Originally posted by -Jaguar-
There's no free trial, no advertising, no expansions planned, the updates have been reduced, really how does the future look for AC? I loved AC but it doesn't look good. Turbine doesn't care.
There may be no …
Bows are actually well done because you HAVE to aim, thats what makes it good.... who expects crosshairs in a fantasy mmo?
You need to quit MMOs and start playing Counter-Strike again.
As I said above, once the next release comes out the game is w…
The game has potential to be really awesome, it reminds me of a very unpolished asheron's call, it's got a lot of similar elements and the combat is nice and fast paced, now once they fix everything and improve the mapping and other things it would …
The game also has a lot of well known bugs, including dupes that the admins are "fixing" in the next release, whenever that will be.
No point getting into this one until its more stable.
Pretty much sums it up, fantasy MMOs have been overdone lately, but there are quite a few in the beggining stages that are showing some promise, look at things like Auto Assault (though I have to say I have no experience with this game yet so I can'…
There is no real way to detect scriping or macros ever, unless you have a live video feed to the pc. Most scripts are run with keystrokes which can't be tracked directly, the only thing that can track bots and/or macros is a program that monitors pr…
Originally posted by Kite22
hahah everyone who says they get GW is all mad cause they think it is like a normal MMO but its NOT!!! its a fake mmo that NCSoft kinda tricks you into.im not saying NCSoft is bad they should just tell you this b4 you pay…
Cool crafting for sure, everything else is pretty buggy, the graphics are kinda crappy but it's good enough considering the engine I guess.
Fun game and a pretty fantastic community (albeit small), I think it's a lot better than some of the retail …
Go back to AC.
Classic game and it's always fun, besides it has a stable player base (despite the rants of the occasional person who's quit) and it's still updated every single month. How can you ask for a better game?
I've been playing AC on morn…
Pathetic excuses for games and publshing companies like these and other recent MMOs are what make me glad I got in on the ground floor of MMOS with UO and Asheron's Call, two games that are in an entirely different universe as far as professionalism…
If you play nothing but death match you level slowly, if you play golems you can get a level in a few games.
If people actually knew what they were doing they might enjoy this game, as for the gameplay, you have to be good at what you play, if you …
Your post is pretty much on the mark, the only thing I'd add to it is that, as I said in my original post, the people who play on the pvp server, die within the first few minutes and then decide they never want to play it again because its "stupid a…
1) Aparently you've completely misunderstood what I was saying with my little pvp scenario, which doesn't really surprise me, so i'll clarify for you. Anti Parazi (who is a VERY skilled player on AC) was playing the lvl 100 mage and despite having a…
Actually, that's exactly what it is, what the hell do levels or fairness have to do with the fact that when two players fight they are playing vs each other.
I get it that all you kids think if you dont have the exact same levels and gear than it's…
Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe
Zen, I don't "doubt" that PvP in MMORPGs require no skill. I KNOW that PvP in MMORPGs require no skill. I played AC Darktide. I played UO pre-trammel. They all boiled down to who had the better stats, better equipme…
As per the norm people who claim they aren't the whiny casual players that are the scourge of every mmo are here to bash on pvp and all the pro-pvpers.
The reason I say most whiners are casual players is actually quite logical, they are usually cas…
Obviously your the troll here Umbrood since you didn't read my post at all, as I've stated before I go to college and i'm currently taking 2 courses, Software Engineering and LAN, as well as working part-time for 20 hours a week. Thus, I'm not sayin…
Since you obviously can't read what I posted i'll summerize your points and prove you wrong that way and make it easy for you.
1) You say we should all spend our lives sucked into a game. We have lives, friends, girlfriends, works, wives, grades, a…