Togs are another story; I've yet to see either modelled at all.
Heh... i've been following the game since it was demo'ed at Simucon like 3-4 years ago... of course I seen the concept art.
Good to know modelling has started though. I'm really looking forward to seeing them customizable in game (too many pret…
Quick question...
As far as PC character creation goes, has work begun on Togs and/or Burians yet? We've yet to see any pics of either race. Also, we've seen Qwi, but I don't think they were PC Qwi
I really don't understand why you WOULDN'T add the "less beautiful" features. Else it's just gonna be a dazzling world of gorgeous people and be one big, medieval anime. All of Simu's other products allow the outlet to play physically repulsive "h…
<<4) The Famous Mario is a Plumber in most of the games of today, but he has a different job way back when can anyone tell me his prior job to being a plumber?>>
He was the line judge for some old school tennis game. He was also the r…