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  • But... but..   Sigmars hammer was made by dwarves!!!!
  • What hooks me is.. 1. Setting  (Warhammer is a definite winner here) 2. Community 3. Career Possibilities, can I do more things than kill monster day out and day in? 4. Game system, is it level-based or skill-based or something-else-based?  Level…
  • Warcraft looked quite a bit like Warhammer stuff.. But this is the MMO industry, where WoW came before Warhammer, no wonder people think a similar-looking game is a clone of the most successful MMO ever. And you "Warhammer came first"-people, you …
  • Link? Or do you mean the ancient cinematic trailer (must be like.. two months old! Ancient I say!)
  • It will not. As long as a product in a certain genre looks similar to a very successful product in the same genre, they will always be compared. Regardless of who did what first outside of the genre. Just accept it. W.A.R Wasn't the first with…
  • For some reason, I find it amusing that anyone takes Tanminh seriously. I don't think he's linguistically impaired at all. Just trolling. But then again, it might very well be that I am the one who appears a fool for thinking that you think that Ta…
  • They should've gone with Khorne. By far the most represented incarnation of chaos, and incidentally by far the easiest to fit in with a MMORPG-players mindset. Kill loot kill loot kill loot kill loot kill loot ^^ How on earth are players goin…
  • Excellent review! Although there were some factual errors, as previously pointed out in the thread. I think the review in general hit spot-on. As for the "value".. They hit the "casual" dungeons and dragons feel spot-on, and that feel isn't worth…
  • Originally posted by Senden As people have stated, faction based games don't go with FFA rules, I liked how WoW had the gurubashi arena which was ffa, WAR should include such a feature but maybe have even a whole area for it instead of just one aren…
  • For the record.. Guild War = A feature in many mmmorpgs which means a number of guilds declare war on eachother, to expose their member to FFA pvp between the corresponding guilds. Guild Wars = Game which I never played, but which by seems to ha…
  • Originally posted by JGib All I can say is, if you don't like kids don't play the 'pretty' races. Hah! If you can't stand kids, don't play any new, big mmorpgs. Stick with old stuff that isn't as hot anymore, after a while in a certain game the "…
  • Originally posted by Nihilis Originally posted by Varangarian   Like Chaos raiding the Dark Elves or DE needs some orky slaves.   1) Don't ever refer to Orcs as "orkys" ever again.   2) I don't like your idea of races that are allied with eac…
  • The ability to adventure with your friends in the warcraft world all directed by Blizzard, who are behind some of the most popular and "revolutionary" games in gaming history. That is why WoW had such success, if Blizzard had been an unknown compan…
  • Pure Roleplayer! Setting up a personality and concept for my character, and acting on that.
  • You generally find immature little brats on all sides in mmorpgs, it's mostly myths invented by the other side or pissed of players of one side. About the undead in WoW, I'm not too sure what you base this on, the undead I met have mostly been "no…
  • Pve Quests:  ... Christmas?  Am I allowed a WTF? Or is it something other than what it sounds . And do you have any idea if there will be mounted combat in the game?
    in dawn of war Comment by Vrashk April 2006
  • Translation: Dearest Sirs, I have noticed that there is a game in development carrying the project name W.A.R. I have not read too much about it, so I was hoping you people could give me some information as I  consider buying it. By the way, is t…
    in dawn of war Comment by Vrashk April 2006
  • Skaven and Bretonnia. Skaven because I thought they were cool when I started playing some 15-16 years ago (Still do!), Bretonnia because me and a buddy picked up the boxed sets and well.. there I had an army from the beginning. :P A few years ago,…
  • Originally posted by Nihilis Originally posted by Goluh too bad its gonna be like wow .. nice beautiful chars  You are an idiot, leave these forums. Yeah, that's right Goluh!  If there's something about the game you don't like, go away!! This f…
  • Originally posted by Volkmar Originally posted by Vrashk Originally posted by Nihilis Originally posted by Vrashk Empire or Chaos. The other races to pick from do not interest me at all. High Elves get close to interesting, but don't quite cut…