Runescape has roughly 500k players paying subscription fees. However this is somewhat botched by the fact that the game is split into two separate games. If I were to guess, I would say about 400k active members are playing the main game, and 100k p…
Thanks for the feedback guys.
It seems to me the main issue you bring up is lack of reward vs risk, as well as making it hard/rare to engage in a decent fight (Not super bias towards the attacker)
If they reward vs risk system was balanced out, wo…
Thanks for your replies, all of you. Yes eve already has a system like this so its nothing new, but it would give people more options for this type of game.
And yeah exactly, just because you don't kill players doesn't mean you wouldn't get any rew…
Originally posted by sketocafe There are a few things you should understand though about how it actually works in EVE.
The first is there is no safe space. Anyone can be attacked anywhere so long as they're undocked. It's just that in high securi…
Thank you for your feedback! I can see where you are coming from, but I think you took what I said wrong.
The rare mat was just a random example off the top of my head and personally I would agree that having it only available to pvpers would be v…
Thanks for your feedback, everyone! Interesting to hear what everyone thinks
The choosing is exactly what im getting at with this system. If you don't want to pvp, you don't have to enter the pvp zones, however players that DO will get some extr…
Yup of course that system wouldn't just work in any game, but if a game was designed around it, would you be ok with that?
Although out of curiosity, what DOES make it work in eve? In your opinion.
Question for everyone saying resources: Do you mean only the people controlling the area should be allowed to collect them, or do you mean resources should be located within the area, for players to protect (Others could come take them if the territ…
The majority of my friends on mmo's are 25-35, but I have played with people much older, my oldest friend being 72. Age makes no difference to games like mmorpgs. Its the personality, not the age.
Originally posted by denshing
Age of Wushu. I only played it for a couple months, but I enjoyed it before the player base completely died out.
Why did the player base decline so much anyways?
I have seen a few games try things like this once or twice, and yes its fun, but I cant really see myself (Or tonnes of others) Interacting with that kind of content day after days.
Haha yes I did enjoy Runescape back in the day. It got a bit boring for awhile there, but with rs3 and the new "World Events" it has captivated my interests again. If you haven't played it since rs3 (A few months ago) I strongly suggest you check it…