Originally posted by Sovrath
Then again, the idea of looking up to see a coke ad makes me sick.
I do agree to a point. Now if they made the adds with the artistic license that suites the genre, like the giant McDonalds logo in the movie "The Fi…
Originally posted by Stradden
So, the next time your trolling your favorite MMORPG forum and begging the developers for more powerful talents with which to round out your uber warlock, stop and ask the developers for something that would really ma…
Originally posted by lahari
You know guys, its pretty lame to spend all that energy here spewing the negative comments toward not only the game, but the people that play the game.
I have but one thing to say to the people who acutally paid m…
Well if you like driving around for hours, mindlessly blowing $hit up, talking in 3 letter contractions and grinding away like you did in RF Online, then this game is for you. The community is as ch…
Originally posted by MrBoots
They will get back some of the development costs, and then shut the game down in 3 months.
I hope so. Then I can laugh in Pann's face and tell her to shove the game up her fat @$$. As it will fail as I pred…
Don’t you find it odd, that the marketing team at NC Soft promote Auto Assault, buy offering people who buy the game beta spots in ANOTHER game?
Is NC Soft so desperate to get people into Auto Assault, in the face of the strong negative view of…
Originally posted by Eszekial
According to what i've been told, I won't doubt a mid year 07 release.
I concur 2007... late 2007, or even so far as early 2008... is what I feel the probable release date will be. As for beta, being that beta's a…
Originally posted by Clive
They will (presumably) not be doing beta.
Indeed. I smell a 2007 beta period, followed by a 2008 release... and that is being generous.
I sooooo want to do a Duke Nukem Forever quote here, seams rather poignan…
Originally posted by Tymora
Icarus doesn't want Fallen Earth to be all hyped up,
Reason is, that they are trying to flog the game technology of other software developers in Asia, rather than trying to complete the game.
I'm not sure about the rest of the community here, but I am starting to have doubts about this game ever seeing the light of day. Lets see...
- They said that the official forums would be released Christmas 2005, and we are still waiting.
Originally posted by Blue3000
Is there things to do outside the cars or is the entire or the majority of the content involves staying inside the cars driving around?
Well now that you mention it, there is IN GAME advertising.
Yes! You too…
MMORPG = Meny Men Online Role Playing Girls
First rule of the Internet - All the women on the Internet are men, until DNA samples taken in person verify otherwise.
Actually, even though I have never played the game, I have heard that the Star Wars Galaxies... the old version, not the abomination we have today... had an excellent crafting system. So much so that I think it should be the basis of anything that i…
Originally posted by rubydragon5
Originally posted by soulrage
The combat's utterly lame. It feels like watering the garden.
Dont Troll my fcking post you fcking noob. GO get a life and find something better to do.
In that case yo…
Too right. The whole idea of...
Time Spent Grinding = Rewards
...is evil at is only serves to keep you locked into the game to keep you playing and paying. The more time you grind equals more rewards, which equals you have to play more,…