i play MS and i have a lv 35 charc. i first off lv 1-10 it was fun and fast lvling. but later at the mid 10-20 it was slow and boring. slash and jump lol. and 30-35 was a pain in the As. and i was felt sleeping while trying to kill some mushroom mum…
i did same thing on my Hp notebook. upgrade it to Nvidia to it. and actually it seem to reduce alot of lagg. and i can play with a great graphic quality
this game is fun. but at specially guild war time. even more fun. even thou its 2d looking/3d wanna be the game still great. and Ragnarok online 2 about to lauch in korea and it gonna be awsome. and every game is unique there no clone sdfu with the …
i said NO. 3 Reason... 1st bunch of Hacker, which really make you mad alot of time. 2nd alot of childish kids. 3rd GM never cares.. Simple as that... other then that the game its okie, you can play MS but you'll be awaisting your time though.
lolz yall are like so funny... reason why...? because you like game that show girl butt with big tits.. lolz you guys are so horney... i Though game suppose to be grapphic and good action/concept and others.
i never win anything in my life...and my computer is like 2 year old =x so crappy. I dont felt like to buy another desktop, and then few year later buy again... i felt bad for me i never win any contest in my life hahah...always be a loser T_T i wan…
This game look very cool. I'm very excited to wait for a game like this for a really long time. Very intressting Battle System... and very funny graphic and i think it rocks...
hi all, this my first post so =/ but anyways i think they both are fun games... except warrock have a little lack of graphic but they are pretty fun to play... And Most people said that Counter Strike is like Soldier Front it not true. i play CS for…