Having tried it on in other countries oh yes. I like it's combat. Better than tera's and the world feels less stupid and dead than tera's. It's a martial arts eastern style action mmo with a few twists I like. That and the landscapes are pretty.
I'm thinking they don't bill people themselves but have a service that does. Either way looks like a mistake. They do happen. Anyone remember Warhammer online's problems with mutlibilling credit cards?
This is just a mistake why are people assumin…
Not even in the top ten. In fact I can't believe you mean it and this is a troll/joke thread. Most mmos have some kind of issue at launch so far ESO has done well.
Subligars are real armor! Just youtube search for -average lalafell day- for subligar greatness( Is a mature aduiance warning needed for that? I'm not sure. What's her name that made that vid is nuts I think). It's not like full plate hasn't gott…
I'm at just over 5 gig left on a 230 kB/s connection! (And before some snooty smarty pants asks, it is this or dialup, and no moving is not an option.)
Also I think gamestop (hay they were the only ones with the collectors edition at the time) bill…
No. For one reason: I hate cartoon games. The idea that "realistic" looking games don't age well, so let's be all stylized, doesn't really apply when your game looks like it came out in 2000. Lot's of folks say gameplay is better than visuals. True…
146 emotes. Kinda impressed. I've never seen that many in a game.
Who can remmeber so many? That's emote overload! Not even M'iaq could remmeber so many!
I'm getting the Imperial edition, and not the downloadable one. So no I'm not upset over paying for $60 box. I'm paying a whole lot more than $60. And $60 is normal these days for a new game. Console games kinda made it that way.
And the $15 a mont…
I kinda wonder if the hero engine has some stock "filler" animations. And they are using them. Then again Elder Scrolls games have always had bad animations. As long as they don't get as bad as the ones in The Secret World's... Sword users in TSW …
If a had a nurse in that outfit I'd freak and run naked from the hospital. And then get arrested for public nudity and brought back to the hospital. If I could run that is. If I couldn't I'd ask what meds they were giving me and could I have a real …
These people are simply too saturated with mmo. They need time off from all games.
There is some truth to this. I think some people play on the computer way to much and get mildly depressed. They seek a game that will make fun happy times, when …
Remmeber before gw2 came out? All the hype from fans? Well these folks are the anti hypers. Same kind of mental madness but in reverse. The hypests told us gw2 would butter our bread. The haters held thier slices of bread up to the screen and got ma…
Ya I thought this was that other older thread. I added him to my block list. He's kinda odd redoing the same thread again. And. Yes Mr. Soule's backgournd music is very backgroundy. But the main themes are quality.
If he gets the funding then I think he can create something new, yet old school. Maybe at first it won't even have half the features he talked about, or they will be primitive, but in an online type of game it will contuine to develop.
I've seen s…
First and only mmo that had banks in caves and underpasses and well anywere. That's right the door to the mission to stop a bank robbery would be a cave entrance or a maintaince door.
"We're we going?" Super Sister Spandex asked as she floated pas…